
From Wikisocion
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Welcome to the Wikisocion community!

If you are a new editor, you may want to visit the Help page.

Wikisocion vision

Wikisocion was created in May, 2007 with the intention of facilitating intellectual collaboration, effective transmission of ideas, and the consolidation and improvement of available information on socionics. These goals are being met right now. The long-term vision of Wikisocion is to become a sort of mirror of the socion itself, where all kinds of information and people are brought together and given their proper expression.

In addition to being an encyclopedia of information, methods, conclusions, and resources circulating in the socionics community, Wikisocion has the room and means to accommodate all sorts of collaborative endeavors that open up new territory in socionics. Wikisocion is a non-commercial, permanent project.

What can be done with Wikisocion

There are many things that a wiki site can handle more easily than other kinds of sites (such as a forum or static website). Here are some of those things:

  1. writing encyclopedia-style articles that objectively examine multiple viewpoints
  2. discussing the contents of each article just one click away from the article itself
  3. providing intrasite links so that readers can quickly find definitions of all important or unfamiliar terms
  4. providing free user pages where participants can talk about themselves and their views and leave each other messages
  5. presenting hypotheses and research that need input, and critiquing others' work

In many ways, a wiki site is like a forum — but where information never gets lost and is continually improved over time. It is perfectly suited to the storage and accumulation of knowledge.

Why contribute to Wikisocion

All material published at Wikisocion belongs to the public domain, which means that anyone may copy it and use it for their own purposes if they provide a reference to the source. Also, material that is taken from the site and published elsewhere must also remain in the public domain. Why, then, contribute to Wikisocion?

Authorship is recognized on the "history" page of every article, as well as on "talk" pages. This means that other active contributors will quickly learn who you are and will appreciate your efforts to improve the site. If you would like to be drawn into an environment of more rigorous socionics discussion, Wikisocion is the place for you. Like the rest of us, you will gain much understanding in the process. The end result will belong to you just as much as to the rest of us, or even to the site sponsor.

By becoming a participant of Wikisocion, you will get a user page where you can post writings of your own. If you are active in editing the site's pages, your articles will likely attract attention and comments from other users. This is a quick and direct way of gaining feedback and positive recognition for your original thoughts, experience, or approaches without having to spend months or years building a reputation at socionics forums.

How and where to begin contributing

Writing, editing, fixing typos, resolving organizational problems, and improving aesthetics are all very much welcome. If you're a beginner at wikis, visit our help page and try making test edits at our sandbox. Don't hesitate to edit typos and improve awkward wording on the site, even if you're not too experienced in socionics. Posting comments, questions, and objections on talk pages is also a good way to "flex your muscles." When you are ready to begin helping with content, the following lists of pages are a good place to start:

Pages with inaccuracies | Incomplete pages | Good pages | Need work | Pages for review

Wikisocion policies

Basic principles of Wikisocion are objectivity and conscientiousness, or good will. Users who consistently and maliciously disregard these principles will be blocked.

The Mediawiki software allows vandalism to be handled easily and for pages to restored if they have been deleted or defaced. Also, the Wikisocion database is backed up regularly.

Wikisocion news

(List includes both "boring" technical updates and "interesting" site landmarks.)

  • July 21, 2007: Copyright terms added to page footer
  • July 17, 2007: Extra "/~wikisocion" successfully removed from site URLs
  • July 17, 2007: Sidebar issues resolved
  • July 10, 2007: Number of users reaches 20
  • July 6, 2007: First texts added to type descriptions
  • July 5, 2007: First independent link to Wikisocion from a site unrelated to this one
  • May 30, 2007: Wikisocion launched, with both English and Russian versions

Contacting Wikisocion

Complaints about Content and Mediation

If you have a complaint about the content of the wiki or have some disagreements with other registered user that you feel require a decision by the Admin, please contact hkkmr at