
From Wikisocion

The Basics

First and foremost, Socionics is not reality. It is a certain conceptual approach to organizing reality, and there are many others. I see people as representatives of types, and not the types themselves; I see people's behavior and thoughts as representative of dichotomic traits, and not the dichotomies themselves. As it is understood by myself, Socionics assumes the existence of pure types, to emphasize qualitative differences between human beings.

Briefly explain Information Metabolism (IM) [2-3 sentences]

Information Metabolism concerns how people process information, and also, what information is processed. Within Socionics, IM is applied to type, not people.

Energy Metabolism focuses more on psychological vibrations that generate from and influence the unconscious mind.

What is 'information'?

Information is comprehensible data that is interpreted from environmental stimuli. It is retained in the mind for immediate or future application. e.g. Observations, factual knowledge, sounds, sights etc. Information may be accepted or produced, consciously or unconsciously.

Energy is transferred through the means of feelings, emotions, reactions―psychological vibrations. Energy may be accepted or produced, consciously or unconsciously.

What is a sociotype?

A particular configuration for processing information and energy. There are 16.

Elements, Aspects

What is an Information Element (IE)behavioral, cognitive, phenomenological in nature…?

Information Elements provide 8 contexts for interpreting reality.

One hypothesis is that IEs exist independently. Another hypothesis, and one I agree with, is that the mind, and therefore type, is responsible for the existence of IEs.

Both Information Aspects and Elements depend on context and perspective—human subjectivity, therefore independent objects in reality do not have definite and discrete IAs or IEs. Any appearance of such I attribute to the inherent similarity of human cognition.

IE Definitions

To reiterate, IEs fundamentally rely on context and perspective, therefore there is inherent subjectivity, and there is no one definite way to describe or denote them. Clarity and accuracy are subjective.

Symbol e.gif Political chemistry—(Dis)Agreeable or (Dis)advantageous reactive vibrations to certain information caused by the interactivity between people and other objects. Mood, emotion, feeling, excitement, reaction, stirring, pressure, passion, voltage, induction, bustle, commotion, incitement.

Symbol p.gif Technological economics—(In)compatible or (Dis)advantageous applicability of certain information concerning the interactivity between people and other objects. Exchange, dealing, traffic, transaction, transfer, commute, correspond, discussion, negotiation, direction, business, behavior, income, production, work, accumulation, earnings.

Symbol f.gif____. Physical attractiveness, shape, appearance, body, insignia, symbolism, outer beauty, sign, strength, fortitude, weight, size, readiness.

Symbol i.gif____. Mental attractiveness, imagination, imagery, vision, impression, mimicry, inner beauty, ideal, character, mental picture, fantasy, wish.

Symbol r.gif____. Belief, trust, attachment, devotion, credibility, identity, soul, personality, nature, inclination, sentiment.

Symbol l.gif____. Principle, structure, identification, label, design, law, standard, infrastructure, evidence, organization.

Symbol s.gif Ecological mechanics. Maintenance, growth, drive, effort, exercise, evolution, exertion, labor, movement, performance, cultivate, prepare, walk-through, practice, foster, production, pursue, persevere, progress.

Symbol t.gif Philosophical history. Experience, past, chronicle, archive, narrative, destiny, suffering, journey, investigation, delving, tale, maturation, age.

Aspectonics? IE Dichotomies?

Je Dynamic Body: Movement, the interactivity of objects

Pe Static Body: Appearance, the representation of objects

Pi Dynamic Field: Development, the situation of subjects

Ji Static Field: Formation, the foundation of subjects

Symbol e.gif - Internal Body Dynamics - Underlying activity

Symbol p.gif - External Body Dynamics - Apparent activity

Symbol f.gif - External Body Statics - Apparent appearance

Symbol i.gif - Internal Body Statics - Underlying appearance

Symbol r.gif - Internal Field Statics - Underlying foundation

Symbol l.gif - External Field Statics - Apparent foundation

Symbol s.gif - External Field Dynamics - Apparent development

Symbol t.gif - Internal Field Dynamics - Underlying development

Extroverted / Introverted - Centrifugal orientation vs Centripetal orientation

Irrational / Rational - Experiential & a posteriori vs Principled & a priori

Static / Dynamic - Discrete & spatial vs Continuous & temporal

External / Internal - Definite, literal, obvious & apparent vs Indefinite, symbolic, vague & underlying

Abstract / Involved - Detached & mental vs Affected & physical

IM Model

Do you rely on a particular model, if so, which?

