User:N00bian/Lengthy ILI Description

From Wikisocion

Basic Statement

Well, I was bored, I guess and at the time I was writing this, I had in mind to use myself as a model, more or less, if I am ILI. However, the description turned out to be very lengthy and was meant in the end as a very general look at what I think of being ILI. There are a lot of grammar related errors in this description at the moment, but I feel good about the content.

Anyone may use anything here if they think it's at all good, edit it, and such. You can PM Hostage_Child or specify in the 'discussion' area of this page for e-mail or whatever's convenient, as well, if you want to discuss anything where you want my assistance, but otherwise, this is fair game. Revise it as you please, do whatever. This was done on a whim, single sit down period (of a number of hours, but that's having nothing else to do), so I consider this a glossing over of what I think I know on ILI and I did not give an equal focus on each function.

Introverted Intuition

ILI may spend excessive amounts of time in their mind. They may spend much of their time reflecting on scenarios, on bodies of information, and assorted concepts of interest. They may be prone to excessive day dreaming, in creation of mental universes, envisioning their future, the future on a societal scale based on information sources. ILIs may even have novelistic tendencies where they create intricate plots, characters, and places. The ILI naturally has a gift to make these workings of their imagination realistic regardless of the context is futuristic, of the fantastic, or relating to more every day scenarios The ILI strives to match their mental scape with reason which tends to make their imagination averse to over the top visions of glory, romance, heroism, and other hard to believe subject matter or cheesy notions. The ILI, though, will likely spend much of their free time utilzing their vibrant imagination. Some may spend many hours simply exploring and orchestrating one of their created worlds, though they will rarely share their imagination with others or at all share such thoughts.

The ILI, in any case, is ever envisioning how one event leads to another which often leads them to appear wise beyond their years as they early on create models of trends concerning phenomena of any sort that intrigues them. As a result, ILI comes off as detached from people and everyday affairs. Their mind is their oasis where knowledge is treated as a toy or even a vehicle that allows them to visit mental scapes that are shaped and revised by information they get their figurative hands on. ILIs, then, are often stereotypically represented as reclusive scholars, philosophers, scientists, artists, seers, and sages. The ILI, with their often unusual perceptions, may come across as unreachable, esoteric, eccentric, even goofy oddballs. Because of their nature to be perceptive and well-informed, ILIs tend to view the ideas of others with skepticism and scrutiny. While they are far from being close-minded, they often have an intuitive understanding that few of their peers are so in tune with the gift of foresight matched with a thirst for knowledge as is characteristic with the ILI. It is only reasonable to conclude, from the ILI's vantage point in the subject of his expertise, that his peers' ideas are more prone towards error through obliviousness of pieces of intuitive data.

Extroverted Thinking

ILI focuses on surviving the external world versus wallowing in defeat. He is focused, primarily, on achieving practical benefit, at least where his personal interests are concerned, and use the external world to the advantage of his interests. The ILI, then may have in mind to mine the external world for knowledge, especially such that is relevant to his own area of cultivation. Because the ILI is often so protective of his personal interests, whether such interests are necessarily deemed practical or impractical by large scale society, and because he is often adamant about obtaining information that enriches his own understanding of such subjects, this trait often makes ILIs experts in their field of interest. However, this expertise is not always obvious to the ILI or others because the ILI tends to develop early on an understanding that not all proposed truth is true, so the ILI trains himself quickly to gain a sense as to whether a resource is reliable or unreliable, making the ILI prone to doubt and self-doubt as to whether what he knows or what is known is as true as it seems and vice-versa. This is not to say the ILI always builds his knowledge bank upon trustworthy resources, but the ILI will typically develop an aptitude for quickly obtaining information that he personally may consider reliable. Early in life, the ILI will likely experience disappointment in being too trusting with a favored source of information and will likely grow in healthy skepticism from such experiences.

