Mironov, Vladimir

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Vladimir Mironov.jpg

Vladimir Mironov (born 1973) is a socionist from St. Petersburg who have been involved in socionics research since January 2001 as part of a socionics group conducting interdisciplinary research at the laboratory of the Institute of Human Biology and Psychology. Head of Dynamic Socionics Center. Has close contacts with such socionists as Larissa Kochubeeva, E. Malskaya, Milena Stoyalova, Gregory Rainin, Vera Stratievskaya, E. Sharov. Adminstrator of site "Socionics in St. Petersburg, moderator on forums "Your quadra" and "Ideal". Author of the book "Socionics. Semantics of information elements". Self-types as LIE.

Biography and contributions

  • Education: SPI PGUP - economics; Moscow State University - management of training groups; Moscow State University - gestalt-therapy.
  • From 2002 conducts various training programs (personal growth and corporate) that incorporate socionics.
  • In 2003-2004 - specialized in training in gestalt-workshop of E. Petrova.
  • In 2003-2008 - engaged in recruitment implementing socionics theory.
  • Since 2004 - engaged in consulting on the themes of "socionics in business processes". Author of several socionics based training programs for corporate clients and individuals.
  • In 2005-2007 - studied at the Moscow gestalt-institute.
  • Participated in a socionics research group:
    • in an experiment for filling of the Reinin traits;
    • in research aimed at the creation of type diagnostic methods based on Reinin traits;
    • in a study on revision of the aspect contents.

Associated Socionics Publications

See also