
From Wikisocion

I have been banned from the forum.

Was my treatment of dioklecian counter-productive? Probably. Was it excessive trolling? Maybe. Did it justify a permanent ban? Not in a million years.

The truth is that I was banned by an administrator who simply did not accept my freedom of opinion. I will grant that some of my attacks on dioklecian were excessively numerous, but each and every one was justified. More to the point, mcnew has always held a certain prejudice against me for this, that he has branded me as an intolerant bastard. While this is true (but subjectively so), to ban me for this offense, which in my mind is unquestionably what has occurred, is entirely inappropriate.

I do not apologize for the person that I am or for recognizing and pointing out the stupidity of others in a manner which will get people's attention. Part of the reason that this may have gotten out of hand is that others have demonstrated overwhelming stupidity. Is it wrong for me to point this out? I can only wonder.

I will, AFAIK, attend the socionics conference in NYC in early august. It is very unlikely that I will be seen again on forums. I am not likely to check socionix very often unless that forum sprouts some real activity (some of the members there also appear to have a really warped sense of the theory of socionics as well), and I am equally unlikely to actually contribute all that much to wikisocion. Any attempts to communicate with me, including planning for the upcoming conference, should be done via email; my email address is