Delta Quadra: The Complex of Clipped Wings by Stratiyevskaya

From Wikisocion

By Vera Stratievskaya.


Delta – the quadral complex of "clipped [undercut] wings", as any quadral complex, comes from a set of four aspects that predominate in this quadra: evolutionary logic of actions (+Te), evolutionary ethics of relations (+Fi), involutionary intuition of potential (-Ne), and involutionary sensing of sensations (-Si), that form three dominant quadral traits:

1. "Aristocratic" trait (rational aspects are evolutionary, with a plus sign; irrational aspects are involutionary, with a minus sign: +Te, +Fi, -Ne, -Si)
In accordance with this trait, every person has the right 1) to establish relations of subordination 2) to create a hierarchy, support and protect it 3) to support already established within the hierarchy traditions and rituals and keep track of their observance 4) to subordinate those below him and to comply with those above him 5) to put claims to the dominant positions within the system and to fight for one’s right to occupy them 6) to fight for and to accumulate positional advantages in rights, privileges, and opportunities 7) to interact with others from positions of advantage 8) to suppress with the authority of personal opinion and action 9) to control and critique the statements of lower ranking members of the hierarchy, limiting their right to expression on any forbidden subjects 10) to authoritatively impose one's own point of view, decisions, power, and will.

2. "Objectivist" trait (predominance of evolutionary logic of actions and ethics of relations: +Fi +Te)
In accordance with this trait, every person has the right 1) to trust their personal experience – professional, pragmatic, business experience derived from personal observations – and insist on one’s right to further act in accordance to it 2) to trust facts and to become persuaded by facts – to provide them as the main proof of one's correctness 3) to evaluate the situation by already transpired facts and to act in accordance with circumstances existing up to date, trusting one's own experience and one's notion of expedience of a particular course of action 4) to evaluate a person according to the level of his qualifications, based on facts of his professional training, attainments, and competence 5) to remove (or ask for removal) from work those who are inept and negligent, to push them out from work and projects 6) to fight for one's own participation in work or a project, for one's place on a working team, and to be able to defend it.

3. "Judicious" trait (predominance of involutionary intuition of potential and sensing of sensations: -Ne -Si)
In accordance with this trait, every person has the right 1) to develop their own creative abilities and talents, to be proud of them, and to demonstrate them at any convenient opportunity 2) to freely develop one’s own creative potential, to choose an occupation by one’s preferences 3) to at length discuss any interesting to them topic from perspective of multiple meanings, demanding respect towards one’s opinion irrespective of whether or not one is knowledgeable of the topic 4) to respect the opinion of authoritative experts, to make references to authoritative sources (for as long as they are considered to be so) 5) to indefinitely talk about and discuss an interesting to them problem instead of resolving it (or in place of resolving it)

The confluence of predominating aspects assigns the following properties to the Delta Quadra:
- boundless perfection of one's skills, pursuit of the highest (beyond the bounds, even other-wordly), professionalism (+Te↑);
- unlimited expansion of allowable opportunities, pursuit of transcendent possibilities (-Ne↑);
- constant renewal and updates to sphere of interests; renovation and expansion of one's habitat ("resettlement programs");
aspirations for out-of-bounds spaces (-Si↑);
- perfection in the area of ethical interactions; the pursuit of the highest spirituality to the otherworldly dream of "peace and cloudless happiness for all mankind" (+Fi↑).

Out of the combination of the properties of all aspects that predominate in the Delta Quadra, there arises a very high level of competition of ambitious creative plans, prospective original ideas, and valuable innovative projects.

To call oneself an author, an organizer, a sponsor, an implementer, and promoter of such projects is in itself already venerable. The main thing is to not remain apart from such important and promising developments, but to be able to join them and in time exert one's influence, leaving on them the imprint of one's talent, to keep up in making contributions to such significant and socially meaningful works.

All this excitement of the creative fever makes Delta Quadra be very meticulous and demanding towards the creative and spiritual demands of others. In the fourth quadra, that person is not worthy of attention and respect, who is not absorbed by a creative thirst, who does not strive to realize his own potential, who is in no hurry to develop his own talents, skills, and abilities. It's not possible to write of the 4th Quadra in a modest tone – this cascade of creative plans, this firework of extravagant ideas.

If in Alpha Quadra it is shameful to not have a retort, in Beta Quadra - to be weak and helpless, in Gamma Quadra - to be lazy and inactive, then in Delta Quadra it is a shame to not strive for self-improvement, a shame to cease working on yourself. If Delta Quadra tells others: "You still have something to work on," - they sincerely believe that they are doing good work by raising the bar of demands (and thereby putting themselves in the position of a strict critic, a teacher, a creative mentor), making others perfect and improve in their skill and abilities in order to unravel their potential. On the other hand, when they are subjected to criticisms and find themselves in an undesired position of a "student", Delta Quadra gets offended by such self-appointed teachers and tries to escape from their "care" and "mentorship", retorting with: "I'm satisfied with everything about my work. I'm content with what I'm doing and not in need of outside advice." (If this is said in presence of an ethical type of Delta Quadra, one may get immediately reprimanded: "Why are you talking like this with this person? He wanted to help you, to offer his advice, and you ...")

The mere fact of such a critical remark already serves as a cause for irritation: that some all too proactive person has showed up and taken the opportunity, the situational advantage, to address others from the position of a critic: that this person was able to hurt/sting someone's pride and to impose his own view. And who has asked him to do so? Who has put him in the position of an arbitrator? By what right does he speak here?

Delta Quadra is afraid of:
- underestimation of their creative and possibilistic potential;
- any restrictions imposed on their possibilities and creative potential;
- any "undercuttings" that "clip the wings" of their creative plans;
- any demeaning criticisms of their unfinished and unpolished work;
- afraid of the incompetent, haphazard, chaotic influences that may be exerted by ambitious ignoramuses, illiterates, non-specialists, and self-appointment arbiters on their work;
- afraid of their stupid questions and primitive conceptions that involuntarily force them to lower and understate the level of their work, to adapt and fit it into another's narrow and miserable worldview; afraid of any comments that remind them that out there there's a huge number of ignoramuses who consider themselves in the right to bring all the creative potential of a person down to their own primitive level, and later, using words of other "authoritative critics", guilt and shame this person for the "primitive" and "crude" level of their work.

Delta quadra is afraid:
- of the contradictory statements, that drive their work and their creative search to a standstill;
- of stupidity, jealousy, and ignorance of random self-appointed critics who can, incidentally, with a single careless and tactless word or action, push them down from the height of their achievements and honors (simply because some enjoy being destructive).

Delta Quadra fears the destruction of all that they see as valuable, good, positive, wholesome and is afraid of people who destroy from feelings of envy and jealousy, out of their own inadequacy, or out of boredom, having nothing to do, "just because", "to have some fun in life".

The fear of these destructive influences, the fear of shattering of one's hopes and creative plans, awaits the creative person, who everywhere runs into the envy and the envious; the fear of the inability to realize one’s own creative potential, being surrounded by jealous and vengeful people, who self-assert and entertain themselves by the destroying other people's creative initiatives and plans; the fear of being thrown down from the heights of honors and attained creative goals - such fears constitute the most wide-spread phenomenon in Delta Quadra.

The destruction of hopes connected with the realization of ambitious creative goals, the fear of obstacles that arise along this way, the fear of limitations placed on the creative and possibilistic potential, in this essay we will conventionally call the COMPLEX OF CLIPPED WINGS.

The high demands of Delta Quadra.

Becoming a hero, or a professional and specialist of the highest class in Delta Quadra is very respectable. But what gathers even more respect is to go beyond the permissible possibilities and to become a visionary, a prophet, a psychic healer, a miracle worker, or a saint. The plank of standards and demands in Delta Quadra is constantly being raised higher and higher - what yesterday was in the realm of impossible, today is almost commonplace.

On the background of such ambitious demands, even the highest instances of heroism and professionalism begin to dim, while the achievements of other quadra seem almost laughable. In Alpha Quadra, Deltas are frankly bored: there it all starts and ends with conversation, while one can only dream of real success. Of Beta Quadra there's nothing to say: there everyone is trying to seize power, to make a career, instead of "rising above" and aiming for those frontiers that are higher than any worldly power. Gamma Quadra are generally boring people. What can one talk with them about? The only interests they have is work - home, work - home. And this is life?

Another matter is the fourth quadra. Here lies the real expansive field for creativity! The real freedom for imagination! Here, any person is either enlightened or genius! Here, even a simple bum is not a nobody, but a wandering philosopher, a treasure chest of wisdom, an abyss of talent.

Here in Delta Quadra real life abounds! Here is the real society! Here is the light!

