Sociotype Descriptions from

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ILE (Don Quixote)

Intuitive Logical Extravert (ILE) ENTp: Ne-Ti

Characteristics - Situations forecast - Undertakings in Eden prospects - Source of new ideas and - And choosing the right solutions intuitively You can not expect: - Punctuality and assiduity - N raktichnosti plans - Perform routine work - N in sequence, completeness, order

The manifestations of nature in their professional activity He sees the potential of the objective world - science, technology and production. It generates a variety of "crazy" ideas. Quickly grasp the essence of things. Developed by scientists in any field of knowledge, or the phenomena of life, tends to dig deep, hidden essence based on the aggregation problem, it reflects an abstract concept. The words with deeds. Curious. It attracts new and progressive, it is able to capture the other, and in addition can not only come up with new ideas, understand complex situations, but also to develop and implement them in practice. He appreciates your knowledge, objectively and adequately assesses others. Do not pay attention to the authorities, the stereotypes. Do not allow to interfere with scientific and inventive work, take off the thought, he defends the freedom of creativity. Do not stop even the possible negative consequences.

Categorical, decisive in defending their own opinion, overcomes obstacles and constraints, persistent when implementing unconventional ideas. The internal state is in fighting, if they contradict the ideas, cases, activities - it may even cause aggression. Has the pressure those who violate the rules of logic, rules, laws. It feels integrity of the natural phenomenon.

Sociable, active, improving professionalism. Easy, without straining ties dating with any interested people themselves. It respects democratic relations. Inherent knightly qualities - courage and bravery.

Confidently to the goal should be for a specific rate your own program. It creates long-term plans and resolutely implement them. Attentive, knows how to listen and memorize effortlessly with any information.

Much dreaming and fantasizing, impatient, but to give the desired rapidly cools as more worries about new ideas, more interesting and exciting. Covers issues globally, are more interested in general patterns, so always extra throws. It is able to intuitively select the most promising ideas and deep thinking over it, creates the perfect logical system and defends her.

Tireless, can work during the day. The persistent, diligent, all seeking their own efforts. Works with appliances, feel the quality of items and internal processes. All that is taken, stubbornly follow through. The hardest thing - to relax and unwind.

It seems self-confident and self-sufficient. Estimation of effort and frank approval of the work even more encouraging. In extreme conditions, it becomes more active, more confident. The first takes up the case and take responsibility for its implementation, for his words and for those who perform, especially in critical situations.

Actively seeking and developing ways of economic use of resources (capacity, energy, raw materials), shows and eliminates the weaknesses, it seeks to avoid unnecessary costs and losses. This efficiency allows ILE achieve significant results at the lowest cost. Performs work accessible and easy method. In the manufacture of products for the most important ILE - its quality, durability, comfort, and not beautiful appearance.

Seeks to progressive action, wants to be the creator of the best initiatives, finds the best methods and technologies in order to avoid stagnation. He tries to make the most of their abilities and not to hinder others to show their. Do not closes the circle of interest on itself. Do not divide people into friends and foes, he wants to be helpful all the same. But it requires an understanding of and respect for their own views, aspirations, business, to him personally appreciated and even loved.

SEI (Dumas)

Sensing Ethical Introvert (SEI) ISFp: Si-Fe

♦ outwardly a friendly and caring person; internally restrained and guarded; observant; witty, enjoys a good discussion; tells jokes and entertaining stories
♦ feels emotions of others and adapts to them; remembers emotions, can finely mimic them when needed
♦ aware of needs of others and responsive to them; responds to concrete behaviors
♦ sensitive to conflict; keeps harmonious atmosphere between others; does not impose his will on others; smooths over any awkwardness
♦ works through unofficial channels; his work capacity depends on his internal rhythms; if he has to criticize someone does so softly

SEI lives by his perceptions and feelings. He creates a welcoming, supportive, carefree, and relaxed atmosphere. He cares about people, creates soulful comfort, notices the subtleties of the human soul. He easy adapts to social groups, knows how to get along with others. He is soft, service-oriented, and good-natured. SEI arranges everything to attract and involve others; he draws people into a vortex of nice, simple, informal communication, and diverts them from global themes and philosophical reflection. He creates an environment where people are able to relax and enjoy themselves.

SEI brings to relations a certain mystique. He knows how to subject to criticism the appearance and thoughts of other people and makes no secret of this; he will jokingly comment what he has noticed, enjoys a modicum of intrigue. By nature SEI is a humorist and satirist. He loves life. Sensitive and delicate by nature, SEI feels and perceives with his body and soul any irritations, comparing and contrasting them with his internal state. In dealing with strangers he is somewhat private and secretive. Comparing his internal state with that particular situation, he may not even absorb immediate everything that is being said to him. The behavior of SEI is always cautious in dealing with others, as he strives not to upset his inner state.

SEI is perceptive of troubles and needs of others, and offers his aid even if it was not requested. He selflessly and readily helps out others. He sensitively cares for emotional experiences of people around him even more so than himself. With pleasure he provides practical advice. He empathizes with the situation of another person, soothing and evening it out. He will listen to stories of others, hear out their problems. Aims to be a reliable stronghold for others. He is not given to criticize or to forcefully try to change others –– it is enough for him to be near them. Possesses a rare gift of being able to adjust himself to other people, as well as to other living beings. Live and let live – this is the basic principle of SEI.

SEI strives to have and do everything right now, without waiting postponing it until later. He wishes to immediately see the results of his labor so that he can estimate their real utility and value. Often does not prepare in advance for work, but rather relies on his ingenuity and improvisation. He avoids routine and prefers to seek out new options. Usually SEI does not show initiative but waits for the necessary tips and instructions. Once he is set, he quickly performs the needed tasks. In work, SEI is cooperative, diligent, modest, and good-natured. He is flexible, adapts to any conditions, and works effectively anywhere.

SEI is at his best when working with people, that is, in social organizations. He needs constant encouragement and support, which is very important for him to gain confidence and to assert himself. For successful operation it is necessary that the work is to his liking; that is brings some kind of concrete, tangible reward; and that and nobody impedes and bothers him. He primarily looks for people who are pleasant to deal with and a workgroup with comfortable emotional atmosphere, hoping that everything else will follow. He finds it difficult to admit his own incompetence in understanding of topics and relationships between them, so he avoids asking questions about this.

Sudden unforeseen changes in the course of the day improve his ability to work, since they require diversity in his choice of action. SEI want to have open possibilities and options in behavior as well as in relationships between people. He is ready to engage in any adventurous undertaking to provide and outlet for his turbulent emotions. SEI is a person of concrete actions. He skillfully works with his hands, sees what work is beneficial, prefers activities that yield a tangible return. He exhausts himself if he takes on more than he can accomplish. After suffering setbacks, he can easily switch his course of action and take up something else. When he is in good state, he is always in uplifted mood; if in poor state – he becomes closed off and estranged. He values time, hoping that time will bring changes to the current situation. Poorly takes to strict systems and regiments, rigid rules and exact operating procedures.

If he is in possession of a plan prepared in advance, SEI can undertake organization of any events: conferences, meetings, talks and symposia, celebrations, anniversaries, festivals. He promotes and popularizes people, things, and ideas, but only within his circle of friends.

