User talk:Thehotelambush/The Dual Nature of Wikis

From Wikisocion

Interesting article. I can see the tension between the extraverted task of making all things known and accessible, and the introverted task of keeping all things in a system and keeping out the things that don't correspond to the system's needs.

One way we are allowing for both approaches is by having an encyclopedic part, which includes all that is known and available about socionics, and projects -- which necessarily imply a certain approach or understanding to begin with. This is not possible in Wikipedia. --Admin 05:50, 11 July 2007 (CDT)

Yes, you could even say that the collective psyche as a whole is trying to unify the different information elements, and, in a way, to become more self-realized, to bend the limits of its own structure.
I've been reading a lot of Christopher Langan's writings (touching on a lot of his ideas in this essay), and one of the key elements of his theory (CTMU) is the idea of "cognitive syntax", the rules that determine how we perceive reality. It is entirely possible that socionic type is that syntax. Thehotelambush 15:09, 11 July 2007 (CDT)