The Dual Nature of Man

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The Dual Nature of Man

by Aušra Augustinavičiūtė

Published in Journal "Socionics, Mentology and Personality Psychology", 1996, N 1-3
as well as in A. Augustinavičiūtė's book "Socionics: Introduction" - SPB., Terra Fantastica, 1998, p103-193.

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The Nature of Love

What is the cause of erotic love?

Is it a humanized sexual instinct?

This is thought very often. However, love fulfills not one, but two, completely independent needs: the need to relieve sexual tension and the need for psychological connection with another person. Both are dependent on intelligence, culture, social conditions are interrelated, but not the cause of each other. The most convincing hypothesis seems to us, in which the phenomenon is explained by the nature of human love as the pair being. This was reflected many philosophers.

"One person - not a man" - Feuerbach wrote, "only in a pair, he finds harmonious whole."

"The true essence of love is - read Hegel - to abandon the consciousness of himself, to forget yourself in the other and I, however, the same disappearance and oblivion for the first time to find yourself and enjoy myself (Gegel. Op., XIII, 1940, p.108).

Similarly, says Erich Fromm:"Love can be themselves and to preserve its integrity. Love is a paradox in which two beings become one and yet remain two. "

To explain this is not very intuitive phenomena by the ancient Greeks used the myth of the androgyne, which tells Aristophanes to Socrates in Plato's dialogue "The Feast". The myth that once people have the double body - all pairs of hands and feet, two faces. And just angry Zeus cut them in half. Therefore, each person is now a half, always eager to restoring its former glory.

It seems sound lines Yu Rurik:

"It's a natural feeling of unity with another human being - feeling absolutely fantastic. We know that in the normal state a person can not feel the feelings of another person, to experience them, and only at the height of a strong love is a strange psychological illusion, when the various "I" as it were, disappear, merge with each other, and people become psychological androgyne, .. this is almost a literal "reincarnation" - as if part of your "soul" moved into the body of another man, has merged with his nerves, and now you can feel his emotions the same way as their ... why it happens only love, only close friends - is unclear, psychologists and physiologists have yet to solve this puzzle.

"If erotic love is a consequence of the psychological structure of man, it is possible to speak not only in the language of art, but the precise language of science. The belief that men enter into marriage, not only in order to have children and sex life, what a lonely life, like psychic loneliness in a marriage - an abnormal phenomenon, forced to look at marriage more seriously.

The Problems of Psychological Complementarity

If the person seeking mental additions, which means that it complements, not every physically pleasing a partner, but only with certain individual mental qualities. These qualities and want to install. To some extent the right to assert that the need to complement the opposite qualities. But our research shows that not every contrast can be called complement. There is opposition, giving the constant tension or conflict settlement activity of one another activity. And there are complementary opposites, leading to a balancing of the human psyche, to the activation of his life. The answer lies in each typology used by psychiatrists from PBGannushkina, E. Kretschmer, Jung, A. Kempinski, ending with AE Licko and K. Leonhard. For each ! Just have compatible and incompatible types of people. And anyone who knows at least one of these typologies can for yourself to check it. In general - as with all discoveries - the answer is so simple that it boggles the mind why so far no one before has thought neither we nor abroad.

The most mature to understand the compatibility and incompatibility of different types of people is a typology of CG Jung. This is facilitated by the author's approach to the human psyche as a target structure, whereas all other typologies are descriptive in nature. We shall begin it. As for other typologies, then for those wishing to give a comparative table (Table 3), which shows how the same types of people are called by other authors.

One may wonder why the authors mentioned above did not see the law of complementarity of man by man. First of all, perhaps, because they - psychiatrists, who, by the nature of their occupations, work with individual patients, deepen the knowledge of the characteristics of individual types of people and could not observe their interaction in constant mikrokollektivah: at home, at work. In addition, a long time conventional wisdom that completely mentally healthy people - the same type, that certain typical features appear only at a certain deviation from the norm. That all people are "average" and only in patients with a deflected behavior can be seen the typical features of some of accentuation or psychopathy. Although, for example, AE Licko says explicitly that certain accentuation appear on the basis of a certain type of personality. We may add from myself, that determines the type of individual human tendency not only to different mental, but also to a completely different somatic diseases.

The Advantages of C.G. Jung's Typology

On one of the advantages we have already spoken. This is - a structural approach. Furthermore, the author classifies healthy, not sick people, why not enjoy such nasty names, but others (like sm.tabl.3). For his name not psychopathic, but the strongest part of the human psyche, the author referred to mental functions. The main functions - is the ability of a person with a special ability to understand certain aspects of the world. We will call these functions are elements of information of human metabolism.

Unfortunately, the name of Jung we do not quite fit. Therefore, what he called thinking we conventionally call the logic of what he called emotions - ethics. Not assert that our names are perfect, and there will not be able to find anything more suitable, but they are more precise than Jung.

For example, when K. Jung contrasts the types of mental emotional, it seems that the first "think" and second "live emotions." In fact, they all think, just think about something else: the first of the objective, the second in a subjective world around them. Therefore, if we are talking about the latter, "these people have dominated ethical thinking," this does not sound so absurd as if we were to say "these people have dominated the emotional thinking." People with "ethical" thinking tendency to evaluate and judge the surroundings in terms of ethical - unethical attitudes and actions. People with a "logical" thinking primarily interested in logic, illogical attitudes and actions.

So on the one hand, we are left with the principle of CG Jung to construct names based on the most developed part of the human psyche, and, on the other hand, these names have changed a bit, so instead Jung: thinking, emotion, sensing, intuition, there logic , Ethics, sensing and intuition.

The second amendment, which we had to make - twin names. And Jung himself claimed and we have seen in my practice that a person's character is defined by one, but two "functions". For example, when talking boolean, we do not know which logical: the one with the sensory, or one with intuition. And they are very different. The one with the sensory - a practical and active person. The second is more a strategist than a tactician, is prone to theories, philosophizing, the construction of what are called castles in the air. They differ in all the everyday, in every detail. The first is always neat, knows what is beautiful, what is not always collected. Second - scattered, and while trying, as it can be clean and focused, but he is not always possible.

Jung's terms "extroverted" - "introverted", we have replaced the now-popular extrovert - introvert, but believe that the more appropriate term would be extrotim - introtim made by analogy with krechmerovskimi schizotim terms - cyclotim, because after the work of Eysenck, according to tests which extended the trend of every social person, call an extrovert, and each closed - introvert, these terms are ambiguous.

Sense of Humor and 16 Types of Information Metabolism (IM)

Due to the fact that differences in personality type - is not nothing but a difference in the exchange of information signals from the environment, personality types will be called types of information metabolism. In short - the types of IM.

And here the information metabolism?

It turns out that the human psyche the world around us differentiate certain parts or aspects. And every type of person one of these aspects differentiate gets very, very well aware of the information, and information about other aspects of perceived undifferentiated, in compressed form.

Therefore, different personality types, having been in the same circumstances, remember, and tell completely different and in different words. The story is accompanied by various facial expressions and emphasize other aspects of the incident. The main reason why one man is pleasant, like the other - unpleasant, tiring, and is exactly what he slovooborotami expresses his thoughts, what facial expressions, gestures, tone of these words is accompanied, when one person touches another, it does not so much by his actions, but rather by how he explains these acts, which brings out their motives. Therefore, one is forgiven for one that another way - no.

It may be recalled that the term information metabolism we have taken a classic Polish psychiatry A. Kempinski. Apparently, he first said that the basis of psychological discomfort is a violation of his human information metabolism. Now we know that this disorder is not nothing but a shortfall in just the right signals-stimuli from people with complementary mental overload and unnecessary, exhausting, irritating to people with whom contact is difficult because of its type for them, they thought their express an obscure and unacceptable way.

People with improper type of IM is often hurt by any comments or jokes that do not give any information or reassurance, but just annoying. Every joke comes to us as a joke only if it is as if by accident, gives an answer to some pressing questions and calming. Each sense of humor is limited, because everyone wants to rest in something else. And so often when someone is offended by our joke, we just think that this man has no sense of humor. The truth is that his sense of humor is simply different from ours: he is inclined to joke in other words, and quite a different story.

In total there are 16 types of information metabolism (IM). Some of them are better than one taken from the environment signals, other - other. That one is available, unavailable to others. Some scattered and forgetful one, others another. As these types come from? Apparently, the long road of development rights of the individual psyche is specialized, acquiring at the same time some one-sidedness. Formed a kind of a pair of competing mental properties: if one child develops rapidly, the growth of another delay. Therefore, the psychic structure of each individual, his character and asymmetric one-sided. People - a social being, not only because the production is in the public, but also because of a certain way for a one-sided development of mind he needed mental addition, he gets in his social environment for communication and cooperation with persons with other mental structures.

Several people are working together more purposefully, more decisively and effectively when they have a psychological support to people with other mental warehouse. This is one of the secrets of simple co-operation.

In the communication between people and their understanding of important issues are intelligence and culture, to which individuals belong. But when we talk about mental addition and mental compatibility, most importantly - the type IM. It is determined by the order of selection and processing of information received by the psyche. This order defines many mental qualities of man: propensity, abilities, interests, forms of activity, purpose and motivation of behavior, relationships with others, aesthetic and erotic tastes. Each other is desirable to conduct a loved one. Every need is not at all "oh, love," and forms a loving sympathy for the individual, which are acceptable and convincing satisfy the psyche.

Differences of Interests and Areas of Competence

In order to meet their own needs to the person about the whole idea of ​​reality. In the service of society people co-operate. The mechanism of this phenomenon on our current understanding, is quite simple: some aspects of reality are reflected in the brain with varying degrees of differentiation and awareness. Those aspects, which uses only the individual himself, reflected relatively generalized, stored as images, experience, and skills. Those whose information is transferred to the community, are perceived differentially, with great precision, allowing to interpret this information and pass it in words.

What are these aspects?

Adaptation of the organism to the environment - never-ending chain of acts of physical activity. All that is happening around the person in the objective world, too, is nothing but a chain of acts of physical activity. We can say that everything that happens to us and around us - the same chain of acts of physical activity. A chain of acts of physical activity is not nothing but a four stroke internal combustion engine:

1) the potential energy;
2) the conversion of potential into kinetic energy;
3) the kinetic energy;
4) the use of kinetic energy.

This is the four aspects of perception of the world, which, because of its tipnoy nature, a person perceives a different awareness, one better understands the potential of another person's abilities (1 cycle), the other in his emotional life (2 cycle) third - how it works (4 cycle). Each of these aspects and assign the symbol we call them the elements of information metabolism extrovert person:

I - the potential energy;
E - the transformation of potential into kinetic energy;
F - kinetic energy;
P - the use of kinetic energy.

With these elements a person receives information about:

I - the potential energy of the observed object and the subject's physical and mental capabilities;
E - excitement and excitability of the object, moods and emotions;
F - mobilizovannosti, will and strength and beauty of the observed objects and subjects;
P - the activity of object and subject, their ability to work.

However, the world around us consists not only of moving bodies, but also the fields of their interaction. They can be called a psychological fields. The components of these fields - the relationship between objects and processes which are perceived by people as a certain feeling. So there are four measurements of the outside world, which, because of its tipnoy nature, man, too, takes a different awareness. Each of them also assign a symbol, and we will call them the introverted elements of information of human metabolism.

S - the relationship between the processes occurring in the same time - space;
T - the relationship between successive processes - time;
L - the objective relationship between two entities and their separate properties - the relation of objects or object measurement object;
R - a subjective relationship between two objects or subjects - attraction - repulsion.

With these elements of IM, the person receives the information:

S - the qualities of space, that is, that it occurs on well-being are in this space, people;
T - the relationship between processes, events and actions in time, the presence or absence of time, danger, or safety of the future;
L - the objective relations between objects, their weight, size, value, etc., that is of any commensurate parameters;
R - on attractive or repulsive force of objects and subjects, their relevance and irrelevance to each other likes and dislikes, love or hate.

A few words about the origin of graphic symbols.

Extraverted sensing we will denote by a circle F, a figure which gives the impression most full contact with all of the outside world. Intuition - a triangle I, which fits perfectly into a circle. Logic and ethics - is the external form and internal content of the same process. Therefore, if the logic outlined square P, as a symbol of the severity of thought, to the inner side of the same phenomenon - the emotional intensity you need to choose a symbol that fit into the square. So there was not one corner of the square of E.

Homogeneous introverted elements assigned to the same characters, only - other colors: S, T, L and R.

So, in the process of information metabolism man uses eight elements of informational metabolism, each of which reflects one of the objective aspects of the world. Now each of these elements will assign the code name, which in the future and will be used:

Table 1.

Reflected Aspect Name of the quality of the human psyche or the element of IM through which a person receive information about a given aspect of his or her environment The symbol of the aspect of the environment and the corresponding element
Potential energy Extroverted intuition Ne
The transformation of potential energy into kinetic Extroverted ethics Fe
Kinetic energy Extroverted sensing Se
Use of kinetic energy Extroverted logic Te
Space Introverted sensing Si
Time Introverted intuition Ni
Relations/correlations Introverted logic Ti
Attraction and repulsion Introverted feeling Fi

All eight elements of IM are located in the psyche of each individual. That is, Each of us has the same forms of perception and information processing. But in complex situations that require intellectual effort, people tend to trust only one pair of elements: one extroverted and introverted one.

It was they who determine the type of IM, and give us the right to call it a logical, ethical, etc.

