Dmitri Mendeleev

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Suggested Socionics type: ILE (NeTi, ENTp)

Brief Biography

Personal Statements


Type Arguments

Argument for ILE:


  • Expansive curiosity and adventurous nature in science as a field researcher and not a "bookish professor".
  • Drawn to the possibilities, novelty, brainstorming that was involved in chemistry and was very passionate about his interests.
  • Known for being highly conceptual and theoretical, along with having a very broad variety of interests; a polymath of chemistry.
  • Characteristic of a field researcher rather than a “bookworm professor”
  • Dmitri was quite spontaneous and adventurous, willing to take an unexplored idea and go after it to uncover as much information as possible.
  • Dmitri Mendeleev was driven to systemize the information and data that he came across, looking to construct an abstract system to categorize elements based on measurable properties.
  • Dmitri had nothing resembling a regimented lifestyle that operated by the rules he created.
  • Dmitri had a strong idea of how to make a theory internally consistent, though the logical structures he created did not overlap into his lifestyle and physical organization.
  • Dmitri Mendeleev also took the abstract structures he postulated as an entertaining experiment or intellectual play with applying these rules light-heartedly and without taking hypothetical situations too seriously.
  • Described as possessing excellent mental acuity, though was somewhat erratic when it came to physical organization.
  • Engaged frequently in therapeutic or enjoyable activities that helped him effectively balance his productivity, while still pursuing these activities with well-balanced moderation and not interfering with his work.
  • Somewhat disorderly and neglectful of his health, often so becoming very absorbed in his interests to the point in which he became unaware of what he needed to feel physically comfortable in his workspace.
  • Became increasingly eccentric and quirky, thinking of unusual thought experiments that ultimately deviated from the practical and experimental approach to science.
  • Dmitri Mendeleev was particularly insecure about his personal health and was very open to any suggestions or help to improve his condition in this area.


After contemplating the possibility of Dmitri Mendeleev's type after reading about his personal life and much of his work, I noticed that Dmitri was commonly typed as ILE in some of Filatova's typings and mentioned in Rick DeLong's work, though some individuals have brought up the suggestion of Dmitri being LII. On the subject of Dmitri Mendeleev's type, I concur that both conclusions that have been reached for Dmitri's type are not farfetched, as both the ILE and LII share the same quadra values and club, though are fundamentally different in the way that they emphasize quadra values. The intellectual curiosity, passion for theories, internal logical structure and attraction towards consistency and clarity in their discoveries could ultimately point to the consideration of either one of the Alpha NT types. Fundamentally speaking, I strongly agree that Dmitri valued :Ti: as much of his work was driven towards the abstract structures of periodic law, elaborating on abstract principles to interpret the field of chemistry and creating a logically consistent way of organizing the elements of the Periodic table. This strong orientation towards impersonal logical structure is very characteristic of Alpha NTs, seeking to build and organize rules/principles to interpret phenomena using the scientific method in a :Ti: way. As a result, much of my argument is included towards the reasoning why I believe Dmitri Mendeleev to be ILE.

The argument for Dmitri Mendeleev to be ILE is very reasonable suggestion, despite considering that there is limited common knowledge beyond his work on the Periodic law. I dug deeper to uncover some interesting observations about Dmitri that shared continuity among some biographies about his personal life.

Firstly to examine the presence of Quadra values, it should be noted that Dmitri Mendeleev was especially attracted to the theoretical studies of science and the various initiatives within chemistry that he thought could be uncovered. He speculated on the various possible outcomes and scenarios that could be imagined within science, personally believing that it was unnecessary to limit possibilities in an already pioneering science. Dmitri took the approach of observing science with immense passion and fascination, actively wishing to analyze the machinations of the world from the standpoint of discovering new and interesting material to organize. Textually speaking, this is fits quite well with Ne/Si valuing. Additionally, Dmitri became an increasingly eccentric and disorderly person, often becoming so absorbed into his work where he would forget his normative obligations in the physical environment. Despite his proficiency in building internally consistent systems, Dmitri had nothing resembling a structured lifestyle and focused much more on where his curiosity took him.

Dmitri was especially fascinated and extensively build frameworks to better organize his abstract theories. He postulated several principles and internally consistent rules that governed the way chemistry would be interpreted in the future. Though Dmitri was not immediately drawn to applying much of his discoveries towards practical application, he still believed that organizing and furthering his knowledge within this area would ultimately benefit the future of education for young individuals who wished to pursue science. Nevertheless, Dmitri was a very conceptual and "big-picture" oriented scientist who was quite creative in the way he would use the scientific method.

Additionally, Dmitri was very neglectful and absent-minded towards his external environment, often leaving his office in disarray and trivial day-to-day items were ignored in Dmitri's experimentation. In a sense, Dmitri was very internally organized, yet he had little interest in applying these rules to his lifestyle. In fact, Dmitri was also a very active and practical individual, yet his general productivity was periodic. It was said that Dmitri preferred to "jump in on projects once he started working on them." From the current observations, I've been able to suggest the idea that Dmitri most likely possessed Alpha values, with a strong for Ne leading, Ti creative and Si suggestive."

Alternative Typings

Alternative suggested socionics types: LII

Typings at SSS database: Dmitri Mendeleev

Suggested enneagram variants:

See also