Salvador Dalí

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Salvador Dali

Suggested Socionics type: EIE (FeNi, ENFj)

Brief Biography

Personal Statements


Type Arguments

Argument for EIE:

Dali claimed to dislike abstract painting and to deeply admire classical realistic painters such as Diego Velásquez, his personal favorite. He said that there was no contradiction with regard to his own paintings since they were very accurate and realistic representations of his visions. At the very least this suggests Ni in ego.

Dali was known for his strange antics and for creating hype, which is a trait of many famous EIEs (generating an emotional response is most associated with Fe.

Many of Dali's themes were related to Ni coupled with ethical element: the passage of time, and the cloudy depths of the soul.

Alternative Typings

Alternative suggested socionics types: LSI, ILE, LSE, IEE

Typings at SSS database: Salvador Dalí

Suggested enneagram variants: 7w6, 3w4, 4w3/5, so/sx, sx/so

See also