Socionics Type Descriptions by Filatova

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ILE (Don Quixote)

Intuitive-Logical Extrovert
ILE – ENTp (Ne,Ti) – Don Quixote (Inventor)

To the ILE the world is full of riddles, which conceal unusual possibilities. By solving these he learns of their embodied possibilities, which capably aid him in the creation of fundamentally new logical concepts.

Description of the Strong Functions:

Ne – Program function. ILE possesses an inextinguishable interest in the new and unusual, which promise to provide him with gripping prospects and possibilities in the future. The greater such possibilities are, the more they will interest the ILE. His interest flashes instantly, causing him to dip boundlessly into a new area of activity, but just as quickly his interest towards the subject may cool if it doesn’t seem to promise anything in the long-range.

He is exceptionally creative, constantly in search of the best way to realize his abilities. His greatest enemy is someone who will not allow him to realize himself, a person that tries to crush his sincere enthusiasm with things such as routine work. ILE also wonderfully sees the potential possibilities in the people that surround him. He pushes others towards disclosing their abilities; he inspires them, before them revealing prospects one more brilliant than another. His approaches do not take heed of the established norms, nor does he hesitate in overthrowing them, with ease he tosses the old aside where they’ve become obsolete. The ILE’s behavior may frequently appear to be unpredictable, even chaotic. This is because his indefatigable inquisitiveness is subordinated by moments of illumination – such moments provide the occasion needed for him to immediately act. When not inspired by such moments he willingly spends his time with others where he’ll find meaning in whatever activity he partakes in.

Ti – Creative function. The ILE’s ability to think represents his strong side. In solving problems he always attempts to see the connection between the specific problem and the general situation; he tries to estimate his response on the basis of general consideration. If he estimates the essence/root, then the logical description becomes obvious; consequences derive themselves from their general conformity with the laws.

In work he is attracted to the development of strategic tasks, but not to the scrupulous study of fine details. The ILE’s principal difficulty is to settle down and concentrate on one area [of study/work]. To do this he needs to have a genuine need or especially strong interest.

After regarding and studying all of the data, which interests him, he is able to conclude facts where others haven’t, and to create a generalized theory of nature.

When only one aspect of his work fascinates him it sometimes occurs that he will inadequately perceive the situation. In such cases he will be defeated. However, this does not overly distress him: he can rapidly move away from an unsuccessful enterprise and direct himself towards anything new.

The ILE usually does not attempt to plan his activities in advance, but in a crisis situation he is capable of concentrating, of finding the set of variants for overcoming the deadlock, he knows how to yield to panic. ILE is able to inspire others with his enthusiasm, he may promise much but he is not always able to follow through: this is not because he refuses to acknowledge his shortcomings but because his euphoric, and enthusiastic, states may lead him to overestimate the possibilities of a new idea.

His basic interest often lies within the sphere of natural sciences, but is not excluded from humanitarian activity. If the idea of something suddenly lights up, in his mind, he will offer leisure time to it. He frequently varies the course of his life, from one profession to another.

He finds it difficult to subordinate himself to routine, to strictly regulate his work conditions; his impulsiveness may lead him to conflict with the authorities. However, should he find work that quenches the thirst of his creativity, he is able to bring himself to exhaustion whilst at the same time deriving great pleasure from his work.

Physical work may also inspire him, especially when it gives him the chance to comprehend something new, to discover the unexpected sides of his abilities. The possibility of learning something is sometimes more important than the eventual result.

Description of the Weak Functions:

Fi – Vulnerable function. The ILE feels nervously in the sphere of human relations. He usually interprets his relations badly, therefore he allows relations to develop with care, he waits until he learns something for sure rather than assuming. Thus he behaves with restraint in front of people he doesn’t know.

He cannot always discern the state of another person; he may therefore offend others in the manner by which he expresses what he’s discovered for he doesn’t seem to take into account other’s feelings in regards to the situation. But this is never the consequence of evil intent, envy or arrogance. ILE simply believes that he is speaking about something objectively, and that the truth will not offend anyone…

ILE places vast value on the decency of a person. The criterion of decency, as a rule, is overstated. If someone seeks his company he assumes that mutual respect exists. He strongly suffers offense and injustice. He will not reconcile with others, unless the offender apologizes before him.

ILE frequently has a wide circle of friends. He loves to consider different problems with them. They, alongside reading, radio and television, provide him with an excellent source of information.

Se – Role function. ILE usually prefers not to exert volitional pressure in his actions.

An exception to this case is when another person desires to use him for their own purposes, to force him into some activities. In such a situation he will give energetic resistance, decisively defending himself from another’s pressure. In protecting himself he can often manifest his hot temper and impatience.

In regards to everything concerning health, and the organization of household conveniences, ILE requires another’s guardianship. He rarely takes the effort to disturb his dwelling place, whether to organize or cause disorder. He will only episodically arrange and/or dismantle things if they prevent him from living and working.

The organization of his financial situation usually leaves much to be desired. It often occurs that he does not live within his means; he immediately spends everything he earns. But his ingenuity is always sufficient in finding the new possibility to earn and/or acquire money.

ILE at Work and in the Home:

As a boss ILE is especially good at strategic questions, the ability to see the distant prospect in regards to the selected direction of work.

He attempts to garner the attention of subordinates, to fascinate them with the grandeur of tasks, to gather adherents around him. He prefers not to enforce strict rules, to give others freedom. To do this he accurately discerns the abilities of each member of the collective. He gives them a detailed study/outline of the project for when those above him fail to do so he becomes impatient.

In an office of position ILE is capable of manifesting persistence, he is able to deal with a coworker that badly manages their work, however, in such a case he doesn’t let power get to his head, there is no arrogance or egotism.

The ILE is very sociable, however, he is not always able to create a successful family. He does not really understand the feeling of love. Love seems to occur outside of his control. Although it occurs that during life he may never be the one rejected or abandoned by another, even women of this psycho-type rarely agree to completely dedicate themselves to family.

Although he feels the strong need for the heat of contact with another, his weakness in the emotional-sensory areas does not often permit him to take initiative into his own hands.

Summary of Functions:

1. – Possesses an inextinguishable interest in the entirely new, which promises him with gripping prospects and possibilities. He readily puts to use any information source. He knows how to foresee the consequences of large events, possesses the gift of presentation. His mind is rich in fantasy.
2. – He is capable of creating a fundamentally new theory, after conjoining its details. He is frequently the initiator of new directions in science. Is able to qualitatively and consistently execute work, to scrupulously study its components, should it fascinate him.
3. – He establishes both for himself and others high standards of moral behavior. Is irreconcilable in his requirements, he does not pardon those that do not correspond. He is easily emotionally carried away by something, thus easily cooling to the previous object of interest. Is sometimes capable of victimizing others.
4. – He does not attempt to obtain something by force and, at the same time, will never give into another’s offense. Another’s pressure will be met with resistance. He rarely disturbs anything in regards to health and household conveniences. His financial situation leaves much to be desired, but his ingenuity is sufficient in obtaining money when necessary.

Professional Assessment:

ILE develops abilities most vividly in scientific work, in research. For the representatives of this psycho-type, like no other, is the possibility of initiating science in new directions on the basis of the synthesis of fields of knowledge, which would at first seem, distant from each other. May also successfully work in the sphere of business and commerce; also in the carrying out of intellectual production (i.e. book publishing).

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SEI (Dumas)

Sensory-Ethical Introvert
SEI – ISFp – Dumas (Mediator)

The orientation of main functional block of SEI: main things in life are harmony, comfort, the opportunities for pleasant experiences – one needs to show and to share this with others in order to make them happy.

Description of the Strong Functions:

Si – Program function. SEI's principal focus is on his own state and condition, in the broadest sense of these words. These states include his own physical sensations and perceptions, his well-being, health or illness, all that concerns food and its preparation, sensation of comfort in his environment (including at work), and his clothing (its aesthetic value and convenience).

SEI very well feels the idiosyncrasies and peculiarities of his body, as well as its needs. A physician, however authoritative, will not be able to lead him off the track if he makes a diagnosis that does not coincide with SEI's own personal sensations. Generally he considers being ill as something almost indecent: it is foolish, in fact, not to take care of oneself!

Just as well he understands the experiences and physical sensations of people around him – it is enough for him to note some barely perceptible signs and signals, which are noticeable only to him, to deduce the state of another. At the same time, he considers more appropriate not to interfere with another person, offering advice and recommendations. In the area of well-being one must take personal responsibility.

Usually representatives of this type knows how to prepare food well; they won't eat just anything. A culinary specialist of this type can even invent something new, some original dish. Setting up the dinner table, SEI usually tries to decorate his environment to make it aesthetically attractive – so that both his eyes and stomach may be on holiday. This is characteristic of SEI women as well as men.

SEI is very sensitive to the physical settings of his environment: coziness, convenience, finishing and design, proper selection of furniture, well thought out selection of colors – all of this he is not indifferent to, frequently this serves as the object of his concern and attention.

In regards to clothing, here SEI also realizes his desire for harmony: all pieces must be comfortable, functionally justified, and pleasing the the eye. He will not dress in accordance with fashion and prestige if it makes him feel uncomfortable –comfort is considered first of all!

Fe – Creative function. SEI is a gourmand not only in physical realm but also in the realm of emotions. His emotional sensitivity manifests in every respect: he enjoys many forms of art, especially music and singing. Frequently he knows how to play a musical instrument and sing for entertainment, may be a good writer, a poet, an artist. He is also an artist in love and loves adventures in this sphere. He knows how to pleasantly court, how to provide for both emotional and sensual pleasure to his significant other. Depending on the circumstances, to draw attention to himself, SEI is able to play an appropriate role to the situation: if this is a woman, then in different situations she may seem romantic and unapproachable, or careless and risque. Men behave themselves similarly – excellent artists.

When circumstances unfold in a way that a breakup in a relationship is imminent, SEI postpones until the last moment, until the last conversation, and hopes that everything will fall into place without his participation. He then attempts to immediately strike up new acquaintances, then comes the final break with his previous partner.

Generally, any unpleasantness and tension in relations SEI experiences with heaviness, and tries to avoid this by any means possible. If in his presence a conflict flares up between others, he tries to play the role of a mediator in order to reconcile the opposing parties as soon as possible. He himself readily yields in fights and arguments and is inclined to agree with his partner, if, of course, it doesn't concern issues that are of principal value for him. He poorly tolerates rudeness. In such situations he is capable of rebuffing the offender, saying something excessive and possibly regretting it later. In usual situations, his tactic is to distance himself, to leave for a psychologically convenient territory, to return to sensory and emotional comfort.

If someone tries to pressure him, to push him, his immediate response is to acquiesce in hopes that the problem will be peacefully resolved, and to harmonize the relations. Insisting on his own opinions, he as if gently yields his position, but will act as he sees fit. As a result, he manages to leave conflicting situations having incurred a minimum of losses.

His aim to provide for a pleasant experience for himself and his close ones frequently makes him the soul of social groups and gatherings. If he doesn't like the group for some reason, he will simply find another circle of individuals who are more sympathetic and likable for him, since internal soulful and physical comfort are his primary motivations in life. When for a long time he cannot have such experiences, he becomes depressed and everything falls from his hands.

Description of the Weak Functions:

Te – Vulnerable function. Logic of actions is SEI’s weakest function. Its weakness manifests in inability to act thoughtfully, rationally, productively, with minimum amount of effort invested. In order to work efficiently, it is very important that SEI has good working atmosphere and environment.

SEI performs poorly when he has to do routine, colorless, prosaic, scrupulous work. If such work is expected, he will attempt to elude it, to be occupied with anything else that is interesting and pleasant for him. Sometimes, giving into some temptation, he may even forget his promise and not fulfill it. He finds himself distressed when this occurs and may try to avoid the person whom he has let down.

Being well in tune with the sphere of pleasant experiences, SEI doesn't like forcing someone to do something, which this person may find unpleasant. If someone points out the irrationality in his professional and business activities, he receives such criticisms especially painfully. He is usually not very ambitious, does not aim for social prestige – he finds it much more pleasant to focus on simple, everyday happiness and good relations with friends.

Ni – Role function. The weakness of this function can be observed in the fact that SEI finds it very difficult to plan his time and perform his work by a specific point in time. He must force himself to do this. He usually avoids naming specific deadlines in regards to his work in order to have the opportunity to be flexible if necessary. He may begin on his tasks and his work long ways before it is due, worrying that he won't make it in the allotted time frame.

He is not always capable of correctly evaluating the situation and adapting to it. It happens that he makes mistakes in his evaluations of people and their potential over time, thinking better of them than they subsequently prove to be.

A very cheerful person, SEI lives for the present, doesn't miss opportunities to enjoy himself and enjoy life, playing the role for others of someone who seemingly has no problems in the future.

SEI at Work and at Home:

In professional settings, SEI frequently relies on personal relations to attain what he wants. He tries, as much as possible, to not draw attention of his supervisors, knows well how to set the proper psychological distance in his relations with others. In the business sphere he also uses his strong ability to function as a communicator-intermediary.

Although SEI dislikes exerting great efforts over himself, if he has found the right occupation or job – he can invest into it with great passion. However, if he finds that the atmosphere at his workplace to be adverse, he won't try to push through directly, to overcome something or prove something to someone, but instead he will seek alternative and roundabout routes in order to do as he wishes.

SEI is very attached to his family – here, his agreeableness, ability to make a concession in case of a dispute or a quarrel, perceptiveness of the inner states of his family members, desire to help them, to create convenience and coziness, manifest in the best way possible. In protecting those he holds dear, he is capable of overstepping his usual boundaries and becoming aggressive.

SEI willingly occupies himself by domestic tasks and chores – setting up and decorating the living space, running chores, doing groceries, preparing food. In this, his industriousness and economic sense start to visibly manifest. He is thrifty, knows how to dress and feed his family members. Moreover, his thriftiness usually does not manifest as miserliness – for his close ones and friends, he, as a rule, shows sincere concern and generosity.

SEI holds education in great respect and tries to make sure that his children receive good erudition, not sparing money nor his efforts in this respect, assuming that knowledge may offer some of the greatest enjoyments in life.

However, when it comes to discipline, he finds it difficult to adhere to the norms and morals. He will not usually pass up the opportunity to spend time in the company of another person if the opportunity presents itself. He is principally concerned that everyone is satisfied, calm and happy.

Summary of Functions:

1. Si: Main focus in life is on pleasure. Knows how to create coziness and comfort around themselves. Understands well their body’s needs; an Epicure and aesthete. Avoids power struggles and applying pressure to themselves.
2. Fe: Adheres to the rule of avoiding negative emotions whilst, where possible, striving to create positive emotions. Softly, and without restraint, can associate at a close psychological distance. Successfully carries out the role of intermediary in disputes, reconciling opposing parties.
3. Te: Effective, goal-directed, work is not their style. Leads by their enthusiasm rather than by systematic character. Finds it difficult to be incorporated in any regular system – acts spontaneously when applied to such a situation.
4. Ni: They’re not very interested in what will occur in the distant future; principally focused on the “here and now.” SEI does not visualize well the concealed possibilities of people or events; attention is concentrated on visible concreteness.

Professional Assessment:

The most adequate activities for the SEI are found in the sphere of services. Among people of this type it is possible to meet splendid artists and musicians; people of this psycho-type may also be successfully occupied by medicine and teaching. They realize their potential well in the areas of interior design, fashion and cuisine.

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ESE (Hugo)

Ethical-Sensory Extrovert
ESE – ESFj – Hugo (Enthusiast)

ESE emotionally moves people in all of their behaviors – emotion; the greatest value – positive emotions, including people in a life of happiness and convenience, avoiding everything that’s unpleasant.

Description of the Strong Functions:

Fe – Program function. People of this sociotype, as the leading function suggests, are quite emotionally oriented. Her emotionality manifests itself vividly in the ability to appear glad at any life event. Everywhere she tries to create a holiday atmosphere. With the aid of others this is easily accomplished, without bragging, by charging those that surround her by her enthusiasm, energy and high tone.