It presents a difficulty for Delta types to live among representatives of other quadra - their demands and expectations are too high and hard to live up to. The hardest time they have in the orthogonal and opposite to them Beta Quadra, where on mere self-opinion and conceit one cannot get far. Neither will the Beta Quadra permit a person to depart to virtual reality - they will bring him down to the solid ground, push him out as the "weak link", lead him to a "monastery" as a "sacrifice".

Neither it is always easy for the Delta Quadra to exist among their own: on the background of high, ambitious ideas, there arises high competition of projects and plans that are only enough to announce to assert oneself. One person voiced something, another made an announcement - and lo and behold, they started to respect each other for the next half an hour, further waiting for their words to become embodied into actions, into something concrete - waiting for that miracle that has to happen. (And if this miracle doesn’t occur, it is always possible to change the facts - to say that somewhere it has already happened - and someone has even witnessed it and was able to use its results: and thanked for the good advice and the miraculous method or remedy.)

Like any other "objectivists” - pragmatists, Delta Quadra - are masters of bluffing, mystifying, and elevating their own value. The leaders of this quadra are the "declaring", "child-like" intuitive ethical types - who are protected by their snobbery, convinced of their rightness and of their higher destination, and certain that intentions can justify the means if only the intentions were good.

If the "mystificator" has not seen to his entourage – if it didn’t occur to him to gather sufficient protection, to surround himself by a mysterious and secret aura, if he hasn't thought out the execution and technology of his wonders – this means that it's time to push him out, to displace from the pedestal of a kind of "miracle worker", to ground him, to bring him down to earth where he'll be shown his real place. Let him work and dig the earth like all ordinary people if he is incapable of anything else.

On the other hand, how does one ground him if he has imagined who knows what? – if he has acquired influential friends, if he gets broadcasted over TV to millions of people – how can he be stopped?

And a sharp word is for what? – Here, it will undercut his wings.

There are enough wits and sharp tongues in the fourth quadra. Here everyone is JUDICIOUS and has no trouble being glib-tongued, never at a loss for a word or a retort. And since these are "judicious" "aristocrats" "objectivists", Delta Quadra knows how to stand up for themselves by word and by deed: they know how to keep at a height, how to keep on dominating positions (at least situationally), how to defend these positions (even if for a brief moment) by the facts of their real (even if momentary and short-lived) situational victory over their contact.

If not by word, then by deed that the Delta Quadra (mostly, intuitive types) will win over their contacts or potential competition - by a deed, that to the detriment of their contact, in his name but without his consent, will put him in a humiliating position, from which he won’t soon recover, that will "frame" him on all counts, and, at the same time, add to the "weight", privileges, advantages, and rights of the one who has so cleverly set him up. (To do "a good deed" such that the recipient ends up in a hopelessly dependent position, and in addition to that, to receive benefit and use for oneself - of course, for this one needs to be refinedly tricky.)

To get caught by hand at an embarrassing deed, Delta Quadra - especially the intuitive ethical types - dislikes very much. To feel a sting to their self-esteem and to become humiliated in the presence of other people can be very discomforting to them (especially when they were aiming for new heights). It’s painful to them to feel such "cuts" on their "wings", that pull them downward, helplessly and powerlessly sagging, forcing them to leave ingloriously the higher spheres and to give way to the pedestal for others.

Delta Quadra is very sensitive to the collapses of their hopes and ideas, their intellectual, spiritual, and creative plans.

For those who fly too high, the downfall is painful. The fear of this downfall is a widespread manifestation of complex of "clipped wings". Attempts of developing protection against this fear by "falling in love" with one’s fall ("To lie in the sweat of vice and admiration for one’s own downfall ..."), to morally degrade yet still be above judgment and scornful valuations, subjectively insisting on one's own moral superiority - is one of the most common defenses from the quadral complex in Delta Quadra - even open sexual relations are not considered something reprehensible - for what could be wrong with love? (-Ne↑; +Fi↑).

Delta Quadra does not tolerate:
- When their right to spiritual, moral, professional, and creative self-improvement and self-realization is challenged;
- When their moral, spiritual, intellectual, and professional superiority is questioned and challenged.

For Delta Quadra, especially intuitive types, it could be painful to witness the intellectual, spiritual, moral and professional superiority of others - due to which he wishes to humiliate them, the more so the more this turns into real successes and advantages for them. Envy towards the success of others - is one of the most widespread manifestations of the Delta Quadra complex of "clipped wings": the fewer personal successes, the more ambitions and the more jealousy is aimed at the successes of another (the feeling of personal loses needs to be compensated for somehow).

Delta Quadra does not tolerate:
- When their right to an all-sided and fullest implementation of their creative ideas, their possibilistic, intellectual and spiritual potential is being challenged;
- When someone is challenging their right to enjoy (even slightly) their successes, plans, and fantasies.
- When they are not allowed to be proud of them, to rejoice at ridding of the envy towards other people's success, to rejoice at the victory over their own pride.

Delta types can engage in creative self-realization, in attempts to find themselves, in self-development and perfection until very old age (if they are not obstructed). The motto of Delta Quadra is: maximum successes, opportunities, and prospects - to maximize the implementation of all that is possible and wanted.

Spontaneous control and aspirations to dominate as a development of protective measures on the quadral complex of "clipped wings".

Considering it to be debasing to themselves to become included in the process of fierce competition that suppresses business and creative activities of the participants, Delta Quadra first tries to exclude from their sphere of business and creative interaction all factors that could generate such competitive conditions. Therefore, in the process of spontaneous interaction with others, they establish relations of subordination, that would allow them to correct their actions and establish over him ethical (moral, spiritual, psychological) as well as professional and business control.

In Delta Quadra, each considers himself or herself entitled to control and correct the behavior and actions of others. All of this is done in the framework of professional, business, or ethical initiatives, that Delta Quadra does not consider necessary to concede to anyone else.

On the fact of actual domination and spontaneously folded relations of subordination **, in the process of interaction in Delta Quadra, each person becomes either the dominant (self-appointed and self-willed) - the controller, the mentor - a person free and independent of someone else's will, enabled and entitled to correct and control the actions and expression of others - or he becomes a dependent, the suppressed, the "controlled", made to obey the demands of "controller-mentor", to spontaneously "report" and "confess" in front of him (as well as others if the dominant commands it) at his first demand.

(**) Unlike the "aristocrats" "subjectivists" of Beta Quadra, Delta Quadra as "aristocrats - objectivists" do not need system hierarchical appointments to the dominant role. They themselves claim the rights to dominate, i.e. out of their own initiative and by the circumstances: whoever has kept up, takes the power; whoever was skillful enough managed to redistribute it within the system (his work group, team, family); those who can retain their positions within its framework. But even in this case Delta Quadra as an "objectivist" quadra does not consider itself obliged to obey any system relations, based on the basic principle of objectivism, "person above the system" ("individual rights above the rights of the system"), related to the predominance of objectivist logic of actions (Te) in both third and fourth quadra, and the displacement of aspect of system logic of relations (Ti) to a subordinate position.

"Showing care" for the "controlled", Delta Quadra may at any time demand from him a report on anything. And won't rest until they receive a sincere and truthful answers to all the questions that interest them. They won't back down until they manage to impose their own conditions, opinions, and solutions onto the "controlled" concerning all aspects of his life, until they obtain a full report from him about all the events happening or planned in his life, until they learn of all that the "controlled" thinks and feels, of what is happening in his soul and of what he has in his mind. (This is called a demonstration of true personal sensitivity in Delta Quadra - true care for one's neighbor).

As the result, a rather flexible and dynamic hierarchy forms, in which the dominants change quite often. The winner is always the one who at all times keeps the priority positions for himself or herself:

- The one who monitors the situation from the point of view of his or her personal, even if momentary and short-term, leadership or dominance;

- the one who biulds and controls any situation from the standpoint of his or her personal (even if self-assigned) privileges, rights, and benefits; who models all the factors and all the conditions affecting the situation in accordance to his own personal plans, intentions, priorities, and ambitions;

- the one who has the last word, opinion, or action, and who can impose it on the "controlled" as a kind of immutable absolute with which the other person needs to comply (often due to some previously achieved agreements, which are now "inconvenient" to reject);

- the one who always knows best what and how needs to be done, when and to whom one needs to speak and what to say, and who constantly teaches this to others, while now allowing to get taught himself;

- the one who always controls others but doesn't recognize any control over himself;

- the one who finds flaws and faults with others, while ignoring or not taking seriously the criticism in one's own address;

- the one who flexibly adapts to constantly changing conditions and circumstances, complying with the "spirit of the times", with current demands of encouraged ideologies;

- the one who can be conformist, who can frequently change up his views, who is able to carefully and flexibly integrate into the existing system of relations,

- the one who can simultaneously be humble and ambitious, who can be deliberately uninhibited in his actions and ostentatiously dependent on the conditions and agreements that permit re-addressing this real or imagined dependability to others;

- the one who, while calling others to reconcile, to yield, to comply, to extend favors, to go for other-wordly mutual concessions, himself refuses to obey, to submit, to yield: who falls into panic and becomes offended almost to tears when any concessions are asked of him;

- the one who, while displacing and suppressing others, at the same time remains "at a height", under any circumstances retaining the position of "moral and ethical superiority," remaining in public opinion a person who’s in all respects infallible - "the standard of morality", "the stronghold of ethics", "the locus of all virtues."

