Socionics Type Profiles by Beskova

From Wikisocion

Type descriptions written by Liubov Beskova.

ILE (Don Quixote)

Male portrait, ENTp (Ne,Ti)

The male ILE usually looks thin, energetic, with clever, but slightly naive, childish eyes. According to the strength of his intuition, he may seem somewhat awkward and uncoordinated.

His face is at times pensively concentrated or absent-minded and often suddenly assumes a boyishly inspired expression. Smart and witty. He absorbs everything around him almost instantaneously - you only began explaining, and he already understands it! However, due to his intrinsic sloppiness, he does not always study well and is inclined to get into arguments with his teachers or mentors, trying to prove that he understands the subject better. Though this does not prevent him from independently investigating all facets to learn about the world.

His head is always filled with the most unusual ideas. By his nature, he is an inquisitive researcher, whose audacious intellect practically knows no bounds. He enthusiastically talks about galaxies and Ursa Major, about genes and cloning, and also about many other fascinating discoveries and perspectives of scientific development - all of this is in his style. Male ILE is attracted only by unique problems. He strives to know not only one theory, but everything - only then he can attain peace for some time.

Obvious scientific interests in combination with a romantic attitude towards life, and a constant creative inspiration create the drive that attracts to him a plethora of people. It is interesting not only to solve problems in his company, but also to joyfully spend time. He himself likes to enjoy himself from the whole heart, to party like there is no tomorrow. His quick wit and the ability to keep hundreds of jokes in his memory endow upon him unrivaled success in groups. Girls like him, and he also likes girls very much - all of them at the same time at that - so it is very hard for him to pick a girlfriend.

If a girl instantly reacts to his proposals, he can, for some time, be with her, but not for long. And, more likely, he will lose interest in her after the first date. He is attracted by, worried by, and excited by resistance, a necessity to achieve reciprocity, to prove his worthiness, to think up something unexpected and new. To court the ladies for him is an artistic process. Here, he is truly inexhaustible with ideas and able to do miracles, or at least periodically to make his loved one happy with real surprises.

From the tale of one ILE man: “One winter, I came to her house about 15 minutes prior to the time she had to leave for work, placed a rose on the hood of her car, and hid myself - I wanted to see how she will react. Without false modesty, I can say that the venture proved successful".

But not only with this does he impress the opposite sex. In dangerous situations, ILE man acts like a true knight - stands up for the weak and the unjustly victimized, in fact often not taking into consideration the superiority of his opponent’s strength. This does not mean that he goes looking for trouble. If there is no necessity, he will try to avoid a dangerous situation, but if, right in front of his eyes, a woman is threatened, bravery and nobility take the upper hand.

Despite the desire to maintain good relations with everyone, ILE man, in reality, poorly understands what opinions those around him have of him. However, he tries not to show this and keeps himself looking happy and unaffected. If something in a relationship was taken the wrong way, and he is interested in continuing contact, he can ask straight-forwardly what went wrong or plainly tell a person what he thinks of them. Often, himself not wishing to do so, displays clumsiness in relations, and can thus offend those surrounding him or put them in a tough spot.

The best way to attract a ILE man - feed him something delicious and care of him. As a general rule, he is always thin and hungry. For him, the consumptions of food - is a process in itself and a particular pleasure. It can be said without exaggeration that he is a true gourmand. In any quantity, he also accepts concern for his body. You can wrap ILE man into a robe, gently adjust the scarf on his neck, hug him, kiss him, caress him, sleep with him in one bed. In one word, in every way take care of him and nurture him, in the literal sense of the word.

Painstaking, routine work, which demands just discipline, is not fitting for ILE man. He needs a flight of fantasy, creative problems, which no one prior to him had resolved. Money just by itself does not interest him too much. He is not distinguished by mercantilism nor greed.

Still, ILE man knows how to make money, even though he spends it with equal ease. It is not too much for him to spend all his wages at a restaurant with friends and beautiful women or to give his loved one a bouquet of a hundred roses as a gift. Agree with this - it is effective! There are few who would be capable of such things.

And, later, he will find a way to make money again.

Female Portrait, ENTp (Ne,Ti)

A woman of this type often looks like a good-looking, slender boy. During her childhood, she even behaves not like a girl should: often runs around with boys, climbs trees and garages, plays pretend war games, scorning traditional girlish entertainment. As a general rule, she remains a “boy” for the rest of her life. Slenderness and a certain skinniness are characteristic of the majority of ENTp women at any age. An active attitude towards life is characteristic to women of this type - they are rarely satisfied being a stay-at-home mom, who spends many years sitting at home rearing her child.

Since women are expected to pay more attention to their clothes and to look good, ENTp females can be dressed with excessive thoroughness. But this, of course, applies to an official or stylish costume, and here they particularly value various company labels. For regular days, regular jeans with a nice sweater will do (but they absolutely must have a company label).

The face of a woman of the type ENTp is often symmetrical and beautiful. The eyes look smart, but a bit too serious, focused and even excessively wary for a pretty lady. Fortunately, when she smiles, this impression disappears for a while.

By her abilities and mental development, ENTp woman does not yield to men of the same type. Quickly figuring out what’s what, she becomes bored and feels burdened by long-winded explanations. If her upbringing does not allow her to interrupt whoever she is talking to, she literally does not know what to occupy herself with, while she is forced to listen to the end.

ENTp woman strives to be ideally beautiful, ideally intelligent, ideally well-bred, in one word, flawless in all aspects. She tries to become the embodiment of perfection. She behaves coldly and unapprocheably for a long time, keeping a distance between herself and her suitors. From one side, she knows her worth. From another, she does not understand how to establish relationships with men, since she does not see what is happening. She wants to be loved by everyone, and, in the depth of her soul, she dreams of ideal, perfect relationships. To be honest, she does not know what these relationships would be like, but, if her partner allows himself even a small transgression, diverging from the image of the ideal behavior (in her imagination), he is strictly punished, and often is rejected completely. If the ice has been already broken, and the relationship has been initiated, female ENTp will immediately assume the role of a princess before whom everyone should fall to the ground. If her partner does not do this, his behavior is interpreted as a betrayal.

The intellect of a woman ENTp is no less theoretically inclined than that of ENTp men. It can be said that everyday life is of little interest to her. She is disposed to learning. Her hobbies are to connect the unconnected, operate global categories, discover novelties in the form of the most general laws. A unified approach to comprehending the world is inherent to people of this type, independent of gender affiliation.

But, if a male ENTp is fully accepted by society, then the female ENTp always remains a stranger in our culture. She goes against all the traditional notions that a woman is less intelligent than a man, and that a woman should sit at home and cook. Neither of these things is true when it comes to the female representatives of this type.

Her constant readiness to stand up for others so as to reestablish righteousness also badly matches her image as a woman. Nowithstanding her own fragility, a woman of this type can even get into a fight, defending a girlfriend, a pregnant woman, a child, or a dog. In one word, a person, who posses a societal threat, will not stop her, if she deems it necessary to establish justice.

From a story of one ENTp woman: “I was sitting in a subway car and, suddenly, see: across the aisle, a dangerous-looking man is pick pocketing the wallet from the chest pocket of a sleeping guy. Everyone sits, looking at him, but not doing anything. And I was just then planning to exit, but we had yet to arrived at the station. I stare the thief right in the face, and he looks at me. And nobody else interferes. Then, I confidently stood up and walked right up to the door, finding myself right next to him. I said to him: “Put it back” and looked right into his eyes. And, you know, it worked! His nerves gave in - he snuck the wallet back and jumped out of the car (we had just arrived at the station). I also got out. Understand that I have achieved a victory over him!"

Cultural stereotypes make the existence of ENTp woman not very simple. She, herself, not understanding why, feels somehow unique, not like the others. And it is her strangeness that often results in her isolated position and difficulties in choosing a partner. Nonetheless, good company and true friends, where she is treated as a smart woman and her nonstandard reasoning is listened to, often is, for her, an excellent way out.

Even though ENTp tries to deal with others with kindness and understanding, she grows tired of people, of the necessity to socialize with them, to keep track how the discussion is progressing. It is hard for her to understand how and why the relationships break up, the ones she so painstakingly tends to. She, same as the male ENTp, is inclined to, in an incomprehensible ethical situation, to straight out tell all her grievances right to her partner’s face, so as to dot all the “i’s” as soon as possible. For this same reason, the older representatives of this type often encounter difficulties in their relations with children.

Concern and care are as essential for this girl as breathing air. Without food and attention to her physical needs from those close to her, she becomes even more stern and lonely. High-quality food, an indisposition timely noticed, a favorite pie, a warm drink, and socks with leg-warmers when she is sick evoke appreciation from her to those who were concerned for her.

Female ENTp knows how to work and make money, but does not always want to do it. Measured, regular work, which has no interesting and unique problems, very quickly starts to bore her. It is possible that she will be more satisfied freelancing, where she, at the bare minimum, will not feel bound. And still, differing from the men of this type, female ENTps display much more diligence at work. Some of them you can confidently call workaholics. In their job, they find an outlet, striving to prove to those surrounding that they are worthy of love and respect, that they are smart and successful.

When communicating with a representative of this type - be it man or woman - as an insurmountable obstacle that frequently emerges is that they have a chronic lack of time. This could result in that, being close at hand, ENTp practically disappears from your field of vision. If you already have heard several times: “Let’s do it at another time, I don't have time today” or “No, just not right now”, the situation is poor. Quickly bake some cookies or delicious pies, and then your ENTp will undoubtedly will drop by, bringing a fresh stream to your ordinary life. ENTp (sex bears no significance) will with appetite eat and enthusiastically tell tales of something, which you have never heard before. In one word, both of you will spend the time wonderfully.

SEI (Dumas)

Male portrait, ISFp (Si,Fe)

When he is in a good mood, SEI man radiates kindness and cordiality. He has an affable, kind-hearted smile and a somewhat sly look. It seems like next to this portly, charming, industrious person one will be always be surrounded by comfort and amity. He will try to understand you, and take care of you.

Men of this type are typically not very tall and with rounded shoulders.They are predisposed to carrying some extra pounds. If they put on a lot of weight they start looking like good-natured oafs. More rarely one can encounter men of this type who remain in good shape into old age.

In the wardrobe of DUMAS one can find not only comfortable, but also good looking clothing. He looks as naturally in sport sets as he does expensive suits. His slightly curly and voluminous hair is frequently cut short and harmonizes well with the face.

SEI men are typically highly sociable. They can address a stranger they have just met on the street and in five minutes it may seem like they are familiars.

DUMAS usually has many friends and acquaintances, and is adept at discriminating people very well. He knows how to use his emotions, as well as how to read the emotions of others. Based on these readings, he can make judgements about people with great accuracy. It is difficult to hide from him whether the person is good or bad, what kind of state he is in, whether he is troubled or upset by something and in need of emotional support and comforting, or, conversely, if someone has some ulterior motive and should be kept at a distance.

Always ready to support a good atmosphere at a social gathering, DUMAS is a master of telling captivating stories and this often lands him as a center of everyone's attention. Often these are stories of some daily events ("We went together to buy some beer, I found we had great many things in common, so we managed to resolve the question about the recent purchase."), or unexpected meetings ("One time I was put in charge of loading hens into barrels - we were transporting them to Yalta - suddenly coming my way I saw my old friend, which whom before the war we studied together in Lvov College!"), about events and gatherings ("The opera was magnificent! Simply brilliant! Elegant decorations, superb colors! And such lush, deep voices!"). As a rule, these stories involve other people and contain many mentions of all kinds of visual, tactile, and olfactory details. Narration is dynamic [translator's note: for more information about static vs dynamic narration see this article] gripping with intrigue, and usually accompanied by expressions of pleasant emotions.

DUMAS loves not only merriment, but also a good meal, moreover he usually knows how to cook well. He is a hospitable person. If you are his guest, he will treat you with much courtesy: "Here, try this, this is great!" He simply melts with pleasure, when those invited praise him for his hospitality and his food. As a rule, arrogance or conceit are not in his nature. DUMAS knows how to be exceptionally appropriate in any company.

His softness and patience, ability to live via the interests of those around him, and not to argue and conflict with them, distinguish him from men of other types. He is not (with rare exceptions) a loud person, and does not possesses heroic traits. He tries to not be offensive, and will attempt to side-step conflicts, quarrels, and arguments. Frequently it is so that he supports a friendly and elated atmosphere at some social gathering, but, as soon as some fight breaks out or some scandal - you look, and he has already disappeared. This man possesses life-smarts: he will quietly step aside from that which does not belong to him, and that which forebodes of unpleasantness.

At a first date DUMAS man is very charming. He jokes and flirts with mastery. He knows how to close distance quickly and switch to informal communication. Soft pleasantness shines through his every word and action.

Men of this type are not indifferent to the opposite sex. For DUMAS it doesn't not constitute much of a problem to positively predispose towards himself any woman that he likes. Courting he does gallantly, one can say, with a lot of professionalism, such that it is impossible to resist his charms. If his mind is set to find a partner for marriage, then he will find a suitable woman, and however difficult her nature may be, he will learn to get along with her.

If he does not want to be married, then he will have as many women as he wants. They can appear in his life in turns, and then disappear, or even be present simultaneously (for example, wife and mistress), and usually none of them feel offended in earnest by him. Most likely, this occurs because DUMAS shies away from escalating potentially dangerous situations, and his women, from their side, love and cherish him too much to place more serious demands. If the situation has been aggravated, he knows how to plead with his significant other such that she will cease to be angry.

Most often, however, DUMAS strives to settle down and get married, as indeed, by his nature he is a domestic and industrious man, who sincerely loves his family and children. He loves the warm atmosphere of family relations and coziness of home life. He loves when other people attend to him. At the same time he automatically attends to his close ones. He not only concerns for the health of his relatives and reminds them to check with the doctors, but also makes sure that they are satisfied, fed and dressed well. If his wife has died, man of this type often re-marries.

DUMAS has a fine sense of aesthetics. He values antique things, can come up with an original interior design for his place of residence, and even do some work with his hands so that everything around will be pleasing to the eye. Most importantly - for whom all of this is to be done! But to receive orders and tasks from others, he does not enjoy, and may procrastinate for a long time if someone has asked him to do something. Then, when he is finally in the mood, he will do everything himself and moreover it will be done well - he has very skillful hands.

True, this rarely happens, because he is prone to laziness and slacking. If DUMAS cannot decide how to apply himself, he can lie on the couch for hours, even days and weeks, because by his nature he is a Sybarite and loves it when he is being served and taken care of, such that he wouldn't have to make any extra movements. He receives such attention with the grace of a lazy tomcat.

Do not fall into confusion with respect to his softness and pliability. At a critical moment he will be able to stand up for himself (and for you!). During a quarrel, he can direct the same pressure against his offender.

A story from real life: "SEI man, working as a chief of a section of construction of a conduit, on the eve of the holidays was forced to cancel the weekly leave for one of the workers (who planned to go home to see his fiance). Enraged by this refusal, the young man threatened to come to his house and kill him and his wife. It was not necessary to wait for long. On the eve of holiday he got very drunk, broke into the house of his chief and, swinging the knife, charged ahead. Despite the fact that the later was sick and lying on the couch at the time, he did not lose composure. He quickly oriented himself, grabbed the knife right by its blade and pulled it from the hands of the drunk fellow. Of course, he cut several tendons in the process, but the incident did not reach a gruesome resolution."

The talents of these men usually do no lie in the areas of engineering or bookkeeping. Sometimes they organize their small business, but it rapidly comes to ruin. Thing is that they do not know how to keep a businesses afloat, but they do know how to compel you towards some purchase floating on the high tide of a good personal relations.

These men are simply made for working with people, and also in those spheres where it is necessary to create something by hands or to apply one's aesthetic taste. They makes for excellent artists, antiquaries, designers. From them are obtained also splendid culinary specialists and barbers, tailors, and remodelers. Manual work they do with high quality.

Female Portrait, ISFp (Si,Fe)

Kind, courteous, soft - these are just a few of the adjectives that can be used to describe a typical female DUMAS. A charming femininity is characteristic for her, that would be complimented well by exquisite furs and headwear. Unusual elegance permeates her figure and bearing, even when she is dressed in her usual, daily clothing, since there is no angularity or abruptness in her movements. All her motion is graceful, softened, and smooth.

The first encounter with the female SEI is fascinating. She jokes and skillfully flirts; she knows how to rapidly reduce psychological distance and enter into informal contact. Soft charm permeates her each movement.

Even a modest wardrobe does not deter SEI woman from looking worthy. No one like her is skilled in choosing clothing sets that combine well with color of her hair, eyes, and even the tone of her skin. Representatives of this type have skillful hands, thus they sew and knit wonderfully well, putting their imagination to use. And they usually possess excellent taste. Their dresses and blouses will never have too low of an opening and are fitting to their figure. A bland and boring shirt will be supplemented with a brightly colored scarf, that will beautifully drape her neck. In short, appearance of female DUMAS is a true work of art.

A story from real life: "An employee of a recruitment agency managed by SEI was giving instructions to a new worker. Much to the surprise of the girl, she told her nothing about the business aspects required for her job, or about her schedule, or about how much time she is allowed for lunch, or how she shouldn't be reading at work. She said only one thing: "It is compulsorily to dress properly. You must be in an office style. Remember this: it will be the guarantee of your success".

SEI woman usually has slightly rounded, soft face, and a hazy, romantic look in her eyes. She frequently departs into herself, but her quiet pensiveness can turn into a smile or charming laughter very quickly. Then her voice rings like a bell. Usually women of this type are very delicate and well brought up, but sometimes rather unsure of themselves. It is difficult to imagine that they will allow themselves any rudeness or express themselves using non-normative lexicon.

Making first acquaintance, SEI woman appears mysterious and coquettish. She is risible and will readily respond to your jokes, but also knows how to decline unwanted attention with dignity. She understands well what is transpiring between her and her partner, and knows how to turn relations into intrigue. If her suitor is sufficiently resourceful, witty and creative, then he will succeeded in making progress. Thus relations with her begin. Further, it will be no less interesting, especially for those who understand.

DUMOCHKA makes for an excellent keeper and guardian of the household. She is a tender wife and outstanding homemaker. She selflessly loves her children and can spend a lot of time with them at home. For her family DYUMKA is ready to sacrifice her career, and she will never feel regretful about this, finding enormous pleasure in supporting and caring for her husband, living by the interests of children, worrying about the household. In the case of divorce or death of her husband, she usually quickly re-marries, not so much because she cannot suffer the solitude, as that she has a natural longing to care about someone.

The most characteristic traits of women of this type are unusual patience and constant readiness to care for others. It is very difficult to get under her skin, because her love for people practically knows no boundaries. She is always ready to understand and to forgive her partner, to smooth over any awkwardness that he has allowed himself, to pretend that she did not see his oversights or roughness. She relates to all of this with understanding and angelic patience.

Her girlfriends can also count on her, if they need someone's shoulder to cry on or to share their happiness, if they need someone to empathize and sympathize. They will be comforted, and fed, and supported, and cheered up, in other words, distracted from their worries. Their gloomy thoughts will be scattered alike a dream upon waking, when DYUMKA starts to doctor your pains of the heart.

However, the concern of women of this type is extended not only to your state of mind, but also to the body. DYUMKAs usually cook very well and will never let a guest remain hungry. All her relatives are spoiled by their favorite dishes, pickles, jams, pastries, pancakes, and pirogis. In the skill of the preparation of all possible dishes almost no one can be compared with SEI woman. They love to invite over guests, to arrange celebrations for their small company, astonishing all by their culinary talents and warming them with their quiet, but deeply expressive emotionalism.

House of SEI woman is a warm place where you will always be accepted and given affection. Even the most modest dwelling she knows how to arrange and decorate with taste and to convert it into a comfortable nest. She grows flowers wonderfully well, and animals love her.

DUMAS women are characterized by steady, life-loving nature. At the same time, they are one of the most undemanding and most patient, most modest and most unassuming. They are exceptionally good to the children, but their children also know their mother's solid hand, and in their mischievousness they don't dare to go cross the rules that were laid down by her. This quiet domestic angel, who does not lose heart even in the most severe times, on required occasion will stand up for herself and her loved ones. True, frequently her sensitivity and compassionate nature take precedence, so often she does not enter confrontations.

If to you it seemed you that this romantically domestic being cannot learn and study well, then this is not so. DYUMKI honestly "gnaw the granite of science" and no less conscientiously pass examinations, at the same time charming their instructors and receiving good grades. Certainly, professions like interior design suit this girl better than engineering. In this case her vocation will find the suitable embodiment in her profession. They are also good in any professions that require them to work with children or with people in general.

ESE (Hugo)

Male portrait, ESFj (Fe,Si)

Prominent, imposing, stout, HUGO man knows how to dress with taste and allots certain amount of time to this. More often, he prefers to have his cut shortly, tries to keep his hair neat.

His entire look radiates at attitude of good humor, placability, and optimism. He is energetic and active. His movements are unrestrained and confident, but he holds himself with modest virtue. His smile uplifts those around him. He easily comes into contact with whomever he wants to and wherever it is convenient. To him, it is easy to demonstrate to his conversation partner sincere interest in his or her matters. The bright emotionalism of HUGO creates as if a field around him, in which it is pleasant to be in.

He easily maintains relations with many familiar and unfamiliar people and remembers everything about everyone. People, in fact, greatly interest him, and he knows not only how to spend time with them, but also how to look after and entertain them. If you arrived at his house, he will bustle about around you, give you something to drink, offer you something to eat and entertain you. The thought that you are doing well and enjoying yourself brings sincere pleasure to him, and he will not hold back on his efforts to surround you with comfort.

Already in childhood, small HUGO readily does grocery shopping (he remembers all the prices!), helps with household chores and maintenance, and willingly occupies himself with looking after his younger sisters and brothers. He is not against even cooking something in order to appease his relatives with a tasty surprise.

He goes to school with pleasure, because there, as a rule, he has an entire class of friends. Without counting, of course, a heap of familiars from the parallel, higher and lower grades. He is a good partner not only in games, but also in studies - will always give his homework to copy if he must. But then no one will refuse him the same favor in return.

Charming, kind, and not petty, HUGO usually enjoys the love of the entire group. He is merry, lively, and sociable. With him it is good to greet the New Year, to celebrate a birthday, to go to the countryside together. It is certain that no one will stay without food, and without a good mood as well!

Young HUGO usually displays initiative himself if he comes to like someone. As a rule, he is attracted to girls who are clever, refined, and romantic in their soul. The main thing is that she supports the group or the gathering, that she is cheerful and responsive to his proposals, that she loves to walk to concerts and to social gatherings. In the matters of courting, energy and enthusiasm HUGO has in sufficient quantities for two people. As to your encounters being interesting and diverse, it is better left to the care of his partner. If you have a rich imagination, your proposals will be met with captivating enthusiasm.

Only do not count on him to arrive at the exact minute to your meeting. It will be up to you to be tactful and not to reproach him for being unpunctual. If he comes exactly on time, then know that most most likely, this required from him a lot of effort, for example, appearing thirty minutes prior to the assigned time. Taking this into account, try not to be late to the meetings yourself!

HUGO men make for industrious and caring husbands. They, as a rule, treat the relatives of their wife, and also her friends, acquaintances, and colleagues as members of their family. On holidays, usually, a large, merry company gathers at home of HUGO. He loves to laugh and to joke around; this way it is merrier and more interesting for him and everyone else.