The most trifling event may serve as a source of enthusiasm; buying an interesting book, taking a day off work, meeting an interesting man…

Life for her is like an emotional sea in which she bathes. She manages her space, absorbs its energy, and emerges twice as strong. ESE cannot live without contact with other people, they for her are highly valued. She’s inclined to exaggerate their characteristics and prefers not to note their “shadow” sides.

ESE seeks to avoid all negative human reactions (offense, despondency, irritation, etc.), with the conviction: life is too short, so why spend it so poorly? Nonetheless, in her life, as with all people, there are objectively difficult periods. These are usually caused by tensions in relations with other people, which weigh heavily upon her. She finds these especially difficult to deal with if they’re connected with her house and family. ESE may also find herself in an unpleasant situation due to her gullibility. It occurs that her emotional impetuosity may splash out by excessive garrulity and/or boasting.

During bad times she finds it difficult to hide her feelings, in such situations ESE attempts to get away from it all, preferring to suffer her troubles in isolation. She assumes that others will seek her out and share their happiness, which she’ll then increase.

Generally ESE suffers horribly in any conflict situation, even when she isn’t a direct participant: she’s easily emotionally entangled in quarrels and takes everything too close to heart.

Si – Creative function. ESE is the romantic and aesthete, loves to create a warm social atmosphere. This is noticable in the external manner of her behaviour: after meeting a familiar she will stop and give the gift of her radiant smile (men of this type will bow). One of an ESE’s greatest pleasures is in entrusting gifts to others. Their principal goal in this to is to give another pleasure, to become a witness of their happiness. The price of the gift is considered unimportant: it’s not without reason that ESE is famous, amongst her friends, for her generousity and kindred spirit.

She quickly answers to any request for help, in such cases she’ll even abandon her work, deemed less important. By helping others she’s compensated with the reward of knowing she did a good deed.

ESE willingly participates in the nonformal organization of different events – of birthdays, anniversaries, christmas for the children of coworkers, holiday expeditions, excursions; so long as she’s around interesting people she considers such her pleasure.

Very active and loves productive leisure. In sports she favours enjoying the activity itself rather than just victory over others. Many representatives of this type love nature – the forest, sea, leisurely hikes, but it’s necessary in each case that she be in the company of good friends.

Like no one else, ESE is capable of organizing their surrounding space in the best way, to make it comfortable and convenient. Frequently she possesses excellent artistic taste. She wants everything around her to be beautiful; for happy eyes answer to people’s prosaic needs.

Quality is noticable in the ESE’s clothing (especially amongst women): refinement, elegance, faultless style, the ability to use the inexpensive yet just as adequate dressing accessories is one of her distinguishing features. But she never forgets about the functionality of clothing, its convenience.

One should also note that ESEs make splendid culinary specialists. Everything prepared by them is, as a rule, of superior taste. Even with limited ingredients at her disposal she’ll devise something new and “finger-licking good”!

Descriptions of the Weak Functions:

Ni – Vulnerable function. This is the weakest function. ESE poorly estimates the timeliness of actions and events. She finds it difficult to distribute energy so as to have time to do everything. Prefers to act immediately as the needs arise, and is usually a very active person.

She evaluates people by how they relate to her and can therefore mistake others and their motives. She is trusting and easy to deceive.

Finds it difficult to penetrate into the deeper, concealed possibilities of events. She reasons poorly in such cases. Therefore in some situations she’ll accept what is deemed appropriate and approved by others while in other situations her temperamental, courageous nature may push her into risky activities.

Due to a weakly developed intuition ESE frequently seems conservative. She poorly visualizes the aftereffects of various activities and thus prefers concrete knowledge concerned with the short-term.

Te – Role function. This function is distinguished by the ESE’s restless and emotional nature. She does not think deeply over necessary actions in regards to her work. She’s guided by her immediate moods and her behaviour frequently lacks forethought. She realizes her errors, in this regard, and scolds herself for her rashness.

ESE achieves her goals more often in a turbulent and energetic fashion, and not though systematic planning.

ESE at Work and in the House:

ESE deals with everything recklessly. She know how to be inspired by an idea and follow that inspiration to its end. In order to feel herself productive she desires a constant workload and to demonstrate only positive results in her work. In this manner the constant influx of energy allows her to evade fatigue. Generally prefers to work in the emotional sphere. If surrounded by people that take an interest in her work, and display sympathy towards her, she’ll work solely for their thanks.

Boss-ESE first attempts to join the group and create a friendly atmosphere of cooperation and mutual assistance. She zealously undertakes her work, without delay, and impels other to do the same. Her poor intuition does not permit her to see the precise prospects for novelties for she is too occupied with details.

When subordinates under perform ESE reports them, or even opens conflict with them for she identifies herself with the prestige of her collective and wishes that work be carried out qualitatively. She’ll obtain better leadership results, in any enterprise, when in charge of a small group of coworkers.

She’s very much tied to her family. For many – especially women of this type – family is the most important thing in life. The ability to create not only physical but also psychological comfort and optimism, and the desire to bring happiness to close ones are the strongest sides of an ESE’s nature; and are vividly developed.

Her weakness, in regards to intuition, means that domestic troubles are experienced in an extremely painful manner.

Summary of Functions:

1. Considers a good mood to be of essential value; finds it necessary to use her energy to increase and create such a mood. Follows moral guidelines for they provide reference points when unsure of herself. Easily associates with others at a close psychological distance; considers each individual notable and worthy of support.
2. Second to none in creating a comfortable, holiday atmosphere amongst family and friends.
3. Finds it difficult to give self up to dreams and to correctly forecast events. Frightened by the uncertainty of a situation for she poorly visualizes what she can obtain from it.
4. Finds it difficult to execute tasks in a systematic and efficient manner. Turbulent emotions negatively effect her productivity. Works well in an organized, team environment but without such will wish for someone’s help.

Profession Assessment:

The ESE may find suitable work in the sphere of services; to explain, to help, to advise, to politely respond. In the business sphere they’ll gravitate towards human relations and advertising. Many outstanding actors and teachers are also encountered amongst this psycho-type.

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LII (Robespierre)

Logical-Intuitive Introvert
LII – INTj – Robespierre (Analyst)

The orientation of ego block of LII: at the core of everything lie fundamental laws, which must be uncovered through deep investigation of the essence of phenomena and processes.

Description of the Strong Functions:

Ti – Program function. LII's weltanschauung is founded upon understanding of interconnectedness of phenomena in the surrounding world, its underlying structure and laws, to which everything that occurs is subordinate.

His thinking is analytical in its nature. He strives towards elucidation and understanding of general maxims, fundamental laws and regularities, as he investigates and gathers information. In his mind, LII builds a model that corresponds to his knowledge and experience, which is founded on his understanding of the surrounding events. If he has found and incorporated into his understanding some universal maxim, he will follow it with determination, regardless of opposition from others. By no means can he be distracted from what he deems to be the principal purpose of his life. He will abandon something he has started only if he, himself, becomes convinced of being mistaken.

His work and research often constitute the main purpose of his life. Many representatives of this type corresponds to the label "workaholic".

LII likes precision, accuracy, order; he is meticulous and discriminating in his reasoning. Finds pleasure in creating simple schematics, organizing everything "by the shelves", thinking and planning ahead. Considers that the behavior of people, especially at work, must correspond to specific logic and a definite system. Immediately notes the illogicality and contradictions present in the actions of people and, as much as possible, attempts to introduce corrections: he can express it as a criticism or offer to help, depending on whom he's dealing with. Generally, everything that is illogical and disorderly irritates him, as well as inconsiderate people.

Ne – Implementation of the program. In order to create a valid schematic, that corresponds to what is logical, LII attempts to penetrate into the essence of objects and events, seeks the underlying reasons for events. Cannot live without a basic set of beliefs; if it was necessary to abandon his old ones (this occurs extremely rarely), he will formulate others. In such cases it is very important for him to be convinced of the verity of the values, which are within his interests: his understanding must have solid internal support.

Instinctive insight into the substance of the existing world constantly leads him forward, and as soon as he has gained understanding, he is drawn to something new. Everything that has been understood by him seems to be very clear and uninteresting. Only for a short time he is capable of admiring the result he has obtained, for soon after there appears a sense of triviality for what's been done.

One of the LII’s most positive qualities lies in the ability to dismantle intricate and complex questions, to reveal the important parts, to see the problem "from above" and clearly relay his insights and understanding to others. If he has clearly comprehended the essence of the problem, he will not yield to his opponents and will assert his position and vision to the end.

A very characteristic feature of the LII: he is very perceptive of the course of time. He innately cannot waste it, spend it in vain. He works calmly, without emergencies and urgency, from aside he seems unhurried. His ability to concentrate, to not be distracted by external interference, leads to high efficiency in work. As a rule, he can accurately estimate when he will be able to turn in his work or finish a project. His sense of obligation and accuracy manifest themselves in everyday life as well: if LII has agreed to be at a meeting but didn't show up – this means that something serious befell him.

Description of the Weak Functions:

Se – Painful function. LII poorly responds to volitional pressure. Though he is often hardworking, operative, and likes organization, he will not execute the commands of superiors, which in his view are incorrect, or do so very begrudgingly.

If he is being treated unjustly, he will attempt to defend his right sometimes with expressed sharpness and ardor, which catches everyone by surprise.

He finds it difficult to fit into strict order and social hierarchy, where everything has been previously stipulated, and there is no space for creativity.

LII maintains rationality in material expenditures; frequently he will save a sum of money for the "rainy day" or some unforeseen situation. He is usually thrifty and will not spend money in vain.

His ideal of happiness is in a regulated and proper life, where there is time for work and for leisure. He can for a very long time, sometimes decades, adhere to the same daily routine, and feels very uncomfortable when circumstances disrupt his measured way of life. In such cases, he will try to regain his old way of life, since in it he finds internal support. Excessive disorder and chaos, whether in private or professional life, he experiences very painfully.

In regards to his health LII considers the objective reality, but he does not trust his own sensations and prefers to rely on physicians. When he falls ill, he strictly adheres to physician's instructions, obtaining the prescribed medication, administering the correct doses, and following the advised regimen.

In clothing LII frequently adheres to a "business" style that mirrors his professional association rather than highlighting his individual preferences. He does not care for pretentiousness and bright accessories. Even women of this type feel hesitant to highlight their sexual attractiveness with clothing.

Fi – Role function. In realm of ethics, LII adheres to the norms and traditions accepted within his society. In nonstandard situations, acts with sufficient care and restraint, so as to avoid situations where he orients poorly. LII poorly discerns emotions of others. He prefers not to interfere in conflicts or simply avoid such situations. Finds it difficult to comfort others merely with words. In such cases prefers to render concrete assistance, or, if this is impossible, to simply walk away and not get involved. Outpours of emotions, complaints, tearful confessions he tolerates poorly and does not understand what to do when confronted by another's tearful emotional outburst.

Usually LII communicates from a large psychological distance and does not like excessive familiarity. People, with whom he feels close, are usually few and mostly his childhood friends. In this, the weakness of his ethical function also manifests itself.

Thus, as a child and as an adult, she fails to develop and maintain many friendships. In this the weakness of the ethical function manifests itself.

Following established practices, LII's bearing is usually proper and restrained. He does not tolerate rudeness and himself rarely resorts to it. Often makes an impression of an aloof, dispassionate person, but usually this is only a manner of outwardly behavior – under the mask of restraint hides a turbulent inner life and full of intense experiences. However, his reserved nature does not permit him to share his misfortunes with others. For years he may harbor an offense, in the depth of his soul, only with difficulty forgives the offender.

In relations to opposite sex, LII shows caution and judiciousness, holds himself with restraint. He becomes enlivened in course of intellectual conversation – in this sphere he feels himself sufficiently grounded and capable.

LII at Work and at Home:

LII usually does not strive for management positions. Administrative activity is not his element. If, nevertheless, LII finds himself in such a position, he strives to rely on objective criteria, will provide cohesive logical reasons to convince subordinates of the need to undertake one approach over another. LII as a leader is more inclined towards democratic methods, but is always very exacting. Due to his high standards in accuracy and precision, he cannot wholly trust his subordinates. If given authority, he will try, by himself, to check over everything, to personally ascertain that everything that needed to be done has been brought to completion.

Systematic and orderly person, LII adheres to his principles in the organization of his workspace – everything that may come necessary is within arm’s reach, and there is nothing in excess, which could distract him from his work. After work, LII will clean up a little, place everything in its previously designated places; all the necessary supplies and materials are neatly organized on his table and shelves.

LII distinctly separates personal life and work. He has a strong sense of responsibility in respect to his family and relatives. Being predisposed to tradition, he is serious about marriage, cares for his aging parents, feels obligated to provide good education to his children. In relations to family, he is not inclined to excessive sensitivity: the weakness of ethical function prevents him from expressing his feelings, especially around other people.

Should one of his relatives require aid, including material, he will offer his help, but he will not freely throw money into the wind – in this sense he is rational. He likes to compile lists of necessary expenditures. Attempts to guard himself in the case of possible future adversities and misfortunes; saves money for "the rainy day".

In time free from work, values solitude and rest among family members. He cannot simply idle around and exist without a goal. Loves intellectual forms of sport: chess, checkers, and other cerebral games. With pleasure occupies with creating collections, and his hobbies – photography, art, gardening, sports. All his hobbies, as a rule, require diligence and devotion, and they must all have some positive purpose: he will not, for example, collect designer labels. In activities that do not require another's assistance, he can spend hours alone with a project that he is interested in. If someone shows an interest in what he is doing, he will willingly show and explain everything.

Many representatives of this type have a good musical taste: they love music or even play musical instruments, and even write songs themselves.

Summary of Functions:

1. Thoughts have an analytic nature. Knowledge is processed in accordance with global maxims. Create a model, based on their experience, in their consciousness. Works scrupulously and meticulously, loves everything to be precise and in order, is very accurate and judicious in work.
2. Attempts to penetrate into the essence of phenomena and events, seeks the core reasons behind what occurs, generates new possibilities. Knows how to foresee the ripening of global developments, possible dangers that may result.
3. Cannot comfortably express volitional pressure. Cannot act in ways deemed dishonorable or deplorable. Is not oriented well in the sphere of personal health and maintenance.
4. Must observe norms of morals and traditions deemed necessary. Behaves in a proper manner. Prefers intellectual contact to emotional contact. Holds self at a distance psychological distance from others. Emotional expression is restrained, often based on the norms dictated by society. Tries not to interfere/get involved in conflicts. Avoids emotional situations.

Professional Assessment:

LII possesses all the criteria necessary for work in analytical research. The ability to dismantle complex questions, to view the problem in its entirety and clearly present personal speculations, makes LII a good instructor and scientist. Amongst LII are also encountered people in the arts, most frequently musicians.

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SLE (Zhukov)

Sensory-Logical Extravert
SLE – ESTp - Zhukov

SLE is represented by his or her direct force on the world, and its purpose consists of correctly designing a balance of forces and organizing them in the direction necessary for their realization: thus things are made possible to conquer.

Descriptions of the activity of the strong functions:

Se – Program function. Basic qualities exemplified by SLE: volitional pressure, the uncontrollable desire for activity, sporting tone and resoluteness. They are people of activity; contemplation, as a way of life, is absolutely alien to them. They will attempt, by any means, to achieve their goals, their means of achievement are not hampered by ceremonial(i.e. bureaucratic) regulations.

In their struggles SLE will never yield initiative. If necessary they will wait for the proper moment to act and will never forsake the opportunity at hand. Their influence is governed by their power, often they don’t think, to themselves of other [strange] ways to solve problems. Acting with pressure they do not submit themselves to the success of a common cause but rather are capable of entirely taking the responsibility of leadership amongst themselves. They are inflexible and rigid in conducting other people towards the execution of activities/problems. Decisively they manifest their interest in work and are not tormented or distracted by pangs in their consciousness, even if, for the achievement of their goals, they must pinch, punish or offend someone. When that, which they desire, is impossible to reach quickly and directly, they seek alternate routes and without fail tend to attain one.