The ILI may turn life experiences, hard earned lessons, and the like into abstract knowledge that remains imprinted in their mind. The ILI may see little point in regret as it can easily be regarded as a form of waste. The ILI, then, may be prone to viewing failures on their part or on the part of others as being a part of learning and as being simply a part of the process geared towards reaching the pinnacle of understanding. In this way, the ILI may try to make waste and wasted attempts a part of reaching a longer term objective. This trait can also make the ILI patient and optimistic despite shortcomings. ILIs can also be scrupulous in removing errors in their facts and statistics, especially in undertakings that they list as being of high priority.

ILI humor is almost always coated with irony, cynicism, witticisms, and sarcasm. Some ILI humor can be deemed offensive generally, but ILIs with a developed understanding of appropriateness can be generally well received comics in their circle of friends and family. When provoked, an ILI can turn this trait towards toxicity where the offender's intelligence is insulted, even reviled. Those who lose their cool with the ILI are especially subjected to this scrutiny. In such situations, the ILI can be seen by others as cold, malicious, even cruel, but the ILI will generally see himself as simply punishing a foolish offender who likely lives to make a fool of himself and prove a nuisance to others in the long run, as well.

Introverted Sensing

ILIs may appreciate physical beauty produced by artwork, written diction and syntax, and by music. They may be sensitive to the point that they may pay high regard to how they approach such undertakings of their own and thus give a sense of having an aesthetic sense to such implementations The ILI are also likely to be concerned as to how HTML coding, design of web pages or of their own produced works of other sorts comes across in terms of being functional. The ILI may spend excessive time, then, revising errors in their programming code, in the appearance of a web page, in how anything important to them and that geared towards public display operates However, ILIs can show immense ineptitude in matters of cleanliness, health and diet, in maintaining their possessions and living areas, and they may pay little attention to their appearance if they place low emphasis on their looks or if they have no one around they care to impress.

Often, the ILIs papers and books will be dog-eared. Most of the ILIs possessions, if not valued properly, tarnish quickly. The ILI may pile clothes, papers, dishes, and the like in haphazard piles. Typically, such items will be placed in the same areas in manner of habit, but it will be done in the method of clutter and untidiness. With their excellent memory, the ILI can usually find objects they are looking for or in need of within a minute or two. If things are misplaced, the ILI usually knows right off bat the most likely areas they may be located in. However, disorganization remains one of the ILIs arch-nemesis. Their best cleaning jobs tend to be haphazard at best where minimal maintenance is attended to. The ILI may find himself blind to dust, grease spots, stains, dirt, and the like. ILIs do not like others to take note of these things and can feel extremely awkward when others make a fuss of this negative trait. However, when dealing with a more corporal environment, the ILI may make unusual effort to do jobs well that require attention to cleanliness. ILIs also tend to overlook minor details which may make some do poorly in subjects such as math which is a highly detailed oriented discipline. Their lack of attention to details can make ILIs forgetful in day to day matters, make them overlook details in plans, and make them fail at efficiency in matters that are grounded in real life or that are full of intricate details. However, to compensate for this in areas of expertise, the ILI will often develop pedantic trouble-shooting skills as mentioned earlier.

Extroverted Feeling

The ILI is not one to make a public display of their deeply held passions. The ILI keeps a face of emotional neutrality where they neither openly express bouts of joy, amusement, anger, or sorrow. The ILI tends to feel like an alien in the midst of groups focused on making emotional scenes whether such scenes be of laughter, of joy, of anger, or of competitive team spirit. The ILI may find themselves irked by such environments though they will typically hide their annoyance with polite indifference and reclusive obviousness This is not to say that the ILI will always be disengaged from groups, especially those where the ILI is familiar with a number of the individuals, and especially where witty humor is involved. Typically, though, when the humor and interaction is geared towards displaying obvious feelings of tribesmanship, jovial enthusiasm, and the like, the ILI will find himself unable to engage himself in such environments. He may decide to hide in his own imagination and play with his own thoughts, however, if the ILI finds a sense of loneliness in him, he may grow embittered though such sentiments will usually keep hidden, and he may remove himself from such an environment as much as possible.