All of the above listed conditions make the "dominant" person in Delta Quadra develop a fairly complex and double-moded position within the system of relations, but in hierarchical Delta Quadra society such a position is fully possible, natural, and acceptable. And in many cases, it is necessary - otherwise, how can one take pride of one’s supposed humility, to suppress with one’s illusory moral and ethical superiority, and at the same time judge others for the sin of pride?

Moral superiority as a development of protective measures against the complex of "clipped wings".

The ability to incline others to make concessions while not conceding themselves - is one of the greatest victories of Delta Quadra. Slogans: "Think about others!", "Yield your rights to another!", "Give up your privileges for the benefit of others!" - turn out to be that very same measure that curbs the rights of others, allowing the Delta "controller-mentor" to act in full swing, to the maximum of his strengths and abilities, to the full extent of his potential, while he himself remains free from any possibilistic limitations. By controlling and subordinating others, he obeys no one himself - nothing binds and chains his own creative initiatives and plans, nothing hinders the growth of his ambitions and the creative flight of his imagination.

In Delta Quadra the skies are free and open for all (in theory!) - each person has the right to freedom of creative self-expression. Each has the right to endlessly cultivate his or her talents, to later realize them in grandiose projects that bring benefits to society, moving it far ahead.

With such an abundance of "flights" of individual creativity, in lieu of of this (even if imaginary, conditional) encouragement towards active creation ("Create! Take off! But do not obstruct others!"), in "heaven" - in the realm of creative and business beginnings of Delta Quadra - space becomes just as overcrowded and tight as on the ground, in the mortal bustling world of Gamma Quadra and all previous quadrants.

Therefore, in the "airspace" of bold creative explorations and ambitious darings of Delta Quadra, one should be particularly polite and careful so as to not cast down one's contact in a case of a collision, so as to not cause him irreparable damage by this - such are the rules! These rules are mentioned everywhere. Those who violate these rules are not taken into the team, but instead pushed out of projects and business, taught and re-educated at every step, ruthlessly "broken", and, after losing all hopes for their rehabilitation, passed around a mile away.

Themselves Delta Quadra, in an effort to seize initiative and come out to a leading position, also go around these rules. Sometimes they aggressively react to the slightest resistance to their opinion, their will, wishes, action plan, and initiatives. (This is understandable and acceptable: their natural ("aristocratic") desire to dominate, to aggressively impose their opinions and will ("heterogeneity on trait of aggression") is what allows them to self-organize into hierarchies and establish vertical chains and links within the system.)

Another option - is the assertion of moral superiority and domination through the accumulation of ethical benefits (+Fi ↑) - manifests itself in the pursuit of the superficial, illusory peace, due to which Delta Quadra itself, and especially "child-like" ethical types, often fall into the position of a victim, encountering deaf resistance and lack of understanding of their positive ethical motivations.

Imposing on their contacts the "game of giveaway" and relying on reciprocity in yielding and making concessions (at least out of politeness), Delta Quadra is upset and disappointed when they are instead met with a boorish, user attitude to their generous and sincere offers of love, friendship, and mutual assistance ... Their dreams of mutually beneficial, pleasant, and relaxing interactions turn into dust - the world is, as it turns out, not ready for such pure and sublime relations. A feeling arises of condensing "crowdedness" and disarray, simultaneously - a sense of harsh and vicious struggle and confrontations, where all are pushing each other, pushing out, pushing away, casting down from dizzying heights, ruthlessly undercutting each other wings; refusing to understand each other even when explanations are given. A desire comes up to "punish", to reject all of this frustrating and disappointing reality, but this doesn't fit with the postulated ethical principles, among which modesty and forgiveness - are principal.

Although, later on, after the battle, one may "shake his fists", recall all the lost privileges and to try to restore them. One can conduct "educational work" with one's contact (especially if this is a close person or a permanent partner). Talk with him seriously, condemning his behavior and reminding where and in what he was wrong, to "teach him for the future". The one who is first to find a fault to pick - the first one to seize the initiative, the first to express his offense and disappointment, the first to capture the role of the "mentor" - will hold a "debriefing" of all the "take offs and flights", and will leave the last word to himself - he will become the "supervisor" and push himself into the role of a "dominant" in his current relationship. He will impose onto his contact the role of the "guilty", thereby pushing him to subordinate positions, and monitor his behavior at every opportunity, reminding him of his past (real or fictional) faults and guilt - "he didn't say the right thing", "didn't look the right way", "upset or offended a person by a defiant tone "... (the possibilities are endless here).

Further on, this still situational "dominant", will continue to struggle for the right to control the actions of his "ward". He will monitor his behavior, his current personal ties and relationships, reprimand, edify, and mentor, and, raising the demands, seek further concessions from him. Arbitrarily changing his system of evaluations and attitudes towards his "ward's" actions, the "dominant" will manipulate him, pushing him into an even more humiliating subordinate position. He put the "controlled" into a more dependent position, which subsequently will become more constant and fixed by established tradition, habit or ritual. The “subordinate” will be required, at a certain intervals, to report of his actions, hear out new criticisms, get new "instructions" and strictly comply with them, and then report on them again.

Any attempts to change anything in these relations that have folded up to date may be deeply disappointing and hurtful to the "mentor": it turns out he wasted his time in vain - his hopes to "re-educate" the person did not realize - his work did not bring any results. For each new disappointment and frustration, for the destruction of hopes and illusions and inflicted in connection with this offenses, the "controlled" will have to answer again: regardless of the outcome, the educational effect on him will be exerted with an even greater, many times multiplied force.

And every expenditure of effort needs to be compensated. Thus, the "controller" (expecting a recoupment of all "costs" incurred by him in the present and in the future) also becomes a victim of his educational project - a victim that very "hoax" into which he initially pulled the "controlled". It will be a good resolution of this situation if the "controlled" person, faced with real fruits of this labor, realizing himself a helpless and nonviable "zombie" - a puppet in foreign hands, a victim of other's ambitions and foreign evil will - does not repay his "controller" with all that is due, and thank him in full measure for all the "good" - for all the forced and irreversible concessions, for the inescapable humiliating position, for the series of omissions that have left no hope and no chances for the future, for his crippled by bondage and slavery past and present life, which essentially isn't a life at all.

The habitual conviction in his own correctness does not allow the "mentor" to admit his own mistakes. When faced with the actual evidence of his guilt, he, even if he plays the game of "being hurt", won’t deem himself to be "guilty". The false, polysemous pathos of Delta intuitive types and characteristic for them snobbery - is a common characteristic of Delta Quadra's complex of "clipped wings". And it often gets expressed as an effort to renounce and turn away from the realities of their existence, and soar in their own opinion of themselves, to an out-of-reach for others subjective idealism, in a bid to be above any objective criteria and evaluations, remaining inaccessible to being compared with others in their own closed off and self-contained world of their own inflated self-esteem.

Expansion of one's field of possibilities as a development of protective measures on the quadral complex of "clipped wings".

The desire to create a situation that is conducive to conflict and violence, and to cultivate within it the role of a victim, becoming the recipient of sympathies of others - can also be seen as a manifestation of the complex of "clipped wings": the person wasn't allowed to feel free and uninhibited in a public place, his innocent caprices and pranks were cut short, he was upset, offended, disappointed, his desired entertainment was ruined - what is all this, if not a limitation of his personal freedom, his personal rights and possibilities (-Ne↑)?

And Delta Quadra loves "fooling around" - they are people, too, though closer to angels, preferring not to see or to have any imperfections.

Delta intuitive types especially like to get mischievous (it is no accident that, same as Alpha intuitives, they are called "child-like"). Through "harmless pranks" they push the boundaries of what is permissible to them and expand the realm of options and possibilities. By ignoring what's not permitted, it is possible to subtly expand the boundaries of what is permitted, of the normative behavior that "as a joke" - "just for fun" - getting merged and blurred in its boundaries with non-normative acts, can shock someone "a bit", offend them a little, or considerably disconcert and baffle them.

Especially when there is an experiment at stake (one that pushes the boundaries of what is permissable), any evil can be regarded as good. In any case, limits imposed on their private initiatives are a sensitive and painful topic for Delta Quadra: who likes getting caught by their hand, especially over something so minor as an innocent prank, a funny joke, a cruel hoax, a jeering parody or mockery - what could be more harmless?

