Duality Relations ISTp and ENFp by Stratiyevskaya

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Written by Vera Stratievskaya: original blog entry..
Automatic translation--needs further translation work.
See also Duality observations.

Initial stage of dualization.

- It seems like the fourth quadra has the most stable duality. - The reader notices. - Looks like here partners dualize easily and successfully ...

- This is one thing that cannot be said about the irrational dyad of 4th quadra. Once dualized, they actually form a very prosperous and harmonious couple. But the process of dualization in this pair is perhaps the most difficult and lengthy one, in part because both partners in this pair are two different kinds of "Don Juan": one - in the intuitive ethical interpretation, and other other - in the sensory logical one.

The model of dualization here builds in such a way that partners not only eventually recognize that they are worthy of each other, but also have time to get "locked onto" each other, such that they don't feel the need to search for further alternatives. (And one must agree that for a "Don Juan" this is very important: this is what brings him a sense of peace, stability, and satisfaction with what he has.)

Of course, such smooth and complimentary dualization is achieved only over a long period of time, which is required for these partners to get to know each other better.

- So this dyad doesn't dualize "at first sight"?

- No. In addition, dualization here may progress very slowly, in small steps. And even the most active and the most romantic stage of dualization (their "honeymoon") may happen only years after they first met each other.

For example, there was one charming dual pair - his type was SLI, Gabin, her type was IEE, Huxley. They met at a party in the sauna, first came together as sexual partners, discussed experiences, and came to the conclusion that they suit each other in this regard. So they exchanged phone numbers and agreed to continue this friendship. At first they met often, and then began to see each other less frequently and only on his initiative. (Incidentally, he was married at the time.) After some time, she also got a fiance (though the occasional meetings with her dual were still going on). When time came to make a decision, she met with her dual to have the "final" conversation "to say goodbye" before parting. Of course, the "farewell" did not happen, her dual did now let her "marry another", but on the contrary - he quickly divorced and then formalized relations with her. Now it is a very friendly and successful in all respects dual couple.

Intuitive and tactical programs of IEE.

- Who is here regulates the pace of development of relations, Gabin or Huxley?

- As with any dual dyad, here this alternately engaged in both partners. Each of them have their own ways to speed up or slow down the pace of development of relations, which usually appear in the form of a reduction or increase in distance. (That Gabin, based on their strategic plans, increases or reduces the distance, then Huxley, on the basis of their tactical builds defense - eludes partner or "lures", provoking his interest). Tactically Huxley can build relationships and "out of range". May create the appearance of any non-binding relationship, and can demonstrate their complete lack of interest in a partner, at the same time not letting him. For example: a date and did not come, and then, as if nothing had happened and call the person to assert in his ardent desire to meet him ...

- Well, it's his usual quirks usual inconsistency Huxley ... - speaks reader.

- The fact that this (apparent) inconsistencies caused by many psychological programs and objectives - tactical, irrational, intuitive - ethical, relevant to his ego - priorities related to its dominant aspects - potential alternative intuition and evolutionary ethics relations ( ch.i.1-/ + b.e.2) and their values.

As part of its DEKLATIMNOY - TACTICAL - involutionally program (ch.i.1) Huxley can stick proprietary positions in relation to any person, not allowing its transition to "a potential rival."

- And will act according to the principle: "Neither myself nor the other" ...

- And this is a common motivation in the actions of the IEA, Huxley, forcing him not only to retain what can it when - something useful (creative foresight evolutionary ethics relations), but also to capture the fact that he now wants to see in its potential opponent.

(For example, one young woman - Huxley, intending to travel with her husband in the summer holidays to the Canary Islands, for a few months saved the money for this trip. What surprise wife, when one (letniy!) day, just a week to leave, she had spent all their savings to buy another one (and it is absolutely not necessary) coats. husband asked why she did it, the wife replied, "I could not imagine what this coat on - then another woman! At one thought that it will wear the other, I felt bad. I was told that this coat, there is only one copy and no one else in this coat is not. Then I decided that the coat should be just me. And the Canary Islands when we have - something the Congress. ")

Have what others do not, for Huxley, with its total program success, it is extremely important - it can be a material value, and spiritual, and what - is a unique product, and unique qualities and attributes of man, his opportunities and prospects his talents, as well as the joy and pleasure that it can deliver.

Of life must take all! And all the best! - These are the principles of total success Huxley. Proceeding from it, Huxley in each person can see something unique - something that no other can love a man for these qualities, but he is not obliged to use them at the moment and can consider itself entitled to leave this option in reserve ("for later "- perhaps when - something useful!). And it is good reason (in terms of its intuitive - possibilistic program) in order to keep near him yet its interesting person.

This same motivation fits into the inert - intuitive, strategic program behavior Huxley ("time while suffering too early to let the man himself"), and intuitively - ethical (emotive, manipulative), with its rich arsenal of tricks and ethical funds (" And what you do with me bad? We're so good together, I love you so, so good to feel about you! .. ").

Example: One representative of the sweetest TIM was surrounded by five fans and each of these five in its own way and quite frankly (according to her) loved. With each of them was in a relationship and neither one of them was not going to give up. For each found a free evening. If the feast, necessarily crowded. And all five of her fans certainly attended the festivities. For each of them she was a kind word and minute attention. So they were all familiar with each other, but none of them was jealous of the other, because each of them considered himself her husband, civil, and only favorite marriage partner. This situation continued until until she met her co-player. Now she is all happy. With the same fans retains "companionship".

- Is not it better to let them go ahead? ..

- According to its EGO - priorities (ch.i.1 / + b.e.2) Huxley not only wants to let a potential partner (to a potential rival), but afraid to do it, telling myself: and others: "And suddenly it there will be hurt? "," What if there is to it will be treated badly? " ("And suddenly he was not appreciated," "and then suddenly it will be missed," etc.). And half of these arguments will be enough to keep beside her man, even if it is not needed (maybe useful, but not now!). Even if he had never come in handy, you can always keep out of range - can be tactically poohladit his ardor (if it shows excessive activity), and then you can inflame it again, if it is what - what reasons would want to leave.

- Judging by this tactic, Huxley assigns its potential partners the role of "satellites" revolving around it in a certain tight orbit like planets around the sun.

- And the more "planets" rotates in this "solar system", the brighter the "sun" shines, the better feeling. And from its "satellites" Huxley refuses even if opted for a permanent partner, hoping they subsequently find use, use their connections and opportunities for public - that their pragmatic goals.

In its relations with dualom this position is largely comfortable and only correct one. And first of all, because this "tough orbit determination," creates a comfortable illusion of interaction for Gabin "out of range" on the one hand hinders strategic assertiveness Gabin - does not allow him get too close and capture dominance in order to then engage him (Huxley ) in their game. On the other hand - do not let him go away for a long time, but it also creates the illusion of it complete freedom of action. ("Do you want to go, you want to stay, no one chases you, but does not retain the power").

Gabin (both software and sensory strategies) for such tactics frustrates nothing - nothing knocks his strategy initially. His pride is not hurt, but offer him the ability to compete in the "present themselves" to show their best side, imagine yourself worthy, respectable partner, an interesting conversationalist and a nice person ...

- Pleasant physically? ..

- ... And spiritually - who can deliver both physical and spiritual pleasure, able to show strength, stamina, courage, always ready to protect your partner (infantile Intuit), able to take care of it, provide it with all necessary.

