Talk:Extraversion and introversion

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It's logical to begin with them, because they are naturally... initiating ! lol Machintruc 17:35, 9 June 2007 (CDT)

The practice is to call extraversion and introversion one dichotomy rather than "two traits," which doesn't quite make sense. (Admin 07:11, 10 June 2007 (CDT))

I like this so far, because it seems to show an introvert's perspective to E vs. I. But I have some comments: "Typical characteristics of extratims ...tends to overdo things, may appear zealous ...has larger but more superficial interests (doesn't much apply for those with auxilliary Ni)"

Can one be more specific than "overdo"? I think introverts may also overdo some things; for example, they may overdo staying inside. Or they may overdo working on a solitary project. I think introverts are more likely than extraverts to practice perfecting something, whereas extraverts would see that at some point one must do something with it.

Also, what is a "larger" interest? Maybe you mean "broader interests"? It's a hard distinction though because in practice I know introverts with very broad intellectual interests, though they may seem narrow to others in some ways.

By auxilliary Ni, I think you mean crea-Ni? (The other is more MBTI/Jung term, I think.) But why wouldn't it apply to crea-Ni types? I'd think it would too, even if it's more extreme in Ep temperaments.

"Typical characteristics of introtims ... tends to be more focused on present and recent past tends to underdo things, more subject to laziness than extrotims"

The focused on present and recent past thing seems a bit diminuative. If introverts are focused on what just happened, and extraverts are focused on what will soon happen, who is there to focus on the distant past and distant future? Isn't there anyone to focus on those things?

Regarding underdo...same comment as concerning "overdo." Laziness is also not very specific. An introvert may be sitting at his desk concentrating on something very hard. He/she sees an extravert who's always on the phone or walking the halls, chatting away with people. I know these are stereotypes, but my point is that in this case, the introvert may feel that it's the extravert who's being lazy by doing all kinds of small talk instead of doing "real" work. --Jonathan 22:27, 15 June 2007 (CDT)

Introtims may overdo things... mainly basing themselves on auxilliary element. Machintruc 11:21, 16 June 2007 (CDT)

This list of traits needs work, in my opinion. I don't agree with all of them. --Admin 02:06, 7 July 2007 (CDT)

I agree. It's based mostly on machintruc's original "research", so feel free to change it. Thehotelambush 02:42, 7 July 2007 (CDT)