The ILI, in other circumstances, may withdraw or feel very uncomfortable around individuals who send off frequent emotional expressions of attachment towards the ILI unless the person is an already trusted friend or acquaintance where the ILI is comfortable with dealing with such a person. However, especially in the case where the person has not gained the ILIs trust where the ILI feels himself at ease with the person and feels himself safe to be open towards this person about a number of subjects, the ILI may react to such emotional persons with nervousness or even annoyance as the ILI is encountered with someone whose mode is to exchange emotional information which the ILI is not naturally fit for. The ILI may be very avoidant of individuals who are obvious about their feelings and who they are on uncertain grounds with. The ILI may be avoidant in general in order not to gain emotional upheaval of protest in regards to the ILIs personal thoughts, interests, and sentiments. The ILI does not so much fear being misunderstood, though often they are because it is in their nature to be emotionally unreadable and unmovable, as they fear being confronted with emotional outbursts whether of anger or hysterics for their own ideas and personal beliefs. Many ILIs, thus, have enormous trust issues that hamper them in speaking their mind and accepting others into their lives. Even for those the ILI has much respect for and who show good will towards the ILI, the ILI may behave in a manner that bewilders out of a sense of foreboding that this relation will sour if the ILI becomes too open and tries to get too close and becomes too honest. ILIs then, are very private and value solitude immensely for they can usually only feel themselves comfortable where their privacy is not threatened, where they are at ease and can think freely and open up their mind to a vast array of ideas and subjects which the ILI values.

The ILI will always feel incapable of being emotionally vulnerable, especially toward an audience that they do not know well. This is not to say that the ILI cannot fake emotional displays, especially if such displays are meant to make fun of the real thing or simply to be tongue in cheek about something, but if the ILI is truly joyous, angry, and the like, they will try to control these feelings. Deep feelings are only mentioned casually and with emotional neutrality so that only the most perceptive individual can realize the implications of what the ILI has said. ILIs, as mentioned, may have a fear of being the target of another's emotional outburst. Angry confrontations can greatly disturb the ILI as can unwarranted displays of affection that are done out of strong feeling. ILIs have a long fuse but ILIs can explode if a situation proves so overwhelming. An ILI, when in his own outburst, can do and say the unthinkable as they find in them emotions they did not know existed. They lose control and can show displays of physical violence, violent anger, or even can be reduced to a sobbing mess. The ILI may feel himself a total stranger to himself in such times and will dissociate from that part of himself, even trying to block out memories of their emotional undoing out of shame and horror. In any case, the ILI strives to be unmoved by stormy emotions and may look down on those who cannot submit their emotions to reason in almost any and every circumstance.

Extroverted Sensing

ILI lacks the ability to impose his will. He lacks the ability to be proactive in every day affairs. He is characterized by having a low drive, having low energy, making him come off as a slacker, lethargic, and unenthused. The ILI often requires a friendly push to engage in the physical world and to attend real world matters. The ILI can experience a rush in athletics, in running, sprinting, and the like. Their execution of physical actions, however, are often sloppy at best. Nonetheless, the ILI easily adapts to activities that require them to get moving. While the ILI is often very reluctant about matters requiring cleanliness and neatness, they may show willingness in labor that requires them to efficiently transport equipment, organize objects, put things away, lift, etc provided that too much strength is not required. The ILI may also be drawn towards the idea of traveling, of experiencing life directly, but often the ILI will need aid from another to do such things. The ILI may enjoy seeing a wide array of people, places, things. Some ILIs may be attracted to learning about geography and other cultures with the idea in mind of seeing customs, architecture, rituals, and experiencing art, music, and cuisine of new and interesting places and peoples.

