Socionics Type Descriptions by Bukalov and Boiko

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ILE (Don Quixote)

People of this type are discerning of latent possibilities of people, things, objects, ideas, developments and discoveries. They are interested in everything new and unexpected, and generate a lot of ideas. However, it is easier for them to talk of ideas or hypotheses than to implement them into practical development and implementation. They realize this themselves, thus do not hesitate to ask others for help. As a rule, they have a very large circle of acquaintances.

The range of their curiosity is very broad. They tend to read a lot and on different topics. Due to their intuitive submergence, they are quite scattered - may forget things, not to notice a friend, or pass by their stop on public transport. His thoughts and ideas ILE tries to articulate logically, sometimes developing rather sophisticated and interesting theories, which he may use for minor everyday activities as well as for serious research. In this way, for example, Galileo Galilei discovered by logical methods the law of falling bodies, and what we call the principle of Galilean relativity; Karl Marx created the theory of economic relations; Albert Einstein - Theory of Relativity, and Sigmund Freud - his famous theory of psychoanalysis.

Typically, ILE looks calm and relaxed, but in extreme situations becomes mobilized, showing considerable willpower and determination. If he is being threatened, he can deliver a sharp rebuff, which is often surprising to people around him. If he's playing on a team, by shouts and orders he can mobilize his teammates. Dislikes clarifying and sorting out relationships and conversations on this topic - this irritates him. At times, in the name of reason, tends to ignore the moral demands of society - as Sigmund Freud published his research on sexuality despite the opinion of the public, which has turned away from him.

SEI (Dumas)

People of this type are very perceptive of the world through their subtle sensations. Artistic productions, pictures, architecture, music, paintings, literature - bring up an aesthetic reaction in them. Smells, sounds, images and colors are remembered for a lifetime. A person of this type knows how to "situate" himself in space, how to feel at ease in the most unfavorable conditions, even if this person is a climber who is climbing a mountain or a traveler on a long trip, he seeks to "adapt to the terrain", and no one better than him is able to find the "sweet spots". He senses his own condition, as well as the state of people around him. He feels the emotions of other people around him, manipulates these emotions, may say consoling and supporting words, to remove irritability.

ESE (Hugo)

People belonging to this type are usually very emotionally perceive reality - live emotions that often seem to others too intense. "Hugo" sees very emotional state of other people, their mood and feelings. It appreciates the family - it comes first for him. He likes to go to visit and welcomes visitors. "The greatest luxury - Antoine de SentOkzyuperi wrote - it is the luxury of human communication." In chatting with friends "Hugo" has spared no time. His emotional wildness ( "furious Hugo") can show Xia and incendiary speech to the audience, and in the fiery verses, and in the all-consuming love.

It is "a strong, cheerful, open-minded person." Rational and persistent: putting a goal, it seeks to achieve, in spite of any obstacles. Thus, H. Schliemann in childhood set about trying to find the city of Troy, sung by Homer. He grew up, became a merchant, learned many languages, and then organized the expedition-tion. And he found Troy because passionately believed in it. I must say that the humanities disciplines, such as linguistics, in "Hugo" exceptional ability. Engels knew about a dozen European languages. "Hugo", being engaged in the study of something, is a card file with the words, terms, plans his actions. Among the "Hugo" a lot of revolutionary politics: Camille Desmoulins, George Washington, Sima Bolivar, Che Guevara. "Hugo" loves to create comfort and coziness, lead his home in the aesthetic appearance, likes to work with his hands, perfectly prepared and delicious. It seeks to be aesthetic in words, expressions, movements, dressed as a musketeer Aramis, from the novel by Alexandre Dumas. In dealing with people trying to look like a business man. In "Hugo" is very complicated relationship with time - often late, delayed due to the inability to calculate their actions in time.

LII (Robespierre)

People belonging to this type tend to analyze everything that happens in the world around us. Appreciate the precise, though abstract and logical ideas and strive to create for himself a holistic, complete view of the world as a kind of logical system. Whatever happens, it should be explained, in their opinion, logically. Among the "Cartesian" many philosophers. Here we can recall the great German philosopher, Hegel, his grand system of philosophy. We may recall the Greek philosopher Plato who created his theory of the State in which he revealed his understanding of an ideal society. In this series, we can recall, and other authors of utopias - T. Mora, T. Campanella, also created their own theoretical system of society. "Descartes" considers it necessary to do right, no matter what.