HUGO makes sure that the refrigerator in the house will always be full, and that his wife and children do not fall sick. Men of this type, with their entire soul, live for their family members and relatives. They try to gather everyone together so that everyone feels themselves as one family. They especially value that during supper or Sunday dinner, everyone is present at the table at the same time. When family is gathered together, HUGO will with pleasure converse and joke, raising mood by his presence. If someone did not return home at the assigned time, he will be very worried, and go searching for them, but when they will appear, he will arrange for them the professionally executed scandal to the utmost degree, shaming them for their carelessness and the indifference.

Emotions of these types of people are so strong that from worries they can even faint, both male and female representatives of this type. Specifically this has happened with Sasha Panayotov (HUGO), one of the participants in the competition "The People's Artist" 2004, when his friends set up an excessively realistic prank for him. As was mentioned in the newspaper "7 Days", they purchased a human-sized doll, dressed it up in the clothing of Hohmann (winner of the same competition), placed it on the floor, and poured fake blood on it. Sasha Panayotov comes home, opens the door, and sees... the lifeless body of Hohmann in a puddle of blood! Impressionable Panayotov immediately faints!

Moods, emotions in people of this type serve as unique tools for them, with the aid of which they frequently achieve that which is necessary for them.

Example from real life: "For a long while, I received no increase in my salary, and didn't know how to speak up about this. Two days I spent at work gloomier than a storm cloud. I was in such a poor mood, that around me "everything living was dead". At the end of second day, my boss implored me: "This cannot continue! What has happened with you? Nobody can work like this!" I explained it to him and he said: "I will raise your salary, but I plead with you, stop spoiling the mood of everyone.""

In professional activities, man of HUGO type is active and energetic. Most of all, he seeks and enjoys himself at work where it is necessary to work with people. People do not tire him, but on the contrary, cause infinite interest. He will appreciate the job of cinematographer or work in entertainment industry. He can also work as a manager at a recruiting agency. One of the most desirable professions for him is that of an actor or a singer. It is worse, if he becomes an engineer or an accountant. He undoubtedly will manage; however, this will require from him much more effort, that his beautiful, bright temperament unavoidably will suffer and, to a considerable extent, he may become depressed.

Female portrait, ESFj (Fe,Si)

As a girl, HUGO is imposing, with a well formed solid figure, and a splendid posture. She has a particular way of carrying herself and moves with confidence. It is not surprising that men frequently accompany this girl with glances.

Facial features in the women of this type are clear-cut, precise, eyes are bright, emotions are expressed in a very definite way, which also makes them stand apart from other girls.

HUGO women have special energy about them - they are energetic, assertive, directed, merry, and flirtatious. They speak loudly and energetically. Resourceful in flirtation, won't search long for the right word, mocking, and readily breaks into laughter. HUGO knows her worth and can stand up for herself.

As a rule, women of this type always look neat and tidy. They take care of their looks with purpose and skill, allocating to this a lot of time and attention. They often have great looking hair-cuts. If their hair is long then it is skillfully assembled into an accurate ponytail or beautifully falls onto their shoulders. No absurd cuts, no unkempt hair, or greasy bangs on their forehead, no mistakes with coloration.

Woman of this type dresses with much taste. She loves shopping and carries it out almost professionally. Clothing and shoes are picked according to criteria of beauty as well as comfort. Besides that, her wardrobe is composed by criteria of successful combinations of color, texture of clothing, styles, and trademarks.

In school she is often one of the most diligent students. She is assiduous, accurate and, often, the teacher's pet. Where she does not succeed with learning and understanding the material, she takes by charm. Although girls of this type obtain good marks in mathematics, physics and chemistry, nevertheless, they, as a rule, generally prefer humanitarian subjects (of these, they prefer history least of all). They are focused on people, about whom they know and remember everything; therefore they are usually quite qualified to write essays on humanitarian subjects.

HUGOs are usually active and enjoy sports. They take up artistic gymnastics, figure skating, synchronized swimming or dancing (of any type, from the ballroom to contemporary). They also love participating in school theater - any opportunities to display their bright emotions are highly appealing to them. This makes it possible for them, at least for a moment, to be immersed in the atmosphere of real passions. In their soul girls of this type feel themselves as artists; therefore, any work where they can display their artistic taste, is suitable for them.

If HUGO needs to lose weight (to keep looking fit or for a play or performance), possessing a strong will, she can easily force herself to keep on a diet. The same thing goes for her emotions, which are provided in doses and completely consciously.

In a company of friends, she is completely irreplaceable: willingly she laughs at jokes that others make, radiates happiness, creating around herself an atmosphere of holiday and merriment and charging everyone with positive emotions.

Most of all, she is pleased with clever gentlemen. For intellect she can forgive much, even not too courageous an appearance. Provided her partner can entertain her with intellectual conversations, that he is polite, courteous and accurate. Then she begins to revere and... becomes even merrier. If contact happened at a party, then, at this moment, it is good to go out dancing with her. It is not needed to constantly maintain a serious, clever appearance. Those who attract her must know not only how to speak of intellectual topics, but also how to obtain pleasure from sincere merriment. If she went full out and danced cancan on the table, this must not evoke jealousy in her partner, but admiration!

After marriage, HUGO in all respects acts exceptionally positively, and becomes completely immersed in family concerns and troubles. This brings her pleasure and enjoyment. The thought that she is the caretaker of the household and the mother of the family fills her with pride and gives to her extra strength. And this is considering that she already possesses energy enough for three people!

Under no circumstances it is possible to call HUGO woman lazy. However, her fitness for work in many respects depends on her emotional state. If her mood is poor, then she generally prefers not to become occupied with anything; everything falls from her hands at such times. But if she has sufficient inspiration and enthusiasm, the work will be done quickly and with great quality.

In short, HUGO woman will ensure that her home is clean and organized. Linen will smell sweet with pleasant aromas; her husband's shirts are always ironed; breakfast, dinner and supper appear suddenly on the tablecloth. Saucepans in her house always know their place. If her dwelling did not have hot water for three days due to maintenance, a large pot with hot water will stand on the plate from the very morning for her family members. If a spot appeared on the clothing, she will wash the piece by hand until it is gone.

To live in her house means to live in a hospitable place. She cooks quickly, skillfully, tastefully, and plentifully. She does not mind to get up at 5 A.M. for her relatives, to bake pirogis, cook borsch, stock up on plov, make cutlets or other culinary masterpieces. Just so that everyone is fed and content. On the part of the household management, she will provide for everything. In her house, there is usually a shelf with emergency rations of products, which might be needed if some unanticipated circumstances suddenly occur in her planned out life. Nevertheless, no one will starve. This emergency ration will be used if any unforeseen guests or relatives from the countryside suddenly stop by.

HUGO woman very actively participates in the lives of her children; she participates in their development - both physical and mental. She attempts to be always in contact with them, to be friends with them, and be up to date on everything that happens with them. This mom attempts to fire her children up, to rouse their interest in life, to inspire them to heroic acts in the name of science (which she greatly respects) or, at least, simply to make them into decent people. It is very important to her that her entire life, her family, her children, generally everything is not worse than others. For this, she is ready to work with three times the energy.

It is characteristic to her that she does everything playfully, remaining graceful, merry, benevolent and energetic. Strictly speaking, one child for her undoubtedly is too few; she can easily manage three, and even more.

Being a considerate mother, HUGO woman, for a long time, does not let her children go, poorly estimating the time when they have grown up and no longer in need of her guardianship. For a long time (if not all her entire life) she participates in their lives, helping both materially or with infinite advise. This has its positive side: it is possible to completely rely on her in case someone needs to babysit the grandchildren. She is not one of those grandmothers, who remain apart from the grandchildren's rearing. Moreover, there would be no worries that she feeds them with the wrong food, doesn't them to bed in time, or forgets a doctor's visit. In the matters of care and upbringing, it is possible to rely on her completely.

In domestic affairs, HUGO woman usually engages in some intrigue: some things she hushes up, other things she tells about to her husband and children only when they are in a good mood. Masterfully applying emotions, she unnoticeably forces them to do that which she considers necessary. It seems to her that, in this way, she retains control over the situation and cares about everyone in the best way possible, because "she knows better!".

In the professional sphere, representatives of this type work tirelessly, especially, if their work is connected with people e.g. an organization that deals with matters of coordinating or caring for people, teaching or performing on stage. A fiery enthusiasm and a talent for making others become involved and follow her, make HUGOs into untiring activists and propagandists, capable of persuading and narrating so as to enlist everyone within their reach. This girl is capable of igniting large crowds of people with her energy.

Wherever a woman of this type works, she is, first of all, interested in people around her. This finds its manifestation in her radiant, public temperament, in how willingly and skillfully she creates an atmosphere around herself and organizes group outings.

In the majority of cases, HUGOs make for good workers. They honestly and with soul carry out their duties. However, it is best that they can work with people, and not wither, for example, in bookkeeping.

A story from life: “One day something has happened with my computer! It was horrible! I was kicking it so that it would turn on. Suddenly, the screen turns off! I turn it on, and it is not working. I hit it again - then it completely shut off and I had to pull it out of the outlet. In all, I suffered for three days with it, but I endured! Suddenly, my LII co-worker comes by and asks: “Did you take a look at what I asked you to?” I say: “My computer doesn't work! I kick it, but it does not turn on! The screen turns off all the time. It’s horrible!" He listened to me without any emotions and said: "It is broken" and at once, phoned somewhere and started to say some puzzling words, "upgrade, motherboard". And somehow I felt at ease right away".

A touchy subject for HUGO - time. She constantly does not manage to do something in time, cannot calculate how much time would be required for the road, or for one project or another. During conversations, time also flies unnoticeably, and HUGO, as a rule, always willingly devotes time to socializing. So that, if you are in a hurry, then in this situation, it is better to take the timing under your control.

LII (Robespierre)

Male Portrait, INTj (Ti,Ne)

Slender, taut, and slightly stoop-shouldered, the male LII imparts a pleasant impression. Men of this type usually keep their hair short. Their clothing style often consists of soft pullovers and well ironed trousers, although they will wear suits on rare occasions.

Being an intellectual person, somewhat distanced in his own thoughts, the LII behaves softly and with some caution. However, if he is positively predisposed to you, his eyes will suddenly become kind and a disarming smile will appear on his lips.

Most of the time the LII male is occupied by pressing concerns and intelligent thoughts, and thus he is somewhat submerged into himself. However, if he has someone he can talk to, he blossoms, becomes sociable and demonstrative, even artistic, tells funny stories and jokes, and generally livens up.

From a very early age, the little LII boy shows impressible abilities. His analytical mind strives for knowledge. He loves to read, to think, to systematize everything that comes into his head. Generally children of this type are very smart, well-read, erudite, and attend school for the purpose of learning and becoming more knowledgeable. As a rule, they have good memory and a remarkable ability to understand the material, which they structure and categorize in their talented heads. Boys of this type often demonstrate excellent abilities in precise and natural sciences. Moreover, they are keen to the process of learning itself. They have all the qualities needed for this: deep interest in the subject, an encyclopedic mind, diligence, and self-discipline. They often finish school with good grades, participate and win at local student competitions, thus contributing to the pride of their class and school.

With other children they are usually well-wishing and gentle, try to maintain stable relations and avoid conflict situations, and especially physical confrontations. Most of all they dislike being pressured into having to resolve heated issues by direct forceful measures.

If the male LIIs take up sports, they are drawn to the ones that involve speed. Often this is running, lancing, badminton, air gliding. Team sports appeal much less to them because of inevitable need to do what others tell them, which infringes on their sense of independence, and possible power clashes on the field. Generally, however, male LIIs are much more interested in developing and expanding their creative and intellectual horizons rather than developing own physical attributes.

To spend time in the company of a male LII is often sheer pleasure. He is typically courteous and gallant around others, witty, and sociable. Elegant and light in conversation, he with pleasure helps to maintain positive atmosphere with his jokes, puns, and anecdotes, willingly dances, and charmingly plays around.

Male LIIs are not indifferent to women. With pleasure they become acquainted and maintain relations. They are often liked, since they are usually friendly and deprived of direct aggressiveness, well brought up, educated, and clever. By his noble manners and refinement in manners, the LII male usually makes an impression of a somewhat behind the times, academic person. In the process of courtship, his chosen woman will soon discover that this is a vulnerable, romantic, and imaginative man.

If you have decided to conquer the heart of this man, you will have to act sufficiently actively and decisively. Showing ardency of feelings is also welcome here. Indeed, it is exactly this trait that is lacking in the male LII. An open display of your feelings will meet a response in his heart.

Men of this type are rarely jealous and possessive. Usually, they are proud of their partners and see nothing wrong if their partner is also attractive to others.

With his seeming external softness, the male LII is, nevertheless, a sufficiently reliable and dependable person. He is responsible, stable, and ordered, although not always inclined to finish up dull, in his opinion, tasks. He tries to avoid that which he considers to be unintelligent and meaningless. The elevated, romantic view of life combines well in representatives of this type with their inclination to be economical and financial soberness. While not greedy, the LII male is always inclined to certain thriftiness: "The thought of having to drive across the entire city to the airport, pay for the gas, then the hourly parking, is unpleasant. The cost is seemingly small, but somehow upsetting to think about. I don't like paying money into the air. Especially since now they have an express train that goes from the airport to the city, which I think is quite acceptable. Their trip will be even quicker this way."

From time to time, the ordered male LII gets taken in by desire for adventure. When this occurs, he may suddenly (so it seems from outside) lift himself up and move to a new place, for example, to a distant country - for residence or simply for a trip. Making a trek across Europe using public transportation, for example, is entirely possible.

Generally male LIIs make for good and caring husbands and fathers. With some rare exceptions, they are inclined to family life. They know how to earn money, value familial warmth, cleanliness, order, and are grateful for the concern and care shown to them by close people. When they fall ill, male LIIs like to be cared for. This for them is very enjoyable and warming. If a male LII is not cared for, he may lose weight, go hungry, look neglected and unhappy, and not even notice this himself.

At home the male LII behaves softly, somewhat passively, and is responsive to requests of his family members. He is not lazy and strives to carry out his obligations. The male LII will not refuse to look after children, to change diapers, to walk to the store and buy produce. What he will not tolerate is arm-twisting, tactlessness, and rudeness from those close to him. Being defenseless against this, in situations where he cannot avoid aggression, he can withdraw and cut off any contact with the offender for weeks and even months.

Male LIIs, especially in mature age, may wish to have a large family and many children. They love their children and are sincerely attached to them, however, they may also be somewhat neglectful if they are seriously taken in by their favorite work. Having a well developed sense of fairness, a father of this type rarely punishes his children and usually dislikes taking harsh disciplinary action, but first tries to appeal to the child's reason. If needed, he will help his children with doing homework. He explains material very well, with great clarity, and does this without irritation and with patience.

Sometimes the male LII can be overly edifying and excessively meticulous in his explanations when he's trying to teach reason to his children. He can be strict and principled, requiring his children to heed certain rules, as well as be orderly and thoughtful in their behavior. He also likes telling about how to build and manage relations with other people in order to avoid direct confrontation, pressuring, and rudeness.

The LII male expects this not only from his children, but also from adults around him, that they won't behave in unintelligent manner, but in accordance with reasonable, universal human norms. He wishes that other people would strive to understand what is happening around them, to analyze given facts, and make conclusions. In this, he is frequently disappointed when he encounters stupidity, brashness of actions, shallow estimations, and poorly thought-out ideas and plans.

At work, given sufficient level of education, the male LII is capable of handling any assignments, although he is primarily drawn to research and scientific engagements. However, staying in the same position for a long time, where no more thought and resolution of problems is required, is uninteresting to him. Therefore, once all of the possibilities to attain mastery at some position dry out, he will leave to work at another place, where he will be more interested and intellectually engaged.

With his co-workers and colleagues the male LII holds himself on equals and in well-wishing benevolent manner. He attempts to treat people fairly and objectively and tries not to accuse or condemn anyone. He is also not inclined to make exceptions for anyone or to have favorites.

The male LII, as a rule, is a good manager and leader. He is intelligent, and treats his subordinates with impartiality, fairness, and humanism. Additionally - he makes for a fine diplomat. He is typically prudent and judicious, and does not voice everything that he thinks and knows. In a complicated situation at work, for example during a power struggle, he can easily calculate the behind-the-scenes contrarian actions of other people, foresee any antagonistic moves, figure out likely motives, and predict the consequences of behavior of an adversary or competition. He sees work relations as a kind of an elaborate pattern in which the motives of other people, their self-interests, possible cunning intents, and potential actions that they can undertake under various circumstances - are all interwoven. The male LII then attempts to account for all of this and predict adversarial actions in order not to fall under their blow. This is a cautious and careful person, who almost never does something thoughtlessly.

Sometimes though the LII may actively and loudly protest. This usually happens when his interests have been infringed upon unfairly in his view. Then the male LII may show strict adherence to principles, stubbornness, and obstinacy.

But in domestic sphere, where he can relax and laugh in the company of friends and family, the male LII softens, warms up, and becomes more cheerful and completely domestic.

Female Portrait, INTj (Ti,Ne)

Flexible as vines and slender, the female LII typically has an asthenic physique. Girls of this type are often tall and narrow-shouldered and sometimes notably stoop. Even regular exercise has little effect on their physical complexion. Some female LIIs have long hair and a soft voice that complements this fluid, indeterminate appearance. The elongated face, large eyes, somewhat detached flow of thought - all of this can create the impression of femininity, brittleness, and defenselessness. They hold themselves softly, gently, unobtrusively.

In terms of clothing, girls of this type often dress modestly and don't try to reveal too much. The color palette of their wardrobes frequently gravitates towards same tones. Their clothing sets tend to look well due to successful stylistic solutions rather than correct color or contextual combinations.

From an early age, female LIIs often manifest an unusually analytical mind and a love of knowledge. They love to read, to comprehend, and to systematize everything. As a rule, they have a good memory and a remarkable ability to understand complicated material. Possessing such abilities and strengths female LIIs are usually very successful in academic situations. In school, girls of this type are usually good students who will always do their homework.

At the same time, female LIIs are characterized by heightened propensity to dream and to approach life intellectually rather than practically. Some discrepancy (sometimes considerable) can be noticed between their ideas about life and actual reality. They often keep this romantic view towards life or other persons for many years. Poor motor coordination is characteristic for girls of this type. Absorbed by their own thoughts, they are poorly aware of physical objects around them and can bump into furniture or get their sleeves get caught on the door. Due to this absent-mindedness they may forget items or grab something unnecessary.

Around peers LIIs girls are somewhat shy and hesitant. They may try to avoid noisy gatherings and large companies and keep themselves in seclusion or quietly remain in the background. They possess a certain degree of pedantry in their self-expression. To a large extent, they are influenced by the expectations of their parents, whom they do not want to disappoint. They desire to avoid conflict situations at home (and, incidentally, and at all other places).

In spite of the LII female's desire to be alone, she does enjoy the company of a few close friends. There is a sense of camaraderie and closeness with those whom she has chosen to be in her circle. In public or in a large crowd, she is quiet and tries to remain unnoticed. Although she likes to laugh and enjoy herself, rarely does she allow herself to be put in the spot-light. She doesn't mind occasionally stepping into the spotlight if it's with close friends and in a familiar, comfortable setting.

If one marries an LII female, be prepared to share economic responsibility. She is happiest when the economic and the domestic affairs are taken on equally by both partners.

Despite being absent-minded and seemingly brittle at times, the LII female is quite rational and can maintain a strict household. Due to the fact that she values knowledge, she will make sure that her children will have a good intellectual upbringing. However, don't expect her to spank or give out other physical punishments to her children, as she'll try to reason with them instead. Why hit the child when everything can be explained to him or her? At times, the LII will attempt to be friends with her children as a way to avoid conflict with them.

If you see an LII woman feeling down, simply try to cheer her up with some jokes. In spite of their quiet nature and tendency to stay in the shadows, they are very responsive to a good joke and sincere laughter. If you are successful in this attempt, she will brighten up and will be grateful to you for your support.

SLE (Zhukov)

Male Portrait, ESTp (Se,Ti)

Even if the male Zhukov is thin and slender (though this is rare), nevertheless he looks like a well grounded person who solidly stands on his two feet. His demeanor gives off an impression of a steady, large person. He moves slowly but naturally and with confidence. His judgements sound solid and substantiated.

Usually male SLEs have short or slightly grown out hair and dress neutrally and plainly e.g. in a football shirt, sweater and jogging bottoms. Older male SLEs will often occupy managerial roles in organizations and firms, and thus tend to wear suits and neckties.

Male Zhukovs are usually endowed with healthy dose of practicality. They are strategically-minded and generally have good skills of observation. They have no problem with assuming responsibility. As a result, they nearly always find themselves in positions of leadership. Before you can make ends and tails of a situation yourself, you will have already received clear commands from the male Zhukov on subjects ranging from where to get shovels and rakes to clean the backyard, to who will chop the wood and make fire, to how to organize your business and with which firm you should make a contract.

Male SLEs are clever and talented, and they have a healthy sense of humor (not always the appropriate kind). They exude the presence of a powerful individual, confident in himself. He just enters the room and already the company becomes more lively, from all sides jokes are made and accompanied by explosions of laughter - it is as if he holds the attention of the entire group.

When male Zhukov arrives at his workplace his employees liven up and work starts getting done. He energizes others; people become more mobile, productive and cheerful in his presence. At the same time, nobody wants to fall under his heavy hand and become the target for to his decimating criticism.

Only the foolish and the brave dare to encroach upon the male Zhukov's territory, be it his office table or his seat on a subway car. His territory encompasses his house, his car, his chair, his cup, his pen, and many other of his things. Man of this type is aware of prestige. They appreciate the finer things in life and are willing to spend money on them. Everything that belongs to him will always be of top quality, bigger or better in some other ways. With no doubt one can assume that most of the big expensive cars driven on the roads are owned by male Zhukovs. "Owner" is a suitable title for male Zhukov.

At the same time male Zhukovs are warriors at heart and have little understanding for material, as well as spiritual, excesses. They frequently find themselves in the army where they may progress up the ranks and make excellent generals. A relaxed, stagnant way of life is not for male Zhukov. They are very good at living minimalistically, with only the most basic amenities and supplies. They happily rid themselves of things they believe to be unnecessary.

An example from life: Young father SLE went hiking with his two sons for a week. The route was laid out to the north along wild, desolate area. Because they were gathering in a hurry, they just threw whatever food was at hand into their backpacks. After 2 days, they realized that there wasn't enough food to last the week, and that the nearest populated area was 2-3 days away. So that the children didn't starve, the father went without food for the rest of the journey.

Male SLE is often engaged in competing to accomplish something. His actions are aimed at having large scale implications. Despite their combative attitude, SLE's career prospects aren't limited to business or the army. They often take the role of the ingenious scientist, directing a research group to complete a given project. Due to the SLE's boiling energy, they're frequently pioneers of science and technology. Their systematic thinking, wide worldview, ability to quickly adapt to changing circumstances and embrace that which is novel, as well as their resoluteness, readiness to take responsibility, and skills of risk assessment prove that the SLE is perfectly capable in this field.