We can say that two elements are seemingly more intelligent and more aware than any other. So a person who wants to be and to seem sensible as possible, make efforts as much as it will, in all its activities to use only these two elements. For example, a person with logical thinking avoids talking about his feelings.

Now we can get acquainted with the list of types of IM in those names that we use in all his works (see Table 2).

It was interesting to find out what mental properties, and what types of mental prevalent among the population (Lithuanian SSR). To do this, surveyed 100 men and 100 women, the survey data are presented in Table 2 of the same. There is no doubt that such a small and completely random sampling of people (200 people) can not represent the republic. But it is enough to understand that there is no one type of IM, only common among men or women only.

Hence the relativity of concepts such as femininity and masculinity: each type of them to invest in these words a different meaning. Real extrovert femininity sees introverted girl extroverted introvert in, the identity of a Boolean IM - in ethical thinking, ethical personality type IM - in logical thinking. There is no absolute femininity or masculinity absolute. There are men and women with various mental institutions, which not only seem, but are perfectly feminine or masculine ideal, when properly complement our own psychic structure.

Therefore, further when talking about combinations of mental structures, for the sake of avoiding unnecessary confusion, we will not consider gender. We talk about individuals with sensory, intuitive, logical and ethical type of infarction. In instances where for the sake of speaking figuratively, "he," the same way you can say "she." In some specific samples, however, the ratio of psychological types is a high polarity. In one group of Vilnius Pedagogical Institute in 1978-79. was 28 students with leading ethical elements and only one of the leading logical element of IM, introverted extrovert 20 personality types - 9.

Table 2.

Distribution of types of IM among men and women in Lithuanian SSR.

Type of IM Symbol of the type Men Women
Logical sensing extrovert LSE PS 5 2
Logical intuitive extrovert LIE PT 4 2
Logical sensing introvert LSI LF 6 3
Logical intuitive introvert LII LI 6 5
Ethical sensing extrovert ESE ES 3 10
Ethical intuitive extrovert EIE ET 5 9
Ethical sensing introvert ESI RF 3 4
Ethical intuitive introvert EII RI 3 10
Sensing logical extrovert SLE FL 9 3
Sensing ethical extrovert SEE FR 4 9
Sensing logical introvert SLI SP 12 8
Sensing ethical introvert SEI SE 7 15
Intuitive logical extrovert ILE IL 11 4
Intuitive ethical extrovert IEE IR 10 6
Intuitive logical introvert ILI TP 8 2
Intuitive ethical introvert IEI TE 4 8

Total: 100 men, 100 women;
Extroverts - 51 men, 45 women; Introverts - 49 men, 55 women;
Logical types - 61 men, 29 women; Ethical types - 39 men, 71 women.

Awareness of Love

Love - is it a conscious or unconscious phenomenon?

When one loves the fact that on their own chosen among others because it is different with some advantages, is more interesting, valuable or accessible, subject to the consciousness of love. It is the love of your choice. If the object does not provide hope, and it is possible to find another site more suitable, from a fairly quiet refuse. But not all are so fond of. So just like individuals with sensory-ethical type of infarction. Who sensory elements, and ethics are not developed (all of the logical intuitions) do not love because we have chosen. They choose what they love. Love = not what they do, and what happens to them.

There are people whose feelings are conscious and unconscious desire (all intuitive and ethical). And there are those who consciously desire, and feelings are not subject to mind control (all sensory-logic).

All ethical (ethical element in the first or second place) is not versed in both their own and the feelings and emotions of others. They were not shy, it is easy to talk about them (this applies to all kinds of feelings: love, fear, admiration), unless the object of love, friends, because feelings and emotions - is something that ennobles man, makes it more valuable. All the logical sense of replacing and silent, since any sense of weakness believe the opposite reason. So it is because their feelings a little conscious, they do not come under the control of reason.

All sensor is well understood for itself and others' physical needs. Able to assess your physical abilities and use them. That they are elegant, graceful movements openly attract the attention of a partner. Intuitive , at best, believe in what they say. And just as long as they say. Therefore, always afraid of becoming dependent on the speaker's compliments. How logical is not inclined to believe that he loved so intuitive constantly in doubt about whether that is attractive, handsome, fit. Touch is stylish to be noticed. Intuitive often more elegant, but only in order to not stand out, be less noticeable. He seems to hide behind its elegance. touch of his attraction easily recognized not only for themselves. Attraction - an ordinary, understandable phenomenon, part of his beautiful sound of nature. Intuitive shy about his desire, no right to impose this attraction to another.

Summarizing, we can say that some want to love others - to be loved alone - much to others - to be desired. Some with full justification be called the subjects of love, others - objects. So there are people who take all the initiative entirely in their hands. There is susceptible to partial initiative and those who leave it all the partner. Here begins the selection of mentally supplementing partners. Because, when both are equally enterprising and equally reactive for friendship easily break off. Or tired of the competition in the initiative, or is produced tensions over the feelings of distrust Double-sided partner.

The fact that one type of IM calls love, so feel loved and respected, the other may seem a proof of lack of feeling. Therefore, if there are grievances in friendship (which is often unwise to hide), appears to have mental inconsistency, which need to think ahead. When partners are fully compatible with each other, they can not hurt by a careless word or gesture, because they see the motives of every action, word and sentiment. This is the color red, which nature has provided man, that he was able to choose a suitable partner for him. Man these signals often do not want to see, hiding his true reaction to think that in the future things will change. But can not change the fact that it follows from the mental structure, which was formed in childhood. Contradictions only worsen.

Personal Qualities That Should be Considered in Selection of a Partner

As we have seen in Table 2, there are sixteen different types of people. In its basic qualities, that is - properties that define the type of person or type of IM, they are divided into eight opposite:

  1. 8 rational - 8 irrational,
  2. 8 extroverts - 8 introverts,
  3. 8 logical - 8 ethical,
  4. 8 sensing - 8 intuitive.

The first of these qualities - schizothyme - cyclothyme - innate. Others are purchased by children under five years under the influence of the nearest educating people, most of all - the mother.

Despite all its imperfections, we use the terms have the great advantage that we can determine the name, someone who complements. If an extrovert, the other necessarily - an introvert. If one logical, the other - ethical if some sensing, then the other - intuitive. So, in a well-coordinated couple - a dyad in which people complement each other, are the DW in the names of both, we necessarily find all titles, that is - logic, ethics, sensory, intuitive, and in addition, extraversion and introversion. An example of one of such dyads: Logical-sensory extravert - Ethical-intuitive introvert (LSE-EII).

However, there is another rule: both duals are always schizothyme or cyclothyme. But schizothyme of cyclothyme also distinguish by name. All schizotim in the title in the first place have the logic or ethics, and all cyclothyme - intuition or sensory. So, for example, this pair cannot be called a dyad, although the terms are obvious: Logical-sensory extravert - Intuitive-ethical introvert (LSE-IEI).

These two people are bound not to complement, and the ratio of the conflict, which is not suitable for any joint activities.

In Table 3, all types of IM are paired in dyads. It is also shown how the same Timy IM called by other writers, that is, for what they psychopathy accentuation or they are hidden.

A study of married couples shows a desire for a full complement. There is an excellent partner as we know, only one of the sixteen psychological types. With random selection of pairs this would amount to about 6.25% (100%: 16% = 6.25).

In fact, among randomly selected fifty marriage Seventeen (34%) were found to be optimal. Apparently, as in the behavior of nature and human behavior, there is less random than we have hitherto believed. After all of the above focus on the question of the specific qualities, which are paired opposite qualities of man, as they manifest in your life: rational- irrational, extroversion - introversion, logic - ethics, sensing - intuition.

Rationality - Irrationality (Shizotyme - Cyclotyme)

What is an innate difference between people? According to our data, it is determined by the location of the cerebral hemispheres. One hemisphere person perceives and processes information obtained by observing the static objects, objects at rest, the other - when observing objects that are in the dynamics, that is - of moving objects. Therefore, one hemisphere may be called static, more - dynamic. It is easy to check each, covering one or the other eye. When a person is driving or just through the car window watching the fleeing homes, it is much more dynamic works hard eyes. When the machine stops working the other - static. When something on a moving look at a static eye - begins a little ripple in his eyes, and you can even feel a little dizzy. This can be seen and when we watch TV.

Since the static and dynamic hemisphere in schizothymia and cyclothymia are different, in cyclothymia the object in a static monitors left eye (right hemisphere), the object in the dynamics - the right eye (left hemisphere).

In schizothyme - contrary to the object in his right eye is watching static (left hemisphere), the object in the dynamics - the left (right hemisphere).

If the information on the dynamics takes the left hemisphere, the individual's own dynamics also controls the left. Therefore, a consistent right-handed, according to our observations and surveys are only cyclothymia. Rationals by nature left-handed, although about 50% of them are on a completely ignorant.

Rationals of cyclothymia in some way can be distinguished by the addition and especially the movements. Rationals, even if they are gaining weight, is inherent in some gauntness. Cyclothymia and when they are bad - the softness and roundness of lines. Especially, the softness of facial lines. As for the movements, they have schizothymic commit. Moreover, each type of IM are different. Of angular and jumpy as if moving up. In schizothymic extrovert (dynamics) angular gait. In schizothyme introvert (statics) angularity disappears, there are elements of the slide, but they also kept a very straight, with dignity. However, the "slip" of which we speak, it feels stiff, inflexible it. In cyclothymia movements are soft, always more or less impulsive. As to the element of impulsivity, it no longer have cyclothymia extroverts that are static, than introverts, who are speakers. And the facial expressions and movements.

Here is what about the gait schizothyme P. writes Gannushkin:"Usually they attract the attention of stiffness and angular movements, lack of smooth and gradual transitions between them, and, in some, in addition, it is striking mannerisms and pretentiousness, among others - the desire for style, and finally, the third - just the extreme monotony and poverty of movements. There is a schizoid who had never been in military service, but amazing with almost military bearing, this bearing them comes to the fact that they seem wooden ... Especially a lot of originality in their gait: some go without bending his knees, while others - like jumping, a third dragged his feet when walking, etc. "(" Selected Works ", Moscow, 1964, 143)..

True, the author writes about here schizoid, that is - schizothyme accented with a fixed or behavior, but according to our observations for perfectly healthy people - it all fits them as well. And the fact that they seem to be "wooden" or "dragging feet", is determined solely by their personality type. The most "wood", in our opinion - logical-sensory extravert, the most "dragging feet" - its opposite - the logical-sensory introvert. The most "jumpy" - logical and intuitive extravert. These differences in gait more pronounced in men than in women.

The same can be said about emotions: emotions cyclothymia much more impulsive and less controllable than emotions schizothyme.

Why cyclothymia seem impulsive, and CG Jung called even irrational? Because of their movements, actions and emotions are always a consequence of some feeling, some kind of mental state. The answer to the emerging sense of comfort, discomfort, serenity or uncertainty. Cyclothymia internally before swinging, and only then react to a situation or emotion act. The emotions and actions of others they did not immediately respond. More precisely - not react to their actions and emotions, and by these actions caused feelings. Therefore, their reaction would be as slow, smooth, very adapted to the situation, but no pre-thought-out, "creative". Many actions simply "out of habit," to the established guidelines. Schizothyme react to the emotion of emotion to act an act not swayed at once. React very wisely, thoughtfully, on the basis of past experience. Therefore seem to be more rigorous, decisive, "rational", their movements faster and more angular, sharper and emotions cool. Feeling for schizothyme - a consequence of the act, rather than its cause: after proper action or emotion feel better, is good, after an incorrect action it worsens. Therefore, both the actions and manifestations of emotions and to think carefully studied. If schizothyme feel bad, they think, what was done wrong, dig into the past to have experience in the future. When cyclothymia feel bad, they think not about the past and the future: what should be done to change the mood.

Table 3. Comparative table by dyad.

Dyads Types of IM Type symbols Type names by C. Jung by Kempinski by Lichko by Leongard
Rational pairs (shizothymes)
I. Logical sensing extrovert Te Si extroverted thinking demonstratively adherent
Ethical intuitive introvert Fi Ne introverted feeling psychasthenic sensitive emotive
II. Logical intuitive extrovert Te Ni extroverted thinking paranoidic adhering-paranoid
Ethical sensing introvert Fi Se introverted feeling astheno-neurotic anxious-hypochondriac
III. Ethical sensing extrovert Fe Si extroverted feeling hyperthyme hyperthymic
Logical intuitive introvert Ti Ne introverted thinking psychasthenic dysthymic
IV. Ethical intuitive extrovert Fe Ni extroverted feeling hysterical isteroid demonstrative-hysterical
Logical sensing introvert Ti Se introverted thinking sadomasochist schizoid excitable dysthymic
Irrational pairs (cyclothymes)
V. Sensing logical extrovert Se Ti extroverted sensing cycloid excitable pedantic
Intuitive ethical introvert Ni Fe introverted intuitive conformist hyperthymic pedantic hyperthymic
VI. Sensing ethical extrovert Se Fi extroverted sensing epileptoid epileptoid excitable epileptoid
Intuitive logical introvert Ni Te introverted intuitive obsessive-compulsive conformist pedantic obsessive-compulsive
VII. Intuitive logical extrovert Ne Ti extroverted intuitive impulsive labile affective-labile
Sensing ethical introvert Si Fe introverted sensing hyperthymic unstable demonstrative hyperthymic
VIII. Intuitive ethical extrovert Ne Fi extroverted intuitive labile-hysteroid affective-exalted
Sensing logical introvert Si Te introverted sensing unstable

In cyclothymia actions are impulsive, are nothing but as soon as an adaptation to the real situation and their own feelings. We can say that cyclotron works when he needs to get out of some situation, some states, but schizothyme - on the contrary, when you need to create some state, some feel. For example, the cyclotron cooks to do away with the unpleasant feeling of hunger, schizothyme- that as a result of their activity to get a pleasant feeling of satiety (cyclotron eat because tasty schizothyme - even when it is gourmet - to be fed). Interestingly, the hunger for cyclothymia mood reflected a much more powerful than the mood schizothyme: hungry schizothyme can safely wait longer than the cyclotron.

