Gamma Quadra: The Complex of Tied Hands by Stratiyevskaya

From Wikisocion

By Vera Stratievskaya.


Gamma – the quadral complex of "tied [bound] hands", as any quadral complex, comes from a set of four aspects that predominate in this quadra: evolutionary volitional sensing (+Se), evolutionary intuition of time (+Ni), involutionary logic of actions (-Te), and involutionary ethics of relations (-Fi), that form three dominant quadral traits:

1. "Democratic" trait (rational aspects are involutionary, with a minus sign; irrational aspects are evolutionary, with a plus sign: -Fi, -Te, +Se, +Ni)
In accordance with this trait, every person has the right 1) to interact with others as equals 2) to strive towards maximally possible creative self-realization 3) to freely develop one's business and creative initiatives 4) to fight for equality in rights and possibilities to creatively realize oneself 5) to defend one's own right to freedom of action and to an adequate response by action 6) to have freedom for enterprise, for making decisions, and for defending one's own point of view.

2. "Decisive" trait (predominance of evolutionary irrational aspects +Ni +Se)
In accordance with this trait, every person has the right 1) to interact with others from position of power 2) to operatively, in condensed periods of time, solve problems, his own and those of others, making responsible decisions and making others obey them 3) to decisively defend one's own right to labor, right to freedom of entrepreneurial activity and freedom of choice of profession 4) to resolutely defend one's own point of view, to advantageously and operatively use one's own fighting qualities and particularities of the ongoing moment.

3. "Objectivist" trait (predominance of involutionary logic of actions and ethics of relations -Te -Fi)
In accordance with this trait, every person has the right 1) to trust their personal experience – professional, pragmatic, business experience derived from personal observations – and insist on one’s right to further act in accordance to it 2) to trust facts and to become persuaded by facts – to provide them as the main proof of one's correctness 3) to evaluate the situation by already transpired facts and to act in accordance with circumstances existing up to date, trusting one's own experience and one's notion of expedience of a particular course of action 4) to freely and resolutely demonstrate pragmatic initiatives coming from one's own base of observations, one's own personal and professional experience, and reasoning founded common sense, and at one's own discretion 5) to evaluate a person according to the level of his qualifications, based on facts of his professional training, attainments, and competence 6) to remove (or ask for removal) from work those who are inept and negligent, to push them out from work and projects 7) to fight for one's own participation in work or a project, for one's place on a working team, and to be able to defend it.

From the combination of the properties of all of the predominant traits listed above, in Gamma Quadra there arises an extremely high competition of personal business, professional, and creative initiatives, due to which Gamma Quadra also feels certain "crowdedness" – a sense of being stifled and limited in the freedom of action, in freedom of proactive creativity, of private initiative and enterprise. The initially high levels of activity with which Gamma Quadra makes every new contact and gets involved in every new and exciting venture is quickly replaced by disappointment and apathy whenever Gamma Quadra feels that they have been driven out of a project, venture or work, when they feel an indifference towards their professional abilities and talents, when they are faced with objective underestimation of their creative force and drive.

Gamma Quadra plunges into despair when:
- there is distrust towards their creative potential;
- they are unable to defend their right to freedom of private initiative and enterprise, to freedom of choice of profession and free creative work;
- when there is mistrust towards objective performance indicators of their business and creative success;
- when by means of highly effective work/labor they cannot defend their right to free professional self-realization;
- when they are unable to respond with a decisive and immediate action to an inflicted offense.

The fears and irritations that arise in this regard in this essay we will conventionally call the COMPLEX OF TIED HANDS.

The instinct of constructive creation in Gamma Quadra. The instinct to protect the rights to creative self-realization.

The instinct of constructive creation – is the fundamental instinct of Gamma Quadra. The ability to do something important, significant, needed – is their most important purpose. The freedom of creation is of the utmost value.

For Gamma Quadra there is no concept of "insurmountable work" or "impossible task". Due to the dominanc of evolutionary volitional sensing (+Se) and involutionary (alternative) business logic (-Te) in this quadra, all work becomes feasible – if there is a wish to take on the project (+Se↑), then any task, any chore, any assignment becomes doable, once the right technological approach to resolving the problems is found (-Te↑).

"Hunting is worse than captivity."* If there is a desire to realize the conceived, to bring the work that has been started to its completion, Gamma Quadra can fall hostage to their own will, but they won't won't pity themselves: the awareness of the necessity to bring to completion everything that has been started vitalizes Gamma Quadra, infuses them with strength, creates a sense of purpose in life for them, fills their life with meaning: one lives to work, to act and do something significant and valued. [*Translator's note: "Hunting is worse than captivity" - is a Russian idiom denoting taking on something difficult not from necessity but by one's own wish.]

If Gamma Quadra is left without a task, project, or work, without a way to apply their forces and strengths, without constructive goals, objectives, and plans, they start feeling themselves to be prisoners of circumstances, as hostages to aimless and meaningless existence. (As is often the case with forced unemployment during economic crises, or women forced to be housewives under complex social and economic conditions, in difficult or adverse intertype or interpersonal relations: "I'm glad to do work, but my husband doesn't let me!" (or when the woman doesn't get hired).)

There is nothing more dangerous and scary for another person (particularly a conflictor) than to put Gamma Quadra types in conditions of involuntary unemployment and at the same time accuse them of being inadequate and insolvent, call them idlers and losers, blame them for failing to constructively apply themselves. For these kind of offense Gamma Quadra feel themselves in full right to spontaneously avenge themselves and make short work out of their abuser. Gamma Quadra types (especially, sensing ones, SEE and ESI) immediately lose control over themselves and will undertake anything to destroy their tormentor both morally and physically. (Such abuse Gamma types won't forgive to anyone!) Gamma Quadra will put to use all of their resources, all the materials at hand (up to sharp or cutting objects), but won't let the offender get away unpunished. The desire to put one's fists to use and beat the tormentor to death (or even tear him apart with bare hands) in such moments is overwhelming, thus the attack may be very brutal and fast.

In any circumstances, Gamma Quadra defends its own (equally democratic) right to a harsh, operative, and effective response by action. The main thing is to have one's hand untied, then (unlike in Alpha Quadra) it is not necessary to call for anyone to help: one can deal with one's opponents directly, not even opening one's mouth to say anything.

The fear of an impossibility to apply and realize oneself in favorite work, task, or project – is the most painful point of all representatives of Gamma Quadra. It is not recommended to intentionally wound and expose it: the consequences could be catastrophic!

It is sufficient to place Gamma Quadra into such excruciating conditions even once (deprive them of work and respect) to immediately acquire in his person a new, deadly, and ferocious enemy, who is ready to take revenge on his or her abuser for life. Regardless of the differences in their position and privileges, regardless of being distant or close, of kinship and friendship ties, the abuser will be subject of his revenge. Everything else – is only a matter of time.

