
From Wikisocion

Type: Logical-intuitive extravert

The "Common social roles" in the LIE description, especially two of them, fit me well, if adapted to my personal circumstances. I am already older than the average man's lifespan in the Roman Empire 2000 years ago or in Zimbabwe today. I have used a large proportion of my free time to accumulate knowledge in areas that I found useful or amusing, sometimes both. Usually I learn about a subject until I realize that I'm not really learning much more by reading much more, and I start to think that I know more about that subject than most people. I haven't yet reached that stage in socionics, but I hope I will after the bulk of this wiki is written. The problem with learning about socionics is that it makes me re-evaluate lots of my previous pet interests, such as economics, politics, and the roles of personalities in shaping historical events. For example, socionics gives a very obvious and consistent explanation as for the reasons for the mutiny of the Bounty in 1789. Not necessarily the correct one, but better than most of the nonsense than has been written on the subject. And so on and so forth.