Type descriptions by Voroschenko - pathologies

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ILE (Don Quixote)

ILE (affective-labile, cyclothymic): characterized by changes of states: joyful events - thirst for activity, increased talkativeness, racing thoughts; sad events - depression, slowness in reactions and thinking. An elusive turn of events is enough for a change in mood. At times: center of attention, instigating - other times: closed off and silent. At times: overcomes complex obstacles, achieves professional success - other times: periods of feeling suppressed; first very active and talkative - then slow and sparing of words. Cheerful and lively in society. Among their own can grumble, be hypochondriacs. Good at talking, articulate, has a way with words, may be very talkative under the influence of alcohol. Deep emotions, mood swings are typical: sometimes lively and fun - other times quiet and modest. After a stimulating event continues to "vibrate" on the tone of excitement or seriousness, although the event itself is already "off the agenda". He is easily moved, soft-hearted, compassionate. Admiration and awe before great works of art. Sometimes suicidal inclinations.

SEI (Dumas)

SEI (demonstrative-hypertensive): inclination towards pretense, artfulness, activeness, quite a braggart, unceremonious in behavior and statements. Tries to ingratiate himself, to flatter. Picks direct approach: open, friendly behavior. Natural born writer and journalist. Loquacious; enjoys art, music, books. Likes to be in society, in the center of attention. Knows how to live into a role, has a talent for acting. Sometimes speaks in a mannered way, inserts foreign words, uses jokes and quips. Expressed vanity - does not acknowledge own guilt, praises his own person. Inclination to deceitfulness and fraud. Resourceful, self-confident look. Arguing with him is not easy - he is not shy with words. Charming, suave, mischievous in behavior. Not averse to critique others, to ridicule and mock people close to him. Wants to make a good impression, acts delightful and friendly, can play out an effective scene. Conceited, busy, evasive and slippery. In the state of anger is prone to faux pas, down to arrogance and rudeness, and the choicest verbal abuse, although pretends to be an angel and the embodiment of kindness. Gossips.

ESE (Hugo)

ESE (hypertensive): elevated mood, thirst for activity, increased chattiness, deviates from the topic of conversation, racing thoughts, looks at life optimistically, overcomes sadness, seems easy to live in the world. Initiative-taking, search of something new, unexpected associations, ideas, active creative thinking. Brilliant conversationalists, center of attention, entertain all, not boring, it's interesting with them. Speaks with jokes, witty sayings, quips. Cheerfulness turns into irritability, fruitless scattering, empty projecting. Carefree happiness, unrestrained talkativeness. Resourceful, skilled in dealing with people. Racing thoughts. Inhibitions of moral character are not very characteristic. Lack of concentration, inability to live purposefully towards a goal, difficulty in adapting to social frameworks. Changes occupation. Light-heartedness.

LII (Robespierre)

LII (dysthymic): serious and usually focused on the dark, sad side of life. Pessimism can achieve a state of reactive depression, the idea of ​​working in a slowed, in conversations almost does not participate, occasionally interjects, serious mood, serious ethical position. Passivity in activities related to the charges seriously, timidity, indecisiveness, no carelessness and gaiety, a strong perception of heavy experiences, sometimes tearfulness. A sense of inferiority, fluctuations in the choice of fields of activity, passive in life, calm, apathetic, lack of energy and activity, honesty, kindness, slowness, clumsiness, not laughs heartily, neat clothing, difficulty in making decisions.

SLE (Zhukov)

SLE (epileptoid-excitable-pedantic): excitability and pedantism to to some extent contradict each other. Great self-possession and control, often either one trait dominates or another. Neatness, in childhood - provokes, becomes enraged. Shaking or tremors in body. At times obsessive ideas. As the personality matures, his psyche becomes more balanced. Impulsiveness in reactions, self-control at work and at home, likes to control. In society may seem a little slow: afraid to say something out of place. Leaves the house, loses self-control, may act recklessly.

IEI (Yesenin)

IEI (pedantic-hyperthymic): pedantic character becomes softened in combination with hyperthymic temperament. Diligent, hardworking, outlines in his life a certain goal or purpose. Life-loving and cheerful in nature. Many acquaintances - he loves many. Continues to work instead of seeking treatment for failing health. Sometimes has phobias. Likes to go out, to dance, knows how to tell a story. Observes a daily schedule. Experiences hypochondriac neuroses, claustrophobia. Tasks are prepared for and carried out in advance. Thirst for activity. Before an important event experiences strong emotions, may lose appetite.

EIE (Hamlet)

EIE (demonstrative): displacement from psyche, uninhibited behavior, seeming sincerity, living into a role, impulsive reactions, need for recognition, vain behavior, attracts attention to self, self-pity, the martyr pose, gesticulation and mimicry, thoughtless line of conduct, "Penelope's complex". Penetration into the psyche of a person, ability to adapt to others, work in services sector may be a success. Suppression of own "I", ability to balance relationships, artistic abilities, sociability, willingness to serve. Egoistic strivings, failures and breakdowns in relationships, self-confidence, "escape into illness". Pathos - a form of behavior, emotional excitability, imaginative, may find recognition by outstanding creative achievements. Thought without restraint or limit, plays many roles in life. Bragging, adventurism, quackery, false marriages, charlatanism. Affectivity, theatrality, pretense, self-glorification.

