Trehov, Aleksei

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Moscow socionist, author of articles on socionics. Most well-known in socionics circles as the head of the publishing house "Black squirrel" that publishes books on socionics, as well as the head of the Socionics Research Society .

- Graduated from Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty of Moscow State University in 1993.
- Encountered socionics accidentally in summer 2001.
- Author of 20 articles on topics of socionics.
- In 2004, created the publishing group "Black squirrel" that publishes books on socionics. From 2004 to 2009 was the general director of this group.
- Founded Socionics Research Society.
- Passed away in 2010 in a train accident.

Alex wrote the following about himself on forums in January 2006:

"Trehov Aleksei Vladimirovich. Became acquainted with socionics accidentally in summer 2001. Rather soon my theoretical reflections turned into articles. The list of my publications can be viewed. However, my socionics maturity I count from the moment I've read articles about Reinin traits for aspects and TIMs. Although I am also proud of a somewhat earlier article on "Questim" groups: despite the numerous works of V. Gulenko, I have managed to find small groups that have not been described by him or A. Aushra. Perhaps another good result can be considered expansion of model of IM for quadra to a full model, seven years after A. Bukalov proposed the mental ring. The role of the manager of socionics has attracted me more than the role of a theoretician, which led to the creation of "Black Squirrel" and Socionics Research Society. Nevertheless, I have not abandoned theoretical activities. In May 2006, I wrote an article about individual and socion aspects in traits of Reinin-Aushra."

Socionics articles and publications

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