
From Wikisocion

TO JUSTIN: Please contact Rick DeLong by e-mail about this user page and the user "JuJu" in order to unblock this page.

JuJu is Justin Marsh, an American Socionist, who (in his own opinion) has learned Socionics from/with the best/worst in the English-speaking (and occasionally Russian-speaking) world. He's self-Sociotypes ENFj, and self-aggrandizes but is frankly ashamed of/can't f__king help it.

Overly Extensive Biography

He's in his 20s, born in Albany, New York, USA; raised in Longmeadow, Massachusetts, USA; currently livin' in Northampton, Massachusetts, USA, (nicknamed "The Paradise City" for a reason--honestly, a TON of reasons--this city is balls AMAZING!!! Seriously MONEY!!!) He lives with his sang-gah (i.e. best friends) and his schizophrenic cat called "BaM!"

In 2006 he graduated from Northwestern University (Illinois, USA) with a bachelor's degree in art history. Right now he's a graduate student at Quinnipiac University, (Connecticut, USA,) studying journalism. Previously, he attended Wesleyan University's (Connecticut, USA) Master of Liberal Arts program, but has yet to graduate. He attended Lawrence Academy at Groton (Massachusetts, USA) for high school.

Prior to that, he lived in Oxford, England; Cologne, Germany; Boston, Massachusetts; and San Francisco, California, among otha places. (He writes this so that anyone he met there will holla!)

He's a practicing Buddhist, with BIG, earnest love/respect for Jesus Christ, and solemn admiration for the Old Testament.

In 2010, he founded a production company called East Rock Productions, which is currently creating a website about Socionics... To be unveiled seww-eww-ooon. Site name:

Famous ENFjs comparable to Justin Marsh

  • John Lennon