But in dealing with the subjects and objects is reversed. As cyclotron can not act until it was seized by any sense, so schizothyme can not communicate with the person until he does not feel to it some sense, until there was some kind of installation. Without such a facility or mature feelings he can not buy even a simple household items. There is a same "swinging." Cyclothymia communication begin without the "swing", ie without plants, with direct contact, during which people and their quality are carefully studied. Only after the installation there and emotions that define their relationship. Therefore, although the contact with people cyclotome ties quickly, they do not say anything about his feelings towards them. As schizothyme easily, "rational" behavior and changes its form of manifestation of emotions, if they are not reasonable, so cyclotome "rational" changes people, with whom he communicates, if they do not match their qualities to their needs. The same applies to household items and other objects.

Extroversion - Introversion

Extroverts from introverts are not only their mental properties, but also externally. In an extrovert is always active right hemisphere. This can be seen on the face and eyes. More than half of the developed faces extroverts, as a rule, the left half of the face and left eye, the introvert - right side of face and right eye. When we talk to the person, usually chained the attention of the active eye, that is, not so much looking at all the person's face as the active eye.

The active side of the face often appears and is narrower and longer, active eye - a large and seemingly more meaningful. But in the diagnosis of myocardial infarction in type eyes to the error is particularly easy to produce eye-schizothyme extroverts, because when they look at a fixed object such as a camera lens or other person - they are expanding their passive static, that is - the right eye. In general, these external differences should be viewed only as a trend - there is a very deceptive person.Persons extroverts are more mobile, less constrained by them shows that a person can command and demand. In particular introvert quiet different forehead. Sometimes it seems that they follow the world of the third eye. Interestingly, the warmest, coldest, and how, individuals - in introverts. Warmest in the sensory-ethical introvert and Intuitive-ethical introvert, cold - in the ethical-sensory introvert and Ethical-intuitive introvert.

What we believe the main or one of the main mental qualities of extrovert? Propensity to change the outer world in favor of the subject. Tendency to worry about the subjects and objects, changing their relationship, as opposed to introvert tendencies to change subjects and objects in favor or in favor of relations between them. In an extrovert relationships between people in relation to the people themselves - Secondary: the relationship must be what people want. In the introvert, on the contrary, no relationship should be adapted to people and people to the relationship, if there were contradictions, must change people or their behavior, not attitude.

We can say that for an extrovert constant in the outer world are the subjects and objects. For the introvert this constant is the relationship between subjects and objects, and the resulting sense of these relationships. People - a social being. And as it is formed of two parts: the active psychophysical I (a man - it is an object) and their relationships with people and other objects (a man - it's his attitude.) Extraversion - introversion of consciousness to one of them give priority to, and it becomes a cause of the second part. Extrovert give priority to psychophysical "I" of man, an introvert - relations. Extrovert sure that the "quality of an object" is always quality. That is to say that the attitudes and feelings to the world around him are determined by the value of his personal qualities, or its activity, and because in many ways these qualities is trying to improve. Introvert, on the contrary, I am sure that his personality will be judged based on relationships with others, depending on what feelings in others it causes. Introvert in his own eyes is worth as much as are his relations, so that all their conscious powers he tries to improve these relations, tries to be accommodating, avoiding quarrels. The sum of all relationships, feelings can be called the psychological field, and say that introvert primarily concerned about the quality of the psychological field, as well as the psychological field of other people.

For the extrovert social relations - a consequence and a sign of social value, quality facility. Ordinary course of his thoughts: each entity can improve their relationships with others and to call to his positive feelings of self-improvement method. If the subject in society is a modest place, so it lacks some socially valued qualities.

For the introvert, the basis of the material world is the relationship. Quality-of man as an object - is a consequence and a sign of social quality, value and its relationship of those feelings, which he calls other people. His train of thought: everyone can increase their value in the eyes of society, improving their relationships with others. If the subject is not noticed and is not valued - so, not enough has established the right attitude.

In light of these considerations it becomes clear that a common definition now that the man - this is, above all, his attitude is progressive in the mouth of an extrovert, which in this case will not forget that society - not only people but also relationships. At the time, as in the mouth of an introvert, who are so inclined to exaggerate the role of relationships and underestimated the object, this definition becomes dangerous, inclines to undercount the qualities of human personality. From this mistaken idea that there is no one is irreplaceable, that every man is only a cog, that person needs to be changed as soon as he breaks the harmony of the psychological field - unable or unwilling to adapt. Opposite the bend, which can make and do extroverts - the assertion that there is no essential relationship, any relationship that does not fit the personality and individuality, can be replaced. Person as the individual need and the confidence that he enjoys the respect and the right to be oneself, and confidence in the constancy of desirable relations with the environment, stability in life.

For an extrovert object orientation in the external world are the surrounding objects and subjects. Therefore, they have certain rights concerning the inviolability: the other object has a right to be what he wants. If it prevents me, I change the relationship with him, but not the object itself.

This is because for an extrovert objects and subjects - the fulcrum of consciousness. Arbitrarily modify these objects - is to lose a foothold. In this crumbling world that threatens the collapse of consciousness. This is the same that cut the branch on which you sit. Because of this, all extroverts painfully react to different "re-typing" change the subject against his will. Each extrovert and so sure that everyone wants to self-improvement. And every extrovert feel it my duty to help in this voluntary self-help everybody else. Object orientation in the external world for an introvert is the relationship and feelings of others. Therefore, on the one hand, they are very attentive to them, but on the other - are sure that everything in this area tend to the same goal, and therefore, as much as they can help other people to build those relationships.

Everyone is different some concern extrovert feelings, a certain activity, something that drives him to act in situations in which only the introvert is watching. Observes, creating the impression of immersion in himself. It is important to understand that the focus introvert - is not an immersion, and the ratio of the outer world. That is, the observation of relationships between subjects and objects, which he - in contrast to the extrovert - will not and can not violate. If an introvert in his "immersion" of something thinking, it is not about the problems of his inner life and the problems of relationships with other actors and objects. Impression of a "self-absorbed" - the result of the fact that any relationship to the outside world as people perceive their feelings.

For all these reasons, in cooperation with the extrovert introvert extrovert dualu gives a sense of confidence as an object with certain qualities. Introvert his dualu - a real knowledge of what kind of feelings for him nourish others, and, if needed, and how these feelings change.

As we have already spoken, extrovert, adjusting to the real subjects, objects, and their different manifestations, or to what is in them or with them going, produces acceptable for these subjects and objects of the relationship. Thus extrovert - the creator of new relations and new feelings about logical and illogical, unethical and ethical, aesthetic and unaesthetic, timely and untimely . Thanks to the creativity of an introvert, there are subjects that differ new properties and facilities, new designs, new kinds of emotional and internal agitation, qualitatively new methods of work . The creative element is the second element of the IM, for example, for it is while for it is .

Qualitatively, the new design appears only in the mind introvert. Therefore, the most advanced in terms of news ideas among the known Soviet aircraft was Roberto Bartini - logical and intuitive introvert (). But to be creators of a qualitatively new social relations can only be extroverts, however, and had all the classics of Marxism. But the creator of a new type of state (the object) is an introvert, for example, Thomas More ().

When you need something to reproduce the existing models, that is to reproduce what has already been invented, or where something was - just the opposite. If the inventor of a brand new product is the introvert, the organizer of its production to an existing instance - only an extrovert. Here, the first IM element manifests itself.

The production company is a manufacturer of products and systems, staff working in it people. Type of manager's personality defines the relationship of these two aspects of reality. Extrovert personality types are the main aim to see the expansion and development of production, increase output. Collective and its interests should be subject to this goal. This plant is productive in the need for rapid development of the industry in search of internal production reserves. Introverted personality types are the main aim to see the improvement of relations both within the team and between staff and management. With this setting, plans surpassed only insofar as it is necessary for the team. This plant is productive in the uniform of the industry, when coming to the fore the problem of stabilizing the team, ensuring the sustainability of each of its members. This setup helps to stabilize and society. Just do not forget the fact that each type of MI manifests itself with its own way: we here give only a general line of extraversion-introversion.

Extrovert likes an active life. About him we may say that he, showing initiative, always to some extent "climbs on stage." But the climb is not so much to see him much to see and assess yourself more "objects". He was happy to assess and raises others. Introvert does not present himself or so more than others. Others he did not notice. Evaluates only on how they activate it to their attention and improve the overall psychological climate, do not interfere. And quite honestly says that the leadership does not work on it. But if it is put forward - can not give up, do not feel the right. And taking a position, it remains so for many years, feels indispensable. Extrovert and can leave himself an extrovert can be removed for any errors. Introvert in a planned economy does not error, because the plan as the ratio is always in trouble, never razminetsya. No relations violates anyone's feelings are not annoying, its passivity and indecision can always be explained by objective factors. To anyone who is active it looks like in dealing with self-promotion. After all, at heart, he also tends to be more active, but take the initiative, while from him that in each case is not required, it can not. Afraid to be out of place active. And this is called "inappropriate activity" audacity or stupidity, already determined by the type of MI person.

Extroverted works to become more valuable and necessary to society, to be of higher quality object, if you can - irreplaceable (because he constantly questions the good feelings of the people), and for the opportunity to take the initiative, which is also nothing else than just a way to induce positive feelings other.

Introvert acts only out of necessity, carrying out duties and responsibilities. In order to not go to someone the way, do not spoil their relationship with humans. And by all means - to stay on everyone's mind. Because if he would not mind him will not require the activity, confined to his duties, he will be out of business. It is often said that the introvert allegedly operates only in order to be left alone. This visibility. He does not want it. And why can not refuse any executive position, though, and sees that the work fails, there is a fear that after his "left alone" will not notice, it will be useless. This creates an unhealthy self-absorption and monopolistic tendencies by all means, by hook or by crook, to stay "in power". Even if it undermines the health. Fear of becoming invisible stronger than common sense.

Extroverts do not like debt and obligations, love - responsibility. For everything that's going around, they feel a responsibility, which activates them, forcing them to act. Accept responsibility for the work of people and for all that you want. Responsibility is understood as a privilege. But the notion of duty, responsibility for them are associated with violence. Introverts, on the contrary, do not like responsibility, like responsibilities. I am pleased to do what is their duty and responsibility that allows you to be active and struggling to get away from what's called responsibility. The word "responsibility" to them like sentence, punishment.

Exactly the same extent as an introvert avoids excessive activity, extrovert avoids unnecessary feelings show, that is, their attitudes to different objects and subjects. Because it is afraid to be an extrovert and immodest to interfere with other feelings, introvert - its activity. This they consider bad taste faux pas.

For psychological comfort to surround yourself with extrovert-oriented relationships introverted, that is, people who can be with other people's feelings. Introvert feels the same need to be surrounded by knowing how to notice and evaluate the people themselves and their extroverted activity.

The company pays attention to the extrovert of others, trying to rouse them, happy when people like this. If no one is paying attention, bored. Introvert, on the contrary, draws attention to itself. He was bored, if no one on notice.

By seclusion more often introverted tendencies. But this is not a good life, but only in cases where they feel unwanted and unnecessary when they are no one pays attention to them as desired. In total, we has 8 types of introverts. Undoubtedly, each of them to the attention to some other aspect of the manifestation of their personality. One must attend to his work, the other - his emotions, ability or will. In a calm and happy only when others notice and say exactly that he needs.

Extroverts also need such attention. Only to the other - to his senses. He needs a belief in voluntarism of his feelings. In fact, he cares about other people that he loves them, correctly assesses that he is not selfish, etc.

Briefly the difference between all extroverts and introverts can all be defined in this way. Extroverts in relation to the world are constructive, active and have a strong need to achieve goals. Introverts, even when they are very active, probably get away and failures. If an extrovert constantly unhappy that did not even something that could be done, the introvert feel bad if you did something that was later proved to be unnecessary. He is afraid of being an upstart in the eyes of their own and others, to violate the existing relationship. According to his deep inner conviction to do what is not necessarily necessary, be refused.

A typical example of a student's life. After successfully passed examinations are extroverts are almost always a little unhappy that did not have time for something to read. Most introverts with the same displeasure think about what they read, and the exam was not required.

With criticism for slowness, laziness introvert can stir up. Any incautious remark that he overdid it showed extra activity for a long time consuming desire of every activity. When an extrovert has been criticized for a lack of activity, he becomes aggressive, angry, feels misunderstood. Criticism for being too activity is perceived more as a compliment.

Extrovert - the initiator, inspirer and organizer. Introvert covers the rear position - finish up other things, if even at the beginning and showed no enthusiasm. He is more shy and quiet, at least believe in the significance and importance of what he is doing more self-critical. At the same time, more self-centered.

Logic - Ethics

Logical types of IM are different from ethics in their attitude to the objective world and to other people.