Male SLEs are frequently both direct in speech and coarse in their manners. Through this they can commit many blunders in their relations with other people without realizing it. Because of their awareness of power dynamics as well as their strong drive, they often manage to simply break through the situation without harming their interests in any way. If someone mentions to SLE about scheming or manipulation behind his back, he will brush it off and say something like "being afraid of wolves you'll never go to the forest". The SLE won't give attention to such small matters. However, if the SLE sees suspicious or dishonorable behavior in an individual, he will without second thought say it directly.

Female Portrait, ESTp (Se,Ti)

Female ZHUKOV is one of the strongest and most direct types in the socion. Outwardly she appears to be solidly built, possibly athletic, eye-catching, with open face that could only belong to a volitional person. Such a woman one cannot fail to notice.

SLE woman is often physically well developed with an excellent sense of command over her body. In clothing she may prefer to dress sporty and hold herself in an unconstrained manner. Those female SLEs who are somewhat older may adhere to a strict office style. Their entire appearance speaks of organization, responsibility, and seriousness in their approach.

In their childhood girls of this type find little interest in playing with dolls and engaging in traditional girl games. Much more they take to boyish entertainments. At school female SLEs usually perform well, although they are not always obedient and may have problems with discipline. In the upper classes they can start to skip lessons and even completely stop attending school without finishing just a few last grades. Although this predisposition exists in them, nevertheless this depends more on their upbringing, their family, and on how absorbed they are by the subject matter. If the female Zhukov is interested in learning and she is sufficiently ambitious, she can become an outstanding student.

As wives, ZHUKOV women are very loyal and devoted. She is a dependable friend and an invaluable assistant to her husband. But, more frequently it happens that it is the husband who gets the assistant role, as she assumes control over the domestic matters. In this case it will be better if he yields to her. To resist would be useless - she simply knows better. But if she suddenly feels the need to talk about relations or attain what she wants (and to female ZHUKOVs always need to attain it), she will, without any ceremonies, directly voice everything to her partner.

Specifically here lies the basic difficulty for the women of this type, especially when dating. In culture it is customary to assume that the woman must act a bit dependent, weak, silly and frivolous. Such girls are traditionally pleasing. However, in women and girls of this type there is little of the romantic (although they are very sentimental in their souls) and none of the silly or weak. They do not correspond to standard stereotype of what a woman should be; therefore it is not always easy for them to find a partner.

Another difficulty is that they discern poorly how relations are unfolding and are almost incapable of directing them. They don't feel when a relationships is coming towards the end until they are put right in front of the fact. The end of the relations for them is always sudden and often traumatic. If a man nonetheless shows interest in the woman Zhukov, relations are frequently directed into their place by her orders. However, not all men are ready to this turn of events, some may choose to suddenly leave her. This hurts a woman SLE very deeply because in such cases she feels as if she has been betrayed.

Frequently, due to their inability to control relations, girls of this type do sudden, incomprehensible, even extravagant acts. They seemingly attempt to draw attention to themselves by displaying their unusualness, originality, unpredictability, since in culture it is customary that a woman must be mysterious and incomprehensible to the man. They can, for example, suddenly leave their partner, saying that they will never return, but then later come back to him. This can continue for a while, especially if the partner of this girl is not 'strong' in ethics.

Living space of female Zhukovs is usually in order. She does not attempt to clean her home to the point that it is spotless, but at the same she will do housecleaning regularly: usually once a week with a major overhaul once or twice per year. Windows will be washed as needed, all repairs will be completed, all sink faucets will be brought into order. Her relation to housework is like in the army - household duties are kept in strong grip. There is no place for sloppiness in such a home.

Same is her treatment of preparation of food. High-quality, fresh food is kept in household in necessary quantities, but there are no superfluous indulgences. Everybody will be taken care of, but she will not put all the household chores on her shoulders. She has too much respect for herself and will not permit anybody else to sit on her head.

At home woman SLE can be commander-in-chief. She gives clear orders and anybody who does not obey can be subjected to severe punishment. Female Zhukovs make for strict, demanding, but fair mothers, who also know that in the life of family there is always a place for holiday. In bringing up children they will not miss a thing. They try to bring up their children to be hardworking and organized, to grow up into self-sufficient adults with higher education (if she considers it as a must). She is proud of her children and others will also be proud of them! This mother places goals for her children then directs them towards them with a strong guiding hand.

Female Zhukov is also very sociable, loves gatherings. She does not mind having some fun, laughing in a circle of friends or colleagues, at home or at a corporate party. She loves to listen to anecdotes and tells them herself. She will always support social gatherings, she organizes or helps others to organize parties and celebrations, trips to nature, she will designate who will buy tickets, who will order hotel rooms. In short, she is of public temperament.

Women of this type often become businesswomen. They always know what they want. They think clearly, usually have good education, are willful, purposeful and enterprising in character, not afraid to take risks. They make for excellent colleagues - exact, responsible, organized. Everything which is under the jurisdiction of female Zhukov will be systematized - paperwork, documents, meetings, events - everything will be put under control. Thus they frequently occupy leading positions because of their excellent business qualities.

But to work with representatives of this type can be complicated and difficult. They can be too direct, exacting, demanding, which does not always please their colleagues, neither their subordinates nor supervisors, before whom she does not grow timid, frequently insisting on and getting that which she considers necessary. This deviates from the traditional expectations of role of a woman to be more considerate of harmony in relations, to be more diplomatic and to compromise. Nothing like this can be expected from female Zhukov.

In her behavior these is very little diplomacy. She can observe a displeasing situation for some time, but then she will compulsorily put everything and everyone in their place very simply, sometimes seasoning her energetic speech by more nonstandard vocabulary.

An example from life: Construction workers were have wrecked havoc with pavement of a street and did not leave any walk space for the passersby. Female Zhukov was tired of observing as people have to slump around the mud. With her car she blocked the concrete mixer in a blind alley. She told superintendent that it will remain put until in the concrete mixer runs out of fuel. Then concrete will thicken, and the workers will have to break it out it from the mixer. Or he assembles all his workers right now, apologizes before the inhabitants and they quickly build the required walkway. It goes without saying that the work superintendent went along with the second choice, moreover he was forced to run the entire program, including the apologies before the tenants of house.

Whoever is capable to handle this directness can build good relations with women of this type. She simply does not pay attention to the rest, but secretly she grows worried that she cannot build relations with everyone. For her it is important that she is received and treated well. The assaults of her own roughness and impetuosity are painful to her, but she has difficulty seeing any other methods of regulating complex and even simple ethical situations.

Retiring is equivalent to death for the women of this type, because work is the most important stimulus for them. It indicates respect, position in society, money, and confirmation of her own significance in the eyes of others, connections with others, and the sense of her own usefulness. Being a housewife does not draw a woman of this type - too narrow and insignificant. She could in fact command regiments.

IEI (Yesenin)

Male portrait, INFp (Ni,Fe)

The young male IEI is usually charming and pleasant in appearance. His essence is poetic. His initially melancholy gaze soon enough becomes sly and playful. An endearing smile lights up his lips. A pensively bowed head, long hair down to the shoulders, black sweater and jeans make up the image of modern day male IEI. However, extensive conversations about looks and style are usually not within his circle of interests. As children and adolescents male IEIs are characteristically slender and gracious, though they can put on weight with age.

In younger years, the male IEI is timid and amiable, goofy and whimsical, flighty and adventurous. He sensitively manages his own emotions and those of his conversation partner, so that you find yourself at times laughing out loud at his ridiculous jokes and antics, and at other times fall into melancholy together with him.**
[**Translator's note: This profile seems to be describing IEI e4 specifically and may not be as relatable for IEIs of other enneagram types.]

He is sufficiently sociable, readily initiates contact and talks to people, but generally does not strive to ascend to the top of the social ladder, preferring instead to remain out of the limelight. He rarely takes initiative, and more often than not will wait until the right moment arises. He may quietly stand alone, aloof and away from the group, until he is noticed. If this occurs, he begins to make light conversation, showing attentiveness to other people, smiling, and throwing in light jokes once in a while. One of his distinctive traits is that you can physically move him to the right or to the left. The IEI does not resist physical force, unless it's too crude and rough.

Frequently, youths of this type write reasonably good verses (usually poetry about nature and love), or he will read you the poetry of his favorite authors, desiring to make an impression and positively predispose you.

A boy of this type usually does quite well in school, if his upbringing was good and his his parents have guided him with a strong hand. If this is the case, such boys generally earn decent grades and are well-behaved. Otherwise, the complete opposite may be be true. They gladly attend school because they have many friends there. And even this is not the most important - they also have many female friends! These are very quick, active, boys who will literally on the fly come up with various mischievous, yet harmless entertaining games and jokes. They don't wish for anything bad to happen, but simply want to have fun.

If a boy of this type takes up sport, he usually prefers the types that require quick reaction time and speed.

In school, humanitarian subjects are recommended for Yesenin. With the right amount of diligence he can master mathematics and physics, but more often literature, languages, and arts attract attention of this type of youth. Frequently, the male IEI is drawn to theater, literature and poetry clubs, where he can engage in unlimited self-expression, finally finding an application to the wide range of his emotions.

Although male IEI tends to solitude, he, nevertheless, enjoys spending some time in the company of other people. He typically has a small circle of friends, but knows how to become acquainted with unfamiliar to him people and then the entire evening consider them his friends.

When all around him familiar and unfamiliar people gather to spend time together, Yesenin's moods improve. While he is in this good mood and elevated energies, he will joke and cheer and entertain everyone from his very soul, for he is not lacking in charm and is overflowing with positive emotion. But this is not a loud youth, so that if the company that gathers is too numerous and too noisy, he may choose to remain in the background unnoticed.

Male IEIs are friendly, charming, non-aggressive, and resourceful, so that they are often attractive to the girls. They are also easily conquered, because they are often yielding and indecisive, so if girl acts with enough energy and persistence the male IEI will more often than not yield to her. However, it is necessary to consider that at first the male IEI may become absorbed in the moment, give in to the momentary emotions, even propose to get married tomorrow. But, just as easily as he asks this today, tomorrow he may change his mind. And if he has changed his mind, he will have enough stubbornness and persistence to escape from his momentary promises. Young male IEIs are very careful and try to avoid any "traps". Moreover, they have the talent to foresee the undesirable course of events, which helps them to protect themselves from unnecessary encroachments.

If you have married a male IEI, take the reins of management and decision making into your own hands, because the major decisions, substantial purchases, repairs, changes of apartments, and other serious everyday matters will fall to you. You will have an attentive and caring husband, who usually won't refuse to help you in all your undertakings. Well, in almost all, since it will still be difficult to get him involved in repairs and maintenance and similar matters.

An example from life: "I have been trying to persuade my husband to do a kitchen renovation for a while now. When the money appeared, I proposed we leave on Saturday morning and go to the store to order the design that I liked. On Saturday morning he woke up in bad spirits, and as soon as I said that it is time to go, he started to nervously pace around the room and then asked: "So we just go and spend all this money immediately?! Do you think all of this renovation really necessary? Why are we making this decision so hastily? We should discuss and re-calculate everything again. What's the hurry?" Seeing how he has become very anxious, I proposed that we put off the purchase. Two weekends we have spent discussing this step. On Sunday evening he was in the state of complete prostration. Monday he stayed the entire day at work where he has been apparently distracted by something else and calmed down. After work we met up, went to the store, and purchased new kitchen design."

On the other hand, your IEI husband will hold absolute leadership in the family in terms of maintaining a vibrant emotional atmosphere. When in good spirits, he warms up his family members, relatives, and friends with his gleaming playful jokes. He knows how to cheer up and to inspire people. He adores jokes and pranks, loves to fool about and laugh, to have fun and to even sing about it. Wife and children next to him feel as one family. Warmth, faithfulness, devotion will always be valued very highly.

Lifestyle in male IEI's family is distinctive. Here you will often find yourself traveling to new, unknown places. As soon as the wish appears (and the wish to travel visits him fairly often), you together with your family will be lifted up without too many preparations. Under the management of this untiring traveler your family will visit such places of which some have never heard about. Moreover, he loves not only to explore, but also to tell about the historical past of what he has seen. He is attentive and perceptive of the distinct styles of different epochs, can study architectural styles, is easily fascinated by history.

Needless to say, such trips bring joy and amusement to his family and contribute to the spirit of constant novelty and renovation.

It is necessary to say that Yesenin likes not only to travel, but also simply just to take walks, to talk and wander around. Therefore, it can happen that if you sent him to buy some groceries on Sunday morning, he will return only in the afternoon. In this case you must know that he simply went wandering around nearby areas and visiting other places, and strayed sufficiently far, this is why this has happened. His mistakes and oversights the IEI typically hides. Do not hope that he will directly tell you the truth. Most likely, he will act sly, build up an image of mysteriousness or importance, and with the most serious demeanor will try to pull the wool over your eyes. He can tell elaborate, extraordinary histories that nevertheless don't exactly describe how events have really transpired, because he possesses flexible intuitive imagination a remarkable ability to tell about the most breathtaking and improbable topics – talent is talent. Probably for this reason, Yesenin loves to induce in others the state of slight surprise and even stupefaction. He is entertained by this. This also serves to protect him. Indeed, if his behavior is wrapped by a halo of fog and mysteriousness, then others won't know anything about him accurately, and, therefore, they will not be able to use this knowledge against him.

The main annoyance of coming into contact with an IEI lies in the fact that he will frequently turn down your initiatives, foretelling with melancholy that your undertakings will not end in success.

Male IEIs make outstanding journalists, since the writer talent is often inherent to them and they can easily express their thoughts. Frequently enough they find themselves working as designers, stylists, modellers, artists, and singers. They love to photograph or to make movies, which sometimes also becomes their main profession. With their general interest of history, they can also dedicate themselves to studying or teaching it.

The IEI, as no other type, loves having the type of job that he would enjoy, and this, for him, often means diversification and trying out different types of work. He is constantly trying to avoid boredom and routine and this extends to his workplace. With great pleasure he goes on trips and meets up with new people. Least of all he likes monotony of daily routines, in which he finds no place for his creative ideas and undertakings. He hopes for something new and novel – he hopes for a constant change of impressions.

Female portrait, INFp (Ni,Fe)

The female IEI is the embodiment of the conventional ideas of femininity. She is mysterious, elusive, changeable, emotional, risible, and fascinating. Yet, she seems so sensitive, brittle, and defenseless that it makes any man want to turn his shoulders and protect her. Easy on the eye, the female IEI usually dresses stylishly and has a young and tender looking face. She does not laugh too often, but when she does, she fills the room with positive energy with her voice ringing like a bell. Her gait is swift and directed, but does not seem very purposeful. It seems like at any moment she can change where she was going.

In school this is usually a slender, cheerful girl who easily laughs and is often the soul of a small (or even not so small) company of her peers. Boys start falling for her her and losing their heads early on. Her stormy personal life may have a negative influence on her school life, drawing her time and attention away from her studies. Although IEI girls have academic potential in any discipline, they usually flourish in subjects such as humanities, literature, arts and theater, sociology and psychology. If this girl is earning high marks in other subjects, she is usually doing this for her mother, who wants her daughter to finish school with good grades.

IEI girls don't like sports too much, preferring to spend time participating in literary circles, play practices, or archeological groups. Although often enough, given their flexibility and mobility, they are made to take up figure skating, gymnastics, or dance classes. Growing up, the female IEI may prefer tennis, because it is prestigious, or badminton, because it is swift, or archery, shooting from a bow, because it is cool if a girl knows how to shoot. As the IEI girl gets older, she begins to show some inclination towards the extreme and to come off the earth. Students of this type can be found in skydiving and bungee jumping classes and excursions.

The IEI girl in her essence is sociable and light on her feet. She has many girlfriends with whom she always has something to talk about and discuss, and neither is she short of admirers among guys. Around her it's always fun, because she is spontaneous and original, and livens up any company by her presence. She may entertain those who are present, try to tell their fortunes, read some poetry, sometimes of her own composition.

The IEI female listens to everyone with interest and expresses her affection such that it's difficult to remain indifferent. She flirts creatively, showing resourcefulness and quickness. She doesn't lose herself under any circumstances. Additionally, she has an air of victimness that is very attractive for men. After all, it is gratifying to feel oneself as strong and courageous, to approach her and lead her by one's hand, and especially to show oneself as strong and daring where she hesitates, where she might be in danger, to help her and support her, to be next to her.

If an impression forms that it is possible to take the female IEI directly by bare hands, in reality this is not so. The IEI female is not completely defenseless, she knows how to stand up for herself and achieve what she wants. She uses emotions as the finest tool of influencing others (which she does often without any pangs of conscience). As long as everything is going well, she can be as playful and soft as a kitten, but if something isn't right in her view she can become angry, threaten, promise to leave if you do not do as she wants.

The IEI female is very responsive to any tomfoolery and pranks. With her it's truly never boring. Being brave to the point of self-forgetting, even reckless, she can propose to her friends some very risky activities and diversions that without her no one else would have imagined. For example, she may suggest in the middle of the night to climb up to the very top of main building of the university and get to the spire itself, to which there is no access and to which the doors have been locked up. Much excitement and exhilarating fear to be experienced by all! And all of these adventures will be invariably accompanied by the crystal ringing of her laughter. Grief to those who will fall into the whirlpool of IEI female's emotions and adventurism, especially men, for she knows well how to make them follow herself.

An example from life: "I decided to part with her (a girl of type IEI) and in the evening invited her to a cafe in order to tell her about this. Everything was going well. She related to my words with understanding. We were parting as friends. Around 20:30 I accompanied her to the nearest subway station and was ready to turn around and go home myself. At this point her mother called and asked her to urgently purchase some medicine before the pharmacy closes. She became terribly upset and said that she does not want to go home because she has quarreled with her mother. First we bought the medicine, but then, for some reason, we ended up going for a walk. We arrived at her home when it was already midnight. She entreated me not to leave but to wait for her on the staircase. And of course I could not leave her! She went inside the apartment, I heard her mother screaming, while she started crying. I understood that she won't be let out again. At this point she calls me on the cell phone and in tears starts begging me to somehow get her out. I rang the doorbell and very politely asked her mother to see her for 5 minutes. I lied that I'm leaving tomorrow morning and would like to say my goodbye to her right now. Her mother believed my words. Then, for some reason, we ended up on a roof, she has cheered up, we laughed and talked. At 2am she said that we should go, so we drove over to my place. We drank tea, at 3am she said that she is going to her friend and doesn't need to be accompanied. I went to sleep and the next morning was late for work."

Female IEIs love to put their feelings into lyrical and romantic forms. For example, symbolically burning a handkerchief of a dear person with whom relations have ended - this is in their style. Sometimes they behave according to the principle "the worse it is, the better it is", forcing themselves into dead end, hopeless situations, then complaining to others about the difficult fate that has befallen to them. They love to tell their friends how others have mistreated them. In reality, they are simply lacking in sufficiently strong, bright emotions and impressions in this monotonous daily life. Thus, they attempt to decorate their life with more emotions.

If an IEI girl becomes your wife, try to make all of the decisions of major importance yourself. This will be easier for her and calmer for you. If it happens that somehow she becomes in charge of the budget of the family, you may come into debts. Money with inevitably regularly disappear somewhere. It will be better if you do the purchases, wash the dishes, get up at night to tend to the children. This not a traditional distribution of responsibilities within a family, but next to you is such a fascinating person, so playful and risible, subordinate, always attentive to your words and decisions, someone who greatly decorates your life. True, your wife also knows how to skillfully spoil the mood, but this will be followed by a beautiful scene of stormy reconciliation and everything will become well again. Female IEIs are knowledgeable in love, and are capable of keeping up this feeling in both themselves and in their partner for many years.

Female IEIs are typically very devoted to their children. They think about their future and direct their development in accordance with their innate inclinations and talents. They know how to create a light cheerful holiday-like atmosphere within the family. Moreover, your house will be always open to friends and the new acquaintances.

Also they drive very rapidly and love to travel, so that you are guaranteed to have new impressions.

Female IEIs find their calling in life as teachers of literature, foreign languages, history. They are also successful as journalists, psychologists, museum workers, stylists, artists, and designers.

At work, IEI women like to socialize; therefore, their work will bring them more satisfaction if it is connected to people. If this work requires solitude and concentration, for example editorial work, then it will brighten the IEI woman's if she can interact with people around her. She knows how to make her co-workers laugh and shake them up, thus her colleagues often won't miss the opportunity to talk with her.

EIE (Hamlet)

Male portrait, ENFj (Fe,Ni)

Young HAMLET is one of those who first to attract attention in a new group. His noble appearance successfully blends with his artistic manners. It is possible to say it otherwise: his artistic appearance successfully blends with his noble manners. In short, bright eyes, spectacular gestures, a sea of charm - all of this usually produces quite an impression on women.

HAMLET is like a prince. His clothing may vary from professional to extravagant and creative. Among youths of this type you can find those who love decorating their already spectacular appearance. In this case, earrings, chains, black clothing, the bandana, the skull ring, the skeleton pendant - all of this gets used for their adornment, especially in their youth. Their hair can be long or short, naturally colored or dyed into a bright color.

From the first minute of meeting, HAMLET can entertain you with captivating conversation. In this case his eyes will shine, and conversation topics will be found immediately. Sociability in men of this type is accompanied by bright emotionalism and incorruptible enthusiasm. Their speech, as a rule, consists of astonishing descriptions and many excellent epithets. They may gather an enormous quantity of people around them, although these may be only acquaintances. Even if HAMLET cannot interact with everyone he knows extensively, if it is needed for him, he can at any moment renew the contact.

In school, such children are lively and merry, and socialize with great interest rather than study. Although, in principle, HAMLET can do very well in school, the problem is that he possesses weak will, and thus frequently cannot force himself to occupy with something he considers uninteresting. This weakness sometimes overcomes him to such an extent, that in the morning he cannot force himself to get up from bed, and as a result misses school.

One of his favorite subjects is history. Moreover, he writes well, possesses a rich imagination, and provides his own tractations to literary archetypes. Thus his essays are often better than those of other children. Geography also draws him, since, when he grows up he will be attracted to travel. He is drawn by the unknown, untrodden paths, the romanticism of distant roads. Therefore, already in school he starts frequenting tourist clubs and organizations. HAMLET enjoys commanding and leading. Indeed, in his soul this youth is a true leader. It is precisely there that he begins to master the necessary habits of leadership. Tourism provides him with romantic experiences and contacts, without which he cannot exist. Add to this his constant companion - his guitar, using which and his beautiful voice he sings his own songs and those of others - and his image of romantic devourer of hearts is complete. In connection with this, one may recall a very old song called "Brigantina", where in the romantic note there are mentions of "pirates and adventurers...". Apparently, in majority these were HAMLETs.

A story from real life: "Young HAMLET loved to think over all of the details before setting off on a hiking expedition. Every time he reminded others what they need to bring, that everyone will need a lighter, etc. He was in charge of starting up the bonfire, but he also had other jobs to attend to, so from time to time the fire extinguished when he wasn't paying attention to it. Another lighter disappeared in complete darkness into the grass. Then he took someone else's lighter and started the fire again. This continued on several times throughout the evening. The next morning, when everyone climbed out of their tents, they saw an entire pile of lighters scattered around near the place where the fire was."

Among the interests of this sensitive youth a prominent place is usually given to music and literature (in particular, poetry) and drawing, within the framework of which he attempts (often successfully) to show his talent. But most of all he is drawn to self expression on stage. He loves and knows how to enter into the most different roles, literally feeling delighting by the interplay of expressions required on this job. He also looks fabulous as a stage singer.