LSI (Maxim Gorky)

LSI (epileptoid-excitable-dysthymic): intellectual heaviness, obsessive thoughts, depressiveness, serious attitude towards duties, disciplined. Loves tinkering, creating. Honesty, modesty, diligence, serenity. Few contacts. Minor reasons bring excitement. Friendly relations with other people.

SEE (Napoleon)

SEE (excitable): ungovernablity, desires, instincts, uncontrollable impulses, solid built. Striving to discharge the physical more than moral (spiritual) properties. Impulsive reactions, tolerance is foreign to him, gives freedom to irritability, openly speaks of his demands and claims, comes to contention, becomes rude. Tendency for physical labor, changes places of work. Shortness of temper. Not few chronic alcoholics among them. Impulsive in the sexual sphere, promiscuous sexual relations, often instability in relations with a chosen partner, may enter into prostitution. In youth may impulsively run away from home. Distinguished by affection, cares for his children, likes animals, often willing to provide any assistance. Certain heaviness of thinking.

ILI (Balzac)

ILI (pedantic): mechanisms of displacement are underrepresented here, "drags out with making a decision", not able to displace doubts, indecisive. Obsessive notions, difficulty to make a final point. Diligence and integrity in activities, works overtime, checks self multiple times, worried over minor matters. Absorbed in thoughts about plans for tomorrow. Obsessive neatness. Tendency towards solidity, clarity, completeness. Performs work in good faith, with accuracy, thoroughness. Work that assumes high responsibility oppresses him. Enjoys what he produces, aware of his obligations. Does not change location of work without any reason. Excessive zeal, care about his health. High employment figures, authority at work, fear of responsibility. Exemplary host (hostess), although may go "over the top". Feels himself good in the military. Possible tick of facial muscles, neuroses related to obsessive states, somato-hypochondriac states, timidity. Worrisome, internally not confident in himself.

LIE (Jack London)

LIE (fixated): almost pathological resilience of affect. Vindictive and vengeful, does not take offense at minor things, but when his pride and honor are hurt is painfully touchy. Affects on the level of selfish motives. Strives for justice for himself, conceit, arrogance, ambition, confidence. Little reward, positive feedback, instead there are suspicions, jealousy, intractability, litigation, stubbornness, absorption into optimistic dreams, overvalued ideas, hard-headedness. No tendency for self-suggestion. Ambition - is an excellent drive to work and creative performance. In the early years characterized by outstanding achievements in various fields. Not one time starts from scratch and succeeds. Person of ideas. Constantly increasing fear. Actively involved in his own health treatments. "A fanatic of justice". Self-willed and does not tolerate objections.

ESI (Dreiser)

ESI (worrying-pedantic): fear does not completely absorb an adult as it does a child. Shrinks, withdraws before pressure. Overcompensation is possible in the form of a self-confident or even cocky behavior, the child - "target". His request: Be friendly with me. Increased excitability of the autonomic nervous system. As they get older starts to worry less. Hypochondria on basis of anxiety, concerns about his health. Worrisome nature interferes with finding their place in life. Accurate and neat person, not fond of smoking and doesn't drink too much.

IEE (Huxley)

IEE (affected-exalted): worry and happiness, sharp swings of mood, reacts to life more boisterously than others. Delight from joy, despair from sorrow, "from passionate cries of joy - to extreme anguish". Subtle altruistic motivations. Attachment to family, friends, joy for them. Sudden enthusiastic urges. Love of nature, art, music, interest in sports. Spiritual experiences, the search for a worldview, extreme impressionability. Pity, compassion for unfortunate people and for sick animals. Artistic nature: artists, poets, pride and courage not without exaggeration.

SLI (Gabin)

SLI (dysthymic-fixated): whiner, finds reasons to feel bored, does not rejoice often, complains of losses, does not feel gratitude, gloomy and preoccupied, greed, jealous suspicions. He is more aggressive in words than in actions. Secretly collects additional information. Owner. Always dissatisfied. There is no open aggression. Not enough activity: encountering opposition he retreats. Makes an impression of dissatisfied, joyless grumbler. Quarrels with relatives.

LSE (Stierlitz)

LSE (demonstrative-fixated): passion, perseverance, stubbornness, high indicators in work. Fruitless fights and struggles. May be at a height for a long period of time. Loud shouts, intransigence, ambition in the prime of life, authority at work, solid position at work, "escapes into sickness" counting on pity. In everyday life - high quality, denial of guilt, irritability, anger, elements of adventurism, shuts out the unpleasant, passion in actions and activities, disregard for ethics.

EII (Dostoevsky)

EII (emotive): sensitivity and deep reactions in the area of subtle feelings, no rough feelings, but what is connected with the soul, compassion and responsiveness. No extremes in feelings, sensitive, soft-hearted, more sympathetic than others, given to feel moved by emotions. Enjoys being in contact with nature, with works of art. Soulful person - so others say of him. The kindness of the people associated with increased external manifestation of their reactions. Deeply captures feelings, emotions are reflected by expressions (wonderful actors in a pantomime), could be tearful: tears of joy, touching emotions. Life's shocks have a profound effect (reactive depression), spiritual dissonance reaches a pathological degree - suicide attempts, severity of depression always correspond to the severity of the event. Nether grief nor joy can be passed onto him.