
From Wikisocion

Vilnius is the capital of Lithuania.

There exist three socionics schools named "Vilnius School of Socionics"

  • Vilnius School of Socionics of Felix Shehter
  • Vilnius School of Socionics of Sergei Filimonov (one of the students of A. Augusta who founded his own school)
  • Vilnius School of Socionics of Aušra Augustinavičiūtė (Aushra Augusta, considered to be the founder of socionics)

Vilnius School of Socionics of A. Augusta was an informal associations of various people who were interested in studying and developing socionics in close collaboration with its founder Aushra Augustinavichiute. Curious fact is that such an organization under the leadership A.Augustinavichiute has never actually existed. The name "Vilnius School of Socionics of A. Augusta" has appearance for the first time when an organization with the same name but views differ from those of Aushra Augustinavichiute arises under the leadership of S. Filimonov, E. Shepetko, and D. Ritchik who gave lectures across other Eastern European countries in mid-1990s.

Pages in category "Vilnius"

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