In defense of the complex of "clipped wings" also works the popular in Delta Quadra slogan "We are born to turn fairy tales into reality", which constitutes a reference to the expansion of the realm of possibilities and the study of limits (and transcendent spheres) of possibilistic potential of human beings, which happens chiefly at the expense of others. (As a corollary of pragmatism, associated with predominance of aspects of logic of actions (+Te↑) and intuition of alternative potential possibilities (-Ni↑), and quadral traits of "aristocracy", "objectivism", and "judiciousness".)

Delta Quadra literary and cinematographic works provide telling illustrations of the interest in this subject. For example - a person working in the sphere of other-worldly possibilities, enthusiastically involved in fantastically bold experiments - is the theme of the famous works of Mikhail A. Bulgakov (LSE, Stirlitz) "Heart of a Dog" and "The Fatal Eggs".

Drawing a person into a competition, enticing him get involved "on a dare", captivating him by an extravagant idea, and then using him as a guinea pig in a dangerous experiment, here does not constitute a problem - if only there's a wish! Volunteering "Icaruses" who wish to fly up all the way to the sun in Delta Quadra are found soon enough (and if not, can search in the other quadra). Moreover, the "commander's order" and the "parental mandate" is given to them a tone that does not allow any objections. And how could it be otherwise? - If one takes risks, then risk big, if one expands the boundaries of permissible possibilities, then do so in full swing, on big scale, with a greater advantage over the others.

It is for this reason that Delta Quadra is so persistent with its plans that they do not see as possible to back down or deviate from them. Thus, they persistently impose them on the designated "realizers", pulling volunteering enthusiasts into a whirlpool of events, out which it is not possible to get out without incurring losses and damages (otherwise, what kind of an experiment would this be?). For this, the "volunteers" get thrown "into the orbit" of the creative and research explorations of Delta Quadra and retained there against their will (the experiment cannot end ahead of time!). After all, someone needs to take the risk. Someone or something needs to be sacrificed - especially when one wants to distinguish oneself, to become famous and well-acclaimed, to become a sought-after figure, to show oneself and demonstrate one's creative potential in something new and unknown but useful and interesting to the public. And in this the influence of the quadral complex of "clipped wings" can also be glimpsed, which prohibits Delta Quadra from abandoning their dreams, from turning away from their plans and goals, and pushes them ahead to realize themselves at any cost.

The checks for out-of-bounds abilities of a person - his beyond the limits endurance and capacity for work, his limitless compliance, humility and kindness, an attempt to transform and turn a wretched primitive being into a highly spiritual being - are very prestigious and popular in Delta Quadra. (Especially if one is allowed to achieve outstanding results: who does not want to feel himself a miracle worker, a magician, a Pygmalion?)

One problem arises here: this search for new wonders sometimes corrupts the potential "miracle worker", especially if his ambition has no limit, his conscience is lacking, and his moral foundations are not too strong.

In this way, for example, in an effort to show herself as an outstanding folk healer, one sweet lady of type IEE, Huxley, a physician's assistant with extensive work experience, experimented with the healing properties of raw potatoes on her children and grandchildren, insisting on them being a universal alternative to all existing medicines. Using raw potatoes as a supposed effective remedy for healing wounds, she forbade her children to treat their cuts and wounds with a disinfectant (a solution of alcohol or iodine) and instead made them hold a tampon filled with grated, raw potatoes to their cuts. Many times she has tried this household "curative" remedy, and the result was always the same: an abscess would start, the child suffered, she urged him to be patient and wait a little longer: "The pain will soon pass and you will feel good!". Only when the inflammation was rampant and the children developed a fever, would she send them to a clinic and allow them to get treated there. (Feverish and sick, they had to sit in reception, wait in line for their turn, then explain themselves before the doctors.) Over the years, she ran such experiments alternately on her children and grandchildren, who lived under the same roof with her for a long time, who were under her constant influence, under her watchful medical supervision, fully trusting and obeying her in all, despite the fact that her tips each time brought them to trouble. Ignoring the real, the actual results of this "therapy", she cheerfully reported about the alleged successes to her friends, telling them about the miraculous properties of the raw potato, and urged them to practice this method, referring to the fact that "for her grandson these potato lotions helped". Expanding her circle friends, she announced and asserted herself as a successful folk medicine healer, and continued to use the people in her household as a reserve for new experiments.

In an effort to become famous and acclaimed, Delta Quadra types can go very far. The "side costs" of their "research work" meanwhile aren't much taken into account - they quietly drain the bounds of patience of their "subjects", but then conclude: "Yes, in principle, a person is capable of much!" And from here it's possible to bring the game to a new level and, to pull the person into a new "hoax", to make him agree to taking even greater risks and making greater expenditures and sacrifices - after all, it is interesting to know the limits of his possibilities!

But later, how pleasant it is to talk about one's successes with one's friends! How nice and how rewarding it is to boast of them!

And what horizons open up! One can make new, useful connections, acquire beneficial acquaintances, expand the one's circle of friends and supporters. One can find new "guinea pigs" to involve them in new experiments and new competitions, egging them on to participate. Excite and stimulate them by demonstrations of own success and aspirations. One can also advantageously use the results of one's experiments for future developments and plans. For example, it may be opportune to bluff a little and tell of them to one's new, influential friends, advertising and promoting oneself to them as a physician, spiritual mentor, counselor, coach, healer, manager or leader …

And from there on - the revenues are already pouring in, and the bright future (at least in the form of personal, material well-being) draws closer by two or three steps. And one can cheerfully report of their achievements, trumpet them at every step, boundlessly raising one's rates and elevating one's worth. And no one will dare to "clip the wings" of such a successful and influential person - no one dares to contradict him, to challenge his opinion, expose him as a layman, to push him out of the next project, to oust him from his "starry sky". From all this he is now exempted and protected by his influence, authority, and growing popularity - a powerful defensive measures on the quadral complex of "clipped wings".

Demonstration of one's successes on a "vanity fair" as a development of protective measures on quadral complex of "clipped wings".

To go around unnoticed, to be inconspicuous - is not the best way to realize oneself in Delta Quadra.

In light of the established situation of intense competition of business and possibilistic initiatives (+Te↑, -Ne↑), each person here wants to demonstrate their creative individuality in the most brilliant and memorable ways. Each hurries to express himself in the most unconventional and original manner, to get into the center of public attention, devising opportunities to demonstrate their individual abilities and talents.

A minute of fame in Delta Quadra - is very valuable! But its price is often not taken into account. The main thing - is that the success or achievement doesn't go unnoticed and unappreciated, that the talent does not get buried into the ground. Thus everything that is more or less significant (or worthwhile) here is paraded and shown. "To get into the display window", to become a celebrity, a model of success - what could be more prestigious?

To win over recognition and popularity in society, to consolidate one's influence in artistic and political scene, to hold it for as long as possible, to learn how to by word and by deed influence the hearts, souls, and minds of humanity, directing it to a happy bright future - constitute the most prestigious goals and objectives of Delta Quadra.

High self-esteem, weight and importance of personal views and convictions - all of these qualities are necessary to sail on the crest wave of fame, to be at sufficiently high level in the shared stream of ambitious aspirations in the field of creative activity of Delta Quadra. Due to this, each member of the Delta Quadra tries to present him/herself on the general background in the most advantageous way, to impart a winning impression and create the best recommendation for oneself, to appear as the person who can be relied upon in difficult times, someone who can be trusted, who can be "placed bets on", counting for an easy and quick success.

The excitement around success often leads to the fact that many undertakings in Delta Quadra begin to assume the form of "big marathons" or "prestigious horse races" - a "prestigious auction" on a "vanity fair" in which each of the participants, regardless of personal successes and achievements, presents himself as a sort of a "valuable lot," evaluates other people around him from the standpoint of personal superiority, viewing them in the reflection of his or her own successes and excellence.

The competition of ambitions and aspirations - is a usual phenomenon at this "vanity fair". Pomposity, snobbery - here are the top selling features and common qualities. Prestige - is the universal measure of all values.

Prestigious marriage, prestigious job, prestigious circle of acquaintances - this is what helps here to elevate one's own value and feel as a part of the world of few select. The main thing - is to not allow one's wings to get clipped, to not lose faith in one's own abilities and opportunities. To set a goal - even if shaky and ephemeral - and follow it as one's guiding star, striving towards new horizons of success.

Once a person has flown up high, he becomes unapproachable. The more successes and achievements, the greater the confidence in oneself - the stronger is the feeling of being protected. Protected mainfly on the quadral complex: now try to prune the wings for him who soars so high! He himself can "prune" anyone - suppress by own aplomb and authority.

Here lies one problem - the idols get changed too often on this "vanity fair". Into the "open doors" of aristocratic society of Delta Quadra - a society of fickle and interchanging tastes and interests - new trends and new "celebrities" are constantly breaking in and pushing out their predecessors - those who have already "played their number" on the stage and are now made to leave this joyful world and return to their former gray, joyless workdays.