ESE (Hugo)

Ethical Sensing Extravert (ESE) ESFj: Fe-Si

Characteristics - Attentive, caring, kindness - Success in practical affairs - Organization of cultural events - sociability You can not expect: - Gratuitous altruism - Flexibility and rapid adaptation - Unemotional attitude to business and people - punctuality

The manifestations of nature in their professional activity Sociable - is able to communicate easily and to tie any contact with people, as well as to establish communication between them. It is best to use their skills where there is a complex system of relations between people. He understands and appreciates the person feels his mood and condition. Relaxed adheres to the rules of communication, successfully establishes deep relationships. The expansive, rarely holds back his emotions. Sensitive, incendiary nature, observes the intricacies of the human soul. Excited, violent emotion, expression of feelings and emotions for ESE - Normal. Able to make new acquaintances with people, instilling optimism, combines them into a group, it is a means of influence. It is gaining adherents by diplomatic means, and expands the scope of activities.

His liveliness and an example to other captures, motivates to work. Supports approves and does not criticize, is able to understand, comfort, praise, rejoice in the successes of others, extends to a person enables him to successfully realize themselves. He believes that it is better to encourage and inspire employees, to convince them of the need to complete the task, not to control every step. Do not forcing people to do something against their will, not impose their own standards of conduct. My dear, encourage others and help them to move towards the goal. Generous external attentions. Not a refusal to the request. Do not accept any prohibitions and restrictions, avoids boredom, petty management and paperwork.

Energetic, tireless, always thinking, what else did. Interested everyone listens when a man and what is not said to be using every opportunity to select among interlocutors new information. Although susceptible to natural conversations and suggestions, but just to talk and engage in a whirlpool of unknown, but because of the adventure for ESE cases almost impossible, no matter how much is explained about its necessity, because considers itself around the knowledgeable person, confident and practical. Stick to your vision, he finds the right people and use them. Tracks in the person of its practicality, usefulness, can appreciate it, for example, whether it is suitable for the case. It gives the opportunity to express themselves to others at the same time keeping a distance.

A leader who gets satisfaction from managing people. He remembers the days of slave birth and tries to inspire pleasant trifles: he loves to give gifts, make people pleasant. Active, sane, mobilized in critical situations. He wants to act immediately or have something now. However, he is trying to time everywhere. It gathers the necessary facts for practical use.

Conservative, has a certain conformity, is not able to go in a new way to this or that phenomenon, to abandon conventional ideas, common provisions. It gives priority to the efficient organization of labor, schedule and internal regulations. If you do not see a particular purpose, integrity, it becomes obsessive, trying to find it elsewhere. Too sprayed, so the need to define other targets.

Advertises, promotes things, objects and people. The decision is made ​​taking into account the human factor. Admiring the new impressions knows how to negotiate in any conditions. Accept new ideas and implement them. Often it is the initiator and organizer of the holiday, celebrations and various types of meetings and conferences, thus creating a good mood.

For ESE closer to the soul than competition and struggle, and cooperation. The work creates a comfortable environment and does not tolerate conflict. Forgive men their weakness. But it does not tolerate arrogance, rudeness, violence, dictatorship. Power pressure opposes the shutter speed and in an attempt to interest meets vigorous rebuff. Confidently reach your goal, even if you want to take the risk.

LII (Robespierre)

Logical Intuitive Introvert (LII) INTj: Ti-Ne

♦ Excels in analytical thinking; presents his ideas with clarity and some measure of order; notices flaws, alternative options, and brings them up in a discussion.
♦ Mentally comprehends and models the entire system; captures a notion and then systematizes it, suggesting simplified explanations and schematics.
♦ Can distinguish what's important from what is secondary; however, often neglects details and specifics in presenting material, preferring to present a more general (vague) overview of the topic or the situation.
♦ Careful, does not rush into action; prefers preparation, discussion and mental exploration of options beforehand; takes note of alternative options; dislikes topics that have little potential for mental exploration.
♦ Politely formal and reserved in communication; prefers simple and democratic relations.

LII generalizes and systematizes prospective ideas. He is interested in uncovering underlying regularities and patterns. On foundation of these, he comes up with new ideas, theories and maxims, and corrects the existing ones. His view is abstracted away from the details. Instead he looks into the general processes and uncovers phenomena that lie at their core. He skillfully designs abstracted, generalized schematics and utilizes them. In work and production, he points out potential problems in systems, evaluates and debugs existing programs. He executes his duties with diligence and care.

LII is restrained. He is in good control of himself and his own behavior and does not allow for much deviation. He is an ascetic, with overstated demands for himself and for others, and may restrict himself in all conveniences. He is austere in his thoughts, and does not welcome diversions from the selected course of thought or action.

LII lives in the world of ideas, technologies, methods, algorithms. He carefully and critically considers potentialities, ideas, theories, with "sixth sense" detects possible deviations from projected course of development of events. Considers that the product or result must have certain indispensable characteristics, such as longevity, convenience, but nothing that would be superfluous. He often does not notice or take into consideration anything which may be pleasing from a personal stand point.

He acutely feels contradictions, deficiencies, and latent defects in surrounding world. He can see deficiencies in objects, in people, in society, and reveal them under certain conditions with a slightly ironic tone, in such way so that others also take note of them. He criticizes excessive self-confidence, rashness, does not support brash actions, which are unreasonable from his point of view. He constantly thinks of timeliness or inopportunity of implementation of his intents. Sayings such as "initiative will be penalized" are like a balm for his soul, as he does not consider it is necessary to run ahead. In his opinion, it is best to live with aforethought and reason, and everything else will simply fall into place.

Conceptual work of LIIs consists of bringing together and uniting interdependent views on specific phenomena. He is constantly analyzing, weighting, looking for alternative points of view, trying to understand something relevant. He usually has a lot of questions on any subject that he cannot understand and resolve on his own.

LII is an analyst who sees any system, any problem as a whole. If he has to deal with many details, he puts them together and links them to the whole. He perceives work as series of sensibly and economically weighed steps. Before starting, it is necessary for LII to explore all possibilities and resolve all issues concerning his project or duties, therefore, he tends to ask many questions out of concern. LII usually carries through all his undertakings to their end, overcoming difficulties independently. He is thorough and reliable, and may try to do everything by his own efforts. He prefers to ponder along on complex problems. Challenges, especially mental ones, do not prevent him from carrying out his job.

LII considers his own opinions as the most valid ones and accepts a differing opinion only if it can be made to coincide with his own judgement. He expects others to adjust themselves to meet his conclusions, demands, and judgments. When challenged, he skillfully argues for his rightness, providing meticulous analytic reasoning,that corresponds to how he internally understands the problem. If told that his judgement is not correct, LII may feel irritated. He often feels that he has intellectual advantage, may see himself in position of being "smarter" than others, therefore, it is difficult for him to accept the superiority and authority of another. If put into a position of a leader himself, he can be intolerant of having subordinates who demonstrate more intelligence than him, and thus may seek out those who are less competent—to appear "cleverer" among them.