The strength seen in the ethical treatment of people, the power of logic - in relation to the objective world. Ethics are not sure what they can do something objectively valuable, logical, do not know what they represent in the eyes of other people, what rights they have.

Logic is trying to do everything himself. Their necessity to others proves its own affairs, look at the deed myself, evaluate, and deserts. Ethical feels his tenderness to others, is able to establish a relationship with them, to manipulate their feelings or emotions, no doubt about their rights to them. And always not confident in his own powers and abilities that are long, painful and passively contemplating when left alone.

Usually the logical types are perceived as more independent. But this is only apparent, because in dealing with people of such different ethical autonomy. Logical independence is manifested in the solution of the problems and challenges of the objective world, independent of ethics - in dealing with human relations and adjustment of their emotional life. All logical effort to be positive, strong, good people, based on a desire to please the ethical, to earn recognition. Logic often surprised lack of independence of ethics when it is necessary to solve the problem objective, ethical - just as the former do not know how to use people who do not understand their influence on them.

A very important difference from the ethical logic is that logic usually proves his innocence, and ethical - to persuade, it is easy to ask. Logical nor persuade, or do not know how to ask, but on the other persuasion often be easier. Logical promises can be trusted more than the promises of ethics. Because the first by all means try to keep his word, and if something can not say in advance, "not to deceive people." Ethics is not so important not to deceive people, as not to spoil relations with him, so he often promises to not be able to run, and something from it as from a "good man" others expect. He does not feel like a liar, and a careful diplomat.

Evaluating the actions of others, uses more logical criteria: logical - illogical, right - wrong, it is wise - foolish, rational - irrational. The good news is that reasonable, rational can not be bad. Ethics: good - bad, you need to - not to people or individual, humanely - inhumane, honest - honest.

Ethics can care about people, about themselves and their loved ones, to make them pleasant. But really honestly cares only about those who are considered to "own". Knows how to ask for them and, thus, to shift this care and to strangers. So close they are valued and loved, forgive all the errors. Logical at best, when he touch, can get what he supposed to "as of right." For ethical, there are no rights of one person among other people, but what is really possible to "knock out" to get what you can win, "sell on" any other human persuasion, requests, and emotions. Best pusher - the ethical, of course, when he touch.

Ethical manipulate feelings and emotions of other people, so true and not true for them have a relative sense. Often the truth is that other people makes a pleasant, captivating them, and it elevates, it is also makes a pleasant one. Be nice and loved - something that everyone wants a virtuoso ethic. He knows how to create a good impression can account for their deeds, and, moreover, to write reports - all praise, above all, himself. Excellent feel in any company, among any people, can easily become the emotional center of the company. Logical records in inclined to talk about yet unfulfilled, of their own and others' mistakes and shortcomings, disadvantages, because it tries to understand the real situation, to see and show the real situation or perspective.

It should be noted that all logical ethics - the normative, they strictly fulfill installed by someone other ethical standards and no creativity in this currently not allowed. In the performance standards and strive for perfection never sure what it achieved. Therefore, in these endeavors are often disappointed. The ethics of ethics more or less creative, they are not so much with the regulations as to their specific circumstances. Is it ethical that improves the situation of ethics makes it more charming, more essential, more powerful among others.

The same can be said about the logic. The logic of ethics - the normative. They strictly follow all logical standards, it is very important that a scientific or at least accepted, because neither the new logic of relations, or new methods of action, they do not open and do not invent. In their actions and logical reasoning are very careful and never sure of their perfection. For the same reason their logical horizon of interest is wide, well-read they are more logical, well talk about various scientific truths. Logic is usually distinguished erudition in literature, which makes it possible to know the code of ethics.

Ethical subtlety different feelings and emotions, although they are not sensitive logic, absolutely not smarter as logical ethics. The essential difference between them is that the ethical see and understand not only their own, but also the feelings and emotions of others. In a relatively unspecific actions, random words, facial expressions, ethical sees the complex world of the senses of another person is better than seeing itself logical, for which his own feelings - a little understood puzzle, and we need to found someone who will solve it. Ethical behavior and all types of other people's feelings as measured by their own. Love - the sphere of ethical thinking. His job and his talent. The main talent of logic - the logic to evaluate others. Once they correctly assess the ethical and logical mind and explain himself. They can assess the activity of another in the same manner as ethics - goodness of man, the depth of his feelings. Ethics itself can not estimate the amount of labor, tends to drown in any business, including, in the household, is never sure whether the moral right to rest or not. Therefore, the mutual friendship of individuals with a logical and ethical way of thinking (though not in every combination) both enriches and increases their self-satisfaction. Ethical next logical doubts the logic of their actions, the logic - that all his actions are the actions of a good man. This is a continuation of one person to another.

According to our research, logical type is more common among men, ethical - of women. But try to be more ethical such as the need, as it is. So often emphasized courageous in a good sense of the word, there are men with ethical thinking. The most feminine women, too, with ethical thinking. Logical type is allocated a lack of any demonstration elements. Therefore, men often seem to be "no", and women, unless they are introverted, relatively "masculine." Logical thinking prevents run for a rapidly changing fashion and do a lot of non-rational, practical meaning without details (short haircuts, manicures, shoes uncomfortable heels) because it gives the ability to appreciate their efforts and energy costs.

As already mentioned, people with logical thinking can not talk about their feelings, avoid it. The feeling makes them act in favor of the loved object, but does not talk about it. If your relationship with your loved ones are not quite tender, make mistakes, it is only because that is not familiar with other behaviors. Such a man is often easier to ask "Do you go out for me" than to say "I love you." Feelings of the individual with logical thinking gentle, fragile, easy to scare. In order for them to become stronger, it takes time and active sense of the second. In the same manner and behave in a girl with a logical type of infarction.

Feelings of logical type are more stable because it takes longer for a decision, while a sense of logical reasoning are tested. More time is needed for the cancellation of the decision. Therefore logical that dared to associate with someone their own destiny, that his decision is inclined to keep more stable.

Ethical love consciously, loves because he wants to love. Love - the conscious creation of pleasant emotions to themselves and others. If the other most important thing is love them, that - whether they like: "You do not love, but I love ..." This expansion is most successful, as is directed at people who are supposed to advance, must surrender. If the object of attention does not give up on it very seriously say that he was unworthy of love and because - let blames himself. Who did not respond to feelings - ungrateful, unreasonable, or thinks he needs more attention than was given. This means that he wants too much, wants more than deserved. The life of these people are often difficult because the objects of love there is too much, do not know when to stop, that love is like, and this supports the other person does not. That for some reason tiring strange feeling of anxiety that needs to change partners, and that none of them are not what they would have made the object of constant love and, finally, would give peace of mind.

For a person with an ethical type of IM love - one of the most important issues in the world. But he needed a partner with the logical type of IM, which did not show his feelings, but to them, these feelings - is stable. His composure and draw logical logic. If a girl with ethical thinking for some time been friends with a very smart in her view, a guy, all his other friends, it will compare with it. And until he finds one that will seem more intelligent, will feel hapless and unhappy. The same can be said about the individual with logical thinking.

Ethics is not afraid of any type of feelings. Like love and hate. He loves what is good, but with no less force hates the evil that causes unpleasant emotions. And do not hide it. Therefore, if disappointed in love, can become dangerous. He wants to love. Even when his feelings are irrelevant.

It can be a sense of exchange for something else: a positive feeling to another object or a negative to the same, but do not give up the most sense. When he is convinced that the favorite is "bad," "unworthy," "change", ie Although nothing new, in fact, did not happen, but some drop overflowed the cup of his patience, positive feeling turns into a negative, love to hate. If your partner thinks that the services and concessions ethical endless, that self-denial - of his character - is wrong and is digging himself a deeper hole. Not able to measure their deeds, ethical, in the end, you still see clearly. That is, there comes a time when he can no longer conceal from themselves the "ingratitude" is not evaluating its service partner, and is furious.

Sensing - Intuition

Sensing types of IM live in the fullest sense of the word senses: able to perceive the nature, art, enjoy all the visible, audible, palpable. Very accurately feel your physical "self" and its needs, have clearly expressed the rhythm of life.

Touch lives as if only this afternoon. All that will happen tomorrow, for a little surprise. Thanks to the undeveloped abstract thinking, he has no sense of anticipation and hopes only for their strength and will. He too is active or (extrovert) and complicates the lives of himself, or too passive (introverted), is afraid of errors, not sure what once seemed to do - to do. Afraid to overdo it - it would make him ridiculous in his own eyes, as well as in the eyes of all the other introverts.

Feelings of intuitive types they do not have enough brightness, they are constantly distracted. Even his physical "I" is perceived by them indefinitely. Often confident in their materiality, it is sufficient only for as long as they look in the mirror.

Touch lives a different life, otherwise eat, or breathe, or feeling for nature, beauty, that is a different interpretation of the fullness of life that intuition is available only next to his loving and respectful touch. At the same time, the touch thanks to his friendship with an intuitive, can more calmly contemplate going to trust the future to avoid surprises. Intuitive happy to adapt to the required rhythm touch him, if he goes to other parameters (intelligence, interests, culture), at the same time giving a vision for the future and enrich the sense of the relativity of each activity and an endless number of new features.

Touch, in the fullest sense of the word, attentive to all his physical needs, evaluate them as an integral part of the physical "I". Therefore, the drive - an inalienable right to self-actualization and a means to influence other people. Intuitive to drive, as well as all the specific environment and his "I" is not fully perceived and not very reliable phenomenon. They are always skeptical and unsure - reality or just a product of fantasy fiction. So do not take the initiative in their hands, waiting for it from others. Touch looks for an object of desire and tries to achieve its physical implementation. Intuitive feel the need to become the object, as it allows you to be yourself - gaining the right to their own needs and desires. Attracted a partner - proof of its materiality, that is, the moment of mental addition. Means of reification, the materialization of the "I". The attraction for them to need, and it is desirable, however, is dangerous. They are inevitably drawn into the rhythm of life as a partner in a whirlpool from which themselves can not escape. Hence - the fear to get into obedience and prudence.

Consequently, the only sensory rather than intuitive object are trying to attract attention. In their hands, and the initiative faded out of feeling, if it turns out that the second satisfies not all mental health needs is not a real addition to the individual. In other sensory needs consistency and a kind of dependence, obedience. So can only be intuitive, which supports the initiative of touch, but in their own hands to take it can not. Intuitive quickly realizes that is desired, but after that shows no activity. Own sexual activity is taboo for him. Not because of shyness and a good upbringing, but this creates additional difficulties, but because of the specifics of their sexual activity. If you show an activity greater than the activity of the partner feel very bad, positive attitude to the former partner turns into a negative. Any closer to the intuitive difficult, so he is more reserved and, despite his free-thinking, which often differs generally not inclined to enjoy sexual freedom.

An interesting feature of jealousy in the relationship and intuitive touch. Intuitive knows - nothing will change from random acts of partner. Jealous of touch, which is judged by his own experience. On a small dose of jealousy intuitive effect is positive, giving it value in his own eyes. Recalls that he needed, and we wish irreplaceable. This is the most convincing proof of its value.

Every successful intuitive cares about others than about himself. Touch understands your financial interests and knows how to defend them. Intuitive expects that remain of the other or care about it as long as others.

Sensor intuitive normative, he adheres strictly to the established aesthetic norms, such as fashion, is not ready to any revelations. However, if it is not no Sensorik complements their efforts on these tires is lost and can reach a total of neglect and disorder in everyday life. The aesthetics usually knows a lot, but in his aesthetic taste is not sure. Not sure about the aesthetics of the body, clothing, and movements. So intuitive often look awkward, certainly, if there is no direction from supplementing. In the presence of "director" reach perfection and surpass a happy sensor systems.

These same standards apply to well-being. Sensorik trust your instincts and do not doubt, when he was healthy when ill: he - "feels." This physician must submit his specific, real feelings, but he was not unfounded diagnoses of a doctor. If a doctor "found nothing", he gets her and goes to another. Intuitive sense of their own seem to be less objective than the diagnosis of a doctor. Diagnosis - is the "norm", and it behaves according to the diagnosis, but is not adequately being.

In sensory regulatory "intuition", so it is extremely cautious in the use of his time, as well as the use of potential energy, potential sites, subjects and events. Sure, there's no creativity does not work. Therefore, the touch - tactics, and intuitive - a strategist.

They differ in appearance and: eyes, gait. Intuitive eyes - the eyes that look and not see. Touch your eyes, on the contrary, the eye is very good seeing and noticing all the people. The gait of each of intuitive less confident, as it would be a bit floating in the air and everyone is ready to give way. The gait is different sensory clarity, self-confidence, obstinacy.

Another interesting aspect. The most narrow face appear in people with introverted intuition. The most extensive - people with introverted sensing. Take, for example, intuitive extroverts and sensing extroverts. Both are statics, so no innate differences, if we take the average of one representative of another type, should not be. However, those intuitive extroverts tend to appear elongated. This is mainly due to wrinkles around the mouth and forehead. But the face of sensory extroverts - round. This is mainly due to the development of these strong-willed people cheekbones. Compressed jaws are particularly striking in the sensory-ethical extravert.

