Category talk:Non-socionic models

From Wikisocion

I suggest we change the name of this category simply to "psychology." I think the optimal number of articles for each category is 16-100. Also, significant categories will need to be listed on the main page. (Admin 11:15, 9 June 2007 (CDT))

The problem is that "psychology" includes "socionics", as "non-socionic models" doesn't. Machintruc 11:24, 9 June 2007 (CDT)
But "non-socionic models" doesn't include a lot of things that we will have articles on that are applicable to socionics -- for instance, the Forer effect, personality, orcompatibility, which aren't models. And "non-socionic models" will never have more than 5-10 articles in it, which is too small a category to be useful. I think socionics isn't automatically perceived as a subset of psychology, as opposed to, say, personality psychology. (Admin 11:48, 9 June 2007 (CDT))
We could keep this category as a subcategory of "Psychology" (or "Other psychology" if necessary). Thehotelambush 16:24, 14 July 2007 (CDT)
Somehow this section needs to be made more accessible. --Admin 00:59, 15 July 2007 (CDT)