Socionics Type Descriptions by Blohin

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ILE (Don Quixote)

The theory, idea, inspiration, improvisation, creative impulse, abstract, scientific hypothesis, insight, an ambitious project, the prospect of interesting initiatives, future, new trends, innovations
Intellectual curiosity, curiosity, open-mindedness, enthusiasm to change, innovation, discovery, invention, research, creativity, ingenuity, original idea, to solve the non-traditional way, grasp the overall situation, the spontaneity, fast response
To think, to think, to dream, to imagine
Schemes, classification, logic puzzles, puzzle
Untidiness, simplicity of life, a complete disregard for dress and appearance, immediacy in communication, neglect of servility, not a schemer
Distraction, forgetfulness, nesobrannost sometimes optionality
Freedom of speech, human rights, democracy ( "he lives and gives live"), discussion

SEI (Dumas)

Pleasant company, beauty (often physical), well-being, peace of mind, relaxation, beautiful objects, pleasure, convenience, to receive guests, to have a good time, appetizing food, nice clothes and smells, cleanliness, psychological happiness, physical attraction, beauty of nature
Diplomat, to convince, to persuade, to smooth corners, to negotiate, to reach a compromise, to be with both sides, to be the golden mean
Talented laziness, intense work activity is hard to achieve, may shift routine work to others
Realistic, practical, good family man/woman, worries about welfare and prosperity of family, concerned about material income
Secretiveness, vulnerability, emotionality, good sense of emotional atmosphere and relations between other people
Frequently relaxed, demobilized, disorganized

ESE (Hugo)

Activity, cheerfulness, laughter, tears, emotions, fun, feast, children, family, optimism.
To communicate, talk, laugh, to have a good meal, to treat friends and family, to enjoy life.
Travel, holidays, outings, participate and organize cultural events, organize fun, kindness, caring, obsession
Treats, give gifts to please people, to meet with smart interesting people, spend money, "bother" silent people
Noisy, loud speech, talkative, emotional, restlessness, always says what he thinks
To be in the spotlight, to entertain all, to be in movies.
Beauty, cleanliness, order, material well-being
I love justice, I like when everything is fair and equal.
The decisiveness and initiative, the ability to defend their interests; the ability to make quick decisions
Seize the initiative, be persistent, demanding, authoritativeness
To impose their opinions and views on the issue, at the same time, diplomacy, ability to quickly resolve conflicts
Painful perception of criticism
He likes to communicate with people, loves animals
Dislikes: groupishness, herd-think, stupidity; to look weak; can't stand when others tell me what to do.

LII (Robespierre)

Analytical mind, structured thinking; the ability to separate the primary from the secondary
The constant desire to think, to consider options, to analyze them, consideration of alternative possibilities
Methodicalness, perseverance, high capacity for work especially mental, endurance, commitment, responsibility, work without rest or interruption
Concealed timidity (also physical), modesty, caution, sharpness, emotional distance
Clarity in presenting the material, conciseness, brevity,
Almost impossible to convince, to lead astray, to confuse
Hard to admit own mistakes
Planning ahead, thrifty, careful
Theorizing, inclination to mental work, building abstract models, schemes, structures, classifications

SLE (Zhukov)

Will, determination, commitment, authoritativeness, rigidity, action, strength, victory, leadership, competitiveness, fight, power, drive
Initiative, perseverance, courage, discipline, aggressiveness, relevance, credibility
Logic, arguments, logical analysis
Internal vulnerability, sentimentality, undemonstrativeness, jealous protection of connections
To organize, to build, to lead, a steady hand, iron discipline, strength of character, to take responsibility, to command, to give orders
To take risks, to quickly make a decision, to go all-in, to mobilize in the decisive moment, to dominate, to rush into battle, engage in a fight, a decisive rebuff, to demand results, to win, to go ahead, to defeat the enemy, to subdue, to seize territory
The positioning of power, "reconnaissance through fights", does not forgive disobedience, to respond instantly, who will come over whom: "either they will overcome me, or I overcome them".