If you have found yourself in the same company with Hamlet, it is not necessary for you to show initiative in order to become acquainted with him. Well, only if you happened to encounter a very shy and modest one (such also exist). But consider that this youth, regardless of his own romantic-lyricist nature and merry disposition, does not like flirts and light-hearted girls. He prefers serious, even strict girls. Specifically, to such a girl, who will faithfully await for him his entire life, he wants to come back to after his adventures and distant travels.

If you have chosen HAMLET as you partner in life, be prepared to have your life arranged to be cheerful, reckless, boisterous. You will never feel bored around him. Moreover, in your house there will always be many friends, and at the holiday table you even risk to meet some unknown to you (and vaguely familiar to him) people.

To earnestly devote himself to household matters is not in his style. His nature is that of a romantic and a nomad, and therefore his interests will always come before his home life. However, sometimes one may encounter HAMLETs, who know rather well how to use the drill. Do not await, that your husband will spend his time on re-constructing the apartment with you, engaging in extensive home improvement projects, or re-hanging the pictures to improve coziness and aesthetics of your home. He is greatly occupied by a kind of life that is more elevated than practical concerns and everyday matters.

As a rule, your partner will be cheerful and optimistic, ready to support you with his expressive emotions. However, if relations are not coming together, he will always know how to express his displeasure in the form of cold contempt, with help of a dramatic explanation, or having simply increased the distance between you. He can also easily place all of guilt onto your shoulders, even if you are not guilty of anything, so be vigilant!

To his children he will transfer his own enthusiasm about exploration of space. Your entire family will regularly take excursions to nature or to other cities and countries. He loves to travel across the entire world, and, of course, to take photos or make videos about his adventures. It is so necessary for him to see everything, to be everywhere, and most importantly - to tell about what he has seen to other people so that they become absorbed into his impressions. He will without fail call on his friends - otherwise why did he even travel? - he will show them the videos and tell many stories. On many this will have an effect, and they will light up with the idea to repeat the unusual route. The number of people, which HAMLET can influence with his impressions, can be extremely large. He is a truly great leader, who leads everyone through the deserts and the mountains, the forests and the fields! Forward, there, beyond the horizon! Where the man did not step yet! Although, truth be told, rarely anyone is capable of repeating his exploits.

Since Hamlet is unpretentious in private life and does not seek comfort, he is inclined to put himself into extreme conditions. This entertains him. His extremism can take different forms: from leading a hitchhiker lifestyle with a minimum of resources in order to test his ability to survive, to bicycling across some mountains or the Gobi desert, where instead of the water he will have to drink camel urine. Briefly, HAMLET is ready for any venture provided no one made a journey similar to it.

For the same reason - to be original and famous - HAMLET may try to become involved in movie industry. Among movie directors and producers there are many people of this type. They are little oriented to comfort and are very mobile, and therefore at any minute they are ready to get together in a good company and go make some shoots at the far corners of the world.

There are other professions where these people can successfully realize themselves, not only artistic endeavors such as acting, singing, and writing. They make for good managers, lawyers, public relations specialists. They also make for remarkable, memorable teachers, because they enjoy playing the role of the leader in front of their students, and moreover they emotionally invest into them. They teach well in colleges, since they are endowed by natural expressiveness, and it pleases them to be capable of influencing large audiences. Among the subjects they give preference to humanitarian ones, but also geography, mathematics, communications and information theory.

Although not all representatives of this type finish college: life, love, entire world beckons them from early years and draws them in much more than dull studies. And if parents did not instill into young HAMLET some determination or at least a feeling of responsibility, he will find it very difficult to study. However, there are such diligent representatives of this type, who obtain even engineering degrees. But, as practice shows, HAMLET will always find, how to leave a dull job into such sphere, where he will be more noticeable and can show off his bright, outstanding character.

Female portrait, ENFj (Fe,Ni)

Woman Hamlet often presents as a thin figure with noble face and elevated, refined look. Her posture has a tint of royalty - her back is straight, she holds her head proudly. At the same time she is light and elegant and can remain the same until very old age. It seems that this goddess cannot be but slightly haughty and arrogant, and possibly somewhere in the depths of her soul she is. She smiles with a winning smile and treats others so genuinely that this is perceived as the favor shown to you by a high persona. Who could resist this?

Female Hamlet dresses with refinement and taste. If her work requires formal attire, then that will be the focus of her style. It great pleasure she picks out elegant business suits, then proceeds to select suitable neckties, cell phones of the same color, and other "business" accessories.

She seems self-sufficient and irresistible with her striking skill to be in excellent, elevated mood around people. She will never just suddenly start laughing as if crazy at an inappropriate moment if she is intelligent and has been brought up well. The manifestation of her feelings is always under control. Her emotions are so beautiful that next to her one cannot resist but fall into good mood. She involuntarily leads after herself if only for man becomes entrapped in the field of her charms. But if she is not in a good mood - grief be to all!

Children, housework, laundry, cooking are completely uninteresting to her. Truly, she has been created to shine, to attract attention, to entertain and be entertained. She is interested in the world because it is full of people, and people greatly draw her in, just as she possesses a magnetic capability to attract them to herself. Only one thing is required from them - to be enraptured, to adore and to love her! Indeed she is so beautiful and so charming - really, can anyone remain indifferent? But if such people are present then against them she will use all her artistic ability, which has the power to convince anyone.

This ephemeral, incorporeal creature can without any pangs of conscience be late to appointments (and also to work, business meetings and conferences) not because she is unaware of time, but simply because female Hamlet always knows that how to easily escape any awkward situation with the aid of her charm. Moreover women of this type often have unrivaled capabilities for spoken language, so that say she can relay and describe almost anything. She speaks beautifully, rapidly, passionately and convincingly. Her face in this case is full of enthusiasm and sincerity, which cannot leave anyone indifferent. At the end you will believe everything that she will say in her justification. At the same time she harbors the spirit of hooliganism, so that at times she allows herself some transgressions.

In the school, girls of this type are often inquisitive and diligent students, but can easily get distracted. Teachers interest them as as people. They follow the personal life of their classmates with emphatic attention. They become immersed in all school novels and at home can spend hours talking on the telephone. Life is seething all around them, such passions boil and all of this cannot be missed! Why devote time to study? Use charm and smile to get As and Bs and then live the full life forward.

As far as sport is concerned, the favorite form of sport among female Hamlets is ... theater. Everything begins from attending the theater club in the school, and then it can progress to a theater or arts major at a university. They love to sing and to dance, to appear on stage, because in their soul there is a storm of emotions. Well, the storms don't occur every day, but one can count on a charged sea at least.

Beautiful and deep emotionalism comprises the basis of charm of female Hamlet. Relying on her irresistibility, she can get acquainted with anybody anywhere. Her company is fun and pleasant. Firstly, with her there is no contrary stubbornness, and only polite, courteous manners. Secondly, she is often socially exquisite. With her it is pleasant to chat and laugh as she is delightful and and unconstrained. She herself adores all this enthusiasm and laughter that permeate the atmosphere of a good company. But remember that she likes serious men with whom she can feel as if she is behind a rock wall. She can cheer up such a man at the necessary moment. Because if the husband does all the housework in addition to looking after children, then it is necessary to give him something in exchange!

In fact, this ephemeral being not only tries to reduce time spent caring for relatives to a minimum, not only avoids the load of household problems, but doesn't even pay attention to her own health. She can forget to eat, can be oblivious to the fact that she is sick, can go long time sleeping few hours until she reaches a point of nervous breakdown. It is understandable that many other questions of upkeep, even health of her children, also do not fall into her consideration.

An example from the life: Female Hamlet, 40 years of age, was strolling together with her husband along New Arbat street. As they were passing by a hospital, she decided to go in and ask why she is having some water discharge the entire week. After hearing this, personnel was in shock: "Your water broke! You need to give birth as soon as possible!" After hearing this, lady was in astonishment. "There are some waters there?" - she said pensively, even though this was her second child.

The child had edema on her face and for 3 weeks she did not open her eyes. Through the window of chamber woman Hamlet said to her husband: "I have to tell you something. The child is blind." "Don't worry," he replied, "Even blind children can be talented. Recall Homer!" Fortunately, in 3 weeks it became clear that child was not blind.

Soon after the little girl became better, her mother decided to take a trip to the country house. For this she was given an official car and an officer to help. She gathered the child and did not notice that she put on her cap aslant. The weather was outstanding, so they opened the car windows and went with the breeze. Entire road mom joked, laughed and flirted with the officer, without noticing that the wind is blowing into child's ear.

After two days the family was paid a visit by doctor Agroskin. He took a look at the child and said: "Your girl is crying so much because she has an ear infection". "Yes, I see" replied the woman Hamlet, "An agitated child." The doctor hurried her, "It is necessary to do something about it now, otherwise she will become deaf!" And at the end it added, "But you are such a dear lady that I will not charge you a penny".

At least around women Hamlets the atmosphere is always fun. As soon as she returns from the work, it is as if the light turns on for her relatives. That is if she didn't happen to fall into poor spirits, because the representatives of this type have a tendency to dramatize everything around them.

However, all these abilities find remarkable use in the theater or the theatrical studio (in the library, in kindergarten, in the school, in the institute). These unusual women find work there most frequently, since they actually know how to play emotions even can even teach this art to the most capable. Those who get involved with theater become so absorbed and involved in it that they easily draw in others, unite them by one idea, inspire and promote confidence that together they are accomplishing a matter of enormous importance.

Among other professions that women Hamlets favor is teaching, but generally any occupation where they can be in the limelight and not in the background, where they are in position to ignite and to inspire, or to be of benefit to people. But do not forget, that they also need love of those around them and their sincere recognition.

LSI (Maxim Gorky)

Male Portrait, ISTj (Ti,Se)

Reliable, proper, responsible, MAXIM is distinguished by good posture and wide straight shoulders - he has a true military bearing. Any uniform can suit him. With his hair cut shortly he looks tidy and taut in any clothing. He moves calmly, with measured moves, never in commotion. His open, volitional, manly face instills trust - it immediately becomes clear that such person will never fabricate or occupy himself with intrigues.

During the first meeting, MAXIM demonstrates himself to be proper and well-meaning conversationalist. He smiles in a friendly manner, showing how glad he is to see you. He has a bribing smile, which magically transforms the usual withdrawn, somber expression on his face.

If there isn't a suitable topic for conversation, MAXIM is not very talkative. He is also not one of those who attempts to become the "master of ceremonies" in a circle of guests. He has systematic thinking, and if you suggest a worthy topic he will provide you with logical basis for anything, from the workings of a computer to such concepts as art and love.

Try to shake him up a little, tell a joke and laugh, and you will see how he will cheer up immediately and smile in response. In general, he enjoys the atmosphere of a holiday, a carnival, a theater performance. With pleasure he will spend time in a restaurant or at a bright, beautiful show. He will be drawn into the general merriment at a disco, will run around in a red cap and fool around during the New Year’s celebration at the office.

MAXIM is not only responsive to merriment, but he can even be touchingly sentimental, although this is hard to see within this strict, dry person. He is capable of being imbued by much compassion and pity for the hero of a melodrama, that tears will come to his eyes. At work, MAXIMs sometimes experience assaults of unexpected, unmotivated sympathy for their colleagues, even if they behave in a way warranting their dismissal. Especially so if their colleague's relatives are ill, or a dog suddenly died, or a wife being unfaithful.

But in reality, MAXIM's main dream is that in his life there wouldn't be any chaos and uncertainty, that everything around is understandable and reliable. He plans his life and painfully reacts to sudden changes. Furthermore, for him it is difficult to understand how future events will develop. With difficulty he can foresee the troubles and obstacles that lie ahead, and at the same time he stubbornly may not want to listen to admonitions of others around him. All this leads to the fact that MAXIM will have to learn from his own mistakes.

The representatives of this type know their rights and responsibilities and are capable of steadily carrying them out. Thus, they make for excellent, reliable workers and managers. Perhaps this is the only type that will with indignation will wave away even the possibility of starting a romance with a coworker. A coworker for him is not a woman. She is at work in order to work, not to introduce variety into his love life. He never confuses official and personal relations.

MAXIM is a conscientious, responsible person, on whom it is possible to rely on, both in the service, and in family life. But he will not act until he has received clear instructions on what to do or until the situation has become well defined. He, in everything, strives for complete clarity - both in work matters and in personal relations.

Story from real life: A man of 38 years of age was living together with his beloved. Since he thought that the relationship between them was good, he asked her to wed him, and, meanwhile, began to construct a house for his future family. However, suddenly it was discovered that his beloved allowed herself a certain romantic adventure with a young man from another city. His first impulse was to dissolve relations with her, but, in his mind doubts have accumulated: it was not clear how something like this could happen, if, to him it seemed that everything between them was well. He decided to first "conduct an inquiry": to have a talk with her, to make everything clear; to understand what occurred between them and how much of her enthusiasm was of random, unpremeditated nature; to clarify how she evaluates this situation; how seriously she is drawn to her lover and what she plans to do in future. Without this, he could not undertake any important steps.

Towards strangers MAXIM is suspicious and approaches them only with distrust, but if one draws him into a conversation about the family, he can open up his heart and can even tell a bit too much. It can be said that representatives of this type treat everyone with distrust exactly because of this large internal readiness to trust and open up. But since they are not good at sorting out people, they prefer to be not open for anyone, but only to those few who are very close to them.

Thus, if you have entered into this inner circle (for example, gotten married to MAXIM), then with confidence you can feel yourself as if behind a rock wall. This, at first glance, serious and cheerless person adores his family and his relatives and is prepared for daily heroic acts for them. At home, these are good, tender, thoughtful husbands and fathers, for whom the interests of family always stand in first place.

Of course, for MAXIMs there aren't only responsibilities, but also personal interests and hobbies. They love to collect things, moreover, things of the most varied natures. These can be collections of coins, match boxes, subway tokens, bus tickets, models, tallies and so forth. Men of this type also show interest in history and politics. In both in these subjects they can be very knowledgeable, in any case, they will talk about such topics with pleasure.

MAXIMs do not like to resort to physical force and will do so only in the worst case scenarios, when they don't know what else they can do. First, they try to dissuade a man from taking aggressive action, to regulate the matter in by more peaceful methods. And only if these methods completely fails, they strike so that you will remember it for a long while.

Troubles in relations with MAXIMs are most usually manifested in their persistent unwillingness to respond to your completely serious business proposals, for example, to quickly glue wallpaper in the kitchen tomorrow. Also a sudden request to loan some money does not please them.

Female Portrait, ISTj (Ti,Se)

Graceful and prim, MAKSIMKA is one of the strictest and concrete girls in the socion. Youthful, slender, but at the same time strong and robust - in youth, she makes an impression of being a real elf. She has a pretty face with symmetrical features - this is the reason she may be compared to Malvina (a graceful, beautiful heroine of a Russian fable). You will not mistake her for any other girl - it is necessary only to turn attention to her well-defined figure and solid gait.

In clothing, she prefers a strict style, standard cuts and mute tones. The idea of symmetry and uniform clothing is close to her soul. She does not like to stand out and to be extravagant; therefore, most frequently, she selects only calm colors and traditional clothing sets. You will never see on her a skirt with a slanting hem or a blouse with an asymmetrical cut.

She avoids making unexpected moves and is quite predictable not only in her taste in clothing, but also in her relationships with people.

At first meeting, you are guaranteed to see a charming smile and coquettish gaze. MAKSIMKA with pleasure will laugh at your jokes and, for some time, support the merriment. She knows how to be charming, and also how to seem tender, brittle, and defenseless, if she decides that this is something necessary for the time.

But do not be mistaken, there is a real iron rod inside this girl. And, as soon as she feels that a relationship has been established, she will more rarely make eyes at you and more frequently manifest her demanding and possessive nature. In addition, MAKSIMKAs are frequently romantic and lofty in their souls, and also like to imagine themselves as heroines of novels or movies.

If you have become the object of her affection, she will not advertise this fact, but allow you to be the first one to demonstrate initiative. Excessive passiveness in her partner can lead to a diminishing of feelings in this girl. She is very oriented that her suitors will court her, attend to her, try to attain her favor, and strive to prove their devotion to her. This is partially due to the fact that she does not see well in what direction relations are developing, and she fears being rejected. Moreover any uncertainty frightens her. And this is another reason why she will not be the first to express her feelings.

If MAKSIMKA is talking with you, this does not mean that you already became her friend. The bar for trusting someone for women of this type is set very high. They do not consider a person to be a close friend or loved one if they do not trust him or her 100%.

From the letter of one MAKSIMKA: "Still, it does not please me that my own thoughts and sensations in the evening can not coincide with what I thought in the morning. It irritates me. Apparently, I cannot trust even myself! This is somehow unpleasant to realize. To whom is it then possible to trust?"

Do not try to provoke her to jealousy in hopes of igniting her feelings. She will not fight for you, but simply decide that you are an unreliable partner. You will hardly earn a favorable disposition in the case if you try to appear mysterious, first appear then suddenly disappear somewhere, first call her then cut contact. Remember: she will not suffer such uncertainty and lack of clarity in relations.

If you have proven yourself to be worthy of her trust, make sure that you follow through and do not disappoint her - second time, she hardly will believe you. But if this girl saw in you a selfless friend, a loyal knight, she will become a reliable and devoted companion.

MAKSIMKA tries to live her life without any unexpected contingencies. She knows what she wants; she tries to live according to a plan and does not like it when the circumstances interfere with the realization of what she has decided for her future. She is wary of something entirely new. Not only does she plan out her next week and weekend, but also the next two or three months, and even the next two years of her life. Everything gets planned: her studies, her career, marriage and family life, children (birth dates and number), move to a new apartment, acquisition of a washing machine, trips abroad, and so on.

It is understandable that, in order to achieve all this, one needs a lot of willpower and determination. Both qualities are present in MAKSIMKA, moreover she has enough of these qualities not only for herself but also for others around her. With this girl you will not become spoiled. She will not grow tired of forcing others day after day to implement their plans into real life. MAKSIMKA will neither plan nor do anything that she considers to be an excess, but if she has already thought up of something, then do not count on her losing sight of it.

Being accurate, assiduous, and responsible, girls of this type usually study well, although they only do that which has been assigned, and nothing more than that. Lively student life does not draw them in too much. Because of their exactness in the relationships, they usually do not have many friends, and even to their few friends they rarely complain about problems of their personal life or disclose what the depths of their souls.

Family for woman of this type is very important, because it creates a safe haven where she can feel herself protected from the chaotic and complicated external world. Therefore special attention is paid to her home life; here she will have order. Her family members will obtain all that is necessary, but nothing in excess. No one will remain hungry with MAKSIMKA, but also do not expect lavish feasts. She will not tell about what she cooked and how she cooked it, but there will always be something simple but substantial kept in the refrigerator.

MAKSIMKAs make for exacting, demanding mothers. And, if they are not stingy in showing their feelings and know measure and restraint in the "training" their children, then the latter are brought up to be well-mannered and disciplined adults.

A feeling of duty is extended in women of this type not only to family, but also to work. MAKSIMKA is aspiring and ambitiously tries to build her career, although in this case she will not begin to disregard her family responsibilities. Her supervisors highly value the industriousness, accountability, and reliability of this girl, who, after some time, perfectly masters the necessary skills and acquires the needed knowledge. Very soon, it becomes clear that it is possible to rely on her, such that advancement in career is guaranteed for her.

Representatives of this type greatly value the atmosphere of any holiday (their favorite is often the New Year). They will never miss dates that are significant in their family (birthdays, anniversaries, etc.). They will arrange a celebration at home with giving of gifts, a celebratory meal and invitation of close friends. Leading a fairly closed off and measured style of life, at the same time, they are not against enjoying some company and merriment, so that they can laugh and fool about, but only in case that the company is made of people whom they consider to be their people.

Thus find a good reason for celebration and invite your MAXIM or or MAKSIMKA. If they know that there they will be entertained and cheered up, then without fail they will come over. And, may be even bring a mask of fake nose with glasses and whiskers. But they will do so only in such a case, if they know that the hosts will with pleasure take up their tomfoolery.

SEE (Napoleon)

Male Portrait, ESFp (Se,Fi)

NAPOLEON men are almost never bony and thin. This is a sufficiently solid, conspicuous, attractive, self-controlled person with a resolute stare. He is active and energetic, and holds himself rather assuredly. Everyone, who has had the pleasure of conversing with NAPOLEON right away knows who is "the boss in the house". His entire appearance points out that he knows his worth. But if he is positively predisposed to you, he will endow you with his encouraging smile and make you laugh with circumstantially appropriate (but often frivolous) joke.

He prefers to wear soft sweaters and turtlenecks of dark colors, but in suits also looks very stately. Most often he has a short haircut, although there are a few SEE individuals of artistic natures who wear long hair.

NAPOLEON is very sociable, oriented at people, easily initiates contact, resourceful and witty.

In school, boys of this type often struggle. Although they they are often leaders by their nature and value their status among classmates, they, with difficulty, master the precise and natural sciences even at the basic level. They have trouble keeping interest in subjects that do no concern people! Honestly, what is there of any interest in them?!

How to survive for such a boy in school? How not to lose the respect of his classmates? It has to be said that, here, these boys are aided by their natural charm and confidence, and, if they know how to skillfully use both one and the other, then their grades are normally higher. All that is needed for this is that the classmates let them copy their homework on time, and that the teacher positively reacts to their smiles. Usually this works, and little NAPOLEON - again is a hero in the eyes of his classmates because without his company - there is no company. And also, who besides him knows how to appeal to girls like he does? To whom, in fact, he himself is completely not indifferent to, to such a degree that sometimes he is ready even to fight with a competitor for a lady of his heart.

Boys of this type equally enjoy physical education lessons and playing sports. Here they can be successful since they confidently control their body, which means that during training they easily learn the necessary skills. Additionally, they are sufficiently solid and stable to practice even the power-based types of sport.

NAPOLEON is charismatic and authoritative, so it is easy for him to get acquainted with any new person, and also to enter into any circle. His company means a lot for him. He understands what the feeling of comradeship is, knows how to be a good friend. He can, without a doubt, be called a team player, in which he typically does not hold the last place. With him, it is not only fun, but often he takes on himself the role of leader, organizing everyone else for new beginnings.

NAPOLEON is not one of those men whom you can “capture” by force. And in women, he values intelligence and practicality. A sense of humor with an evident portion of craftiness, cunning, and wit also make a good impression on him.

The skill to understand people well, the ability to notice everything that is going on around him, and a willful character - these are the traits that allow this man to keep the situation under control. He is confident in himself and focused, as a rule, positively, on trying to support in his group or among those entrusted to him by his job, a peaceful, benevolent spirit. For instance, attempt to get into an argument with someone in his presence - it will not be successful (the exception being, of course, when he himself took part in the intrigue).

If you married a NAPOLEON, then know that next to you lives an energetic, yet also calm person, who has exceptional diplomatic qualities. At home, he always tries to uphold smooth relations with everyone, treats the members of his family with respect, supports them, and softly directs them. This is a strong and optimistic man, on whom you can easily rely for support.