Strategic and sensory programs of SLI.

- And Gabin hurry to show themselves in all these qualities?

- Not always. First of all, Gabin does not allow anyone to examine themselves on the line. And the more the partner insists on the "live" test - "Prove me now, what you can do!" - The more he avoids this by breaking tactics (if not strategy) of the "examiner". In relations with Huxley, everything is much simpler: condescendingly - Douala mocking tone, his system evaluations and promotions ("Average! But you can and better!") Makes Gabena tightened under the threshold requirements and demands being placed dualom. And since Gabin - Strategy and he (unlike TACTICS - Huxley) initially put quite certain (strategic) goal, and he can break the "game" Duala - "implicate him cards" ("we know your tricks"), not allowing Huxley drag him to "scam", requiring maximum rates with minimal (or even zero) prize. May impose on him and his counter-game, trying to submit to his strategy ...

- Will conduct n; The policy "Vaska and listens, but eats" ...

- This policy is to some extent holds any strategy and Gabin is no exception: slowly but surely moving it to the target, ignoring the stinging jokes Huxley (not more tangible for him than mosquito bites), condescending response to his "puppet "childish, frivolous inconsistency blind eye to his exorbitant demands and unwarranted self-assurance (typical Huxley as stubborn aristocracy).

Gabin - the only one who slyly chuckling infantile reasoning Huxley can fling them to stop and offer his dualu something positive - something that can be fun for both of them.

Adhering to his intended strategy, attacking, but not allowing myself to push, Gabin, for its part, too, plays with a partner like a cat with a mouse. If a partner is he interested, Gabin stretches fun game (as a software sensor and involyutory gets pleasure from the process), regulates the distance, alternating between rapprochement and estrangement. But maybe it dramatically reduced if there is a real danger of losing a partner (as we have already seen in the first example).

Communicative "masks" and "roles" of SLI.

Penetrating (as befits the strategy) in all aspects of its interesting person Gabin from the beginning of communication can ask intimate relations, promising tone.

Can hurry, making up for time lost to them for what - his personal, private plans (role intuition of time). Can almost immediately qualify for physical intimacy, based, again, of his personal plans and desires, spending some kind of "intelligence" on the role of intuition of time (b.i.3) and volitional sensory observation (+ ch.s.7 ). And in this regard, if necessary, may in the first minutes of dating "confess sympathies" in the physical attraction to him unfamiliar person (which happens more often). Can offer help, support, friendship, make offer "marriage" - is his crown, strategic acquisition. Although the development of such relationships do not happen (that Gabin as sensory program and strategy too well known) - the goal is achieved, and further play does not make sense.

As part of the same strategy Gabin often plays the role of "man of tomorrow" - "human distant future" (b.i.3) or consistently successful person who does not have any problems building a "bait" for its dominant aspects of (- b.s.1 / ch.l.2 +) - as a "trap" for the lonely and unsettled (but potentially interested and suitable for its purpose and plans) people.

On the role of intuition and manipulative time (b.i.3) Gabin often starts talking about future plans. And personally, he has these plans always rosy (positivists) and proposals for such plans (as well as any involyutory - LOGIC - Objectivist) expressed only alternative that offers a potential partner: "Are you going home already? Come on, too early! Now take a taxi, take the wine and go with me ... "(Aspect alternative intuition of time" working "for the benefit of the program (alternative) sensory sensations (b.s.1) - one program (pleasures) proposes to replace the other.)

From the perspective of the same strategic program (and all those communication models and "masks") Gabin and foreign long-term plans may speak highly skeptical, offering his (in all respects "the best") alternative: "... Why do you need a permanent partner? - He asks a young woman with whom he had met only - Are you going to marry? Come on, why do you need it? .. Here I offer you my friendship, and with me the woman knows no problems ... ")

SLI-IEE. Dyad of "obstinate" "aristocrats".

In order to more weight to arguments Gabin finds the sin and invent - if only speedy way to achieve the desired (to the same "encourages" and his stubbornness (as a sign) and his strong-willed inertia strategist (volitional aspect of sensory block in an inert). Naturally and no remorse in doing so he will not feel (as he suggested bad?). And even if it is a lie or ulichat reproach in an attempt to manipulate a person, he will be genuinely surprised and always find an excuse for their actions, "Well, how same? After initially relies same little fib. And as without it? Otherwise, who will go with you? Who would believe? And you do not want - do not believe, as you are not forced! And what is it - she wanted to believe and now I blame! .. "- as a logical crane (constructivists) and demonstrative structural logics (b.l.8) Gabin always find a way to shield themselves, justify, as it would be incoherent arguments may look.

- Does it mean that such a strategy is designed only for simpletons and gullible?

- As with any "pragmatic", "technical" manipulation (+ ch.l.2) it is designed to search for "simpletons" episodic partners, allowing Gabin realize their sensory (including sexual) EGO - program. But this same program and is designed to search for a permanent (and in all respects worthy) partner, and how it may be its dual Huxley - insightful, able to anticipate trouble intuit software (negativistov) constantly elusive tactics ethical clever manipulator, able to scatter their "network . " A cheap and primitive lure Huxley usually can not be bought, and this causes to their increased interest Gabin. (Thus, the reception and this is not only a test of tactical maneuverability Duala, which makes it particularly attractive and desirable, but also a test of stubbornness (psychological feature), as a very important, instinctive survival program that allows one to constantly raise the threshold of their claims and to improve conditions of existence.)

Compliant in this dyad is not honored. As part of their intuitive and sensory programs and appreciated the ability to achieve goals, and the ability to achieve success.

Too flexible (Compliant) partner Gabena disappointing. STUBBORN - who knows how to respect themselves and their demands - can captivate him deeply.

Example: Young man - LIS Gabin (known film and theater actor) in one of the television programs talked about himself such a story: a long time, he met a girl who came to him from out of town at the end of the week - Friday, Saturday, Sunday. But his schedule was designed so that on Friday and Saturday, he was always busy either in performance or in rehearsal, and his girlfriend had "bored" and "save time". She urged him to sacrifice her or rehearsal or show, or at least once to go with her to the restaurant or on Friday or Saturday (because on Sunday afternoon she had had to leave, and she wanted to go with him to a restaurant though least once in the night before). She told him: "I love you so much, I come to you every week from another city, why can not you do that for me?". He and his party to explain to her that the theater - it's his life, and he can not sacrifice the work under any circumstances. The upshot was that they parted she had stopped coming to him, and in this relationship ceased. Since then, seven years have passed, and he took advantage of his public appearance to the screen to tell the story and ask your girl (if she hears it now) to return to it, because he still loves her, and can not forget to live it is very difficult without it.

- And if she did not insist on its demand and agreed that he proposed to her?

- Then maybe she would not have been so dear to him ...

- So this is a general property of stubborn?

- Imagine, yes. In dyad stubborn (and quadras aristocracy and quadras DEMOCRATS) partner "estimate" in as much attention, mental energy and material resources it makes itself to spend. Reduced requirements, and lowered his "quote". Therefore, in dyads stubborn aristocrats are so popular a kind of "checks intransigence" and when we first met duals so important is "down a peg" with sokontaktnika, "break off" for him to see how he was insistent in their requests and requirements. (Similar "verification" and arranged under other signs - decisively in dyads, for example. Therefore, the "baptism of fire" in quasi-identical dyad Hamlet - Maxim can be much more severe than this. Though there and it (as well as in the dyad ) will be supplied in the form of the game - not to offend or alienate Duala. But whether it will be understood and accepted as a game - this is another question, and it depends on the adequacy of the perception of dual partners, the coincidence of their information "code" and "cipher "as the" key "and" Castle. "

- So, it turns out not accidentally Vysotsky sang: "If he's with ambition, so it will be - no ...". Ambition - stubbornly principled position?