General characteristic of people of this type - to go to the goal of consistently and systematically, despite the impediments. To this type belong and great humanists, scientists, fighters for social justice, Thomas Jefferson, NK Roerich, ID Kurchatov, PL Kapitsa. These include the academician AD Sakharov, who fought until his death for the triumph of the ideals of democracy and humanism, despite any persecution of the totalitarian system. "Descartes" often worried about human relationship problems, he tries to understand them "as, for example, the great German philosopher Immanuel Kant, with his categorical imperative, or NK Roerich (" The Living Ethics "). In a conversation with people," Descartes' shows politeness. He does not like to use strong-willed pressure on people and does not tolerate strong-willed pressure from others. All the time giving intellectual work, but quickly tired of diverse physical work.

SLE (Zhukov)

People of this type are well see strong-willed qualities of others and themselves have a well-developed willpower, the ability to achieve their goal. This is good, able to quickly navigate the situation and take the necessary decisions organizers and leaders, based on its logical analysis. Here we can recall Lenin and his "Tips outsider, where the analysis of the situation and set out an action plan for the seizure of power. In this case," the Great "knows how to arrange people to places and begin to act decisively, breaking and sweeping away all obstacles. It is practical, collected man. He loves to play sports, physical labor.

Witty ridicules people who do not like him. Able, if necessary, create groups for clandestine mafia type, batch, etc. Complete dedication, dedication can achieve success on the way to the goal of "the Great". Since SP Korolev showed these organizational qualities in the project of space exploration. "Macedonian" always listens carefully to the interlocutor. If the team has a new man - carefully watching him, making of it their own opinions. He listens to the advice of others, how to behave in a particular case, but after analysis of variants act in its own way - something like the principle of "We immediately consulted and I have decided." He does not like to talk about their feelings openly show them. Among the people of this type are a lot of generals and politicians: S. Razin, E. Pugachev, T. Ermak, Peter 1, Napoleon Bonaparte, Marshal Zhukov, etc.

IEI (Yesenin)

People of this type are characterized by an intuitive daydreaming. Sometimes it's the thought of a bright future, about distant countries, the various unrealizable, fantastic projects. "Yesenin" feels for a time, but this soft reverie leads to the fact that he was never in a hurry. Sometimes dreams and fantasies lead him to think about how to live a good life in the natural merging with nature as well go back to that state. It wrote JJ Rousseau - a prominent French philosopher, but even earlier, in China, the philosopher Lao Tzu declared human dependence on nature, the need to be in harmony with it, follow the natural rhythms se - law of the Tao. We may recall the most Sergei Yesenin extols the native nature and experiencing in St. Petersburg nostal-ogy for "birch calico fields." "Yesenin" feels the emotional state of others, very gentle and considerate in communication, more sentimental. Easy "Esenin" smile and the first cosmonaut - Yuri Gagarin. In the family, "Yesenin" if he wants to achieve anything, can use emotional pressure "playing the whole drama with tears, rage and fury. Thus, if the goal is reached, an emotional outburst may cease and be replaced by a calm smile. People of this type, especially women , distinguished elegance, aristocratic clothing, manners, speech and gait. Self initiative to physical labor did not show, but once they do it will say it is easy to begin to cook, wash dishes, etc. "Yesenin" does not like to show their active business skills, ie the "cool", earning a living.

EIE (Hamlet)

People of this type tend to emotional and sometimes dramatic-mechanical perception of the world. "Hamlet" is able to create and sustain dramatic emotions, while speeches - emotionally electrified atmosphere. Among the people of this type are many excellent actors (Charlie Chaplin, Oleg Dal), playwrights (William Shakespeare), speakers and politicians (Mirabeau), often combines both. A striking example - LD Trotsky, who spoke with fiery speeches of the revolutionary forces.