IEI (Yesenin)

Dreamy, romantic, "head in the clouds", sensitivity, poetry, sentiment, soulfulness, vulnerability, belief in fate (in the "higher power"), obedience, humility, spiritual peace, unity with nature, a belief in a brighter future, love animals adapt to smooth out conflicts, flexibility, emotional, soft, discreet, charm, ease of communication, affectionate, serenity, kindness, feelings, emotions, tolerance, sensitivity and attentiveness to the people, the intimacy, amorousness, warm and disturbing smile, elegance, extravagance, the harmony of the senses, the pursuit of beautiful, aesthetics, poetry, painting, fine gadgets, wide horizons, human cognition; chat with the artists, extraordinary, exotic people. Curiosity, indifferent to everything new, unusual, beautiful. Subtle humor Dream, myth, symbol, image, vision, otherworldly forces, afterlife, heaven, hell, the devil, Satan, the Almighty, psychic, aura, thought-transference, suggestibility, precognition, premonition, intuition, imagination, hypochondria , indecision, idealism, life between myth and reality, to complain of fate, to ask for help unpretentious in life, the inability to "spin" and earn money, impracticality, lack of entrepreneurial spirit, a non-profit people, supremacy of the spiritual over the material, hostility to the "dealers" and business vorotilam, it is difficult to force myself to deal with boring everyday chores, disorganization, nesobrannost, wasteful, wasteful, moodiness "my grief is light", "I like to watch the world go," Oh, how interesting "love life in all its manifestations;! I love the sun day, rainy evening, frosty morning, the noise of the trees, the beauty of nature, the storm outside the window, like when a number of people with whom you can just keep quiet; I love all warm and soft and fluffy; I like to surprise; I like people who have something to teach; people who are not like the others; people, beautiful externally and internally "To comfort, reassure the person warm words, reassure, reassure, to set up a fighting mood and create a festive atmosphere

EIE (Hamlet)

Emotions, feelings, passions, love, hate, betrayal, jealousy, compassion
The human soul, idea, shades of emotion, excitation of the imagination, impressions, intuition
Foresight, fate, destiny, faith, mysticism, imagination, prediction, forecast, outlook, global approach, benefit the humanity
Internal contradictions, doubt, anxiety, moods, apprehensive feelings, nervousness, mobility, dynamism, turbulent temper, quarrelsomeness, cocky behavior, mocking
To get into the "flow", to guess the "right" direction, to grab the "desired" initiative, to feel the timeliness of the moment, to find the "gold" mine, to play big
Ideology, propaganda, agitation, drama, romanticism, sublime feelings, inner doubts and hesitations, good and evil, elation, sublimation, tragic comedy, arrogance, self-love, vulnerability, impatience
Energy, adventurism, bluffing, game, good luck, risk, extreme thrills
Leadership, mistrust, religiosity, dictatorship, despotism, radical measures, uncompromising attitude, ego-centrism, a brilliant orator, demagogue, suicide
Success, fame, popularity, uniqueness, originality, talent, self-respect, self-glorification, open soul, playing a role, center of attention, gesticulation, stage, demonstrativeness, artistry, to show all, work with the masses, entertainment events, to advertise, the soul - is material, the spiritual world, maximalism, unaccommodating nature, hysteroidal, talent, premonition, intuition

LSI (Maxim Gorky)

Common sense, accuracy, neatness, order, pedantry, responsibility, commitment, reliability, stability, predictability, balance, clarity, harmony, proportion, logic, system tables, diagrams, structure analysis, directory, database, archive, algorithm, realism, pragmatism, instruction thoroughly delve into the details, perseverance, painstaking, stubbornness, will, tenacity, endurance, caution, suspicion, edification, rancor, tranquility, seclusion, silence, solitude, secrecy, thrift, Surovova, frown, grouchy; jealousy, envy, quality stuff, material prosperity, a good salary, subordination,
Instruct, organize, organize, to dig deep, to study thoroughly, carefully prepare, anticipate, calculate, prepare in advance, plan, act strictly according to plan, fulfill the promise (whatever the cost), to keep his word, check, control, tinkering hands, repair equipment, make repairs, to bring to perfection, to engage in concrete actions, the practical application, screw nuts, observe discipline, control the execution of the final result, attention to detail and deep analysis, to bring to the end, sort through,
Dislike for change, instability, upstarts, when customized, distract, dislike for adventure, experience the painful criticism