Revenge for the wrongs inflicted on the quadral complex of "tied hands", all the offenses inflicted upon the quadral complexes, are never forgiven to anyone, and Gamma Quadra here is no exception.

Gamma Quadra feels afraid when:
- their professional and work achievements are contested and questioned;
- their their professional attainments and results are underestimated;
- their professional capabilities to carry out some work are questioned (or when they are recognized as not having enough qualification and dismissed);
- when they get pushed out of the project, from their favorite undertaking or activity, or not even allowed anywhere near it;
- when they are denied the right to vocational training;
- when their rights to professional and personal self-realization and fulfillment are being challenged.

The latter is particularly painfully felt by the "forced housewives" – women of Gamma Quadra who are made to stay at home – and often leads them to break relations with their husband and leave their family under any conditions proposed to them.

Successful professional and creative self-realization in a favorite activity provides an opportunity to respond by action, by deed to the psychological terror waged by the offenders who attempt to lower self-esteem of Gamma Quadra. In is often the case that professional achievements of Gamma Quadra get ignored by the opposing Alpha Quadra (as "subjectivists"). Simply because this is inconvenient and of no benefit to them. Alpha Quadra (particularly ILE Don Quixote) will say: "I care not of your achievements. It's still unclear who is doing all the work for you! For me you are a nobody - an empty space!"

Alpha Quadra kills by word, while Gamma quadra avenges itself by action – they will take something heavy into their hands and then adequately react in response. Alpha Quadra will consider its aggression to be inappropriate and unwarranted – they will loudly yell and shout, and call for help (as here nobody will try to shut their mouth) but Gamma Quadra won't get stopped by the cries of their offenders. The important thing for Gamma types is that right now their hands are not tied – and they can act and directly deal with their opposition here and now.

Emotional pressure in Gamma Quadra is considered to be the most cruel form of psychological terror. It is considered here to be an "illegal move", which no one should resort to under any circumstances. If the partner uses this "move" all too often, his demands become ignored, while his emotional state is no longer taken into account. Gamma Quadra becomes disconnected from this emotional current (as if turning off the sound of a TV) and calmly waits until their partner has had enough of the shouting and the hysterics. Gamma types allow him to release his "hot steam", to overflow with emotion, while they calmly watch him, study his reactions, look at him as on a beast that is rushing about its cage, wait until their partner has had their fill talking, falls into exhaustion and calms down. And then, once the storm has died down, Gamma Quadra quietly attends to its business – starts acting at their own discretion, not particularly considering the wishes of the partner.

Alpha Quadra types consider such behavior to be a manifestation of emotional stupidity. Gamma Quadra types are not interested in this opinion in the least: all that hinders their work, everything that stifles their activity and creative initiative, lies outside of any right-wise or ethical evaluations – the "tyrant", the "despot" (which is how they view someone who limits their initiatives) does not have the right to appeal to fairness and justice, and cannot demand for himself any compassion, sympathy, and mercy.

Set-ups over the complex of "tied hands".

Being set up or framed over the complex of "tied hands" is dangerous for the Gamma Quadra. Such attempts make Gamma types feel guarded, since they lower their confidence in the sphere of professional and creative self-realization (and therefore "directly hit" them on the complex of "tied hands"). The most widespread of these "dupes" is "overwhelming and dangerous work" – if you carry it out, you'll die, if you don't carry it out, you will perish. This "overwhelming work" is often delegated by both "Aristocratic" Quadra (mostly by the supervisor types).

Delta Quadra impose upon their supervisees excessively complex work in particularly unfeasible conditions, wishing on experimental basis to "test" or "develop" their creative potential, which is done in the interests of the alternative intuition of possibilities -Ne↑ that prevails in Delta Quadra.

Beta Quadra will at times delegate to Gamma Quadra work that is dangerous, technically or physically impossible, which they themselves, for various reasons, won't take up, but will nevertheless offer it to others as necessary, serious, and important tasks. Sometimes they will offer it for ideological reasons: "Lead by example!" Sometimes they try to persuade of it's necessity: "Someone needs to do it!" Sometimes they delegate such work to test for endurance and loyalty and the proactive and constructive enthusiasm of the Gamma Quadra. Other times they impose it as an edifying lesson – so that they will understand that not all work and projects are for the benefit and enjoyment.

However, to be a "small fry", someone else's "errand boy" is not liked by the Gamma Quadra – here this is not considered to be work. Gamma Quadra doesn't take up questionable assignments – they are held off by the valued aspect of "ethics of relations" that supplies a high moral and ethical evaluation plank (-Fi↑) and warded off by the unvalued aspect of "intuition of potential possibilities" (±Ne↓) – "what if something happens!" Perishing for nothing is not sought nor wanted here. (With the exception of times when Gamma Quadra finds itself in a dead-end situation, already pulled into a dangerous venture, taken on a dare, etc.)

Gamma Quadra types cannot do service for and before anyone ("decisive", "democratic" "objectivists"). Gamma Quadra doesn't like entering into competitions and participating in contests and pageants (with the exception of the hungry for a venture, risk-taker and hot-tempered "player" LIE, who is easily drawn into contention) – they are afraid of accidents, which may interfere with their own creative self-realization (as a consequence of the repressed aspect of "intuition of potential"). Independent creative constructive work and being fully answerable before oneself and one's own self-interest – is for them the preferred option and course of action.

Gamma types are very demanding towards themselves, yet they poorly endure external control and supervision over them and their work. They can't stand having to report before someone. (Especially before idle, curious strangers.) If close relatives or friends of the Gamma Quadra turn into "unbearably meddlesome fans", strictly control them, discuss their actions and work at every turn, create a frenzied hype, during which they inadvertently displace them from the sphere of personal and professional interests, Gamma Quadra may break off relations even with them: the interests of activity/business are above all.

The necessity to abandon favorite occupation for the sake of family (at the demand of the husband, for example) may serve as a cause of fracturing of family relations and a divorce. Gamma types are not always able to combine well their professional responsibilities with their personal and family obligations. There are often problems on the family front due to Gamma Quadra drive for work and activity, for the sake of which they may even leave their spouse (even dual one) rather than turn down their favorite occupation. To sit at home, with their hands folded, not being engaged in anything resultative and worthwhile – is the worst torture for Gamma Quadra types.

Towards the society Gamma Quadra types have only one requirement: to be able to work from the heart and the soul – not out of fear, not from sense of duty – to work in supportive conditions for a decent wage or reward. The paradise for Gamma Quadrant looks approximately like this: peace, calm, favorable conditions and good, interesting work that would allow one to achieve the highest mastery in a favorite occupation.

The muting of the complex of "tied hands".

