Descriptions of Dual Relations by Gulenko

From Wikisocion


1. Ne: program function of ENTp and dual-seeking function of ISFp

The ILE periodically makes "program" function statements regarding the prospects of various concepts, sets forth unconventional ideas and hypotheses, of which he learned via attending various lectures, seminars, and unsystematic reading, at the same time transforming this information and adding his own commentary. The SEI is oriented at receiving information of this kind, that is, information that is most original and far-reaching in content and at the same time vague and general, allowing for many different interpretations about its form. The SEI recognizes a conversation partner who presents information in such manner as the most intelligent, insightful, and therefore the most interesting person.

2. Ti: creative function of ENTp and activating function of ISFp

The ILE is capable of destroying old, fragile, and outdated structures, creating schisms in organizations, differentiating new branches and followings, and organizing new schools. Behavioral information of this kind is very attractive to the SEI. Resulting anarchy and instability, as well as rise of informal groups united by common splinter interests, is precisely the kind of situation where the SEI finds the most use for himself, functioning as an organizer and a conciliator, who objectively analyzes conflicts and gathers different supporters of the new movement or theory within a framework of single direction. The domestic aspect of duality of their functions is as follows: the ILE is very scattered at home and tends to leave things where he has last used them, buth with SEI's efforts sufficient level of order can be ensured. With SEI's efforts things will not disappear.

3. Se: role function of ENTp and ignoring function of ISFp

In accordance with his role function, the ILE is able to mobilize in emergency situations. If the ILE is subjected to strong outside pressuring, he or she is able to counter and resist it. For example, mobilizing all his strengths, the ILE can clear a backlog in work and chores in cases of urgent need or approaching deadlines. This function, being normative, i.e. inflexible, includes a limited set of behavioral norms. The SEI serves as a director of this function by providing advice concerning the initiative, determination, and specific actions: "Achieve everything by your own hands", "Do not sit around," "Do this right now", etc.

4. Fi: vulnerable function of ENTp and demonstrative function of ISFp

For ILE it is difficult to express a personal dislike towards a person and to set psychological distances: he is friendly and well predisposed to everyone equally and doesn't push anyone away. At the same time, the ILE is poorly perceptive of other's attitude towards him/herself. He often behaves unceremoniously, likes looking at and analyzing others, and generally makes little regard for ethical standards in his relations. Knowing this often apologizes. The SEI does not address this weakness verbally, that is, he doesn't try to criticize and teach the ILE. These issues the SEI resolves himself and does so unconsciously. On this function, the SEI creates short psychological distances, which shows as sociability and amiability in contact with people. By this behavior that forges a democratic, friendly, relaxed atmosphere, the SEI eliminates the need for the ILE to be always proper and to comply with etiquette in order to not shock others by his behaviors.

5. Si: dual-seeking function of ENTp and program function of ISFp

The ILE is set to accept information that conveys many interesting details and colorful associations, that would be easy to remember. It helps him to cover his abstract, far-reaching, and not always clear to others ideas with a convenient and comprehensible shell. This inspires the ILE, demonstrates the usefulness of his theoretical work and its closeness to people's needs. Not receiving such sensory support to his ideas and plans, the ILE starts to believe that a crisis is brewing around him, accuses the society of "degradation." "Program" function statements of the SEI regarding relaxation, leisure, comfort as prerequisites for one's well-being alleviate ILE's accumulating tension and remind him of the need to take care of his physical self and his appearance.

6. Fe: activating function of ENTp and creative function of ISFp

The ILE feels uncomfortable for open expressions of emotions, for laxness, for low physical performance. Therefore, he demonstrates restraint and seriousness, compiled with internal dramatization. He needs periodic emotional shake-ups, which he receives from the SEI. The SEI is able to "wind up" a person by making prodding jokes, playful quips, speaking in hints and innuendos. When a person loses himself emotionally, the SEI's emotional winding stops. This 'anarchist' quality to the emotions of the SEI is exactly what is needed to maintain high spirits and vitality of the ILE. Not getting emotional support of this kind from an SEI partner, the ILE tries to achieve it by attending various parties and entertainment events.

7. Ni: Ignoring function of ENTp and role function of ISFp

The ILE subconsciously feels the flow of events in time. From past he is able to predict future, thus he is often discounting towards past achievements and quickly loses interest in them. He gives advice of tactical nature: how to act in a difficult situation, how to pull oneself out of a tangle of contradictions. The ILE knows how to find a third option when one is faced with two alternatives. Due to this quality, the ILE directs this function for the SEI, describes future prospects, shows him win-win solutions and propositions. Without such advice and adjustments from ILE, the activities of the SEI are much less successful - on one hand, they are too lightweight and unproblematic, and on the other, offer no solutions to the contradictions that have accumulated from the past.

8. Te: demonstrative function of ENTp and vulnerable function of ISFp

The ILE possesses an unconscious ability to benefit from any situation in which he finds himself (this quality is more pronounced in the logical subtype than the intuitive subtype). This practical activity has an indirect nature i.e. enterprise, trade, negotiation etc. rather than being based on direct production. On this function the ILE exerts no verbal effect on the SEI, doesn't openly and verbally criticize or teach him. It is difficult for the SEI to engage in directly pragmatic activities. The SEI tends to solve problems of this nature on an informal level via connections that are available to him. The ILE relieves the SEI from having to deal with complex rules of official business relations, showing his talents as a "combinator" and initiator of favorable contracts and bargains.


1. Fe: program function of ESFj and dual-seeking function of INTj

The ESE periodically tells emotionally charged "program" function stories, telling of how somebody has acted and what they have done. The main orientation of ESE's leading ethical program is: "No one should be offended." The LII carefully listens to these statements, and, demonstrating a full understanding of these issues, develops logical basis for them, e.g. in calm persuasive voice he explains how the ESE has acted justly and fairly. The effusion of turbulent emotions coming from the ESE is counterbalanced by their absorption by the LII, who breaks them down into fragments by asking clarifying questions of the ESE.