- Theme from stubborn obstinacy (And the more stubborn aristocrats who stubbornly twice) always runs through their beliefs - they are very much willingly discuss on this topic (on his aplomb, ambition, respect, self-esteem), especially reasoned .

- It turns out that stubbornness (as a sign) - this is a profound evolutionary genetic, newscast?

- So profound that it can be observed even in our distant biological ancestors - the animals and birds. (In some species of birds, for example, this feature appears as follows: if a male prepare for his girlfriend right "living space" - "cozy nest", "living space" and feed zone - the territory freed from other rivals, if it "song" she likes to look her too satisfied (ie, it is sufficiently large, strong, handsome), but he did not put on her prepodneset marriage ritual "gift" (flower, blade of grass, a twig, which she will have to take as a sign of consent and put in the bottom of the slot), the female generally will not believe that she was asked to "marry" - she yell, and fly away pochirikat seek another male, and whose "apartment" will be worse, and he - skinny, lopsided, shabby, but "gift" will be presented in due form.)

- And if she agreed to without a good partner "gifts"?

- Then this pair would form a new - "pliability" of this subspecies (formerly "stubborn") species of birds, which would subsequently evolved into a separate species.

- Perhaps because of the dyadic trait agreeableness, when - and then there was a sign of democracy kvadrovy: expanded concessions area, and now the "horizontal", "equal" relationship dominates the vertical relationship of subordination.

- But this "horizontal" equality is not unlimited nor humans or animals or birds, which is not always successful "fight for equality" (as it has long been proven biology). Therefore, along with a "horizontal" - equalizing the rights of features, there are "vertical" features that distinguish the system of priorities - creating and releasing the power advantage of the other things being equal "dominant" - someone who will take the responsibility in case of emergency.

And in this regard, "candy - buketny" period in each pair, and e (and even more so in a dual dyad) is a necessary ritual of marriage, inherited from our biological ancestors. A number of programs implemented through procreation marriage rituals, starting with the period of courtship. These programs, such as "program support" program "dominant love" and "inversion of dominance" in which aggressive and dominant partner before becoming meek as a lamb, accompanied by his girlfriend and performs her every wish. These programs work only in a state of love and feelings are checking partner. Programs are accompanied by "feeding ritual" and "offering gifts." (All the same "feathered partners", for example, each other in the restaurant did not lead, but the - lint - from the beak to beak - feed each other and presented gifts extracted sometimes unbelievable effort. A common variant - a tuft of grass from the seabed demonstrating the strength and endurance partner, his willingness to sacrifice. All these signs and rituals they demonstrate his good friend attitude, strength, capabilities and its seriousness. Each element "wedding program" has its own biological expediency and cancel it (or challenge with positions "common sense") no one can.

- And if they be challenged?

- There will be a glitch in the program dualization and dual partners lose each other. In addition, not all occur at the level of resentment of "common sense" - there are deeper psychological structures. In quadras aristocracy necessarily follow the mating rituals (especially in dyads stubborn). Concessions in matters of honor, dignity and respect are "failed program" and treated (self-respecting) stubborn aristocracy as a deviation from the norm - as something ridiculous, wrong, damning. (For the same reason and the hero of the previous history has pleaded guilty and publicly apologized to his lover).

From the standpoint of existing (within stubborn trait) programs, decline to make concessions in all dyads stubborn (and even more stubborn - Aristocrat) perceived unambiguously as an intentional desire to humiliate the partner what he under any circumstances obliged to resist.

- And how requests and demands compromises addressed to others? It's so typical for Huxley persuade others to make concessions ...

- Others, but not themselves. It's all the rest, following his instructions, must "move up" (or "breathe"), to whom - it was spacious, but not himself. He cede its position he will not - nor an inch! And this applies to all stubborn, for which concessions, then "break" to lose support in life (and in the first place - the ideological, conceptual). If STUBBORN concessions, he was not stubborn, but not yet compliant, because the protective psychological programs included in the sign of agreeableness are turned out they have not - it's just disoriented and off the rails a man who a very long time on track will ( and before it does, he cripple the lives of yourself and others).

- This is an important sign of obstinacy and-Compliant?

- And Tim (as in any creation of nature) there is nothing superfluous, everything is why - yes you need anything - you just have to understand - why. For the same reason, and all fifteen dichotomous traits that make TIM also not superfluous - each of them is a collection of the most profound, life - critical bio - genetic programs which have been accumulated during the evolution of TIM (anthropogenes) and hardened in the toughest competition (for survival and procreation) in intertype and interpersonal relationships.

Dual relationship, despite their apparent comfort, do not exclude antagonism on interpersonal relations. Therefore, no matter how relaxed partners, no matter how enamored each other, they are under no circumstances must not retreat from their positions and claims. The main thing that requirements were reasonable and appropriate, appropriate to their environmental situation, as well as the corresponding system of ideas and rituals of their dual dyad. System requirements for the dual pair - it is also a kind of "password", which should be adequate "review".

Sign of obstinacy (in conjunction with the rest of the feature set) in this dual dyad is not only a worthy partner search program, but also a means of reasserting self-esteem, peer means of restoring relations with him ...

- And another means of psychological defense - tells the reader.

- Moreover, it is necessary, as the leveling of values ​​and interests sokontaktnika - one of the most common means of achieving personal goals, way of manipulation actions partner and an alternative way of imposing their own to the detriment of its objectives and interests of the dyad stubborn - aristocracy - involyutory. (Any involyutory can offer an enticing alternative program, and even more so, "tempters" as Gabin and Huxley ...)

Perseverance members of this dyad is amplified by the fact that each of them leaves the right business and other initiatives for themselves. Hence the notorious extravagance Huxley: "What I want, I do!" - Independence for business logic and ethics of relations. For this reason, and in other people's goals and plans Huxley "fit" reluctantly (property stubborn TACTICS-Objectivist). And even if it takes whose - the proposal, it is only because we are always reserves the right to accept (not to offend human failure), but prefers to do - his - as the mood and interests prompt).

Huxley realizes just what it is advantageous for it intuitively - ethical program - something that has to do with his success, to increase his popularity, his comfort and pleasure. In dual dyad is complemented by program objectives Gabin - priorities for aspect sensory sensations (b.s.1), which includes also the sensual sensations of sex and pleasure, and pleasure as a vital position, and the desire to get away ...

EGO - Priorities of SLI.

Also clear intent to take from life all the best features Gabin desire to eliminate or minimize all that could overshadow him pleasure - and it is an essential feature of his program. Under no circumstances Gabin not substitute a blow his personal welfare, comfort and peace of mind. Moreover, such circumstances he tries to avoid and get out of any situation with minimal losses for themselves.

Due to such installations Gabin may seem selfish and self-centered person. And such opinions of others really greatly complicates life representatives of this type. (That does not prevent them stubbornly defend their right to live as they want, saying it that it does not intend to bring trouble to anyone and really worry if their lifestyle makes someone suffer.