Often it is the poetic nature. Among the "Hamlets" many fine poets and musicians like. for example, JW Goethe and Wagner. The tragedy of the senses manifested mainly in adolescence, sometimes comes the idea of ​​suicide. So, he killed himself the hero of the novel JW Goethe's "The Sorrows of Young Werther". As the author wrote only sloshing feelings on paper saved him from suicide. "Hamlet" feels good development, is able to anticipate the critical situation, preparing for it. Before making an important decision for a long time questioned and ranges ( "To be or not to be?"). Perfect sense of the past, can even experience it often refers to the new disbelief. If you remember, almost all of the play by William Shakespeare - historical hronikki, but the playwright has created a remarkable fantasy-WIDE characters, which we perceive as real. In dealing with people trying to show its efficiency and practicality. Exacerbations takes notes on their appearance, manner of dress.

LSI (Maxim Gorky)

People of this type like to analyze the relationship between the objects of the world, to create a closed classification. Sometimes it can be any structure - a building or a city (Le Corbusier). Pondering any problem, "Bitter" seeks to avoid ambiguities, "it lays out everything on the shelves." He always carefully considering the issue, his performances always clear, logical and clear. It likes to plan their actions in advance. Having set a goal, we strive hard to achieve it, refusing, for example, going to the movies, so as not to waste time. It is able to work with your hands perfectly, beautifully draws and draws.

Among the people of this type are many prominent artists and architects. If an artist, it achieves high accuracy, carefully prorisovyvaya parts; if administrator, often seeks to control every question going into details. "Bitter does not like ambiguity, vagueness, ambiguities strives to discipline and diligence, the same demands and from the subordinates if they consider that the rights -... Can show a strong-willed pressure and even cruelty itself does not argue with the head and usually seeks to fulfill all its instructions. When communicating shows a good attitude to the interlocutor, courtesy, listening skills this skill governs the psychological distance between themselves and the other person -. it brings, it alienates people from themselves "Bitter" poorly versed in the possibilities of other people, often do not know what. they are capable of.

SEE (Napoleon)

People of this type have a well-developed willpower, giving them a "punch" quality, and well see those qualities in other people. To achieve its goals, "Caesar" is often and successfully uses strong-willed head, often trying to solve many of the problems with the course, swoop. So Julius Caesar, the Roman senate reported the capture of a town: "Veni Vidi won..." If the problem can not be instantaneous resolution and "Caesar" meets resistance, it can cool off and come back to it. Resist if it put pressure, and does it with pleasure, getting excited. This is especially true physical force action (mostly men). Sam does not show its strength, but is aware of it and condescending, arrogant and sometimes refers to others. With people "Caesar" always strives to maintain good relations, is able to place the interlocutor to himself, to control his feelings. Cleverly takes care of the opposite sex, easily achieves mutuality - remember the legend of the "amorous" adventures of Julius Caesar or Alexander Pushkin. Among the people of this type are excellent speakers and writers - Cicero, Tolstoy, D. Byron. "Caesar" perfectly able to listen to the interlocutor, show him your location. He does not like to be told to irrationality, illogicality of the behavior; It can flare up, come to the irritation or rabies, especially if something does not understand. If was up to any deal and hears skeptical predictions, it often prompts him to try his hand in this matter. So Pushkin, a fortune teller who predicted the death of the blond man's hand, looking for a quarrel with all the blondes who met him.

ILI (Balzac)

People of this type perfectly feel the situation in time, for example, what the outcome of the case was started, or how to behave in a familiar person in a given situation. These predictions are rarely comforting, more often - "It does not come out anything," etc. The interesting thing is that most of his predictions come true. For example, many of the prophecies have come true French-telja predictions of Michel Nostradamus. In general, "Balzac" inherent pessimism and skepticism. At the same time he is able to logically calculate the business benefits of an event or person.