2. Si: creative function of ESFj and activating function of INTj

The LII feels discomfort in cases of sensory expressions in public, for example, it feels uncomfortable to be wearing a bright shirt if others are dressed in neutral tones, to be looking at himself in the mirror, to be eating something savory when others aren't eating, etc. Therefore the LII gravitates towards demonstrative asceticism, may exhaust himself with work, studies, or exercise. The ESE periodically takes care of creating an environment that "charges" the LII with pleasant sensations: a reception of guests, a good meal, a visit to a theater or a concert, an interesting trip, and so on. At the same time the ESE takes pleasure in this himself.

3. Te: role function of ESFj and ignoring function of INTj

The role function of the ESE manifests as business-oriented activity and initiative, supplying interesting information, provision with material assistance to those who are in need, general restlessness and fussy busyness. This function is normative, i.e. the ESE seeks to comply with the norms and accepted ways of doing things. The nuancing of the understanding of these norms, i.e. introduction of activities that go beyond them, is possible only by considering LII's advice and recommendations. The LII serves as a director of this function, adjusting its workings by advocating the necessity of practical application of some beneficial ideas, rejection of useless though spectacular ideas, and the need to ensure standards of life not below average by rejection of equalization.

4. Ni: vulnerable function of ESFj and demonstrative function of INTj

The ESE poorly feels the flow of time, both physical, which manifests as running late and poor distribution of his strengths over time, and historical, which manifests as poor ability to anticipate consequences of actions, certain conservativeness in tastes, and tendency for traditional ways of solving problems. The ESE finds it difficult to make radical choices. The LII fully takes this aspect onto his shoulders. He has an unconscious ability to distribute activities in time, thereby avoiding work stress and overloads, and is capable of making a radical choice. The LII is able to calmly wait and in the necessary moment get to work when the wasteful fussiness of the ESE reaches its critical point.

5. Ti: dual-seeking function of ESFj and program function of INTj

The ESE is tuned to accepting information when it's relayed in clear logical form. He issues requests for logical explanations delivered from a point of view of generalized rules underpinning specific life events, which he receives from the LII, who delivers clear unambiguous interpretations, places the dots over all "i's", and demonstrates good understanding of problems that are of concern to the ESE. Not receiving information of this kind, the ESE begins making demands of those around him to be "intelligent" and understand the reasons of his actions.

6. Ne: activating function of ESFj and creative function of INTj

The ESE feels uncomfortable if he doesn't extend his help to people who are in need of it. His subconscious orientation is: "care and guard the talented", be kind and attentive towards other people. The LII usually meets such criteria by proving in action his aptitude at uncovering hidden capabilities, winning trust, passing on the knowledge. The ESE creates supportive conditions for people who are capable but lacking in assertive "push-through" qualities, among whom the LII finds himself, and a special work regime that protects such individuals from overloads on sensing functions. However, for the ESE it is difficult to assess the degree of someone's abilities or prospectiveness of various proposals. He cannot grasp intrinsic qualities due to weak intuition. Only the LII is able to, even having a vague general notion about the subject, construct a developed theory of any issue. This theory shows to be promising in the process of its concrete application within its field.

7. Fi: ignoring function of ESFj and role function of INTj

On this function the ESE gives advice and makes demands concerning the creation of appropriate psychological distances in form of proper behavior, courtesy and politeness, denouncing rudeness and boorishness. In this manner, the ESE adjusts LII's role function, which in itself contains a set of large psychological distances: a sullen stubborn look, unsociability, etc. With such fine-tuning it becomes easier for the LII to come into contact with people, whereby he becomes more animated, resolves many of his ethical problems that previously frightened him, gains greater insight into human relationships and a more accurate understanding as to whose side to take in situations of conflict.

8. Se: demonstrative function of ESFj and vulnerable function of INTj

The LII finds it very difficult to exert pressure on other people from his own will and initiative, especially in cases when he needs to attain something for himself. He finds this difficult to do - to press ahead in certain situations, to gather all the required paperwork, to stand in lines and queues, to petition for his own interests, even the ones that are of vital importance to him. He finds it difficult to push a person away, to sharply refuse someone, to quarrel loudly and defend his rights, to put an end to relations that have exhausted themselves. The ESE doesn't directly affect this function, i.e. he doesn't verbally criticize and teach the LII on this aspect, but takes over its functioning completely. The ESE exerts a constant, sometimes intrusive and imposing pressure on other people if there is a need to achieve something, to defend justice and demand fair treatment, to protect interests of those who are close and dear to him. The ESE goes to the right jurisdictions, inspires people around him and directs them towards work and purposeful activity, keeps up a high pace of life himself, and breaks off relations with those who don't deserve trust.


1. Se: program function of ESTp and dual-seeking function of INFp

The SLE periodically makes "program" function statements about the need for resolute action, but never requires it to be undertaken immediately. The main requirement of his sensing "program" is the achievement of major objectives with application of force only when it's absolutely necessary. SLE's strategy is an open declaration of conflict with subsequent pressure exerted on his opposition through individuals who are able to exert such an influence. The IEI listening to these "program" statements shouldn't question them as a whole. Any remarks on this aspect should be made in small portions and in proper form. Criticisms of this kind are not possible because the IEI unconsciously seeks such manifestations of such resolute activity and willpower within his environment. On this same function the IEI turns to SLE for advice regarding abilities of different people, their strengths and weaknesses, their progress forward, etc. He seeks consultation regarding the degree of his own actions and efforts; not receiving advice of this kind the IEI being unaware of it advances with his/her own harsh "program".

