Visual Identification of Subtypes

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This page is about a theory constructed by a single western socionist. There might only be a handful of socionists who believe in it.

Discussions about visual identification of subtypes frequently occur among western socionists on

This page is about the theory that a 1:1 correlation between some function dichotomies and the facial structure of subtypes exists. It was constructed by proper functional anaylsis and provisional DCNH descriptions.

VI dichotomies

Three VI dichotomies have been proposed so far. Roundish/Longish and Angular/Soft can be used to determine the DCNH subtypes by VI. Mathematical/Natural is more subtle but might be useful to distinguish between the eight IE subtypes. Even though the system of accepting and producing subtypes is still the most often used system in the west, there is still no method to determine accepting and producing subtypes by VI.

function dichotomy positions in model A corresponding VI dichotomy
mental / vital (1,2,3,4) / (5,6,7,8) roundish face / longish face
bold / cautious (1,3,6,8) / (2,4,5,7) soft face / angular face
strong / weak (1,2,7,8) / (3,4,5,6) mathematical face / natural face
accepting / producing (1,3,5,7) / (2,4,6,8) TBD
valued / subdued (1,2,5,6) / (3,4,7,8) TBD
inert / contact (1,4,6,7) / (2,3,5,8) TBD
evaluatory / situational (1,4,5,8) / (2,3,6,7) TBD

Roundish / Longish

People with a strengthened mental function seem to have roundish faces whereas people with a strengthened vital function seem to have longish faces. This difference is very easy to notice.

Angular / Soft

People with a strengthened bold function seem to have soft faces whereas people with a strengthened cautious function seem to have angular faces. In other words: Introverts with introverted subtypes and extraverts with extraverted subtypes have rather soft faces (round or oval) whereas introverts with extraverted subtypes and extraverts with introverted subtypes have rather angular faces (square or rectangle). This dichotomy is more subtle than the first one.

Mathematical / Natural

People with a strengthened strong function seem to have "mathematical" faces (circle, square, rectangle or oval) whereas people with a strengthened weak function seem to have "natural" faces (angular circle, rounded square, broad rectangle, piriform oval). It is relatively difficult to notice this difference.

Visual Identification in different subtype systems

VI of accepting and producing subtypes

No particular pattern concerning the system of accepting and producing subtypes has been detected so far. A correlation between the accepting/producing dichotomy and face-shape does not seem to exist. Nevertheless, there might be other undiscovered patterns.

VI of DCNH subtypes

There seems to be a 1:1 correlation between Gulenko's DCNH subtypes and facial structure. Nevertheless, the correlation is a bit sophisticated because it not only depends on the subtype but also on the temperament:

Subtype EJ temperament EP temperament IJ temperament IP temperament
Dominant subtype circle oval rectangle square
Creative subtype oval circle square rectangle
Normalizing subtype rectangle square circle oval
Harmonizing subtype square rectangle oval circle

This confusing correlation can be explained by function dichotomies:

strengthened functions function dichotomies corresponding VI dichotomies facial structure
base function and role function mental*bold roundish*soft circle
creative function and vulnerable function mental*cautious roundish*angular square
ignoring function and suggestive function vital*cautious longish*angular rectangle
demonstrative function and mobilizing function vital*bold longish*soft oval

VI of IE subtypes

Gulenko's IE subtypes seem to correlate with facial structure very well:

strengthened function function dichotomies corresponding VI dichotomies facial structure
base function mental*bold*strong roundish*soft*mathematical circle
creative function mental*cautious*strong roundish*angular*mathematical square
role function mental*bold*weak roundish*soft*natural arbitrary circle
vulnerable function mental*cautious*weak roundish*angular*natural rounded square
suggestive function vital*cautious*weak longish*angular*natural broad rectangle
mobilizing function vital*bold*weak longish*soft*natural piriform oval
ignoring function vital*cautious*strong longish*angular*mathematical rectangle
demonstrative function vital*bold*strong longish*soft*mathematical oval

See also