To return from this mirror-crystal world of illusory contrived reality to the harsh mortal world of the actual existence - is same as falling from the sky to the ground - same pain after the fall, same shock of hurt and frustration, same coming sober and waking up from an enchanted dream. The reluctance to descend down to harsh and crude reality, the desire "to remain above this", to soar up high, to rise "above it all", to "take off" and make up for what was lost at any cost, encourages members of Delta Quadra to return again and again to the previous field of opportunity, back to the society of "open doors", to their former fans and supporters, counting on their renewed interest and support.

In a society of equal opportunities (in a socialist society), where all levels of aspirations were averaged out, each attempted to realize himself in an acceptable and conforming way, trying not to offend others. Due to which, the behavior of the "vanity fair" carried an introverted character (dominance of TIM SLI, Gabin) - each played a role of a kind of "treasure chest full of surprises" - presented oneself as a person mysterious and unpredictable - remained "a mystery" in oneself and for oneself.

In a society of humble intellectuals of 1960s, a society of physicists - lyricists, individuals who attempted to win recognition within this circle, qualities of ambitiousness and unpredictability were suppressed and considered to be in bad taste. Insead, rich in meaning deep submersion into one's own spiritual world was the valued currency in this "vanity fair" of intellectual elites - due to which all of its representatives resembled a collection of ancient Egyptian artifacts, who could trace their origins all the way to the Great Sphinx. A mysterious look, looking into infinity, a polysemous enigmatic smile, detachment and insularity in their own world far away from the worldly life, made them resemble this ancient figure. During gatherings, each of them either "mysteriously" kept silent, or talked about something of his own, getting more and more pulled into the transcendent world of his dreams and distant from realization creative plans and interests - a world from which no one will displace them or prune their wings in flight.

Memorable episodes of "vanity fair" of this type could be seen in movies of the Soviet cinema. For example, in a film (about the 60s youth) "July Rain", directed by Marlen Khutsiyev, a group of young people get together and each asserts himself in his own individual way trying to make a favorable impression of himself. Each talks of his interests and hobbies. One - solves crossword puzzles, another - tests new acquaintances on psychological tests. One - tries to show off his erudition, some - discuss problems of production and talk on abstract themes. At the same time no one is really listening to anyone else, each is looking somewhere into the distance, into the open space with a detached and bored look. The feeling of complete estrangement - is the only thing that unites them all. The impression is that they are already quite tired of each other ...

The desire to escape into another world, into a different reality (-Si↑), into the realm of alternative potentialities (-Ni↑) and unclaimed creative initiatives - is a characteristic manifestation of Delta quadral complex of "clipped wings": the wise "bird - Phoenix" has not yet been reborn from the ashes, has not yet resurrected for a new life, or it's still deep in slumber, saving and preserving its creative potential - the most important thing!

A striking example of such "vanity fair" is given by director Kira Muratova (IEE, Huxley) in her film "Passions" (a 1994 film about creative youth in the age of stagnation): all of the characters are consumed by themselves and meet, talk, and mingle only to talk about themselves, their passions and hobbies. Each tries to make their monologue interesting, each demonstrates in-depth erudition in their field of interest. Here, again, no one is listening, no one sees or notices anyone else. All make an impression of being lunatics, who are looking somewhere distantly, into the void, with unseeing eyes and talking incessantly about oneself and only about what is interesting to them.

The lifestyle aimed at the preservation of creative potential - creation of a kind of "greenhouse for talent" that are left to mature in a conductive, comfortable, household environment in anticipation of better times - is a characteristic mark of Delta quadral complex of "clipped wings". Often it takes the form of organization of family pastimes that include a demonstration of the fruits of talents and creativity at a small local family "vanity fair". (An example of how other quadra relate to this is presented in the famous movie "A Day on a Train". The protagonist of this movie, Valentin Grafta, type ILI Balzac, after interacting for several hours with his former college friends (Delta types), evaluating their achievements on personal, professional, and social fronts, watching through all of their "demonstrative performances" of family amateur creations, feeling sated with their stories about their success, involvements, inventions, and achievements, begins to feel himself next to them as an incompetent and hopeless loser, explodes with irritation, and breaks off all the ties with them.

- What is wrong with the traditional family household concerts that were popular in not so distant times? - the reader may ask - What about home clubs of prose and song writers, that have produced for the world some of the greatest bards, authors, and performers? And domestic discussions, debates, evening literature readings, home clubs "by interests"? ..

- All of this would be great if it weren't for the complexes (quadral and individual), if it wasn't for the tension, that inevitably arises between the audience and the performers, even if the performers are very professional and good. What, for example, is the value of the tradition of preparing the "next young generation", in which the children become hostage to their parents' ambitions and victims of their snobbery? A child against his will, despite his requests, tears, entreaties, is forcibly taught music specifically to this purpose. He or she gets traited for the purpose of situations of domestic concerts, hearing: "Imagine you'll grow up and go to a social gathering. There others will remind you that you have studied in a music school. You will be asked to play something on the piano. And you won't be able to - and will be in a shameful and awkward position. So, to avoid this, go and study music!" The parents themselves are actually setting higher and more ambitious targets, but for the child they present an everyday, minor yet ambitious goal: at the median level it's sufficient to come forward, to play, to perform, to attract attention to oneself, and this is already enough to stand out among others.

The child initially actively opposes, objects, and argues with the parents, promises not to tell anyone that he has attended a music school. Then submits and for a few years continues to practice, gains experience, performs at private family concerts and local school performances. Then learns how to play the guitar - just in case, if the guests don't have a piano. Then, having prepared himself a repertoire, pays visits only with the guitar - just in case, if he's asked to play and sing a song at a gathering. Then it becomes habitual for him to play and sing upon request at every evening meetup, giving free concerts on demand, on the principle "what would you like to hear, sir?", as if he's trying to earn his presence at the party. As then for sure he ends up in a humiliating position, that stems - most importantly - from that very same program which was imposed on him in early childhood, when he was taught demonstrate his abilities and talents at family meetings and visitations.

What is this if not the preparation of a valuable "bid lot" for the "vanity fair"?

The position of the "treasure hunter" or "talent for finding talent" as a development of protective measures on the complex of "clipped wings".

Representatives of other quadra are sometimes disconcerted by seemingly unjustified (as they think) enthusiasm of Delta Quadra at first meetings and acquaintance. They feel confused by the interest levels displayed towards hobbies, talents, and abilities of every new acquaintance. Simultaneously, they get offended by the quick loss of interest in a recent object of their attention, if his hobbies are uncovered to be trivial and his talents - modest. The frequent change of "idols" in Delta Quadra, their frequent switching from one object to another (sometimes much less interesting) is irritating to other quadra. What irritates are the drops in quality standards in the assessments of talents and interests of each new "favorite of the day", unjustified trust for his self-promotion, indiscriminate treatment of his abilities, overestimation of his creative potential. (A person slapped some paint onto two or three canvases, and they are already intoxicated with enthusiasm: "Look - he is a true artist!"). Irritating are the contradictions in the behavior of these "treasure hunters", their "blindness" and indifference to the real successes of their loved ones who are meanwhile in need of their help and support.

Irritating is their desire to deprive their "close ones" (relatives, friends, acquaintances) for the benefit of "outsiders". One of their loved ones may be working hard, performing all the wonders of self-sacrifice, trying to please them and their "infinitely demanding taste" (especially when they are constantly raising the bar of requirements). While some random stranger appears on their horizon, declares himself a great author or artist, and completely takes over their attention, making them speak of him in most glowing and enthusiastic terms and recommend him to their circle of friends, which they immediately rush to do, while being generous with praises and compliments. It comes to the fact that every new acquaintance gets questioned on the topic of his hobbies and interests. As soon as he appears on the doorstep, the first question asked (right in his presence): "How is this person interesting?" - heaven forbid to overlook a new talent!

The leader in this type of collecting effort - is IEE, Huxley. Leading upfront, he is not held answerable for the quality of his "exhibits". If the public is disappointed - no problem! - next time there will someone or something more interesting. (And for the collector of the "artifacts" this creates a reason to again remind the audience about himself, to show himself as a discoverer of new talent - and, if there is a wish, even out of mediocrity one can create an interesting person, if only there was something there to work with. With the wish even a glass shard can be presented as a diamond, if only there were willing buyers!)

The collections the first harvests of independent amateur creative work also go to the IEE. And how is it possible not to boast: "These poems were composed by my friend!", "This landscape was painted by my good friend!" A further works the principle, "Tell me who your friends are, and ..."