2. Ti: creative function of ESTp and activating function of INFp

In accordance to the goal of the first function, the SLE periodically enacts re-positioning of people, distancing some while bringing others closer. In this he is more inclined to bring people closer to him, tends to distinguish his favorites. The IEI often doesn't pay any attention to placement of people within physical space. He is inclined to ignore this aspect and feels awkward if he has to situate anyone himself. He cannot deliberately position people; for example, as a host, the IEI won't assign guests to their seats. Such an arrangement is periodically and consciously performed by the SLE. Not receiving such support the vitality of IEI wanes.

3. Ne: role function of ESTp and ignoring function of INFp

The SLE adapts to the surrounding reality, acts himself attentive to others, listens to other people and goes into their problems, in which he usually takes pride. But at the same time he is pessimistically inclined with a tendency to notice negative qualities of people rather than positive ones. The SLE intuitively perceives weaknesses in other people and uses them. He also has little faith in positive outcome of events. The IEI manages and directs this function to its optimum by giving advice to the SLE on how to refer to different people and what for. The general content of such advice is: "Approach so-and-so person from another direction, then you will get from him what you want." The IEI also provides advice concerning favorable future outcomes, instills hope into SLE with phrases such as: "Everything that is done, is for the better", " Calm down, everything will be alright", or "Don't worry over small things." Advice of this kind should not be turned down, otherwise there won't be expansion of the normative base of adaptation.

4. Fi: vulnerable function of ESTp and demonstrative function of INFp

SLE poorly sees what relations are developing between people. He fears that his personal relationships will be put on display or used against him. It is difficult for him to openly express his sympathy for another person. He often makes mistakes when he assumes that someone relates to him well. Moving towards his purpose, he risks evoking bad attitudes in others when they notice his quality to not to stop at anything. IEI refrains from openly criticizing this function and treats it with understanding. Lecturing and annoying hectoring over this element can lead to a sharp deterioration of SLE's mood. The IEI unconsciously produces large psychological distances on this element, he as if slips away from his conversation partner, closes himself off behind a meaningless smile. Events that are relayed by his conversation partner do not affect him deeply. It is exactly these kind of elusively polite relations that seem inviting to the SLE, creating for him the stability of the external psychological situation.

5. Ni: dual-seeking function of ESTp and program function of INFp

IEI periodically makes "program" function statements that concern planning, since he sees very well the potential negative development of person's actions over time. He remembers past events and is able to use them to "catch" a person, to expose his cunning by use of a certain plan. The SLE listens to these statements, not questioning them as a whole, since that easily leads to an irritated reaction from the IEI. The SLE periodically comes to IEI for advice concerning this function, asking questions about forecasting the behavior of people: "What can be expected from this person?", "Is he being sincere or dishonest?", "Friend or foe?", etc. Commentary on this function should be issued in small portions and in the correct form. Not receiving advice regarding potential threats, the SLE is deprived of the point of application of his efforts. When the SLE does receive such a program, he becomes impassioned and starts to act resolutely.

6. Fe: activating function of ESTp and creative function of INFp

SLE feels uncomfortable when it's necessary to show negative emotions: blow some steam, start a personal quarrel, cry or yell at people. Therefore, he hold himself in an accentuated cool and confident manner and prefers to state things directly and succinctly: "I don't like this", "Leave, and go to another place" rather than raise any commotion. At the same time SLE requires periodic "charging up" with positive emotions. The IEI lifts his spirits with humor, funny antics and stories, and that he loves to fool around. Without such input SLE's vitality decreases. At the same time the "product" of IEI's ethical function, "to cause emotional reactions in people", is smoothed out by the fact that SLE will initiate emotional quarrels only over significant and important for him issues.

7. Si: ignoring function of ESTp and role function of INFp

The SLE constantly gives advice on this aspect, regulating the role function of the IEI. This element manifests in IEI's behavior in a way that when the IEI feels bad he doesn't hide it, but rather openly shows off his poor condition, discomfort and suffering, though from aside this may be perceived as some kind of hysterical attitude. The SLE manages and directs this function in the IEI, keeps the IEI close by and issues reassuring phrases about the need to take care of himself, to look after his appearance, retain pleasant manners and erudition, etc. Additionally, the SLE often provides example of his own calmness and composure.

8. Te: demonstrative function of ESTp and vulnerable function of INFp

On this function of logical activity and material prosperity the SLE does not ask too many questions, taking this sphere onto his own shoulders. Intrusive tips and annoying reminders about how to handle money (IEI is wasteful, uneconomical), the need to work, to be thrifty, to not be lazy, etc., can easily ruin IEI's mood and serve as a latent reason for quarrels. Unconscious activity of the SLE in a normal state is aimed at extracting value from any enterprise in which he is involved. Additionally, on this function the SLE prefers direct and large scale business activities and projects. He takes care of smaller assignments only when the IEI experiences problems with them. Thus, this function is set to its optimum. With normal distribution of responsibilities within this dual pair the role of the procurer of resources falls to SLE. Failure to do so makes this dual relationship ineffective and may even lead to discord. The IEI uses these financial resources and the SLE authorizes such expenditures.


1. Ti: program function of ISTj and dual-seeking function of ENFj

The LSI periodically makes "program" function statement regarding the need to thoroughly and reliably work through a project or a field of knowledge, to carefully consider all the aspects, and to solidly prepare for major events. EIE listens to these statements, approves them as a whole, but at the same time makes adjustments to this function, making the LSI pay more attention to general trends and manifestations, thereby not allowing the LSI to get bogged down by details. This corrective information is given in small portions, in form of requests and advice rather than instructions.