Take at least an example: girl-LIS Gabin call a psychologist with this question: "I'm meeting with a married man and I'm afraid that he walketh me so much that even wants to divorce his wife. So, I do not plunge with them into anything ... it? ... "-" What? "- Ask her to clarify. - "Well, it will annoy me, pester me, insisting that we were married ... Can this be?" - "Well, if you are afraid of this, why not leave him now?" - Ask her. - "And now he's fine with me, now I'm good with it. Why should we leave now? "..

- Apparently, she feels that the relationship does not develop on the distance at which she would like and it is disturbing ... - A reader says.

- That is the requirements that apply to it now, making a serious discomfort in her relationship disharmony and feelings (and the latter is especially frustrating for Gabin). Right of priority personal sensory - initiative Gabin logical reserves, believing that only he can decide who is who divorces who get close to what distance and their right not give it to anyone. (First and foremost its dualu that intercepting the right to personal and business initiative in the business plan (on activation aspect of alternative business logic) is often too intrusive, excessively active, unbearable.

- How is it? ..

- Reaction Huxley on the test psychological discomfort they sometimes manifested in the fact that it is activated when the business logic aspect of involutional (ch.l.6) and intrusive alternative offers its business ("and you do it some - more ..."), seizing the surrounding their business initiative. It starts to overwhelm thirst for activity, there is a desire to change everything, to remake - his. He begins to find fault with others, include them in what - what a ridiculous, meaningless job that makes them - you do not understand something to work "off the fence before lunch", remodel and reshape what is okay and so tightly tailored and sewn. There is a sort of "vanity" - "business fever", with which he draws into the orbit of its own business activity and more new ("right" to it) people, with the result that it becomes very active kind of natural disaster.

- A similar character was Jerome K. Jerome - reminds reader - stubborn and demanding Uncle Podger, append picture. Given an order to change something in my house, my uncle gets up on the table and out the team, and all households randomly run around it with nails, hammers and rope.

Dangerous experimentation of IEE.

When STUBBORN (up to overbearing) Statics - Huxley activated on the business logic goes to all, because it is someone else's hands, he is trying to implement the most dangerous and most adventurous of his intuitive - ethical projects. And above all, because none of desires "artist" they not taken into account - they are manipulated as a rabbit, then engaging in one or another of a dangerous experiment. And that "rabbit" did not resist and was posgovorchivee remained "white, fluffy", it begin to intuitively - ethically crush: "Well do as I please! Well, what you should? Here you will see how everything will be fine. Well, do it for me. Well, surely you can not do for me, even a little thing? I you do not ask for more ... "etc.

- What kind of these experiments?

- First of all, it can be experiments to support or refute individual experience Huxley, who like any empiricist (Objectivist) long can "get stuck" on the stage of the analysis of their observations before making any - or output. But even if Huxley and do what - that conclusion, he will want it to either refute or confirm, especially if this finding is the alien or his personal success in implementing its priority intuitively - ethics programs (ch.i.1 / + b.e.2).

For example, he may want to confirm or refute its lack of success in their personal lives, personal successes and achievements. And for this (podsoznatelno!) may wish repeating their own mistakes and their own "failed" the fate of man, beyond his social status or rank - intuitively deliver his "ward" in the same conditions, will recreate the same course of events.

- And if the "guinea pig" does not depend on his will and not in his command?

- All available, possible and impossible means - tips, tricks, orders, bases, intrigues, absentee arrangements - Huxley would impose "executor" definite plan of action, explaining his interest in its affairs in the best of intentions. And to convince himself that he has the intention of good, Huxley's quite easy (if "problematic" the logic of relations, even if it all becomes clear that their advice and recommendations he "artist" only harms). A convincing himself he boldly (and very stubborn) unleashes his weighty (deklatimno - static) arguments on the head, "artist", put it in an impossible situation, in a program of action, which he can not change drives them to intuitively create "Forks" (in which he himself built "trap") to see how he would get out there. If the "victim" is stuck in the same "swamp", then confirmed and experience means there really dangerous step. If the same mistake came on the same "minefield" exploded, everything that led him when (Huxley) to failure is not an accident, but a set of laws. He has, at its option either to take into account, either ignore or deny, in the case wants to repeat this experiment and begin to look for this new artist.

All of these actions are aimed at obtaining additional information on the programmatic aspects of Huxley alternative intuition potential (ch.i.1), and that makes him look for opportunities where there is no, and the rest (all who are just on his way) to send this search.

Under the conditions of competition in the biological family (or collective), this program is particularly bright. Envy of another's successes (ch.i.1), knit in pursuit of every kind of competition on the ethical front (+ b.e.2), peculiar to him as stubborn - extroverts - Ethics and rigid requirements of its intuitive EGO programs, often takes Huxley in pathological forms. In order to achieve success egocentric Huxley does not shun any means. (Can shamelessly reunite ("physical" and "spiritual") with a partner or a close person dependent on him - "marry" for his son-in or "marry" her daughter-in on itself. Maybe emotional and sensory affect him (ethical - Touch manipulative block), testing his charms on it and bend it to their influence to achieve the desired result. doing so, Huxley is trying to "intercept" the successes of others (in private or public life), and their own problems and failures "shove" on other.)

For their own lack of success professional Huxley too harshly it out on the children. Ambitious members of this TIM sometimes put monstrous - cruel experiments on his "talented" siblings, hoping to bask in their glory (and sometimes even after death). With such parents "convenient" to be born "mediocrity" - less carping and envy and promotion - more. That some children do, insisting on their right to live and build plans for the alternative scenario.

- What talents? ..

- A Huxley talent anyway and will develop - the alternative program (total) success (ch.i.1) obliges it to do so: see what is not there. (And by the way, this feature of its duala Gabin also adopts: realizing that the only way to avoid constantly overstates trims - this pretend "mediocrity", he draws attention to the most primitive duala its characteristics, causes him to see the unique trivial. But then and the "discovery" of the "talent" and all the "successes" in his "growing" Huxley attributes to himself.)

- Gaben, so it does not suffer from the "Experiments" ...

- If suffers, the least. Gabin have to escape from business activity Huxley - he can always discover new alternative space program on its sensorike sensations (b.s.1) and, if they wish, do not fall into the field of view of its co-player. And besides, Gabin sufficiently protected and its powerful creative business logic (+ ch.l.2), and regulatory intuition time (b.i.3) - always knows when and how he should act.

As dual, Gabin at Huxley outright antipathy does not cause (because no annoying) therefore does not arise and the desire that - that it fundamentally changed.

Although it is on a quest that - or radically change in man as Huxley involyutory - EMOTIVIST (inert logics) and mostly "stuck." In an effort to prove to themselves and others that "incorrigible" people in the world does not exist, but there is only "wrong" or even unused methods "correction" (which it is necessary to find and apply), he "closed" on the ethics of his creative relationship ( b.e.2 +), trying first one ethical methodology, then another. But to admit the idea that people can not be, in principle, its methods of education Huxley can not happen and that it all my life (and the lives of their charges) spends most notorious reeducation "thugs" (or healing household ethical methods of mentally ill people) assuming that the difficulty of the goal makes this mission even more noble.

Archetypal program of IEE.

Search for the most effective methods devoted to the most dangerous of his experiments.