In the eyes can be judged not only on how the sensor or intuitive person, but also about how extroverted or introverted its sensing and intuition. This is determined by open eyes: the most wide eyes in people with extroverted intuition, I, the narrowest, most screwed up, people with introverted intuition T. This is most noticeable when the person in the meditative state. Distributed sensor systems in the middle, and people with sensory extroverted they are wider and less sharp than that of people with sensory introverted. This is because the first attempt to cover all the observed space, and second, only a few objects. On the disclosure or half-closed eyes, all other things being equal, that is, when a similar addition of individuals from all types of IM is possible to form such a series (from the broadest to the most narrowed):

  1. Intuitively logical and intuitive-ethical introvert
  2. Logical-intuitive and Ethical-intuitive extravert
  3. Sensory-logical and sensory-ethical introvert
  4. Logical-sensory and sensory-ethical extravert
  5. Logical-sensory and sensory-ethical introvert
  6. Sensory-logical and sensory-ethical extravert
  7. Logical-intuitive and Ethical-intuitive introvert
  8. Intuitively logical and intuitive ethical extravert

We said earlier that ethicals types can not assess the value of their labor. Intuitive same can not assess its quality and therefore also are drowned in endless affairs. They just do not believe that the work is done well enough, and therefore can not finish it.

Statics - Dynamics

The world around us is formed from the moments of the statics and dynamics. Some elements of IM reflects static - it is and , and in others - the dynamics - it's and . Those types of IM, one of the first two elements, which is an element of statics, called static, the other - dynamic.

Any incident is really well can tell you only the speakers. According to their story always easy to recover the sequence of the process in time. Statics do not know how, they always get an analysis of the situation or story about the people involved in the accident and subjects. Static analytical thinking, inductive, thinking the speakers - is a synthetic, deductive.

This difference is clearly seen in the figures. In the dynamics of each line - a pulsating motion in statics - complete rest, rigidity. For example, Roerich father - static, Roerich son - dynamic.

Statics always know what they need, easily come up with a life purpose and goals for daily activities. Complexity in them - with coming up with methods to achieve these goals. In speakers, on the contrary - always a choice of creative methods, but the goal is desirable that someone suggested from the outside.

Other Qualities

There are other, less obvious opposite qualities that distinguish partners in the dyad. Some people usually say in the question-and others - in the affirmative intonation. First like to get an explanation, others - to explain, tell, declare different truth. A long dialogue two people with a question mark tire each other with their problems with declarative - its useless instincts.

These types speak in questioning tone: LII, ILE, EIE, IEI, ESI, SEE, LSE, SLI.

This, as we see, all the same social extroverts rings and all other social introverts ring. (More on this in the "Theory of intertype relations.") In their eyes and faces quite clearly see a question mark. Especially in the eyes of the SLI and LSE.

What Psychological Complementrity Provides for a Person

No man can be both extrovert and introvert, intuitive touch screen and a logical and ethical. His mind is like a magnet, formed of two individual poles. Only the poles of a magnet are always together. A man - asymmetrical, his second pole is a different person.

The relationship between the two types of IM, when the second has the necessary complement of quality, called for additions, the process of additions - dualization.

The life of man in society is complicated by its duality and, especially, his shestnadtsatitipnostyu in which to get his second pole is not always possible. And without additions - nedualizirovanny people - restless, hungry spiritual being that has no representation of what the essence of his hunger, and who is to blame. Such a person feels that he is "not understand", but who's to blame - he, "difficult childhood", the spouse or a society - not sure. In this state, it is difficult to live in peace with the world, pile up all sorts of conflicts, contradictions, and wanton aggression. The man reaches out to others for answers, and often even more confused in themselves and their relationships. It is hard to find, if not themselves favorable conditions and a suitable microenvironment.

For human well-being and functioning as it is extremely important social individual psychological structure of a spouse. No single harmonious personality. Harmonic existential man, when he has not only loving but mentally and complementary partner-dual. Marriage - not only entitled to a sexual partner, but also on mental addition and extension of his personality in the other and dualization of his psyche.

Therefore, one of the moments of preparation of youth to the family - learning to recognize differences in psychological structures for the selection of a suitable partner or fully adjust to not entirely suitable. With the understanding that unacceptable behavior is not determined by his partner's ill will, but an objective psychological structure, it is possible to at least partially conscious adaptation. In addition, in the knowledge that it is not completely satisfying partner and myself could not be fully satisfied, it is easier to find a compromise.

A deeper analysis of the relationship of young people showed that psychic structure not only determines the behavior in marriage, and premarital sex behavior in friendship. The way a person is fighting for the initiative, or avoids it, as it attracts, flirting, nor is the manner in which stresses its restraint, independence is a complex defense mechanism. This mechanism, in some measure, shuts the attention of the psychologically unsuitable partners and attract the right. Each has a different psychic structure-making system and show sympathy. In other words - the mind itself can take care of themselves, unless circumstances do not interfere with her. Unfortunately, this mechanism is adapted, apparently, to act in an environment where young people are familiar from childhood, that is, from the time when there was no danger to confuse mental and sexual needs. Or when the error occurred and corrected, without paying a marriage. Today, to the innate need to add a little apprehension of psychological knowledge.Only the ratio of additions and gives a complete sexual compatibility. But such marriages, as we have seen enough. You can not say that marriages are made too early. Rather - people learn too late, when there is no verification of the nature of the conditions. And because of too narrow circle of acquaintances, friends, and because of ignorance of the laws of psychological compatibility. It is too late to choose suitable person by nature or not, when people learn that just time to get married, have only to do and learn. Sexual attraction in this age does not sleep, it is always ready and easily taken for "real love". But everyone expects from a spouse is not something else, but the full complement of mental and psychic balance.

How do people with mental complementary perceive each other? Like most "humane" person. The most humane, gentle, accessible, and responsive. So it is. In addition, a partner who always knows what to do and when you answer, that advise, what a joke to dispel tension. Who understands everything, always able to support, protect, never hurt, and that, perhaps more importantly - he had never offended . When activated, each Douala and feels stronger and more right. Nedualizirovanny person constantly, in the manifestation of any activity as it is beyond the limits of their capabilities and loses his balance. And what is called the rest, is not so much to recuperate, but rather to restore mental balance.

Many people do not know, do not feel that such a dualization of the psyche and therefore do not seek it. During the period of premarital friendship quite often a tendency to look no dualization with calm spiritual comfort, and a "great sacrifice". And suffering. There is confidence that the feeling of love must be accompanied by spiritual suffering. But this is only true for those cases where the lovers do not complement each other.

Dualization improves self-esteem of man. Thanks to her, always understood and its own utility to others and their own place in society. A second continuously provides reliable information about it. Lost all sense of inferiority and fear to feel like an upstart. To complement is not seen as an unattainable Prince, next to themselves the kings.

Everyone is "sour" mood, as reflected in some grouchiness. It is noteworthy that grouchiness duala never perceived as a broadside. It is often grumbling - that form of communication, which differs very much spontaneity and Double-sided understanding of where everyone knows at a glance when the shortest time partner passed the most extensive information about what is happening in the objective world, and - most importantly - his confusion, uncertainty related to this happening. Grouchiness - just turned to the partner poluosoznannaya please explain something unintelligible. At this nagging nobody except Douala react properly to give a satisfactory answer or explanation, and sometimes silent, can not.

The source of irritation and conflict between people at work and in family life is the manifestation of a clash in the initiative or the inability to catch one another and support the initiative. In duals, such conflicts are not possible. They work smoothly, this coherence by activating and balancing each other. One picks up another initiative to ensure that the right moment to return it in the first hand. Alternate activity leaves no attention bypassed sections in an executable work, increases the efficiency of labor, reducing the need for its execution time, leaves no room for frustration.

What is being done by one, the other is perceived as a manifestation of extremely valuable and rare abilities, skills. The constant surprise and the right (not all, as necessary ) and egged praise inflame emotion. Douala is not only unwilling but also unable to destructively interfere with each other. They have no ability to do so, because there are no words that can hurt each other. After all, one person offends another is not so much by his actions, but rather by what words he explains these actions, what motives to the fore, which mimics his explanation accompanies. How to converge with the appearance of common interests, and diverge in their absence is very simple, without complications. If this couple, they would like to knit one thing in common.

Such a partner does not need conscious concessions. Everything goes as if by itself. The relationship between them can be serious or humorous business. Never - the vicious and aggressive.

The phenomenon can be explained by the duality of man and in this way. The basis of dualization are mechanisms of information and energy metabolism (IM and EM) duals. This sequence has identity. But while those units IM and EM, which are pronounced in a co-player, the other located in the most undeployed state. Therefore, for any joint activity of these people set off each other well. Manifest this identity and complementarity in any joint activity. Especially clearly noticeable when starting a new business day, when words and gestures one would serve as the ignition key to the other. And also in sexual games. On this issue, psychologists, N. and A. Abozau in the article "Diagnosis of marital difficulties," they write, "... for the psychophysiological interaction are not only purely sexual characteristics of partners (a type of sexual constitution, sexual potency, etc.), but ... reactivity, psychodynamic behavioral characteristics ... as a result of this dissatisfaction of some non-sexual contact is a spouse in a narrow sense, but a form of erotic games, the manifestation of sexual interest ... "(Journal of Psychology, 1982, № 2,. 147).

So - we may add - who once got into the arms of co-player, is not inclined to change them for anything else. With respect to complement and not sexually holodnyhlyudey frigid women. The couple are sexually active for a long time.

Sexual behavior of different types of IM is very different. Therefore, the real sexual compatibility can only talk between complementary. We illustrate this with an example of two opposing dyads - dyad sensory-ethical extravert and introvert sensory-ethical. These two opposite sensing dictate to its partners and the opposite of "touch" behavior. In the dyad sensory-ethical introvert, "love" the skin, its entire surface. There are no sudden movements, as partners would melt into each other's arms. In the dyad sensory-ethical extravert, on the contrary, avoid contact with skin and merging bodies. There are many sudden movements, postures and almost gymnastic exercises. Interestingly, the sensory extroverts do not bear the touch of another person, even, for example, contact your doctor. Another person's hand and that only serves its own initiative.

And in marriage duals may be temporary misunderstanding. This sometimes happens to people who do not feel its dual tendencies due to the fact that growing up in families where relationships have not seen mental additions, do not feel as free people behave, how easy it is natural when someone has complements. Douala should be able to "program". Programmed when the act impulsively, "according to the dictates of the soul." In cases where at least one has the immediacy of this, the second very quickly learns how to "take the program" and "give" it, that is to program first.

In cohesive families in which husband and wife have complementary personality types, children, as a rule (unless the child was born cyclothymia not schizothyme, while shizotimov - cyclotron), acquire the same types of IM, as well as their parents. Daughters often grow up with types identical to the parent, the children - his father. Daughters of the type of supplemented his father and brothers, sons - the types of mother and sisters, provided that children are raised by their own parents. This is the best, most harmonious family. To educate these children easily, on such parents say that they have an innate talent of educators.

The relationship of identity, as well as for additions are needed to form a stable psyche of children: no one can become a better teacher than an identical, and the best tutor than an individual with a complementary type of infarction. Therefore, in families where parents are complementary to each other, created optimum conditions for the education and socialization of children. Man, one of whose parents had a complementary type of mentality, feel a sense of value and significance for people. He is confident that it - like a child, and throughout their lives - will understand and love - in the future family and work community. He has a more easy-tempered and nervous system more balanced, better socialized. Others, who with their parents 'unlucky', always feel, in some measure, lost, guilty, or unnecessary, they lack the mental immune system, appears brighter aggressiveness (the extroverts) or conformity (the introverts). They often get into situations of conflict, are buried in the neuroses and any chronic disease.

Dualization is a prerequisite for successful not only mental, but physical and successful functioning of the body. People with mental dualizirovannoy much less ill, more likely recover.

Dualized psyche affects on human health, because every element of them not only reflects certain aspects of objective reality, but also controls the body. For each element of the IM are certain meridians and manages system. Systems that are behind the most advanced, leading elements of the IM, the least vulnerable to the disease. First of all get sick of those who are leading a co-player.

According to our hypotheses, the elements are aligned with the meridians of IM as follows:

Ne Ne Posterior median meridian;
Fe Fe The meridians of the stomach and pancreas;
Se Se The meridians of the bladder and kidneys;
Te Te The meridians of the gallbladder and liver;
Ni Ni The front middle meridian;
Fi Fi The meridian of the heart and small intestine;
Si Si Pericardium meridian and three parts of the body;
Ti Ti The meridians of the lungs and colon.

Our observations confirm this hypothesis. For example, the logical extraverts and indeed often suffer from heart, and ethical extroverts - the kidneys, and intuitive extravert - stomach, pancreas, liver.

Demonstration of Attitudes and Feeling in Pre-Marital Friendship

All that said you can go to the main task of this work, to consider the specific behavior of different types of myocardial infarction during the search for a partner for marriage. To do this, sixteen types of IM distribute on four fours, which are formed from two closely related, that is, to some extent, similar to its behavior dyads.