2. Se: creative function of ISTj and activating function of ENFj

The EIE feels uncomfortable when he needs to push people to move ahead and do something. The LSI takes this onto his shoulders, from time to time acting in this manner, but does so with some restraint. The EIE periodically needs to feel such forward momentum. If no such demands are made of him, EIE's vitality wanes due to inevitable loss of interest in any real pursuits. At the same time, the EIE tends to make many small requests and issue errands. This tendency together with LSI's methodical and deliberate movement in the same direction adjusts this pair's efforts to an optimum.

3. Fi: role function of ISTj and ignoring function of ENFj

The normative base of adaptation of the LSI includes gaining a variety of short distances. Optimal distance is attained due to EIE's verbal adjustments of this function, his advice to be more careful, to keep away from certain people. If the LSI ignores or doesn't receive such advice, he becomes exceedingly wary and suspicious, because the people with whom he establishes good relations often don't behave in a way he logically supposes that they will.

4. Ne: vulnerable function of ISTj and demonstrative function of ENFj

LSI is not always able to properly assess other people's potential capabilities. Particularly annoying to him are large deviations from expectations and norms. The EIE doesn't criticize him or verbalize advice on this function, but covers for it by his unconscious ability to provide an escape route from any situation, supplying the LSI with a back-up plan in case of an adverse outcome of events. Any help on this function provided in words rather than in specific actions doesn't reach it's target but leads to a depressed state.

5. Fe: dual-seeking function of ISTj and program function of ENFj

For the EIE it's typical to build up internal emotions, which leads to major internal dynamics and emotional "over-charging"; and, as a consequence, to frequent contradictions and fluctuations. EIE's "program" function statements are saturated with dramatic content and directed at curbing of the passions. The LSI hears these statements, approves of them as a whole, but, at the same time, makes adjustments to this function, calling for emotional releases by one way or another, for example, with major acts of high emotional impact, shake-ups and shocks, after which there is a period of calm and sense of satisfaction. Such adjustments are made in small amounts and in the form of advice and requests rather than instructions.

6. Ni: activating function of ISTj and creative function of ENFj

The EIE is a person who lives in the past. He doesn't mobilize right away, but when he does, he expands a large amount of energy and is able to accomplish a lot of work. The LSI is able to patiently wait for this moment. He feels somewhat uncomfortable rushing ahead and prefers to exercise some caution and restraint. He either takes up a waiting position, or he immediately acts himself and does the work without delays, as he has no certainty the situation won't change. By this he draws the EIE into activity. The EIE readily mobilizes when there is need to do something that may save the situation. Thus, their forces are concentrated at the same point in time. Without these kinds of surges and breakthroughs, EIE's vitality decreases.

7. Te: ignoring function of ISTj and role function of ENFj

The role function of the EIE presupposes some kind of business activity for the purposes of materially supplying himself. Initially, this function is set to acquisition and accumulation, to acceptance of gifts and services. The optimum is achieved through LSI's verbal advice as to whether acquiring a certain thing is worth further effort, to its reasonable use and conservation. The LSI himself is very undemanding of material things, requires only cleanliness and order in his surroundings.

8. Si: demonstrative function of ISTj and vulnerable function of ENFj

The EIE tends to be afraid of domestic discomfort. He is concerned for the aesthetics of his appearance: with some difficulty creates a harmonious look, is eclectic. The LSI does not criticize and instruct him on this function. Instead, he covers for it by his unconscious ability to supply convenience and comfort at home: the LSI works doing everything by his own hands, organizing things in their places, maintaining and preserving some measure of order. The LSI gives compliments not over person's total appearance, but directs them at some specific aspects, accessories, or pieces of clothing. Thus, even in this the sign of the function is kept.


1. Te: program function of ENTj and dual-seeking function of ISFj

The LIE periodically issues "program" function statements of pragmatic orientation i.e. the purpose of such statements is to point out the useful aspects of any project or activity. It is characteristic of the LIE to consider any idea or theory from point of view of its utility and move it in the direction of some tangible result and returns. The ESI is waiting to receive information of this kind. He concertizes and actualizes information that he receives in form of "logic of actions". In the absence of major pragmatic objectives and direction, the ESI feels unsure and vacillates in choosing what to do and the purpose of all his activities; he starts making demands of those around him to be practical and logical even in minor things; his vitality and energy wane.

2. Ni: creative function of ENTj and activating function of ISFj

The LIE lives by the future. The past for him isn't as important. Rapid mobilization is characteristic of people of this type. The LIE often rushes others: do this now, do not delay or postpone. He himself takes up work immediately if he considers it useful in his opinion, and will bring it to some perhaps not major but tangible result. Activities of this kind are very stimulating to the ESI, who is annoyed by any unfinished work and activity that isn't productive. In addition, the ESI feels unsure and uncomfortable in regard to his own ability to coordinate his activities and work in time, and when others notice how much effort this costs him. For this reason ESI dislikes sitting around, waiting for some major event or the inevitable approach of some deadline, but prefers to do things ahead of time. The LIE correspondingly does not tell him anything long in advance, but tends to inform him about any task or action just before it needs to be done.

3. Fe: role function of ENTj and ignoring function of ISFj

On this function the LIE will issue emotions. Even though this is his role function, these emotions coming from LIE in form of humor or irony can be transmitted to an audience that is discussing serious issues and serve to defuse and lighten up the situation. Such positive, humorous emotions are well received by the ESI, who likes it when he is being talked to in a playful-crafty tone. He picks up these emotions and further develops them into concrete expressions. The ESI adjusts the LIE over this function, orienting him at issuing not only positive but also negative expressions, such as: "Go to him and tell him directly all that you think of him", "You have nothing to lose", etc. Without ESI's adjustments the jokes of LIE may seem inappropriate, even intrusive and boorish - a behavior of a man who cannot control and restrain himself.