As a rule they are the innate leaders, organizers of work on any scale. Even in a new environment, or new spectrum of activity, previously alien to them, it remains possible to be confident that, sooner or later, they will prove capable of taking control. True, sometimes they emanate excessive pressure, in a volitional sense: everywhere where, in SLE’s opinion, something is under-fulfilled, or lacks completion, further work will be managed with their personal interference. Being energetic and ambitious, SLE assumes that the significance of an individual is determined by their situation in society, by the ability of the individual to attain their place in life; therefore they can prove to be, at times, intolerant, even rough, in terms of respect, with those with of lower status. They may consider another to be measly if that individual failed to reach a fitting place in the social hierarchy. On the other hand, those, whom possess authority in society, are worthy of respect.

SLE will never resign, never allow themselves to be conquered. If forced to suffer humiliation they will gather the necessary force needed to take vengeance; they do not pardon offenses directed against them.

Ti – Creative function. In order for them to emerge victorious in their struggles it is necessary for them to be able to select a principal direction, in which to orient themselves, to, in time, recognize the key links that connect different situations. The SLE is the most sober realist of all the psycho-types: their sensory recognition, combined with logical analysis reliant on a complete set of information, allows them to precisely reproduce a realistic picture of the world in their minds.

SLE logically, and sensibly, interprets the situation, checking for far reaching aftereffects of various events. Nothing is assumed upon blind faith. Beginning work, they fixedly consider all possibilities, collect all the necessary information about all aspects of the task at hand, and examine the opinions of all those surrounding, but always make the final decision themselves.

Wonderfully understand how best to organize work and the inability of others to act on such an optimal level. Thus the SLE will take upon themselves, not only their own responsibilities, but also the affairs of the surrounding people, to which SLE relates with sympathy and respect. Even if their (sometimes nitpicking) supervision begins to irritate another, that person will nevertheless take comfort in the possibility of feeling protected next to SLE, “the immovable wall.”

In every area of activity a rapid and perceptible return is paramount. They wish to see the result of their work, as far as possible, in a concrete-material sense: the constructed building, the launched rocket, the earned strategic success, the appreciation of a gift, the acquisition of an apartment, the completion of a machine…

Descriptions of the activity of the weak functions:

Fi – Vulnerable function. When any situations deals with the ability to “catch” moods in others, the tones of attitudes, which present themselves in people, amongst each other, and towards SLE, SLE suffers an internal feeling of nervousness. They are apt to understand the business concerns within a person, but not how to emotionally comfort someone in tears, whom asks for empathy. In such cases SLE may, in an authoritative tone, give logical instructions, “Act immediately! Make this so, and this thus, and I will help you.” They thereby use their strong functions where they don’t successfully operate; in the sphere the SLE’s weak ethics of relations. Here it’s appropriate to consider their personal emotional struggle. Following stormy periods of activity they may find themselves victim to a certain (sometimes very powerful) bout of depression. Their direct activity combined with assumed responsibilities, not only for their own work but that of others as well, can lead to a state of temporary exhaustion and decline of motivation. As a consequence of this depression they are attacked by dark moods. Their fitness for work sharply declines in such periods. However, SLE tries to hide this state from other people; thus providing the impression of being always emotionally guarded, “chained into their armour.” Their “working” tone is also not constant: sometimes when they run into obstacles, concrete or social, they are subjected to flashes of unbridled anger. SLE is characteristic in formal business activity deprived of the emotional heat that irritates their sensitivities.

The SLE, whom appears to others, often seems to be in such good shape that those close to them believe this psycho-type has no need of simple sympathy. However, this is an illusion. Being badly oriented, in regards to the emotional manifestations of people, and constrained by their own feelings, SLE can only externally fabricates the mask of “iron man”, which internally does not exist. Women of this type, particularly, suffer from the fact that close ones fail to develop concern and participation in their lives. With bitterness, SLE yields consciously to the fact that through their independence, resoluteness, hardiness, and by their own will, they will create about themselves the impression of a person, to whom warm sympathy, from others, is not generally necessary.

Ne – Role function. SLE ineptly examines the concealed possibilities of people and phenomena. Therefore, utilizing supplementary sources, they, in every way possible, will find out more about those with whom it is necessary to relate.

Understanding their weakness in this area, SLE prefers not to guess, but to utilize concretely available information, moreover to logically evaluate others (i.e. according to their strong function). Therefore they are inclined to judge a person by the practical characteristics of his/her behaviour rather than on the bases of sincere observation. Hence their judgments of others are sometimes two-dimensional.

But in the end SLE wishes to provide, to others, the impression of a penetrating person, capable of instantly dismantling the chaos of a difficult situation. This is what naturally propels them towards the role of leader.

SLE at work and in the house:

The SLE’s abilities, as leader, have already been noted. As a rule all the results of their actions are seemingly connected, compressed into a collective, and aimed towards the execution of a stated solution. Being sensually oriented they’re also magnificently able to develop tactics, which allow them to maneuver flexibly under instable conditions. Their talents are successfully realized within the sphere of business.

In contrast to those that work systematically at a task, SLE calls to mind the broad-range processes of a task, capably able to multi-task amongst multiple operations. They create the impression that they immediately champion the interests of their group rather than merely their personal interests. When operating in a group SLE considers themselves responsible, as a personal duty, to create a condition in which the workers under their command are materially secure. Simultaneously they precisely track the coordination of work within the whole structure of production through the smaller parts; thus if an employee frequently falls behind in their duties SLE will make sure his/her incompetence has minimal influence on the collective’s effort. They take pride in the group subordinate to their power and quickly dismiss any selfish individuals that pose harm to their collective.

SLE – an excellent organizer, not only in production, but in the family as well. They know how to manage the economy of a home, know where, and which, object to buy, can magnificently select the cheapest, highest quality products necessary in daily life. They don’t waste time securing what is needed at any given moment.

Home, as with work, is solidly located within their sphere of control. Thus SLE may appear to be intolerant to others in the home when their interests conflict with his/her own. When SLE gives orders/chores to others in their home it is expected that they be immediately executed. Those that refuse risk an immediate conflict. At the same time, however, SLE often will take upon themselves the duties/obligations of their close ones. If someone, within their household, faces a crisis situation, SLE will do all that is possible, and sometimes even the impossible, in order to help their close one out of the difficult situation.

Summary of Functions:

1. Basic qualities include volitional pressure, the uncontrollable desire for activity, a competitive demeanor and resoluteness. For an SLE victory is paramount. Know how to create comfort, to make any object convenient in their private life. Possess a good taste in the selection of clothing.
2. Know how to precisely organize the forces disposable to them, to differentiate between primary and secondary objectives. Splendid organizers of any scale. In work focuses on the “large-scale”, not interested in fine details.
3. Find it difficult to see something new, does not note new possibilities, prefers the path proven by practice. Rejects all that is irrational. Irrationality leads to guessing whereas SLE prefers to stick to ideas that can be undoubtedly counted upon.
4. Easily able to associate with anyone at a close psychological distance, however, finds it difficult to feel the nuances/moods between people in its relations. Tries to hide personal emotions, thus seems, to others, to be “dressed in armour.” Not adept in understanding the manifestation of own emotions and moods: may shout and not take into consideration the fact they offended their target.

Profession Assessment:

SLE is an excellent organizer/administrator of any scale in any area: science, art, medicine… They also realize their abilities in any primary structure, in the military service, in sales. Also has the qualities necessary to compete in sports.

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IEI (Yesenin)

Intuitive-Ethical Introvert
IEI – INFp – Yesenin (Lyricist)

The IEI’s principal value in this world are the invaluable gardens of his own imagination, with the aid of which it is possible for him to penetrate into the past and future, to feel the surrounding world in its wholeness, to understand the dynamics of present events, and furthermore – to inspire people to any necessary undertakings.

Descriptions of Strong Functions:

Ni – Program function. Introversion of IEI's intuition dictates that his consciousness is submerged in modeling of processes of time. His thoughts sail, flow, easily going forward and backwards in time. In contrast to the ILI, the IEI is focused on ethics, and therefore he is less concerned with the problems of the material world and production; his interests lie in the development of people's emotions, relations, and potential.

He internally observes everything as in constant motion: children – run, adults – work, some actions are undertaken, rivers – flow, heavenly bodies – move in the sky… for the IEI, time constitutes a kind of aether into which everything is submerged. A dreamer and romantic, the IEI is easily separated from reality and taken by his thoughts into the land of images and insights, from which he derives enjoyment and meaning of his existence. He's drawn to literature containing elements of the fantastical and breathtaking adventures. He imagines himself participating together with heroes of the novels, giving himself up to periods of creative imaginings. His mind, as a rule, focuses on something that is sublime and elegant – he may think of a journey around the world aboard an ocean liner (alongside a refined public), of an alluring cottage with a fireplace and white piano, of beautiful transcendent love…

However, the IEI is also able to sense the imminence of events, to catch the barely noticeable currents of attitudes and dynamics within society. He can feel the precise moment in time when action must be taken; mostly vividly he feels the imminence of crisis situations and danger, at which time he becomes very agitated and disturbed.

He is adept at noticing people's characteristics, idiosyncrasies, abilities and potential, and is drawn towards capable individuals (sometimes for his own purposes). With respect to his own abilities and talents there is an internal, frequently secret, conviction that he exceeds others in his spiritual aristocratism, viewing himself as a member of an elite of humanity, but usually he does not openly demonstrate this perception.

Introverted intuition in the leading bloc impedes him seeing himself from the outside. He finds it difficult to objectively evaluate his behavior, and is inclined to justify himself in everything. His inclination to distance himself from reality and difficulties in self-appraisal can lead to egocentrism and excessive submersion in his own world.

Fe – Implementation of the program. After he discovers the hidden patterns and undercurrents of the events, IEI attempts to emotionally influence people around him, in order to direct them to appropriate actions. He knows how work with people's moods and impressions to incite necessary reactions, but he does not accomplish this through force, but rather through persuasion, and sometimes with an emotional surge that signals to others that he will perish as a brittle, delicate entity if help does not arrive and his requests are not fulfilled! He finds it difficult to enact the necessary measures himself – pragmatic activity is not his strongest suit – therefore he tries to orient others around him to take action. IEI is easily inspired in favorable climate, but also very easy to offend – sometimes a negative intonation or reproachful gaze is all that is needed to put him into negative mood for the rest of the day.

He is confident in his correctness, and if those that surround him do not react to his signals and fail to follow through with necessary actions, IEI’s exasperation and emotional fervor can reach such a degree that, for a long period of time he will not calm down, and continue to ardently try to prove his point to all.

He enjoys being in center of attention when in the company of familiar to him people. Knows how to behave himself appropriately – to smile, to give a compliment, to support another’s remark, to be polite and accommodating.

If IEI enters a period of melancholy and disappointment, and this is not a rare occurrence, he will then isolate himself. When the dark period is over, he will once again emerge bright and alert, with positive expectations of the future and of his life. If he is in luck and finds himself in a loving and supportive atmosphere, his best qualities are revealed: the ability to be compassionate and to provide moral support. Being keenly perceptive of the moods of people around him, he – when in elated spirits – is ready to offer warmth and sympathy.

Possessing high impressionability, the IEI sensitively responds to all forms of art. He especially loves music and poetry, sometimes creates his own artwork, writes music and stories. He enjoys attending concerts and art exhibits, manifests natural literary gift.

Descriptions of Weak Functions:

Te – Painful function. Distancing into the realm of his images and contemplations helps the IEI to hide from reality that often proves to be too harsh and cruel for him.

His professional activity and productivity are unpredictable, since his capacity for work highly depends on his internal state: short flashes of energetic activity alternate with periods of prolonged inaction. As a rule, he his energy drive is lowered, and he therefore he finds it difficult to continuously exert himself. The inherent to him asthenia – perceived weakness, exhaustion, and low energy – is frequently compensated for by the need for a prolonged night sleep. For this very reason, without the necessary moral support, he frequently finds himself at a lower social position than would correspond with his abilities. Thus IEI is prone to regard energetic people, whom hold a higher social status, with a secret sense of envy, to consider that life has wronged him, and, involuntarily trying to justify himself, he seeks external factors that could be faulted for his misfortunes. Meanwhile, he comforts himself in the fact that his high sensitivity and brittleness of psyche, refinement of his principles and ideals, do not permit him to act by the same methods as others. Thus, he justifies his own passivity by viewing himself above the surrounding world, thereby psychologically shielding himself. He finds it difficult to accept responsibility for everything that happens to him. He prefers to lay responsibility on external factors, especially if things are going badly. IEI rarely takes up routine work of any kind, and if he does he may try to shirk from it and carry it out negligently.

Si – Role function. In everything that concerns his health and appearance, IEI tries not to appear worse than others, to adhere to the same standards that exist in society. It should be noted, that he has an innate proclivity to dress in good taste, with elegance and refinement, even if his financial situation is modest. The female IEI can arrive an hour late, but will show up in great form, in an elegant dress with tastefully selected accessories (giving preference to darker tones of clothing rather than bright and colorful).

IEIs do not invest a lot of effort into managing their finances. He may overspend or save money without knowing what to do with it. Often IEI cannot resist purchasing beautiful and elegant things that do not have any utilitarian purposes, even if his finances do not suffice; it is difficult for him to concern with something as prosaic as money, when it is desirable to amuse himself by any means possible.

IEI often is a follower or an individualist and rarely a leader. Favorable conditions for his activities – a clear-cut regulation of his actions, preferably, in some creative sphere. He finds it difficult to manifest initiative, to conflict with others, thus he often prefers to go with the flow abiding by the norms of the society in which he lives.

IEI at Work and at Home:

Variable and indecisive, not keen on taking responsibility, not only for others but also for himself, IEI prefers not to occupy leadership positions. If, nevertheless, fate forces him into such a position he can successfully manage strategic tasks. He tactfully interacts with his subordinates, uses emotions to successfully influence those around him, and himself seeks milder relations. It is better if he is put in charge of a small group.

For IEI love and family are significant values in his life. He is capable of feeling deeply for others; for years he may remember and sympathize with his significant other even if he has been rejected. Frequently in his imagination he endows another with romantic qualities, which that person in reality may not possess.

At home, he finds it difficult to occupy himself with domestic tasks – this is his enemy number one. If you strictly and scrupulously demand that he carries out his domestic responsibilities, in this manner you will not attain anything besides embitteredness; in such cases he may even provoke fights and arguments. In order to resolve such issues in an acceptable manner, IEI attempts to shift the chores onto others, often by demonstrating his helplessness so that others aids him; for this purpose he tries to influence weak points of other people. When this doesn't succeed, IEI may unexpectedly conduct himself in a sharp and harsh manner, although with unfamiliar people he remains invariably civil and gentle. Only in special cases, such as when IEI experiences the feeling of love towards his significant other, he can mobilize his internal forces and invest sufficient energy to carry out the burden of domestic concerns on his own volition.

IEI loves to host guests at his home, tries to prepare a beautifully arranged table – for him this is more important than food itself, for the celebratory meal is merely viewed as a means of pleasant contact and conversation. No matter what he is occupied by, in regards to others, he will introduce the element of fantasy: the reception of guests, instructions, handicraft… IEI is not interested in treating himself in the same lavish manner – he will only do it for enjoyment of others. For example, he rarely prepares a fine meal for himself and feels satisfied with a dinner consisting of bread and jam (if it happens to be immediately available in the refrigerator).

Summary of functions:

1. The dreamer and romantic, IEI is easily separated from reality, knows how to sense events, to notice their dynamics. He sees the concealed potential within people, his inner essence, is capable of proposing new ideas in areas of interest.
2. Knows how to influence the moods of others, to cause reactions deemed necessary by method of an “emotional surge”, but not by pressure, he readily manifests warmth and participation. Loves to speak about the moral problems, about the norms of behavior, he calls those near to him to acknowledge his observations.
3. His fitness for work is unpredictable as it depends exclusively on his mood. He frequently possess low energy and therefore finds it difficult to force himself to work. Formal hierarchy, structure, organizing, systematization … all these only serve to irritate and tire him, he doesn’t see the “living soul” in these, which is necessary to motivate him.
4. He ably feels the beauty, harmony, and commensurability in the world, but badly manages practical tasks; poor at performing repetitive chores and following precise procedures; may overspend money and look down on what he deems as "penny-pinching".

