Dovgan, Alexander

From Wikisocion
Dovgan Alexander socionics quadra.jpg

Alexander Dovgan was born on 01.27.1973. His primary field of study is economics. At current time, he is an executive director of the Ukrainian-Russian joint venture, operating in the field of nuclear energy. Member of V. Gulenko's humanitarian socionics research school. Has been engaged in socionics since 1992. Considers that socionics type is an ambitious attempt to study the configuration of energy-information exchange of human psyche with the environment. This knowledge historically has passed through many stages of evolution of ideas. Perceptions change - so does the type change. When a person fulfills the mission of their type, they begin to move beyond it towards a transtype. When a person has mastered every type, imbued with the spirit of each quadra, mastered the wisdom of each orientation, each style of thinking and behavior - then he or she is ready for a new level of being, the level of person-socion.


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