Able to manipulate the money, not love them razbrasyv-vatsya. Very often young "Balzacs" "no" pocket money - they just do not want to spend them. The advanced logic to successfully engage in mathematics, physics, programming. For example, Norbert Wiener was interested in the problems of modeling and management, which led him to the idea of ​​creating a new science - cybernetics. In dealing with others, "Balzac" is demonstrating its ability to conveniently, comfortably dressed, take care of health and comfort, interest etsya these issues. He does not like it when someone violently emotes, trying to get away, and sometimes even sleep .... For this reason, it seems quite emotionless - emotions and suffering for him the same thing. He likes strong-willed, determined and pleasant to talk to people.

LIE (Jack London)

Belonging to this type are well versed in the business qualities of people, their ability to work. They know how to handle money, capital or know how they can get. It is no accident himself Jack London was among the miners in the Yukon, and many of his works are devoted to this topic. "It is necessary to do" - people love to repeat this type. But Ostap Bender knew dozens of ways of extraction of money without violating the law. Among the "Jack" many eminent scientists; Newton, L. Landau, John von Neumann, Richard Feynman. Their thinking is not abstract, but concrete, based on facts, "do not invent hypotheses" - Isaac Newton dropped. "Jack" is perfectly sees the direction of developments, prospects venturing Affairs, is inspired by them. He does not like to sit in one place: "Time does not wait!" Maybe start more and more new things, not finishing the previous. Can vividly describe future results and benefits. Here we can recall as Ostap Bender talked about his dream - Rio de Janeiro, where "all - in white pants." In "Jack" of great interest to the numerical simulation, among them you can find a lot of highly skilled programmers. In communicating with others trying to lift their mood, he likes to joke, witty, and if stands, it may seem very emotional. If something does not agree, can not refrain from loud exclamations and perturbed replicas. If "Jack" sickness or disease, his psychological state is deteriorating, there are gloomy thoughts. The best health protection - it is a sport and the preservation of the environment, - the "Jack". Google Translate for Business:Translator ToolkitWebsite TranslatorGlobal Market Finder

ESI (Dreiser)

People of this type are well versed in interpersonal relationships - someone who loves, hates, like, etc. Especially well feel and see attitude. They love to talk about moral principles, the need to be faithful to duty in the performance of their duties. If this writer, it makes special emphasis on the moral and ethical evaluation of actions of the characters. Turgenev gave a remarkable gallery of female images, characterized by high morals and fidelity to duty. Theodore Dreiser's novels also largely devoted to questions of morality. "Dreiser" is often said that the world is morally flawed, and the cause of all the troubles in this. He often peculiar pessimism. The inner world of this type of great person described in the story D. Salinger's "The Catcher in the Rye." "Dreiser" good cook, likes to frequently clean the apartment. From the "sports picks gym, where you can show your talent body control, or ballet It is able to withstand prolonged willful exposure, direction-fief to him, and he can show remarkable endurance and stamina One example of this -.. Way of Catania Commissioner in the Italian television series "Octopus", which he pursues with relentless tenacity mafia - "Dreiser" nothing can stop in the conversation, explaining the other party anything, "Dreiser" trying to think logically, sometimes lists: "Firstly ... secondly.. .. third ... But their actions it is not always possible to justify a purely logical. He does not like it when assessed his abilities and talents. It can only show the work - he believes.

IEE (Huxley)

People of this type are well versed in the hidden abilities of others. "Huxley" is interested in unusual people, their abilities, talents, admiringly talks about them. It can be distinguished scientists, artists, psychics, etc. Sam Thomas Huxley promoted Charles Darwin's theory, and it is thanks to him, it has become widely known. At the same time, "Huxley" sees good prospects for any projects, such as construction, and immediately says, will or not. It is easy to communicate with people, start dating, able to please others, trying to maintain good relations with all. It is easy to be interested, to convince a person to persuade him to do something. Remember how Tom Sawyer painting the fence: it does not cost anything to convince his friends that it was an exciting experience. He did not perform particularly well-manual work and does not aspire to it.