Introverted Feeling

ILI tends to value feelings of attachment to those they feel a certain kinship towards. They have a hard time obtaining these sentiments as they are naturally disinterested with most people. However, when the ILI has developed this bond, they tend to hold on to this attachment for long lengths of time regardless of the bond is known to the other or not known, requited or unrequited, generally speaking, Feelings of this sort are rarely talked about with others, but the ILI may be painfully aware of these sentiments. ILIs tend to love from afar or love in their minds and in their solitude if there is something or someone they love. ILIs can even be closet romantics in that they may only explore these feelings in their imagination though they will be reluctant to show this side of them to most people going so far as to deny it. ILIs can also be quite sensitive despite their outward emotional reservation and be far more vulnerable emotionally than what is readily apparent.

ILIs tend to seek more the welfare of others than seek their downfall. In fact, ILIs may have a very strong sense of good-will towards others, generally speaking, if they find the 'others' worthy individuals. ILIs go about this sense of good-will in rather understated, even covert ways. In consequence, the ILIs contributions are often overlooked if at all recognized for what they are and for what kindness they were done in. An ILI greatly appreciates the appreciation of sincere, perceptive individuals who can see the generosity that plays a far more significant role in the ILI's life than what is all seen in the forefront because the ILI is not at all willing to be obvious in their feelings. However, ILIs can be quite willing to be a calm albeit sympathetic listener when those close to them are going through hard times. Their emotional cool can also serve to allow others to be vulnerable without fear of making the ILI be too burdened by negative feelings.

While some ILIs hold a more vindictive edge, especially when they feel slighted by humanity or utterly disappointed in people in general, more optimistic ILIs can be very kindly individuals despite their emotional restraint and reservation. Nonetheless, most ILIs will be treated by most others with uncertainty in how to interact towards them because of their large inability to give off clear emotional data. ILIs seeking emotional ties with individuals may find themselves usually taking the initiative with others to which the ILI may grow frustrated, annoyed,or even become hurt. Others will be satisfied with primarily being left alone or will have at least one or two trusted companions where he feels no need to go out of his way to seek more. But generally, people will be uncomfortable approaching the ILI who will have an emotional wall up for his own protection. Even if he is of a friendly nature, the ILI will need to make his own effort to let others know that they are welcome to approach him and befriend him.

For those who express mutual trust and caring towards the ILI, the ILI can be rather warm, affectionate, playful, and even loving. In cases where someone close to them suddenly turns hostile against the ILI, the ILI may decide that the relation is doomed and choose to ignore the person. The ILI may greatly welcome reconciliation, however, but will likely do nothing to make the first move in order not to look foolish or sentimental. Towards those who have crossed the ILI, the ILI can be very cold and stiff, or they can be subtly mocking, or they can be downright vindictive, displaying toxicity, ill-will, and uncharacteristic aggression. However, the ILI will usually choose to treat the offender with indifference. The ILI may even act cordially if the offender ceases pushing angry sentiments, but it is unlikely that the ILI will ever trust such a person or at all think of them as anything close to a friend. To those who are neither friends nor enemies, the ILI may react in various ways, but usually, it will be in polite indifference. ILIs, though being emotionally dry, can mirror kindness towards those who are kind to them which gives them an aptitude to give a good impression towards others and come across as gentle and polite, even kind towards those who do not know them well if others make the effort or who have in the past made a regular effort to treat the ILI with respect and kind regards.

ILIs with this function less developed can come off as rude, hard, and unfriendly, making them targets of ridicule from those who don't even know them well or who have not interacted with them. Such ILIs may often make remarks that offends others without their knowing until it is too late. This attitude can make the ILI revert to a hardened personality and make them come across as unpleasant, unfeeling, uncaring individuals. However, those who are able to get through to such a representative of the type can find a more perplexed, despondent individual versus a truly antagonistic personality. ILIs, though, try to obey the norms of politeness in social arenas.