Depending on the peculiarities of his character and upbringing, NAPOLEON’s participation in household matters and chores can vary. Most likely, you will be engaged in setting up and remodeling of your new nest with greater enthusiasm than him. The fact is that NAPOLEON is not really interested in the everyday side of life. He tries to not acquire extra belongings, to not burden himself with an excessive amount of material acquisition.

Examples from real life: "Here is what the famous Russian actor, Vladimir Mashkov, tells about himself: “In our house, money appeared and disappeared in the same way, easily, joyfully. I have no job on the side, bank account, or country mansion. As a matter of fact, I have a pretty calm relationship with money. I have no accounts in well-established banks for a rainy day, and into my possession come only my royalties for a movie or show I starred in. I have no country home, and I do not want to own one".

But there is one thing, which it is better to not entrust him: let somebody else handle paying the bills for your house or apartment. An enemy of formality, he does not like these kinds of errands. Try to relieve him, as well, from reading the instruction to television sets, computers, washing machines, and other household appliances. This is usually not in his department.

With children NAPOLEON knows how to be friendly. He wants to be proud of his children, trying to raise them so they become smart, worthy, independent, self-sufficient people.

Men of this type have an active, business-oriented personality. His leadership skills sooner or later will allow him to rise up to a position that fits him, so that he can provide for his family. Although, instantly finding his niche in life, for NAPOLEON, can be not all that simple. Being endowed with a strong character and powerful motivation for prestige, he is not too well equipped to be a simple performer at a secondary role, in the depth of his soul believing this is degrading to him.

This is why he often settles on the kind of jobs, which allow him to work independently, often alone, or lead a small group in such an area, where the nature of work is completely clear to him. This can be, for example, his own small company. Nevertheless, if life turned out so that he has to work with a large number of people, then such a task he will handle as well, since he knows how to enlarge his sphere of influence through the use of his authority and the ability to make many different connections. But success waits for him, in places where it is necessary to work with people. But the formal side of any job - filling out documents, making orders, establishing contracts, distributing wages - this is his real Achilles’ heel.

NAPOLEONs successfully work as psychologists, journalists, sport trainers, commentators, television hosts. They excellently handle the representative functions, heading a small firm, especially, if some logical type works as a right-hand man with him, who is able to make reliable and accurate prognoses for business situations.

Female Portrait, ESFp (Se,Fi)

NAPOLEONKA - dazzling, notable, energetic, very specific woman with a deep sense of self-respect. The form of face is more frequent rounded, although there are as always exceptions.

She holds herself confidently and speaks somewhat ironically. She loves to joke, laughs in a friendly manner while speaking, which producers the impression that she feels herself familiar everywhere. Her tone of voice is frequently low, with a bit of a coarseness.

Her clothing, however modest she is, always fits her well and looks completely appropriate. She knows how to dress fitting to the situation. For informal situations, she can select sufficiently catchy, even extravagant look.

Education may be an issue for girls of this type. They do not like to solve problems, or to perform experiments. However, they usually have a penchant for literature and usually write well. School life seethes around them; they know how to and love to be in the center of attention. They are true ringleaders, reckless and lively, always ready to come up with all kind of possible activities and entertainment. Not a single birthday or school holiday passes without them. Personal life often occupies them much more than studies, in particular, much more than memorizing multiplication table. Nevertheless, because they have strong will, these girls can make themselves study and do homework and get outstanding results in any subject. Ambition and drive for prestige direct them and make some of them become the best.

In exactly the same manner, they try to be the best at sports. Girls of this type frequently take up figure skating, gymnastics, and tennis. Strong and confident, they can fully commit themselves to training, aiming to achieve top results.

NAPOLEONKA is a real embodiment of archetype of hostess. She realistically behaves like one on entrusted to her territory - be it her work place or her house. If she is among your guests, it is practically impossible to not notice her. Somehow, in the course of celebration, she completely naturally takes the management of the holiday into her hands, directing the merriment into the needed course. Moreover she does this calmly and confidently, without excess emotions.

To come into good favor of this girl, one needs to possess a few qualities that not all men have. It is not necessary to appear prestigious or dandy. Main thing is to appear clever! Preferably even very clever! The pragmatically disposed man with an encyclopaedic knowledge in most different areas, who, moreover, is capable of forecasting events, is the kind of person who will be appealing to this girl. She is not given to naive romantic impulses, and therefore values a critical mind. Women of this type are ingenious, lively and resourceful. They are optimistic, but at the same time relate to everything with a good dose of skepticism.

Not only does NAPOLEONKA usually have quick reaction time and speaks rapidly, she is also very active. She needs to be simultaneously everywhere, to envelop with her attention and presence a great many of her friends and acquaintances, family members and relatives. She must also regularly attend secular gatherings, exhibitions and theaters. A characteristic method for NAPOLEONKAs to get into a theater is to find at the last moment someone who will take them in, or simply catch a good moment.

A story from real life: "NAPOLEONKA was coming back from a vacation with her friends. In the summer, on the train, it is hot and dirty, so all of them ended up looked soiled. Coming off the train onto the platform, NAPOLEONKA - a big fan of ballet - suddenly learns that today is the last day of the tour of Roland Petit, and, despite everything, she decides to go there. Friends attempt to reason with her, since her look was in no way suitable for entrance to Bolshoi Theater; besides a short summer dress she had sandals on of different color - one red, another dark blue.

Nevertheless, precisely in this form she appears under the columns of the Bolshoi Theater, tanned, unwashed, without make-up. All of the tickets have been sold out, of course, but by one of the columns there is a foreigner waiting for someone. She comes up to him and immediately asks in English, "Excuse me, sir, do you have by any chance a spare ticket?". And, it's a miracle! - he timidly takes a ticket from his pocket. She pays him for the ticket and hops away. She then goes into the bathroom, washes her feet and wipes them with a handkerchief, and heads for her seat since the performance will begin any minute now. Since the public in Bolshoi Theater is always of good upbringing, soon everyone stops looking at her. But during intermission, she was faced with the question of whether to remain sited or go out and mingle with the public. She decided in favor of the later, and went for a walk across the Bolshoi Theater, her image reflecting in all mirrors and shocking the public.

When later in the evening she came back home, her mother asked her where she has been, and upon hearing her answer, she exclaimed: "With this kind of look?!" to which NAPOLEONKA replied: "But this was French ballet! Last day! Does it really matter?!"

If you married this type of her, do not hope that she will sit house under the lock. She is the prima donna, who must shine out there in the world, and not spend her days in the apron by the stove. She carries out chores quickly, but conscientiously, without getting stuck on them, without going deeply into detail, and without being taken into excesses. She tries to limit housework to its bare minimum. Main thing for her is to obtain the result and to be done quickly. She is not inclined to become excessively involved in house chores. At the same time, NAPOLEONKA is sufficiently practical, knows how to take responsibility onto her shoulders and is not afraid of this.

She brings up her children with love and humor, by being friends with them. They love to laugh and to fool about together during their leisure time. They willingly develop their children, encourage them to read artistic literature, take them out to theater performances and museums. But to do lessons together for them is sufficiently difficult; therefore they attempt to avoid this experience by all means.

NAPOLEONKA knows how to handle responsibilities, with the pleasure takes on work where it is necessary to do PR functions before large groups of people. She can be the owner of a small company, for example, a tourist agency, work on the television, be a journalist or a teacher of humanitarian disciplines, a sport trainer, in PR and HR. In short , everywhere where it is necessary to competently and representatively establish contact with the people. One should not place NAPOLEONKA in positions where no one will see her. With her strong orientation towards prestige, it will be difficult for her resign to such a role.

ILI (Balzac)

Male Portrait, INTp (Ni,Te)

Young BALZAC, irrespective of whether he is slender or portly, resembles a small boy who grew to the size of an adult. May be this is due to the fact that in their childhood such boys often surprise other people by their outstanding mind and an almost encyclopedic knowledge that goes well beyond their years. Becoming accustomed to the enthusiasm and praises of adults, they preserve on their face an expression that is characteristic of the child prodigy.

BALZAC is calm and imperturbable, phlegmatic and pensive. The distinguishing features of his face are the clever, sad eyes, full of hopeless skepticism, often with dark circles. Men of this type favor dark colors in clothing, such as dark blue with gray or brown with black. Long hair among men of this type is common, but of course, you can also meet one with a more traditional short haircut.

Body of representatives of this type has indeterminate forms, often with rounded shoulders and inclined to fullness. Even if in youth BALZAC has participated in sports, in middle age he nevertheless is predisposed to putting on weight and becoming heavy set. Some BALZACs, however, keep in good figure even into their later years but these are less frequently encountered.

In spite of their fullness and considerable size, BALZACs do not make an impression of being sturdy. It is easy to move them or to go around them. They as if do not occupy space, and even if they do, they glide along side of it, as large soap bubble glides along the floor.

In childhood, boys of this type are often very gifted. They are sharp-witted, clever, erudite, devoted to learning more about the world around them. They accumulate an enormous quantity of information from very different areas of life. However, in school they often keep in the background; they do not hurry to advertise how much they know and do not attempt to draw attention to themselves. And although boys of this type are not characterized by diligence and accuracy, they usually perform well in school, especially those who possess a measure of healthy ambition.

As a rule, with age BALZAC's intelligence does not diminish, but only grows in its extent. Proportionally to it, he also develops craftiness, cunningness, and biting sarcasm. BALZAC is capable of foreseeing the course of development of events and of estimating the benefits that this or another enterprise may bring to him. One can rely on his forecasts if he is willing to share his thoughts with you.

Female portrait, INTp (Ni,Te)

Looks of girls of this type can be very varied, such that creating one profile that would encompass them all is practically impossible. The most commonly shared facial feature among female ILIs is dark circles under the eyes, though this can be found among other types as well. Due to such diversity, it is difficult to identify members of this type according to their physical appearance.

Like their male counterparts, female ILIs tend to prefer darker hues in clothing and inconspicuous colors, such as dark-blue, gray, brown, and black. In combination with the darkened areas around eyes this mysterious girl, perhaps, better than others personifies the spirit of third quadra, which is expressed by the twilight state of consciousness on the edge of two worlds - the real and the surreal. There is something mystical in her, which gives off the impression that she knows something ...

BAL'ZACHKA does not like to stand out. She holds herself modestly, keeps in the background, never jumps out to front lines nor to the side lines. However, her sharp, critical mind and staggering capability for foresight quickly become noticeable if you associate with this girl over some matters.

A skeptical attitude towards everything is characteristic to her. No enthusiasm, no ecstatic flight of thought, no boisterous emotions. She is the observer, the skeptic, and her forecasts frequently possess very pronounced negative character, although she, herself, will call this being sensible.

With her softness and friendliness, she suffices with a small company of friends, or with one or two girlfriends, and does not suffer from this. At the same time, she is glad to support a social gathering and on occasion loves to be with people, however, her close circle always consists of clever, intellectually developed individuals, with whom she has something to talk about. Clubbing, crowded gatherings where there is much noise and laughter, but no sense whatsoever, quickly bore her. Even if she goes to such a gathering, perhaps succumbing to social pressure, it will take her a day or two to recover.

BAL'ZACHKA, as a rule, makes an impression of being well brought up girl and does not allow herself crudeness in expression, although at times, if she is strongly angered, she can be very blunt and use nonstandard vocabulary with a special, refined toxicity and rebuttals of bitter sarcasm. This is her "angry humor", which can be sufficiently funny.

Generally, with their proclivity to criticize everyone and be in opposition to everything, from them one can frequently overhear indignant hissing about some matter or another: "Well, this is impossible! It is impossible!" For female ILI it is difficult to imagine that people indeed can be so foolish, that they cannot see the consequences that lie just two steps ahead of their actions.

BAL'ZACHKA herself visualizes the situation well with all its potential consequences, and she knows how it will develop many steps ahead. She thinks everything through thoroughly and will never connect her fate with a man who will not be able to justify her hopes. She solidly knows that in order to create a family and bring up children, one needs money, a good job and a place to live, not soulful sighs, flights of fancy, physical attractiveness or irresistible charm of partner, as girls of some other types may think.

Perhaps precisely because of this pragmatism these girls rarely remain single, without a family. They, as a rule, do not have overstated ideas about themselves or heightened romantic requirements of their partner. This makes it possible to soberly and sensibly look at themselves as well as at their significant other. Since they typically know better and do not advertise their intellectual ability, they successfully circumvent man's prejudice that the woman must not be too clever. BAL'ZACHKA can calmly live together with a man and independently make well thought-out decisions concerning everyday situations - and he will not even notice that his companion is so clever. It may seems to him that the matters somehow resolve themselves, or that all of it is his merit.

A female ILI is also careful and farsighted. She will never do anything that will bring her harm in future. And if partner does not satisfy her in something essential, then, sooner or later, he will be left without special regrets as an unpromising match. Certainly, this does not mean that female ILIs are incapable of love, but they understand very well to what extent the material aspect of life is important, and they cannot neglect it during selection of the partner. Even if it seems to you that BAL'ZACHKA has agreed to the "paradise in a shack", take a closer look at whom she has chosen. May be he is still a student, but it is not excluded that she already sees in him a promising future husband with the great career possibilities and, it goes without saying, with good income.

Making an acquaintance with female ILI don't laugh boisterously or be too merry - in this manner you will not make a good impression on her. It is better to place emphasis on intellect and witticisms. This will resonate with representatives of this type and evoke response and understanding. They will be assured that they are not spending their time in vain. Work on your appearance and your inner state - these girls like those whose looks hint at prestige, but who are not flashy. If acquaintance has taken place and relations are in development, avoid any dramatizations and attempts at boisterously examining your relations

Female ILI is very adept at logical arguments such that you will never manage to prove anything to her, but in department of feelings this may cause her to feel repulsion towards you. She feels uneasy with constant examinations and analyses of relations and stormy declarations of feelings. They bear such bright emotions with great difficulty, since they don't understand anything in them, and find such heated passions to be very tiring. So try to maintain friendly, benevolent, and calm relations, to which this girl is very responsive.

Intellectual ILIs learn wonderfully well, since for their flexible mind there are practically no limitations. They can excel in technical, as well as humanitarian and artistic areas, and even in those sphere where they have to work with hands. They are often attracted to folk art, sewing, making of dolls and jewelry.

The only breakdowns in normal life can occur if BAL'ZACHKA finds herself unable to overcome two things: the absence of enthusiasm (hence frequent periods of laziness) and haughtiness ("people around me a so stupid, so why should I associate with such idiots").

At work, a female ILI is completely irreplaceable. They are unusually clever and quick to learn, acquire necessary skills rapidly and rarely become confused in their work. It is practically never necessary to repeat instructions twice to them.

Since career for them is very real, and domestic responsibilities they find to be sufficiently dull, female ILIs try to optimize their participation in household chores. Certainly, it is pleasant for them to prepare something unique for loved ones or guests, to take care of the people they love for one evening. However, for the most part they do not enjoy cooking or other daily household upkeep duties. If the feeling of duty has prevailed and BAL'ZACHKA takes on such responsibilities, then she will make sure to optimize her methods prioritizing quicker rate of completion.

From life: "After my fork got glued to my plate so strongly that I had to throw both of them out, I immediately realized that I won't manage without a housekeeper".

Small children, around whom adults usually act like they are moved by their cuteness, don't appeal much to female ILIs - the senselessness of an infant who has to be breast-fed and the need to manifest emotions seems repulsive to them. They like it much more when children grow up a little, and they can talk with them, supply them with important information, discuss interesting problems, and teach them life. BALZACKs do not know how to be assertive and do not hope that they will be heard, and therefore they do not hurry to express their opinion. They do have one, as a rule, of high degree of expertise, especially on those questions which have occupied them professionally or which relate to the sphere of their interests or hobbies.

Representatives of this type have a special relation to the course of time. They see it as the actually existing substance and know how to work with it. Their consciousness is capable of gliding along the time axis forward in the future and backward into the past. They live in this flow of time and don't understand why others do not make use of their potential.

BALZAC is burdened by the slow flow of all possible processes, although himself he does not hurry anywhere and thus makes an impression of sluggish lout. A man of this type can indifferently sit in an armchair, read a captivating book, and then instantly get up, get ready in three-five minutes, and leave the house by the required time.

Story from real life: Young BALZAC was traveling in a subway car with a female acquaintance. Both of them were engaged in an involving conversation. In retrospect, she said that she was trying to end the conversation when the train came closer to his station, thinking that he will want to make his way to the doors. However, he continued talking. The train stopped, doors opened, people came out, others came in, and only then did he say goodbye and walked out of the car before the doors closed again.

BALZACs are undemonstrative and reserved. With pleasure they occupy themselves with their favorite work, sitting in some quiet corner at a library or on the internet, where they feel themselves as fish in water. They don't suffer from lack of company. They are little interested in other people. The most important thing for them is to keep their mind under creative pressure. However, if they find a worthy conversation partner, BALZACs can spend hours discussing topics of interest with such a person. He is very predisposed towards removed philosophical reasoning and, as a rule, approaches subjects from the apex of his intellect.

Male BALZACs understand poorly how to develop relationships with the opposite sex and even more poorly orient in the realm of feelings; therefore they hold themselves neutrally, with indifference. He himself does not understand how he gets pulled into relationships, and notices this problem only when it becomes urgent for him to do something - get married or break up.

Because men of this type orient poorly in love, they behave extremely carefully in such matters. It is useless to ask what feelings they are experiencing - they themselves are not sure of this. One should act pragmatically. They try to shift all decision-making to their partner. They do not like taking on responsibility in relationships, since they best see all the negative consequences of the development of situation, that somehow for them are always outweigh the positive ones. In short, BALZAC welcomes partners who demonstrate resoluteness and decisiveness in relations.

If you have married BALZAC, then you can be certain that your family will be provided for materially. The spectrum of professions befitting to BALZACs is sufficiently extensive. They will always find a method to obtain money, without over-straining themselves at work or by engaging in profitable projects on the side. Some of them, after earning a decent sum, allow themselves to take a vacation for three or four months, devoting themselves to intellectual research. But don't pay much attention to this, you will not find yourself in financial troubles. At the right time - not earlier and not later - BALZAC will find a method to earn the next sum of money. For example, by participating in intellectual contests of the type "What? Where? When?" where it is possible to win considerable prizes.

There are among the representatives of this type such, who start their own business. They successfully manage it, especially if they have good partners, who take upon themselves all the public relations functions - serve as the face of the firm, talk with the clients, etc. Himself BALZAC prefers to work behind the scenes. He does not like forcing himself to answer or make phone calls, even if this is necessary for work.

Housework does not appeal to the man of this type. He does not like to waste his energy and time on household upkeep that from his point of view is pointless and unnecessary - it is good as is, only that he has a sufficiently interesting virtual life. So do not wait for your BALZAC to actively investigate problems associated with daily chores. As a father, BALZAC is usually not aggressive, likes to joke and becomes friends with his children. He frequently believes that his main task is their intellectual development.

He often avoids situations that involve open and passionate declarations of feelings and noisy parties with empty, senseless conversations. Boisterous emotions coming from other people are intolerable and suffocating for him, so do not try to create drama or play out tragedies before him. If you become excessively involved with such theatrical displays or frequently try to discuss state of your relationship with him, then he will simply disappear from your field of view. If he has already become your husband, he will feel miserable in such conditions.

To feel yourself happy with your BALZAC, you need to learn to inspire and to activate him, because he drowns in various matters and frequently cannot force himself to undertake the necessary actions when the time comes. He does not have sufficient enthusiasm, nor determination within himself, and therefore he needs to be stimulated from without. Otherwise, he will attempt to prove to you that there is no possibility whatsoever to carry out the job or project which you have planned.

LIE (Jack London)

Male Portrait, ENTj (Te,Ni)

In youth, LIE male is practically always thin and mobile. He's frequently attractive and flirtatious, as well as charismatic, resourceful, ingenious and mysterious. His dressing style is very simple; he prefers neutral-colored and plain clothing e.g. jeans and a t-shirt. Only when the LIE male grows older and achieves a higher position in society does he start to wear suits and the like. Commonly has short hair, because its easier to manage.

LIE male rarely keeps still. He rushes right by forgetting to greet you, which is not surprising considering the speed at which he is moving. In such situations you may only take note of his elongated nose and protruding ears.

Despite his high mobility, in business LIEs are very organized people. In childhood one can already notice that they are very capable; they quickly grasp the material taught to them, and generally do well in school. Love to engage in sports; prefer type of sport that does not require sheer application of force, but instead good reaction time. Speed almost puts them under a spell. Jumping from a helicopter onto a snow-covered slope and then making a high-speed descent on skis - this is quite in their style. They love to feel adrenalin circulating in their bloodstream.

But in day-to-day, mundane matters, LIE males are poorly coordinated - at home they may run into a door or a corner. Poor coordination is augmented by their absent-mindedness. They can be thinking about work and miss their stop, or forget to turn on the washing machine or turn off the water in sink.

LIE males have many acquaintances. They are enthusiastic and sociable, like to joke and laugh, thus in social gatherings they are indispensable. With their quick-witted, funny remarks they can all evening long entertain those attending.

A woman does not need to devote time thinking how to get acquainted with LIE man. He himself will go through the trouble. First, he has the remarkable ability to see everything around him, so that if you appear somewhere next, he will immediately note you. Second, he will readily show initiative (which is actually what he frequently does) - and you are already acquainted!

From this point on you don't need to strain yourself - because if LIE man has selected you, he will not disappear, he will himself make calls and come to visit you. But so that he finds it interesting to spend time together, you will need to concern with. LIE man primarily needs decency, faithfulness, and kind treatment.

Don't take note if sometimes he may seem somewhat rude. In interaction with people he is indeed clumsy, at times making offensive remarks, other times taking offense over something. Sometimes LIE male is prone to falling into depressed state. This means that he doesn't have a real, worthwhile job or project where he could realize himself to the maximum. What can you do, everyone has their faults, but he also has many other good characteristics.

Also you need to know that he is not the kind who solves problems "with fists", with brute force. This is a relatively soft, even a bit indecisive man, who avoids power collisions.

From life of LIE male: "One time we went on vacation with my husband. We rented a room on first floor. Suddenly in the middle of the night I hear that someone is climbing through our window. I've gotten frightened, started to wake him up. When I managed to wake him up and explain what is happening, he turned around and politely asked" Excuse me, sir, what did you need here?"

As a husband, the LIE is little concerned with everyday chores and upkeep duties. He is not interested in thinking about creating comfort at home. He won't devote a lot of time to taking care of food and his (and your) health. It would be best if you take care of all such matters.

With children a man of this type is friendly, but prefers older children, who are much more interesting for him to be around. As for younger kids, their presence at home is always accompanies with some kind of physiological issues - damp pampers, gases and burps, and this LIE male does not like. Thus take the sanitation matters under your own responsibility. Ask him to care of small children only infrequently and only when it is urgent. May be this is not very comfortable ... but console yourself with the fact that it is so fun to be around him! And also that he will always come up with ways to make a lot of money.

LIE males who have been endowed not only with intellect but also with organizer talent, prefer to keep a stable job where they usually achieve the highest positions, become directors and business owners. Other LIE males who have more of a hunter ardor, strive to work in consulting or as crisis managers, where they also become very successful.

Without work LIE turns sour, life becomes boring for him. Imagining a man of this type without having something to do can be done only theoretically. This is because LIE male usually leaves the company several months before problems arise, usually to a better salary. He will never be in low demand: with his capabilities and his connections, he has a wide selection of places where he can realize his talent and passion for work.