For realization of this dream, for dispelling and muting the fears on the complex of "tied hands", work all of the dominant in Gamma Quadra informational aspects:

1. The aspect of evolutionary volitional sensing (+Se) – Total democratization of society, universal accessibility to spheres of creative self-realization, professional demand, access to professional training and education.
2. The aspect of evolutionary intuition of time (+Ni) – Sense of one's own necessity in the current age, in a given stretch of time, understanding of the demands and needs of the time, sense of one's own significance in the present epoch, sense of the possibilities of the current epoch: "Time has chosen us!" "Time does not wait!" "Time goes ahead!"
3. The aspect of involutionary business logic (-Te) – Freedom of action, freedom of choice of one's profession, freedom of enterprise, freedom of creative initiative, freedom of creative self-realization.
4. The aspect of involutionary ethics of relations (-Fi) – Moral codex and bar of rights, framework of appropriateness, development of rights and moral norms that are necessary for successful well-coordinated teamwork, for successful creative self-realization under the conditions of free competition, for formation of beneficial partnerships, and so on.

Work and other activity, at times chaotic and contradictory, is a characteristic method used to mute the fears of Gamma Quadra on complex of "tied hands".

The work and creative activeness of SEE, Caesar (the extrovert - ideologist) – is known to almost everyone (+Te), as well as SEE's hopes and aspirations:
- to become involved in various types of activities,
- to disperse his business and creative activity in different, sometimes opposite, directions,
- to strive to achieve all at once, to "study this and that and that", to always strive to keep up everywhere,
- to actively get involved in all events, to be informed of all beginnings,
- to capture creative and business initiative wherever it has originated, and to subordinate it to his own plans and goals.

Other members of Gamma Quadra are not far behind:

- The hyper-initiative taking and proactive in everything that concerns entrepreneurship LIE (Jack),

- And the restrained in their initiatives, but fantastically diligent, hard-working, taken up by thirst for creative and intellectual activity Gamma introverts – ILI (Balzac) and ESI (Dreiser).

Through the quadral complex – towards one's vocation.

For Gamma Quadra it is very important to choose their future profession in a timely manner (and the sooner - the better). Absence of certainty in the choice of profession is upsetting and disaffecting for Gamma Quadra even at a very early age.

An example:

A four-year girl of TIM ESI (Dreiser) was in the kindergarten yard playing ball with other children. Suddenly she felt herself very bad. (As she later recalled, she was suddenly taken over by some frightening, "black", suppressing feeling of an inexplicable, terrible fear.) She stepped out of the play circle and started to sob loudly. The teachers ran up to her to find out what has happened. Through the sobs and the tears she began telling them, repeating the same thing: "I don't know what to do! I don't know what to do!" The teachers looked at each other in surprise and began to reassure her: "How is it you don't know what you do? Come, play ball with all the other children!" The girl, still sobbing, replied: "No, not now, but when I grow up. I don't know what I will do then!" It didn't occur to her teachers to explain to her then that in the world there are many different jobs and professions, good and necessary, from which she will eventually choose one that is right for her. They simply sent her to a doctor worrying that she might be sick. A few days later the girl would still start crying and couldn't calm down. This episode she remembered for her entire life. From that time on, she thought long and hard about what she'll do when she grows up. In time, life has led her to an answer. It happened like this: she was in junior high school, when one night she had a terrible dream. She dreamed that she was on stage in a concert hall, announcing to the audience that she will be singing a song, but when she opened her mouth she suddenly remembered that she didn't know a single song in full. She woke up in cold sweat, and from that moment on new life began for her. Wanting to be prepared – if this terrible dream ever repeated in life – every day she started learning new songs (now she learned them from beginning to the end). She got herself a notebook where she wrote them down. She spent her pocket money not on ice cream, but on purchase of music notebooks and new collections of songs. Then she started studying music and singing. She received vocational training and after some time became a soloist at LenConcert and a well-known performer of old romances and songs.

Accusations of professional inadequacy as a painful irritant and an effective measure of influence on Gamma Quadra within the framework of the quadral complex of "tied hands".

In Gamma Quadra it is important to not only in time professionally and creatively realize oneself, but it is also frightening to lose time and opportunities that would ensure successful professional fulfillment – it is frightening to be left with nothing and to end up a "nobody". (Therefore, Alpha Quadra in intertype relations of conflict put their lives at risk when they make Gamma Quadra give up their favorite work in favor of family, and at the same time declare them to be "worthless windbags" or "unaccomplished failures". By calling them "no one" and "nothing", an "empty place", Alpha Quadra creates an extremely volatile situation, and, not realizing it, finds itself on the verge of demise: being offended on their quadral complex, Gamma Quadra (especially the aggressive Gamma sensing types SEE, Caesar and ESI, Dreiser) will grab whatever happens to be at hand – something heavier – and use it as the most substantial and powerful counter-argument, giving little to no thought as to the consequences.)

By accusations of inadequacy it is possible (and even then only in the most extreme cases) to bring back to reason and moral sense a degraded, compulsive gambler LIE, Jack, who lives like a parasite on the means of his family and his partner and squanders money with his friends. The LIE can be "shaken up" and dumbfounded by such a reproach, that followed the wish to make him reconsider his attitude to life. The only problem is that ESI's tongue (especially in dual relations) won't turn to call a person "a failure", "a loser" or "an empty space", even if the person deserves it. The ESI is much more willing to endure hardships and deprivations than to allow him/herself such tactlessness in relations with a person close and dear.

What if one is really unlucky with one's partner - how can ESI dualize in such circumstances? In recent times (of developed socialism), when financially ruinous entertainment and pleasures were not as widely available, and work and having an occupation was compulsory for all, it was possible to dualize with jack (if he didn't impede it) and to create a family with him.

В настоящее время перспективы не слишком обнадёживающие. Создать семью с человеком без определённых занятий (да ещё привыкшем жить на широкую ногу) практически невозможно. Вариантов всего два: дуализироваться, а потом с болью и с кровью отрывать дуала от сердца, в надежде спасти хотя бы детей от бедствий и нищеты, либо обходить его за версту, даже не помышляя о дуализации.

In present times, the prospects are not too encouraging. Creating a family with a man who has no real occupation (and who, in addition, is used to living on a grand scale) is virtually impossible. There are only two options: to dualize and then with pain and blood tear away one's dual from one's heart, hoping to at least save the children from the scourge of poverty, or keep away from him at a far distance and not even think about dualization.

To make decisions is up to ESI, to derive conclusions is up to LIE.

But there is a third option: to thoroughly check a dual before making the decision.

Though this is unlikely: the ESI is not of those who creates tests for his or her partner. And the LIE is not one of the people who quickly open up their cards. This means that one can only rely on the integrity and conscientiousness of the LIE. But the pull and addiction to pleasure (+Si), as well as the inclination to mute the fears on "vulnerable" function and on "complex of tied hands" with money, for the LIE often end up being stronger than his honor and drown out his inner voice of conscience.