Professional Assessment:

The most favorable work for the IEI can be found in the realm of humanitarian activity. This can be work in music, literature, art studies, work in the printed press, journalism, conducting television and radio transmissions and interviews. Sometimes representatives of this type are found successfully working in the field of mathematics.

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EIE (Hamlet)

Ethical Intuitive Extrovert
EIE – ENFj – Hamlet (Artist)

To the EIE life is filled with meaning when it contains emotional heat and dramatic experiences. He guesses which idea will take the imaginations if people and shape their feelings in the correct manner.

Descriptions of the activity of the strong functions:

Fe – Program function. Life for EIE is the sphere of emotions, which he, as a conductor, skillfully orchestrates. He is capable to act on his surroundings by a wide range of his own feelings – from powerful explosions saturated by his dramatic nature, by tragedy or by enthusiasm, by the ability to keep silent for several days and go about with a stone face; his entire form despising and “punishing”, in an unmistakable way, the person whom insulted him. People admire his bright emotionalism, the dramatic nature of his experiences, and his ability to respond to the most trivial changes in the moods of those around him. His rich world of feelings contains different hues of emotions, which in observing this psycho-type are immediately demonstrated by those surrounding.

If others act indignantly towards him they qualify themselves as loathsome, malicious, and envious, and action is taken. His source of enthusiasm and delight, without fail, is anything directed to the highest spiritual ideals… In the emotional sphere EIE has a certain standard of expression he uses to discover how the public reacts, to him, emotionally.

In connection with this the EIE places an important role on morality, taken aback by society he himself strives into those spheres, where, in his opinion, this criteria is best matched. Being a very emotional man he easily may be made victim of strange misfortunes. Towards others he is capable of exemplifying warmth and sincere sympathy, he is very courteous and inclined to prove to be of service, at least when prolonged participation is not required. Wonderfully knows how to manipulate others by their feelings. At the same time feels greatly wounded himself, sometimes seeming like “a man without skin”. He strongly depends on the opinion of those that surround him, they, without fail, take the role of student or spectator.

In reacting to something he always feels himself to be an actor, located on set. Because of this his behavior frequently contains a noticeable theatricality about it, an increasing excitability, enthusiasm, exaggerated gestures, poses. His behavior contains a demonstrative nature, which seemingly signals to those surrounding him whether he is unhappy, sick, insulted, sincere, flattered, ingenious, needy of nourishment…

He knows how to magnificently appear before an audience, to ignite and fascinate the crowd through his ideas, which he preaches. He requires interaction with someone at least everyday in order to satisfy his everyday emotional manifestations.

Ni – Creative function. To take the attention of those that surround him, to hold it in himself; leading others aids him in experiencing an indefatigable fantasy. He is able to dedicate himself to serving a high ideal, especially if such activity aids him in recognizing his own sense of nobility and uniqueness. The demonstration of his uniqueness serves to stimulate and inspire him.

As a rule he reads a lot. Not alien to having a literary gift, loves poetry, music, painting, and cinematography. Holds close to himself the ideas of humanism and general human values. He’s drawn towards the image of a noble person; sometimes he’ll be tempted by the desire to enter into a “secular society” where his talents would be properly noticed and his value properly evaluated.

The fact that his own imagination is what makes him appealing to the world leads to his attention being primarily directed towards global problems. Thus flashes of mutual anxiety and sympathy to those close by can just as easily “come to naught”. He may suddenly involuntarily insult another without understanding this. His heightened sense of vulnerability forces him into adopting a self-defensive stance; in which case through his sharpness and intolerance he can easily deliver (with words) a calculated “strike” against his target.

His strong intuition of time permits him to foresee the course of events, and in time to feel as well as conduct himself as one man or another. He thus has the ability to operate in the political arena. He eagerly alerts those, whom he respects, of threatening situations and other dangers. He straightforwardly states possible troubles to others for it is always deemed preferable to act in an already established situation.

EIE is magnificently capable of detecting the psychological characteristics in others, to comprehend their strengths and weaknesses. Makes an excellent psychologist, however, he does not always use this talent for good. Frequently there appears a desire, in EIE, to manipulate close ones, and the nature of this manipulation depends on his concrete relations he has with the individual.

EIE finds it boring to live the measured, routine life, he is motivated and inspired by extreme situations. If such situations fail to present themselves, for long enough, he will create tension around himself, forcing something to happen.

Descriptions of the activity of the weak functions:

Si – Vulnerable function. If he does not doubt in his own abilities and uniqueness then he is utterly capable of taking care of his health and household – spheres where the EIE often feels the need for the help and council of other people. As a rule he is clean and squeamish. But he poorly recognizes his body’s needs, thus he may either constantly run to the physician or react in the exact opposite manner and not visit medical institutions until he literally collapses.

He often lacks the ability to discern the appropriateness of his observations before communicating them. Thus he appears to lack etiquette and this is reinforced by rough or vulgar manifestations in his behaviour. He often yields to his immediate mood, when this is positive, often because he’s been incited by public attention, he can present a commendable sense of generousity and charity. Such traits are dependent on his mood and, likewise, when effected negatively he may treat others meagerly, as if pitying them.

EIE often experiences difficulty in selecting clothing for himself, which adequately fits his frame. Some are able to overcome this shortcoming, however, and develop a good taste in selecting an appropriate outfit. Conscious of his ability to make an educated guess, in regards to the essence of what is happening around him, and confident in his correctness because of this, he is capable of acting with volitional pressure. Specifically if before him is someone, whom EIE considers “below himself”, whether in regards to age, level of culture etc… he sometimes desires to humble this person, to “put them in their place.”

Te – Role function. Emotional enthusiasm plays an integral role in the EIE’s fitness for work. Without such influence he can wonder about, deeply drowning in his troubles, and thereby justifying his own inertia. But if his work fascinates him he burns with a bright flame. In such a situation it is difficult to sway him from his course; it’s even difficult for him to stop, in such a situation, and acknowledge other vitally necessary tasks (i.e. preparation of food). He relates, as a rule, to creative work, and conversely disdains any sort of manual labour. When he finds himself forced into a “course cloth” type of labour he prefers to work on people instead of the task at hand, he utilizes his ability to convince, to inspire, to operate the emotional levers present in the situation (he thus compensates by acting with his strong function).

EIE enjoys realizing himself in the intellectual arena. He takes pleasure in demonstrating the implications that philosophical problems present. He loves discussions with abstract themes.

EIE at work and in the home:

Generally EIE exerts a noticeable amount of effort in regards to his career. In such cases his thoroughness and accuracy of execution earn him deserved praise. He prefers there to be structure/order in his work. He suffers when forced to divide his attention between his career and domestic duties for he runs the risk of overworking and tiring himself. Nonetheless when forced to choose he gravitates towards his career, especially if under the constant attention of his associates. Domestic duties truly only serve to irritate him, here he prefers to divide them with close ones.

When in a leadership position EIE, more than anything, draws upon his moral leadership skills, his ability to entice and inspire associates with heightened expectations. Understands the strategic prospects of the enterprise, knows how to generate new ideas and how to find nontrivial approaches to the situation. His understanding of psychology combines with his ability to manipulate people and contributes towards allowing him to easily force others to execute the necessary actions. Rather than isolating himself in a high executive position he prefers to work alongside his associates, whom likewise provide him with admiration and acknowledge his high morals, ethics, working qualities and uniqueness.

All the characteristics of the EIE’s psyche are also visible in his familial life. When he shares warm relations with others in the household he frequently demonstrates cordiality and sensitivity. When positive relations are absent, on the other hand, the negative properties of his nature manifest themselves: capriciousness, foolishness, and intolerance.

EIE worries, and exerts much effort, in insuring the material needs of family. In household interaction he places little value on the observance of formalities and/or traditions; these to him are unimportant. He takes close to heart any risk of his significant other abandoning him and if faced with such a situation he’ll not hesitate to cause a commotion, expressing the moral terror of his predicament.

In other situations EIE requires the attention and concern of the family in which he belongs. If ignored he’ll begin to harbor jealousy in regards to the relations shared by other members of the family.

When true love presents itself in his relations everything is for the better. His rich fantasies and emotionalism are directed towards the creation and maintenance of a loving familial atmosphere. In this case the EIE presents himself as the excellent family man; the sensitive, understanding, and thoughtful husband and parent.

Summary of Functions:

1. – Life for EIE is focused within the sphere of emotions, which he skillfully controls like the conductor of an orchestra. Without the surge of a periodic dramatic experience he finds himself unable to work. He attempts maintain a certain standard, in regards to his emotions, which serves to inform those around him his current condition.
2. – He foresees the possible course of events and possesses a sense of fantasy and artistic taste. Wonderfully reveals the possibilities of what may have been and what never was, knows how to inspire people with fantasy and to manipulate them.
3. – Not confident in determining physical needs and not always capable of organizing a routine manner of living; spends money reasonably. His volitional efforts are of an unpredictable nature and their essence is directed towards the people in close proximity. He may push too hard without any definite reason.
4. – Finds it difficult to work on large tasks; prefers delicate, thorough, and scrupulous work. Finds it difficult to strictly follow a definite system, in such cases it is necessary to find help.

Profession Assessment:

EIE works most effectively in areas where required to fascinate an audience (i.e. theatre, teaching), the possibility of controlling the emotions of crowds also leads them into politics. Frequently possess a literary gift, musicality, love for painting, dances… can achieve success in these fields. Also can work successfully as a psychologist.

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LSI (Maxim Gorky)

Logical-Sensory Introvert
LSI – ISTj – Maxim Gorky (Inspector)

For LSI, life must correspond to a specific system – both in the material world and that of human relations, and one should exert efforts to ensure its betterment, maintenance, and restoration if it has been disrupted.

Description of the Strong Functions:

Ti – Program function. Logically sensible and elegant system – this is the foundation for everything. LSI attempts to find such logical system, to become incorporated into it, to follow it and to perfect it. He analyzes and thinks over everything that surrounds him. From this information, he creates classifications and designations, creates hierarchies, derives maxims. All of this must be clearly stated and presented in various directions and instructions that aid in understanding and organizing life.

It is clear to him that whoever does not waver and follows such prescriptions will attain more in life, if he ceaselessly works hard and achieves commendable results – then such person will be able to attain a worthy place in society.

He is proud of having such ability, and it is exactly in this that he realizes himself. His pride suffers if another person is capable of doing the same job better than him. In such situations, LSI is capable of assuming work with thrice the force in order to not fall behind, for he finds it absolutely unacceptable to fall to a lower position in the conceptualized hierarchy he is aware of in his mind.

Such a person can be very productive. LSI is usually very conscientious: he considers it paramount that he works qualitatively, sequentially and systematically – with this he builds himself a foundation and asserts himself.

LSI is inclined towards realism – he’s interested primarily in concrete and actual problems, rather than hypothetical issues. LSI thinks deeply about any problem, tries to understand its essence and roots. When he doesn't understand something, he refers to established databases of information to check that everything corresponds to what is already known. In such situations, his mind starts to resemble a computer with a built in program, which he will follow without skipping a line.

Se – Implementation of the program. Represents his volitional qualities – purposefulness, competitiveness, power to make things happen. These are the basic traits he relies on to realize himself in practice. Efforts of LSI move him to higher positions – to prevail in a group, to correctly apply his abilities and to qualitatively organize his labor in work that is deserved. LSI lives within a system of his own understanding. He is watchful that others around him respect his position. Simple disagreement with his opinion, he may take to be a challenge or a threat, an encroachment upon his position, and immediately rebuff the supposed aggressor.

LSI possesses outstanding endurance and stamina. He tries to reach high quality in everything that he does – few can exceed him in the thoroughness, honesty and the aesthetic value of his work.

Description of Weak Functions:

Ne – Vulnerable function. Estimating someone's potential and hypothetical possibilities makes LSI nervous. He finds it difficult to evaluate the qualities in people, assess distant prospects of development, possible demands for a commodity in the future. For this reason, in all matters, LSI prefers to act with care. He does not always succeed at understanding the psychology and motives of a person. Inclined to level out idiosyncratic qualities of individuals. Poor at taking into account the specific features of others and prone to generalize and stereotype. It is difficult for him to recognize an unordinary individual, for he cannot be easily classified and incorporated within a scheme. Realizing his goals with iron stubbornness, he cannot conceive that there are spheres of life where his straight logic does not work.

His introverted intuition (Ni) is also usually not too strongly developed: he has little interest in vague possibilities and romantic notions.

Fi – Role function. In his relations with unfamiliar people, LSI tries to behave appropriately in accord to the norms of behavior. At a distance he seems like a comparatively gentle man: he rarely raises his voice and outwardly behaves in a peaceful manner. But one ought to remember that LSI is a person of reserve who does not say everything which he thinks. He cannot always feel and interpret the moods of others and is capable of voicing a criticism, which may be true in nature, but which is offensive in form.

It is difficult for him to establish desired relations with others outside of work. At the same time he finds it difficult to alter his already established relations, even if he feels changes are needed.

With his logically appropriate manner of behavior, which seems strict, and occasionally may be even callous, a certain moments he is given to emotions and sentimentality. In his free time, he may watch tv shows and movies that bring tears to his eyes. These manifestation of extroverted ethics (Fe) in the LSI can be rather childlike and undeveloped. But there are also such moments when LSI suddenly flares up with anger – during these moments he finds it difficult to control himself.

LSI at work and in the home:

LSI considers himself capable of occupying leadership positions, for all his efforts are directed towards making his work better than others. He knows how to precisely formulate tasks and how to subordinate them, to instruct others with great detail and simultaneously require the same preciseness in their execution.

As a boss LSI develops exacting demands, he can apply sufficiently strict sanctions to those that misbehave. After having made great effort to create and maintain his sense of dignity he considers it correct to not overly rely on the opinions of those below him, but he assumes himself obliged to strictly execute the commands of those above him. In order to secure the respect of his subordinates he prefers to use juridical laws and departmental regulations.

Being an administrator, LSI considers that all must be subordinated to what, in his opinion, is correct. He is capable of systematically conducting himself in life, “to iron out” any indulgences in himself and others.

However, one should not, reading this, get the impression of the LSI as a walking machine. It should be noted that every sociotype is first of all human. Certainly, on the basis of all that is stated above, it is not difficult to conclude that the LSI is first of all a person of system and logic. That he is able to best manifest the strongest aspects of his nature under precise, strict conditions. When he feels himself to be part of a system/group he is confident and calm.

Speaking about this psycho-type it must be noted that rarely will there be found people whom possess the same degree of reliability as him. He is the honest partner, executive, worker, and the loyal husband. If one seeks a person upon whom they can rely then in this almost no one will exceed the LSI. In relations with other he is strict, true. But do not forget about his strong feelings towards validity and order! This is a person that works extremely efficiently in the industrial sphere, a person whom decisively takes the opportunity to fulfill his commitments. Likewise LSI will shy away from a creative role, where imagination and the ability to think in a non standard manner is integral.

Summary of Functions:

1. – Men of structure, which he attempts to find, incorporate himself in, follow, and perfect by the creation of rules, instructions and norms. He loves to collect things. Know how to work on large tasks, prefers to prioritize the most important thing and work in detail, then can move on.
2. – He’s goal-directed and adheres to order and discipline, requires the same from others. This fact leads him to pursue a place as high as possible in the social structure fit for him. Is capable and loves to create comfort in his surroundings. An aesthete, he is oriented well in regards to his own health.
3. – Finds it difficult to evaluate prospects in development and production, and the potential possibilities in others. He doesn't love spontaneity, prefers the steady and systematic course of events.
4. – Adheres to the proper mode of behavior, to the norms established in society, he considers it necessary to observe traditions. Conceals his emotions, prefers not to demonstrate his moods, but it sometimes occurs that his feelings get out of control.