4. Si: vulnerable function of ENTj and demonstrative function of ISFj

The LIE poorly copes with the task of creating and ensuring convenient living conditions, especially when it comes to details and minor tasks. If this isn't taken care of by his partner, he can go around unkempt and live in spartan conditions to which he grows accustomed. The LIE dislikes being stared at directly or having his appearance, sense or taste, or manners being evaluated. The ESI doesn't look directly into the eyes of his companion for a long time (which is especially typical of the ethical subtype, Fi-ESI). The ESI tries to make up for the deficiency of experiences and sensations through activities, hiking trips or sport. He himself feels fine in situations of relative physical strain and discomfort. Moreover, he readily takes up creation of an environment that meets essential needs anywhere he goes. The ESI knows how to arrange the space in accordance with basic living requirements, even under difficult and challenging conditions, such as a hike or extensive traveling. Better conditions the ESI creates only for other people, for example, for the reception of guests.

5. Fi: dual-seeking function of ENTj and program function of ISFj

The LIE keeps at close personal distances with other people, which doesn't permit him to accurately evaluate people's attitudes towards himself. He is receptive to receiving ethical information which would identify malefactors and ill-wishers is his surroundings. Such information the LIE receives from the ESI, who is very discerning in people's attitude towards himself and is able to spot informal in-groups and cliques that are after their own goals. The ESI remembers for a long time any negative acts and deeds that were directed at him and tells the LIE of this. Optimal interpersonal distance in this pair is reached by combining ESI's alertness around other people with LIE's familiar, easy-going attitude with which he readily comes into contact with those who interest him.

6. Se: activating function of ENTj and creative function of ISFj

The LIE feels unsure of how to advance his interests, to pressure people in order to claim his share of returns, or to mobilize others for productive activity. At times, he behaves with demonstrative disobedience, mischievousness, and belligerence. Active defense of interests, provision of volitional pressuring, subjugation of those who disobey, and ability to deal a "counter-blow" are the strong points of his dual ESI. Moreover, retaliatory strikes are delivered on the most vulnerable spots of his opponents, typically over minor points that are difficult to anticipate and deflect, which sometimes imparts an impression of vindictiveness and treachery on the part of ESI. Optimum is achieved through the combination of narrowly focused, retaliatory actions of the ESI with the broad, coarse, and easily noticeable pressuring wielded by the LIE. Combination of open plans of "noble" power with fine-tuned craftiness in defensive actions provides this pair with the desired results.

7. Ti: ignoring function of ENTj and role function of ISFj

LIE's thinking is automatically tuned to objective logic in form of development of concrete technologies and methods within any field. He automatically divides big assignments or projects into many smaller sub-tasks that can be concretely realized, and identifies the order in which they should be implemented. By providing the ESI with guidance and information of this kind, the LIE supports his role function, which is oriented at finding general principles. The normative attitude of the ESI includes large physical distances that don't allow other people to approach him too closely. The LIE adjusts this function by explaining what for a person is needed, what can be obtained or learned from him or her. Without such advice, the ESI feels uncomfortable being with a seemingly unneeded person at close distances.

8. Ne: demonstrative function of ENTj and vulnerable function of ISFj

The LIE is akin to a pioneer, who is constantly experimenting, trying to be first to find an application to promising ideas and designs. He is mindful of the causes that have led to the present point, therefore he knows what needs to be done next. Through his own actions the LIE is able to prompt other people to demonstrate their talents and major abilities. He can be of service and help others if this will open up positive prospects and create potential for the future. Situations of uncertainty and lack of direction do not exist for the LIE. By this the LIE compensates for the problematic spot of the ESI, who is poor at discerning the potential of a person, what can be expected from him or her in the future, what he or she is capable of doing in specific situations. The ESI struggles and retracts if he has to handle a lot of general (intuitive) information that contain ideas of deep context. The LIE easily orients in such situations: he presents his own ideas, offers critiques, defends promising ideas and initiatives and prospects that he is able to spot. In addition, the LIE negatively refers to people's vices and bad habits, which earns the respect of the ESI.


1. Ni: program function of INTp and dual-seeking function of ESFp

The ILI occasionally describes the future course of events for the SEE, and does so in figurative-associative form. The ILI is proficient in making forecasts and extrapolations: on basis of yesterday's events, he foretells of tomorrow's. This is done if the SEE makes a request for such information or if the SEE is in a bad mood. The SEE turns to the ILI with inquiries of the type: "What will come of this?" The ILI gives him either positive or negative forecasts, as he sees fit, during which he draws many associations, comes up with figurative or illustrative explanations, provides specifics and datums, supports his narration with gestures. The ILI as if draws an imaginative picture and then proceeds to "read" it to his listeners. The SEE needs to know what is happening and where, only then he feels calm and reassured. The ILI satisfies informational requests of the SEE; he is ready to immediately answer any of SEE's questions. However, the ILI shouldn't provide lengthy responses, as the SEE won't listen for long and may become bored.

2. Te: creative function of INTp and activating function of ESFp

Periodically the ILI extends help to the SEE over pragmatic activities, the goal of which is attainment of prosperity and material success. For example, SEE women often want their husbands to provide financial support, while they would completely devote themselves to their family and the household. The ILI should periodically bring money or other things of material value that the ILI obtains through various channels and contacts and usually from extensive "territory". Otherwise the SEE will start to behave unscrupulously and unceremoniously: borrow money or things and not return them, engage in small-scale hoarding, not be squeamish to use any methods. The SEE feels awkward if he is viewed as petty, thus has a tendency to be generous "on a grand scale", to make gifts "from the master's shoulder", to bestow favors on others. Giving gifts and providing substantial favors is a strong point of the ILI. As a result of the combination of their efforts, an optimal state is reached.