- The ability to lead a dangerous and risky game with minimal number of chances,
- ability to "come out of the water dry" under most difficult and most complicated circumstances,
- ability to find support (resources, reserves, associates, allies, creditors) in the most critical moment,
- a talent for leadership, ability to favorably predispose people towards himself, to persuade them, to lead them after oneself,
- ability to quickly come into trust and to easily strike up friendships,
- ability to keep imperturbable and to encourage partners by impending good luck and positive prospects in the most desperate, deadend, and hopeless situations,
- ability to almost instantly (with intuitive insight) come up and think through a plan of action,
- ability to make time work to his advantage.

All of these qualities and features of his TIM help the LIE to become extremely successful in all (even if questionable) enterprises.

- allow the LIE to keep a part of the team, even if with his own actions he "drowns" other team members,
- allow the LIE to keep afloat in all cases and under any circumstances, to remain on top and in control of the situation at all times,
- allow him to drive away potential competitors and block the demands for rights of the partners, who have extinguished their material resources as well as their business proactive or creative potential;
- allow the LIE to displace others from his team while not getting driven away himself.

Of course, all of these qualities allow the LIE to succeed where others will inevitably "drown" (or "break their necks").

For Dreiser it is difficult to compete with Jack under such conditions (or outplay him in such a subtle and intricate game as a marriage scam, if his dual has plans for such).

But Jack has to dualize somehow! Jack hasn't yet lost hope of finding a convenient alternative to this predicament. And he will continue looking for it. This is a serious problem for the dyad LIE-ESI, that actually endangers the very existence of this dyad as a dual pair.

The dual dyad cannot – is not allowed! - to lose the experience of dual relations. Without the present and the past experience of dual relations there will never be future developments in the evolution of dual relations. And even then – what kind of a dual dyad is it if within in duals exist only separately and try to dualize with anyone else but each other?

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, after the "swashbuckling" 90s swept the country with a wave of unbridled and the most violent crime, the situation with TIM LIE was catastrophic, and for his dual moralist Dreiser – it was intolerable, unacceptable, and most importantly - hopeless: there was no choice or escape.

Can the situation be saved, if one names things their names? In each specific case, it's possible to use this measure as a last resort. Although, of course, calling a person a "parasite" "worthless" and "empty space" within the framework of "the complex of tied hands" – this is the worst, the most painful and taboo insult.

What is Gamma Quadra afraid of?

In conditions of harsh competition of free business initiatives, Gamma Quadra is very much afraid to run out of time to creatively apply themselves and self-realize – this is a consequence of the predominant in this quadra aspects of "declaring" and warning giving "intuition of time", Ni, that tries to scan ahead of time, and applied alternative logic of actions (+Ni / -Te). Thus, Gamma types try to determine the range of their interests as early as possible and fully expand it, in order to have time to try their hand and test their strengths at everything – due to which they sometimes make an impression of being people who are too scattered and too addicted/involved.

Gamma Quadra is:
- afraid of suppression of its business and creating initiatives;
- afraid of collapse of their hopes and plans;
- afraid of meeting an overwhelming, counter, mutually exclusive initiative coming from the side of unscrupulous business or ethical partners – a consequence of the dominant aspects of involutionary logic of actions (-Te) and involutionary, critical, demanding ethics of relations (-Fi) in this quadra.
- "Decisive" and "democratic" Gamma Quadra takes many risks in the course of its business and creative self-realization, thus Gammas are particularly afraid of envy aimed at their success, of treachery, betrayal, and distrust on the part of people whom they trusted especially. Gamma Quadra is afraid of the abuse of trust, they fear "sheltering an enemy in their own house", afraid of lies, false admissions of love and friendship, afraid of false friends, insincerity, hypocrisy.

Sometimes, feeling tired of all the disappointments, instead of acting and seeking constructive solutions, Gamma types begin a childish talk on the topic: "Why is the world so evil? Why are the people so evil? Why does everyone lie to each other?" - which, however, doesn't dissuade them from diving into the very core of various risky business ventures, running into the abyss of the most brutal competition, trying to experience and understand the essence of things if not in theory, then at least in practice.

Attempts to understand the complex vicissitudes of life help Gamma Quadra subdue their fears on their quadral complex of "tied hands": each person here believes that he or she could have achieved much greater success in their undertakings, if not for a lie, if not for being let down, if not for a betrayal, if not for hypocrisy at every turn, which each of them would like to curb, prevent, bypass, or eliminate altogether, so that there are less hindrances and more benefits to their work.

Over time, each of them begins to look at these things simpler, with a philosophical calmness: "The world is not without flaws, - who are without sin? – There is no light without the shadows."

They begin to treat negative manifestations as the inevitable conditions of the fierce competitive struggle of life, as natural factors of their environment, as aspects of the harsh reality, that they see based on facts of the circumstances that have folded up to date, while not excluding the possibility of changing things for the better (-Fi↑ / -Te↑).

Blocking partner's activity as a restrictive measure during oppositional struggles.

In addition to the multifaceted and timely professional preparation and training, that ensures success in competitive conditions, other developments aimed at the protection of the complex of "tied hands" include all kinds of restrictive and precautionary measures that timely block the creative activities and actions of one's rivals and competitors. The position of "the stronger their hands are bound, the more our hands are untied for us" – is in itself encouraging and forms a strong incentive.

An example of such blocks to activity could be made out of the characteristic for Gamma intuitive types unduly and unjustifiably harsh and despotic manipulations of the aspects of ethics of emotions, that frustrate their partners, dampen their activities, suppress their energies and vitality, cause them distress, pull them into depression, kill their faith in people and in bright and lofty ideals, kill in them the hopes for mutual support, mutual help, and understanding. This includes the deliberate indifference to the emotional experiences of the partner (characteristic of ILI Balzac), and the demonstrative disregard of partner's requests and requirements (typical of LIE Jack).

Spontaneously complicating the requirements for a productive partnership, entangling them further and further, and, at the same time, showing carelessness and deliberate irresponsibility, the LIE depletes the material resources of his partner, redistributing them as "resources of the team" in his favor, and then moves out of his partner's control, playing a role of a self-determined, reckless, uncontrollable, and irresponsible "simpleton", who has no idea about "team relations", thereby attaining unlimited freedom of action (which mutes his own fears on the complex of "tied hands"), and by this simultaneously blocking or hindering the activity of his partner, depriving him or her of financial support, and with it, of the possibility to continue his work further and to control the intentional use of their shared material resources.

- And what about the moral code, the dominant aspect of (corporate) ethic relations in this quadra?

- The moral side of the issue is also important for Jack. It is important for him that his work brings him moral satisfaction. But if he's forced to occupy himself by undesirable work and tasks, it doesn't present a difficulty for him to find moral self-justification and an excuse for such actions.

Just like Robin Hood (LIE, Jack) justified his robberies by fair and just redistribution of funds, although nobody has ever checked and verified the validity of these reallocations. It is only known (according to historians) that there were few people in his "forest army", about 50-60 (a large group would have been too conspicuous). He also could not have been enriching the poor is some substantial ways, for this would have been too obvious and evoked suspicion. While the sums of money that his group "lifted" from the passing merchants were astronomical (for those times), and this money couldn't be legalized. (He could only dream of doing so, and hope to use it sometime in the future for the benefit of all those disadvantaged and afflicted.) In actuality, all these references to "fair redistribution" for him were a convenient ideological pillar – a myth, which he used as a cover to ensure moral support.