LII often speaks in brief statements and formulations and provides schematics of his thoughts. May appear to be austere, unemotional person, who rarely displays warm affect*. Healthy LIIs value harmony, reciprocity, and possess a developed sense of self-esteem while not being vain. If LII seeks revenge, he will find and strike at the weakest spot of his opponent. He does not allow himself to be caught unprepared. (* translator's note: This is more true of Ti-INTjs than Ne-INTjs. The later can have episodes of acute emotional sensitivity.)

LII may feel discouraged when he has to face problems and challenges that necessitate him to deal with the physical world, such as requiring care and provision. When he falls sick, he may not show his ailments not to burden those around him. In such times he needs kind, soft, sensitive attitude for he doesn't know well how to concern and care for himself.

SLE (Zhukov)

Sensing Logical Extravert (SLE) ESTp: Se-Ti

Characteristics - Confidence and willpower - Organizational skills - initiative - The balance of power in the collective You can not expect: - Softness, pliability - sequence - Foresight results

The manifestations of nature in their professional activity Well-versed in the world of material things. Purposefully solve practical problems, it overcomes difficulties, and adheres to the scheduled plan, trying to do everything on their own. Strong-willed - confident, he feels the strength, freedom and resistance. It controls their actions and deeds. He understands what power, assumes the right to lead. Responsible for the case of those who perform it, especially in critical situations. Smobilizirovan. In extreme conditions, it becomes more active, more confident. Attentive, observant.

Independent. It knows how to push through, to introduce a completely new constructive ideas, organize the order in all structures. To realize their abilities should be a significant thing, extreme situation. Constantly monitors the physical and mental state. Neat and collected. In many situations, it is acting out of habit. A pragmatist, working mainly in the areas of material production. Persevering in the creation of material wealth. Any job - it is concrete, it must necessarily be the result of a weighty monetary reward. It showed great perseverance, he felt the benefit of the work. It delves into the business and become a source of inspiration to others.

Reliable partner. Committed to their work, organizations and society know what are the obligations and will not shy away from them, even if it takes a lot of sacrifice. It has a special ability to organize events and scrupulously adheres to the rules, intolerant of those who do the job without the necessary attention to detail and subtleties, as well as the disruptive factors and misconduct of colleagues.

Shows confidence, perseverance in the implementation of any decisions, work in full force, if there is a clear plan before him. SLE is inherent commitment, desire for power. Sets the rule of law, organize efficient work in the social sphere. Able to provide volitional pressure, struggles with all unviable and defective and organizes the structures that protect society from any harmful elements. The inherent strength of the military reserved.

The head of the authoritarian type. Managing skillfully uses administrative pressure, "tightening the screws". He knows how to organize efficient work, to maintain discipline, order, cohesion and capacity to act. It identifies in the society and the individual competence of the people. It seeks to approval by that all cases adequately evaluated by others, to have emphasized the greatness and importance of SLE cases. It needs such a person who would be selfless, and even deified SLE.

A sober realist. Inherent passion, high capacity for work. It needs vigorous activity. Quickly perceives relevant, the most constructive idea, is developing a system based on personal experience, it gives a new form of the idea, improving it, making available for practical use. Able to create a qualitatively new laws.

Classifies the facts, it is collecting information and using it successfully. The activity seeks optimal, evidence-based approach, which leads to the desired result. He does not tolerate delay and postponement of implementation of decisions, is responsible for the quality, thoroughness, seriousness, the urgency of the work.

Initiative. The alignment of forces in the team makes the best possible way. Professionalism, competence - these are the qualities that SLE would like to see in others. If someone makes a mistake, it shows the true state of things, and makes an observation, if necessary.

Talented attracts others to work. Energetic, creative, resourceful man, next to which you need to be ready for anything. The most boring job can make interesting. Dislikes prohibitions and restrictions, avoids boredom, petty leadership and bureaucratic delays paper.

IEI (Yesenin)

Intuitive Ethical Introvert (IEI) INFp: Ni-Fe

♦ observes the timely progression of events; easily sees similarities and picks up on recurring themes
♦ intuitively feels falseness and artificiality in relations; sensitively reacts to conflict, strives to keep up harmonious relations between people when possible
♦ in making decisions orients by intuitive hunches, which he may have trouble clearly explaining even to himself
♦ his work ability depends on his internal state; works sporadically, first idling then dashing into action; prone to delaying and putting work off to the next day

IEI feels how current ideas, plans, and prospects are likely to progress into the future. He watches how effectively a person uses his time, how passage of time influences a person (how a person changes over time). He applies this knowledge, checks and eliminates the unnecessary, optimizes work, searches for ways to do something meaningful with less time expenditures. IEI is prudent and exercises foresight. He is frequently taken up with deep, timeless questions, may gravitate to expressing himself in philosophical or romantic forms. He wants to be competent and well-versed in everything. If he cannot fully grasp a problem, he feels internal discomfort, may become overly verbose. Often, he is an autodidact and strives to educate himself. Often has a negative attitude to all that is commonplace and conventional: traditions, accepted ways of doing things. Enjoys change and periodically he redesigns the interior in his place of residence.

IEI quickly assesses people. He reveals in another person not his present capabilities and potential, but rather deficiencies in his abilities. He understands the contradictions that injure a person's soul, his weaknesses, his ignorance, his negative emotions. Has a developed sense of nihilism, which in combination with his undervaluation of people's abilities helps him trace how much a person answers to their purpose. Still, he hopes for a positive outcome.

IEI knows how to adapt to changing conditions and unexpected interruptions in plans. He is restrained, good-natured, and attentive to others. In order to defend himself from criticism for his inherent kindness, he can behave demonstratively sharply and rudely, create confrontations only to demonstrate the strength of his character. He feels unbalanced by opposing points of view and someone disagreeing with his opinion. He gravitates towards those who demonstrate perseverance and assertiveness in reaching their goals.

Most often IEI is soft, balanced, sympathetic person. He easily and successfully works with people in those cases when the initiative comes from others. In a group of familiar people, he effortlessly communicates and constructs a pleasant amicable atmosphere. He adjusts himself to the emotions of others, prognoses how they are going to feel. He will attempt to correct relations among those close to him, explains what one can do to improve relations with people around. He aims for the warmest and most sincere expressions, for complete understanding and trust in interaction, and suffers if he doesn't find it. Has trouble refusing people's requests. Earns for the company of people. The best compliments for IEI are calm, quiet, pleasant words.

IEI has an inquisitive mind. He successfully operates where it is necessary to deconstruct, to adjust, to correct, to improve, finish and perfect new designs, theories, and programs. He notices such things that others do not notice. IEI is usually conscientious, diligent worker and takes his responsibilities seriously, though may be slow and unfocused in carrying them out. Can be uncertain in himself, show little initiative, apply sporadic effort in implementation of a project. Strict structure and organization feel oppressive to him, yet at the same time he needs some form of outside organization. He works more productively if his efforts are recognized and denoted as significant, when he is praised for being capable. If he has to work under supervision of a person whom he does not respect, he will not want to do his work. If the work touches him deeply, he immediately becomes taken by it, mentally mobilizes, tries to perfect his understanding, acquire professionalism. He best carries out work that somehow concerns the human condition and people's problems. He easily puts himself in somebody else's shoes and assumes another's state. He is acutely attuned to norms in interaction and people's relations and communication and tries to hold them up. In work is he more focused on the results, the end product, and may skip details and steps that he feels are slowing him down.

