
From Wikisocion

Like any community setting, Wikisocion has rules of civility that participants must abide by. Infringements will be countered through a number of mechanisms. The goal is not to ban or block users, but to preserve objectivity and the high quality of information.

Derogatory comments

Derogatory comments are not allowed in Wikisocion articles. Criticism is to be presented in objective, reasonable form, presenting examples when appropriate. Here is an example of derogatory comments (regarding a socionics forum):

"Very poor quality. Polluted with personal attacks and counter-attacks. More a place for socializing, social and power politics than sincere socionics discussion. The management totally sucks."

An appropriate critical comment might read:

"Many participants complain of personal attacks. Much of the forum is filled with socializing rather than discussion of socionics."

Ill will

Users and IP addresses will be blocked when ill will has been clearly displayed. An example of ill will is repeatedly inserting the same comment without explanation after it has been removed multiple times for a good reason. This shows a lack of willingness to discuss one's contributions and is intended to make other people mad.

Depending on the specific situation and the degree of ill will expressed, the user or IP address will be blocked for a certain period of time. If identical infringements occur after access has been restored, the user or IP address may be blocked permanently.


Wikisocion has zero tolerance for spamming and will block an IP address permanently if spam is discovered. Spam is defined as links to completely unrelated materials with no text that is relevant to socionics.