Talk:Logical Sensing Extratim

From Wikisocion

The social protestor

Can you give an example? Thehotelambush 19:15, 10 July 2007 (CDT)

  1. A perfect example is Peter Garrett (Midnight Oil former lead singer -- see, who sang about inequality and unfairness for nearly 30 years, with hardly a single love song.
  2. Woody Harrelson (environmental activist)
  3. Yuriy Lutsenko (Ukrainian politician -- also on, who has been campaigning for justice for 5 years as his main platform. Slogan: "Bandits must go to jail!"
  4. A couple LSE friends of mine who have resonated very much with the protestor role. One of them participated in a fake protest with me ("Save the Salt Lake Brine Shrimp!!") that I did for a psychology class 'experiment', even though he had nothing to do with the class. He liked very much to tell people all the facts and tell them we were destroying the brine shrimp habitat, etc. --Admin 01:19, 11 July 2007 (CDT)
The first two Garrett interview links on your site are broken. Thehotelambush 18:53, 11 July 2007 (CDT)
Aargh, thanks. I'll track 'em down. --Admin 02:07, 12 July 2007 (CDT)