3. Si: role function of INTp and ignoring function of ESFp

In making new contacts and acquaintances, the ILI tries to play a role of a well-mannered, cultured, intelligent person. Courtesy, chivalry, good manners should be shown in interaction with SEE. If a relationship between them has been already established, this will give it a spark of novelty, rekindle it, give it an attractive effect. The ILI must be prepared to receive guidance over his role function from his dual. The SEE loves freshness and cleanliness and demands this of the ILI, that the ILI should look after himself, keep his clothing new and fresh. The SEE also counsels the ILI on how he should behave to make an effective impression, how to conduct himself in society.

4. Fe: vulnerable function of INTp and demonstrative function of ESFp

The SEE doesn't like it when the ILI actively pours out his emotions. He prefers that the ILI quietly sits with a serious and somewhat melancholic look in his eyes. The ILI himself needs to have emotional stability to be able to work. He enjoys relaxing and spending his time in a meditative state during which he can contemplate about the sublime, the wholeness of the inner world, and so on. The SEE is able to protect and shield the ILI from clamorous, boisterous emotions. Questions and discussions on this aspect are not appropriate; they can destroy these dual relations. The SEE should without any questions protect the ILI from any external turbulent pressurizing emotional influences by means of absorbing and dissipating them himself.

5. Se: dual-seeking function of INTp and program function of ESFp

The SEE periodically makes statements about need to proceed forward, to act immediately and decisively, to overcome any difficulties, etc. The ILI attentively listens to these "program" statements and relates to them with understanding, occasionally turning to the SEE for advice over this function: "Who is able? Who has the means?" The SEE shouldn't be advised on this function; he will hardly tolerate this. Approaching him from the position of superiority may lead to competitive demonstrations from his side. Externally the ILI should follow the SEE in everything and submit to his will, while internally he may object and disagree. Main thing is to agree with everything that SEE says, following the principle: "Listen - but later do everything your own way." When there is open verbal exchange of information on this channel, the ILI plays the role of the one who is being led.

6. Fi: activating function of INTp and creative function of ESFp

The ILI interacts with people at short personal distances, unconsciously seeking their good predisposition. He feels uncomfortable on this aspect when he needs to attract the attention of a larger group and deal with many people, because then he will have to be courteous, well-disposed and attentive towards everyone. The SEE periodically sets larger interpersonal distances via his own actions: by being provocative and being able to draw the attention of a large number of people, by being able to "control" the social space. If the assertiveness of the SEE, that at times turns into aggressiveness that doesn't leave people alone, is not balanced by ILI's patience, loyalty, and tolerance, the SEE is able to cause major social rifts and evoke polarized evaluations of his own activities. SEE's strong point lies in his ability to rally a large group of people against something. The ILI smooths over the abruptness, disturbance, and edginess caused by SEE's activities with his own tact, foresight, and diplomacy.

7. Ne: ignoring function of INTp and role function of ESFp

In contact with other people, the SEE plays a role of a kind, sympathetic, responsive and sensitive person. In women, this often manifests as fondness for animals. The same kindness and tenderness should be shown towards the ILI: refer to him with gentle words and nicknames, show your sympathy, caress his hand, etc. This will renew and reinforce your relationship. Smile at him and be prepared for an intimate conversation. Show understanding and compassion. The SEE needs to be ready to receive advice from his dual over this function. This advice usually comes in the form of: "Don't waste your time on just any person", "Don't try to cater to him", "Don't spend yourself on this", "You're only wasting your energies, better save your forces and take a break", "Nothing will come out of this, there are no prospects here". The SEE needs to listen to remarks of this kind and carefully consider ILI's advice regarding his own actions and plans.

8. Ti: demonstrative function of INTp and vulnerable function of ESFp

The logic and the objective evaluation of everything that occurs within society the ILI takes onto his shoulders. He comes along with the SEE to talks, seminars, meetings, interprets various reports and documents, signs the papers. In actions, the ILI manifests his logic that is very meticulous (up to pedantism): all his work is done scrupulously and carefully, by going into all the details. The ILI also takes care of the logical organization of the household; for each job he keeps a set of tools. The SEE poorly picks up on large scale trends and major paradigms. By demonstrating his helplessness in these matters, the SEE distracts the ILI from minor issues and re-focuses his attention on problems of strategic nature, for instance: what is of high priority and needs to be done now, and what can be postponed until later. Without such support, the SEE takes up too many activities and tasks and doesn't bring them to completion.


1. Ne: program function of ENFp and dual-seeking function of ISTp

The IEE periodically makes "program" function statements concerning various qualities and characteristics of people. He is interested in talented and extraordinary individuals and distinguishes them with compliments. The SLI is seeking to receive this type of information and makes unconscious requests for such evaluations from others. He enjoys it when other people are complimented and praised for their merits, even though he doesn't outwardly show this. IEE's enthusiastic stories full of interesting commentary and notes about people are perceived as insightful and thoughtful by his SLI companion. The SLI himself has latent potential and capabilities that can be developed with periodic verbal support and guidance from the IEE, who is perceptive of them. However, the IEE also has a tendency to exaggerate and make even minor qualities seem like major potential and remarkable prospects. The SLI provides his dual with adjustments over this function, encouraging him not to overestimate people's prospects but to be realistic and see things for what they are. The IEE is much better at discerning major personal shortcomings and deficiencies, due to which he is a pessimist at heart, though he rarely shows this.

2. Fi: creative function of ENFp and activating function of ISTp

If necessary, the IEE is able to create close psychological distances in interaction. He is creative in this area and can easily find an approach to almost anyone. He can create a small circle of close friends and become the center of their attention. The SLI usually communicates at extended interpersonal distances. He feels uncomfortable at shorter distances, in which cases he may become demonstratively cold and insensitive. Through the combination of these two opposing approaches in communication optimal interpersonal distance is established: the IEE periodically shortens this distance, while the SLI extends it. The SLI is able to set distance with a person by a few phrases, a look, or a gesture, thereby preventing any intrusion into his personal space.