Difficulties with LIE male arise when he gets into bouts of formalism (as home as well as at work). This usually occurs when something is not going well. His dissatisfied and grouchy demeanor betray his inner tension. Then come the accusations: "I don't understand what you're telling me" or "First explain to me what for are we doing this" or "Formulate this more concisely and concretely".

In such moments, it is difficult to find common language with LIE male. Try to change his state, do something that he understands how positively you're predisposed towards him. When he calms down, after some time you can continue the discussion this time around hopefully with more success.

Female Portrait, ENTj (Te,Ni)

Slender and graceful, light and directed, strained as string - this is a typical outward appearance of female LIE. In any clothing she makes an impression of being very tidy. Everything on her is clean and fitted well to her figure. But she dresses without pretentiousness to originality, without any experiments - no unusual cuts or uncommon combinations of color. Her style is more similar to official dress. Good figure makes it possible for her to look slender and taut into old age. Even everyday clothing is tidy and simple. She wears only clean jeans, and her usual shirts never look stretched or wrinkled - she never puts them on haphazardly, one on top of another. And even at her home you won't see on her old dressing gowns or torn slippers.

Face of female LIE is youthful, taut, symmetrical. Smile is friendly, eyes are large. You will never guess her age correctly. She usually wears her hair short; no curls lower than shoulders, no experiments with recoloring. She wears no to very little makeup. In her entire appearance there is a note of minimalism: everything which is necessary is present, but nothing extra.

She walks rapidly, impetuously, and with ease. This is the gait of a person, who always has something to do, but is always lacking in time. Lazy, aimless gait is not in her style.

Female LIEs usually do well in school. They love to learn, because it is interesting. They grasp the material easily because they are quick, clever and diligent. On the whole, they are apt to study technical, natural, and humanitarian subjects. And do all their work in time. They are also sufficiently responsive to their classmates, although they do not disregard their studies for this.

Sports do not interest female LIEs much. During lessons of gymnastics their performance is considerably lower than in those areas that require use of intellect.

If you found yourself in company together with a female LIE, then you will not fail to notice the slender, active, ingenious girl, who readily tells jokes and supports the general merriment in the group. For her, however, it is better better if responsibility for entertaining guests does not wholly rest with her, since she gets tired by this. She is attracted to positive, traditionally built men, who are not clingy and hold themselves with merit.

If your wife is LIE, you can be certain that your home will always be in order and supplied with food. The concern about comfort here is minimal. Cleanliness is maintained within reasonable limits but regularly. If the choice is between house-cleaning and a visit to an exhibition which will end tomorrow, guess what she will prefer to do. Her relation to food is also special - in the opinion of female LIE it must be first of all beneficial, useful. Furthermore, it must be fresh. And it must be prepared simply and quickly. From this it is clear that a woman of this type does not spent a lot of time in the kitchen. This simply does not bring her any pleasure - in the life there are so many more important and interesting matters!

From life of female LIE: "One day in some restaurant I will try out a delicious dish, so then I will want to cook it at home for the children. I will mix, add some flour, brown it a little, garnish with spices. Children will eat and politely say: "This is so tasty, mom!" But then they add: "Next time simply make some mashed potatoes for us, ok?"

She is not given into analysis of relations with her husband. She needs simple and understandable family life, that are constructive, positive, prospective and normal. Towards the children she is responsible, friendly, affable and thoughtful. A feeling of responsibility for her family is strongly developed in her.

She will not regularly do homework together with children - she simply does not have any time for this, since often she works a lot. But she knows how to teach them to learn independently, from time to time checking their progress and providing help if the need for it suddenly arises.

LIE women are inquisitive, active wives and mothers, who with the pleasure will go out and take out their relatives. They love to travel in those rare vacation weeks, which they manage to cut out from their busy work schedule. On holidays, they periodically take out their entire family to museums to see exhibitions in order to learn and to see something interesting and new, for example, the recently opened architectural complex or monument. They can propose to everyone to take a skiing trip or to spend a week camping in the mountains. Later, captivatingly and with humor, they will talk about all that was most interesting and share their impressions with friends and family members.

However, female LIEs do not know how to rest in the conventional sense of the word. They are bored to simply lie on the beach and not do anything. They also do not like to be ill. Perhaps they will finally decide to stay home when their fever rises too high; only then they will focus attention and notice that something is wrong with their health. They like it when their life is filled with intelligent, productive activities and interesting information.

Female LIEs usually have few friends. If she is committed to work and stable family life then she will live for 1) her work and 2) her family. To both activities she is loyal to a fault, thus for others, for watching movies, playing board games, drinking wine, she has no time left. Life with female LIE is intensive, interesting, full of a plethora of diverse impressions. She won't go sour sitting a home and grow bored from nothing to do, and won't permit this to happen to those close to her. Activities and projects are created and implemented, jokes are readily dispensed, in short: life moves on.

Female LIE is always composed and purposeful, always ready to plunge into work. Work is her high horse. Often she becomes a serious businesswoman, builds a successful career and earns a good salary, but as a by-product, not making it her main goal or boasting about it. She can work practically anywhere where she can be occupied by business, technical or scientific work. The only occupation that usually does not attract her is medicine.

At work, female LIEs usually quickly rise to the top to management positions. They are friendly and fair, try to maintain good relations with everyone, and avoid intrigues.

ESI (Dreiser)

Female portrait, ISFj (Fi,Se)

("DRAYZERKA" is the feminine version of Dreiser, much like Alexei and Alexandra. To avoid confusion, I will substitute "DREISER" into the names, so that the relationship is more obvious. I'll also try to make the modifications to "DREISERKA" more lucid.)

Well-built and graceful, DREISERKA is in good control of her body - she moves confidently and beautifully, sits straight, demonstrating her great posture. Her clothing looks tidy and befitting of her figure. Her entire appearance makes a worthy impression. Some bare skin does not spoil her look, but only enhances it since she usually has nothing to be ashamed of concerning her figure. Moreover, she is very graceful.

Most often, she has classically built face and unusually expressive, warm, agitating eyes. She knows how to select a complimenting haircut and professionally uses make-up.

In childhood, DREISERKA is often a strict and correct girl, very assiduous. She knows how to be nice, what behavior is appropriate and what is not appropriate. There is order in her mind, on her working desk, in her briefcase, her notes are written in tidy hand-writting.

DREISERKAs are demanding of themselves. They possess a strong will and can force themselves to do many of the things that are usually undesirable for children. But they are also exacting of others, such that not everyone will want to become friends with this girl. DREISERKA does not allow anyone to get away with any irresponsibility. She does homework in accordance to her schedule, among many other things. She prefers measured-out life from childhood and she becomes upset if her plans don't come together. In such cases, unexpectedly, she may even cry. Thus, there must be no unexpected trips to the zoo or the aquarium. It is better to plan activities with her beforehand.

Due to their general perseverance and diligence one can assume that DREISERKA will study well. Sometimes they graduate with honors. Though they generally have more interest in humanitarian subjects than in mathematics or sciences, girls of this type often major in technical subjects, and can later even work as engineers.

DREISERKAs have nothing against serious involvement with sports. They usually have beautiful, strong bodies; therefore they can make for outstanding gymnasts, swimmers (synchronized swimming), figure skaters, acrobats and dancers.

DREISERKA does not like large gatherings where there are many unknown people. In childhood, she makes one or two close friends. The next wave of friendships occurs for her in college. Here, she will make another 1-2 friends and then keep them for life. Specifically with them she will share her happiness and misfortunes.

However, the fact that she has few close friends does not mean that she doesn't like to sometimes enjoy a celebration or party. These girls dance well and moreover are very beautiful and graceful. Therefore, they have success in any social gathering. But do not hope that you will easily earn the trust of a DREISERKA. She will give you serious attention if you are promising, young, and resourceful. She also likes a man who thinks quickly on his feet and shows mental acuity. If you have all of these characteristics, then, there is no doubt, that she will make you marry her sufficiently quickly, because DREISERKA is a girl marked by drive and determination; she follows through with her goals. And she never steps back from her purpose.

After you marry her, you will discover that you have an exceptionally responsible, industrious wife, who diligently watches after the household. She tries to maintain an ideal cleanliness, so she zealously cleans and washes her house, making it be literally sterile. From time to time you will rearrange the furniture with her, because sometimes she wants a new setting.

Prepare for the fact that grocery shopping with her will not be a light matter. This is because DREISERKA orients poorly when it is necessary to select between two or even more objects. Therefore, instead of standing together with her at the counter and listening to her for half-hour, as she goes back and forth and doubts herself, it is better that you make a decision and relieve her of this need. In the end, there is no difference whether you will purchase a pink kitchen towel or a yellow one. However, DREISERKA is sufficiently low-maintenance and can do with little, such that you won't stumble upon such situations frequently. And also she likes to save money, but does this in an odd manner - she may lose much to save one dollar.

DREISERKA prefers to cook going by standard recipes, that have been proven by centuries or that she obtained from her mother. She prefers the proven and the reliable to all potential innovations. She also honors traditional holidays; therefore prepare to hold celebrations at your home inviting over her relatives and close friends.

DREISERKA is a restrained and well brought up woman, with a deep sense of self-worth. If you manage to upset or offend her, she will create a stormy, emotional scene, which you will remember for a long time. This way she protects her values and positions in life.

She prefers it when everybody in the house lives by her established, inviolable order, which she will, everyday, maintain and reinforce. The joint matters in her family are planned beforehand, because she handles changes of plans poorly. If she has already decided on something, she will always try to adhere to that accepted decision.

Story from real life: "If in the evening I prepared clothing for myself, and in the morning of the next day the weather has proven to be not as it was promised, and it was necessary for me to rapidly put on something different, then the entire day can go wrong for me, because my mood was not made to match this new clothing and new weather."

DREISERKAs make for strict, but loving mothers. They require obedience of their children and teach them discipline and order. The physical health of children, the completion of homework, and their friendships will always be under control and strict guidance of DREISERKA. She must know, with whom the child associates, where he went and when he will return. In short, she will try to make it so the intentions of all relatives are transparent and their actions and behaviors are known.

Because of their diligence and assiduity, DREISERKAs can be considered to be reliable co-workers. This is also so because, among all other things, they emotionally invest into their projects. But if the work for DREISERKAs is new, then make sure to give her a thorough set of instructions, how everything needs to be done, otherwise work will not move from a dead halt. It will still be better if she writes down these instructions, the sequence of steps that the job requires. But if she is already well familiar with work, then you should not worry - everything will be done honestly, accurately, and on time.

And, nevertheless, on any work, DREISERKAs, first of all, are occupied with people and their problems. Therefore, it will be better, if they choose jobs which are directly connected with people. DREISERKAs make for excellent teachers (especially for the lower grades), educators, nurses, pediatricians, psychologists, correctors, editors and instructors or foreign languages.

Female portrait, ISFj (Fi,Se)

("DRAYZERKA" is the feminine version of Dreiser, much like Alexei and Alexandra. To avoid confusion, I will substitute "DREISER" into the names, so that the relationship is more obvious. I'll also try to make the modifications to "DREISERKA" more lucid.)

Well-built and graceful, DREISERKA is in good control of her body - she moves confidently and beautifully, sits straight, demonstrating her great posture. Her clothing looks tidy and befitting of her figure. Her entire appearance makes a worthy impression. Some bare skin does not spoil her look, but only enhances it since she usually has nothing to be ashamed of concerning her figure. Moreover, she is very graceful.

Most often, she has classically built face and unusually expressive, warm, agitating eyes. She knows how to select a complimenting haircut and professionally uses make-up.

In childhood, DREISERKA is often a strict and correct girl, very assiduous. She knows how to be nice, what behavior is appropriate and what is not appropriate. There is order in her mind, on her working desk, in her briefcase, her notes are written in tidy hand-writting.

DREISERKAs are demanding of themselves. They possess a strong will and can force themselves to do many of the things that are usually undesirable for children. But they are also exacting of others, such that not everyone will want to become friends with this girl. DREISERKA does not allow anyone to get away with any irresponsibility. She does homework in accordance to her schedule, among many other things. She prefers measured-out life from childhood and she becomes upset if her plans don't come together. In such cases, unexpectedly, she may even cry. Thus, there must be no unexpected trips to the zoo or the aquarium. It is better to plan activities with her beforehand.

Due to their general perseverance and diligence one can assume that DREISERKA will study well. Sometimes they graduate with honors. Though they generally have more interest in humanitarian subjects than in mathematics or sciences, girls of this type often major in technical subjects, and can later even work as engineers.

DREISERKAs have nothing against serious involvement with sports. They usually have beautiful, strong bodies; therefore they can make for outstanding gymnasts, swimmers (synchronized swimming), figure skaters, acrobats and dancers.

DREISERKA does not like large gatherings where there are many unknown people. In childhood, she makes one or two close friends. The next wave of friendships occurs for her in college. Here, she will make another 1-2 friends and then keep them for life. Specifically with them she will share her happiness and misfortunes.

However, the fact that she has few close friends does not mean that she doesn't like to sometimes enjoy a celebration or party. These girls dance well and moreover are very beautiful and graceful. Therefore, they have success in any social gathering. But do not hope that you will easily earn the trust of a DREISERKA. She will give you serious attention if you are promising, young, and resourceful. She also likes a man who thinks quickly on his feet and shows mental acuity. If you have all of these characteristics, then, there is no doubt, that she will make you marry her sufficiently quickly, because DREISERKA is a girl marked by drive and determination; she follows through with her goals. And she never steps back from her purpose.

After you marry her, you will discover that you have an exceptionally responsible, industrious wife, who diligently watches after the household. She tries to maintain an ideal cleanliness, so she zealously cleans and washes her house, making it be literally sterile. From time to time you will rearrange the furniture with her, because sometimes she wants a new setting.

Prepare for the fact that grocery shopping with her will not be a light matter. This is because DREISERKA orients poorly when it is necessary to select between two or even more objects. Therefore, instead of standing together with her at the counter and listening to her for half-hour, as she goes back and forth and doubts herself, it is better that you make a decision and relieve her of this need. In the end, there is no difference whether you will purchase a pink kitchen towel or a yellow one. However, DREISERKA is sufficiently low-maintenance and can do with little, such that you won't stumble upon such situations frequently. And also she likes to save money, but does this in an odd manner - she may lose much to save one dollar.

DREISERKA prefers to cook going by standard recipes, that have been proven by centuries or that she obtained from her mother. She prefers the proven and the reliable to all potential innovations. She also honors traditional holidays; therefore prepare to hold celebrations at your home inviting over her relatives and close friends.

DREISERKA is a restrained and well brought up woman, with a deep sense of self-worth. If you manage to upset or offend her, she will create a stormy, emotional scene, which you will remember for a long time. This way she protects her values and positions in life.

She prefers it when everybody in the house lives by her established, inviolable order, which she will, everyday, maintain and reinforce. The joint matters in her family are planned beforehand, because she handles changes of plans poorly. If she has already decided on something, she will always try to adhere to that accepted decision.

Story from real life: "If in the evening I prepared clothing for myself, and in the morning of the next day the weather has proven to be not as it was promised, and it was necessary for me to rapidly put on something different, then the entire day can go wrong for me, because my mood was not made to match this new clothing and new weather."

DREISERKAs make for strict, but loving mothers. They require obedience of their children and teach them discipline and order. The physical health of children, the completion of homework, and their friendships will always be under control and strict guidance of DREISERKA. She must know, with whom the child associates, where he went and when he will return. In short, she will try to make it so the intentions of all relatives are transparent and their actions and behaviors are known.

Because of their diligence and assiduity, DREISERKAs can be considered to be reliable co-workers. This is also so because, among all other things, they emotionally invest into their projects. But if the work for DREISERKAs is new, then make sure to give her a thorough set of instructions, how everything needs to be done, otherwise work will not move from a dead halt. It will still be better if she writes down these instructions, the sequence of steps that the job requires. But if she is already well familiar with work, then you should not worry - everything will be done honestly, accurately, and on time.

And, nevertheless, on any work, DREISERKAs, first of all, are occupied with people and their problems. Therefore, it will be better, if they choose jobs which are directly connected with people. DREISERKAs make for excellent teachers (especially for the lower grades), educators, nurses, pediatricians, psychologists, correctors, editors and instructors or foreign languages.

IEE (Huxley)

Male Portrait, ENFp (Ne,Fi)

Thin and pulled up, with light, swift gait, usually men of this type stay like that till old age, preserving an almost youthful figure. Face of HUXLEY typically has large eyes and mouth, ready to smile at any moment. However along with general affability, HUXLEY as a whole makes an impression of a serious and calm person.

Friendly and well-wishing disposition, encouraging smile and endless enthusiasm - all this distinguishes the real HUXLEY. Magnificent haircut - in short or long version - usually creates an artistic mess on his head. This same mess can reign in his clothing - a jacket negligently thrown on top of a sports shirt, an open coat with a loosely hanging scarf - all this looks unconstrained and elegant, reflecting a certain recklessness inherent in his character.

Sometimes one can encounter thorough and disciplined men of this type, however the majority of representatives of this type have an inherent scatterbrainess and vague ideas about order. Instead, they know how to be liked by others. Thanks to this, all their matters usually become resolved.

HUXLEY is sincere, direct, resourceful, charming, and it takes him no effort to establish contact with somebody with use of unconstrained jokes and welcoming looks, everywhere he wishes - on the street, public transport, shops, university campus, bank, ministry etc. He does not feel subordination and acts naturally around any managers, knowing with certainty, that any official is first and foremost a person. And people - both on the street and in the high offices - are inclined to respond to the requests of this good-natured, calm, sincere man, while he will never forget to charmingly smile in return.

Real life example: "In Budapest, at the currency exchange center, there sits a handsome, welcoming middle aged fellow. He diligently counts on his calculator and does not forget to face it towards the client, so he would see the final figures. He smiles to the visitors, looking into their eyes with warmth, and talks with them on other subjects. This is probably the only currency exchange center in entire city where near the window stands a little box, and in it - tiny candies in beautiful many-colored wrappers. Not only does he exchange your money with a smile, which is hard to forget, but he also offers you to taste the candies. How can anyone be indifferent to such approach? Obviously next time you need an exchange center, you'll go there again."

In childhood - he is a merry, dreamy and enterprising boy, who is never bored. In fact, life is full of such interesting things! And from all this, of course, the most interesting for him are the people. They go to school mostly in order to observe teachers, trying to understand their characters, and also in order to socialize with friends. Socializing for him is always meaningful. However, as far as content is concerned, only those HUXLEYs are successful at studies, who have a good memory. Otherwise, he has to spend the whole summer learning the multiplication table, which may literally poison his life.

During teenage period HUXLEY starts to pump up his muscles, so he would look like a "real man". Afterwards, many of them for the same reason regularly engage in sport, although for them it's doubtful pleasure.

The selection of higher education institution is agonizing. The fact is that HUXLEY matures very late (around the age of 40!), while he has to enroll to the university much earlier (and the idea of attending the army is not very popular among the representatives of this type). At the age of 17-18 almost none of representatives of this type know what they want to do in life. HUXLEY lives in order to extract the maximum possibilities from his contact with people, not in order to learn dry and useless formulas or lifeless integrals.

Thankfully, though not many HUXLEYs can brag about good memory, many of them join humanitarian departments in colleges. Here they study with greater pleasure, if they can consider studying as pleasure at all.

On the other hand HUXLEY has lots of friends, and even more acquaintances. He is liked by everyone and everyone is ready to spend time with him because a positive energy is coming from him and life is boiling around him.

Generally, informal relationships is their domain. Through friends and acquaintances he learns about life, moreover precisely socializing helps to broaden his horizon and acquire knowledge in most various of fields. That does not mean that he knows about everything only by hearsay (although partly it is true). Simply friends and acquaintances hint what would be better to read a little, where and what to watch, on what to focus attention. He does not like the idea of standard education where you need to regulary attend classes and take exams. However he has enormous curiosity to everything around him and he is ready to learn about world in its various forms (and later on - of course - discuss it with friends). Indeed HUXLEY not only curious but also thoughtful young man and for him it is important not only to know but also understand what caught his interest.

Since HUXLEY moves through life with unusual ease, he can successfully be pleased by a quiet, calm and thorough girl. Its only needed for her to attentively listen to his reasonings and support his notions.

In a group often HUXLEY is the best storyteller, knows how to inspire everyone, involve, entertain, shake them up. It happens that guests just gather and sit and only when HUXLEY comes the party starts.

Actually, this young man does not go astray under any circumstances, does not fall in spirit of any hardships. To the contrary, in situations where you need to quickly find a way out, in stressful situations, mobilization of all his charm and resourcefulness helps him to keep up the tone. If life came to a stagnation, friends left somewhere or are always busy, at work every day the same thing, then its not that far from depression.

HUXLEY becomes serious about marriage usually quite late. Until 40 years they are attracted to freedom and an enormous amount of opportunity that they always see within arms reach. To get acquainted and fall in love "head over heels" does not take great effort of him. If the beautiful girls were not that abundant then maybe he would stop somewhat earlier. So even if HUXLEY has married a bit too soon due to "big love" (and he falls in love easily), then most likely there will follow a divorce, and after that - sexual freedom and new, bright victories at the love front.

If HUXLEY, however, stays in the family, then know, you have a soft husband, who is very distant from manly chauvinism. He acts with the wife as with equal partner, not against helping around the house, eagerly hangs out with children, especially with little ones, with pleasure entertains and interacts with them. His optimism and ability to easily relate to everything in the world makes him cheerful and beloved father.

If HUXLEY was taught manual work in his family as a child, he is able to maintain the house in some order. He does not refuse to buy products and to make repairs. In general, he takes care of the household, though he will need help with some remaining details, because when everything in general terms has been completed, and the work needs to be brought to the end, he loses interest. He believes that once the major work is done, the rest can be done later. As a result his apartment may have unpainted skirting-board and non-hanging chandelier for many years.

Since HUXLEY is oriented at originality, he likes to invent and refine something. At this he may be really talented. So his improved object might be unique and you wont find another one like that, however it will always be brought to operating condition.

The main enemy in HUXLEY's life - formalities of any kind, from filling receipts for rent to various rules and agreements. So this part of everyday problems better be handled by his wife.

Men of this type do not fit into the measured, standardized life of society easily. Thing is that he with difficulty handles mundane, routine work. He needs at least some freedom, so he is better suited for work that is related to business trips or having a more loose schedule, where he for example is giving lectures. He finds the use of his talents in many humanitarian fields, works well with adults as well as with children.

Female Portrait, ENFp (Ne,Fi)

A girl of this type usually does not possess well developed physical forms. Most frequently she is thin and slender, poorly coordinated, with the strange, angular movements. She continues to remain youthful into old age.

Her face is elongated, with large eyes and plump lips. Outwardly HUXLEY woman appears to be calm and benevolent, polite and affable. In contact, she is merry, light and unconstrained. In her soul, she is sympathetic, always ready to support and to comfort a person who has fallen by spirit, or at least smile at whoever needs it. Being sensitive and thoughtful, she responds to problems of others. She tries to be useful to others, moreover not only those who are close to her, but often her help extends to completely random people.

