Talk:EII observations

From Wikisocion

Sounds more like EIE... Thehotelambush 06:00, 31 October 2008 (GMT)

But she is a EII...--Electric 11:03, 31 October 2008 (GMT)

I just want to add a comment that this whole thing seems like the description of an ex-girlfriend or ex-wife of some sort.. There seems to be a lot of bitter reminiscing about it. But aside from that, it seems, to me, that those are moreso personality things than her actual INFJ being reflected.. The things you had issues with, I mean. Because, as an ultimate INFJ (recently discovered), I can tell you that I

a) almost NEVER have friends over. In fact, I have very few friends. ACTUAL friends, anyway. I am horrible at keeping in touch with people.

b) I hate talking on the phone.

c) I never, ever go to clubs. And if I do see women that I think need to be reprimanded for their clothing... I don't say a single word. Unless I know the girl, or for some reason they bother me, then I may make a snide remark about their behavior/dress in a subtle or sarcastic way.

d) Cooking... I always have to clean as I go. I get very, very frustrated if the kitchen becomes a mess in the middle of my activity - now, I do probably make a significant mess, but I take turns messing it up and cleaning it up.

e) I am not a loud person.. no grudges, no rages. I do, probably sometimes fight over insignificant matters... but not angrily.

f) Fixing things.. I don't swear, I try not to complain much, especially if it's obvious that whoever I Would be telling about it, doesn't want to hear it...

Maybe she's the psychological subtype? vs me being the teacher subtype. But how can you be so sure that she is INFJ? Because these characteristics seem absurd to me as an INFJ. Anywho, just my comments on this reflection. (comment by Lilianasmomma).

That housemate description is not an EII, not even an EII gone bad, not even a crazy EII. --Danielle 12:09, 21 January 2011 (GMT)