Udalova, Elena

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Elena Andreevna Udalova, a graduate of Physics Department of Moscow State University. Worked in socionics since 1993. Since 1998 - head of School of Applied Socionics. From 1996 to 1998 has collaborated with Tatiana Prokofieva in development of semantic typing techniques. They have jointly held courses on socionics and co-authored several articles. She has also collaborated with Liubov Beskova and co-authored several books on socionics with her which were released in 2003-2004. Self-types as SLI.

On socionics

"I'm confident that the basic concepts of Socionics are simple enough to be understood — even in elementary school. However, despite this simplicity, Socionics has tremendous potential for influencing all of our social interactions, whether this is by improving mutual understanding or by raising the level of humanism in society. These are not just words; we have demonstrated these effects with every group that has been taught Socionics. Since modern society is built on information, problems caused by communication and mutual understanding have a profound effect. Socionics is the best known way of addressing these issues."

"Socionics may and must become the fact of culture. Its influence is utterly beneficial in all fields of the human life. Self-identity, tolerance, constructive way to communicate are direct consequences of learning socionics. But nothing comes easily. To bring socionics into daily life, we have to promote and advocate it, create educational materials, and provide practical examples of its efficiency both in enterprise and in the personal life. That's what we do on daily basis: develop educational methods, educate, promote and implement."

See also