She dresses vividly and lively, trying to appear original and unusual, so that it is immediately possible to notice her among other women. Her dresses are not so much pompous, as they are whimsical, consisting of the strange combinations of bright colors and brave forms. She rarely dresses traditionally and properly as the majorities of women, consciously selecting more weird type of clothing. She loves to devise for herself extravagant costumes, in order to slightly unsettle the public and to simultaneously give herself pleasure. Frequently her clothing appears amusing, ridiculous, strange or even inappropriate to the situation. She as if attempts to cheer up those surrounding her by her look, to show that one ought not relate to appearance so seriously, nor to life in general.

In childhood, girl of this type is a merry, cheerful child, who possesses a well developed imagination and a greedy curiosity to experience life. If she has good memory and some modicum of discipline instilled by parents, she can study very well. But if she lacks one of these qualities, then she experiences difficulties with natural and exact science, especially in the upper classes.

Small HUXLEY does not like to devote too much attention and time to dull and monotonous tasks, such as keeping her notebooks in order. Physical education classes also do not interest her. But she tries not to make a problem out of this (just as from many other things), relating to everything vivaciously and nonchalantly. Teachers, as a rule, pardon her mishaps for her good nature and courteousness.

In college, it is better for her to avoid technical majors, and instead pick humanitarian subjects, where she can fully develop her abilities and talents. Girls of this type can work as guides, translators, psychologists, teachers, editors, they can work in HR, PR, and advertisement agencies, work on television, lead talk shows, and so on. They have difficulty working in accounting or bookkeeping. Usually, their self-preservation instinct allows them to avoid such jobs.

People are as necessary to the HUXLEY woman as air. Without social contact she withers. She likes to be constantly up to date with what's happening in her surroundings and beyond, to track all that is novel and new. She loves her friends and with enthusiasm tells about them to her other familiars. True, on occasion she may not carry out something that she has promised to one of her friends, but if it was not very important matter, they usually forgive her. As far as serious matters are concerned, it is possible to rely on her. Although often her own ideas about what is serious and important do not coincide with the ideas of others.

If she is constantly submerged in the flow of events, if her head is full of ideas on what to do to alleviate boredom, then her life feels fulfilling. But if in her life the period of stagnation came, then she begins to feel the scarcity of impressions, and the situation begins to suppress her. In this case, she is in dire need of changes.

A girl of this type usually aims to try out everything in the world, to be everywhere, to acquire most diverse experience in the most different regions of life. She wants to see a cow shed and travel to Canary Islands, to meet most different people, from villagers to prison inmates to famous academics and writers. She knows how to behave adequately in various kinds of situations and how to find common language with almost anyone, and therefore anywhere she always seems natural and appropriate.

Since HUXLEY tells about the events of her life cheerfully and light-heartedly, it sometimes seems to people that this girl does not have problems. Certainly, this not always so, but it, as a rule, she is optimistically disposed and knows how to cheer up others. Moreover, she is always ready to tell anything interesting, raising people's mood and dispelling boredom.

She loves feeling energized, to feel that she is necessary to others, to demonstrate optimism and endurance. The girl of this type, in spite of her seeming brittleness, can stand up for herself and for others. She will not yield before an insolent or rude person, if she sees that he is transgressing on the rights of a weaker defenseless person or her own rights. Awareness of her own rightness in such situations imparts into her amazing strength and makes her literally obsessed. You should not doubt that in such situations she will always overcome the offender and put him in his place.

Example from real life: "Some driver not only made an incorrect maneuver on the road but also a rude gesture to a girl of HUXLEY type who was driving beside him. Perhaps he thought that it will come off his hands! Enraged by this situation, the girl started to yell at him and throw various objects into his window (applies and candy that she had at hand), and then she started chasing him down in her car. She chased him across entire city for 40 minutes, completely forgetting about her own plans. Eventually she managed to block his way when he was leaving the gas station. He climbed out of his car (of course, by his own carelessness!) and at this moment she ran up to him and told him "You're horrible man! Filthy bastard!" and slapped him across his face. Then she got into her car and drove out of station, while her offender was left watching, dumbfounded by what had transpired."

At social gatherings, HUXLEY woman usually does not claim the center of attention, but supports the merriment, laughs at jokes, actively socializes with everyone. You will not come into her favor if you spread out your feathers, start pouring jokes, rushing around her in circles, and showering her with compliments. She likes somewhat slow and not very talkative guys, who sit in the distant corner of the sofa with an air of inaccessibility. HUXLEY girls love their skepticism, their sober line of thought, their inconspicuous looks.

Frivolous relation to almost everything in first half of their life and pursuit of countless possibilities make HUXLEY women unlikely to strive for serious union early in their life. This is also compounded by the fact that they mature late in life, remaining young, careless girls in their soul for long period of time, though well brought up and reasonable. Often it happens that their early unions quickly fall apart. If their love story is deep and serious, and their chosen one proves to be a sufficiently heavy anchor to hold down HUXLEY, then family life is completely possible. But usually this happens closer to the second half of this girl's life.

HUXLEY girls easily enter into the psychological contact with the opposite sex and sometimes they seem very accessible. From almost the first hour of acquaintance, they feel the prospects for relations, and if something is not to their liking, they can easily adjust the distance. Then flirting and friendship with the man continues, but closer approach does not occur, which frequently puzzles representatives of the opposite sex.

In family life, HUXLEY women are tolerant, reasonable, yielding. Of course, she doesn't really like to take care of the household, especially to cook daily, but from time to time you can count on her organizing and cleaning the house and making a hot meal, because she does love her husband and tries to take care of him. However, it is not always easy for her, because she starts many things at once with enthusiasm, but does not take all of them to completion. It is difficult for her to isolate the main thing, thus often the most important tasks may remain undone.

Cooking for the most part she does not like. She can take it up for pleasure, to create something original and show off her culinary skill. But daily chores tire her out. If domestic responsibilities turn into mundane humdrum, and nobody pays attention to her efforts and doesn't praise her, for her this is very difficult situation.

Frequently because of her enthusiasm concerning all possible new culinary trends, she will astonish you by novel dishes. You are doomed to try out all kinds of meals: supper without soup, soup without supper, fruit salads, exotic spices, and dishes from other countries and nationalities. This allows her to entertain herself while cooking at least a little bit, as well as entertain you and introduce something new into the process of food preparation.

Besides that, your wife loves to read and talk about all possible health improvement procedures. Sometimes she even tries them on herself, just as different diets. But do not be frightened, if in earnest she became occupied by yoga. This will not last for too long. She will throw this out, when it bores her, and will begin to study something new. In short, with her you will not get bored.

Children also occupy and entertain her. She knows how to be friends with them and to live by their interests, from their very birth to the point when they become adults. It is necessary to keep in mind that it is not easy for her to take care of small children when they are sick. In this situation she may not know what to do. It will be good if you help her out with competent advice or go see a qualified doctor.

But despite the fact that HUXLEY woman is deeply involved in the process of bringing up children, she hardly wants to spend all her time at home with them. She needs new impressions and experiences, thus it is best to not try to dissuade her from going back to her job. It is best to find a compromise in this respect. Starting work, your wife will more often feel tired, however due to change in scenery, overall she will feel better and become happier.

Work is suitable for her if it proves to be interesting, diverse and, if possible, prestigious. Of course, it also must also be somehow connected with people. In this case there is a chance, that HUXLEY will remain with it for a while (especially, if she is also paid well). But money nevertheless is not the main thing (HUXLEYs have a weak sense of property). Women of this type can make a decision, then suddenly leave somewhere else, where things are more interesting and there are more prospects. To do the same thing each day entire life is difficult for them, while new possibilities always draw them in, promising novelty of impressions.

At work, woman of this type act sufficiently disciplined, although, as do the men, they prefer flexible schedules. Indeed, as they think, there should be free time for the realization of the numerous ideas, which they are constantly coming up with.

The important component part of the work for HUXLEY is social contact. Women of this type, as a rule, are benevolently disposed with respect to the majority of colleagues, create around themselves a positive atmosphere, and are not fascinated by gossip and intrigue. If someone isn't feeling well, they are always ready to show moral support.

SLI (Gabin)

Male Portrait, ISTp (Si,Te)

The SLI man is relaxed, thorough, and impenetrably calm. He produces an impression of a manly and restrained person, possessing a deep sense of self-worth. He typically has an excellent aesthetic taste and selects convenient, inconspicuous clothing: often dark grey and dark blue sweaters and shirts of calm tones.

GABIN tends to be solidly built, with sluggish movements, somewhat lazy. He likes to adopt positions where he is half-sitting and half-lying down. As soon as an opportunity presents itself, he will immediately adopt the pose optimal for restfulness, in which he can relax and be at ease.

In a calm state, he appears to be submerged into himself, with a serious look on his face, noticing little of what is transpiring around him, especially when he is working. However, somehow he still manages to see everything. If you approach him reluctantly, he will slowly raise his eyes with phlegmatic, melancholy expression. It may even seem that he isn't living, but suffering.

With someone he doesn't know, it is difficult for him to find a suitable topic for conversation. However, if you initiate a discussion, GABIN will considerately and comprehensively commentate and answer your questions. Usually, he speaks quietly, trying not to attract excess attention.

GABIN's smile, as a rule, is not displayed for everyone, but only to people who are close and familiar to him. It makes his austere, unemotional face appear unusually endearing.

In the childhood, the boy of this type is often distinguished by good physical training. He is adroit and mobile. He feels at ease during lessons of gymnastics or martial arts. Trainings gives him great pleasure, since his body is so obedient to him. His interests often include modeling, and generally anything where he has to work with hands, since he tends to be very skillful at handwork.

Boys of this type usually study well, although it seems that they do so with much unwillingness, as if from under a stick. There is a persistent impression that GABIN has to do his homework through force, fighting (at times even successfully) with his infinite laziness. Sometimes he loses this struggle, and then, especially in the upper classes, his education goes down the drain.

In principle, GABIN is assiduous, sensible, and capable of achieving good results, especially in natural and precise sciences. But the acclaim of being a honorary student rarely appeals to him.

With age, GABIN enjoys systematic exercise and sport increasingly less, although from time to time can entertain himself with lifting some weights.

Men of this type are observant, possess an ironic mind and an unobtrusive, refined sense of humor, although they are not willing to show this for just anyone. GABIN overall is not very demonstrative and prefers a sufficiently secluded, calm life far away from people, the noise, the fuss, and all the possible calamities.

GABIN exists as if outside of current culture. He is unusually critical of everything, retains his own point of view, and is difficult to influence by advertisements or other manifestations of popular culture. Clubbing, senseless noisy gathering with many unknown people where no one can hear anyone else, do not draw youths of this type.

Another matter is a social gathering with familiar people, where he feels himself valued and loved, a small corporate party for example. Here GABIN can even take initiative and proceed to entertain guests, or, at least, he will try to support the general atmosphere of celebration.

Not every girl is able to entice distrustful GABIN. First, he does not believe that he can be attractive to someone. Second, rarely everyone succeeds in awakening any enthusiasm or interest in him - indeed GABIN, as a rule, does not hurry anywhere. Behind his courageous, solid appearance hides impossible shyness and indecisiveness. His understanding of relationships is poor, thus he does not see when he should show initiative and when it's unnecessary. So that everything is simple and not as terrifying, he may prefer to not take any initiative at all. Instead, he chooses to fill himself with mysteriousness to excite curiosity in others by his absence.

Relations with GABIN usually happen accidentally - he himself does not understand where they came from and how they originated. He is capable of falling in love from a distance, only by eyes, observing the person who randomly captured his heart for a long time. In this case, being a contemplator by his nature, he can spend months and even years in this state and not take any action.

A story from real life of male GABIN: "I was studying in medical school, and one girl seemed very attractive to me. And I walked around and looked at her, and for entire 6 years I continued liking her. And the next 2 years of residency as well. Then I finished with school. After some time I called her and asked her to marry me. She agreed. Thus we became married."

GABIN is reserved (because he is easily wounded), and does not like to put his feelings on display for strangers. Fact is that he is not so confident in himself, as it may seem. Learn to give praise and support to your partner, then he will more easily manage his life, and will feel somewhat better about himself.

GABIN can only fit one relationship per unit of time, therefore he usually does not have many real relationships. If he suddenly discovers that his thoughts and his heart are occupied by a new person, he easily closes the old chapter of his life and begins from a new, blank page without many pangs of conscience. Memories of the past, as a rule, leave him indifferent because he lives by the present day.

If GABIN has married, then he can keep his family for a long period of time, sometimes for life. For this he has to be sufficiently comfortable - then laziness will dissuade him from changing anything. In addition, he fears that new life might be worse than his current life. He cannot foresee such things. In family life, the most difficult part for him is explication and analysis of relations, scandals, tears. Don't forget that the soft and benevolent GABIN can also become very austere and insensitive. If anything is not to his liking, he will, without any ceremonies, inform you about it with a concealed but distinctive threat in his voice. You will understand then that he is not going to repeat himself twice. During such moments, it is better not to argue with him, since his anger is usually short-lived. Though he is jealous and touchy, simultaneously he can also be very sympathetic.

Among GABINs there are those who choose a single partner for their entire life (if man of this type is lucky enough to meet that woman, whom he can love his entire life). If the relationship with GABIN is built on trust, then it will be solid and lasting. This helps him to periodically be in a good mood, to feel as a close friend of his wife (or girlfriend) and care after her. In such cases, GABIN is exceptionally trusting and open, and experienced sincere comfort of the soul and happiness. So that this lasts, he is capable of much.

Children in the family of GABIN usually enjoy the patronage of their father. He is not petty and condescending to them. Frequently, he grows attached to them and makes friends with them, trying to teach them anything useful.

With housework, he is industrious and does a lot of work with his hands. At home his snobbery is manifested in him giving preference to expensive, beautiful things. He loves all possible mechanisms, that can make his life more convenient and comfortable.

Being practical, GABIN, both at home and at work, does only that which is actually needed and which will bring concrete benefit. He is not inclined to squander his resources and is an expert at estimating the relationship between price and quality of goods. He also knows, how much time and labor will be required to earn the sum necessary for acquisition.

The results of such calculations frequently indicate that it's not even worth it to start anything. In short, GABIN lives according to the principle of saving energy, i.e. he tries not to make more, but instead to reduce his needs to the minimum, in order to expand as little effort as possible. Generally, he prefers so that any work becomes automated, since he does not like to overstrain himself, and never passes the opportunity to exist as long as possible in a state of comfort and rest.

In any undertaking, GABIN lacks the necessary emotional attitude, i.e. enthusiasm; therefore he needs someone who will help him overcome his inertia and inspire him to take on the new matters. Frequently, it is easy to get GABIN moving by suggesting some novel, light enterprise - he loves to feel refreshed by unusual impressions. These enhance his life, make it appear in new light for him, help him avoid the periods of constant boredom and inactivity. Sometimes men of this type quickly get ready and leave for a journey. Some love to go traveling or hiking, reconciling with having to spend time in inconvenience and the absence of comfort for the sake of gaining new impressions, which are necessary for them as fresh air.

For this same reason (GABIN knows himself, how pleasant in life is anything new) he loves to create surprises. Can present anything, which a close person has dreamed about for a long time, or unexpectedly do something pleasant for them. He himself in such cases is no less glad than the recipient of his gifts and favors. He loves to sometimes unexpectedly arrive at a place, where, to his knowledge, his dear woman will be present at this very moment. And to shine with happiness, that now he will gladden her by its his appearance.

Although GABIN is lazy, he will never become penniless. Moreover, the work, which he selects for himself, is usually something serious, that requires from him both high level of professional skill and expertise, and ability to make independent decisions. Both of these qualities are usually present in abundance in him. GABINs make for good doctors, physical therapists, economists, architects, computer specialists, natural scientists, and movie directors.

However, besides the business aspects, human relations at work are exceptionally important for GABIN. He monitors them carefully. It is necessary for him that he is loved, valued, and praised. As a result of his constant (but almost imperceptible) efforts in this direction, GABIN usually occupies the role of everyone's favorite in a group.

Female Portrait, ISTp (Si,Te)

As a rule, solidly built, sometimes even portly, woman of this type is distinguished by certainty. Looking at her, one may think that she knows her worth (though she herself will not have a set opinion on this).

Her face is usually rounded. In restful state, representatives of this type have a dull gaze, directed as if into themselves, and lowered corners of lips. In her eyes, there are notes of forgiving skepticism and constant readiness for irony.

Usually, GABENKA is calm, unhurried, serious, tempered. Even if her figure is not very stately, nevertheless one cannot not notice beautiful flexibility in her movements, permeated by lazy graciousness. She holds herself akin to royalty - this is her natural state. For her to the greatest degree is inherent a sense of self-respect. She full-fledgedly occupies the space necessary for her and demands according treatment.

Benevolence and restraint are two of SLI woman's traits that stand out upon first acquaintance. She slowly familiarizes herself with her conversation partner, observes how he or she acts and behaves, assesses whether this person can be trusted. At the same time, on her imperturbable face you will see no excess advances - only most necessary politeness.

GABENKA dresses sensibly, neatly, and beautifully, irrespective of her available resources. Her clothing is picked to be high-quality, practical, and convenient. She prefers dark, calm tones. No flashy or bright colors or unthinkable combinations. Clothing on her sits very harmoniously. She picks successful combinations with her figure, her hair and eye color, as well as the occasion and the weather outside.

Despite the fact that GABENKA is of introverted nature, and is not too interested in people, she enjoys talking and laughing with her close friends and good familiars. Frequently, she herself sets a witty, ironic tone to the conversation, successfully cheering up her friend or work colleagues. Conversations with her friends, during a personal encounter or over the telephone, can last for hours. She also likes to occasionally invite her friends over to her place. She derives pleasure from such evenings, where she is at the center of attention, barely applying any efforts toward it (hopefully, at this point you did not think that GABENKA can take upon herself the functions of a mass organizer-motivator! And you thought right.)

In childhood and adolescence, GABENKA successfully learns in school, giving preference to subjects such as natural sciences, mathematics, and literature. She is sufficiently diligent in lower classes, although gradually, as the material becomes harder and the need to do homework regularly becomes more pertinent, she begins to tire of school. As a rule, she studies without much enthusiasm, although conscientiously. Physical education classes do not attract her, and sports rarely draw her in. In puberty, she often becomes intractable and obstinate, can decide to do things her own way if she is forced to do something that she does not like. To predict her behavior at this point is usually very difficult. When this happens, you simply learn later what she has done.

A story from real life: "Young GABENKA was on a vacation with her parents. Once it happened that she has fainted in the sun and had to be hospitalized. After running some tests, her doctor was seriously worried and told her mother that she will need to stay at the hospital for at least a week, to run some more extensive tests and decide on the treatment. Her mother has agreed, but noted "You know, she doesn't want to stay here, she will leave anyways." On the next day, when the doctor in attendance came by her room in the morning, she was missing."

In exactly the same manner, she can act with respect to her studies. If for some reason it seems to her that continuing with school will not give her anything, she may decide to drop out. To counter this decision will be very complicated, if not impossible. However, here much depends on how well her parents taught her discipline in childhood.

The main difficulty in dealing with GABENKA (both for the parents and for others) lies in the fact that she is always sure of the correctness of her behavior and listens to no one else. For everything she has her own opinion and does not need the advice of others. In short, to influence her is practically impossible, just as to force her to do something that she didn't want to do.

For the same reason, with her it is sufficiently difficult to come into good favor. If you become acquainted with this girl, pay attention to how easily she catches on to your jokes, how rapidly she responds to them with sharp, ironic observations. You will never succeed in cornering her in conversation, because she is clever, resourceful, and ingenious.

So that the acquaintance would transpire successfully, it is necessary to know some of her peculiarities. Lets start from her from her haughty appearance and skeptical treatment of everything - indeed, at the first glance, this may scare some away from her. However, don't be misled by her external inaccessibility and haughty demeanor. In reality, she is inclined to a certain degree of adventurism. She quickly becomes responsive to thoughts of new possibilities and proposals of small adventures, into which she may fully submerge herself and thus make for a good traveling companion. True, if there is no friend close to her, she will not show initiative herself. She absolutely needs someone who can excite and mobilize her, and will joyfully hop along, inspiring her with enthusiasm.

Besides her love for adventure and the longing for new impressions, she sincerely believes in the fact that in the life absolutely anything can occur. Certainly, she will in every way possible deny this, demonstrating her the impenetrable skepticism with respect to everything in this world, but in the depths of her soul she believes in miracles. So if you want to please her, boldly open up before her new possibilities and prospects, surprise her by unexpected (but pleasant) changes in relations.

What she absolutely does not enjoy are hoaxes and pranks, since she does not find them funny. Thus, don't give into temptation to tell her that her entire back is white. This will not inspire any reaction, except bewilderment and doubts in your mental abilities.

Most of all, this girl values comfort. So don't ask her to come with you somewhere out to wilderness, where, as it might seem to you, it would be very romantic to live together in tents and feed the mosquitoes. Consider also that she is exceptionally demanding of quality of food, so she will hardly be attracted to the idea of eating canned and dried food for the entire vacation.

If you invite GABENKA to a restaurant, observe how thoroughly she studies the menu, how she inspects new dishes with suspicion. For them, it is also characteristic to smell the dishes that were brought to the table, and only then taste them. Even only then, if she liked the smell. Let us also note that this girl never gobbles up food, no matter how hungry she is. She will nonchalantly sit at the table and maintain long, witty, leisurely conversation, and only then, as if by accident, she will begin to accurately eat, without drawing anyone's attention to this process.

All of this are only the external behaviors of your friend. Within her inner world, everything is considerably more complex. It is useful to know that this closed off and unemotional woman at first sight is capable of longing for love for years, experiencing steadfast, platonic feelings towards her chosen partner. However, it is characteristic for her to not undertake anything, and if the chance never presents itself, her beloved will never learn about her feelings for him.

One thing that she will do, when she wants someone to attract someone, is start to dress especially well and to more thoroughly apply her make-up. She gives so much attention to clothing and cosmetics, and her appearance in general, that she may attain unthinkable perfection. And then she waits. If, for a period of many months, nothing happened, she tells herself: "This means it wasn't destined!" [translator's note: this kind of assessment may very well be due to the fact that SLIs of both genders have vortical-synergetic thinking style: link]

If in your case everything transpired otherwise, and you managed to get introduced to this girl and capture her interest, then do not think that your adventures end here.

You must consider that the currents of emotions, feelings, and experiences make their way into the depths of her soul with mush difficulty. Their paths are completely inscrutable. This girl can for a long time ignore the attraction existing between you and not respond to your feelings, making it look like there exists nothing between you (sometimes she will indeed be clueless about this). But if you, after all, manage to wake up love in her, it can turn into a serious passion.

This, however, does not stop her from holding her partner at a significant distance and trying him out via tests. Thus she regulates the distance and, and by this, freely or involuntarily, attains strengthening of passions. In the process of courting, be prepared to accomplish constant heroic acts in everyday life - carry her bags, repair things, set up TV and audio systems, move furniture, hang pictures, and so on. For this you will receive meager appreciation, similar to a tsarist favor. She indeed does not think that you're doing something out of the ordinary (how could you think that?!)

When the troubles of the courting period are over, and GABENKA becomes your wife, then here she shows herself from the best side. She is, in fact, reliable, responsible, and industrious; additionally, she has her own signature in managing the household.