(For example, my mother - Huxley may deliberately give his daughter in marriage to a sort of "Neanderthal" to see her "beauty - clever" will reclaim this "subhuman." But then the sad experience of her "beauty - clever" will excuse her disorder in her own personal life - if it is for all its virtues and talents failed to get in his personal life, so it's not an accident, a fatal law, inheritable. During that girl and then express: "We have all the women in the family miserable all cursed, starting with your grandmother ... I won, too, with your father-villain suffered many years ... ")

- How to explain this?

- It seems there is not only a confirmation of personal experience, but also intuitive infantilism Huxley - a desire to play in the fairy tale about the "beauty and the beast", and at the same time and see how the monster will chew on this beauty. In addition, there appear and deep archetypal program - from those that are cultured theme of sacrifice in the myths of different nations - make time immemorial "feed" the monsters of young beauties in order to gentleness and beauty of these girls tried not to satiate monster (for it is " feed "one tooth), but it was appeased - turn from evil to good. (This topic is now popularized in Hollywood cartoons: "plasticine Beauty" fall in love not beautiful and brave princes (contrary to long-held beliefs and programs of the Collective Unconscious), and prefer any kind of "freaks" - worthless, wretched "nerds" or "greens" monsters - "Shrek", transforming it from a "pariah" in the "princes".)

The "go to hurt, go to the humiliated" and generates its infantile - idealistic, utopian "hope for a miracle" nourishes intuitive program Huxley (ch.i.1), supports its products with creative ethical realization (+ b.e.2 ) and activate it on the business logic, the logic of action (-ch.l.), giving rise to the corresponding myths and "guide to action": "It is for you to aggression rises, and you to him with affection come. He will see how you feel about it good attitude and can be corrected, too ... "(and maybe even become a" Prince Charming ").

Tales about a monster that turns "Prince Charming" very good fit in the priority values ​​and Huxley (on alternative intuition potential and positive, humanistic ethics of relations). Search "ideal" and he would devote his life, and even grandchildren bequeaths this program.

"Taming of the Shrew" in the dyad SLI-IEE.

- But in Gabin archetype "incorrigible monsters" does not fit?

- Because the concept of "incorrigible" not in the minds of his co-player, - for it all fixable. A Gaben likes "corrected" and is very well suited for the role of "correctable" and "corrects" (under the beneficent influence of his co-player).

Gabin does not inspire fear his dualu and lends itself well to his upbringing (which Huxley inexpressibly glad, attributing his victory effective methods). And just in case, when Huxley is searching for intractable partner (ie, the "prince", disguised as a "monster") in Gabin also have relevant programs under the slogan "Come make out!" ("Making out in me Prince "), in accordance with which he plays the role of a sort of" imbecile "-" works "under" Balbes "Yuri Nikulin, under" Aphony "or a character Adriano Celentano, presents itself as a sort of" Bingo Bongo ". And that he also "sets traps" his partner, outlines tempting targets for his Duala, which necessarily (do not feed bread!) Need someone to re-educate. (At least in order to realize their creative evolutionary ethic relations (+ b.e.2) - Ethics Higher Justice, according to which all, even the most "miserable" and "offensive" being rewarded with love and mercy. Example in the movie "Bingo Bongo" civilized beauty constantly educates its "wild beast", patience, love and care (up to sex) turns it from an orangutan in "Prince Charming").

Besides the fact that this position allows Huxley realize his aristocratic - involutionary "right to amend" (appropriating the role of the corrector and the Comptroller, he gets an opportunity to rise above sokontaktnikom), it also helps him to become a spiritual mentor Gabena - suggestiruya his intuition potential opportunities (+ ch.i.5) and activating relations ethics (b.e.6).

- But "right to amend" is a means of ethical pressure at Huxley ...

- And also an instrument of psychological terror, allowing him not only to establish themselves in the hierarchy, but also stay out of commitments and be above criticism (very comfortable position!).

Therefore particular attention to etiquette Huxley pays exactly when to himself imposed "exorbitant demands" - those that he can not or does not want to perform. Using this technique, he rejects any accusations or refuses to answer, distracting partner: "Why are you talking to me in that tone? Who gave you the right to shout at me. " Partner in response to this more "flies into a rage," and Huxley it (with "sincere indignation") "corrects". And the more active it (Huxley) will try to convince you, the greater equanimity and peace he will demonstrate. (Payment on the subconscious emotional vulnerability Gabin - whatever it was, and "save the human form" and drop to a rough battle did not.) Therefore, it is in dispute (realizing his guilt) Huxley tries to be "very correct" and infinitely pedantic ethically.

It is well known that the controversy with Huxley - useless occupation: his mistake he under no circumstances does not recognize, especially on rational aspects - as he stubbornly aristocracy is not profitable ...

SLI-IEE. Intuitive - ethical manipulation and games.

- It is believed that Huxley generally no one argues. There is also such an opinion of this dyad.

- And it is true: in its tactical program Huxley in dispute can talk about anything, not only about what he was asked. He will lead the conversation in a completely different plane can ethically correct opponent, "philosophize" talk on general topics, will take on themselves the question, the answer to elude, try to "explain", but mind excuses, recognize or not recognize guilty - will not (and why do it? - that he then remembered about it?)

In this dyad nobody ever plead guilty, but always remember about wine partner, even if he has this guilt "forgive."

Gabin is this "game" no (special) does not cause inconvenience. (Also, it is well protected from it, he himself is capable of such "tricks", but it they have the character of "logical amendments" which he (in similar situations) perfectly knows how to use.). In any case, once the discussion planned for him undesired rotation - once Huxley begins to "sink" your "worn-out record" and mentoring tone correcting interlocutor demanding decency, Gabin understands that his question will not be discussed, and hence and the matter at issue, he should take himself. And assessment of the situation should also give myself - as it sees fit, and will be evaluated.

Defensively, Huxley will be his "fool" by intuition potential, saying: "It's not what you think. I did not mean to say ... ". Will try again and again to activate it on the creative (POSITIVE) of its ethics of relations: "You misunderstood me: I actually care about you ..."

- But it is their dyadic communication and manipulation stamps ...

- In each dyad their manipulation. It all depends on the purpose. Gabin can play along with your dualu, and maybe put it on game point. In any case, shirk shirk what - that serious cases and obligations he will not allow it. Do Gabin also has its own "whip" and its "gingerbread" on creative aspects of the business logic (ch.l.2 +)-nothing that he does nothing, his advances are not unlimited and "expensive." Punish and pardon may Gabin and their software aspect of sensory sensations. (B.s.1).

Can "plant" Huxley on some fun, and then they will demand for more expensive fees - will tease and elude Duala, poking fun at his despair and helplessness. When dual calm down and find for himself a new "fun" on the side, Gabin godmother to him with the most deadpan, and will start again "lure" the same "gingerbread".

- It seems in this dyad both duala each other's faces ...

- In all dual dyads partners face each other. Each currently produces "antidote" to the "poison" Duala, builds a shield against his arms.

- Each TIM their weapons?

- Each. Defenseless TIMs in socion not. Unprotected partner requires not only himself, but also his dualu. Hence the numerous, diverse "check" amendment "," correction "," fit "," feeding "on all fifteen psychological characteristics, which are a prerequisite dualization.

This dyad passes all the same stages of development - "recognition" and "choice" partner.

They too have their "marriage tournaments," brutal "fights" and competitions in which they both involve their potential choices.

These same rituals applies "habit" Huxley "bang their heads" all their boyfriends. These same applies to his ability to "twist dynamo" with each new partner - and build his hopes up with him, "companionship", using them as a springboard for new intuitive - ethical research and experimentation.