IEI behaves indifferently if his colleagues work poorly, or cannot manage with a problem, but when it contradicts his personal concerns and values, he becomes exacting, assertive, and even entitled. When IEI is the role of a leader, he notices that which is taking place nearby and doesn't pay attention to what goes on outside of his jurisdiction. He creates extra stress when it is necessary to enact an urgent operation and tries to boost activity, which on the other hand can result in unnecessary fuss and disorganization.

IEI does not forget and never forgives, but he does not show this and tries to keep externally positive relations. He sensitively reacts to insults and offenses. Will later tell about them to his close friends and family members, so they would in some way alleviate his moral losses and pains. If the situation on his work place becomes heated, IEI becomes passive, gloomy, given into sudden bursts of aggression and criticism. This criticism can bring to surface long bygone circumstances and past information, which does not concern the present situation.

EIE (Hamlet)

Ethical Intuitive Extravert (EIE) ENFj: Fe-Ni

Characteristics - Contact with people - Other emotional passion - The ability to avoid danger - moral support You can not expect: - Specific quick impact affaires - The ability to reliably analyze the situation - Unemotional sober view of things

The manifestations of nature in their professional activity Dedicated. Speaker author of a new beginning. It is easy and tying new contacts without voltage values ​​of authoritative people. It strives for good, peaceful relations. Defending the moral norms and human interests, skillfully and eloquently fighting back violators. Realistically evaluate the circumstances and of itself, sure of his need. Do not refuse the request. Always the first where you need help. Constantly trying to take care of a person, and this concern is perceived by outsiders as an obsession. For, while maintaining ethical standards presents it in the form of instruction, supervision, coaching, as a warning to others from any unforeseen trouble. Touts people, objects, ideas, lectures. Resourceful, brings unexpected hypothesis, develops and makes bold experiments, encourages people to work. The initiator of various types of meetings and conferences.

When acquainted with the situation, first of all take into account the possible relations that can influence the course of events. Evaluates things, people - as far as they are needed. With sympathetic to the spiritual world of man. It creates a pleasant atmosphere while communicating. It knows how to persuade and influence, treats the word, convincing and warns man against unforeseen situations. It knows how to give pleasure to others. He sees a man in the positive and negative qualities, the depth of the emotional state.

 Uncompromising in achieving their goals, always assembled, attentive. He knows how to boost morale, inspire confidence and courage. Is interested in fighting and searching, pushing new ideas. He does not tolerate stagnation, delay. Active, able-bodied. The more tense circumstances, the more active and resolute. Persevering, purposeful. EE is not easy to deprive the balance. Many significant thing encouraged to use his strength and knowledge. But at the same time it attaches importance to material compensation. If it is desired to receive less, change jobs.

Optimist. He wants to have as a lot of positive emotions, knows how to enjoy the small and be content with it. Incendiary, dynamic, expansive. It has the development of attention, memory. Interested in extraordinary events, extraordinary people. It has developed fantasy and imagination. It provides for the development of events in time.

Before you start to do something more difficult in choosing, as the internal uncertainty leads to contradictions such as "to be or not to be." Takes possession of the largest possible amount of information before making an important step in solving problems is very necessary. He believes that in order to avoid possible errors need to carefully prepare for the unexpected moments in every situation, to create a safe environment for themselves and others. The developed sense of anxiety and danger leads to a state of mobilization and even does not tolerate if someone was standing behind him.

Frank, open, always think that we can say, and what is not necessary, because take into account the emotional state of the person. He sees the essence of man, his qualities, predicts behavior. I am sure that any work - is the sphere for applying the efforts of the whole team: uplifting, encouraging people to run the task in the best way. We arrange all the places.

 His emotions are not shy and does not hide. The depth, variety and intensity of emotions - that's what EE is most valued in themselves and others. Able to easily light up a promising new business and encourage him to anyone. Restlessness. Wherever he worked, it is an artistic kind.

Valuing your knowledge and demands the respect and dignity, and objectively evaluate others. The words with deeds. Intensified craving for money is not a long time but can talk or think about it. EIE feel where they are in sufficient quantity, and what kind of work without much effort can bring cash income.

LSI (Maxim Gorky)

Logical Sensing Introvert (LSI) ISTj: Ti-Se

♦ Carefully studies anything he is interested in, explores the subject in detail; analytical in his reasoning and attentive to specifics; after he has studied and analyzed an idea tries to explain and teach it to others; thematically and ideologically inflexible and conservative.
♦ Exacting and demanding of himself and others; protective of those who are under his care.
♦ Excels at noticing and manipulating physical properties of people and objects.
♦ Can take action and move ahead without thinking of the consequences and potential aftereffects, slowing down only later in case of negative outcome.
♦ Formal and polite in communication though may also become brash and insensitive.

LSI relies on the logically and objectively justified maxims. In everything he is inclined to systematization. He is an analyzer – in conversation constructs logical connections between different phenomena, laying them out consequently. He clarifies and elucidates, and searches for maximum amount of available and required information. He will ask about every detail of the subject of conversation, attempt to clarify everything for himself, to understand how beneficial something might be.

He easily concentrates his attention, observes movements of objects and actions of people around him. He can maintain any territory that has been entrusted to him, orients on it easily. Demands action and activity from others. If needed, knows how to shake others up and mobilize them, to stir up his surroundings, to get things moving. Encountering an urgent situation, he does not postpone its resolution until much later. Remembers location of different objects wherever he finds himself. Takes note of details of appearance of people, remembers features of their faces. Orients well in material world, critically evaluating the purpose and value of various objects. He is aware and knowledgeable of the use of different objects around him, skillfully utilizes and applies them.

Conceptual work of LSI consists of concentrated and premediated consideration of different existing viewpoints concerning some concrete application. He seriously thinks over importance of some accepted idea, tries to evaluate its relevance and necessity, to embody it into life and start operations. He skillfully explains and proves his view points for those around him, but accepts other viewpoints only if they somehow can be made to coincide with his own. He quickly takes up the most relevant and practiced theory, inspects it, adds new concrete forms.

LSI gathers necessary knowledge and facts, and working with them rarely commits mistakes. Engages only in realistically beneficial and practical matters and exhibits a lot of tenacity and persistence when he feels that his work will be profitable. He inspects the activities of his team, coordinates and regulates quality of work. Knows his obligations and responsibilities and will not waver from them. He does not delay work or put off tasks until later, as he feels urgency in implementation. LSI cannot follow through with his work if he does not have a clear idea of what needs to be done or a precisely formulated plan before him; he does not tolerate ambiguity very well.

Usually knows whom he should refer to and how this person should be approached. Respects competence in people. Appreciates those who can understand him from half-word and accept his reasoning and judgements, otherwise he feels annoyed. Welcomes counsel concerning future development of events for he enjoys foreknowing what he is getting himself into. He expects others to re-adjust themselves to meet his evaluations, demands, and decisions and feels irritated when his judgements are challenged. Does not immediately develop a "feel" for other people upon meeting them, thus is somewhat reserved and suspicious, and gives little consideration to those who are not familiar to him. Usually he is respectful of existing hierarchy if he agrees with it; if not, he may choose to leave.

