
From Wikisocion

Given that I usually just comment on other people's ideas, and tend to shift my position quite a bit in discussions, I figured I'd start set down some core views (or working hypotheses) I have about Socionics that I consider to be most likely (or of most interest). These aren't fixed positions either, however, but just a snapshot of what I think now, however focusing on the most probable truths.

  • The core of typology is Information Aspects, which concern aspects of any structure, and exist outside of the realm of psychology or biology.
  • The Information Aspects apply at many levels and to many things. To say that a person uses or is strong in Te is like saying a person uses or is strong in any number of skills that people use in different ways. For example, two people may be strong in listening, but they listen for different things. A person may be strong in or value a function in one way, but not in another way. Even Tcaud's metabolism vs. exertion distinction may be too generalized, though it has potential.
  • Type characteristics are stable but not fixed. They are like geographical features; they change over time, and new ones are added.
  • Certain mental "transactions" are performed that involved special combinations of functions. These lead to pathways, which represent ways of doing things that are easier for a person. Something one hasn't done or hasn't done in a long time seems harder than something one is used to doing. However, new pathways can be created.
  • Relationships tend to be a stablizing force on the personality.
  • Certain type patterns may be awakened by being around a certain person.
  • Intertype relationships are based not only on type, but also the type aspects that come out between the individuals. A person may have two kinds of intertype relationships with two different people of the same time, for example, because one exhibits a different type with those two people.
  • Intense intellectual activity that involves performing at a higher than normal level requires favoring certain pathways that may not be reinforced by the external world, and these involve more than just focus on two ego block functions.
  • Type stability is based on equilibrium points that represent a certain balance between IM Elements that a person considers comfortable. This balance tends not to absolutely favor any function to the exclusion of the opposing function. For example, while a quantitative approach is just for illustration purposes, someone may be comfortable at 60% Ni and 40% Ne; for that person, 80% Ni 20% Ne seems less comfortable, even though he/she is Ni > Ne.
  • People have more than one equilibrium point (i.e., secondary equilibrium points), based on different experiences in their lives, and different activities.
  • Some aspects of type are inborn, but much more is based on people's experiences over time.

A different way of thinking about Information Aspects

(Note...will use the vernacular "function" interchangeably here, even though it "technically" ain't right.)

  • Introverted judging functions (Ti and Fi) may be viewed as ways of building structures where one knows the principles to expand from a given point, but one doesn't know what the final structure will look like. Extraverted perceiving functions (Ne and Se) provide a view around the surface (or point) of awareness to create a better sense of the structure that is being created, with Ne providing a longer range and Se providing a more solidly realized view but at a closer range.
  • Extraverted judging functions (Te and Fe) may be viewed as ways of building structures where one considers what the final structure should look like, but one doesn't immediately know the details that will make it happen. Introverted perceiving functions (Ni and Si) provide an awareness of what the contents of the structure may be, without them having to be defined in a completely structured way. Ni allows for a less finalized definition that supports more structural possibilities, while Si represents a more specified realization.
  • Each function creates an impression that appears similar to its dually related function, even though it doesn't have the specific awareness or meaning that comes from that function. For example, Ti structures result in organic structures that therefore resemble Fe because they're organic, but aren't motivated by an awareness of expressive meaning. Hence, they appear unformed and moldable from the dually-related function's point of view.

(Note, in this discussion, I'm considering Se as strictly perception. Classical Socionics seems to define Se in a way that makes it no longer perception; this may have to do with expected behaviors associated with Se rather than Se itself. Still thinking about that one.)

Possible modifications; alternate ideas

A tendency to build up from a point may be more related to Si/Ne. More precise definition is needed to create a complete taxonomy of structures.