Professional Assessment:

LSI is irreplaceable where the precise observance of rules, instructions, and technological norms is required. The ideal worker in manual labor, in the office, bookkeeping, traffic control service… Successfully realizes self in mathematics, programming and publishing work. Also in military service, where the precise army structure of subordination is established.

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SEE (Napoleon)

Sensory-Ethical Extrovert
SEE – ESFp – Napoleon (Leader)

The SEE is characterized by the drive to expand his influence, by the desire of authority and glory. In order to realize these goals it is necessary to learn how to control people, by manipulating their weaknesses and avoiding their strengths so as to never be conquered.

Description of the Strong Functions:

Se – Program function. A strong individual. Irrepressibly he approaches his goals and, at any costs, tries to reach them. “Only success, only victory!”

SEE – always the leader, ambitious and confident. Naturally proves to be the center of attention in any group. The desire, without fail, to lead, to control; leads to rivalries, competition with other aspirants. However, SEE deftly senses the nuances in his relations, wonderfully senses the moods of others towards him. If someone, whom he must deal with, is capable of holding him at a distance, of resisting him, SEE will not bother with him, but if, and when, he feels slack he can press and become unceremonious. Will not seek conflict without reason. Can act diplomatic and insinuating in order to achieve objectives. But if conflict arises he can express himself directly, unambiguously.

Always, and in everything, SEE tries to display his advantages to others. Should he suffer injustice he will find a way to turn it around, presenting himself to others so as not to lose face, even conversely to appear the victor. He never acknowledges his injuries.

SEE tends not to get lost in the difficult situation; in such cases he rather reacts with more strength, mobilizing to surmount the difficulty.

Energetic and noisy, he creates the impression that he is occupying as much space as possible.

SEE noticeably develops the shadow function of the extroverted sense of sensations (Se), especially when viewed from the exterior. SEE loves bright, garish clothing; he prefers to appear from “better to extravagant” rather than “everyday and gray”. It pleases him to be noticed, to garner the attention of others.

Fi – Creative function. SEE magnificently manipulates people by their moods and desires. He loves to be the center of attention, to fascinate others with his ideas. He easily provokes quarrels but just as easily reconciles them, as if playing; pulling the strings. It is important for him to preserve the good opinion of other towards him, not to let himself fall, to stress his talent and exclusiveness. He’s a great actor and can manifest outstanding diplomatic inclinations, well cultured.

Sensing well the moods of others, SEE can support a comrade through a difficult moment; manifest his participation, his sympathy. By being naturally volitional and cheerful he impels other to act, not to fall apart or whine.

The SEE – men with bright and intense emotional range – from angry indignation to noisy enthusiasm. He thus always finds himself included in the emotional situation, he is ready to act: to help, to sympathize, to fight, to condemn, - and no matter how he expresses his relation to that occurring he is always absolutely confident in the correctness of his sentence.

With the opposite sex he readily displays initiative. Though to suffer rejection may be tragic he knows to move on.

Strong excitability and emotionalism give rise to increased sexuality. Especially in the younger years it is difficult to settle down.

SEE is prone to jealousy, may frequently suspect partner of treason, and does not pardon innocent flirtation.

Bright emotionalism also develops in the love of arts; SEE especially loves music and singing. Frequently he has some of his own music, demonstrates to all his talent and ability.

Description of the Weak Functions:

Ti – Vulnerable function. The weakness of this function is developed in the fact that activities for the SEE frequently carry a chaotic nature; in his behaviour there is no systematic pattern of character.

Even if SEE possesses a heavy stock of knowledge, he is not always able to sufficiently make use of it; his emotionalism frequently re-weighs logic. His erudition manifests itself in sudden flashes but he never keeps on one topic for long. An extroverted sensory type, his need for external activity frequently manifests itself in uncontrollable motor activity. Thus he may be prone to acting before thinking.

Understanding that logic is not his strongest quality, SEE compensates for this in his business activities by placing a greater role in his personal contacts and connections. He attempts to work out the definite stereotypes of behaviour in different situations so as to not be caught unprepared.

For SEE it is very important that the result of his work be visible and tangible. He wishes to obtain a return for his efforts. This may be exemplified through community acknowledgement (i.e. social status) and/or material evidence of acknowledgment (i.e. apartment, car, the latest gadget, the most up-to-date, most elegant, prestigious fashions…)

Ne – Role function. Since the SEE focuses all his attention on the sensory area, he does well in interpreting the external manifestations of people, events and things, but cannot understand their secret meaning. He senses well, but badly comprehends in-depth. For this reason he finds it difficult to correctly evaluate others, his surroundings, and even himself; finds it difficult to find his true place in life. Nevertheless SEE will try to develop the role of a sensitive and attentive man, capable of correctly comprehending the current situation.

He also finds it difficult, in view of the weakness of the intuition of time, to precisely plan activities beforehand. In such regards he’s apt to become impatient, finds it difficult to wait for something if he feels he needs it now.

SEE at Work and in the Home:

When holding an executive position SEE maximally uses his strong traits: his active nature and ability to manipulate others. He always attempts to achieve the goal presented; in this case he can act by means of volitional pressure, and by the temptation of the forthcoming profit. He is best at succeeding at tasks with a tactical nature – he rapidly orients himself in the situation, easily varies his methods of operation, but at the same time poorly visualizes the distant prospect.

He heavily suffers, and thus negatively reacts to, criticisms from others, especially if the discussion deals with his weak logical ability, randomness of activities and ill-considered nature of decisions. Sometimes the SEE will seek to get rid of the coworker whom, to him, is disposed towards excessive criticism.

If he leads a small group his bustling style of leadership can lead to strained relations. SEE proves much more useful, in a leadership role, in a larger scale enterprise, especially if the group contains reasonable and farsighted members, capable of logically influencing him, of smoothing out the spontaneity of his activities from a distance.

In the family SEE, as a rule, acts as the leader/dictator, he decides who must do something and what must be done at the given moment. Family holidays awaken his enthusiasm, which sometimes finds its way to the workplace where his desk is always cramped with the current entertainments. He loves knowing how to prepare well for such occasions, loves good food.

He relates with zeal not only to himself but also to members of his family: they are all the best, the brightest, the most capable; no one can be compared with them in their multiple talents.

SEE usually loves animals/pets; takes them in as members of the family.

Summary of Functions:

1. The energetic, strong individual. Irrepressibly approaches a goal and tries to reach it at any cost. Strong volitional qualities. Knows how to care about own health and the health of close ones. Aesthetics in the home, food; all of this proceeds from the general principles of healthy worthwhileness.
2. He separates people into his friends and strangers, highest and lowest, attempts to occupy as high a spot as possible on the vertical hierarchy. Knows how to make contact with others, easily can manipulate people in order to attain a goal.
3. System, structure, objective laws – these are areas in which the SEE struggles. Finds it difficult to think deeply and thoroughly about a problem. Being very energetic, now and then acts in a chaotic, confused manner.
4. Attempts to play the role of someone capable of penetrating into the essence of an occurrence, but frequently overestimates ability to do so. Prone to impulsive action, will not give self up to dreams and fantasies for extended periods of time, thus does not often try to comprehend the distant prospects – is too strongly tied to the ‘genuine reality’.

Profession Assessment:

SEE performs admirably in professions that require contact with people at all levels: political activity, military service (in as high a rank as possible), jurisprudence, artistic activity, teaching, commerce, and secretarial work. People of this psycho-type should be warned against the selection of scientific activity, especially in regards to theoretical disciplines.

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ILI (Balzac)

Intuitive-Logical Introvert
ILI – INTp – Balzac (Critic)

The orientation of ego block of ILI: the world in infinite, fluid, manifold, it's state is continuously changing. The goal of man is to find his place in the continuous row of events, to realize his potential. To act makes sense only when the optimal moment for applying efforts has been found and set.

Descriptions of the Strong Functions:

Ni – Program function. The consciousness of any introvert is always working with internally constructed imaginary models. The external world for him only serves as a starting stage for developing internal imagery. Since the leading function of ILI is intuition of time, it allows him to successfully model evolution of processes in time.

The consciousness of ILI easily encompasses any periods in time and perceives the world comprehensively and systematically, and all the processes occurring within it dynamically. His ability to freely traverse the time axis allows him to see distant prospects, and consequently few can match him in the realm of strategic forecasts.

ILI's imagination perceives the world in dynamic flow – within it everything is in motion, everything interacts, people work, take some actions, which are based on some motivations. In consciousness of ILI, a model of people's behavior arises, examining which he can predict the future consequence of actions that a person undertakes in the present. Possessing the gift of foresight, he often already knows what a person is going to say or do in a certain situation – frequently, it seems to him that he knows and sees straight through everything (and in a certain sense, this is true).

The ability to see the essence of a problem and to envision the eventual result seems insightful, such that ILI may earn the reputation of a wise and far-sighted person or a philosopher. As a rule, his prognoses are colored by skepticism – he prefers to voice warnings to admonish those around him from taking unnecessary steps and acting rashly. He himself is cautious – will repeatedly and scrupulously check everything before doing anything. He calls on others to do the same, making critical remarks of those whose statements and actions are made too hastily and lightly and have not been carefully thought through.

One of the main driving forces of ILI is a sense of his own worth, and by association – self-assertion. Frequently he feels good from observing that others are incompetent at something, which comes easily and naturally to him. Many of his mental abilities are indeed high. People of this type often have an immaculate memory. Using this advantage, he identifies the source of a question and comprehends all the aspects of the problem, building a massive foundation for his erudition. It is precisely among this sociotype that one can meet individuals who possess an almost encyclopedic knowledge. However, a measure of conservatism is also characteristic of them. This is expressed in their distrust of anything new, untested and unproven, when it is not clear where it will lead.

His inclination to assert himself, to feel himself significant, does no mean that he will attempt to achieve a high position or status in society. Rather his tendency is to elevate himself as high as possible in certain fields of knowledge, and to go as deep as possible in his perceptiveness, to feel his superiority to others in exactly this (Ni).

Te – Implementation of the program. ILI surveys the the dynamics of ongoing events and processes and aims is to guide these dynamics towards their practical realization. After correctly predicting the outcome, he awaits the "right moment" to act and will not do anything until such a moment arrives (he doesn't like undertaking unnecessary action). When he perceives a real prospect, he moves to act.

His perception is characterized by wholesomeness, which leads ILI to perceive multiple variations in solving the same problem. Thus, now and again, he finds it difficult to prioritize one thing over another. He does not like being hurried, but waits for a problem to "ripen" and its resolution will be incorporated into the general picture of things, which is already present in his imagination. Certain reservation is characteristic of him; he tries to leave enough room for possible corrective actions to be taken in the future.

ILI's fitness for work is exceptionally selective. If he finds a proper job or profession, he can display remarkable energy and fantastic productivity. In his life there can also be a continuum of sleepless nights and states of extreme anxiety and stress, which last for months or even years. The nature of his work style is usually solid and pedantic.

If he has failed to find the right job or profession, then his skepticism begins to take the upper hand: "Why is all of this necessary? Nothing good will come of this…" He cannot even force himself to meet the bare minimum expectations, which may lead to serious repercussions such as being dismissed from work or dropping out of school or university. In such cases, he feels helpless, lacking a "spine" – the resolve to do anything – as his irrationality makes it difficult for him to meet even the minimum requirements for his survival.

Description of the Weak Functions:

Fe – Painful function. Poorly orientating in emotions, ILI prefers to hide his feelings. However, if he is strongly afflicted by something, his emotionality can literally pour out as he loses control of himself. In order to prevent such situations from happening, ILI prefers to maintain a large psychological distance with others. Familiarity irritates him – he is a proponent of a calm and respectable manner of interaction.

ILI often compensates for his lack of emotional involvement in interaction with others by playing intellectual games. Very often interaction for him becomes similar to a game of chess or checkers, where the goal is to show what he is capable of, and to demonstrate another person's incompetence. ILI is a master of games – he loves to play with people and events.

He finds true enjoyment from realizing his intellectual superiority over others and will not let an opportunity pass where he can directly or indirectly express this. If his upbringing conflicts with such displays and expression, he will, nonetheless, satisfy his silent vanity by other methods.

In communication with those few people, whom he trusts, ILI can be open and sincere. Sometimes he displays kindness and generosity to a surprising degree – gives away his belonging, which are essential to him. However, this is often because he feels indifferent to them (sensing is his weak function).

Si – Role function. In all matters regarding questions of health, aesthetics, lifestyle, and clothing, ILI appears modest and does not go beyond what is needed. Poorly discerning in such matters, he prefers to obtain such information from capable (in his opinion) sources. Sometimes in such spheres – for example, his home life – he is so helpless, that he incites concern in others and requires real care. If he falls ill, he will try to observe physician's instructions and scrupulously follow prescribed regimen in diet and medicine, etc.

The volitional qualities of people of this type manifest a bi-polar nature: some individuals display an enviable sense of purpose, stubbornness and perseverance, while others, to the contrary, demonstrate complete inertia and paralysis of their will. This can also be seen in actions of a specific person: in some cases he manifests excessive drive, in others compete passivity. In conclusion, it must be said that for ILI finding a proper occupation and self-realization are especially important, otherwise his innate talents will remain undeveloped and be utterly wasted.

ILI at Work and at Home:

Although ILI does not obviously strive to be a leader, his latent vanity is satisfied if he becomes one, for he considers himself worthy to be a head of a laboratory, an institute or a university … even the ministry of state. This assurance is sometimes valid, depending on the individual, and is supported by his ability to think of long-term consequences and outcomes, which is undoubtedly the most important quality for a manager of any level.

With subordinates ILI prefers a respectful style of interaction. He is able to distinguish the abilities and professional potential of one coworker over the other and put such knowledge to use. However, he is not always confident in entrusting subordinates with work, but is inclined to check over everything. Neither is he easily reconciled with the fact that someone else can do the job better than him.

ILI is often a serial monogamist and a good family man. He prefers not to quarrel with family members, if possible get away from conflicts, even if his partner shows intolerance. However, in critical situations he is capable of "exploding", losing control of himself, entering a state of literal madness – in such times he can smash furniture and dishes resorting to physical violence.

He is caring of his children and especially cares about their education. He readily invests his efforts and money. In questions of lifestyle and health, he fully depends on his significant other.

Summary of Functions:

1. – Dynamically comprehends all worldly processes. Ability to traverse the time axis permits them to see distant prospects. Skeptical and critical. When confronted by a situation they know how to select from a set of variants, oriented towards the distant prospects.
2. – Fitness for work is exceptionally selective. If they find an appropriate job they work without tiring, indeed are difficult to stop. Knows how to find the principal team needed to unwind a chain of events. A meticulous and scrupulous pedant, knows how to separate information within a system.
3. – Tries not to act emotionally since he is not confident that he can always control his feelings. When he does lose control his behavior towards others, and himself, is unpredictable. With close people prefers to associate at a close psychological distance, tries to be polite, to develop relations over time; however, does not always succeed for is capable of offending others without noticing.
4. – He feels well in a comfortable and cozy home but is unwilling to spend the necessary time and resources to create such himself and so prefers if another would take this responsibility. Sometimes difficult to mobilize himself to carry out necessary activities, appears as if paralyzed, and in such cases external interference proves useful in helping him to "unwind".

Profession Assessment:

ILI is wonderfully at home anywhere where strategic forecasts are required – in policy, finances, science, military research. Can lead a group of any scale, particularly with the assistance of a sensory type. Also develop a taste toward humanitarian areas – i.e. philosophy, art.

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LIE (Jack London)

Logical-Intuitive Extrovert
LIE – ENTj – Jack London (Entrepreneur)

To the LIE life is inconceivable without reasonably directed work. In order to obtain a good result he must operate effectively and maybe even take risks, using time to the maximum benefit.