3. Se: role function of ENFp and ignoring function of ISTp

Interacting with others, the IEE makes an impression of a person who is decisive and confident in himself. He is able to mobilize his will in extreme situations. However, due to normative nature of this function, his assertiveness and pushiness can turn to scandalous aggression and even physical abuse (especially for male representatives of this type). The SLI manages and directs this function for the IEE by formulating and providing him with appropriate advice: "Demand it from him," "Go to your boss, and state what you want," or, conversely, "Don't push him", "It's a private matter", "Leave this person alone". In the initial stage of dualization, this may take the form of quarrels and stormy discussions between them.

4. Ti: vulnerable function of ENFp and demonstrative function of ISTp

The IEE feels uneasy about bridging the physical distance. He enjoys having ample space; crowds and clamor repel him. The SLI naturally sets large physical distances by his behavior: by manifestations of crude and uncaring attitudes, or by flashes of choleric temperament. In analyzing a situation, the IEE poorly picks up on specifics and details. He sees only the major aspects of anything. After he figures out the main trends, the IEE doesn't know which relevant details should be added to complete the picture. It is often the case that he analyzes things only superficially and not in sufficient depth. The SLI takes on implementation of this function, but he doesn't openly draw IEE's attention to it, i.e. he doesn't attempt to criticize or lecture the IEE on this aspect. The SLI never starts work right away if some specifics haven't been worked out. Once he has taken up a job, then he does it well, scrupulously and with great tenacity moving towards the end result. In this dyad the SLI takes on performing the work that is painstaking and meticulous, thereby relieving the IEE from it, and copes with it without difficulty.

5. Si: dual-seeking function of ENFp and program function of ISTp

The SLI sometimes makes "program" function statements the keynote which is the necessity for convenience and productive work. The SLI prioritizes convenience and envisions the general outlines of creation of such conditions, while the IEE takes care of additional aspects. Through the combination of both of these approaches, together they reach the optimum in matters of aesthetics and appearance, health and recreation, learning methods and artistic expression. If the IEE does not receive such advice, he presents demands to those around him for splendor, for romantic and unusual experiences, a carnival of all that can satisfy his curiosity and thirst for thrills. Without the sensing "program" of the SLI, the IEE can get involved in hazardous adventures and take excessive risks for minor gains.

6. Te: activating function of ENFp and creative function of ISTp

The IEE is expecting to receive information formulated in a simple and easy to remember form. Precisely this form of statements he receives from the SLI, who expertly supplies the IEE with explanations and provides pertinent examples. The IEE feels uncomfortable if someone implies that he is stingy or that his interests are self-serving. Thus he can be ostentatiously generous and extravagant, throw away unused items, spend large sums of money on a whim, etc. This quality is offset by the practicality and efficiency of the SLI, who knows how to do something with the minimum of effort and the maximal return, and who won't do anything if it's not beneficial or useful. The SLI periodically reminds the disorganized, spendthrift IEE of what would be a reasonable approach and of standards of utility. When the IEE sees the main direction of useful activity, he is then able to inspire SLI to work. The SLI does his work often in an tangential and frugal manner. He is able to adapt anything to his use and makes the most out of the available close-at-hand resources to extract benefit from them.

7. Ni: ignoring function of ENFp and role function of ISTp

The IEE subconsciously feels the flow of time and gives advice concerning the potential future outcomes. SLI, who is characterized by skepticism and often shows little faith in the future, is in need of such advice. The IEE serves as a director of this function by orienting the SLI for the right attitude towards his work, by inspiring and uplifting him thereby eliminating his excessive pessimism, and by constantly pushing the SLI towards useful activity with advice such as: "It will all be fine", "Everything is still ahead", "There are no dead end situations". IEE's insights are often provided in a concrete form by means of specific explanations on how to behave or what to do in some difficult life situations.

8. Fe: demonstrative function of ENFp and vulnerable function of ISTp

The IEE constantly supplies emotions that correspond to the current events. He reacts to the changes of external situation appropriately and with significant emotional contrasts, thereby creating an elevated emotional background by his smiles, charm, artistry and sociability. In such an environment, the SLI no longer feels worried about the nuances of emotional displays, which come to him with difficulty. On the emotional background that the IEE creates, SLI's emotions don't seem rude or inappropriate. The IEE doesn't openly criticize or attempt to draw SLI's attention to his poorly managed inner moods; he doesn't try to penetrate into SLI's soul. All steps and actions that require subtle emotional responses are taken on by the IEE, who sees SLI's inner vulnerability, his predisposition to deep personal anguish, and subsequent shocking emotional displays.


1. Te: program function of ESTj and dual-seeking function of INFj

The LSE strives to be engaged in activities that are useful and rarely takes up doing anything that is not beneficial. Evaluations of the logic and rationality of actions constitute the keynote of the "program" function statements of the LSE. The LSE accumulates factual information from different areas of life and presents this information in form of clear-cut logical statements. Such information is necessary for the EII, who is somewhat distant from such matters himself, for the review and adjustment of his own notions and ideas about life. LSE's activities often take the form of digressive attainment of material gains. The EII helps him to streamline his approach and make it more focused and direct, thereby saving his energies. Among many winning strategies the EII helps the LSE choose the one that has the greatest potential to bring the most benefit. Additionally, the EII makes adjustments to LSE's statements drawing his attention to less practical aspects of life, thereby providing a balance between material and immaterial interests within this dyad.