SEE (Napoleon)

The leader, self-confidence, will, determination, authoritativeness, the impact on people, manage, respect, career, popularity, prestige, authority, power, wealth, position, power, victory at all costs, fight, determination, temper (but easily appeased) , impulsivity, flexibility, diplomacy, to manipulate people and relationships, stubbornness, persistence, perseverance, energy, mobilize at the right time, temptation, pleasure, luxury and quality things, wealth, sharpness, hardness, breadth of soul, generosity and greed, knowledge of people and relations, cheerful disposition, the company, communicative, faithfulness, resourcefulness, humor, ignite a new idea, the heady scent of change, handing out orders, to patronize, to give advice to friends holiday, partying, toastmaster, dictate, pride, optimism, new experiences, entertainment , soul of the company, adventurism
Sold in a prestigious store, working with expensive clients, very important person, a chic restaurant, branded clothes, expensive furniture, a prestigious salon, steep foreign car
It is easy to switch, to conquer and master the space and objects to achieve their own, the right connections and relationships, democracy, make compliments, quick orientation in difficult situations, a good organizer, a violent activity

ILI (Balzac)

Forecast, prediction, foresight, expertise, concept, skepticism, imagination, analysis, conservatism, caution, pragmatism, history, past, theory, intelligence, observation, knowledge breadth, insight, scrupulous attention to detail, pedantry, passivity, peace, contemplation, benevolence, charm, nerastochitelnost, osmotritelnost, indecision, doubt, hesitation, punctuality, equipment, operation, optimization, file, database, file cabinet, collection, encyclopedia
Intelligent conversation, philosophizing, "black humor" ( "everything goes"), stinging ridicule
The situation in the development of inner rhythm, act slowly, to be safe,
Simplicity of life, the avoidance of elevated emotions

LIE (Jack London)

 Entrepreneurship, efficiency, activity, vitality, curiosity, movement, competition, productivity, efficiency, performance, business benefits, the practical application, wit, passion, success, streamlining, consistency, specificity, effectiveness, efficiency, reasonable risk, race planning, speed , leadership, restlessness, dynamism, optimism, friendliness, sociability, cheerfulness, luck, profit
Abstract logic, innovations, new developments, to experiment, the original idea, invention, search activity, overcoming,
Work fast, proactive, to anticipate, to calculate in advance, quickly and logically act
Gamble, risk, luck, adventurous, romantic, mountain climbing, hiking, traveling, unclimbed trails, come on business, adventure, life force energy, the ability not to lose heart and not to lose heart in difficult situations, calculating recklessness, vitality
Wide horizons, useful information

ESI (Dreiser)

Dignity, self-esteem, pride, commitment, responsibility, keeps his word, no matter what it cost, thrift, punctuality, thoroughness, thrift, elegance, aesthetics, accuracy, integrity
Loyalty above all else, do not forgive treachery and betrayal
Stubbornness, intransigence, will, tenacity, high performance, self-discipline, smartness, mobilization and discipline
Moral purity, moral duty, honor, honesty, integrity, ethics and traditions. The moralist (sometimes militant), sharpen ethical assessments ( "if a person is rubbish, why do I have to keep quiet about it?")
Emotional coldness
Beauty (passion for beautiful things, often materialism), health (physical beauty is important)
Flagrant order, cleanliness (dislike dust scattered things)
Vindictiveness, rancor, remembers both good and evil. He hates poverty
Caution, secrecy, suspicion, buttoned, suspicion. Shares intimate only with very close friends. Friends of the few, but they are "proven", "reliable"
Sexual freedom does not accept remains true not only for the sake of the partner, but because of self-esteem, shame, naked body
The reluctance to enter into close contact with people
Criticism, even fair, leads to painful experiences
Firmly defend its material interests and family
Conservatism, a dislike of change, chaos, uncertainty

IEE (Huxley)