Children belonging to a type of "Huxley" big dreamers, inventors and restless, they are always up to something. As for adults, they engage in a boring affair, they are most interested in people. And so many of them psychologists. This excellent journalists, and sometimes politics. Theodore Roosevelt, who became president of the United States during the Great Depression, gathered around him a distinguished economists and led the country out of crisis. A Dale Carnegie books on the art of communication known throughout the world. The behavior of the "Huxley" has an interesting feature: it is easy to achieve the favor of the opposite sex person, but from the intimate relationship "Huxley" at the last moment may avoid - like Don Rumata in the episode with Dona Okan in the novel A. and B. Strugatsky "Hard to Be God ". If threatening situation develops. Teksli "does not wait passively, than all will end, and the first goes on the offensive. He does not like" being told "what he does not understand,

SLI (Gabin)

People of this type are well versed in the sensations that brings the world "Gabin" know where the room is warm, and where cooler that feels this or that person, if you sit by the window or eat some food, convenient to him or not, as the he generally feels. "Gabin" has a good memory: remember themselves and their feelings from a very early age, sometimes from infancy. Good feel of the interior aesthetics, always knows how to make a comfortable, properly. It pays great attention to the creation of comfort and convenience. Of the total, making tends to benefit. Do not engaged in work that does not give practical results, made by values, inventive. Agatha Christie, having a huge imagination, "designed", invented detective story with a complicated intrigue. As for the old things, "Gabin" always strives to somehow be used to squeeze out of them all the best, but do not throw away. Catching any case, it is very persistent in achieving their goal, for this it is considered stubborn. Curious meets all new, but always compares with what is: has established to achieve it seem preferable. He does not like scandals, shouting, emotional outbursts of others, trying to move away from such people. He does not like to show his feelings. To this type belong to Louis de Funes, IE Tamm, and of literary heroes - Huckleberry Finn, and Winnie the Pooh.

LSE (Stierlitz)

People appreciate this type of business qualities of people, their competence, to operate like concrete facts, to combine them, to be creative. One of the most prominent inventors - Thomas Edison - belong to this type. "Hill" collects the set of facts relating to his occupation. Not by chance it can be called innate intelligence - gathering information goes quite naturally. Here we can recall the legendary Richard Sorge. Interestingly, in the film "Seventeen Moments of Spring" There insertion - "Food for Thought", accurately reflecting the nature of thinking, "Holmes." People of this type like tinkering, creating graceful, beautiful things, to cook, lay the table, to fine, hard work, appreciate aesthetics made; they - "smart hands".

All the striking features of "Holmes" perfectly describes A. Conan Doyle: impeccable logical thinking as a model power of the human mind, the ability to examine, put chemical experiments, play the violin, plus excellent powers of observation and resourcefulness. "Every life - a huge chain of causes and effects, and the nature of it, we can know the one link ... ... Let the researcher looked at the first comer, learn to identify his past ...- says Sherlock Hill With strangers he restrained. and even cold, but with friends or at home can give vent to feelings. When working, "Holmes" is sometimes feared that makes it late, so try to get ahead of events.

EII (Dostoevsky)

People of this type are well oriented in the relationship between people, feel the attitude of others to themselves. "Dr. Watson" believes that all people should live in love and harmony. Deeply interested in the inner world of man, he seeks to reveal it - so they are excellent teachers and educators. Among the "Watson" many religious thinkers and philosophers: Confucius, VS Solovyov, NF Berdyaev, Florensky, NM Karam-zin.

The feeling of love for man, the high humanism characterize their outlook. FM Dostoevsky ( "Watson") in all his works, trying to uncover the inner world of man, his thoughts, feelings and actions. His ideal - Alyosha Karamazov and Prince Myshkin, who represent the most light for the writer. A friend of Sherlock Holmes - Dr. Watson is best versed in the spiritual world of man than in his business, external qualities, so therefore it surprises and delights insight Holmes. "Watson" perfectly explains how to lay all the well-known "on the shelves." If something does not know - she is experiencing confusion and aims to find out what was going on, so you feel confident. He focuses on the patterns and achievements of the past: "I give, but I do, I sincerely respect the antiquity" - Confucius said.

He believes that the most important thing - the right upbringing and desire to faithfully perform their duties, a moral duty. He does not like physical violence, never yelling at subordinates. If he needed to talk to someone - trying to do it alone. If it offended the feelings of their abuser usually does not show very often forgives him. "Watson," like people who speak clearly, concisely, able to work quickly and beautifully.