2. Si: creative function of ESTj and activating function of INFj

The LSE periodically invests efforts into creating convenience and pleasant experiences. This includes acquisition of high-quality items, organization of enjoyable leisure activities, provision of nourishing food, etc. The LSE doesn't indulge in the products of his efforts himself, but instead seeks to provide them for someone else. He likes arranging surprises and making unexpected gifts. The EII is in need of such substantial demonstrations of care and attention. The EII is able to provide care himself, but only at the level of details and minor tasks, such as maintenance of cleanliness at home and taking care of daily chores, thereby showing his love and devotion in small measures. The EII experiences anxiety and awkwardness when he receives large doses of experiences, for example, he feels anxious and uncomfortable dressing in bright attention catching clothes and going out to a public place, or when his appearance is being examined before everyone. The views of LSE and EII also coincide on the level of domestic upkeep, for example, "things should be put back in their place after they have been used", "there shouldn't be extraneous objects on the table", "clothes and shoes must be of good quality", etc.

3. Fe: role function of ESTj and ignoring function of INFj

The LSE keeps his emotions to himself over his role function. He controls his behavior in dealing with others, tries to extinguish any emotional outbursts that may interfere with productive activities. However, his emotions accumulate to the point that he can no longer contain them, and then he suffers from periodic outbreaks of rage. This is especially characteristic in extreme situations, or if someone unceremoniously criticizes his actions, style, or work. The EII serves as the director of this function, giving advice that encourages the LSE to discharge and relax emotionally, urging him not to get upset over trifles and worry excessively, and to view others in a more positive light, by making statements such as: "Try to make amends with him", "You didn't understand him", "Try to calm down", etc. If the LSE does not get such advice and hear such emotionally supportive and comforting statements, he lives in a state of constant strong nervous tension.

4. Ni: vulnerable function of ESTj and demonstrative function of INFj

The LSE poorly recognizes and differentiates the flow of time, especially changes of major time periods, therefore he experiences difficulties planning his activities: typically he starts preparing well ahead and still may not finish everything on time. He has a tendency to arrive at events well before the start such that he has some time to prepare in advance. He orients particularly poorly when he has to deal with future events, and dislikes questions on this topic (e.g. "and what will you do tomorrow?"), is conservative in his personal views, and often mistakes the desired for the real. The EII does not try to verbally criticize or lecture the LSE over this function. He has an innate skill for planning and is able to apportion events along the axis of time to avoid congestion and overloads; moreover, the EII delegates the bulk of the work to be done closer to the end of the process, thus compensating for his dual's inclination to start on everything well ahead of time. If the LSE does not receive this kind of support from the EII, he usually overburdens himself with work and activities, and then his performance becomes sub-optimal.

5. Fi: dual-seeking function of ESTj and program function of INFj

The LSE is subconsciously expecting to receive information of ethical-didactic content and form concerning the relations between people and what they should be like. He typically communicates with other people at large psychological distances and notices only those attitudes that are expressed in an overt and blatant form. The EII supplies him with this kind of information, periodically making statements from his "program" function regarding regulation of relationships. The EII provides his ethical program based on concrete aspects of behavior, which is then generalized by the LSE and taken into account in his own actions. If the LSE does not receive such ethical "program", he falls to contrasts, showing kindness and courtesy towards strangers alternating with severity and even rudeness towards people who are close with him.

6. Ne: activating function of ESTj and creative function of INFj

The LSE poorly discerns where there is major potential and where there is little of it. Thus he is often unsure whether or not he should extend his support or hire someone, not being able to perceive the extent of the potential. He feels uncomfortable if he demonstrates positive attitude towards a person in advance. The LSE presents a subconscious demand to all people around him: "Show what you're capable of!" The EII, on the contrary, actively pays attention to other people, and treats them with consideration and preemptive kindness and goodwill. He is able to perceive potential and promising qualities in others as well as encourage their further development with supportive actions. By allowing other people to show their capabilities and merits over concrete activities, the EII alleviates LSE's doubts concerning them. If the LSE does not receive such feedback and help from the EII, he may be seen as an insensitive and dry man; feeling this, he is inclined to occasionally show ostentatious displays of his caring, for example, arrange for a welcoming dinner or a reception party.

7. Ti: ignoring function of ESTj and role function of INFj

When the EII is curious about some topic, he studies it in great detail and meticulously analyzes every aspect. His role function needs verbal adjustment from the LSE, who has an innate ability to distinguish important aspects from minor ones, to invent new methods of classification, and to create an objective picture of events. In contact with other people, the EII tends to keep at close physical distances. He strives to be objective and fair, even over minor things. His even, emotionally inexpressive face encourages others to approach him and impose their company. The LSE regulates this distance insisting that the EII should increase it by supplying commentary of the type: "What do you need him for", "It's not worth it to get involved with her", "Don't invite anyone over to our place tonight", etc. This function also comes into effect when the LSE needs to console the EII. In such cases, from LSE men one can hear such phrases in the manner of: "What should I do with him?" "I will beat him up, splatter his face", etc. the gist of which is the destruction of structure.

8. Se: demonstrative function of ESTj and vulnerable function of INFj

The LSE unconsciously and continuously exerts volitional pressure on people who don't meet certain criteria or rules, or fail to carry out their tasks and responsibilities. Sometimes he displays excitability, flashes of hot temper, and willingness to argue on any subject even if he doesn't understand it very well. The LSE is especially intolerant of aggression: to an attack he responds with counter-aggression. Countering this kind of pressure is only possible through steady and calm stubbornness. The EII experiences difficulties with exerting pressure on other people people and forcing them to do what is necessary, and with securing and defending his space. Protection of the inner space and making demands of others the LSE takes onto his own shoulders, promptly responding to any encroachment or hostile advances. At the same time he doesn't draw EII's attention to his weakness in defending his interests in the physical realm. The LSE takes on the responsibility for active protection of vital interests of this dyad.


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