LSI is constrained and tolerant, unimposing, in control of himself. He manifests coldness, dryness, inaccessibility [this is more true of Ti-ISTjs than Se-ISTjs, the later can have episodes of acute emotional sensitivity]. His demeanor may appear austere and unyielding, but in reality LSI is deeply sensitive by nature, however, he does not like to show this. Often he is ambitious, sometimes even conceited. If he is overseeing or governing, he may apply pressure and "fasten the screws" to create a sense of distress.

LSI does not allow deflection from the planned course, eliminates deviations that don't coincide with his own conception of how things should run. He requests that instructions are followed in consecutive steps [LSI is a process type]. He is demanding, enduring, exacting, and scrupulous in work and intolerant of laxity, inaccuracy, and disorganization. As a worker he is accurate and composed. When taking action he is often insular and may act on his own, stepping forward and going ahead of others, but lets them join him if they wish. May act or say something without thinking through the consequences, and then come to regret it later. He is impatient and firm, puts before himself and others challenging demands that must be met. Does not like frivolity in behavior, excessive conversation, gossip, incompetence, failure. Deeply feels internal conflicts. Strives to rid himself of any personal discomfort as soon as possible. When he feels threatened or angered, he starts finding small faults, becomes insensitive, scoffs and belittles others. He seeks to damage everything and proceeds to terrorize those around him. Will look for malefactors and culprits among others.

LSI is a stoic and an ascetic. He is a hardened person of great endurance. He knows how to get himself mobilized and how to act in challenging life situations. He can calmly execute repetitive work. He overcomes challenges realistically evaluating his actions and efforts he has expanded. He works at a steady pace. Possesses awareness of details of his work, but if these details overcomplicate the situation this unbalances him.

SEE (Napoleon)

Sensing Ethical Extravert (SEE) ESFp: Se-Fi

Characteristics - penetrative - Commercial and diplomatic skills - sociability - curiosity You can not expect: - Organization and consistency - The ability to assign responsibilities - Punctuality and commitment

The manifestations of nature in their professional activity The vital element SEE - this hectic desire to engage in extraordinary cases. He knows how to show himself in specific situations. Trample, confidently overcoming obstacles, resolutely go to the target, persistently reaches it. It counteracts volitional pressure and violence. Do not tolerate subordination, subjection, attempts to undermine freedom. Courageous, rebellious, requires complete freedom of action .. If something sights, you will not let her. The risk - this is the normal state of life. The sense of danger is often not an alarm, and combat excitement to fight back immediately. Destroys dysfunctional system, it tends to have a free choice. If necessary, put pressure, especially when you do not perform the tasks provided by SEE. Can dramatically to make a point for the unperformed work, especially since SEE clearly see the need for this work, and have aimed to get the result. All makes to immediately see the results of their work, assess its real benefit, because trying to get everything done immediately, without postponing. SEE is not an altruist - inappropriate business is not engaged, believes that all efforts should be rewarded financially.

Strong-willed. Power for the SEE - is primarily a demanding attitude toward themselves and control their own actions, conscious desire to achieve the goal. Leader. It seeks to manage people, feels the right to own and dispose of anything at its discretion, but does not interfere with other work. Being at the head office directs attention primarily on the specific details of activity as the entire organization, as well as on individuals. She remembers birthdays subordinates and trying to embellish the work pleasant trifles: likes to make people pleasant, give gifts. Feels inner discomfort, if there is not enough knowledge about the things people collect the necessary information through communication, so always have time to see everything, where, what and how.

Vigorously working and tireless in communication. Sincere, rapidly shows the joy, enthusiasm and optimism. Active. A sensible and proactive. Vanity and ambition expressed not by much. He understands the depth of human emotions, sensitive: sympathizes, without regard to their own circumstances, help advice and practical support. Always find the desired word, encourage or console counterparts - there are no problems. Relaxing tension distract themselves and others from serious thoughts, it inspires faith in the triumph of life.

Diligent. Good learning, specialized, acquiring practical skills and habits in different occupations but, if you do not like the specialty, it quickly changes. Looking for a specific, productive work, to do everything with their hands and have practical benefits. Knows how to collect the necessary data to solve practical problems. To take care of people really helps them. He understands the difficulties of any situation. It works stably, knows how much you need to spend effort to perform a specific job. Picking up a large number of cases, however, always tends to catch.

Most successfully realizes itself in activities related to communication, and this is an area of social services. He knows how to create comfort, comfort, believes that the mood rises in man only when he is in a comfortable room. In any event wants everyone to feel comfortable, we do not remain on the sidelines of discussed problems. Helpful. It is easy to get along in a group, attracted to people.

When meeting drew more attention to appearance rather than listening to the conversation content: once seen as disadvantages and attractive side, though listening attentively.

It feels emotional state (anxiety, feeling, mood) as the other person, and his own. Understands, knows and appreciates the person, creates a good mood. Organizer of various kinds of meetings, celebrations, anniversaries, scientific meetings, conferences, symposia (SEE science itself has been rare), theatrical performances, rites. Conducts quality any promotions: offers, promotes and advocates how things and people. Can organize charities.

ILI (Balzac)

Intuitive Logical Introvert (ILI) INTp: Ni-Te

♦ spends time observing and studying recurring events; delays action in favor of observation and mental projections
♦ takes note of conflicting points embedded in some proposal, idea, or someone's position; criticizes with confidence
♦ feels impeded and frustrated by expressions of extraverted, associative emotions and excess familiarity
♦ inclined to express pessimistic point of view admonishing others about potential future failures and flaws; does not like overly optimistic prognoses

Natural state for ILI is to engage in gathering of information, separating it into qualitatively distinctive parts, differentiating main aspects of an object from its insignificant and secondary aspects. ILI accumulates information, characterizes, compares and contrasts events, observes what is happening around him, on basis of this he can predict the future progression of affairs. His thinking is abstracted, far removed from concrete actual happenings. He constantly keeps track of the developments in society and compares them with his own planned script. ILI prefers to exercises foresight. Before he takes on any project, he thinks for a long time, premediates and weights the timeliness or inopportunity of acting. He has acute sense of passage of time, prognoses events, and warns people close to him about undesirable consequences, pitfalls, and dangers. If he finds a matter which supports his own motives and needs, then, to the contrary, he becomes more active and operative and even rushes events; at this time it is almost impossible to halt him or make him change his mind.

ILI is well aware of the struggle and conflict of the opposites. He demarks good and evil. Possesses vulnerable sense of self-worth, but is given to self-deprecation rather than vanity.

He puts forward various prospective hypotheses and ideas and elaborates on them. He describes and defines particular features and peculiarities of people and objects, comments on his own personal value judgements concerning them. He is adept at working with details of the whole. He compares and contrasts them, thus easily models, modernizes, and constructs new upgrades and modifications. Working with concrete objects he perceives not as much the exterior form, as its internal processes. Can be uncertain in himself, show little initiative, apply sporadic effort in implementation of a project.

He is very perceptive of latent character defects as well as lack of dynamicity and vitality. Doubtful, skeptical, and pessimistic by nature. He does not rush to results and conclusions, doubts even his own judgements, does not immediately trust any new propositions, and often delivers negative prognoses. He mistrustfully and critically refers to any new ideas and theories, understands their innate contradictions, unoperativeness, and possible deflections from accepted norms. Before business talks, he thinks over all the details beforehand, in order to be competent and show a discerning point of view.