Logical Extroverts and Ethical Introverts (LSE - EII; LIE - ESI)

The first dyad: logical-sensory extravert (LSE : Te-Si) and ethical-intuitive introvert (EII : Fi-Ne)

The main quality that the logical-sensing extrovert possesses and highly values is logic - the ability to act reasonably and logically. This is the only quality of which he fully approves and in which he trusts completely. It is of no importance whether he is clever and intelligent or not; if people around him question his logic, this does not greatly bother him. Due to well developed sensing aspect, he is extremely perceptive of the aesthetics of his surroundings and may be a hedonist. Interestingly enough, the LSE pays most attention not to the intelligence of someone, which, in his view, is a quality that is constant and unchanging and not dependent on the person, but to person's ability to act rationally and his or her external appearance. It is not as important to him how clever his partner is, as his partner's elegance and physical form, which is seen as being dependent only on this person's own will. Excessive weight he takes to be a kind of untidiness and even a challenge to the public taste, and generally one of the most inappropriate phenomena. He accurately and with precision distinguishes beautiful things from ugly ones; but beautiful things that are also inconvenient and useless for his rational mind do not exist. He dresses elegantly and with taste, but doesn't dress up. He wears his clothes for a long time, and this clothes always surprises by its freshness and careful wear, as if the time factor doesn't exist for it. He won't wear uncomfortable shoes either, as he lives for himself and not to be a decoration for his surrounding world. But everyone else around him should dress very nicely - for his aesthetic satisfaction.

His attraction to persons of the opposite sex is quite conscious; he is not afraid of it. It is those who don't experience it who are truly poor - they have a need to hide, but not him. There is greater difficulty with feelings. He feels the need for love, wants to love and be loved, but doesn't know how to make a poem out of love. Tries to attract a woman by being considerate and gentle, offering his help and services, and with gifts, but not by beautiful words about his feelings. Suffers from this; to him it seems so difficult and pointless. Thus in feelings he is passive, and therefore this is his vulnerable side. Cannot fall in love quickly; afraid of being deceived or of mistaking the desired for the real. If love is contrary to logic, he will cast it aside. This is one of the types that is conventionally considered to be "manly".

People with developed sensing have underdeveloped intuition, therefore they try to avoid anything that is accidental and unexpected and want total clarity and certainty. They cannot love a person in whom they have some doubts, whom they do not trust, with whom problems arise. They cannot love those who are completely independent and therefore do not need their help and care, as well as those who don't show and participate in a certain kind of compliant caretaking themselves. In the area of feelings they don't feel like they can take risks: they may desire the one who doesn't desire them, but cannot love a person who doesn't love them back. They need a partner with deep introverted feelings and emotions that are balanced and almost imperceptible on the surface, that is, a person whose inner world constitutes the ability to measure the feelings of others with their own feelings. For the logical extravert it is extremely important to receive a very tactful and positive emotional evaluation of all his actions, concerns, and efforts. Life is bright, easy, and clear when he doesn't spoil the mood of his partner, when he delights his partner.

The princess of his dreams does not show a lot of initiative herself, but waits to be noticed. (However, the initiative in making contact with a new person lies in her hands, as an ethical type). When others pay attention to her, she holds herself with discretion and tact, and doesn't show any negative attitudes even when joking. Such jokes are not understood here; they are perceived as negative emotional appraisals of one's personality and subsequent distancing. Affectation does not entice nor attract anyone here.

In this dyad, for one's partner there is a sense of responsibility. Protecting and guarding partner's interests against real and imagined enemies is often done more aggressively than protecting one's own interests. Care is also show by means of providing directions and instructions, by means of correction and regulation of partner's activities. Anything that a partner struggles with and cannot do is taken over with pleasure and done for him. But only if he was truly struggling, not not from lack of will and wish. That is, both people in this pair try to overcome any difficulties that interfere with the productive actions of their partner. If a partner falls under someone's influence, and listens to the advice of others, this is not liked here.

Since the logical-sensing extravert (LSE) has a developed and even picky taste (in behavior that is dictated by the second, and not the first element, a person is always more picky), he has a tendency to dictate to his partner his own perception of beauty. He is always sure that he knows what is beautiful and what is not, when something is matching and appropriate and when it is not. And it is not as important to him whether other people like it or not, or that the public thinks it fashionable or not. It is much harder for LSE to live with a person who has his own sensory preferences, than with a person for whom he needs to solve the sensory and aesthetic problems, someone who lends himself to LSE's will and listens to his instructions.

The most suitable are feelings of ethical-intuitive introvert (EII). This is a carrier of quiet, internal, imperceptible to outsiders sea of feelings. The world of his feelings is so refined and rich, so self-confident and self-sustained, that verbal evidence of love is not even required by him. He sees without a word who loves whom how much, who is needed by whom, or not needed. A valuable trait of this type - is the ability to adapt to the emotions of another person, to empathize with another person, to remove their emotional stress and strain, to calm them down. These are people who are always in love with someone, always admiring and bowing down before someone in their souls, even though they often make an impression of being cold, self-contained, and even insensitive. Their love, as love of any intuitive type, is platonic and incorporeal.

As it is important to the logical-sensing extrovert to be loved by someone, otherwise he doesn't know how to love, so it is important to the ethical-intuitive introvert to be desired. He does not date to desire someone, with his own inclinations he is not satisfied, tries to drown it out, to not be influenced by it. Courage does not come soon, along with faith in his loved one and the confidence that his desire does not seem ridiculous and won't humiliate him in the eyes of another.

Ethical-intuitive introvert seeks pleasurable emotions. These are provided by intelligence, logic, activity and operativeness, ability to protect, and demanding nature of his partner. No other evidence of love and talk of love is need. It is needed that the partner would evoked these pleasant emotions and admiration by his behavior - that he would not be late for dates, that he would carry out promises, that he would be polite and caring. This state of awating, that is never deceived, and during which one can dream any number of dreams, is one of the greatest pleasures of this type of IM.

Such man or woman wants to live according to the tastes and desires of another, not so much because he or she does not have their own, but because he/she wants full harmony is a relationship, complete fusion of the will. Therefore, on the one hand, there is an inclination to comply, but on the other hand there is a no less ardent desire that the tastes of both would be the same. The ethical-intuitive introvert wants to know what the other person likes and wants to adapt it. But trouble will come to any person whose nature is not of logical-sensing extrovert, and who due to this won't be able to adapt to the ethical-intuitive introvert, i.e. won't be able to fulfill her basic requirements: to always and everywhere have own opinion. Trouble with come to a man, who may be very clever, but who expresses his views in form of contemplation and thoughts, and not in the form of short categorical statements. Next to him the Ethical-intuitive introvert is constantly dissatisfied and unhappy.

We can say that ethical-intuitive introvert does not have enough character, that he or she shows impermissible tolerance, being too yielding, that every educated person should have his own well-formed preferences and tastes. But when in one marriage there are two people each with their own "tastes", for example, logical-sensory extravert (LSE) and ethical-sensory introvert (ESI), often what is obtained is not two distinct tastes, but collisions and fights between two independent from each other egos.

The second dyad: logical intuitive extravert (LIE : Te-Ni) and ethical-sensory introvert (ESI : Fi-Se)

The strong side of logical-intuitive extrovert (LIE) is also logic. Due to well developed abstracted thinking, he is inattentive to the appearance of his partner and pays little attention to it. Often it's even that a partner with too good physical qualities hinders him. He needs not a person who is most beautiful to him, but rather someone for whom he - is the most physically attractive. Due to his inattention to his environment, he don't always understand how other people see him, frequently feels unconfident in his own appearance, or upset over his imagined unattractiveness. For intuitive types the recognition of their physical "I" is extremely important - and therefore they need partners with a well developed aesthetic sense, taste which can be trusted, they need to feel: he liked me in spite of the fact that he has developed sense of taste, is picky and even pretentious. He liked me, despite the fact that towards other people he is very critical, that the majority of them he considers unattractive. I am attractive to him not because he is indifferent to how I am, but because I am as I am.

Ethical feelings and emotions of logical-intuitive extrovert are underdeveloped, as is for every logical type. He can continuously love only that person whose well realized feelings would be enough for two, and whose conscious desire is would also last for two. In domestic life this type is absent-minded, fully trusts the tastes of his partner, and allows him to command him.

Ethical-sensory introvert (ESI) is best suited for his partner. This is a creator of deep ethical feelings and love. But since this type has well developed sensing, it is a very independent type of person, who monopolizes in his hands both sides of the erotic. This type doesn't show his emotions, thus often seems to be a cold person, and due to his penetrating sharp gaze with which he keenly evaluates and judges his surroundings, even spiteful. In conversation he doesn't look directly at the other person, as if to not incinerate him with his mistrustful piercing gaze.

The second element is more creative than the first one. Therefore, any of its manifestations are more pleasant to the individual and seem to be more valuable. Thus, towards the aesthetics ESI is very picky, categorical and often even unpleasant. All people love order. Some need it more than others, but it's easier for all to have some order. However, individuals who have sensing as their second element notice any deviations from the accepted order in exaggeratedly acute manner. Perhaps this is why their look feels discomforting, prickly, and spiteful to some. Domestic order (especially in absence of psychologically complimentary partner) could be made into an idol, not taking into consideration the expenditures of time nor energy and efforts. For them, their own sense of taste and view point on art, clothing, interior design, that is, to anything that gives or may give a pleasant sensation, is very important. Only those people who don't have their own "aesthetic sensing program" feel at ease around them. Only an intuitive type can easily adapt and be happy when another person provides him with a "sensing program" that not only facilitates, simplifies, but also enriches his life.

Ethical-sensory introvert (ESI) does not think about the future, lives by the present day tasks, and dislikes waiting for anything. "What I can do today, I won't postpone until tomorrow." And today he can do whatever has come into his mind. This type is uncompromising and stubborn, which is why he makes such a good match for the logical-intuitive extrovert (LIE), who lives not by the present day, but by what was and what will be in future, and does not pay sufficient attention to the present moment. The logical-intuitive extrovert also loves not by word, but by deed, however, in contrast to the logical-sensory extravert (LSE) he is not inclined to come up with these "actions" and "projects" himself, rather in all everyday concrete activities he would happily submit to the will of his partner. At any time he can drop one task and start on another, if only his partner wishes it.

A student of type ethical-sensory introvert (ESI) wrote the following about a guy of her dreams: "He is fashionable, always neat and timmed, and of slender built. Very polite and soft in interaction, attentive to me and to other people. Not envious, not a liar. Not selfish. On all questions has his own opinion. Together with me, he goes to the theater, to movies, to art exhibitions and concerts. He likes long walks, traveling, camping trips. He talks a lot, tells of everything that comes to his mind. And at home - he is my helper and assistant." In this description we can see the image of the logical-intuitive extravert. He, like no other, likes to talk and discuss all that he has seen, read, and heard. Only he could obediently carry out all other wishes of this girl.

Ethical Extroverts and Logical Introverts (ESE - LII; EIE - LSI)

The first dyad: ethical-sensory extravert (ESE : Fe-Si) and logical-intuitive introvert (LII : Ti-Ne)

Emotions of ethical extroverts are strong, colorful, persuasive, delivered with great expression, and not seldom quite commanding. These people are not timid about their emotions and do not hide them. The depth and variety of their feelings - is the most valuable of what they find in themselves, and the basis on which they evaluate other people. They try to perfect emotional ways of expression, hence their especially strong attraction to poetry and music.

They readily talk about not only about their feelings towards their loved ones, but also about any other feelings: fear, hatred, etc. Of that which has surprised, delighted, or infuriated them, made them lose their patience. Meanwhile their emotions are controlled, directed, and managed consciously. Mood is what they do and create themselves, not what happens to them without their conscious will. Emotions are often the main substance of life, its essence, and at the same time - an ornament, not a complication, as is the case for people of logical thinking. Ethical extroverts are usually very pleasant conversationalists and good listeners - able to understand, admire, approve, sympathize, to get into another's shoes. Thereby, they encourage others to be frank, helping to sort out their emotions.

With their ability to approve and inspire, they transfer their enthusiasm to others, raise their mood and spirits, inspire them to act. Emotions of these people are so strongly controlled by their conscience, they are so confident in their validity, that any feelings evoked by the object of their love do not make them confused or hesitant. The only person is strange and incomprehensible is the one who never admires anyone, who never delights or makes others feel something.

They often think that only confident people don't hide their emotions i.e. people with high self-esteem. Needless to say, this is connected to how much you respect yourself. However, people who respect their emotions aren't always confident in demonstrating other sides of their personality: intellect, will, ability. Here, the only important thing is a sense of legitimacy of one's emotions. And the fact that not very confident in him/herself ethical extrovert is not shy of their emotion.

Well-mannered ethical extravert sees the need to hide some of his or her negative emotions: disgust, outrage, etc. But why hide admiration, why not try to increase the self-satisfaction of another person?

The ethical introvert, whom we mentioned earlier, tries to understand another person and receive pleasant emotions. The ethical extrovert doesn't look for emotions for him/herself, but rather tries to give emotions to others. Bringing joy to another person he feels happy himself. The meaning of life - is to provide positive emotions for people around them. To promote their activities, to give them courage, to inspire, and, if necessary, to stop them and send them into a different direction. (That is why these two ethical types - extrovert and introvert - doesn't understand one another, and suspect each other of selfishness and hypocrisy).

The ethical-sensory extrovert (ESE) has developed sensing, therefore he notices not only personal but also physical qualities of people. He needs not only personal, but also physical data. This type is interested only the mental and intellectual traits, but also the partner's ability to interest by his appearance, he physical bearing, elegance. This type has a developed aesthetic sense. Cannot stand clutter and untidiness. Doesn't adapt to someone else's sense of taste. The interesting for him logical introvert seems closed off, mysterious, difficult to understand for others, and, therefore, exclusively attractive. The bright emotions of ethical extrovert, his ability to enjoy all that is good and beautiful, improve the vitality and raise the spirits of logical introvert. Logical introvert is not insensitive, but he's not always certain if his emotions are appropriate. Ethical-sensory extrovert is just that person who skillfully expresses that which has accumulated in logical-intuitive introvert's soul. This is why the logical-intuitive introvert appreciates him.