Description of the Strong Functions:

Te – Program function. A person’s natural state should revolve around his work activity, and LIE, as much as possible, corresponds to this principle. He is the strong worker, works willingly with a sharp understanding and comprehension of each action; therefore he makes everything productively, effectively and with great pleasure.

LIE – one of the most dynamic psycho-types, he is very active, possesses fast reactions and takes the initiative. He capably calculates his actions so as to be economical. Being engaged in industrial activity he easily translates his thoughts into reality, it is better to put waste to use than to throw it out. Can conceptualize the optimum method of making use of space so that no room is wasted. Thus he precisely comprehends which task is major and which is minor. He attempts to determine the precise order of his preferences: so that minor trifles should not prevent him from carrying out what is deemed the most important task/goal. He applies these same abilities in the realms of his hobbies: should he find something to be impossibly immense he’s able to reasonably limit himself.

Ni – Creative function. In order to work rationally it is especially important to plan beforehand so as not to waste any time in vain. A combination of practicality and romanticism is noticeably characteristic in LIE.

Introverted intuition manifests itself in his irrepressible imagination, the ability to consciously combine events and facts, within his mind, which are incompatible with reality. Possessing a rich imagination allows LIE to habitually view things from a different, unexpected angle. Inventors and rationalizers are often representative of this psycho-type. Such a person can foresee the optimum solution in deciding how to solve a problem; can often find a way out of unusual situations.

He very much enjoys experimenting with mental and practical activities. He approaches situations as if playing a game, which itself is more important than the task in which he’s engaged. Though something may be more “interesting” than “convenient”, he will try to combine the two whenever such is possible.

His extroverted intuition is also rather active, he is attracted to novelty in various different areas – mechanics, electronics, sports, new ways of learning… Thus he makes sure that these activities are not assumed in vain: tries to apply, whenever possible, novel ideas to a field of interest. It occurs that even from the unprofitable situations, that he cannot avoid, he will nonetheless manage to benefit.

The aspiration to allocate resources, in time, in the most rational way is characteristic of LIE. He constantly analyzes everything, which has occurred, predicts relations with different people, and tries to predict the consequences of his actions. Each missed opportunity is felt sharply by him: he applies his best efforts to insure such does not repeat itself again.

His ability to sense the slightest change in a situation, his fast reactions, his initiative, and his practicality, combined with his creative vein, make him a good businessman and manager. He is able to be prudent and economical in his means, but also to take risks. However, it should be noted that risks, for him, are always thought over and calculated in advance.

Description of Weak Functions:

Si – Vulnerable function. LIE is not confident in all that concerns his state of health, aesthetics, and household convenience. It occurs that even in these areas he tries to use his imagination and initiative – qualities that serve him so well in practical and industrial activities. But very quickly he sees that his activities in these areas are met with bewilderment, at times even with sneers. Such reactions are experienced painfully. He makes note of what those that criticize him say, those sad and boring people, and also notes their inadequacies. However, he nevertheless begins to be cautious in exercising “his creativity” here and instead adheres to what’s deemed acceptable by society: he buys mass-produced furniture, wears standard clothing (typically sports wear), and, in regards to health, simply prefers conducting a healthy mode of living, avoiding, whenever possible, having to see the doctor.

The sensory function’s vulnerability also generates another feature in LIE’s character: the tendency to self-affirmation. He wants to prove to himself, and those surrounding, that he has the strength, endurance and skill to overcome barriers. Therefore he loves travel and sports – especially such kinds as mountaineering, tourism, and slalom skiing. His aspiration to romantic adventure is defined by his strong intuition.

Fe – Role function. For LIE, situations where emotions are openly displayed seem confusing, obscure and not very interesting. He prefers to hide his bad mood – in those rare cases when it arises. He does not care for pessimists and whiners. In acting, with regards to this function, he leans on the norms that are accepted by society but often has difficulty recognizing the relevance or irrelevance of displaying certain feelings.

Impulsiveness is not characteristic of him; he usually leaves conflicts, as he understands that they don’t benefit anybody. If he does not manage to avoid a conflict he is capable of striking with a sharp counter blow. It also occurs that he’ll play the aggressor to warn away the aggression of another.

LIE at Work and in the House:

In regards to professional hierarchies LIE begins with principle of rationality, he does not necessarily desire to hold a high post if someone competent is already in power. If such isn’t the case than, for the sake of saving time, he finds taking the initiative easier.

As a leader he’s perfectly able to solve strategic problems. He aspires to achieve positive results in industry through the introduction of modern technologies. If he trusts someone he will behave informally with him or her, but will remain the true leader. He’s a supervisor of democracy, creating the proper relations towards his subordinates is inherent to his position. In regards to all his fellow workers, even those at a lower position in the hierarchy, LIE aspires to treat their concerns as equal to those of a business partner.

His relations with relatives are also painted by the aspiration of partnership. He finds it easier to relate and agree with others on a verbal level (through dialogue). He perceives intonations, gestures, and vague hints poorly. He would rather that others directly tell him what they require of him.

LIE – the good family man: the man of this psycho-type is able to give a lot of time to his home, especially if it is necessary to make, improve or invent something. He finds routine business boring. As well the female LIE does not overly care for keeping order in her home, does only what is necessary.

Summary of Functions:

1. – One of the most dynamic psycho-types. Works willingly with an excellent realization in regards to each activity. Prefers “large-scale” work. Knows how to systematize, to create an effective working system, in which all the components will be taken into consideration.
2. – Is capable of envisioning the long-term forecast. In him is combined practicality with romanticism. Inventor and innovator, the lover of drawings. Is oriented towards the distant prospect, ably selects the best options for the future and rarely makes mistakes in this.
3. – Finds it difficult to create comfort in his private life, to be orientated in his health, he prefers a healthy mode of living, and in clothing – a sport style. Lover of expeditions, overcoming of obstacles, different types of journeys. He is not inclined to force his way by direct pressure, instead will invent something new so as to create the bridge that puts him ahead of his rivals.
4. – Is poorly orientated in the emotional realm and in “society intrigues”, so prefers a familiar, friendly, democratic style of behaviour. He respects the norms of morals, traditions, wishes that they provide him with cues on how to properly react to others.

Professional Assessment:

LIE can effectively deal with scientific research work, an inventor and innovator. Successfully realizes abilities, as owner, manager, knows how to orient self in situations of instability. Good teacher, educator. Also finds a place in the primary industries – operational work.

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ESI (Dreiser)

Ethical-Sensory Introvert
ESI – ISFj – Dreiser (Guardian)

The orientation of main functional block of ESI: the conditions of normal life, harmony in her personal relations, observance by her sense of ethics and moral norms, sensitive and careful keeping and safeguarding of historic traditions, and concrete volitional efforts and actions aimed at defense and preservation of ESI's system of values.

Description of the Strong Functions:

Fi – Program function. As an introvert, ESI is primarily oriented at her own directives, system of values, and motivations, for which the external factors are only circumstantial. An ethical introvert possesses in her consciousness an all-encompassing idea about personal and ethical norms, about rules of coexistence, of the need to lead a particular way of life, that, from her point of view, is the only one worthy of a person.

Subjective ethics of relations is ESI's strongest function. She understands, from an earliest age, what is good and what is bad. She is a moralist - and considers it necessary to clearly formulate and firmly observe personal criteria of behavior and moral norms. [Translator's note: To address a common confusion: the "subjective" ethics of ESI allows people of this type to formulate a system of values that doesn't have to correspond to what is objectively (or socially) considered to be appropriate, moral, and good, but instead define it independently in accordance to own inner world, and orient by these person ethical values with confidence - outcomes vary.]

Especially important for her are traditions and ethical systems, which, have been accumulated by people throughout centuries. She believes that these traditions, and also the rituals, serve as necessary reference points capable of orienting people in any situation in life. ESI assumes that these traditions must be kept and preserved with great care, never transgressed, and passed on from one generation to another.

She usually adheres to the social norms of behavior and ethical standards that are accepted in society. If she sees someone disregard them, she may openly voice her negative relation towards that person, because she considers herself obligated to eliminate bad habits and ethical flaws of people who are close to her. This fight she can carry out firmly, without deviation, and for a long time, using all the resources accessible to her. ESI is a strongly emotionally oriented person, but she tries to conceal this with much effort. Thus, to the outsides the ESI often seems calm, even cold. However, the closer she allows someone in, the more open and warm she becomes with that person. In a circle of close friends, if the ESI is confident that she is valued and appreciated, she may feel completely happy.

It is generally very important to her to have someone to whom she can dedicate herself, but, at the same time, she wants to make sure that her efforts will be valued - otherwise she can fall into depression, or even start a scandal. She appreciated when people are good to her, but she also remembers evil for a long time. In regard to offenders, ESI often takes an irreconcilable position and ties to punish them, to take revenge.

ESIs sensitive nature also manifests in her love of art, especially of music. Frequently she loves to play a musical instrument, with pleasure attends concerts, and herself loves to sing.

Se – Implementation of the program. Her ethical program ESI brings into into life with persistence of a volitional sensing type. However, interacting with her at a distance, it is often difficult to recognize the resoluteness, firmness, and dedication with which she implement her directives into real life, because this trait is often masked by external conformity and ability to pick up on the mood of another person and his attitude towards what is occurring around him (Fi).

For some time the ESI tries to adjust to another person, to be tactful and considerate, but eventually she shows her inclination to exert willful pressuring, especially if on the path of her implementing her principles and wishes, she encounters an obstacle. In such cases the concealed at the first glance qualities of her character manifest – demanding, exacting, and very direct nature. She will without rest and without getting side-tacked try to get what is hers, convinced in her right to it. If she manages to make someone obey – she secretly feels satisfied but does not openly show this.

Strong sensing function is also reflected in her disposition to be industrious and practically active: ESI is hard-working, energetic, fastidious, fair and conscientious – all of this is especially noticeable within her family. She generally provides for and keeps many products, arranges for additional storage units (i.e. a garage, a shed, etc). She is careful and assiduous with her resources and money and replenishes them in a timely manner. She is sensitive towards wastefulness and tries to minimize it, to put everything to use, whether it is pieces of floor panels or food leftovers.

Such thriftiness allows her, from an early age, to save up the financial means to attain and supply for her self-sufficient existence in life, and even acquire things that symbolize prosperity – a car, a condominium, a country house, etc. She obtains everything through honest hard labor, her innate resourcefulness and scrupulous economy, and not by reckless enterprises or machinations, that often contradict her ethical directives.

Description of the Weak Functions:

Ne – Painful function. While the ESI is fully aware of what is happening right in front of her, she is poorly aware of its historical causes and inner context.

She finds it difficult to accept the inner world of another person. Due to which, she is usually very thorough in selecting her life partner: she looks at him attentively, tries to check his moral qualities in interaction, then she tries to figure out how much they correspond to her requirements of a partner.

It often is the case that ESI underestimates herself and her positive qualities, feels tormented by her conscience for her flaws, considers herself insufficiently erudite or talented, or incapable. She responds very painfully to negative remarks in her address on such matters.

Ti – Role function. At the beginning of any task or project, ESI attentively collects and prepares the necessary material, carefully thinks things over everything, but afterwards she takes action energetically and decisively. However, the weakness of this function is exhibited by the fact that this preparatory period consumes huge investments of her time and energy. She don't naturally, quickly, nor easily make rational decisions. She also finds it difficult to objectively prioritize, to distinguish primary from the secondary: she often does everything at once, tries to work as much as possible, and doesn't always correlate her capabilities to her plans. Thus it often happens that she overloads and exhausts herself by work, while not achieving as much as she could have achieved.

ESI at Work and at Home:

ESI's strong sensing becomes apparent at work and in professional sphere: her working place is usually well supplied and organized, each instrument and object has its distinct place, nothing is ever scattered.

At work she, as a rule, is very responsible and exact, and requires the same from others. ESI is intolerant of negligence and slacking around. She can be harsh towards those who don't come to work in time and who do a poor job. If there are no reasons for dissatisfaction, she chooses a calm, soft, and considerate style of interaction.

If she finds herself in a leadership position, ESI feels great responsibility that keeps her under constant stress and tension. ESI's weak extraverted intuition, which is the reason for her often low self-esteem, doesn't permit her to see the potential and possibilities of each of her colleagues. Therefore, ESI keeps watchful and sharply alert towards any negative actions and remarks in her own respect.

Being keenly perceptive of the relations between her colleagues, ESI easily figures out who is the non-formal leader and with success recruits his support. She feels more at ease in a leadership position if she shares responsibilities with someone else.

Since ESI finds it difficult to predict events and see distant future prospects, the majority of her attention is directed at the resolution of current tactical issues and obstacles, which most often she successfully resolves and eliminates. She finds it easier to work under stable conditions. Uncertainly makes her feel nervous and hesitate before acting, for she doesn't like taking risks. But once ESI decides on something, she acts calmly, tenaciously, and resolutely, and follows through with her assignments and tasks to their end.

In respect to her colleagues, she often uses persuasion and conviction as her methods, calls to their sense of duty, conscientiousness, honesty and holds herself calmly, with dignity, and earnestness. This is unless she runs into someone hostile to her, in which case she can be harsh and firm in defending her positions.

In personal relations, she is usually considerate, sensitive, sincere and devout, capable of deep selfless feelings. But if her partner betrays her, she often breaks off relationship immediately – she doesn't forgive betrayal.

To protect, provide for, and care for her loved ones – in first regard the members of her own family – is one of the imperatives of the ethical-sensing program of ESI. Sometimes an impression arises that ESI surrounds herself and a small circle of those dear to her with an invisible wall. For these people – she will do anything and won't spare herself. She literally serves them, dedicates all her strengths and resources to this task, makes this be the meaning behind her life.

But is also happens that dedicating all her strengths to others, she forgets to do something necessary for herself. In such cases, feelings of dissatisfaction and irritation may accumulate inside of her, which she could hold in for many months without showing them. The prolonged stress and tension may lead to unexpected explosions; then ESI may begin to suspect that others do nothing else by exploit her, may begin to suspect that people close to her are dishonest, see in their actions some malicious intents (-Ne - weak function). In this case the ESI must be shown good will, kindness, patience, and willingness to meet her needs; this will help her to restore the lost balance.

Summary of Functions:

1. – The moralist, considers it important to observe moral statutes, traditions and rituals are important for they help when experiencing difficulties. Very emotional but these emotions are often deeply concealed. If she feels her kindness is being taken advantage of she can unexpectedly lash out and shout.
2. – Uses external conformity to hide her inherent demands and persistence, which sooner or later will let themselves be known. Loves order and cleanliness and devotes much resources to achieving such. Proceeds from the general principle that purity guarantees health.
3. – She badly sees the concealed motives and possibilities in both events and people. Is capable of assuming illusion or slyness in others where it does not exist. Weakly forecasts the course of events, especially of distant ones. Most frequently only sees the immediate profit.
4. – Abstract theories are only dealt with, with difficulty. Conscientious, she nevertheless does not know how to make her work technologically efficient or effective. She attains successes exclusively due to her perseverance with great expenditures of time and resources.

Professional Assessment:

ESI is the innate worker of the social sphere. Wonderfully realizes abilities in medicine, in any economic activity. Loves animals and agricultural work, finds a worthy place in the military, as a teacher and educator of young people – knows how to create good living conditions for those under care.

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IEE (Huxley)

Intuitive-Ethical Extrovert
IEE – ENFp – Huxley (Instigator)

For the IEE importance is placed on what’s most interesting and gripping – in these they see potential possibilities and promising trends, both in human society and in the sphere of production, and organize people towards realizing these possibilities.

Description of the Strong Functions:

Ne – Program function. For the IEE it is most important to find, to see, to comprehend the new possibility where there previously never was one. Her attention is always riveted towards the unique and unusual. She’s stimulated by new ideas and is willing to receive information from any sources. This can lead her to unexpected scientific discoveries, museum exhibitions, non-traditional methods of entertainment and medicine, journeys, meeting with new people…

Her interest flashes rapidly, like that of a child at the sight of a new toy, but as soon as the object of entertainment loses its novelty she becomes uninterested, her interest vanishes rapidly and she hurries to be charmed by a new possibility. Because of her fresh views and openness to new things IEE often possesses a set of abilities and talents. It pleases her to test herself in different fields – many representatives of this psycho-type design well, can be easily trained for sports and in musical instruments, fascinated by psychology, theatre, cinematography, and art. They test their abilities in the moment, write verses, and are ingenious storytellers.

