Lvov, Vladimir

From Wikisocion
Vladimir Lvov.jpg

Vladimir Lvov is a journalist by profession, introduced to socionics in 2004, took courses in it in 2005 and later set up his own website for typing services. Author of original methods in distance typing that heavily rely on use of Reinin traits for determining types of people from their interviews and written text. Offers courses for teaching his methods of distance typing through his website. In 2014 published a book titled "Socionics 2.0. Types as you never knew them". Serves as the administrator of Besides his interests in socionics, he also publishes in journals of "Industry of Soccer", "Business Journal", "Socionics, Mentology, and Psychology of Personality", "Boss" as well as on the site, enjoys heavy music. Self-types as "Huxley" IEE.

Lvov on socionics

"In my opinion, socionics should help real people live in the real world, and not try to impose another utopian idea. The human psyche and personality types are more complicated than it seemed to the founders socionics. My experience of diagnosis of hundreds of people shows that for a method method of implementation one needs a good understanding of all of the Jungian and Reinin traits, and only the model that fully accounts for all of these criteria can adequately describe any sociotype. There is only one simple and universal recipe for happiness: each of us has the freedom to choose our own path. This understanding of socionics serves as the basis for my counseling program and teaching services".

See also