To become viewed and known as a friend of the talented people, to keep informed of the unraveling and development of their talents - what could be better for a person who dreams of expanding into new creative horizons and reaching new creative heights? And who wouldn't wish to rise on the wings of glory of his "wards" to these new heights and keep there longer than anyone else?

The idea of ​​constant self-development and self-improvement of each, even mediocre in his talents, individual, brings positive aspirations of Delta Quadra closer to the fantastic projects of Alpha Quadra, making them feasible at the new turn of evolutionary spiral.

(As an example, finding a reflection in the Soviet Union, adopted in the first post-revolutionary years, utopian ideas of Thomas More (LII, Robespierre) of a certain highly spiritual society of total creative self-development and perfection, in which each individual, after a daily period of unskilled, brute, physical work, has the right to engage in intensely intelligent, spiritual, and creative work: writing poetry, composing music, playing the harp, and so on - it was presented as such: first stand nine hours at the factory machine and meet the production norms, then come home, take the harp into one's hands, and start composing songs of own authorship - how could it get any better than this!

By this idea the Soviet people could brighten up their lives and their dull existence by getting involved in amateur art groups, which in itself was also very good, although it did signal of a certain kind of spiritual and intellectual "hibernation", allowing them to make amends with the monstrous reality of the world and view it through "rose-colored glasses."

"Life in pink light" as development of protective measures on complex of "clipped wings".

The feeling of regret left behind by lost hopes and shattered illusions, the dissatisfaction with the surrounding world, the unwillingness to accept it with its rough and brutal realities, the fears and concerns of one's inability to change the world for the better, become the "other side of the coin" - the negative side effect of the dominating in Delta Quadra aspects (+Te +Fi -Ne -Si) - and create the preconditions for a double-standard approach to life. They form the ideological concepts that allow a person to leave this harsh reality for an alternative transcendental world (dominant traits of "aristocracy" and "judiciousness") and simultaneously keep the person in the real world by fear of getting pushed out due to objective reasons (dominant feature of "objectivism"). These factors create tendencies that allow Delta Quadra (intuitive types) to influence the conditions of formation of relationships in the world, in order to ultimately improve them and bring them to a high level of purity and beauty, by means of which it is intended to bring together the real world with the world of the desired (and imaginary), thereby making the real world more welcoming and comfortable for people of the finest spiritual nature.

Failure to reach this goal by simple and accessible means in the foreseeable short periods of time leads ethical intuitive ("child-like") types of Delta Quadra fall into despair, forcing them to resort to searches for new alternative (and often illusory) conditions for existence, in which (in their opinion) the real world won't be much different from the imagined.

The predilection to choose conditions under which one can safely indulge in dreams without thinking about the very real threat of displacement in the real world - is also a manifestation of the complex of "clipped wings". (After all is incredibly painful to fall out of an imaginary reality in real one! Who wants to feel like a bird that has been shot down in flight?)

The desire to protect oneself from disappointment, the desire to escape from the harsh reality, the need to dream of potentialities and soar towards them on soap bubbles in an effort to replace the real reality with the imagined one, creates the phenomenon of subjective idealism of Delta ethical intuitive types, EII Dostoyevsky and IEE Huxley, that, however, runs counter to their quadral trait of "objectivism". In an effort to reconcile this contradiction, Delta Quadra types (primarily ethical) form a two-moded attitude to the objective reality - they set up and organize for themselves and for others a "life in a pink light". (For themselves - voluntarily, for others - by suggestion or imposition.)

This vision is realized in a very simple and unsophisticated way: all that is negative gets placed outside the brackets, negative phenomena (or even discussions and stories about them) become excluded from the scope of human communication in hopes and calculation that positive traditions, observed as a ritual and instilled into the framework of law, will, at some point, completely replace negative phenomena (and related vices) of which people will simply forget. Negative phenomena will disappear, leave with the past (like an atavism), and the reality will become no different from the desired virtual one. And then one would no longer need to wear the rose-colored glasses - the world will become more kind and supportive, and the negative will simply find no place in it. Until then it is necessary simply to reject and turn it down - to not talk about it, to not mention it, to not be interested in it, and organize social interactions and relationships in a way that excludes the negative from the very start, as a phenomenon that in itself is very dangerous.

How, for example, can one build relationships that exclude such vices as greed and envy? - It's very simple!

In Canada, where the integral type is TIM EII, Dostoevsky, delicate attitudes are shown everywhere (people are exceptionally friendly, tactful, and sensitive). But this doesn't go down without its excesses. Particularly sensitive attitude here is shown towards those who are most touchy and easily offended. Offense on the grounds of jealousy is taken into account in the first place. For this reason, it is customary here to organize friendly or corporate parties with proportionate distribution of treats ("a party in the style of EII"). It is believed that this method ensures sensitive and humane attitude that excludes envy and resentment over the fact that someone ate more while someone else got a smaller serving. From this comes the rule that you cannot bring your own food, because this breaks down the quantitative balance of treats, and the hostess would be offended thinking that her culinary talents were underestimated. When a party is organized as a potluck or from contributions of the attendees, everything is thought through to the finest detail. The number of guests is calculated as well as the number of servings, and the purchases are assigned according to this calculation so that each person spends about the same amount of money. (So that no one is offended or financially strained). Corporate parties don't even need to be mentioned - everything is strictly calculated and distributed to those attending. Refreshments can be most modest. If needed, the party can do with one slice of pizza and one can of Coke per each person attending, if only no one is hurt or dissatisfied.

And it isn't that important that under such circumstances a corporate party is more like a holiday celebration in an orphanage. (No one notices this. They are already used to it.) The main thing - is that everything was done in fairness and harmony in human relations was achieved. The behavior of the guests at the party is strictly controlled. And how could it be otherwise? - One omission, and the grievances and accusations start: "Everyone was supposed to take two slices of pizza, but someone took four, and now another guest didn't get his food."

To avoid this, - to avoid even the possibility of such thing happening, a new method was developed for corporate parties (again, in the style of EII), under which each employee is issued a number of multi-colored tickets before the event. With these tickets, he goes to the "food dispensary" (no other name for this) and on each ticket gets the proper portion of food. It prohibited to exchange or pass the tickets to others, so that no one sees someone else getting an extra portion and feels cheated himself.

Such is the system. Terribly primitive and very flawed in itself, despite the best efforts of the organizers to make it extremely ethical. The backfiring (corrupting) result is achieved due to the fact that such organization works to morally support the jealous and envious people, setting up for them most favorable and sparing conditions. (An extra piece in someone else's mouth doesn't prick their eyes - most importantly! The effect is, however, that the vice of envy and jealousy under such conditions is not overcome - instead benign conditions are created for it.)

This system is in principle unethical not only because it involves coercion against the person (what kind of holiday is it when every piece is counted!), but also because the ethical issues here are "resolved" (figuratively speaking) by means of logical manipulation. The aspect of ethics of relations of EII Dostoevsky (+Fi/-Ne) that extends good treatment for all, here gets replaced by the aspect of logic of relations, of fair distribution of LII Robespierre (-Ti /+Ne), giving it a dominant position, forcing it to appease the situation and work here instead. With such substitution of ethical aspect for logical one, every person feels themselves under pressure (in forcibly imposed on them conditions) and under the supervision - and becomes aware that he or she isn't trusted, which is a humiliating realization.

As a result, in the depths of their souls, everyone is offended by mistrust and by large don't feel themselves partaking in a holiday celebration. Under such circumstances, it's still a long way to go towards harmony in human relations. What kind of harmony is it when everyone is under surveillance! What this means is that this method doesn't solve ethical problems. Or it does solve them, but only in the "alleged", imaginary, subjective, artificial ideas and notions of the organizers, who believe that they are doing the right thing: "people need to be re-educated". And then the question arises: how much more time will it take to re-educate them? When can one start trusting them?

After all, at one point, someone will have to loosen control and take off their rose-colored glasses - and what will we see then?

If one's own personal strength is not enough to overcome envy, greed, and mistrust towards others, then what about the prerogatives of the evolutionary ethics of relations (+Fi) - of which moral self-improvement or moral achievement can be talked about? If a person is spared from the responsibility of having to answer for his actions before himself, then his own inner moral framework is never formed: he invests no efforts into building his own moral codex, into his own moral improvement, and instead relies on external ethical dictates to lean on them as support. And if conditions are created that eliminate the need to struggle against one's own flaws and temptations, then there are no positive developments over them - strong conscience, love of one's neighbor, sense of responsibility, sense of duty and loyalty towards friends, none of these are "activated" or in demand here, and, over time, with such conditions, these ethical notions may completely atrophy.