As a rule IEE is very penetrating: she can easily predict what it is possible to expect in the future from another individual, especially if she is sufficiently familiar with him/her. As no other she knows how to inspire, to reveal the abilities and talents of others, to manifest support towards others to realize themselves. In people she values kindness, uniqueness and talent. Envy is alien to her – her creative nature allows her to see many possible avenues worth following. Even in old age she’s always ready to learn new things.

Fi – Creative function. All possibilities must be made aware to others so that they may act on them. IEE easily makes contact with others and rapidly becomes the soul of the company. Is able to connect with spectators and students, and is ready to play with their attention. Her behavior is noticeably impulsive, her mood frequently varies, but she tries to hide all of her negative experiences from others to avoid their judgments.

IEE possesses the gift of inspiring those that surround her towards activities, which can be considered promising and revealing in the long-term. She finds it rather interesting to manipulate – literally to juggle with the moods of others. Here she is an experimenter, curiously observing the reactions of others to her emotional provocations. She wonderfully manages the emotional sphere, she gives compliments to others and is sincere for she is always ready to notice the positive traits inherent in others, but she may sometimes chaff, and attempt to tease a little… this is never done with actual spite but in a playful manner, as if it’s a game.

Benevolence and optimism are generally inherent in people of this psycho-type. They are eager to offer aid, but one ought not to rely too heavily on their promises for they are often forgetful, and easily distracted by other people.

By wonderfully understanding the moods of people IEE knows how to deftly avoid conflict, to extinguish such with a joke. But when the reason for conflict aligns with her inherent interests she may get caught up in the conflict, in such situations she acts actively and decisively.

Description of the Weak Functions:

Ti – Vulnerable function. Represents “working activity” and always supposes a definite organization. By this is meant punctuality, the function of responsibilities, instruction, regulation, the hierarchy of subordination, accountability… And these are all which serve to drive the IEE away – any weighty framework that dictates to her “to fulfill responsibilities.” Her creativity sees nothing as predetermined. Therefore it is especially important that she find work in which her gifts are revealed.

The nontrivial course of thoughts characteristic for many representatives of this psycho-type may lead them to realize themselves in scientific research work, where with ease they propose unexpected views on problems. However, they poorly respond to manual labor and logical analysis. Anything that requires they be thorough and systematic in their investigations will lead them to quickly tire. They prefer to hand these aspects of scientific work to others and instead assume the role of “generator of ideas.” However, when they fail to find creative work, in which something new can always be seen, their previously indefatigable inquisitiveness severely weakens.

After having tried 10 – 15 different specialties she may prove to be without anything, to have attained nothing in life, the entirety of her talent gone unrealized. After completing necessary preparations in a new project, if she sees something, which she finds more attractive, she may throw away everything. She prefers not to plan, but to improvise; it is dangerous to rely on her business qualities for she can get caught up in the moment.

She doesn’t respond well to templates and standards. IEE recognizes no formal subordination, feels no piety towards authorities; this may lead to trouble. The observations of authorities, especially if they, in her opinion, are wrong, are answered to sharply disregarding of who they are. It is therefore understandable that she is not at place in conditions subordinate to strict authority.

Se – Role function. IEE assumes that society values daring, decisive, volitional people, and she attempts to create about herself the impression that she is such a person. In some cases she can actually manifest in herself willpower, and in some situations is capable of acting with pressure, but most frequently such pressure is not sufficient in the long-term and her persistence proves to be short-lived.

IEE is not too interested in the world of material things. She is not able to keep up with it and prefers that another take charge of such matters. She is not confident in the necessity of one purchase over another and needs another person with which to confer. Financially she’s often negligent, her money interests her more so in terms of its immediate use than in terms of obtaining new experiences in life.

IEE at Work and in the Home:

IEE does not aim for leadership positions for it is difficult for her to control the collective at an intermediate level, where it is necessary to observe regulations and transient functions from the top to the bottom and from the bottom to the top. She is much better able to manifest her abilities at the head of the whole collective. From this office she’s able to glance at the problem, to see prospects of development in the enterprise, and to strategically solve such in a way that proves greatly successful to the collective. Her ability to put forth nontrivial ideas can prove to be the decisive factor in competitive activity. However, the study of components should be charged to those nearby, who will manage such better than she.

IEE also has the useful ability, at any rank of leadership, to arrange cadres in a way that effectively uses the best abilities of each. However, enforcing discipline, and the evaluation of work’s execution and its quality should be charged to deputies.

Due to her ability to foresee new possibilities, and rapidly act on such, she is irreplaceable in proprietor activity, in the organization of new work, in the creation of advertising, in journalism… in a sense anywhere her ardor, and curiosity to the novel, works together with her ability to establish contacts.

In relations towards representatives of intimate attraction the IEE has a tendency towards newness and change. In the conjugal life this position is rarely well understood by others. If her partner does not know how to always be novel and mysterious then her love can rapidly die out. It’s helpful if her significant other possesses stability, the patience to understand that each new entertainment will pass just as rapidly as the one before. Otherwise it will be difficult to avoid scandals and separation.

Domestic economical activity is completely alien to IEE. She attempts to solve household problems with a minimum of effort, finding no pleasure in this.

Despite the fact that IEE corresponds weakly to the family ideals of society she’s able to adapt by means of constant newness and mutability… It is not surprising that even at an elderly age she retains the ability to charm and be charmed by others.

Summary of Functions:

1. – For the IEE it is most important to find and comprehend the most important and most interesting – to find, to see, to comprehend new possibilities where there previously was none. From a set of variants is capable of selecting the most controversial and promising in the long-term. Loves to dream and fantasize, can sufficiently forecast the course of events.
2. – Possesses the gift of inspiring people towards long-term promising activities. Knows how to juggle the moods and relations of those that surround her. Conceals negative moods within her so as not to suffer other’s judgments; but is more willing to share with friends, in this regard.
3. – Regime, duty, regulations, accountability, all disarm her. Finds it difficult to be inscribed in any framework. Works exclusively based on her mood, is better able to focus on ‘big picture’ work than to be occupied by thorough study.
4. – In regards to volitional methods acts exclusively for purposes of defense. Is not very attracted to the material world, finds it difficult to keep up, is often negligent in regards to her finances.

Professional Assessment:

IEE's ability to foresee new possibilities is irreplaceable in proprietorship, in the organization of new work, in advertising, in journalism, anywhere their ardor, curiosity for novelty, can be combined with their ability to establish contacts. Representatives of this type may also work in the sciences, with ease proposing an unexpected view towards a problem; some of them also work successfully as psychologists.

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SLI (Gabin)

Sensory-Logical Introvert
SLI – ISTp – Jean Gabin (Artisan)

The orientation of ego block of SLI: Everything in the world must be harmonious, proportional and balanced; the best way to achieve this is through aesthetical, qualitative activity.

Descriptions of the Strong Functions:

Si – Program function. Represented by the sensation of harmony, beauty and health. Everything must be balanced in the best way possible. At the same time, beauty must be combined with usefulness: this is applied to his work, relations with people, decoration and furnishing of living quarters, and in the comprehensive development of a physically healthy body.

SLI has very good memory for colors, odors, and somatic sensations; he can easily recreate these in his mind. He may be able to recall the taste of some food years later. In many respects, he is an aesthete. Often representatives of this type possess developed artistic sense. His perception is characteristically steady and contemplative, and outwardly unemotive. He is not one of those individuals who, with sensual energy, immediately dive into basic sensory pleasures: he prefers to leisurely "relish" his experiences, timely distinguishing and separating the pleasant from the unpleasant ones. The surrounding world begets in him a broad scope of sensations to which he's very attentive. He adeptly perceives his internal physical states, understands the abilities of his body, and therefore, may successfully engage himself in sports – of predominately individual types. Even if due to some life circumstances SLI is distant from sport, nevertheless a healthy mode of life is necessary for him, since it provides him with a general feeling of being harmonious, sensible and balanced.

This function's manifestation is especially noticeable in SLI's exterior appearance: he always dresses appropriately in a simple, elegant, sporty style – his clothing is chosen primarily based on functionality and convenience.

Te – Implementation of the program. In order to realize the program of the first function, to make things more convenient, useful, and attractive, SLI engages in practical activity. SLI indeed displays high mastery in his work. Anything he takes on, he strives to bring to perfection. He works thoroughly, while improving and polishing his methods, and makes the result not only useful but also attractively designed. He understands well the possibilities of using one material or instrument over another, and knows precisely in which cases one will work better than another. He studies examples of high-quality work. He is interested in the most effective methodology. In work, prefers unhurried manner and soundness. If necessary, he can work from early in the morning until late at night. In such cases, he will spend effort to create shortcuts that will make his labor more convenient or pleasant for himself.

SLI knows how to focus on the primary objective whilst not forgetting about the specifics. This ability is inherent to him in reading lectures, in setting up his living space, in conducting instruction and training. If, in his point of view, he has attained mastery in some subject or activity, then he will change his objective: he finds it tiresome to be occupied with the same routine work over a long period of time. In this manner his irrationality manifests itself.

Before starting on a new project, SLI spends time making sufficient preparations, accumulates and infers about pertinent information, gather necessary supplies and materials. He likes to first try out different things, to experiment, so that he better senses the possibilities of forthcoming work.

On the one hand, he is characterized by stubbornness and perseverance, on the other hand – has a certain measure of inertness. He may "prolong" and "delay", until all the deadlines are near, then rapidly mobilize at the last minute and complete his assignments or work. He will not take up dubious work, but prefers reliability, definitiveness, certainty, calculations rather than unsound risk.

He loves to work completely autonomously, independently, so that he wouldn't have to adapt himself to anyone else. He is especially irritated by illogical, unsound instructions.

Description of the Weak Functions:

Fe – Painful function. SLI prefers to conceal his emotions. Outwardly he seems impenetrable and unemotional. This is partly due to the fact that he is poorly capable of detecting the moods of people around him and also he fears that showing his emotions may seem inappropriate or ridiculous. This forces him to retain a psychological distance. However, this distance should not be dejecting: if anyone asks SLI for help, he most likely won't turn the person down, but will listen and provide aid, and even sympathize with the misfortune.

However, he possesses a degree of sensitivity and sentimentality: he will take up a common cause or work in order to demonstrate his disposition towards people, instead of showing it with emotions. Introspection is also not his element.

In conflict situations SLI tries to stay away from possible scandals. To a certain point, he will be calm, steady and inert. However, if someone suddenly invades his sacred psychological "territory", where no one is allowed, or attempts to afflict his personal sense of value – SLI can unexpectedly flare up and be driven into fury. In such a state, he may lose control of himself and is even capable of striking the offender. In regards to his emotions, just as with practical tasks, he warms up slowly, and afterwards he cannot be quickly swayed or calmed – especially after an explosion. Here, his particular type of inertness also applies.

Ni – Role function. Flights of fantasy and blurry boundlessness – such things are not characteristic of SLI. He cannot sufficiently evaluate the long-term prospects of one task over another or accurately predict someone's actions, and thus finds it difficult to solve strategic problems. Sometimes he makes mistakes in judging people and is inclined to view them in a more positive, advantageous light, and then later feels deceived by his expectations. In his designs and assessments of future prospects, he has to depend on his ability to make realistic estimates rather than intuition. For additional certainty, he discusses his plans with his colleagues, to confirm that they correspond to the established regulations and norms, which others deem sensible.

SLI at Work and at Home:

As a leader SLI implements his plans with regards to aesthetics and practicality; therefore his products and results are often of high quality and beautiful design. However, he doesn’t strive to be leader, even if he is gifted with talents. If, nevertheless, it was necessary to occupy a position of leadership, he will first attempt to understand who is capable of what, as it is more rational to assign each worker to a job that corresponds with his or her level of skill. In management SLI adheres to the principles of the collegiality and tries to materially stimulate his coworkers to do their work.

He finds it difficult to make prognoses about development of production over long periods of time. He is better at resolving immediate, tactical questions, rather than assessing long-term goals and outcomes; therefore it is better that he leads a smaller group.

He prefers to solve conflict situations by method of compromise. However, if the conflict touches on his fundamental principles and values, then he will not surrender his position.

The characteristic qualities of his nature manifest most vividly in his family life. He is a good family man, leisurely, solid and reliable. It is very important for him to provide for his family materially: to ensure there are sufficient supplies of food, clothing, foot wear for all family members. He often enjoys interacting with his children, looking after them. While children sometimes distress him, he’s rarely truly hurt. Frequently he is a good educator, restrained and reasonable. He is inclined to take the weak under his calm and reliable protection.

Not only does he not avoid domestic tasks, but he truly enjoys them. He himself may wonderfully and thoroughly repair the apartment, firmly and solidly build a house, work on the vegetable-garden… Only don't try to hurry him or goad him – this irritates him greatly.

Summary of Functions:

1. – Principally represented by the sensation of harmony, beauty and physical state. Everything must be balanced. Knows how to create his own invisible “territory”, is characterized by his perseverance, which sometimes passes into the realm of obstinacy; however is not inclined to aggression.
2. – Knows how to use improvised material in obtaining practical results. Loves qualitative, scrupulous, and serial operations. Attempts to understand the general similarities in universal laws, to add details in the global scheme.
3. – Conceals his emotions, fears seeming ridiculous, retains a psychological distance. He seems steady and inert, however, is capable of unexpectedly flaring up if his sense of self-respect is threatened. Considers the observance of traditions and norms of behavior necessary and useful not due to his internal sensations but due to the pragmatic benefits.
4. – Finds it difficult to foresee the ripening of various events, is not inclined to fantasies. Does not trust information sources, must check everything himself. Finds it difficult to invent something new – prefers to adapt something already known to his practical needs.

Professional Assessment:

Is successful in any industrial or practical activity. A master in work, loves to work independently or in a small group, does not aim for offices of leadership. Can prove to be a capable artist, designer, musician. Connection with physical state and surroundings may lead to medicine, sports, and also to professions connected with cuisine (cooking).

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LSE (Stierlitz)

Logical-Sensory Extrovert
LSE – ESTj – Stierlitz (Administrator)

To the LSE primary focus in life is in reasonably directed labor. Work must be organized in such a way that is convenient and properly rewarded.

Description of the Strong Functions:

Te – Program function. For the logical extrovert the reality of the external world is above all. She is directed towards practical activity. The sphere of production and technology interests her. She knows how to rationally and effectively work. LSE’s thinking carries a clearly expressed practical direction. The practical possibility of designing and choosing articles in daily life, the implementation of labor interests…

Any dispute for her is a serious argument – this is a fact. She herself gives actual proofs to her proofs and requires that others do the same. In beginning a task she thoroughly assembles the relevant information, analyzes the possible variants, and only acts if the components of everything are clear to her. This tactic permits her to act logically, rationally and economically.

She’s irritated by incompetent directions – in such situations may manifest sharpness or flare up. But if her opponent convincingly substantiates his/her proofs, LSE will peacefully assume the task. Valid laws are essential since they are integral to the concept of objective reality and such institutions of statehood as parliaments, ministries, law courts, penitentiaries etc. Any form of society is impossible without valid laws, and therefore LSE relates with proper respect to facts that are guarded by laws; she is the innate lawyer.

Her innate feeling of discipline may lead her into military educational institutions; many excellent officers are representatives of this psycho-type.

Si – Creative function. In order to assume as much qualitative production as possible it is necessary to make labor efficient. It is only possible to achieve this through the excellent organization of labor, and this is constantly the aim of the LSE. She considers that there always and everywhere must be order, at work and in the home. Any object prepared by her hands is completed, as a rule, conscientiously and accurately, be it a knitted blouse or a computer program it is reduced to the level of an art.