ILI critically estimates potentialities of production of any commodity, discerns how well it meets present requirements. He refers to all conventional things as traditions and norms with sarcasm. He readily criticizes any unfounded optimism and self-confidence of those who disagree with his prognoses and those who act brashly. Often has a developed sense of nihilism. Does not easily trust relations between people.

With pleasure ILI contemplates on any topic and virtuously gives his stories, plots, and prognoses a picturesque coloring. He has a preference for independent thinking and intellectual battles. Some ILIs also posses great precision of thought and ability to precisely to state what they mean. With words he strings out a complete picture. ILIs can create his own standard typological systems which help him orient in life when dealing with people and relationships, makes associations between people's traits and their possible notions and beliefs.

ILI starts to act only when he feels necessity and usefulness and will not do things haphazardly. He does not make superfluous efforts, does not force himself to work. He makes rational propositions to improve production by accessible and established methods. He can critically evaluate technical methods, knows their capabilities. He also estimates his own possibilities as well as possibilities of his team with the purpose of implementation of operation by an effective method with the least expenditures.

LIE (Jack London)

Logical Intuitive Extravert (LIE) ENTj: Te-Ni

Advantages: - The dynamism, enthusiasm, efficiency - The practical implementation of innovations - Business risk, originality solutions - Forecast the profitability and prospects of events You can not expect: - Care in routine matters - Suspended in the decision-making - tact - Order and neatness The manifestations of nature in their professional activity Systematize phenomena, feeling their essence, creates a circuit, grinds them, makes it more affordable to produce, lays on any composite structure. Keeps track of the properties of raw materials, the possibility of objects energy potential, communication and development of the phenomena and events in time. It summarizes and logically analyze any situation and event. The detail and care about the extra little details. He sees patterns of processes in nature and society. It generates extraordinary, "adventurous", the idea of large-scale long-term value. Actively seeking the simplest, the most promising idea. Deeply its processes and create for her the perfect logical system, giving it dynamism. In an embodiment it uses economic, effective and affordable methods of performance, achieving significant results at the lowest cost.

Stubborn - in any case insisted. Impatient. Independently solves any problem. To sign a contract with the right partner, is considering a variety of options for different situations in order to get favorable companion. Solving problems with a partner, acting always in agreement, does not hide the intentions and plans openly conducts business.

It does not recognize the authorities, but takes into account hierarchy. Restless, so LIE best vacation - this is a great, grand, noble cause worth to devote his whole life. Fights around the full freedom, feels always ahead. If promises, be sure to perform. Always he will do what he has set for itself, and thus no one should interfere. It makes long-term plans and is working on its own plan.

He understands the importance of money as a method for the production and maintenance of the system, as well as sufficient material to meet the needs of each person. For example, not refuse a request to raise the salary, not to lose the professional and not let go to work at a competing firm.

It feels inner discomfort, if it has no adequate means to implement their plans, requires appropriate financial security for all of life's needs.

Persistent. Hardy. Successfully works where you need to implement new projects and programs, especially in science, engineering, production. It creates conditions and monitors the execution of the work, encourages and supports the initiative. It makes long-term plans. Quickly it is guided in difficult situations, able to get to the bottom of problems.

It is easy to communicate on any topic. Fast captures and stores information. Curious. Admires all new, progressive, able to capture this other.

Made considered insignificant in terms of new perspectives from which can not refuse, for he sees their inexhaustible possibilities. He thinks about what would have to be, not what it is.

Life takes realistic. A natural leader, in which he lives a sense of heroic romance. Romantic, not only in thought but also in the actions (Elemental): inclined to idealize the people and life. He is living in a world of his ideas, which inspire new initiatives in introducing them to life. Do not tolerate silence, mental suffering, trouble. Do not hide hostility, would not stand, and be sure to say so.

Unassuming. With the ease of making new acquaintances with interesting and necessary people. Appreciates in people professionalism and competence. Able to support the business relationship without the ceremonies that have a shade of light jokes. It creates a good relationship, but it has a strong pressure those who violate the rules of adventures LIE.

ESI (Dreiser)

Ethical Sensing Introvert (ESI) ISFj: Fi-Se

♦ analytical in thinking; critically evaluates people and relationships; does not adapt to others, instead insists on her own judgements
♦ stubborn, difficult to persuade otherwise; direct and to the point in communication
♦ excels at noting and manipulating physical aspects of people and objects
♦ expedient, efficient, and energetic; oriented at the results; may omit the details and skip steps in the process of doing something
♦ thematically and ideologically conservative; doesn't easily see potential for change; thus may appear to conservative, harsh, and unyielding in her evaluations and estimates

ESI is usually cooperative and agreeable. She pays attention to her relationships with other people, may speak of their inner personal qualities, is perceptive of emotional states and moods of others. She is stable and consistent in her own values, principles, and evaluations, does not readily deviate from them and change course, even if conditions are unfavorable. Sometimes ESI seems insular, self-contained, and estranged. She knows how to relate to people, but does this carefully, making new acquaintances with caution, even fear. After first contact has been made, she distances and waits for some time to become certain in reliability and trustworthiness of her new acquaintance. Whatever the decision may be, she will always give preference to personal factors, filtering information from the stand point of this person's internal qualities.

ESI considers personal factors in relations. She is well-wishing, kind and compassionate towards those whom she considers to be close to her. She is attentive and empathetic of their joys and sorrows. She evaluates other people's experiences by comparing them to her own. She quickly picks up on visual cues and responds to them if needed. In teams, she supports others by empathizing with their troubles. At times she can become so absorbed with helping someone else that she starts thinking of it as granted. She needs to feel her own necessity.

ESI does not allow anyone to interfere with her personal life and her own moods. She is usually in control of herself, self-absorbed, and self-directed. She needs to spend some time to herself in order to recharge, and may choose to work alone. If needed be, she does not wait for help and does everything on her own. When ESI feels that someone has breached her conception of what personal conduct and relations should be like, she shows intolerance. She is generally mistrusting of people because she is is acutely attuned to deficiencies in personal qualities of those whom she meets. She does not tolerate people who have disappointed her, offended or insulted her, who bring evil, betrayal, meanness, cowardice, hypocrisy. At the same time it may be difficult to dissuade her from such harsh judgements because she doesn't easily see people's potential for change. She will resist any kind of pressure and attempts to subordinate her or restrain her freedom.

Noticing deficiencies in behavior of her acquaintances, or in society that she lives in, she criticizes them, thus bringing to attention the actual state of things. Often the judgement that she makes are too sharp and seem too hastily drawn, but this is how she asserts herself. Sometimes her conclusions may seem superficial. ESI herself tolerates conflicts with great difficulty and suffers for a long time if she had a fight with someone who is close to her. She may lose control of herself and pour all her negativity on others.

ESI makes for a diligent worker, can carry out repetitive tasks if required. She easily takes on new jobs and learns the required skills, especially if these involve manipulation of physical objects (i.e. manual work). She strives to finish any project she has started without spending much attention on small losses, mishaps, or mistakes. When the work is enjoyable to her, her patience becomes practically boundless. She often keeps her displeasure to herself. She tries to carry out her work swiftly, and get to the desired results as quickly as she can. For her efforts she prefers concrete and immediate rewards in compensation. She will not take up inexpedient, pointless assignments.