Whatever is the income of your family, GABENKA will always find the possibility to live well even on very modest means. Even in this case, members of her family, and she herself, will look clean and tidy. Clothing may be acquired from second-hand stores, but it will always be in the order - no discolored or torn blouses, no stretched football shirts, no jeans or pants with holes on the knees. She has a well developed sense of aesthetics and her proclivity toward the beauty and tidiness never allow her to drop the mark.

With respect to food, what is characteristic for GABENKA is certain minimalism that manifests as her doing everything economically, quickly and tastefully. She is too lazy to spend a long time at the stove, but she always knows how to reduce this time and preserve her efforts. If GABENKA has a job, then she, as a rule, will have a regimen of on-duty dishes for every day, which would be simple to prepare in short period of time. On holidays you can expect some more variety of dishes, since she usually knows how to cook very well.

To children woman of this type relates related to as to friends, although at times she is rather strict. They rarely are spoiled, because they are presented with well-defined and very stringent demands. It is possible to say that GABENKA is a strict, demanding mother, who, when in the calm state, can show sympathy and humanism.

Women of this type make for very good workers. They are reliable, critical, assiduous, and know how to drive any project to its completion. Frequently, women of this type become engineers, economists, doctors, directors, and managers. It is possible to meet them where it is necessary to work by hands - in the barbershops, in studios, among repair workers.

Female representatives of this type (as well as male) often have a special talent for working with words. Many of them who received normal education know how clearly express their thoughts both verbally and in writing. They understand well not only the sense of that is written, but also the beauty of style. For this very reason they often make for excellent editors and writers.

At whatever job GABENKA works, her boss always knows two things about her: she has high qualification, and that it is possible to rely on her as a colleague. Although, the at the same time, her boss will also find out that her character is rather complex - independent, variable, obstinate. In any case, it quickly becomes clear that GABENKA cannot be lured into doing overtime work.

The co-workers whom GABENKA chosen for her favorites (usually she has only 1-2 real friends) love and value her. The role of the main favorite of the group greatly appeals to GABENKA, and frequently she succeeds in this. It is possible to have a talk with her on the most interesting topics.

By the way, one of the main "aces" of GABENKA, with the aid of which she successfully entertains those around her, are all possible esoteric systems of divination. Giving these her consideration, over time she becomes very knowledgeable in tarot reading, astrological forecasts, feng shui, object divination and similar other systems. They help her glimpse into the future, about which she has very vague idea.

LSE (Stierlitz)

Male Portrait, ESTj (Te,Si)

You can recognize SHTIRLITS by his confident, practical demeanor. He has a courageous, strained bearing, usually takes up sport and takes care of his appearance. As a rule, men of this type prefer short haircuts. Their facial features are distinct, symmetrical, their gaze looks solid. He makes an impression of respectable, imposing man, always dressed well and shaved cleanly. Sometimes you can meet SHTIRLITS dressed in looser clothing, such as sweaters, but he looks most naturally in a tie and a suit.

Upon first acquaintance, SHTIRLITS produces a solid impression and seems benevolent and affable. However, as soon as conversation comes to work and distribution of tasks, he converts into a serious, organized, determined manager, and his expression turns from smiling to austere.

In childhood, boy of this type is solid, clever, and thorough. He acquires knowledge slowly but surely. Anything that was put into his head will remain there forever, but the process of mastering new material transpires slowly for him. This child is more practically oriented, and therefore theoretical studies usually do not find a response in his soul. However, where it is necessary to do experiments or make something by hands, his interest will know no bounds. He loves to see when his work produces benefit directly, and will not simply preoccupy himself with esoteric material.

Any subjects yield themselves to child of this type. He is assiduous and has a well developed feeling of responsibility, and this allows him to study well, especially if his studies are necessary for something.

Because they have good coordination, boys of this type typically succeed in sports, especially in those kinds which demand good reaction time and high speed.

SHTIRLITS is also very sociable, in childhood as well as in adulthood. He participates readily in what goes around him and strives to be useful and helpful in his own manner.

A story from real life: "When I worked as a camp leader, there was an unpleasant incident that occurred with a girl from neighboring camp. She went to go for a walk in the fields with a guy from the camp, and it ended such that the he nearly raped her. As soon as I learned about this, I immediately found her as she has returned from the field in stressed condition - and tried to provide her with help. In these cases, it is needed that the person calms down. Therefore it is needed that he or she relaxes. I did everything that was required: let her talk her heart out, then made her hot tea and directed her to the bed."

He is not much interested in people, but friendship is very important for him, moreover, he does not shy from participating in large social gatherings. Especially if the group gathers according to some tradition or holiday, such as birthday, anniversary, international women's day or a recurrent fishing trip. Even if the meeting transpires on his territory, he, as a rule, takes management into his own hands. In such events, all the toasts will be said, quality food will be offered, and all the corresponding jokes and anecdotes will be told. SHTIRLITS willingly participates in the celebration, consciously or unconsciously helping to organize it.

The kind of woman that he marries he will select for himself. It is difficult to influence or manipulate him in this respect, because he is a person of exceptionally sound reason who solidly stands on ground with his own two feet. He can only be subtly and delicately directed towards a decision, which he will make after he thinks everything through. Most of all, he values decency, delicacy of manner, good upbringing, and finesse of the soul. The most valuable that you can offer him is good relations. Specially, the ability of a woman to maintain good relations with him, as well as with his friends, evokes a flow of warm feelings in him and appreciation for her.

Men of this type prescribe to traditional values, such as home, family, children. They try to attain solid position for themselves. If SHTIRLITS has married, then most certainly he has not done it for a short duration. As a husband, he is one of the most reliable and most thoughtful men. Not only does he earn money, but also worries about the household chores and matters. At his home you will not find burnt out lamps or broken electrics. Being a designer by nature, SHTIRLITS will create a fashionable and elegant interior for his home that will rival the work of a professional.

Because this man is a food gourmand, he also seriously and responsibly relates to food. Thus, try to ensure that he has quality and diversity in his meals. Sometimes he himself with pleasure will cook for his family, especially on holidays, and it will be always very tasty.

In your conversations with your LSE husband, try to forgo themes connected with future prospects. Do not discuss with him, how he sees the future of your relations, when he wants to have children, how long it will take to purchase new condominium or summer house. Curiosity may get the better of you, but such conversations are distasteful to him. Although he will take on a clever look and mysteriously keep silent, you must know that he and himself does not know when all this will happen. In such cases, what can he say to you? He does not want to drop his merit in your eyes!

As fathers, male LSEs are strict and demanding, but patiently train their children to appreciate order and organization. They are also not indifferent to the successes of their children in school. He will without fail ensure that his son or daughter receive higher education after finishing school.

Bossy and responsible, SHTIRLITS has a talent for keeping up the ideal order in his house as well as in his workplace. He also loves and knows how to show care for his close ones, as well as for his co-workers or subordinates. If you need qualified advice concerning topics such as health or food or home maintenance, ask SHTIRLITS. But only during work breaks, because when he is working it is best not to distract him.

If SHTIRLITS is your boss (men and women of this type commonly rise to management positions), then from you he will demand that you correctly follow the procedures. He always knows what needs to be done, and how to do it, and is ready to explain to others what responsibilities lie under their jurisdiction. However, he is often too direct and may sound rough. With this he risks to offend his co-workers and subordinates. In hearts, can even yell at someone. So if you don't want to have any trouble with him, simply do not give this much attention. This is simply how he is.

Behind circumstantiality of SHTIRLITS, there is always a need to bring order, first in his thoughts, and only then take action. Thus, first provide him with required information, then give him time to absorb the conditions of the problem. Most importantly, don't hurry him, don't knock him from his course by bringing additional information, don't disturb him while he is thinking. Order in everything for SHTIRLITS is an absolutely necessary thing. And remember - no hurry and no fussing!

If you, however, have managed to knock him off his track, then wait for reprimands corroborated by formal logic. You will receive them in full. "On what basis have you decided that you can do this? What facts or documents that confirm your assertions?" or something of this kind. If things have come to this, don't argue, you will not succeed in convincing him in such moments. Postpone the conversation until later time.

In professional sense, SHTIRLITS is suitable for work practically anywhere where work requires realistic knowledge, high qualification, and that implies responsibility. They make for excellent architects, designers, pharmacists, surgeons, stomatologists, businessmen, chemists, physics, publishers, and so forth. But it is best that they do not engage in psychology.

Female Portrait, ESTj (Te,Si)

Girls of this type are notable, good looking, and hold themselves respectably. Their solidness and good carriage catch an eye. They have the strong, well formed bodies, the needs of which they feel wonderfully well. They take care of themselves, keeping themselves healthy and ensuring the necessary care. They also approach their appearance in professional manner: skillfully apply make-up, tidily assemble their hair, carefully select their clothing, preferring qualitative and expensive sets. They do not forget the accessories, which always look prestigious.

These women never seem absurd. They hold themselves calmly, confidently, with merit. They sit conveniently, stand looking pulled up and organized, and have good motor coordination. Their arms and legs never fly away into different sides, and they do not bump into the furniture.

SHTIRLITS women are active, busy, it is possible to say that they are untiring. This is due to the fact that they are always able to estimate the nature and the volume of work. They know how to organize it. They know how to distribute physical and mental load, when it is time to rest, never work themselves to exhaustion.

In the childhood these are organized, obedient girls. They know their responsibilities and are characterized by being methodical and perseverant in the achievement of their objectives. They have willful character and laziness is not characteristic of them. Their parents can completely rely upon them if extra income for the family is required or younger children need to be taken care of.

Studies do not present much of a problem for them, because they approach it responsibly. Even young girls of this type are embodiment of tidiness - their notebooks are arranged correctly, their homework is turned in in time. They are equally skilled in humanitarian subjects and in the sciences. Preference is given to one of the directions in accordance with the inclinations and talents in one or other area.

They are frequently occupied by sport or dances, achieving good results. Regular physical exercise brings them pleasure.

With all her serious and critical relation to the life, SHTIRLITS woman is not completely dull. She excellently manages her emotions, especially at first meetings, she is often smiling and affable. She always willingly supports company, laughs in response to your jokes, and this makes contact with her very pleasant.

After being introduced to the girl of this type, try to demonstrate your good relation to her. Boldness does not greatly interest her in the man - money and position in the society she will inevitability obtain herself. But refinement of partner, his attention to her internal world, politeness in interaction, she will estimate with highest mark.

At home, representative of this type make for some of the best homemakers. Relatives can count on SHTIRLITS woman's irreproachable taste, that enables her to make any dwelling comfortable, beautiful, and convenient for the life. Creatively and skillfully she designs a harmonious interior, where each thing is located on its place, where there is nothing in excess, all objects are selected by color, texture, and size. Here nothing is scattered, there are no unpainted plinths, torn blinds, or peeled window-sills. Briefly, in her house it is pleasant to spend time.

Example from life: "No, I do not have ideal order. But my apartment has zones - in the drawing room, in the office, in the bathroom there is always order. My husband and I are busy people, work a lot; therefore if friends suddenly come by in the evening to visit us, we are only glad by this. Indeed you cannot have guests, if everywhere things are scattered. But in the bedroom anything is allowed. Kitchen is a special zone. There can remain after breakfast dirty dishes - we do not always keep up. But I consider that this is normal, it can happen. In relation to everything else I say this: the more you misplace things - the more the time you will spend on ordering them again."

Besides this SHTIRLITS woman is a splendid cook. She selects the highest quality products, cooks diverse and tasteful dishes, never asking for praises for this work. Everything is done simply and naturally, rapidly and tastefully, within the shortest time, right after work. However, Sunday dinners or suppers with guests are always accompanied by unusual surprises on the table and constitute a real celebration of taste.

Children of women of this type, because of their efforts and diligence, are always washed, fed, and well dressed. She will also make sure that the child would learn well. And at the same time women of this type are inclined to hyper-caring. They poorly feel when it is necessary to grant certain freedom and independence to their child. They are too diligent in providing care for their husband and children. And if this doesn't hurt the husband and is even pleasant for him, then for children such approach can make them grow up dependent and spoiled. At some point SHTIRLITS woman must understand that it is time to stop.

However, precisely time is her weak place; therefore development stages of child, attainment of adulthood, and other themes, connected with the course of time, she perceives poorly. Only because of organization and precision she succeeds in compensating for her failures in this area, and then, only if the discussion deals with simple things, for example, the tendency to not be late.

Family for the women of this type is of special, very important value. And within 10-12 years it becomes evident that things aren't going well with her husband, SHTIRLITS woman, as a rule, leaves and marries again.

If someone thought that this woman is a dear hostess, ready to sit at home and to bustle about around the stove, then they poorly understand the female representative of SHTIRLITS type. Female LSEs are just as successful as their male counterparts. They are reliable colleagues, responsible, and executive. She usually becomes a professional of high class, and, as a rule, builds a splendid career, alongside the fact that her family is never is neglected or poorly supported at the same time. In short, if among your colleagues there is a young girl SHTIRLITS, you can be calm and entrust to her any important functions, which you consider possible to assign to her. She will manage with everything.

Women of this type successfully work in the most different fields, and their creative self-realization can occur in the same spheres of activity as in men.

EII (Dostoevsky)

Male portrait, INFj (Fi,Ne)

Young male INFj is modest, tactful, and delicate, an avid reader and generally an intellectual. Most frequently he has a slender build. He has a quiet voice, gentle gaze, affectionate smile and an elaborate system of thoughts. Often men of this type have long hair, and sometimes tie it in a tail. He does not give clothing adequate consideration, considering that this is not the main point of life. He is dressed, as a rule, very modestly. Nevertheless, rare men of this type can be dandies, devoting a lot of time and money to their appearance.

When you speak to male INFj it seems like the conscience itself is staring into your eyes. He has a gift for understanding people. He is sympathetic, capable of feeling for other's misfortunes as if they are his own, and of comforting them after sharing in their low moods. One can trust him, as he will never go against the interests of people who are close to him.

In school, boys of this type usually are inconspicuous and quiet. They are friendly with other children in the class and always ready to empathize with any student, be they friend or just a classmate. But they are not arrogant - they do not participate in fights and do not compete for leadership. They know how to find common language practically with any children. Boys of this type learn well and can display interest in technical subjects. Nevertheless they are usually more interested in relationships and are greatly occupied by the personal life of classmates, which they often quietly observe from the side, and idealistically think about them, about everything that occurs. Their experiences they then describe in verses or prose, to which they regularly devote some time.

In choosing college and major, they show an inclination towards humanitarian sciences:

From real life: "We had class with him (DOSTOYEVSKY) in the philological department. He preferred to sit at the back of the classroom, but not to talk and fool around or copy homework from others. Fussing wasn't in his style. Instead of taking notes he was frequently finishing up writing his poems, reading Remarque under the desk, doodling and sketching clouds. Sometimes he would suddenly awaken and ask of the instructor completely appropriate questions. I do not remember him ever answering inopportunely, when he was called to the board. He always found what to answer. However, his studious activity did not last for more than five minutes. He also never had sufficient patience to learn all material for examination.

Light carelessness and quiet cheerfulness describe his style of contact well. Words- parasites were not in his lexicon. He did not tell common anecdotes and did not cite Fomenko (Russian comedian).

I once had an opportunity to be let into his inner world. I realized that beneath his external lightheartedness he had a tendency toward strict self-criticism. In private he could blame himself for hours because of his idleness or regret an incorrectly said word ".

Among the representatives of this type we can encounter such heroes who get accepted to The Baumanskiy Institute (second hardest university to get into in Russia, akin to Yale) and even graduate with high honors.

Sports, especially in childhood, usually do not interest boys of this type. Although, having grown up and obtained a more muscular body, they can be drawn to yoga, martial arts, cross-country skiing, and other types of sports, which require speed and fast reaction time. They make an exception of sports that require application of force, where aggressiveness is the main factor, where one needs to fight and collide with opponents.

In spite of his quiet nature and tendency for secluded existence, young INFj male loves people, and with pleasure meets and spends time with them. Boys of this type can also be found in groups of friends, but even there they prefer to associate face to face, turn by turn with everyone who sparks an interest in them or to whom they become attached. Male INFj's character is often soft and reasonable, thus he is usually very responsive to initiative shown by the opposite sex. He behaves as a gallant cavalier; he jokes and tries to uphold soft, non-obliging merriment. By the way, a representative of this type is often witty and ingenious, so can be seen by ladies as a very interesting partner. Concerning him particularly, he is most of all pleased by the serious, decisive, reasonable girls, who always know what they want and who can also advise what needs to be done in different situations.

Youths of this type make for gentle husbands. They are thoughtful and friendly; there is little to none aggressiveness in them. And still they know how to maintain in the household an atmosphere supplemented by soft humor. However, one should know that, being reasonable and gentle, INFj male is also extremely persistent in his nature and is capable of quietly, but persistently following his own rules. He can argue with you, but won't do it, and at the same time he won't step back from his principles. Nevertheless, he is usually non-combative and tries to avoid open confrontations. To him it is more simple to joke back, to transfer the quarrel into the humorous course, especially since he is usually so good with this.

Male INFjs use the same tactic around children. He is a benevolent friend and educator, sufficiently pedantic, but is humane. He will not only help with studying, but also teach how to respectfully relate to others, at the same time not conceding on one's high goals or losing one's spiritual orientation in life. Men of this type are strongly tied to their children, and if he leaves the house for a long time he will miss them.

In dealing with relatives, INFj men are extremely patient. However, if you nevertheless managed to offend him, then his gentle demeanor and full of melancholy, lowered eyes, cannot but evoke the proper impression in you. There is little doubt that at this moment you more than anything in this world will want to fall through the earth, and you will feel very apologetic about your wrongful actions or words.

Since people of INFj type love and know how to live according to a plan, they make for outstanding and very reliable workers. They are punctual, sufficiently thorough in their work, and very responsible. Men of this type have a bleeding heart for the common cause. Their abilities find use in a variety of fields, from the humanitarian sphere to the technical occupations. Frequently they work as teachers in schools, professors or lectures in colleges, editors, journalists. One can encounter among the people of this type those, who professionally work in chemistry. They can also work as engineers or designers. They are often successful in role of a psychologist.

Their qualities make possible it for them to fill special niche in groups. Colleagues usually love and respect them for their tolerance, their readiness to listen and to understand everybody, as well as for their responsive and acquiescent nature.

Female portrait, INFj (Fi,Ne)

Quiet, affable, even gentle - such characteristics come to mind when the discussion turns to girls and women of INFj type. Their faces most often feature wide cheek-bones, an elegant chin, and iridescent eyes. Some of them continue looking youthful even as they age. Their look is usually warm, gentle, and compassionate. Unimposing, friendly smile frequently appears and lingers on their faces. This girl is always considerate, always ready to listen to others and to support them, and if needed to give repose and comfort and a breath of hope.

Women and girls of this type are very feminine or girly - they are tactful, modest, and even a bit shy. But this doesn't imply that they lack character and are push-overs. This is completely not the case. Characteristic for them is an unobtrusive, sensitive, yet determined and stoic manner to meet all the adversity and blows of fate.

EIIs may look fragile or loose in their body, and are sometimes a bit stoop-shouldered. They tend to dress modestly and conventionally, not trying to attract particular attention to the way they look. With age, they start to favor dark and discreet hues in clothing.

School life allows them from their childhood years to cultivate diligence and accordance in themselves. These are quiet, assiduous girls, who do not argue with the teachers. Even if they receive an unfair grade, they do not protest, but explain such situations to themselves somehow so that the authority of teacher does not suffer.

In the class this girl, as a rule, has a few best friends, with whom she stands during breaks near a wall and with a quiet voice and with merit she discusses all the events of school life. She does not love to gossip, and tries to evaluate everything objectively, so that there are no guilty or offended parties. This is one of the most considerate girls in the class.

Humanitarian inclinations manifest very prominently in girls of this type. They excel at examining the events and troubles of the personal lives of the characters in literary works, which they have studied according to the class outline, and write some of the best essays in the class. Moreover, they read a lot outside of the assignments, write verses and prose, as a result of which their inner world becomes strongly romanticized. They are, in fact, some of the most dreamy girls in the class.

While most female INFjs do not enjoy sports, they are frequently drawn to dance in their youth. This occupation corresponds to their romantic, lyricist nature. They frequently give preference to ballroom or classical dances.

Representatives of this type almost always graduate and attend a university, since in the school they study well, frequently finishing it with high grades, and generally bestow on their teachers the most pleasant impressions with their excellent upbringing, by holding themselves with dignity and showing themselves in the best light, by their quiet voice, pleasant demeanor, and a good grasp of knowledge. It is best if this girl selects humanitarian subjects for her major.

If you thought that girls of this type never enjoy themselves in social groups, then you are mistaken. But the group must be hers, where she is noted, where others love and value her. There this quiet flower will bloom in its entire splendor towards friendship, love, and good merriment. Understand that she will not appear in groups, where there is cursing and misuse of alcohol. She harbors very high standards for those surrounding her. The man, about whom she dreams, must be reliable, proper, sensible and confident in himself.

When a female INFj becomes your wife, know that in your home there lives a quiet angel. However, in her a feeling of duty is so developed that she will not shun house upkeep duties (cleaning, laundry cooking, and so on). Certainly, she does not love to cook - it is not in this that she sees her vocation. But she will never leave her relatives without food. And if somebody - one of the family members so picky that they want to eat only freshly prepared food, she will cook three times a day. This is in her nature.

She also worries about the health of her relatives, and therefore, diligently writes into her notebook, not only culinary recipes, but also herbal recipes as well as names of most important medicines, which can prove useful for various illnesses.

Not only the husband, but also the parents from both sides, and the children will be engulfed by her warm care and loving manner of relating. She will find time for all, look for occasions to provide her help, and provide affable words appropriate for their situation. She devotes a lot of time to taking care of children. Moreover, she does this with pleasure her entire life. She knows everything about the intricate workings of their souls, about the problems of their internal world. She monitors that they study and learn well. She attempts to develop their abilities and brings them up softly, but with persistence. However, she runs into trouble trying to make serious decisions, such as when it is necessary to decide which school the child will attend or which college to select for him or her. This trouble does not manifest only in relations to children, but in other areas of her life as well. Such that it is best if others undertake such decisions for her. If you are her husband take responsibility for making major decisions in development of your family and she will with pleasure obey you.

From real life of INFj female: "When I read E. Berne's 'Games That People Play,' I thought: which story corresponds the most to my childhood? And I remembered that when I was small, my favorite fairy tale was about the princess who never had to do anything, because by magic everything around her was automatically done. I dream precisely about this, that someone would come and do everything that is necessary, so that entire life I wouldn't have to do anything."

Incidentally, this quiet, warm woman makes for one of the most obedient wives. She loves her family with even warming love. But watch that her emotional resources aren't spent on her girlfriends, who inadvertently will use your wife as a psychotherapist. She will never refuse them herself, of course. Out of compassion. Therefore, it will be best if you take the matter into your own hands and limit the flow of those desiring to obtain psychotherapeutic sessions and useful advice from her.

Women of this type are well suited for any job. They are friendly and dutiful, never quarrel nor ask much for themselves, hoping that they will sooner or later be noted and rewarded. They also consciously avoid participating in intrigues, spreading rumors and talking about someone behind their back.

They make for good teachers, editors, correctors, librarians, psychologists. They are good everywhere where it is necessary to have patience and compassion for people. They can work even as engineers, but often this kind of work does not bring them much satisfaction. However, due to their inherent stoicism, they often will not complain about this.