Model A is fundamentally utilized for frame-working theory and understanding things in terms of Socionics, though in practice it only serves as a reference for qualitative features of types and dichotomies.

Concerning reality, I apply Socionics in an abstract manner that does not strictly follow any model.

Concept of function differentiation/strength — explain?

This is a multi-faceted matter. As stated in my intro, Socionics is to be treated as though there are pure types. In reality, the source of functions in the psyche are elaborate, abstract, intangible and dynamic and do not work in percentages(re: function testing). Emphasis must be focused on identifying quality.

With that said, as also stated before, when it comes to theory I use the Model A and in that case, I will refer to the Strong/Weak dichotomy.

IM pathways?

They form and are embedded in the Model A. They serve indirect purposes.

What function dichotomies* matter? (leave room for interpretation)

I can't speak definitely on their importance, though I see all of them being useful.

Subtypes and other subdivisions?

Inert-Contact subtypes. I emphatically disagree with Accepting/Producing subtypes. Anyone practicing it or claiming it to be valid, I declare they are unknowingly referring to 2 Ego subtypes theory.

Intertype Relations

What role do types play in interaction? How do intertype relations work on the IM level?

Intertype relations incorporate information and energy processing. My personal understandings of them are here.

For the most part, I would like to think Valued/Unvalued and Accepting/Producing pretty much govern the interactions. This would make Duality the most acceptable, while making Activity relationships enjoyable but uncoordinated in expectations.

What significant groups do they form? (Quadras, supervision rings - cog styles, etc.)

I can't speak definitely here either concerning importance, but I acknowledge the usefulness of Quadras, and the Taciturn/Narrator cycles. The Supervision Rings/Cognitive Styles require more substantiation. All other groups are a matter of perspective at this point.

Type Dichotomies

Jungian Dichotomies?

They are assumed to be valid and I accept their incorporation into Socionics.

Reinin Dichotomies? Their origin?

Most of the Reinin Dichotomies are hardly substantiated though a few have gained my focus. Skipping the Jungian Four, Static/Dynamic, Yielding/Obstinate, Merry/Serious and Reasonable/Resolute have primary importance. Positivist/Negativist and Democratic/Aristocratic are doubtful, but only because they need improvement, not that I haven't observed evidence of their validity. The rest are hardly understood by themselves.

Small Groups

There are many more small groups than what are usually referenced, most notably substantiated by Smilingeyes: Most of them are just interesting tautological ways of making associations. Of the ones overlooked, the Taciturn-Narrator/Positivist-Negativist/Rational-Irrational small group is one I personally consider underrated and underestimated.


On the level of general sociability(Extroversion and Introversion) and psychological-biological energy states, temperaments are not expected to always correlate predictably. Rather, it's acknowledged that temperaments are the resultant manifestations of one's metabolism.


Clubs are reliable for behavior modeling and type assessment, but do not reliably predict occupational fields.

Cognitive Styles?

Speculative weight at best.

Erotic Attitudes?

Overestimated. Erotic Attitudes are merely manifestations of certain Irrational values, the same can be done for groups by manifestation of Rational values.


Overestimated, yet has considerable merit in the area of group behavior assessment. Introverts are less likely to exhibit and project themselves in groups, so Quadra manifestation is not always reliable in the form of group behavior. Quadra mates are most likely those who you find extremely compatible and maybe even identical with your natural self and thus Quadras are conducive to productive and healthy self-development.

Typing Methodology

I again refer to what I've stated previously, in practice I apply Socionics in an abstract manner that does not strictly follow any model. I utilize many methods in a disconnected manner for the reason that I practice Socionics casually, I consider myself a hobbyist.

In general, I observe behavioral, physiognomical and psychological patterns of people, after I've been able to develop a comprehensive model of a person, I then compare the patterns to my understandings of types and look for the best fit with the most affirmations.

Behavior patterns

Types have tendencies to manifest themselves with patterns of behavior. This can be basically summarized as coming and viewed from: the Ego Block, Super-Ego Block, Super-Id block and the Id Block with reference to IEs.

semantic themes


Visual Identification (VI)?

Visual Identification is only recognized as a method that relies on observable manifestations due to: temperament, TIM, Base program, Creative function, and other attributes. Genetic and aesthetic physiognomy are recognized as being tendencies of types, but hold no definitive weight in the typing process; they are merely speculative.