The logical-intuitive introvert (LII) is a particularly suitable partner for the ethical-sensory extrovert (ESE), as he is sufficiently pliable, readily adapts to his partner, approves of his sense of taste, responds to his erotic initiatives. Logical-intuitive introvert can admit his feelings and his attraction only when in the eyes of his partner - his loved person - clearly, unequivocally show not only his feelings but also his desire.

The LII is not selfish. If he doesn't always consider the interests of others, then his own - even more so. The LII, more than others, wants to feel as a good person. But it's exactly this feeling that's insufficient in him. Therefore, he needs a partner who protects his interests and who would chide him for his lack of selfishness and lack of taking care of himself. Someone who doesn't encourage him to work, who doesn't require activity, who doesn't care about his interests and doesn't make him take care of them - doesn't love him. Not taking care of him, like all intuitive types, is impossible. Without care, intuitive types can make too great demands of themselves and exhaust themselves physically. Protection of his interests and his good name and criticism for exhausting activity, the logical-intuitive introvert receives as a recognition of the value of their person and a proof of love. This is something without which he finds it difficult to live. Everything else is of lesser importance.

The strongest side of LII - is logical thinking. Encouraging him to social engagement extraverted intuition is his second, creative function, which nonetheless also requires recognition. Therefore, he needs the approval of his partner to feel satisfied from his own activities. Not receiving such approval the LII feels lost. Thus, his functioning as a person depends on the intelligence partner, his sensitivity and ability to approve. Occasionally, he even tends to check the emotions of his partner by little understood antics. If his partner reacts in the way that is acceptable to him, then there's contact, everything is alright. Disapproval of his wrong actions is necessary as the compass that orients him in public opinions. In addition, for as long as a partner is interested in his activities or work, he is interested in his personality. Thus one needs to make sure that he still disapproves of any misdeeds. If he does, this means he notices, cares, pays attention.

Relationship with a sexual partner are complex. He does not change the object of desire not his desires on his own will. It can be said that he loves the one, who is certain that he loves himself, and who knows how to be confident that he is loved.

Extraverted emotions - are the basis of union between two people, in which the more emotionally active ethical extravert instills into the more passive and less bold in his undertakings logical introvert confidence of his own activities, supports him and activates him. This influence that one person has on another is reminiscent of a miracle, the extent of which will depend on the intellectual level of both.

The second dyad: ethical-intuitive extravert (EIE : Fe-Ni) and logical-sensory introvert (LSI : Ti-Se)

Emotions of the ethical-intuitive extrovert (EIE) are also well expressed and clearly visible to all, but they seem somehow abstracted. He may talk and share his feelings with others, but his feelings remain platonic: he doesn't dare to desire even a very loved person. Of some importance here may be poor sex education, such education only further complicates their lives. They are sympathetic towards anyone who has showed them good feelings, but it takes a long time and persistent attention from a partner for that feeling to turn into a desire. Their attraction, as with all intuitive types, has a kind of "in absentia" nature: the object of love is quite consciously desired only in its absence. When the beloved person is before their eyes, attraction seems to be something unreal and fantastic. If a partner does not sufficiently understand them due to a psychological incompatibility, even if married they may avoid sexual intimacy. They express their feelings for their partner not by concrete help and care, but by dramatic stories and warnings of the dangers that might befall them.

Interestingly, the ethical-intuitive extravert (EIE) is characterized by a certain innate haughty or arrogant manner of holding him/herself. From aside it seems that for some reason this person is "putting on airs", pretending or posing as something. This "arrogance" is very attractive to the practical in his activities, but closed off in his relations with other people logical-sensory introvert (LSI). It gives him a peculiar sense of confidence and security. He is grateful for this firework of emotions that refresh and enliven his own feelings, that have been driven underground. And for the fact that ethical-intuitive extravert readily adapts him/herself to the practical and aesthetic program of the partner.

The logical-sensory introvert is an aesthete. He has a very acute perception of beauty, a wish to see it around himself, to evaluate and to enjoy it. He's not such a gourmand as the logical-sensory extravert (LSE). It's not as important to him what he eats and drinks. Nevertheless, he wishes to impress the world by his own elegance and especially by elegance of his partner (more accurately - by beautiful objects).

The logical-sensory introvert does not hide his attraction, does not feel shy about it, and frequently gives the impression that he deliberately demonstrates it. His piercing, grasping gaze does not leave unnoticed and unevaluated any person of the opposite sex, which to some may feel unpleasant. However, this grasping gaze does not disconcert the ethical-intuitive extravert as much as it convinced him that he is truly appreciated and wanted. The logical-sensory introvert offers his hand on basis of his attraction of which he is fully aware and cognizant and vaguely felt to him feelings. He judges the feelings of other people based on external manifestations of emotions. Therefore, he relatively easily can become mistaken and confuse his desire to be loved for true feelings of his partner. He knows of this himself, therefore he is mistrustful. In this sense, the ethical-intuitive extravert with his highlighted arrogance - is exactly what the logical-sensing introvert needs: it is unlikely that such a person will become close with anyone before understanding that the feelings that connect them are real.

The logical-intuitive introvert in love is even more dependent on his partner than the logical-sensory introvert. Not only does he not understand the feelings, but also the attraction of another person. Therefore, he is more careful, more afraid of being ridiculed. Men may pose as anti-feminists, and women, especially if such attitude was instilled by upbringing, also more or less openly show their contempt for the questions of gender. In this "antifeminism" there is a demonstrative element, behind which hides a search of permanent, unchanging relations between human beings. This is not as much of a statement that "All women are worthless", as much as it is a question "Can she continue to love me?".

Sensing Extroverts and Intuitive Introverts (SLE - IEI; SEE - ILI)

The first dyad: sensory-logical extrovert (SLE : Se-Ti) and intuitive-ethical introvert (IEI : Ni-Fe)

Sensory-logical extrovert (SLE), like all extroverts, does not like it when initiatives originate from other people. Any person who takes excessive initiative - is uninteresting, irritating, boring, and generally "not the one". He tries not to demonstrate this and holds himself in company politely (especially if woman), but feels himself miserable, nonetheless. A person of this nature does not doubt that he is entitled to the physical side of love, but only if he seeks it himself, and not if it is being imposed on him. Desire, striving for physical identification with another person, is a phenomenon understandable and common. It is an irrevocable part of his nature. His weak point - is feelings. Evaluating others by his own standards, he knows and does not doubt that he can be desired, but he is rarely so sure that he can also be loved. Desire - is a common method of his self-realization. While love, psychological identification with another person - this, in his view, is a luxury that is not available to everyone. Thus, to talk of how he feels, while not being certain that his partner values his feelings more than he does himself, he cannot do. And if he blurts out a mention, he feels as if he has betrayed himself. He's afraid of love, not as psychological identification with the other, but as an illicit desire, an undeserved luxury. He is afraid not only of love, but also of many other feelings. He himself is sure, as are his friends and people who are close to him, that he doesn't know fear, hatred, etc. He doesn't get surprised nor feel envious of others.

Emotionally, the sensory-logical extrovert feels open only with intuitive-ethical introvert (IEI) who, on the one hand, is sufficiently emotional himself, well aware of the feelings of others people and does not hide his own, and on another hand - makes an impression of being helpless, lost in life individual. Only with such a person the sensory-logical extravert can feel certain that his feelings won't be ridiculed. Even if he is rejected - it will seem so helpless and far-fetched, that it won't hurt or offend. In addition, sensory-logical extrovert is impressed by sexual restraint of a partner as a precondition for seriousness of feelings and constancy.

It is often said that a man looks for female weakness, as he's not afraid to show his own weakness only to the weak. This is wrong. Some people - as far as it concerns different types of IM - are not weaker than the others. The same can be said about the relationship between these two persons. The strength of sensory-logical extrovert in his energy, his capacity for logical conclusions, and renunciation of his feelings. His weakness is in his effort to avoid showing feelings. The power of intuitive-ethical introvert in his adaptation to other people and ability to manipulate their emotions. Only the sensory-logical extrovert may think that a loving woman draws him by her helplessness, because feelings, which the intuitive-ethical introvert doesn't hide, the sensory-logical extrovert perceives as a weakness. For her - he seems no less helpless. After all, when a woman of this type is choosing between sensory-logical extrovert (SLE) and sensory-ethical extravert (SEE), she chooses the former only because of his "helplessness" i.e. timidly in love, while the sensory-ethical extravert, not only doesn't hide his feelings, but on the contrary, his is proud of them.

The second dyad: sensory-ethical extravert (SEE : Se-Fi) and intuitive-logical introvert (ILI : Ni-Te)

Sensory-ethical extravert (SEE) not only doesn't hide his feelings, but, on the contrary, he is proud of them. He relatively easy expresses his admirations, if it matches his own mood, and does so by both his words and his look. He is always for complete love, for both physical and psychological identification, if only if he needs it. Even if the feeling is short-lived. He knows very well what he wants from the object of his love. Not inclined to adapt to them, only dictate.

Sensory-ethical extravert, like all sensory types, pays much attention to the aesthetics of the environment, cleanliness, order. Frequently he possesses what is called an innate sense of taste, knows how to dress well and seeks the same from people around him. He is attentive to the external physical qualities of his partner. In activities and ventures he's very initiative-taking. At the same time, he doesn't have a sense of measure in what he is doing. Often feels unsure that he has done everything that he could possibly do.

Life of the sensory-ethical extravert is complicated by the demands of people close to him to think over his actions, to conduct himself wisely. (Most often in this situation fall men, because they are less interested in the logic of female behavior). The sensory-ethical extravert responds poorly to this: such requests make him lose his temper, and then he really stops considering any logic. In other words, he acts intelligently and logically for as long as this is not asked of him, for as long as he is "respected" and "considered". One cannot argue with his logic. Influencing him is only possible by setting other, opposing to his goals objectives, that are more noble and harder to reach.

The initiative-taking and proactive qualities of this type are so abundant that no criticism, not even the constant nagging and grumbling of the intuitive-logical introvert, who judges almost any activity or action undertaken by anyone else, can ruin his mood. To the contrary, criticism calms him down, shows him what he has done and that he has accomplished a lot, that his activity is being noticed and paid attention. These people lack in self-critical ability when it comes to their work and engagements, not because they overestimate them, but because they underestimate them. Others suspect them of wanting to be in the center of attention, while all that they really need is to feel that this "chaos" that surrounds them from all sides they are bringing to some kind of order, that they are overcoming it.

Due to their proactiveness and demanding attitude, sensing-ethical extroverts often become disappointed or frustrated with the objects of their feelings. They turn to be "not what they sought", not sufficiently resonant with the call of their spirit and soul. And the main point here is that they need a kind of person to whom they can adapt without adapting. Of such a person everyone dreams. This is how a female student, by the name of Ruta, describes the "knight of her dreams": "He must be handsome and somewhat melancholic (like the protagonist of H. Hesse's novel "Steppenwolf"). With big sad eyes, not talkative. He doesn't tell compliments, and by that he creates an impression of being unapproachable. He is taunted by myriads of problems, which, in my opinion are nothing to be bothered with. I am attracted by his sadness, seriousness, so I try to amuse him, to raise his spirits, to make him happy. If such a boy is present at a party, I wouldn't be bored, but I become lively and cheerful, try if not make him laugh then at least make him smile." This is a figurative description of the intuitive-logical introvert, who in his feelings is very constant, not inclined to adventures, and can be completely dependent on the demands on his loved person. For a long time he doesn't trust the attention from another, waits for proof, thus he appears to be unattainable and serious, which is so much needed by his energetic, insistent, tired of his own inconstancy partner, the sensory-ethical extrovert.

The main characteristic of intuitive-logical introvert - he not only himself rarely takes initiative, which in general is typical of almost all introverts, but he also makes fun of those who show any activity, if it can be done without. All these active individuals, they say, climb onto the stage, wanting to be in the center of attention, and burst from their own stupidity. Some take this as a sober view point, objective independent evaluation, courage to say unpleasant things. Others he sets against himself and makes enemies, as everywhere and always he manages to drop a bit of tar. This type was interestingly characterized by Erich Fromm (he even called it necrophiliac, that is, those who love death): "You can spot him, - he wrote, - by the expression on his face: he looks as if he's sniffing out a foul odor, has an extraordinary ability to deaden, to extinguish everything he touches; boring in interaction, where he appears, any liveliness drowns, any conversations fade out; he is attracted by all non-living things, all that is painful, dead, or mechanical." Erich Fromm himself - is an intuitive-logical extravert i.e. the opposite of the intuitive-logical introvert. Between them there are no common points and attitudes in perception of the world. If the intuitive introvert told of his opinion about a preacher of optimistic philosophy - intuitive extrovert - it would have sounded no less colorful. (Even when people of contrary type of IMs sympathize with each other, they do not understand the motives of the activity of the other. Hence the distrust). While for those who need them for psychological complimentarity (e.g. the descriptions of the female student Ruta of a guy of her dreams), this type is the bearer of peace of mind and especially deep intellect.

An interesting characteristic of the intuitive-logical introvert - acquiescence, yielding attitude. He loves strong people, who know their road and who demand concessions, people who relieve him from having to come up with goals, while making use of his invented methods of action. But he yields only in the case when he considers that it will be wiser, or needed, otherwise it can't be. To put it another way, he acts willingly only when he can say with a clear conscience that he was forced to act, that there was no other way, no way out. In erotic relations people people of this type are even more passive than in any other endeavor. All initiative lies in the hands of a partner, while he "yields" because he cannot act otherwise. He takes actions when the opposite would be stupid, when circumstances, reason, understanding warrant it, when getting married is in some respects necessary, correct course of action.