It turns out, we're not going in the right direction by increasing emphasis on involutionary logic of relations (-Ti) instead of evolutionary ethics of relations (+Fi). (Which can sleep soundly: its bright future is still very far away.) Judging by the tenderness and refinement that get attributed to its more pure and ideal forms, it is only in demand among angel-like people. Until then, it can peacefully rest, cushioned on all sides with cotton wool, in anticipation of better times that will never come if the hearts and souls of the people are not made to work (on the aspect of ethics of relations) - if a person is not encouraged to overcome his own temptations and resolve them by his own strength and means.

And another question arises: if it is so difficult to organize faultless (excluding psychological discomfort) ethical attitudes within such modest scopes such as a friendly or a corporate party, then what can there be said about control of global evolutionary processes and transformations, which is the prerogative of the evolutionary ("strategic", large-scale) ethics of relations? And where will these global transformations and ethical processes emerge from (many of which are spontaneous and uncontrollable), if even a minimal strain on, a minimal toughening of one's soulful and spiritual forces is avoided here in order not to complicate life for oneself and others?

In such circumstances, we can't even talk about fighting and eradicating negative phenomena. It is simpler to forget about them, to close one's eyes and not remind oneself or others about them - which is what the defenders of "healthy lifestyle in pink light" prefer to do, instead choosing to impose a great number of prohibitions and restrictions on the thoughts, feelings, words, and deeds of other people.

Of personal shortcomings it is not allowed to speak here. (That is, they don't prohibit this to themselves, but to other people - those who, in their opinion, have gone beyond the limit of criticism.) And this is also a sign of quadral complex of "clipped wings": why disappoint a person by describing his negative personality traits? Let him think that he lives among angels. Let him think only good thoughts about other people. Because if he finds out about their shortcomings, he may lose faith in them. Or can use their shortcomings for his own selfish purposes, turning the way that is so undesirable to see him. Thus, it's best to allow him to be deceived and deluded, to look at the world through rose-colored glasses - and even to actively to impose such view of life, rather than to allow him to become disappointed with everything and plunge down like a stone into the abyss of vices and passions, realizing the most grim shadow side of his soul.

Offended by the whole world, disappointed in friends and partners, a Delta intuitive type can "fold his own wings" and spiral down into the abyss of despair. However, he won't blame himself for this, but society that has disappointed him and the world that did not live up to his expectations.

"Saving lies" as development of protective measures on complex of "clipped wings".

Lies for saving illusions, hopes, wishful thinking, creative and life plans - is a widespread phenomenon in Delta Quadra (chiefly among the Delta intuitive types), ​​a manifestation of the complex of "clipped wings", a development of protective measures for it, and also a derivative of the program of achieving full happiness by means of "life with rose-colored glasses". This comes from that very same fear of disappointment in the realities of the everyday world, that gets combined with the fear of getting pushed out of cozy and comfortable existence in an idealistic microcosm into the ruthlessly brutal world of harsh surrounding reality.

One only has to embellish one's reality with impressive fictional events, pulling up the actual towards the desired, and adding to this personal conviction in one's correctness, motivating these actions by good intentions, that the intolerably gray and humdrum reality begins to sparkle with bright colors and new bright future prospects. Then imaginary reality will organically merge with the real one, and fruits of the play of imagination will become fruits of artistic creation - and there's nothing wrong with this. The person who by virtue of inexperience or naivete doesn't distinguish the real from the imagined will be at "fault" himself for this error - he will fall victim of his own or another's deception. In any case, the "creator" of the "image" won't consider himself to be "guilty". His job - is to push the boundaries of the reality in order to amend it with another. And if to be successful in this one has to distort facts, either darken or lighten one's prognoses, toss up some long-term plans, there is also nothing wrong with this (in his opinion), especially if it will help a person achieve a lot in life, to believe in himself and in his own strengths, to pick his path. The "creator" is not worried by the fact that a lie is still a lie - with the help of his interpretation it turns into a convenient tool for modeling a new and better reality for himself and for others, it becomes extensive means of psychological manipulation, which become the more justified by good intentions the more opportunities they open in the framework of this new "imaginary" reality, needed by him to achieve personal plans and goals.

An example:

A young woman of type IEE, Huxley, a nurse by profession, has gotten divorced with her once beloved husband of type SLE, Zhukov - a simple, kind man without bad habits, but psychologically incompatible with her and "not suiting the court" - coming from an "humble family" of open market traders, a man "gray" and "ordinary", without high and noble aspirations, and lofty goals (which he "demonstrated" when he dropped out of college and went to work at the market so that he could provide for his family). All of these circumstances (including adverse intertype relations) served as a reason for her to soon divorce him, to sign him out of the apartment, evict him, and deprive him of parental rights, erasing him from her life and memory. The child was adopted by her second husband of type LSI Maxim. This second marriage, though it was prestigious, was also short (luckily for all). The child (IEI, Esenin) got a little older and started asking about his father, but was unable to obtain reliable information: much of family history remained mysterious and incomprehensible to him. To assuage him, his mother created a legend about a tester pilot who died in training flights. After finishing school, the boy decided to follow in the footsteps of his hero father, but didn't dare apply to flight school and instead enrolled in military engineering department, graduated with honors, had a distinguished military career, started his own family and had children. He was promoted to lieutenant colonel when one of his distant relatives opened his eyes to the family secret - told him that his father is alive and well, and lives nearby, in the same town, and works at the nearest market in a shoe repair shop. The son was stunned by these news. He could never forgive his mother.

Games people play in an effort to ensure their protection on quadral complex of "clipped wings".

9/1. "The game of sand cakes" (by Eric Berne) - the underlying motivation is the desire to humiliate another person for the purposes of self-assertion - to rise yourself by pointing out his alleged "debaseness".

There are many variations to this: it is possible to make a person "stoop low" imposing on him an unpleasant errand by request or order. One can force another person to perform dirty or humiliating work, or make him commit an embarrassing or socially disgraceful act. And all this is done so that afterwards one can exalt oneself through his humiliation - so that later, when the fact of his degradation is made obvious, one can tell him: "Ugh, how low you have fallen!" - exactly when he's almost digging the ground with his nose, actualizing the whims and caprices at request or order of the one who then humiliates him, contemptuously disparaging him for it. **

(**)The name itself "Game of sand cakes" Eric Berne - American psychiatrist and psychoanalyst - has taken from the novel of Charles Dickens "Great Expectations", citing as an example an episode in which a willful, capricious girl asks a boy to make for her cakes out of sand, and then proceeds to humiliate him, saying: "Eww at how your hands are dirty! And yourself - you are fully dirty!". Eric Berne provides a psychological analysis of this episode in his book "Games that people play. The psychology of human relationships" (1966).

In the story above, "sand cakes" was the game that was played with the first husband by the ambitious nurse of type IEE Huxley - the one who divorced him because he dropped out of college and went to work in the market to financially provide for his family and meet (in the first place) her own material needs. As soon as her husband solved this problem for her, she immediately accused him of giving too little attention to the family. When he began giving more attention to the family, studying and working at the same time, she faulted him in getting poor grades. When he filed the documents with the institute to leave it, she chided him that he isn't developing spiritually and intellectually. When he got frustrated by all this and lost hopes of dissuading her, she condemned him for his hot uncontrollable temper and shamed him by his "marketplace family", that he eventually ended up rejoining.

- The desire to gain superiority at any cost, capturing psychologically advantageous positions, a convenient for oneself field of possibilities, and a convenient system of values and priorities;
- the desire to rise above the contact by any means available, using for this the most primitive and embarrassingly naive methods;
- the striving to humiliate or lower others in order to not get humiliated and lowered yourself;
the wish to take another "on a dare" and draw him into a dangerous, grueling competition in order to then humiliate him from the position of moral and social superiority;
- haughty arrogance - is an ancient as the world itself "hoax", which allows one to raise the level of requirements and expand the field of personal dominance by boundless psychological terror.

All of this is a very common form of psychological defense on quadral complex of "clipped wings" that often takes the form of a "seemingly harmless" and childishly naive, but very cunning and mean (and deeply frustrating) hypocritical game of "sand cakes".

9/2. "The game of the fox and the grapes" (by Eric Berne). The desire to cool someone else's creative enthusiasm, to "drop him through the floor" with a critical remark - is a widely applied counter-measure of suppressing counter creative initiatives in Delta Quadra, where competition of projects and ideas is extremely high. In connection with this, the situation becomes rather strange: on the one hand, all are admiring each other, on the other hand - criticizing and biting into each other. The winner is the one who receives criticism and compliments indifferently, keeps fans at a distance, and does not give in to the influence of self-willed "mentors".

What helps him in this is "the game of the fox and the grapes" - a characteristic position of a person who is undemanding towards himself, who doesn't risk his optimum to reach the peak. As a form of psychological defense on complex of "clipped wings" it appears as:

- an effort to live according to the optimum of one's strength and capabilities, not blocking for oneself the prospects of social and professional development;
- an effort to achieve desired goals by feasible means and at a moderate pace, not allowing anyone to take one "on a dare", to draw one into risky competitions or races, which are fraught with losses of all accumulated benefits, developments, resources, and achievements - the position of "slow and steady wins the race";
- a desire to maintain a high levels of self-esteem, attributing to oneself imaginary achievements.