Dignity and honor are greatly valued though some ILIs may not even realize how much they value the two. If the ILI believes in an ethical principle, they will likely defend their right to adhere to his principle even if it is not a principle commonly shared. ILIs who place high emphasis on this function may be very rigid in how they follow certain principles and be extremely strict with themselves in how they carry such ethics out. They may look down on those who violate these principles and may be extremely hard on themselves if they fail to act according to these principles This sort of mentality can make some ILIs resemble monastic recluses who would suffer to make themselves 'pure.' Ethics can be placed to such a high importance in some ILIs that they would rather be miserable yet righteous than happy but 'condemned.' These ILIs can be especially austere, sometimes self-righteous, and even severely dissatisfied and depressed because they do not have a natural understanding about ethical principles and can be convinced that something that is not wrong is wrong and vice-versa. Some ILIs can go so far as to become ethically manipulated zombies that will even yield to distorted world perceptions out of guilt and out of submission to the ethical regulations imposed by an outside source. In any case, the ILI may struggle to be ethically pure but will usually require a great deal of outside assistance in regards to matters outside of universal principles..

Extroverted Intuition

ILIs are good at coming up with alternative explanations and alternative solutions to a single problem. This trait can be a cause for optimism in an ILI, but more often than not, the ability to see different possibilities contributes to the ILI's overall pessimistic nature where the ILI wrestles with his own sense of doubt, seeing the ways that anything and everything can go wrong in a matter that he finds important. The ILI rarely will venture to explore possibilities that are outlandish or improbable unless the ILI is purposefully trying to behave outlandishly, usually for comedic effect. In most cases, though, the ILI will only consider the most likely alternatives which may be no more than just a few. ILIs prefer depth of vision versus broadness of vision which also contributes to their negativism where they discount a hopeful alternative to a bad situation as being absurd and serving to distract from the essential matter. In matters of discussion and debate, the ILI does not care much for counter arguments based on unlikely exceptions, especially when such arguments cloud the main issue at hand. The ILI can grow very impatient with people who focus on the unlikely possible events of a scenario, especially when such people seek to spend excessive energy in preventing an unlikely outcome. The ILI can sometimes trust his own foresight so much that he discounts such alternative situations. Usually the ILI is right unless he overlooks certain details which he is prone towards doing which then can make him wrong and a victim of his own presumptuousness. The ILI, also, may have a hard time breaking out of routine behavior. He may recycle interests until the same interests become a drudgery and his intellectual progress becomes stunted.

Introverted Thinking

ILI can make sense of a wide range of concepts. He can see the internal logic behind certain ideas easily. He can also see inconsistencies in his own ideas as well as the ideas of others. He can see the logic behind an array of behavior and phenomena. This quality lends the ILI to strive for precision in thought and clarity and objectivity. The ILI, however, does not like to pick sides in a discussion unless he is truly confident that his position is correct. The ILI may have little regard to overly complicated explanations about how something works. He may consider such details as trivial, unnecessary, uninteresting, and confusing. The ILI will rarely propose a narrow set of guidelines, rules, and restrictions as being the proper method to approach any given situation. The ILI does not at all desire to confine his actions or reasoning to a rigid system.

The ILI is willing to greatly revise or throw out any system that clearly contradicts what the considers to be the facts. People who twist facts to fit a system are treated with distrust sooner or later by the ILI. In a procedure, he may skip steps that he sees as unessential in order to save time and save patience. Those who emphasize systems and intricate models are often treated with bewilderment. Those who try to teach the ILI through such methods will rarely accomplish anything substantial. The ILI does not believe in a single right way or right method to attain an objective. The ILI can show a heedless attitude towards accepted systems if he can manipulate the systems to his advantage or if he simply sees a better way to accommodate his interests. Until a system stands the test of being in agreement with external observable phenomena, in all likelihood, the ILI will totally downplay it or even reject it completely.