To commit an unconscientious act in regard to his partner (friends or colleagues), the LIE must find a moral justification for his actions. It is necessary for him to obtain a moral right to punish his partner for some offense, to see some flaw in his partner.

The pretext for this is often an imagined, invented suspicion of the LIE, his desire to catch his partner on an attempt to overtake and appropriate the larger part of shared means and resources (of the family or the work team), due to which the LIE creates constant quarrels and fights, slanders his partner for nothing, accuses him of exorbitance in spending (or of immoderate avarice) and all other deadly sins.

If his partner doesn't provide any reasons for such accusations and charges, it annoys Jack even more: an excuse for a quarrel is needed to capture the larger part of the resources and leave. (As a "declaring" type the LIE often joins groups when it's to his own advantage, to increase his own prosperity, to team up with other investors and at the price of a small contribution to claim big jackpot during the final redistribution of resources.)

In partnership relations (including dual ones) the LIE only then abandons his provocations and "suspicions" when he manages to fully take control over the distribution of material resources – when he actually appropriates them and spends them at his own discretion. Here, he systematically and consistently comes out of control or even disappears from the view of his partner.

Re-appearing more and more infrequently, the LIE comes up with increasingly less and less credible excuses for his increasingly frequent and lengthy absences. Then he stops explaining anything. And so it continues until he disappears altogether.

LIE's desire to seize all the material resources of the company – is one of the characteristic manifestations of the complex of "tied hands". The LIE is convinced that he for sure will make the money work, that he'll be able to successfully invest it, to turn it around for the common good – so that his partners are happy, and he isn't offended, and the project doesn't burn out. The money should be invested in some enterprise, work need to be done with it. What kind of project would it be without the financing?

What is worth one characteristic instinct of the LIE of a pioneer and a discoverer that makes him constantly search for new methods and means to engage in long and expensive expeditions?

This instinct of the trailblazer prompts the LIE to aim towards new worlds, new horizons, towards undiscovered and unexplored countries, in search of new adventures and new treasures, that would open up new possibilities for him, lead him to new victories and new successes. But the same instinct forces him to constantly accumulate (collect, take over, or earn) the means for the new ventures, which are not always successful. Positive attitude provides for the natural optimism of Jack, his carefree disposition, determination, belief in good luck, in his lucky star. And in some cases – in his own exclusivity, in his high destiny.

The thirst for new discoveries, new achievements, and new adventures does not allow the LIE to linger in one place for long. In the heat of gaming passion, in the pursuit of even more profit, he can drastically change his plans and get involved in a new, more costly venture, for which he can sacrifice the well-being of his family, the health and happiness of his loved ones. Stopping Jack from doing this is practically impossible: he doesn't recognize anyone's control over himself, doesn't coordinate his actions with his partner, and blocks his partner's activity by preemptively intercepting the greatest part of their total resources.

Stopping before nothing, feeling unsatisfied with the already achieved, Jack risks a lot and puts much at stake without thinking about the consequences.

An example:

Hernando Cortes (LIE, Jack), turning into a very wealthy man after his conquest of 25 million of the Aztec Empire, was so addicted to the search for new unconquered lands (acquired a taste of conquest) that he spent all the proceeds and assets from previous missions on equipping new military expeditions (it was nearly one-sixteenth part of all the treasures he captured from Aztecs). He spent all these resources on fruitless searches (by that time all the territory has already been captured), left his family (his wife and children) in Mexico City and returned to Spain, where, a sick and poor man, he died in poverty and obscurity in one of the slums of Seville (in 1545).

The LIE is always afraid that there won't be enough finances for his plans and ventures. No matter how many resources are at his disposal, he will always try to claim even more – for a bigger, grander, more expensive project (if one is already spinning, then spin big time!). Thus, the LIE often experiences dissatisfaction with "small sums" and modest material means that are at his disposal, and tries to increase them the fastest and the most affordable way – through gambling or casinos. As a result, he loses all that he has – that which belongs to him and that which belongs to others. Then, for a long time, he tries to recoup these losses, to return at least that which was others' (or at least so he convinces himself). Then, he plays because now he can't stay away …

It happens that LIE only pretends to be an "unlucky player" (or a "hapless entrepreneur"). He plays the role of a man who is desperately unlucky in game (or in business), but who desperately wants to get even ("take a rematch"). He comes home with a confused, embarrassed look and admits: "I'm sorry, dear, no luck today. Maybe tomorrow will be better." And then: "I need money. Tomorrow I have to return a debt." For the LIE this is a relatively harmless way to pull into his pocket most of the shared or family funds. That is, this is that very case when he isn't losing anything major, or he plays only for appearance and loses small sums, but in actuality he has an account where he is adding up and "collecting" all the new bits of income - saving up the start-up capital for his future plans and ventures.

If Jack starts to "play dumb", to pose himself as a fool, a failure, a klutz, a bummer – then he is scheming something not good and "holding" his partner for a "sucker", turning over some scheme at his partner's expense (some material or financial machination) or even turning his partner into a victim of fraud. Because being a loser, a fool, a lazy slob in Gamma Quadra is just as shameful as it is in Beta Quadra to be a victim, an outcast, a scapegoat for someone else's guilt.

Voluntarily, without a reason, no one in Gamma wants to wear the mask of a "simpleton" or a "fool". Except for Jack. Jack often pretends to "be a fool" on his contact ethical functions, creating from his obvious and blatant "simplicity" a kind of bait for anyone who might want to cheat him, for which later Jack ruthlessly deals with the person – he "punishes" them for their "evil intents". It's much worse, however, when Jack arranges this bait-and-switch for people who are close to him – when he comes to his family with this sort of a mask, joking and foolishly stumbling around, and at the same time constantly lying and creating drains of family funds.

- But isn't his dual ESI able to distinguish truth from falsehood, sincerity from a game? Isn't Dreiser able to see through a person, especially someone so close to him?

- Blinded by euphoria of duality, the ESI does not see in the LIE anything except for what the ESI wishes to see. The ESI sometimes notices his dual's mask of stupidity, feels that he's being cheated, but doesn't always understand what is happening with his partner – doesn't always know what hides behind all this. Losing hopes of getting an honest answer from Jack, Dreiser starts questioning his friends, while they all have a mutual agreement. Jack is immediately alerted that he's being "watched". Upon hearing this, Jack takes on the role of accuser and sets off at the ESI: how dare the ESI insult him with such distrust – this is so unethical! Blindsided and "knocked out" of his track by Jack's impudence, Dreiser takes Jack's guilt onto his own shoulders – Dreiser feels like a traitor to his own ethical program and tries to make amends for his wrongdoings, tries to explain himself before Jack, justifies his actions by necessity – after all, it is necessary to figure out what is going on with one's partner, it is necessary to resolve everything ...