But in its basic form "the game of fox and grapes" comes down to the desire to live in a world of one's own illusions and self-deceptions, convincing everyone (oneself included) of the modesty of one's intentions - that "I could have achieved much more if I wanted to, but I do not wish it because ...
... "I don't like racing with someone in the general crowd",
... "I don't like externally imposed conditions to my life, standards, expectations, goals, and plans",
... "I don't like being dependent on the excitement of fans and opinions of critics", etc.

The position of "cut your own wings to not get clipped by others" is one of the variations of "the game of fox and the grapes" that is widespread in "aristocratic" Delta Quadra, where in order to attain superiority sometimes it is enough to play the role of a person who is satisfied in full with his own successes, but extremely demanding of others. (Up to not allowing them to get a word in - interrupting, pulling them back, cutting them down at every step, constantly distorting the meaning of their words, finding faults with their meaning and with the manner of their statements.)

Being demanding towards others in Delta Quadra sometimes takes a convenient form of "benevolent mentoring" motivated by the limited possibilities of the "mentor", who, for real or imagined reasons, does not want to demand the desired from himself, but asks this from others "from best intentions", striving to develop their creative potential with the most effective and efficient methods and direct it at ambitious goals (for everyone's benefit and enjoyment). It is assumed that with the rapid growth of their success his "mentees" must compensate and justify his own very modest achievements. At the same time, it is imperative for this "mentor" under all conditions to stay in his own "moderate" position - to not demand more from himself and to remain himself.

The main reason for choosing such moderate position lies in the awareness of the ordinariness of one's own abilities and achievements, in realization that with such weak and humble endowments one should not join competitions and "step forward" without a good reason, but also to not allow others "to lower him lower than the floor" and step under their criticisms (right and wrong, spontaneous or pre-planned): "Let everything go as it goes, be what will be - we don't wish for that which belongs to others and won't take their prizes away from them, but also won't allow ourselves to get subjected to their judgement."

As a result, the position of "convinced mediocrity" gets constructed, under which it is possible to bring any base and any motivation: one can refer to one's modest needs, wishes, and opportunities, that are already "too late" to develop (or simply "not really wanted").

The sacrificial embodiment of this position is also popular: "It would be desirable to be happy for someone who is truly "gifted" is not for oneself. From myself what could be expected? Everything is already established. Let it go as it goes, in its usual order."

The position of "ostentatious modesty", "moderation of one's desires", awareness of possibilistic self-limits and restraints - are common in Delta Quadra as the position of an alternative eco-niche, which is convenient to occupy in the face of brutal competition that goes all around. The position of "ostentatious modesty" is also convenient to develop as a protective measure on the complex of "clipped wings": one who doesn't soar high spreading his wings but quietly hides in his shelter, is less likely to get shot down, and that in itself is already good: he quietly opts out of the game, leaving taking risks to others. And the fact that under these circumstances one's "wings" soon become unnecessary and burdensome - is also not an issue: a person, like his biological ancestors, should be able to master other spheres and elements of nature.

The position of "convinced mediocrity" - a person undemanding towards himself, but highly demanding of others - in Delta Quadra is most often taken on by SLI, Gabin. Gabin does not tolerate criticism. It wounds his ego and his pride, hurts his self-esteem, forces him to abandon his ambitious plans out of fear of being forced out of them, of being ridiculed, destroyed, thrown down from his pedestal, humiliated in his own eyes (and in the eyes of all those who believed in him), out of fear of personal and professional setbacks. Criticism - especially silly, absurd, and unprofessional - places a blow on SLI's quadral complex of "clipped wings" and makes him doubt his own abilities, strength, and capabilities. Getting over these doubts for him (as a overly sensitive and suspicious "asking" introvert "aristocrat", suggested on the aspect of intuition of potential +Ne) is always very difficult.

"The game of the fox and the grapes" as a demonstrative refusal to storm the difficult to reach peaks of mastery aids the SLI to "stay in flight" at a comfortable for him level of moderate flow of creative forces and feasible for him (average) rate of implementation of his plans.

SLI Gabin is very afraid of criticisms of potential possibilities (his creative aspirations, achievements, and plans), in presence of which he cannot be successful in his dual dyad: IEE Huxley despises failures, deadbeats, and hopeless "losers", but his "dear loves" and "favorites of the day" he often encourages with positive forecasts on the aspect of intuition of potential, causing them to "believe in themselves". SLI crucially needs this kind of encouragement on his suggestive function, but he can get it only if he is at least normatively successful and accomplished. To achieve this, SLI needs to "cut the wings" of his competitors and "undercut" his critics and opponents during disputes, and to be able to pull wool over their eyes, inflating both the actual and the imagined self-value, referring to his reluctance to chase mirages but also refusing to pursue realistic and achievable goals. And in all of this (in the case when he runs into ambitious and stupid "fans", who obstinately and rudely impose foreign to him goals) he is helped by "the game of the fox and the grapes", by which he can also persistently and stubbornly defend his modest and moderate positions.

Many members of Delta Quadra resort to such protective measures (moderation and caution) in regard to themselves - with the exception of LSE, Stierlitz, whose passions hobbies and ambitious creative plans, the pursuit of excellence, high quality of the work, and expansion of limits of the possible, are all paramount (+Te↑) and often constitute the purpose of his life. Although it is possible to "break" even him, distract him from ambitious goals, call him to "moderate his pride", to not stand out and not stick out from the crowd, so as to not bring up jealousy in others (arguments of EII, Dostoevsky).

What is Delta Quadra afraid of?

Delta Quadra is afraid of stress, frustration, resentments, and frustrations. They are afraid of the prevalence of negative elements in society. Afraid of apocalyptic events, afraid of the end of the world. Afraid that people's flaws and shortcomings will start to prevail and overtake their good qualities, that imperfections of this world will multiply and displace its attainments, that darkness will overtake light, that life in this world will become cold and unwelcoming, that positive processes of development of society will stop and bright future will never come. And how they want to bring it closer!

In some sense, the society of Delta Quadra (in light of all of its achievements) can be imagined as the future of all mankind after it eliminates quadral complexes of this and all the previous quadrants - eliminates jealousy of others' success, desire to push, to humiliate or destroy a successful competitor, inherent to this quadra and to the other three, and manifesting itself in various forms of quadral complexes:

- when someone attempts to silence another, denying him the right of self-expression,
- when someone, from envy, is scheming against his colleague or boss, trying to put him under the blow and setting him up for troubles,
- when someone, from envy, is blocking the road to successful personal, creative, and professional fulfillment for someone else, imposing himself as a companion, co-author, binding him with obligations and limitations, tying him up by his hands and feet,
- when someone with a sharp word, with anti-advertisement, shatters the successful creative career of someone else, undercutting his wings at take off.

- In connection to this a question arises - the reader notes - can one eliminate the quadral complex retaining only the advantages of the dominant in one's quadra information aspects?

- With age, in period of high creativity, by measure of accumulation of real successes, there is development of real (not inflated, imaginary) self-esteem, that gets held at sufficiently high levels for as long as the person continues to develop himself creativity and doesn't cease to work on himself.

At a high level of professional self-realization, quadral complex can be forgotten, for a time.

Outside of having to relate to others who suppress with their own successes (or their ambitions), this complex is not particularly traumatic - it is not localized at a single point, as is the PoLR, but it "hits" once the time comes to evaluate oneself and compare oneself to others.

One can, of course, declare oneself to be "a person without complexes" - this is easy. Even easier is to announce about one's rejection of envy and demand the same from others - to organize a "society of people who are free from envy" and "reach the bright future before others". But this will be an imaginary solution of the problem, which again will come down to the same manifestations of quadral complex of "clipped wings", to the protective measures for this complex brought about by fears of the inability to realize one's creative potential: "I don't grab stars from the sky because this is not what I want, but may be I will succeed in something else." But this is nothing more than self-delusion, an attempt to outwit one's drive for creativity - "the game of the fox and the grapes."

While there will be comparisons and correlations - and they happen on all aspects of the information model, primarily, on the aspect of the logic of relations - there will be competitions and progress forward to new successes and new frontiers. And along with this there will be envy and jealousy in those who lag behind, and complexes centered on their failures.

In the rest quadral complex can be even useful because it prompts one to fight for survival, for one's existence, for successful self-realization in society, in the socion and in the quadra. Today someone feels bound by hand and foot, and tomorrow he will tear through not only ropes - but iron chains!

Without lapses and omissions there is no dominance (someone loses and someone finds). Without quadral complexes there won't be quadral advantages and benefits. Light without a shadow does not exist.

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