EII observations

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Type observations
Alpha Quadra: ILE SEI ESE LII
Beta Quadra: SLE IEI EIE LSI
Gamma Quadra: SEE ILI LIE ESI
Delta Quadra: IEE SLI LSE EII

Socionics Type Descriptions
Alpha Quadra: ILE (ENTp) SEI (ISFp) ESE (ESFj) LII (INTj)
Beta Quadra: SLE (ESTp) IEI (INFp) EIE (ENFj) LSI (ISTj)
Gamma Quadra: SEE (ESFp) ILI (INTp) LIE (ENTj) ESI (ISFj)
Delta Quadra: IEE (ENFp) SLI (ISTp) LSE (ESTj) EII (INFj)

by Cone

The INFj comes across as a completely different entity. In comfortable social settings, including one-on-one dialogues, he comes off almost as an attention-starved performing monkey, acting in eccentric ways and flooding you with his behavior if you even show the slightest amount of reinforcement (ESTjs seem to eat this stuff up.) He is highly obsessed with his image, to the point of being in love with it. He is highly immersed in most social expectancies, although he often comes across as somewhat awkward, almost like he "tries too hard". His social relations are highly varied. There are some who hate him, some who absolutely love him, and some who latch onto him and never let go. His intelligence is strange and annoying to alot of people. He seems to have a knack for picking up random knowledge and half-truths. In conversation, he will often argue about many of your own premises and add highly questionable information to fill in the (supposed) gaps. So it goes without saying that discussion with him is extremely frustrating. He often likes to give advice, and many people even actively seek him for it. He is highly interested in people, and he knows more people than I could ever imagine. He is overly focused on others' weaknesses, which makes him almost impossible to impress. Although he is very easy to talk about feelings and emotions with.

Electric: Housemate

Disclaimer: This is an observation of one EII and doesn't reflect my view of all EIIs.

Always strutting around with a very proud demeanor, brilliant dresser and never seemed to look me in the eyes (did with other people). Insanely physically careless; she would stomp in the house at 3am on weeknights singing loudly slamming doors and cupboards. If you happened to watch her move around the kitchen she seemed to just sloppily chuck instruments and ingredients around in a manner that would create a drink or a meal. The mess she made seemed inappropriately large in relation to what she had to do. She liked to listen to music in the shower, although I am pretty sure she couldn't hear the music in the shower since 1) the music system was too far away/water hitting the bath was too loud 2) you could hear her singing different songs that weren't being played on the system.

She had a quite a few friends everywhere that she invited over to her place; she almost had someone over every other day. Talked in a very wistful and deep way about personal sentiments and expected you to do the same. Often had long telephone conversation. She went clubbing a lot, she sort of approached the clubbing scene with an air of innocence and romance, didn't seem to like the idea of going just to get some dick. She would often throw some very strong judgments at the other women at clubs with some very strong language.

Prone to grudges and rages (screaming, physically attacking, throwing crockery), would constantly nag people over small petty things until she had won. To me all the fights look strategically pointless as she never really got anything of any proper value from the fights although her methods where quite effective.

Couldn't fix a thing, if anything broke down that she relied on she spent more time swearing and complaining than fixing.

Also very ignorant.

--User:Electric 18:31, 27 October 2008 (GMT)

EII Response to "Housemate"

I don't relate to that EII much. I have a serious demeanor, not a "proud" one. I am very quiet and would never stomp around the house like she would. I even turn doorknobs so closing the door isn't so loud even when everyone is up. I don't listen to music in the shower. I am reluctant to initiate social gatherings and am out with someone maybe once a month (though consider that I see friends on campus every day). Even though I'm reluctant, I'm usually the only one doing any effort to get together. I hate talking on the telephone. I am not near assertive enough to "throw judgements" at people.

I do, however, wistfully talk about personal sentiments and I'm not able to fix anything. What do you mean by ignorant? If you're talking about facts, then yes, I find seraching for information draining because you have to sift through a bunch of useless information before finding anything useful...and it's boring. HOWEVER, I am very NOT ignorant when it comes to people. I find it energizing to find information about people and CONSTANTLY complain that no one knows the pain, needs, or desires of anyone else. - User: Faquille