As one young man - Huxley: "I have a great relationship with all the girls. I meet with who I want, when I want. Just today I had a day of rest from the girls. Today I'm at home. And so I can meet with anyone, anywhere. Though the subway. Choose the most beautiful, come and speak to her. And what? And why can not it be mine? And with absolutely no problems, I swear! I have no one to no jealous, no one is offended at me: we were tired to love each other - we become friends. And we want to again become lovers. Is love can not be a part of friendship? And do not be vice versa? So I've no one to quarrel with me, and all is well! .. "

Thus, there are several reasons for which Huxley not release its partner - is

  • and in a certain way given distance,
  • and the necessary conditions for successful dualization ethical games
  • and creating a more comfortable mode of emotional partner, but mostly it's
  • and reluctance to abandon progress,
  • unwillingness to lose what - then chances are, the reluctance to be alone ...

Huxley tries to never, under any circumstances ostavatsya; sya alone. Environment for it - it's not only support, but also proof of personal success, successful self-personal life.

A lonely man looks loser, and it pushes everyone around him, and thus deprives him of the chances of success. To be alone, according to Huxley - risky and improvident.

- And it can change something here?

- Of course! By virtue of its exceptional interpersonal skills, Huxley easily find "replacement" - alternative - "options" partners for any form of relationship.

- This is for the safety net?

- Not only. "Spare options" in the ethical game Huxley with Gabin, also provide the "diversion" - "figureheads," which supposedly interested in one and Huxley, and "exhaust valve" where Huxley can release unwanted emotions that are so afraid of Gabin. (We already know that Gabin very uncomfortable partner fully closes on it - a form of relationship it seems too cumbersome. While relations with the "fallback" Gabin soothe and lull his vigilance than and prepare it for the new ethical Huxley tricks.

- This is what I - that resembles the dualization of Balzac and Caesar. - Recalls the reader. - There is "false" or "fallback" created the visibility of obstacles - some "mythical figure" opponent in order to stimulate the activity of the partner.

- Something similar happens here. Huxley sometimes specially created the myth of "fallback solution" creates "ghost opponent" in order to enter into its "dual play" necessary figure - "imaginary unit", "imaginary person", "imaginary value" in order to really raise their prestige, regardless of whether it is a real person, a fictitious person or a figurehead. Observed that Huxley loves to acquaint his "fans" with each other - come on a date to one, talk about their feelings and attitudes to another. And for the full "credibility" can even show his correspondence with this "other" or "tell" him from afar, but in fact it is quite strange and unfamiliar to him man.

- I have always wondered why some women do this?

- This is done not only women but also men. This general characteristic Intuit - irrational and Huxley is no exception, as the representatives of the TIM are focused on the relationship with the partner, which is such an ethical "game" is sometimes pleasantly tones, entertaining and intriguing. (After all, to the ethics of relations Gabin and sometimes fits with the argument: "Why do I need a woman who no one but I'm not interested?" And here - please! - It turns out that even very interested in the many - and this in a gray "jeep "interests, and one that turned the corner ... - A huge selection of opponents, to join their ranks and compete with whoever you want!)

And besides, it employs and biological program "select idol" - if my "idol" passionate about everything around, so I made the right choice. Hence the increased interest particularly popular personalities.

- And what about the commandment "Do not make yourself an idol"?

- With a dominant program here - involutional intuition potential (ch.i.1), involving frequent and short shift adoration "visiting celebrities", this commandment is generally very difficult to comply with. On it are remembered only when losing to "celebrity" interest. But the volatility and short-lived interests here a common phenomenon: in life much more interesting, it is necessary to do everything to reach.

For this reason, the position of Don - Juan, makes a list of over a thousand lovers, here nobody is shocked, "the sun can not shine only for a single flower, rain can not spill only one field - his love should bring happiness to all".

Huxley's problem lies in the fact that his "victory" get to him too easily. ("Complex Don - Juan"). Huxley loses interest in any subject, just only his curiosity is satisfied, at least superficially. And this interest or excite somehow deepen his already impossible - this theme, according to Huxley, already studied them and he was not going to return to it - you can not enter twice in the same water, and does not make sense when in the world there are so many new and unknown.

Representatives of this type are very afraid of missing out on any new, uncharted, without trying to make opportunities, so do not allow yourself to "get stuck" on what they considered to be already "past stage." The only way to keep interest Huxley - this all the time "warm up" his curiosity inflame the imagination, encouraging, something nedoskazyvat - in short, "to keep on the hook" that actually makes its dual Gabin.

SLI-IEE. Interaction of two irrational to argue logic aspect ratios.

But, unfortunately, dispersed attention and volatility of interest - is not the only manifestation of problematic logic relations Huxley (+ b.l.4). Representatives of this type like to make a striking impression with their statements, and they in this really helps their usual cocky tone. That in itself is a problem because his logical reasoning inherent inconsistency and petty fault-finding: the right to amend (including logical) defended them in any way, even if he is ignorant, inconsistent and wrong.

And what about the ability to withdraw their Huxley inferences based on non-essential particulars and elevate them to the rigid and uncompromising system - devastatingly illogical? This property it can any software logic in the shortest possible time to bring to a white heat. But Gabin this trouble threatens the least: the aspect ratio of logic is not one of its priority values, and is a tool of subliminal manipulation demonstrative - a sort of "demo - version", "Exhibition option," helping him to make a good impression on the interlocutor.

Gabin and not annoying false gravitas Huxley able to give a "pseudo - significance" of his most trivial and primitive within the meaning of utterances. - It can also be attributed to the problematic logic relations Huxley?

- Not only. This may be

  • Huxley manifestation of ambition as stubborn aristocracy - sometimes "false" and exaggerated - the desire to rise above sokontaktnikom any cost.
  • may be a kind of tactical rigging - bluff on alternative intuition potential - software aspect Huxley. Can be used as a way to draw sokontaktnika our game - say something awkward and it attract his attention, and it's clever or not, then he will understand (if you understand).
  • may be a way to present themselves effectively, to interest a sokontaktnika, get yourself to take a closer look.

Conventionally, all this can be called a game of "naked king": if a person than - that boast something of himself shows, perhaps it has something extraordinary. You only need to take it on faith to assume that it that - it really is (that - it is something there!), Look at him and see something that in man there never was. (And in this direction also works its alternative intuition potential - allows you to make "something" from "nothing" to see what is not there - and it's also an art, skill, too, should be able to so-operate with the illusion, myth - with imaginary values, imaginary pictures. Huxley - master such hoaxes.

- You bet! If a person is nothing interesting, you can imagine in it anything as long as it is not only destroying these representations.

- A Huxley and does not destroy them. Moreover, in its alternative EGO - program-implemented ethically intuition potential (ch.i.1) Huxley cleverly guesses direction of desires, illusions and myths in this direction starts. (How Khlestakov in Gogol's "The Inspector" - for whom it is taken, and it becomes so, ahead of their wishes and views. If he sees that his fear may be more scare. Seeing that they are fascinated, can seduce shamelessly. Seeing that he Trust can scrounge anything that can take, and then start to blackmail. And in the end, fearing that it may reveal, specify and expose all, and then to escape and get away with it).

Inconsequential Huxley - a dangerous game (especially for others) on which it is very easy anyone can "take on a bluff", "on the weak," drawn into the dispute, in a scam, to subjugate, to put at the mercy of their plans and whims, "brought under the monastery", "substitute for trouble", "breed like loser" etc.