Intuitive introvert is inclined to pessimistic philosophizing. Not seldom he gets called a misanthrope. Sometimes, an impression arises that he generally sees only black, and that he himself - is an evil and a bad being. No, this is not so. He simply lives all the time with apprehension, fearing that he might overlook something. If of some impending trouble or treat (good luck is of lesser interest to him) he does not warn in advance, apparently, he would have felt himself superfluous.

When these people do something with enthusiasm, most often the possible failures become forgotten. Upon seeing a good mood, the introverted intuition begins to remind its owner that there is nothing to rejoice to, that this is accessible to any fool, and that it's not yet clear what will come out of this - and the mood is spoiled, any passions fade. However, this makes him an unsurpassed comforter when others have no luck, when everything falls out of the hands, when fate seems hostile. The bottom line is that this type is afraid of any extroverted emotions: he is irritated by both joyful moods, which to him seem as a kind of mask or camouflage that obscures the true essence of things, and any despairing moods and tragedies. Thus, he extinguishes them. He himself cannot act under the dictation of his emotions, hence the rejection of demonstrations of sensitivity and a tendency to look at any people who allow themselves to be such as self-centered children, whom it is useful to occasionally return to earthly reality. This is what is need to the sensory-ethical extravert. After all, it's so great when a loving person can think in advance about possible tricks of the fate, when with his warnings he protects from any attack or surprise, and if a disaster is near, he is able to show the relativity of its evil over time.

In addition, it must be said that his caustic remarks don't ruin the mood of people who are satisfied with the quality of their work. And most sensing types have this kind of self-assurance. The words "otherwise it couldn't be," "you can't jump higher than your own nose," which for an individual with extroverted intuition would feel like a condemnation, only calm down the very energetic ethical-sensory extrovert. They convince him that this is not his fault if more hasn't been done. The same words act as morally soothing to one, while they sound like a reproach to another.

Intuitive-logical introvert from smaller aspects and details of actions and behavior of another person creates a working model of them. Therefore, most things don't surprise him. Hence, he experiences a dissatisfaction with those who don't have a have clear sequence in how they conduct themselves, and therefore he cannot produce such a behavioristic model of their actions.

Intuitive Extroverts and Sensing Introverts (ILE - SEI; IEE - SLI)

The first dyad: intuitive-logical extravert (ILE : Ne-Ti) and sensory-ethical introvert (SEI : Si-Fe)

Intuitive-logical extrovert, like all other extroverts, do not like attention from others, which exceeds its own initiative. Friends he chooses. He does not like nor compliant, which he seems uncertain, nor those who use other concessions. But as a rule, inferior, and it does not. Is extremely poor tactician. Not only is he able to set the desired distance from people, but has no idea what it should be. Can not be angry, stubborn, to defend their interests. Therefore, those who try to use it not for the sake of a new standing and complicated and interesting case, which is his passion, but for the sake of someone's personal "selfish" interests, is trying to annoy the right. And so often known bad character.

Concessions and services do not like it. But what makes for the case, even when doing for others, does not consider the assignment. "For others" is not an "other." Feelings for him - a taboo, and from them to run. Should be no doubt that every act is the result of an objective, logical, rather than subjective ethical thinking.

Intuitive-logical extravert sees the objective capabilities of its partners (but not their feelings). Is extremely sensitive, where carelessness can weaken the vitality of another person. He likes the stubborn, very well knowing what they want, and at the same time funny, warm, quiet touch introverts. He is a man of his word, do what promised, even if it turns out to be unprofitable. His passion - caring for the creation of conditions for the vitality of others. Supports the activities of all people, guided by the peculiar sense supports the objective of duty, rather than emotions.

Appealing to the sense of duty (as well as any other feeling) knocks off balance, and causes the bristles to rebel. Relationships with them deteriorate as soon as a hint to the need to perform duty, but before that they could do much more than is consistent with common sense and normal practicality.

Intuitive-logical extravert and no one ever accuses. Reproach - that means to confess to feeling. This is beyond his power. He thinks that man right there is no right to reproach. Recriminations from both fear and any signs of aggressiveness in the face of which is enraged. He already uses too much power to suppress feelings. On the call, ie any criticism - often says, "If so, then I is not needed" and leaves, slamming the door. But these states of uncontrolled fear, trying to avoid. One reason for the peculiar desire to overdo it in any action is to avoid casual allusions to the debt, and thereby losing control over their relationships with people.

In the erotic feelings are very restrained. The situation is complicated by extraversion, which can not succumb to the will and initiative of others. Sensitive feelings hard to ripen. For a long time doubted, compares, thinks. Sometimes you need a year or two to yourself, do not hesitate to say "I love you." Even harder to show it differently. Therefore, if possible, these people are trying to get rid of the feeling that in the eyes of another does not seem ridiculous, weak, dependent and void. In the feelings of his partner and the emotional reality is completely unversed. Suppose, after he himself explains that feeling - a product of his imagination, the memory comes up a lot of evidence Choice favorite. But as soon as this will be overjoyed and decides that the fight with a stupid memory provides it with the same amount of proof to the contrary sense. Love - timeless, raging in the mind of a hurricane. Continuous delirium, when nothing else can not do and nothing else to think about. (This is one of the most dangerous variants of platonic love). To talk about feelings only undertake when the realize that they have evolved into a chronic disease that must be treated. I wonder what they can not get rid of them until there is no certainty (and only for as long as its not) in a retaliatory sense. Spiritual balance is restored as soon disappears ambiguity, that is, when an object is specifically waives his likes or accepts them. Intuitive-logical extravert because of the love object will never compete. If you are a person who seems more worthy of attention other inferior without nagging sense of regret - because he tries to subdue his life logic. But if the object of love after a while back, nothing but gratitude for him is not felt.

All intuitive extrovert at home distracted, inattentive, it is difficult to get along with the world of things and if they live alone, around there is chaos, to which they feel helpless. This weakness know how and what others can not be so tired of their care of others.

In partners fully suitable only friendly, always good and optimistic sensory-ethical introvert (actor Leonov, Dumas).

Intuitive-logical extravert does not say "I love you" or "Be mine." He was happy to have abdicated from their feelings as no one else desired weakness, but too well aware that this is ruining it. Therefore, his inner mood, of which he is inclined to be silent, the most consistent of the word "I will destroy you." When he feels that is on the verge of a precipice, and his personality is facing complete disaster, says, "I need you" and that - God forbid - do not cheat in something else, opens his eyes to all its shortcomings, so that he would not buy a cat in the bag. "I need" convincing explanation for ear sensory-ethical introvert, which his emotions behind his short, to whom these words - the best of all possible evaluations of his personality. To whom his emotions is not enough, these words came to dry and unconvincing. Even hurt to.

Touch is an introvert hedonist more than any other and therefore only feels good reality of his physical existence. Since each of the other inclined to judge for himself, he thinks so, and feels different. Therefore, it is considered a comfort of others, considerate and caring, when they were sympathetic. At the very least, making this type - not a burden on others. He can not ask for nor require service all their needs trying to satisfy their own. Something for which sensory introvert extrovert intuitive as needed, can be called a special sensitivity and subtlety, attention to the physical "I" of the other. Protecting the world of his feelings, guards and others. Sensory-ethical introvert good tactician. In everyday life, is able to defend its sovereignty, that is, he needed distance from people, and not to spoil the relationship that just does not work in intuitive-logical extravert. In addition, sensory introvert has its own dynamic rhythm of everyday life, which is just not enough second, and without which he feels like ivy without support.

Sensory-ethical introvert feels very good in the world of feelings and emotions. Perceptive to the feelings of others. It is easy to distinguish who is and how it likes and wants. This type of artist who appreciates life in all its varieties. He loves beauty and harmony. Creates them. If something does, does with feeling and taste. For each object on the work looks like a work of art which should excite others and himself. Even if it's cooking. In love, he is also an artist. If the object of love is not enough attentive, knows how relatively easy to remove, replace it with another. These desires and needs are very well aware of and responsibility for them not to shift the other partner. This is exactly what is needed most intuitive logical extrovert, who is himself on his own initiative or believe in feelings, not abandon them can not.

The second dyad: intuitive ethical extravert (IEE : Ne-Fi) and sensory logical introvert (SLI : Si-Te)

Intuitive-ethical extravert their feeling quite shy, and knows how much to seek. But precisely because, like all intuitive, trying to bypass the drive. His speech about love and longing passionate, seductive glances and smiles. But his affection hesitant, cautious, more addicted, seductive and asking than giving and demanding. Kissing incorporeal touch as a butterfly. More of this on his own initiative he can not go and does not know how to drive in the presence of a partner is uncertain, it is always better to know what he wants other than himself. Hence the fear of becoming dependent on another, and the fear of being ignorant or rude in a caress.

The greatest pleasure of all intuitive extroverts, both ethical and logical, to find a way out of the provisions that seem hopeless to others. Very often live, allowing themselves quite useless problems. Intuitive-ethical extravert particularly emotional situations available solution. Through understanding the spiritual structure of the people, they know how to please, and can not refrain from doing so. So, enjoy exceptional success among individuals of the opposite sex. Because of what - especially considering that his attention trying to make happy each - quite often a reputation for being very frivolous people and get the nickname Don Juan. It has long been established that the so-called philanderers like love women, they have enjoyed great success and yet afraid of intimacy, at the last moment "disappointed" in his beloved. Some therapists explained that their sexual coldness, others by the fact that every woman they are trying to find his mother, and others that they need only a victory over other men, as was evident that more attention is paid to women with a husband or even a lover . But the thing is, apparently, that attract the attention of a married more complicated and therefore more interesting problem.

So, intuitively-ethical extravert their feelings rather unstable because of its rough character, which is dictated by extraversion and ability to attract people. In European culture, his sexual restraint plus ardor feeling extremely impressed by the women. They are close and understandable emotional courage, initiative and Don Juan at the same time his "harmless", which each divines advance. In addition, under two levels of spiritual culture, "high" - a male and a "lower" - female, woman, only men are flattered by the attention to her body, and its spiritual life.

To his mind the physical identification - giving up control over the situation, the complete equation with a partner - surrender. As a result, often fleeing the physical, mental, and of identification, but it is difficult to give up "solutions to complex situations." He needs a tough, closed, but its attraction and business thinking completely trusting woman. That is - the sensory-logical introvert. If the IR meets the woman of this type is not too late, before the individual may still abandon their emotional power over all and sexual freedom of all journeys end in Don Juan. Then say, "and who could have thought that he would one day become serious."Sensory-logical introvert feels fine as close to nature, and at home. If he needs something, knows how to do what he wants, without advice from others. Defined sequence in the propensity to care for their comfort. Movement of calm, precise, extremely economical. When viewed from the side usually gives the impression that the outcome of their work is always greater than the effort. As if part of the movement is hidden from the observer's eye. It is characterized by the ability to take from the environment that it can give without demanding what is not.

All sensory introvert inherent trait - do not show on his face and his real feelings, so do not give the other party about his inner world.

Sensory-logical introvert is almost always the same cold and mysterious, sensory-ethical - the same warm, caring, smiling.

If the intuitive-logical extravert afraid to show their feelings, confess them, the sensory-logical introvert afraid to show emotion, and by all means avoid dictated their actions.

In their dreams, sensory? Logical introvert bears the image of the ideal partner that is most similar to the intuitive ethical extravert. Ele student describes the knight of your dreams, "is beautiful, elegant, but not a dandy, its looks are not paying attention. Movement uncertain, it lacks precision, even a little clumsy. With great spiritualized, wondering eyes. Knows no fear, full of good wishes, feelings and determination. At any time, can throw all the ideas for a new sublime. I want to be his friend, assistant and lover. " Something like a fearless Musketeers or sea captain from a fairy tale.

Afterword by the Author

Born a new science Socionics , the science of nature shestnadtsatitipnoy people and about the patterns of relations between them. This work is dedicated to only one respect - respect additions. But since there are sixteen types of people, and relations between them become sixteen different forms. There is a relationship of identity, the activation of the conflict, control, social order, and many others. Some of them act positively on the human psyche, such as the ratio of activation, the other - a relationship of conflict, control - in the negative. All this is described in another paper in the "Theory of intertype relations" (1982).

The main objective of this work - to show that the manifestations of love, as in all other areas of human communication, there is no right and wrong, good and bad. There are only people with appropriate and inappropriate types of personality or - information metabolism (IM). In addition, there are people with more balanced psyche. They are the ones who succeed, who have grown up living and working among people with suitable types of IM. And there are people with less balanced psyche. They are the ones that failed because their environment is formed of people with inappropriate types of myocardial infarction and the impact it is destructive.

People have always dreamed of living on good terms with other people who wanted to be understood and wanted to understand others. Wanted to see the range of kindness and themselves to be benevolent. Dreamed of all, it was possible a few. Today we know that it is impossible to dream of a truly harmonious, peaceful and creative society and the individual, as long as people do not understand its nature and underlying polytypic for their types of patterns of communication. Completely new stage in the life of society will this reorganization him that each person will provide an opportunity for a sufficient number of contacts with the right for his psychosomatic health of people.

It is difficult to say when this will come true dream, but there is no other way.

Other Works by Augusta