ESI has a no-nonsense approach to her work and to her life. She performs best at jobs that require her to deal with concrete objects or goods, and where it is necessary to relate with people. Appreciates encouragement, positive support, and advice on how to carry out her work more expediently. She knows how to advertise and popularize people or objects, how to create an attractive appearance. This makes her well suited for work in an advertisement agency or a charity organization.

ESI does not appreciate untidiness, slovenliness in appearance. Values those who unobtrusively and modestly demonstrate their capabilities, talents, and appearance. Herself she usually dresses modestly, appropriately, and with taste.

Often she has some dose of conformity. She does not always keep up with latest technologies and innovations. It is difficult for her to abandon her old methods and values. She will always defend her position, especially where it concerns her material assets and her physical territory. ESI keenly orients in material-domestic sphere, in particular where there is relevance to social services. She is well versed in the use and application of tools and objects that are indispensable for personal well-being.

IEE (Huxley)

Intuitive Ethical Extravert (IEE) ENFp: Ne-Fi

Characters - The dynamism, enthusiasm, efficiency - The practical implementation of innovations - Business risk, originality solutions - Forecast the profitability and prospects of events You can not expect: - Care in routine matters - Suspended in the decision-making - tact - Order and neatness

The manifestations of nature in their professional activity Systematize phenomena, feeling their essence, creates a circuit, grinds them, makes it more affordable to produce, lays on any composite structure. Keeps track of the properties of raw materials, the possibility of objects energy potential, communication and development of the phenomena and events in time. It summarizes and logically analyze any situation and event. The detail and care about the extra little details. He sees patterns of processes in nature and society. It generates extraordinary, "adventurous", the idea of large-scale long-term value. Actively seeking the simplest, the most promising idea. Deeply its processes and create for her the perfect logical system, giving it dynamism. In an embodiment it uses economic, effective and affordable methods of performance, achieving significant results at the lowest cost.

Stubborn - in any case insisted. Impatient. Independently solves any problem. To sign a contract with the right partner, is considering a variety of options for different situations in order to get favorable companion. Solving problems with a partner, acting always in agreement, does not hide the intentions and plans openly conducts business.

It does not recognize the authorities, but takes into account hierarchy. Restless, so LIE best vacation - this is a great, grand, noble cause worth to devote his whole life. Fights around the full freedom, feels always ahead. If promises, be sure to perform. Always he will do what he has set for itself, and thus no one should interfere. It makes long-term plans and is working on its own plan.

He understands the importance of money as a method for the production and maintenance of the system, as well as sufficient material to meet the needs of each person. For example, not refuse a request to raise the salary, not to lose the professional and not let go to work at a competing firm.

It feels inner discomfort, if it has no adequate means to implement their plans, requires appropriate financial security for all of life's needs.

Persistent. Hardy. Successfully works where you need to implement new projects and programs, especially in science, engineering, production. It creates conditions and monitors the execution of the work, encourages and supports the initiative. It makes long-term plans. Quickly it is guided in difficult situations, able to get to the bottom of problems.

It is easy to communicate on any topic. Fast captures and stores information. Curious. Admires all new, progressive, able to capture this other.

Made considered insignificant in terms of new perspectives from which can not refuse, for he sees their inexhaustible possibilities. He thinks about what would have to be, not what it is.

Life takes realistic. A natural leader, in which he lives a sense of heroic romance. Romantic, not only in thought but also in the actions (Elemental): inclined to idealize the people and life. He is living in a world of his ideas, which inspire new initiatives in introducing them to life. Do not tolerate silence, mental suffering, trouble. Do not hide hostility, would not stand, and be sure to say so.

Unassuming. With the ease of making new acquaintances with interesting and necessary people. Appreciates in people professionalism and competence. Able to support the business relationship without the ceremonies that have a shade of light jokes. It creates a good relationship, but it has a strong pressure those who violate the rules of adventures LIE.

SLI (Gabin)

Sensing Logical Introvert (SLI) ISTp: Si-Te

♦ collects experiences; optimizes everything to minimize amount of effort that has to be put in; creative laziness, idles in conversation until the right opportunity or idea presents itself, inventive
♦ may seem emotionally closed off to the external world; restrained emotional saturation; does not like boisterous associative emotions
♦ stubborn, criticizes with confidence but has a live-and-let-live attitude
♦ doesn't take up tasks that don't bring real results
♦ in movements smooth, concrete, economical; goes by his own tastes

SLI lives by his internal perceptions of the world that surrounds him. He acutely feels the physical form, content, colors and shapes of objects; often possesses an aesthetic taste. He is of a sensitive inner nature and can take in impressions so deeply that he has the ability to blend in with his environment. He derives enjoyment from art and literature and can analyze, evaluate, and even subject to criticism artistic and literary works, as well as the appearance of people and objects. In such matters, he feels himself to be an expert and grows irritated when others do the same. He is proud and ambitious, and painfully responds to critical remarks. Though he will admit to mistakes, he never apologizes or does so with great difficulty. By creative imagination, he is able to create an artistic image or design – in an arrangement of objects, or a selection of clothes that suits the image and style of a particular person rather than fashion.

SLI loves life in all its forms and manifestations, thus he cherishes everything. He looks for adventures that could take his breath away, as well as people and work that he can enjoy. If he cannot find these things, he feels inner discomfort and loses his purpose in life. He creates a comfortable atmosphere using the objects in his vicinity. Strives in everything towards comfort, pleasure, convenience, elegance, for both the body and the soul. He can philosophize in a relaxed, carefree, spontaneous atmosphere, which can be created among people who are pleasant to him. He often holds positive opinions about other people, and if among friends he readily gives out compliments. He retains feelings for his family and friends for a long time. He does not trust open displays of feelings and refers to them with aversion.

SLI is a person of concrete action and evaluations. He requires that he is provided with the amount of work, shown purpose and goals, while SLI develops methods and implements them. SLI strives for convenience in all things. He brings about order, such that both things and people would have their own specific purpose. Easily seeks out information necessary for the situation. Relies on that which has been externally supported and verified; classifies it for practical use, but doesn't know what to do with it further and instead waits for the appropriate opportunity. From the previously gathered information through his experiences, a constructive idea arises in the mind of SLI. He quickly perceives which is the most relevant, the most practical idea, analyzes it, gives it new forms, and takes on its implementation, that is to bring idea to practical use. He understands classification, statistics, computing, utility, effort and energy expended in implementing technologies, processes, methods into life.

In a working environment, SLI may appear insensitive and reserved. He does not get into conversations that do not relate to the tasks at hand, but will unobtrusively listen to others. He is often calm, attentive, and private. Intolerant of slackness and slovenliness in work, and anything that impedes his work and chosen plan of action. He values professionalism and competence in other people. Feels his own competence on the job when he has amassed a large number of repetitions or familiar operations. He is enduring and hard-working and has a sober approach to life in its physical as well as cultural manifestations. Demanding of himself and others, but does not nitpick over details. In work, he coordinates actions of other people. He strives for independence and autonomy and poorly takes to being under someone else care and micromanagement. When starting on something, he thinks things over, does not take on hasty actions and conclusions, especially when his plans depends on the character of another person. Through perseverance and hard work can achieve success in scientific fields. His main goal in work is to become a professional (master) in his field.