But in relation to this property Gabin Huxley helps make a strong impression, to declare himself as a person of great and occupy a dominant position in their overall wedding game in the "prove to me that you - not like everyone else."

- And in this dyad need to prove their uniqueness?

- Without fail! Because aspects of alternative intuition and potential alternative sensory sensations are implemented in a dyad stubborn and careless aristocrats involyutory: make that - that of what - what material every fool can! But that materialize - something out of nothing, so much so that everybody was shocked - this in itself is admirable - and this kind of success is highly valued. ("Materialization sensible ideas" here and many willingly engaged ...)

- Yes, but this kind of occupation permit and deception and mystification, and fraud and trickery ...

- And who is stopping you?! - Stubborn in the dyad - Carelessness - irrational? And if you interfere, tighten your intuition and sensory Be Tricky "rogues." Do not let them deceive themselves - age-old recommendation.

It is not surprising that in this dyad sotsione - "first at the other end" - the first from the "reenactors" - involutional converters society. As for the members of this dyad themselves, then they do not mind playing in the hype with each other, taking this false gravitas to each other (this false "quality mark") as a kind of "trademark", you know what it takes my "product "and I know what your worth - and not try to deceive me. Or as a kind of "password" (or "ritual") - the recognition of the mythical virtues partner just because he knows how to show them off.

- Do Gabin also has its own "false sign of quality"?

- Gabin can profitably sell something that does not cost anything, and it is also great skill. This can go and due to its ingenious creative business logic (+ ch.l.2). And due to its alternative program sensory sensations (b.s.1) - the ability to feel exceptional because it is what it is. (Sometimes this is called a "complex usefulness"). And it is also a high art. Naturedly - coarse simplicity, ability to build in a primitive and highly exclusive themselves on this (primitive) to evaluate - is its distinctive feature of forming his creative (or artistic) style. (Leningrad "Mitka" - a vivid example of this trend.). A lot of "psychics - healers" and "miracle workers" who can convince everyone that can work wonders, not worse Lord God (to the extent that the parents promise to raise the dead, the innocent victims of children) - this, too, on every able (fortunately for all of us!)

- Yes, but in this "quality mark" they may be of interest only to themselves, their circle of friends, visiting their "get-togethers" ...

- And this is their club "quality mark" club "tag", allowing members of the dyad (people with similar or complementary interests and values) to find each other, establish an equal partner ("hoaxer"), to take his game to make friends with him and get the pleasure of communicating.

Inconsequential - is not only a sign of the club, but the "rule of etiquette" in this dyad, and a form of behavior, and the manner of communication, which is manifested in the tones of Huxley, and facial expression - a "promising" and look in the "mysterious" smile. But the whole effect ambiguity expressed Huxley "information" that neither look nor smile did not reflect his true intentions, and generally not in any way associated with them. The ability to express one look and say another, Huxley gives a wide scope for ethical manipulation. For example, it can arbitrarily invitingly look at the opposite sex, shamelessly trying his charms on it, but it "will not tolerate and thought" that his behavior he incites violence or gives reason to be jealous. And it will be "genuinely outraged" if it is then "not understand" and show how - that charge, claim or claims.

- But this is called hypocrisy, knavery and craftiness - notes reader. - Is called a "double game", a game for the "double standards": what's the point I want this and attach to their actions, as I want them so and explain - how do you know what I mean by that hint?

- It's really very clever trick to give double meanings to the same things, substitute some other value. These meanings can be meaningful and to cover the emptiness and falsehood, and good intentions and evil. In any case, Huxley on this account, there are always "their views," always ready "assurance" that his "misunderstood", he can always "convince" the partner, and "explain" how "must" understand it . And then reject this explanation, or make it so confusing that the partner has just do not understand.

- And it is not irritating to Douala?

- Not always. Sometimes only entertains and amuses as he himself programmed all the same techniques and tricks. Gabin - the only one who sees Huxley behavior adequately. A peculiar manner of presentation Huxley its nice relaxing and soothing, because for him and aspect ratios is not priority logic displaced value (imposed on a minor plan on laborny unit ID). The main thing for him - intuitively - the ethical relations plan that above all this is worth it. Therefore, the logical "confusion" Huxley he perceives as a kind of decoration of his ethical games and treats her condescendingly. Huxley and support than he t.n.s. - makes him feel "expert" in all areas, "recognizes" his "expert" on all complex and abstruse matters allows him and his authoritarian aspect, aristocratic (deklatimnoy) logic relations. (+ b.l.4) feel free and confident - "to be on top."

- What else Gabin support lax logic Huxley?

- His "demonstrative" arguments (b.l.8), the ability to talk on any subject, regardless of the degree of awareness in it.

Proper demonstrative arguments are important for Gabin also because suggest double psychological meaning. On the one hand - this is the meaning of his reasoning, which, seemingly, he did not always listen, on the other hand - and a pregnant sly irony, which he expresses in this moment and look slightly suppressed smile (and that has nothing to do with the fact his reasoning!).

Here it is this very significant irony is an essential element of its dual "game." She seemed to be the interlocutor switches to a completely different plan relations, forcing him to perceive logical reasoning Gabena only as a background, or as an excuse for attention. And Huxley from its ethical intuition it all at once and accurately determines. Understands that any topic given by his companion (Gabin) - this is just an excuse to get out "on contact" - this is just a way to attract attention and keep it.

Against this "logic", Huxley feels completely relaxed - understands that can safely speak on any subject without fear of being caught in logical contradictions - understands that the logical meaning of his words here will not listen, because there is a completely different game to which the logic is irrelevant. For this reason, Gabin and can distort the facts and any information if it fits into its program of action.

Example: Late one evening in the theater at the end of the play, in the locker room, middle-aged man (Gabin) throws his wife, which he had just filed a coat and ran up to a young woman who was about to leave. Grabs her by the arm and hurriedly blurts out: "Girl, wait, we are familiar with you: You work in the 20th clinic, I have you held last year survey. Lets you I'll drive! Where do you want? ..". The girl looks at him with horror, his legal wife and froze with his coat in hand, stares at them both. A husband is not paying attention to it, at all interrogates his "old friend", "Where you take?". She told him: "Yes, leave me We are not familiar with you". He said: "No, we are familiar with. You work in the 20th clinic, where are you take?". Time is already half past eleven at night, and she of him still can not get rid of. "I'm no doctor, no paramedic! Leave me alone!" - She cries literally bursting out of his hands. Very reluctantly, with a grimace of disappointment and frustration, Gabin releases girl: she did "not understand". Although she knew it very well: if she played up to him and supported his "phony" version, it would have to survive is not romantic, not too pleasant and unsafe adventure. This juggling her information was useless. But this chance could well take advantage of what - some other girl - quirky and clever adventurer (it appear she was in her place). And first of all - do not want to miss your chance and alien girl - Huxley.

And in fact - why not ride on someone else's car to the house? why not pull the nose another man's wife, taking with him her husband? Even if all this is not serious, it is an acquaintance zachem-nibud would be useful (at worst could remain "friends"). Why should she miss the chance, which itself comes in hand? Man threw "cool version", why not pick it?

- Does this mean that the demonstrative logic Gabin - just an element of "strategic game" process, which his acquaintance and dualization Huxley?

