Jon Stewart

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Jon Stewart

Suggested Socionics type: ILE (NeTi, ENTp)

Brief Biography

Personal Statements

“I've always run by the hierarchy of "If not funny, interesting. If not interesting, hot. If not hot, bizarre. If not bizarre, break something.”
― Jon Stewart

“You just have to keep trying to do good work, and hope that it leads to more good work. I want to look back on my career and be proud of the work, and be proud that I tried everything. Yes, I want to look back and know that I was terrible at a variety of things.”
― Jon Stewart

“How do you know what is the right path to choose to get the result that you desire? The honest answer is this: You won't. And accepting that greatly eases the anxiety of your life experience.”
― Jon Stewart

“Yes, reason has been a part of organized religion, ever since two nudists took dietary advice from a talking snake.”
― Jon Stewart

“Impossible things get done every day that are only made possible by the little, reasonable compromises.”
― Jon Stewart

“I am sick of deconstructing their propaganda, because it's pretty much the same as it's always been. It's just repeating something over and over again until we believe it and we hope that you believe it.”
― Jon Stewart

“I’m not going to censor myself to comfort your ignorance.”
― Jon Stewart

“If someone was to introduce hope and idealism into our political system, I think the tension that would create in other areas would certainly be ripe. You would think that if you bring oxygen to the organism, the organism lives. But there may be other organisms in there that thrive in darkness and in a more anaerobic environment. Watching those creatures writhe will always be interesting.”
― Jon Stewart

“Everybody thought Barack Obama was going to [inspire people] when he came to Washington, but, you know, the Senate seems like the place where smart people go to die.”
― Jon Stewart

“I'm not just a boy toy. I have feelings and dreams like anybody else.”
― Jon Stewart

“If your regime is not strong enough to handle a joke, then you don't have a regime.”
― Jon Stewart

“Fatherhood is great because you can ruin someone from scratch.”
― Jon Stewart

“I celebrated Thanksgiving in an old-fashioned way. I invited everyone in my neighborhood to my house, we had an enormous feast, and then I killed them and took their land.”
― Jon Stewart

“If the events of September 11, 2001, have proven anything, it's that the terrorists can attack us, but they can't take away what makes us American -- our freedom, our liberty, our civil rights. No, only Attorney General John Ashcroft can do that.”
― Jon Stewart

“If America leads a blessed life, then why did God put all of our oil under people who hate us?”
― Jon Stewart

“The internet is just a world passing notes around a classroom.”
― Jon Stewart


Type Arguments

Alternative Typings

Alternative suggested socionics types: ESE

Typings at SSS database: N/A

Suggested enneagram variants: 7w8, 7w6, so/sp, so/sx

See also