Listening to Jack's encouraging forecasts and his assurances that soon everything will change for the better ("Everything will be fine, you will see!"), Dreiser ends up exactly in the position of a "sucker" and becomes a "victim" of Jack's fraud with all the ensuing consequences. Jack won't be tormented by remorse (at the end of his "scheme"): in Gamma Quadra the "sucker", the "dupe" is always to blame for his or her misfortunes. Besides, Jack quickly finds reasons to find fault with his partners and can easily justify himself: "She was too strict (or too careless) all the time. She deserved it. From now on let her be more careful. Fools should be taught."

To create an appearance of work/business activity for Jack is very easy if he wishes to do so. To sit at the computer reading some articles or stock quotes, to hang around different offices and centers in a new expensive suit, to drive to "meetings" in a brand new high-end car (bought with the money of his partner), to drive his partner to project sites and show the foundations of the new enterprise – all of this for Jack does not present much difficulty, to persuade, to dispel anxieties, to inspire someone to be more trusting and carefree.

If the LIE puts his mind to a goal to get something – anything of value to him – preventing him from doing so is virtually impossible: the LIE knows how to achieve what he wants ("strategic" "decisive" "declaring" TIM). In any activity he knows how to find an advantage for himself (to convince himself and others that he's tracking his interest "for the sake of his future enterprises"). The LIE isn't one of those people who allow themselves to get cheated and he isn't one of those who allow themselves to lose out.

Jack frequently changes professions, jobs, occupations. Recognizing in him a person without a particular professional orientation is difficult. And this also presents a certain problem in the dyad ESI-LIE. Sometimes, before embarking on another venture, Jack obtains permanent employment at some modest but good and decent job. However, he leaves it as soon as he meets the next partner who is of interest to him as "a potential sponsor" of his future endeavors. Once Jack establishes a close enough relations, he "suddenly" starts having "trouble at work" – some misunderstandings arise due to which some unfair demands are imposed on him (at least that's how he explains his dismissal from work to his partner). Shortly after this, he is overwhelmed by a desire for activity and entrepreneurship. He steadfastly refuses to take up steady paid employment and begins to think about forming his own company, about which he more of more often consults with his new partner. Immediately he starts feeling a pressing need for additional material means (for the beautiful life that he wants to create for his girlfriend there just isn't enough money). Jack starts developing plans for various future enterprises, ideas arise which he discusses with his partner ...

That is, at first, Jack does not appear to be a person without a specific occupation ...

... But he becomes it as soon as his partner begins giving him money. In order to officially take possession of her property, he, not immediately (and not too eagerly), agrees to join her in marriage (even his dual partner). Emotions, romantic moods, dual euphoria interfere with such a relationship, where the main motivation is a pragmatic calculation, profit, benefit.

Once Jack has established in a new place and insisted on "relations of comradery" within the family, with which material assets should be shared, he gradually appropriates one or another part of his partner's property. And then, "unwinding the max" and bringing up the need for new investment and new costs, he pulls in what is remaining. During this, his business plan is absent. Instead the LIE acts intuitively and tactically. According the level of the "spin", he creates more and more scandals and hysterics about the lack of the necessary material resources. In the end result, he captures as much as he can grab. And then he disappears without a trace, leaving his partner homeless and destitute, with negative accounts, with outstanding loans to repay and a huge amount of debt responsibilities.

- Along the way, a question comes up – the reader may note – it is known that duals help alleviate each other's fears on "point of least resistance". And fears on quadral complex – can the dual partner help to mute them?

- One's dual partner CANNOT cover for the fears on quadral complex, even during the period of illusory generosity that arises as a result of the euphoria of dual intertype relations. Due to this, each dual experiences a need to accumulate preferential rights with the subsequent depreciation of the rights of his partner ("a tug-of-war of rights and advantages pulling them to their side"). This is one of the intractable (yet) problems of dual relationships: each person has to make up for the absence of support on quadral complex individually, by himself or herself.

The dual dyad "Dreiser - Jack" this issue is an especially acute one. Taking, signing over, appropriating into his hands all the material resources of the family, Jack actually deprives his dual Dreiser of moral and material support, and, at the same time, he deprives Dreiser of the right to self-determination creative self-realization (that is, deals a blow to the ESI on the quadral complex of "tied hands"), which is extremely painful for the ESI in itself and makes him/her regret associating with such a person. Having to choose between his dual, with whom the ESI has already merged souls, and personal creative self-realization, that guarantees ESI's solvency and self-sufficiency in the future, for the ESI is excruciatingly painful and unbearably hard. At this point, the ESI will have to forget about his own resource intensive hobbies, passions, and creative projects. Here, even the savings that he has made prior to the wedding won't help, as by that time they will be spent on "personal business" of Jack. The problem of meeting immediate material needs will arise. In solving this problem, ESI's dual will try to designate to the ESI the most unpresentable and slave labor heavy role. He will say: "Go on, dear, go work in a store or a market. I'll give the money for the first month's rent, and from there try to make ends meet yourself. This is better than sitting at home and writing music, which no one plays but you".

And this, incidentally, is a very real situation: appropriating all the money of his wife ESI, a very gifted and creative person, her husband LIE some months after their wedding told her to get a job at a factory (as there wasn't enough money to cover basic bills). When she refused, he offered her another option: to go to work as a trader at an open market. While she has two degrees and a crystal dream of peacefully and creatively working on the topic of her interest. Towards this dream, she had been saving money for a long time, which she, naively trusting her husband in the blind euphoria of duality, has given to him as her dowry (falling under the influence of the illusory generosity caused by mitigation of fears on "vulnerable function" during dual unions).

Thus, the result was that the creative potential of LIE's partner has remained unrealized in this situation, although she has been saving for a long time the means to secure for herself a period of productive creative work, of professional "promotion" and a beginning of finished products, and material support for the family during her involuntary "unemployment". But it all goes to ashes when instead of replenishing these funds, ESI's partner - Jack (a member of their "family team") takes them to fulfill his own plans and ventures (which, for some strange reasons, don't bring him any profit), thereby depriving the ESI of her livelihood, and then telling the ESI to go work in an open market or a factory. On top of it, the LIE disappears himself, sells their personal property which he had already assigned to himself (as transport units for his future "enterprise"). Under such circumstances, the ESI is forced to forget about own creative work, about his own "contract with the muse", which will have to be terminated (that for a creative person is always very painful), and go try to save the situation on his own. Until his dual again appears as if from nowhere and demands new subsidies for his unrealizable and costly projects – because Jack feels the very same need and has the very same thirst for boundless creativity and entrepreneurship – the same quadral complex of "tied hands".

Striving in all cases to remain in control of the situation, the LIE tries to control ethical relationships and model them in a way that is convenient for him, trying to extract from them maximum benefits for himself and his future plans. Wanting to remove all obstacles and eliminate all hindrances that arise on his way, LIE blocks professional and business activity of his partners, depriving them of financial (and therefore legal) support.

