Kalinauskas, Igor

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Igor Kalinauskas.jpg

Igor Nikolaevich Kalinauskas (real last name Nikolaev) was one of the early socionists and associates of Aushra Augusta who is most known for developing a clear and simple model of the psyche based on four functions rather than eight as in Model A. This model was known as the "steering wheel of Kalinauskas" (in Russian "shturval of Kalinauskas") due to its semblance to a round steering wheel of a ship. This simple prototypical four-function model was used by a number of early socionists as introductory material for socionics study and research, but is much less popular today than Model A, which was developed later. Outside of socionics Kalinauskas has had a diverse career and is best known as a theater director and an esoteric philosopher. Self-typing is ILE.


  • Igor Kalinauskas born on February 7, 1945 in Novgorod. Real name - Nikolaev. Kalinaus was adopted as a stage name.
  • Graduated with honors from the Directing Department of the Shchukin Drama School in Moscow and worked in this profession, as a director of theater, from 1970 to 1984. In 1970–1984 years he has staged 68 productions at many drama theaters in the former USSR. His subsequent career path was very uneven. He writes that one day he has received an implicit prohibition from KGB to work in the theater and a "wolf ticket" such that no one would hire him. At the time of his declining theater activities, in 1970s, he became actively interested in psychology and esoteric studies. Among his other hobbies, he devoted some time to socionics.
  • In 1985 he join the Institute of Physical Education, Faculty of Coaching. Worked as a psychologist and a trainer with athletes of high performance sports. Many prominent athletes of Ukraine and former USSR have trained according to his methods and techniques.
  • Since 1986 Igor Kalinauskas has worked as a psychologist at the Institute of Clinical Radiology, defended his thesis on the subject of "Some aspects of pathological adaptation of an individual" based on his material of studying the psychological characteristics of people who worked as liquidators at Chernobyl.
  • Since Jan 22th, 1996, is a full member of the Academy of Regional Problems of Informatics and Management.

For 20 years he is known as a scholar and writer, now - a doctor and a professor and vice-president of the Academy of MAISU (International Academy of "Information, Communication, Control in Technology, Nature, Society). Author of numerous research articles and monographs. His books "Alone with the World", "Spiritual Community", "Have to Live", "Sit well" have been published in more than a hundred thousand copies, and translated from Russian to English, Lithuanian and Slovak languages​​. For 10 years he was known as a singer and composer of the duet "Zikr", which he performed under the stage name of Igor Silin together with Olga Tkachenko. Since 1996, Igor Kalinauskas has taken up painting.

See also