Talk:Logical Sensing Introtim

From Wikisocion

How this current desciption of ISTjs jus' ain't right as of July 1, 2010

Having gotten to know several ISTjs over this past, well, life, I find this description hole-y (lol) and in a lot of ways, untrue.

My impressions of ISTjs, differing from this profile, in no particular order, (numbered as the thoughts arise:)

1. They're NOT NEARLY as serious and humourless as portrayed here... They love wordplay (it tickles their need for Ni and Fe...) They love funny/sexy/power games (e.g. actual tickling, which tickles their love of Fe and Se at once... Tying up their partners, etc. It's all 'in fun' and a manifestation of 'trust' and 'love' to them.)

2a. Their adept (-ivity, -ness, idk) with Ti extends more to memorization and catalouging of phenomena, e.g. how drugs interact with each other, genus names of of various things, and even cataloginng/systemitizing relationships (For instance, an ISTj I know said this: "john and Yoko... Kurt and Courtney... Sid and Nancy... It seems that great relationships are like Romeo and Juliet.") This systemization of relationships helps them to understand their own relationships.

2b. ISTjs systemizing/cataloging relationships teaches them how to treat other people (for better or for worse.) For example I heard one ISTj say, "Paul McCartney beat his 2nd wife in a bathtub with her fake leg... Not cool, right?" (P.S. I have no idea whether it is true or not about Paul McCartney... Please don't rawwwr @ me about it -- I'm more interested in explaining about how ISTjs cataloging influences their own "values.")

2c. Their love of Fe causes them to be fascinated by relationships.

3. It is INaccurate to write that ISTjs care that "things run like clockwork," and that being "late" is "taboo" for ISTjs... They are far more laissez-faire than this (although these *MIGHT* be manifestations of what I'll explain after this: ***MIGHT BE*** They're not 'petty rule' types... They're more live and let live... This example about ISTjs, I believe, is more accurate to explain their 'quirks': if someone important to them says "I'm coming to see you," and then doesn't show up--the ISTj will be angry not easily forgive it. To the ISTj, this other important person "broke their word," and thus displayed hypocrisy. Hypocrisy and a person's word are very important to ISTjs... Things like "running like clockwork" and "being late"--if ISTjs were to read these sentences, they wouldn't recognize themselves in 'em. They'd see that stuff as petty.

(P.S. Explanation: a person's "Word" to an ISTj incorporates Ti cataloging re: how relationships 'should be' according to the info about relationships that they've gathered o'er the moons; Se power games, AND last but not least Fe feelings... Their love of Ni and skill with Ti gives them elephant's memories. They do not easily forgive, forget... Although they'll claim that they do easily forgive, forget. Tricky devil sexy sallies!! They'll remember an incident that hurt, or when someone was hypocritical, for a long-ass time and--you can bet--bring it up as ammo in an argument w/ that person, or in a talk-behind-your-back rant about a person's shortcomings.)

4. More than anything ISTjs want to be Fe-liked... If you want to get an ISTj to do something, just tell them that all their friends already hate him for (not doing whatever it is.) I know that this might sound like a tip for manipulating ISTjs, (hell I know it does!) but I mean it in a positive way... I.e. "All of your friends arre pissed off at you b/c you've gone on a two week bender--crashing cars, wasting thousands of dollars, and ruining lives... You should REALLY go to detox." ISTj: "Wow, they hate me..? Ok dude I'll go."

5. They pride themselves on being straight-forward, and in a lot of ways they are... ISTj: "Dude, just tell me what you want me to f__king do about it!"

I really want to edit this Wikisocion description of ISTjs, and perhaps someday I will... But please give me some feedback on what I've written here first?? I mean, if people like this description as is, fine--I'm just reporting that it doesn't align, in certain ways, with my real-life experiences of ISTjs. Love to you all (Fe and Fi love as is preferred)

P.S. I am truly sorry that in this critique I come across like a know-it-all blowhard... I kind of am one though--and honestly, I'm just trying to help... Best I can. I'd probably say it more nicely in person. :) -- Justin JuJu

Some of these are great comments and I encourage you to edit the description. I agree that LSIs are more laid-back than people tend to describe them. Certainly, when they are in a position of authority they tend to be more the way people tend to think of them, but as friends and family members not necessarily! --Admin 14:03, 2 July 2010 (BST)