Puzzling his partner and putting him at an impasse with his "wild" and "most absurd" escapades, the LIE often plays the role of an unpredictable, unruly person (with no reason in his head), who, nevertheless, dashes to undertake something, to keep up everywhere, to control everyone, to make friends with all, and to build relations in a clear-cut, organized, and spotless manner (despite his own chaotic and inconsistent behaviors). As a result, all that the LIE achieves on the level of personal agreements, he proceeds to destroy by his own contradictory actions, making an impression of an unprincipled, irresponsible, and dishonest person (especially when it comes to appropriation of the material resources of others).

- But this does not apply absolutely to all members of this TIM ...

- Of course not. But the ever expanding window of opportunities, unlimited and boundless, in combination with improved conditions of existence create a precedent for temptation ...

"Today here, tomorrow - there, restless Robin Today here, tomorrow - there, and gone ... " - these verses of of Robert Burns, translated by Samuil Marshak, were and will be relevant for a long time. And "work" for himself such "Jack - hopper" will always find.

Gamma intuitive types as victims of their own arbitrariness in business and interpersonal relations.

Establishing turbulent activity and intercepting both ethical and business initiatives, Gamma intuitive types, nevertheless, don't feel very confident in difficult ethical situations. The aspect of ethics of relations (+Fi) for them is located in their "child-like" Superid block as suggestive function for the LIE and activating function for the ILI. Ethical childishness, coupled with the quadral complex, often manifests itself in chaotic and disorderly actions with which they try to manipulate their partners, attempting to push them away, to scare them, then to puzzle them, to put them in a difficult impassable position and keep holding them there, forcing their partners to concede and comply with the convenient and advantageous for Gamma intuitive types conditions and circumstances. The less confident Gamma intuitives feel themselves in this alien to them environment, the more they bluff and with greater aplomb they do so, the more activity they unwind and initiate, the more absurd and haphazard their actions become, and the more harshly and despotically they try to submit their partner to their will.

If to them the situation seems too complicated, and responsibility - prohibitively high, they, with a number of (seemingly) absurd, contradictory, and unnatural actions, try to inhibit and block the ethical and business initiatives of their partner, making their partner puzzle over, reflect on, and try to guess the reasons for this strange behavior, and bringing relationship to a standstill. Further, they shroud the motives behind their actions with even more mystery, making them further "incomprehensible", while they evade giving explanations to their partner, and at the same time try stimulating interest in themselves, thereby "freezing" the relationship at some undetermined point and hold ("conserve") their partner there, over this hopeless no-exit uncertainty for an infinitely long period of time.

Being the initiators of such conditions, they don't allow their partner to leave the relationship either, but continue to encourage by word, deed, or at times an unexpected emotional outburst, confession or concession, or an unexpected friendly favor. At the same time, they watch the actions of their partner, keeping him or her in sight and the situation under tight management and control, waiting and expecting that it will somehow resolve itself in the most advantageous for them way.

Sometimes they "open a second front" and in parallel create other, more favorable for themselves connections with other partners, in the expectation that their main partner, desperate to bring this situation to an end, will him/herself break off relations with them – leave the game, withdraw, and thereby save them from having to start a conversation about unpleasant and difficult topic. Subsequently (or simultaneously), on basis of pragmatic considerations, they may not let their partner leave and distance: "why lose a friendship with a good (and useful) person". At the same time, they don't allow their partner to bring clarity to their relationship, entangling him by ambiguity of their intentions even more, and at all costs avoid providing any explanations: "it's a pity to hurt a good person", "sorry to disappoint and upset him" "it's dangerous to make an enemy of him". Fearing "what if something doesn't work out", they allow their partner to become misled as to the true state of affairs, and keep him in the dark about the true motives of their behavior for arbitrarily long periods of time.

As a result, their partner ends up being "bound by hands and feet", entangled and tied up by a variety of moral and ethical obligations, meanwhile those who have created all this mess and confusion, the Gamma intuitive types, feel themselves free from any responsibility and act at their own discretion, not restricting themselves by any commitments nor tying themselves by anything. (And, if even their duals, "program" and "creative" ethical types SEE Caesar and ESI Dreiser, find it difficult to break from these clutches – even though as "decisive" ethical sensing types they are better than anyone equipped to break through such shackles (everything that they cannot unravel on their "decisive" ethics of relations (-Fi), they simply "cut off" as not worthy of attention) – then what is there to say about members of other quadra: they feel as if they are being pulled into a pit of despair and hopelessness by some kind of fatal combination of circumstances from which they cannot escape.)

Moreover, all of these contradictory and chaotic (at first glance) actions they (the Gamma intuitive types) consider to be their unique exceptional invention – their own original and extravagant "discovery" in business and interpersonal relations, that they often resort to these measures to "muddle their tracks" and get to the needed result (to the desired goal) before others, thus attaining an advantage in time. They need this "confused mess" to "knock" their partner off the track – to confuse him, while they themselves remain "unsolved", so that later, with greater rights and improved sense of confidence in their abilities, they could dominate in a situation that is too difficult and complex for them – to pull the levelers of control. The do so in order to safeguard themselves from all sides and feel comfortable – "to continue staying afloat and, at the same time, to have a solid foothold".

Even though from aside such behavior makes an impression of a chaotic, causeless fuss – of meaningless, "frog-like" "dabbling in milk" in hopes that in time it will turn into butter – Gamma intuitive types still count on a favorable outcome of events, that all of their efforts will lead to a positive for them outcome, to a point when they will be able to easily get all that they desire while being free of any obligations.

By their partners, the Gamma sensing types, all of these contradictory actions are often perceived as a distress signal, as a call for help (help that Gamma SFs immediately rush to offer). But Gamma intuitive types continue to inflate their worth: they prefer to be "above" handouts. Not wishing to be bound by any moral obligations, they not only defiantly reject this help (for any service you'll have to pay), but also continue aggravating the situation with new chaotic actions, bringing it to an even greater impasse. The last word, of course, remains with the Gamma sensing types. Although Gamma intuitives do not allow them to come to a final decision – they will simulate a situation in which they portray themselves as victims of circumstances (for this they are "victim" intuitive types!) and obtain new resources, rights, and benefits in this game – receive from their partners new proposals and new "handouts", which they, with the same defiant arrogance, will "reject" in hopes of getting even more generous offers.

(Even the "program" and "creative" ethical types of Gamma Quadra – ESI and SEE – have to sacrifice a lot to their duals and activators in personal relationships, leaving these situations incurring huge losses for themselves and rather disappointing results.)