Insight, enthusiasm, inspire a new beginning, the prospect of new love, not ordinary people, talent, ability, luck, success, unconventional success, communication, emotional excitement, inspiration, creative impulse, surprise, surprise, creative, irrepressible imagination, change of lifestyle, tale, extravagance, originality, unpredictability, inconsistency, instability, irritability, inner voice, intuition, insight, opportunities, freedom of creativity, resourcefulness, ingenuity,
Secular society, parties, party, adventure, small talk, meeting interesting people, contact and maintain relationships, care for others, a new hobby, it is easy to learn, get away, to impress, to create an image, to splurge, entangled story, improbable twists, light carelessness, reckless antics ostentatious eccentricity, intrigue, gossip, whisper behind his back, wash the bones, friendly smile, playful eyes, open gestures and great imagination, diplomacy, tact, childlike, playful behavior, joyous, cheerfulness, fast response
Quickly grab the essence, see the ability and the ability of people to act on the situation, to maneuver, to adapt, to make compliments, flattering, get out, instantly improvise and manipulate relationships, to act on a whim, an interesting initiative, incredible events, talk on sensitive topics, ease of communication, anticipation of something new and interesting, people mood, non-standard solution to the problem, a bold idea, an incredible project, "desperate situations do not happen", to give advice, to understand the "inside" a person with a single glance, to experiment with their looks and interiors room to diversify, promote and admire the talents of others, easily inspired and quick to give up on the object sympathy; resentment and vulnerability, but easily appeased and placability; He says without hesitation, with ease
Friendliness and kindness; determination and aggressiveness, even in critical situations; The more familiar, the better; be all on friendly terms, alternate periods of recession rises inspiration
Dislike for: solving everyday problems ( "I hate to wash dishes, because it is a fat and nasty"), boredom, routine, tedious repetitive work patterns, rules, regulations, restrictions, management of business documents, loneliness, rude and ill-mannered people; when questioned intellectual abilities;

SLI (Gabin)

Convenience, comfort, stubbornness, flexibility, independence, (you can soften, to beg, but to order anything you can not), internal correctness and courage, calmness, coolness, ingenuity, put into practice, to have their own taste, jealousy and distrust, material wealth, beautiful and quality stuff, great food, handicrafts hands, diligence, prepare a work plan, the physical and emotional comfort, aesthetic taste, curiosity, unemotional (but sometimes furious blast), "lazy master", "if you want to work - lie down, go to sleep - and all will take place, "to put into practice, to improve, rationalize (to do useless work), to sell at a profit, put to use, are skeptical to the slogans and appeals, common sense," beneficial is that makes life easy, "aim: to obtain from the life maximum comfort, at a cost of a minimum of effort; necessary and useful things, loneliness, self-esteem, self-defense, vulnerability, sometimes pessimism and apathy, "black humor", technology, profit, professionalism, ability to work with any instrument, dress neatly, to the sense of taste, but not provocatively, flashy, the main thing - conveniently; rejection of useless work, wasting effort and energy; Hide emotions behind a mask of inaccessibility, is afraid that his emotions will be exposed to ridicule, avoid overly emotional people, economical in his movements, work slowly, with skill, low-key quiet perseverance, modesty, invisibility, thrift, "a talented lazy" perfect organize the space for comfortable work and leisure, to stay with the maximum convenience, comfortable working conditions (good lighting, fresh air, suitable humidity, temperature), "Princess and the Pea", irony and incredulity, the limited circle of friends, unnecessary things not all - in the case: "of nonsense," candy "," personal gift ", construction of habitat, caring in regard to family and friends, do not tolerate: egalitarianism, invasion of privacy, useless work, excessive vanity, crowded gatherings, noise, scandals, crying, emotions, when pulled over trifles, smells, extraneous touch Likes: praise, attention and evaluation of their work, public recognition of merit, financial reward, kindness, warmth, naturalness, simplicity (no nonsense, even in the art of avoiding frills and excesses details )

LSE (Stierlitz)