SLI is a person of pragmatic, no-nonsense character; he is well versed in the object-material world. He excels at work that is directly related to bringing in tangible benefits. Nevertheless, his approach to work is always creative – he approaches it with inspiration and optimism. He finds it easy to improvise, to accept a role. His priorities in work is the moral and emotional satisfaction that he derives from it, that it is for his heart and his soul. He has to know what he is working for, what he has to do, and what result and benefits are expected. For SLI it is important to work for his satisfaction, so that his initiative is not impeded and his creative impulses are not undermined. In the absence of these conditions, he feels his own uselessness, worries that others can do without him, that his initiatives have been undervalued. Work for SLI is one of this type's vital values.

LSE (Stierlitz)

Logical Sensing Extravert (LSE) ESTj: Te-Si

Characteristics - Stability and consistency - Quality organization of work - Accuracy, discipline and thrift - Practical approach You can not expect: - Speed ​​and composure in extreme situations - Flexibility of behavior according to the situation changes - Concessions in retaining their positions

The manifestations of nature in their professional activity It feels shortcomings, discrepancies and incompetence of any system and improve it. Able available to explain and establish a system of labor organization. Tireless work. But in order to realize itself in the best way, is self-explanatory as to the purpose and nature of the work, which will show a complete picture of the total. By working with concrete things, efficiently organizes work, creates favorable conditions for its implementation, mobilizes and supports the discipline of the order. Demanding. It monitors the progress of the work, while giving each independence. It allows you to show initiative and deprives a person of excessive accountability. It attracts a job that will bring income, looking for the most favorable options to implement it as soon as possible.

Neat and collected worker. Sparingly using resources that are not at risk. Understand the usefulness and importance of a case and expended effort and energy. Roots developed, perfected products in mass production. He is trying to eliminate the chaos in society and creates the possibility for the functioning of a stable, regulated market. It shows professionalism and competence. He works diligently, trying to fulfill all the ropes, polishing every little detail, attracts not only the result but also the process. Carrying out a responsible job, relies on the timely initiation and persistence. Adheres to regulations at work and at home, trying to find every thing its place. All that is taken, it is possible, and quickly achieves good results. It seems self-confident and self-sufficient. Loves candid endorsement of his work, is offended, if efforts are not evaluated.

Stubborn - silently, not objecting is on his own, can make even in spite of pre-specified decision to break the coordinated action, sometimes illogically. Always skillfully he proves his innocence, even if wrong. The initiative, a strong, open and guileless, boldly defends and protects the interests and constructive ideas. Manuals are not afraid, and sometimes can even be aggressive. He tends to direct and open statement of their own views, which sometimes can lead to disputes. It is better to do the work where needed complete independence in decision-making. Hardy, persistent, able-bodied, if there is a material interest. Clearly felt and adheres to the chain of command, he knows how and who to contact.

Nicety - hard at something to please, pretentious. If not clearly define for themselves the purpose, sprayed, all wanting to get done immediately, not time, is nervous, blames others.

Realist. It has a stable outlook, and true to his views. Brutal for themselves but not for others. It does not always listen to the opinions of subordinates, or those who do not have sufficient qualifications. Patient - knows how to be silent, to endure physical and mental suffering, trouble. Even when the situation requires to deal with something unpleasant, undesirable, will continue to suffer and at the same time feel a great dislike for someone or something, but until then, until the "fall through." Then fundamentally solve the situation once and for all.

Supervisory and attentive. It needs activity. I like people with a pleasant appearance, neat, physically smart, healthy in body and spirit. Pay attention to the prestigious appearance, as well as physical data. Do not suffer in other slackness in work. It has a practical approach to life in the material and spiritual spheres.

When in power, imparts stability and confidence in the work order. Seeks to a charitable cause, guardianship, intercession. FEL power is not coercive, is trust, love.

EII (Dostoevsky)

Ethical Intuitive Introvert (EII) INFj: Fi-Ne

♦ aims to establish and maintain positive relationships with people; is discerning of those whom will get along well with her
♦ explorative and analytical in thinking; brings up unusual, improbable, and alternative information for discussion; easily sees connections between different theories and concepts
♦ socially open, warm, and receptive; able to see the potential for people to change, thus is forgiving and sometimes too trusting; however, if she is let down, she becomes excessively distrustful and wary
♦ conscientious in carrying out her tasks; assiduous, pays attention to detail; enjoys comfortable, well-managed and well-organized work

EII is oriented at being useful to people around her. She directs her energies at sympathizing and taking care of others. Judicious, analytical of people's personalities. She skillfully finds implicit links and associations and provides her evaluations of people's behavior. If information is coming from someone she is unfamiliar with, she does not accept it at once, but will carefully evaluate it for validity. EII is interested in everything. She possesses rich, well-developed imagination, and grows bored if her mind and imaginative faculties are not stimulated. She sees all kinds of possibilities and variations, which sometimes make her indecisive. She finds it difficult implement these into real life, however, and requires support of someone who is more adept at handing such tasks.

EII is often amiable and compassionate towards others, shows her goodwill by compliments, though she may allow herself more insensitivity and crudeness towards people who are not in her good favor, or who make her feel thwarted or threatened. She is very sensitive towards remarks concerning her performance and abilities. She grows intolerant of those who do not agree with her evaluations of personal and ethical matters, her judgements on issues of friendship and love, character and relationships. In such instances she may lose her composure, become angry and even forceful. If someone has offended her, she won't rest until she receives an apology or a compensation.

Some EIIs may exhibit a martyr complex [this probably applies more to EIIs of type 2]. She finds it difficult to refuse a request. Rarely and only among close people does she disclose her innermost feelings and opinions; most of these she keeps inside to herself. Does not like loud, boisterous adulation and compliments. Prefers quiet acknowledgement and understanding of her issues.

EII knows how to maintain emotional comfort in communication; indeed she is constantly aiming for this. When interacting with a person, she carefully listens to what he or she has to say, in this manner getting access to their inner world. She easily perceives implicit emotional cues and skillfully orients herself by them. Tries not to offend others but keep good, positive relations with them. Generous with compliments, especially towards those whom she favors. EII sees the possible paths of development of someone's personality. She searches for latent talents, gets easily captivated by promising and interesting individuals. In her inner estimates, she seeks links to concrete behaviors, and on these she bases her evaluations. She is a natural psychologist.

EII tries to understand and make independent, discerning judgements of the cultural values of the society that surrounds her. Quickly picks up on current information and works with it effortlessly. She is especially receptive to information in verbal form. Erudite – wants to know and encompass everything. Strives to educate herself, to learn as much as possible, to attain additional accreditation and diplomas, and encourages same in others.

She works without changing her planned course of action; unexpected changes can throw her off balance. In work, she is thorough, meticulous, accurate in her work, and carries out her instructions consecutively. Appreciates good organization, reasonable, methodical approaches, clarity in instructions and work plans. May ask a lot of questions to clarify completely what her duties are. Tries to maintain harmonious relations with people within her work group. EIIs usually make for conscientious, thorough, reliable workers with a developed sense of responsibility.