Business partners of Gamma intuitive types may view this turbulent inconsistency as blatant speculation and profiteering on their friendship and cordial feelings – a shameless "inflation" of their own value, and takeover of moral and material advantages for themselves – and can consider this as "not playing by the rules", as a disregard for teamwork and comradery – due to which, after one or several warnings (or even with none), Gamma intuitive types may be removed from the team and suspended from business (despite their best efforts in preventing this). That is, the very thing that they are afraid of the most (on the complex of "tied hands") occurs: they fall victim to their own arbitrariness and find themselves being pushed out of business, out of the group – "thrown overboard" – as the ship leaves without them. Since they won't be able to realize themselves in this group, they are forced to seek another circle of friends, to look closely to another project and gather a different team.

- In connection to this a question arises – the reader will note – how does this turbulent, chaotic, contradictory activity on the whole relate to the "program" and "creative" business logic – logic of actions – of Gamma intuitive types?

- This is most puzzling to their business and dual partners – Gamma sensing types – when they try to figure out the logic of their actions, offering them assistance.

The correct assessment of these actions can be given if we judge them by their result. Namely – by how Gamma intuitive types block the business and ethical activity of their partners by their own chaotic, contradictory actions, counting on the fact that their partner, the Gamma sensing type, seeing all this and fearing to make the situation worse, won't dare to undertake anything (even if it's the most active and decisive person), but will instead wait and hope that the Gamma intuitive type, at some point, will stop indulging in their whims and clowning around and deign to take up their primary responsibilities – that is, try to bring the situation of the crisis with infallible and operative actions.

In ethical situations, they, as a rule, do not succeed in this.

A classic example of this inability to orient and navigate a complicated ethical situation is provided by the famous literary character Eugene Onegin (ILI, Balzac) – the hero of the eponymous novel in verses of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

Not wishing to be bound by vows and striving under any conditions to be on top of the situation, Onegin by all means and methods tries to distance himself from Tatiana and performs a variety of actions (seemingly chaotic and controversial), that for him have irreversible and fatal consequences, as a result of which he makes Tatiana become a victim of circumstances, and himself falls victim of his own arbitrariness, that makes the so desired by him future closeness and reunification with Tatiana - impossible.

Getting carried away honing of his own "defensive capabilities" in the framework of the protection of personal freedoms and interests, ILI Balzac (introverted "negativist" "tactical" TIM) often becomes a prisoner of his own defenses. From time to time he sets up tests to check the strength of his "armor", allowing one of the potential partners to get close to him and then inviting them to destroy it as an obstacle. As a prize, he appears to them as a sort of "fairy-tale prince, imprisoned in The Black Tower" – kind, sympathetic, but very lonely man, endowed with many good qualities and advantages.

Following this, the ILI becomes a prisoner of his own loneliness, when after several long and fruitless attempts to "save" him many of his partners abandon all further efforts, considering this to be a hopeless waste of time. They leave him to himself, break off relations with him, and let him to continue to languish in the shell of his loneliness.

Development of protective measures on quadral complex of "tied hands."

Harsh competition of business and possibilistic initiatives, limitations of one's own possibilities and envy for other people's freedom of action (also a consequence of quadral complex of "tied hand") makes all representatives of Gamma Quadra develop a system of protective measures ("a system traps"), which allows them to curb and place limitations on the creative and business activities of their competitors and opposition.

All of the dominant aspect of Gamma Quadra work for the development of protective measures on complex of "tied hands":

- The aspect of "break-through" evolutionary volitional sensing (+Se) – the "program" aspect of the extrovert-ideologist of the Gamma Quadra – SEE, Caesar – who overwhelms with his own purposefulness, and is capable of moving mountains and crushing any obstacles in his path;
- The aspect of "inventive" involutionary logic of actions (-Te) – the "program" aspect of the extrovert-implementer of Gamma Quadra – LIE, Jack – that operates on a double standard: on the one hand - despotic and cruel - ruthlessly suppressing and limiting activities of his partners, curbing their rights and freedoms, but on the other hand - freedom-loving and emancipated - reserving the right to all-permissiveness, turning on green light for himself, not recognizing any control over himself, not seeing any borders, chains or boundaries;
- The evolutionary aspect of intuition of time (+Ni) – the "program" aspect of the extrovert-coordinator of Gamma Quadra – ILI, Balzac – prudent and pragmatic, giving prognosis of a situation with high accuracy, capable of technically modeling a "system of traps" that lead a potential rival into a dead end, capable of calculating the development of a situation many moves ahead;
- The involutionary aspect of ethics of relations (-Fi) – the "program" aspect of the extrovert-corrector of Gamma Quadra – ESI, Dreiser – rigid, categorical ("questim", separating), capable of separating "friends" from "enemies", decisively and irrevocably cutting off and separating that which is "needed" from that which is "unnecessary", the "good" from the "bad", capable of cutting through the most complex "knots and chains", freeing up for himself and own priorities a convenient field of operations, capable of protecting this field from adversarial encroachments and opposing forces, entangling any one of his competitors or contacts with a plethora of moral and ethical constraints.

In the midst of competitive struggles, under the conditions of high pragmatic activity, in Gamma Quadra all entangle each other with some kind of restrictions:

- ESI, Dreiser binds the activity of his competitors by moral and ethical limitations (-Fi);
- SEE, Caesar holds them back by encouraging ethical manipulation (-Fi) and suppresses by willful bans and restrictions (+Se)
- ILI, Balzac suppresses another's initiative by gloomy business forecasts and frightening warnings (-Ni);
- LIE, Jack suppresses unwanted activity of his partner by depletion of material resources, strict restrictions of his personal, possibilistic, and business initiatives (-Te), and by harsh willful confrontations, limiting the person in their actions and potential and bringing him to a standstill.

- How do the representatives of the other quadra view this mutually exclusive freedom of action?

- Orthogonal quadra – "judicious" "democrats" "subjectivists" (representatives of "conflicting" Alpha Quadra) – do not take this seriously. The irrepressible, frenetic business activity of Gamma Quadra remains for them a mysterious and incomprehensible phenomenon: "Why not before acting in mutually exclusive directions discuss all these different beginnings and plans among each other? Why not try reaching an agreement?"

"Decisive" "aristocrats" "subjectivists" – representatives of Beta Quadra – consider all of this mutually exclusive business activity of Gamma Quadra to be a consequence of confusion in the system of priorities, the cost of democracy, and a consequence of the lack of a clear, reliable (hierarchical) statehood.

Representatives of the fourth quadra – "judicious" "aristocrats" "objectivists" – don't have anything against freedom of initiatives and freedom of action. But in the boundless mutual suppression of business and possibilistic initiatives, in the pervasive absence of mutual concessions and agreements, they see a problem and a hindrance to the development of their own creative initiatives, of their own abilities and talents, which in turn objectively undermines the importance of dominating in the fourth quadra aspects of evolutionary business logic (+Te) and involutionary intuition potential (-Ni) and pushes them out into a category of anti-values. Anxiety and fear arising from this – the fear of limitations imposed on one's own creative and possibilistic potential – we conventionally call the Delta Quadra complex of "clipped wings".

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