- One of its most important elements! This also explains the desire to make a good impression Gabena for demonstrative aspect of the "system logic" logic of relations (b.l.8). It is very important to make an opinion about me, as smart, interesting and erudite man. (Gabin subconsciously oriented to superficial and fickle interest Huxley, knows how difficult it is to get his attention (especially as Huxley standing on something distracted) and how difficult it is to keep him).

And besides, it is very important under any circumstances do not drop their prestige before Douala (as Huxley did not like a loser). Therefore, in a situation of clash of opinions, Gabin is extremely important to leave the last word (one can not look to the vanquished). Gabin is very important that his view was accepted.

Entering the debate, he sometimes forgets what he is doing for the sake of the controversy and not from the viewpoint of the search for truth, but from the desire to impose their point of view or from a desire "not to drop himself" in the eyes of the interlocutor (the property of aristocrats), show themselves as smart other.

- It creates the impression that both sides are trying zaporoshit each other's eyes - says reader - Points rubbed each other, in his own way ...

- And this is used for a lot of ways. Including prohibited methods. " Engaging in polemics, Gabin often refers to some imaginary, almost fictional authorities quoted dubious quotes from unknown or maloavtoritetnyh sources - in this respect it is also "a great hoaxer": the phrase can come up, and then ascribe it to the great man. Or vice versa - to quote a famous quote attributed to the author and myself. Preparing for "a scientific conversation" Gabin often (especially in their youth, inexperience yes) "stuff" yourself with information from cheap popular - scientific pamphlets, and then throws this "stuffing" on the head of the interlocutor. And, characteristically, - always insists on the cogency of their "arguments."

Assertiveness and aggressiveness. Interaction in irrational aspects in the dyad SLI-IEE.

Engaging in discussion, Gabin can from the outset to take aggressive tone. Especially if the dispute is not for them afoot at the truth, but in order to impose his superiority over authoritative opponent - take it out on him, "measure themselves." The same technique is used to them and in order to attract attention to himself, to become acquainted or get in touch. (And in the first place with his dualom based on "contact" (normative) function Huxley - willed sensory.) "Provocations" by the volitional aspect of sensory (ch.s.3) are an inherent property and Gabin (as stubborn aristocracy) and help him (as a strategy) to aggravate the situation in order to draw the interlocutor in the debate, in which - that relationship for further development.

Huxley is very good and sometimes feels happy to be included in that game, "allowing" itself to this draw.

Sometimes with the same beginning and the first step of dualization. (Channel 3 -7). Huxley (as befits the stubborn aristocracy) and did not miss a chance to demonstrate cockiness and aggressiveness when we first met. Trying to "combat the spot" or impose rivalry with "first strike", he will do everything so that this "kick" was "irresistible".

On his mental analytic functions - software intuition (ch.i.1) and regulatory volitional sensing (ch.s.3) it can immediately see a weakness in its every new sokontaktnike and bang her, hurt the enemy, in order to immediately approve of him his superiority, feel master of the situation. (A similar property there and SEE, Caesar). Coming into contact Huxley tries to "intercept" ("drag" on itself) every possible advantage of the situation to the situation immediately turn it in their favor. And for this they will be put in motion all the facilities (and, most illogical, because the logic of relations (as t.n.s.) taken them into account at the very least). Acting most illogical and contradictory means Huxley may tease a friend, and then try to charm him, and begin to impose what he - that absurd business recommendations (to impose their friends as experts and specialists). Lapping arrogant view, and will argue its superiority over sokontaktnikom may provoke a quarrel with him and try to win it by any means, etc, etc.

Education process willpower, commitment, endurance, and physical development - threads constantly occupying the attention of Huxley, and even a few pointedly. Discussions on these topics, he was happy to support. Loves to talk about their achievements in the field of physical development, share information and advice on all sorts of gyms to develop and strengthen. (Representatives of the TIM can make "educational and restorative" exercises at the workplace, nothing daunted by the presence of strangers. And love to recommend this method of "physical development" to all and sundry; adore deduct in magazines recommendations on effective physical development enthusiastically share their knowledge with others.)

- Some convulsively caricature - "operetta" - a manifestation of a strong-willed sensory ... - notes reader.

- In quadras reasoned willed sensory aspect is not the dominant value, and only standard, developed.

Huxley respects strength, but condemns the abuse of power (he first afraid of becoming a victim of abuse). For this reason, feared making enemies and at the first contact or immediately tries to intimidate and subdue them, or to win your potential enemy, "bamboozle", and appease his "friends" with him.

It encourages him to peaceful relations and creative relations ethics (+ b.e.2) - Ethics of Mercy and forgiveness. From the perspective of the same compassionate program and Huxley can "forgive" the winner of his victory and "sacrifice" that he selects the winner. Huxley is not engaged in a confrontation, recognizing the benefits of explicit power of the enemy, but do not miss a chance to test their effect on the weak.

The "overwhelming and conquer" - is also popular in the dyad and is fundamental in the tactical program Huxley (which, like all ethics - aristocracy, very highly developed instinctive striving for moral excellence, social assertiveness and biological rivalry). The perspective of this program Huxley tries to suppress all the winning attributes and qualities that dominate his potential rivals, neutralizing them in all possible ways. He can combine with "weak" to destroy "strong", acting under the slogan of "weak is always right" (BE + ↑, -ch.s. ↓), and then straightened and weak to make place for themselves. Manipulative will sensorics (ch.s.3) provides a lot of opportunities for this.

- World Huxley - is, by and large, cruel world? ..

- This is the world stubbornly - involyutory - negativistov, extrovert - STATICS, ambitious aristocrat, the ability to establish relations of subordination under conditions of severe competition and a very severe tests. Although, of course, in order to lull potential competitor and mislead him, Huxley did not imagine myself away "meek lamb" - Emotive (manipulative ethics) and intuitive tactical resourcefulness him in this very practical.

- But Gabena he represents no danger? - A reader worries.

- Unless it is an antagonist on interpersonal relations - that is, its direct enemy.

- And for the society? After all, with this set of qualities and characteristics Don - Juan lamb beside him seem, though at all times Lovelace considered dangerous and odious personalities ...

- Well, society, then maybe reconsider their attitude to Don - Juan, especially as each of them can find their "Donna Anna". As it happened, for example, with a very nice young man (IEA, Huxley), whose behavior does not fit into the conventional framework of morality and caused a lot of trouble to others. But that all changed on the day when he met a very quiet, modest and reserved in the manifestation of their feelings a young woman (LIS Gabin) - a single mother who has left from a previous marriage darkest memories (from her husband, an alcoholic) and a five-year girl with a disability. Given that this woman was an amazingly beautiful and well arranged in life - worked as a designer in one of the prestigious elephants had a cozy and comfortable apartment, and she did not dare to think about how to marry this young man himself - believed that the best things in for her life was over. Can not say that the boy immediately persuaded her to this effect: when they met, in his "track record" was a few women who had it all the same "equal rights." But gradually all alternatives have disappeared, their names, addresses and phone numbers erased from memory, and he is now every evening hurry home to his "Donna Anna" and her little daughter, who loved him like a father. Six months later (after dating) they formalized their relationship, and now it is a very friendly and happy family, which is considered acceptable only a healthy lifestyle, are used only useful, low-calorie foods and beverages. Although some habits of "Don Giovanni" still appear in this young man, the situation is tightly controlled by his wife, who gradually and consistently pursues its strategy ..