As a sensor, LSE is concrete in everything, however, in connection with her rationality, which stipulates the difficulty of her switching to another activity, this concrete style of behaviour can develop into obstinacy. People of this psycho-type are capable of maintaining an identical viewpoint of something over a long period of time. It is difficult for her to disconnect from such a state of mind.

Her ability to concentrate all her resources on the work by which she is occupied, and to be untiring and firm in such work, requires that she relax. Relaxation for LSE is often found in sports. She prefers team activities: football, volleyball, tourism… These wonderfully combine the ability to live in a group whilst at the same time retaining her individuality.

She does not impose excessive requirements on reality, she is inclined to look on things reasonably and also with optimism. Hence she meets any anomaly, which destroys her order (i.e. disease) with full-forced internal protest; such must not enter her life! Her entire mental system gravitates towards sincere health and a clear logic of interrelations with the object world.

Descriptions of the Weak Functions:

Ni – Vulnerable function. LSE painfully experiences any type of uncertainty. It is desirable that everything be planned before-hand, to precisely know what will happen tomorrow, in the week, in the month, in the year. Uncertainty, for her, is the most severe vital problem, it makes her nervous and she attempts to surmount it with all her resources.

LSE is not inclined to give herself up to dreams and fantasies, she finds it difficult to create an internal world that is not connected with reality – her attention is always concentrated on the exterior of things. Therefore she often doesn’t realize the deeper essence of a person or event, but makes judgments based on what she sees (i.e. in regards to whether the man is respectable) and finds her point of view to be sufficiently reasoned.

Her consciousness assumes no mysticism, nothing beyond that which may be seen, touched and checked. Because of the weakness of her introverted intuition she will never compose an intuitive forecast of events, but will prefer to act by means of her strong logical function: thus she will count on things but not foresee them.

Particularly, due to the weakness of intuition, LSE cannot always catch on to the trends of development, prospects for one or another form of production, the possibility of demand for one or another commodity. It is therefore not surprising that she neither hurries to use innovation in the house nor at work nor in administrative activity. May even wear the same suit for years (though nevertheless will wear it properly and aesthetically). In general, in regards to clothing, she is more so guided by worthwhileness (formal fashion), does not so much love “avant garde” styles.

Extroverted intuition is also not among the strong qualities of the LSE: for example, she finds it difficult to correctly evaluate and to sense the nature of other people, their true motives, which push them toward one activity over another.

Fe – Role function. In relations with people LSE works out a definite image, style of behaviour, which she considers adequate. By this is meant correctness, restraint, politeness, and good breeding. Her style, in this regard, can be considered stereotypically “English” in mannerism. Usually her behaviour is subordinated to certain norms, standards, effected by community expectations, as she understands them. But if a situation departs from the customary framework – she is lost, in the absence of flexibility she finds it difficult to rapidly change her style of behaviour.

She lacks the ability to sense the emotional state another, the degree of his/her vulnerability. Therefore LSE frequently will try to aid others in work but avoid the manifestation of feelings. To her significant other she finds it more easy to give a gift than to say, “I love you.” If such is requested from her he may appear astonished, feeling that her feelings are already evident.

She is sometimes prone to emotional “flashes”, in a difficult situation she may suddenly explode and shout. But this flash easily passes: this psycho-type does not characteristically accumulate stress. Nevertheless the memory of such situations remains with her for a long time, thus now and again she seems “rancorous.”

LSE at Work and in the Home:

Under normal conditions LSE is exact and detailed, moderately energetic, a concrete thinker, able to cloth any idea in flesh and blood. All of her apparent behaviour can be described by the words: adequate to the situation. She does not necessarily strive towards authority but will also never prove to be an outsider, assumes the situation according to what is proper for her.

She does not torment herself with existential questions, and at the same time is overly prone to egotism.

From all that’s stated above it’s clear that LSE, as a professional, is best suited for any work where concrete, operational, competent decisions are necessary.

Her ability to work effectively, to think logically, her tendency towards objectivity and respect for law, understanding the needs of people, and also the ability to create comfortable working conditions for them, make LSE suitable for advancement into offices of leadership.

Being, by nature, conservative and a supporter of tested methods, she is much better suited towards tactics, rather than strategy, prefers evolutionary development to jumps and risky activities.

LSE easily manages administrative work, connected with business documentation. She is a good organizer at any scale. She is not only capable of investigating the problems of the whole collective, but also of the individuals within; without disregarding the needs of people. At the same time, when she must, she knows how to be a strict leader, since she is convinced that for the efficient use of material and human resources a solid hand is necessary.

All the LSE’s characteristics of psyche are also developed in family life. She has a high feeling of responsibility and will even force herself to carry the burden of an unsuccessful family. She considers her children’s education a duty, which cannot be lifted. If in charge of the household performs excellently, is inclined to work excessively on domestic tasks, require that all adhere to the rules determined by her. Fills her home with anything useful, loves to make domestic contributions, if adequate material is available. The male LSE will not reject helping his wife with the economy, can prepare dinner, wash the floor, give sufficient attention to children.

In relations with other people she will not characteristically use cunning to manipulate. In difficult situations she acts on what she’s discovered: she will obtain what she deserves! – this principle is carried to the same degree to those around her.

In extreme situations appears volitionally, capable of withstanding the test and of persevering with a sense of duty.

Summary of Functions:

1. – Aimed at practical activity. knows how to create high-quality production, prefers to work accurately and consistently, knows how to use labor efficiently. Is inclined towards a detail-oriented fundamental approach. In community life observes the conventional rules.
2. – Aims for commensurability and balance in search of general harmony. To work effectively is convenient. In life is satisfied with necessities. Frequently has “photographic” memory. Easily evaluates the volitional qualities of people close by, but does not attempt to suppress anyone. Behaves adequately according to the situation. Does not overly strive to lead but also won’t follow.
3. – Doesn’t bother self with anything that cannot be seen or touched. Fantasies are not their thing. Poorly foresees the possibilities of anything, prefers to adhere to the tried and true methods. Conservative.
4. – Weakly orientated in the sphere of emotions, in the nuances of experiences. Cannot always control feelings, is capable of exploding and shouting. Considers it necesssaryto observe the norms of behaviour and morals, adheres to the image of a restrained well-bred person, but in uncommon situations can feel lost and not know how to act.

Profession Assessment:

Realizes self best in any practical activity – production, construction, medicine (surgeon); capable of becoming a good administrator at any level, a jurist. Successfully manages in military service, in law, the primary industries, in professional sports, a good trainer.

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EII (Dostoevsky)

Ethical-Intuitive Introvert
EII – INFj – Dostoevsky

The orientation of main functional block of EII: the conditions of normal life, harmony in human relations, the observance of ethical norms and morals, conservation of traditions. For purposes of this, EII devotes herself to improving and perfecting ethical values, strives to teach and cultivate moral refinement and spirituality in others, seeks veritable qualities in people.

Descriptions of the Strong Functions:

Fi – Program function. Introverted ethics in first function designate a person for whom the main orientation in life is making judgments about good and evil, morals and depravity, decency and dihonorableness. EII very acutely feels the general trends and standards of behavior which prevail in a society or a social group. She is usually mindful of these norms in order to not be insulting to other people. When she first joins a new group, she holds herself back and behaves tactfully conforming to established norms, meanwhile observing and assessing the psychological atmosphere. Once she has absorbed the existing atmosphere, only then she considers becoming a full-fledged member of the community and establishes her influence in regards to its psychological atmosphere.

When encountering people who are disadvantaged, outcast, unhappy, or weak she experiences a desire to emotionally support them and console them. Thus others will frequently refer to her with their troubles, and she will listen to their grievances and confessions sometimes for hours. She tries to sympathize, to enter their personal position, to feel their emotional pain as if it is her own, to accept the person and give them moral support.

EII is very sensitive and emotional, however, her introversion turns all her experiences inward, and thus these qualities are not always observable from the outside. Sometimes she appears as calm and impassive, but this impression is illusory, for every event, even those popularly deemed insignificant, leaves a trace in her soul that survives for a long time. As a rule, she represses her anger and irritation, and the desire to criticize others in herself.

One of the characteristic qualities of EII when she has taken offense is the creation of a psychological barrier between herself and the offender. In such cases, she take the position of emphatically cold politeness and answer all questions monosyllabically. For some people such behavior of this sociotype is difficult to endure; they'd prefer that the EII shouts or somehow expressed her anger and indignation. It is not an easy state for her either. However, if the offender asks for forgiveness and shows his desire to change the situation, then this state of offense may rapidly pass.

High emotionalism in combination with rationality frequently make the EII to focus on some past traumatic situation; she thinks it over and over again. In her consciousness, a center of excitation is created that overshadows all other aspects of life when this occurs. In these cases, she finds it difficult to focus on anything else. Mentally, again and again, she returns to the same point; she may speak repeatedly about it, and annoy others around her with these recollections.

Ne – Implementation of the program. To create harmony in life, EII searches for people' veritable, core values. These values she often finds in realm of ethical virtues and spirituality. Even in youth, through her imagination, EII forms a certain ideal that she attempts to reach. A feeling of obligation often lies at the foundation of her program function. Thus, the smallest divergence in behavior away from this ideal causes the EII to chastise and restrain herself. In this journey towards self-perfection, EII can become her own worst tyrant. This tyranny of this sense of obligation in its extreme manifestations can even lead the EII to develop contempt for herself. It can also lead her to feel contemptuous and critical of others, when their behavior fails to correspond with her ideal of decency and ethical values. This sort of maximalism, characteristic of EII in her youth, can lead to confrontations and conflicts with her peers, which weigh heavily upon her and are very trying for her.

Since her ethical ideal and norms, that she feels are compulsory to strive for, tend to be extremely high and difficult to live up to, she may gradually develop an increasing and continuous feeling of shame before everyone for her failings. Due to this feeling, with great difficulty does she assert herself and protect her rights. She considers that if she has failed in something – it is punishment for her mistakes. This sense of guilt can accompany the EII throughout her entire life.

She has little interest in career advancement and material values as main goals for her existence. The main thing for her is to find her purpose, to make something of her life before it passes by, to realize her innate abilities and talents. For the ideas that EII advocates, she is willing to go to the "executioner’s bloc". In psychologically extreme situations, she does not care how others evaluate and judge her, because her own inner trials are the most severe ones. However, in ordinary situations EII prefers to avoid conflicts, assuming that kindness and decency are the best ways of resolving any misunderstandings.

Descriptions of the Weak Functions:

Se – Painful function. Witnessing instances of physical violence and application of force is usually unpleasant for the EII. She develops a negative gut reaction in response to physical punishments, abuse, and conflict, especially if these lead to someone's death, sometimes even if these are merely representations on television. Such spectacles incite in EII the desire to put an end to violence. Her protest becomes more vivid and sharp when she sees this happening in real life, especially if the abuse and punishment is directed at children.

EII considers that each person should aim for betterment, self-improvement and self-erudition, and harshness with which she applies this to herself is often unrealistic and inadequate for ordinary, real life. In this, the vulnerability of her weak sensing functions manifests itself. It should be noted that on vulnerable function, the person's reactions do not correspond to the circumstances – she can be both unjustifiably strong and too weak.

The EII is very sensitive to authoritative and overbearing notes in her address. Frequently she works haplessly at tasks due to her underdeveloped business logic. If, in addition to this, she is forced to do more, she interprets this as the underestimation of her diligence and may simply discontinue working, while an appeal to her feeling of responsibility can for long time keep her in the state of work activity.

The orientation towards the ideal, constant work on herself from one side, and the difficulty of emotional recharge from another, make the EII eventually feel tired of herself. This often lends to disorders of her nervous system. Contact with nature greatly assists her in her struggle to relax; instinctively she strives for a healthy mode of life.

In resolving problems that have to do with housekeeping, EII tends to be inefficient. To purchase quality food, to adequately suture a piece of clothing, to do laundry – on all of these she resolves expanding too much effort than is necessary. If it was up to her to dictate her life, she would wish to not have to deal with the chores. Yet the EII never ceases in spending too much time and energy on each task. She feels that she must maintain cleanliness and order, because she cannot live in disorder and she also considers it shameful to allow others to witness disorder in her living space. The absence of money greatly alarms and suppresses her, if this occurs, because she does not feel confident in her ability to obtain resources when they are exhausted. Thus she saves and strives to always have money around, just in case "for the rainy day". Weakness in sensing also manifests in her difficulty understanding whether some thing will be needed in future or not. Thus, she is prone to hoarding and keeping things for years, which most other people would have thrown out long time ago.

Ti – Role function. EII thinks over all her actions beforehand, defining concrete goals or imperatives that are of primary importance to reach. This approach does not always succeed due to her emotionalism which frequently pushes or pulls her away the original direction she planned to follow. Nevertheless she tries to organize her activity into a specific system, bring about order, which requires vast efforts from her.

The normative nature of this function in EII is especially clearly seen in how ardently this sociotype abides by the laws and regulations. She follows exactly the official norms and regulations that are endorsed in her society.

Trying to work as conscientiously as possible, EII doesn't always do so effectively. Thus she wastes much of her time in an unproductive fashion. She sometimes compensates for this by working from dawn to dawn. She finds it difficult to bind her workday within a reasonable framework: there always seems to be something that is unfinished. Frequently, she wants to realize herself in that which doesn't work out for her. As a consequence of her efforts at self-improvement, she sometimes wholly devotes herself to work, which contradicts her nature, but the feeling of responsibility exceeds her other needs.

EII at Work and at Home:

If the EII finds herself in a leadership position, the burden of responsibility not only for herself but also for her coworkers weigh heavily on her and present a difficult challenge. She deeply feels any mistake, any mishap, trying at best of her abilities to complete the assigned work. Occupying a position of management, the EII is able to conflict with inconsiderate and shirking subordinates, or even with higher authorities, if she senses that the interests of her collective are being unfairly infringed or disregarded. In both cases, at the forefront is not her personal interest but the feeling of responsibility for her project and her workgroup.

In relation with subordinates the EII prefers to keep honest – more often will deny something than make a promise that she cannot fulfill. For her an ideal situation is when her subordinates also like minded people who share in her ideas, with whom EII can work together towards a common cause. She evaluates people, not according to what position they occupy, but whether they have personal qualities which correspond to her ethical standards.

Since warm, friendly relations, trust, an atmosphere of love and mutual understanding, are the main program for EII, a large part of her life is her family, where, in ideal, she hopes to realize this program. Unfortunately, relations frequently prove to be distant from the ideal, and this circumstance is the most traumatic for EII, who is very sensitive from one side, but externally restrained from another.

EII rarely considers cheating, not because she fears her partner finding out, but because it contradicts with her ethical norms. Even if her relations with her spouse are not great, she will all the same try to maintain benevolence and warmth in the relationship; it happens that EII will sacrifice herself for the sake of her children.

Summary of Functions:

1. – The main interest of EII is focused on the moral norms of behavior, considers it necessary to listen to all whom require their sympathy and help. Very emotional but believes that one ought not to concentrate just on the bad things, but to seek the positive sides of life.
2. – Possesses an excellent eye for promising long-range opportunities; knows how to manipulate variants and select the most promising one. Prefers methodical activities, is frequently disturbed by the future.
3. – Relates poorly to anything involving violence. While on one hand they resist external pressures, on the other they’re prone to tyrannize themselves internally. Find it difficult to efficiently complete household tasks, organize their budget, and purchase necessary things.
4. – Subordinate themselves to a system of order so long as not they’re not forced. Does not develop interest in theories of an abstract nature. Not always capable of organizing work efficiently, spends much time ineffectively spending resources, capable of overworking in order to make up for this.

Professional Assessment:

Their abilities can be well applied within the spheres of spiritual knowledge, enlightenment and religion. Can also teach, the EII feels a particular propensity towards psychology. Many representatives of this psycho-type realize themselves in art, but only if not related to performing in front of a large audience; also can successfully teach humanities/art.

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