Quick, clear, sober mind. A sober calculation, a clear understanding, clarity, clarity, order, discipline, initiative, energy, drive, determination, initiative, straightness, the activity, the clarity of action, work, labor, efficiency, courage, passion, resourcefulness, justified risk, integrity, strength of character , instruction, law, thoroughness, professionalism, punctuality, sense of duty, technique, technology of work, stability, predictability, stability, specificity, conservatism, uncompromising, inflexible, business dry, Formal reasonable and logical to operate, abide by the rules of the game, hard daily work , quality of work, calculate the situation, thoroughness, practical benefit, benefits, argue, be in the center, keep the promise at any cost, put into practice, Miser praise, inability to admit to feelings; inability to apologize, to admit mistakes; see more disadvantages than advantages of; intolerance of other people's weaknesses tightened, discipline, discipline, responsibility, commitment, athletic bearing, mobilization and sharpness, directness, hidden nervousness, endurance, hard work, overcoming difficulties, organizational skills, never show his weakness; sometimes tactless, unevenness, temper information, logic, calculation, facts, analysis, "the facts above all" the facts and again facts, blatant order (all over) Procedure with a capital "All I'm doing - I'm doing good," "said - did not you - do not promise," "I want to know everything", is not afraid of the authorities - boldly defends his views, sometimes even aggressive, always knows what and how to do a good administrator, a manager; loves to teach people how to act and live Aesthete, elegant, stylish dress (but not the dresses), cleanliness, neatness, punctuality, quality stuff, comfortable conditions for work, avoid physical discomfort does not tolerate: procrastination, nesobrannosti, mumble, slobs, laxity, laziness , irresponsibility, chaos and confusion, incompetence, and cunning craftiness, rogues and tricksters, intrigue, political games; can not stand when customize and hurry, late for a meeting, violating terms of performance work, talk about nothing

EII (Dostoevsky)

Quiet, peaceful, friendly; discreet sea of ​​feelings, a rich spiritual inner world
Empathize, remove the emotional tension, soothe, to sympathize, to penetrate the human soul to win; to understand people, to see their positive and negative sides, ulterior motives of their behavior, to see the likes and dislikes of people in a relationship who to whom it refers, to live according to the laws of conscience, love your neighbor, firmly keep the commandments, to respect tradition; live so that conscience was clear, and the soul is light; humanity, humanism, mutual trust, kindness, sincerity, humility, obedience, peace, harmony, compromise, make concessions, to smooth things over, forgive offenses, to go to meet, it is difficult to experience troubles, to understand the motives and desires of the people,
Ideas brotherhood, love, friendship, mutual understanding; dislike any form of violence, negative emotions, aggressiveness, talk in a raised voice, scandals; to help people, to do good, peace, non-conflict, sincerity, tact, respect for the opponent, compassion, kindness, self-sacrifice, compassion the misfortunes of others, softness, unobtrusive, conscience, shame, self-restraint, self-flagellation, the human soul, sensitivity, vulnerability, sentimentality, be sensitive to the tone of the conversation, sensitivity and attentiveness to people, indecision, procrastination, caution, slowness ( "utopanie in the details" when planning)
"Where is the love of people to each other, what happened to their conscience ...?" Conscience - a special state of the soul of man. When they say that "the soul of calm" - means a clear conscience
Courtesy, thoughtfulness, loyalty, spirituality, decency, respect for others, good and evil, the traditions, respect for the rules of conduct, ethics, morality, desire to impose their own understanding of what is moral and what is immoral; family circle, communication with loved ones
Punctuality, reliability, stability, honesty, responsibility, avoidant, shy, nedemonstrativnost, self-doubt
Extensive knowledge of the different areas,
It is not like being at one of the unfinished work of the other charge, can not stand the hustle and bustle
If he is asked to do something, can not refuse
It can not work in unpleasant psychological atmosphere, very much appreciates the psychological comfort, peace of mind, trying to bridge the gap ( "bad peace is better than a good quarrel"),
Do not tolerate dishonesty and betrayal;
Vulgarity or inaccuracy sees as disrespect to the people, does not allow himself to look sloppy; critical of its own beauty, appearance, endurance and stamina; painful brings their disapproval, criticism