
From Wikisocion

About me (or rather, this account)

I'm something of a 'passerby' at this site. I created this account so I could post a few 'comments' that I wanted to at certain discussion pages. So yeah, like the name says I'm using this account rather modestly, since I have little or no further use for it. To clarify, I don't intend to touch any of the main pages, or for that matter any page with factual content. If there is anything that I do find worthy to point out in such pages, I'll merely take it up in the discussion pages and leave the decision on the same to the actual contributors.

On a related note, if there is a way I can post these comments (which are few and wide anyway) without burdening the server with an additional account for just that much, please do let me know - I do not intend to impose.