Talk:Portrait of a Modern Socionist

From Wikisocion

hey wow this is actually pretty interresting. I think it's kinda funny how many people on the 16types forum take the stuff that's considered pretty weak as instead being "the best methods". (typing by Reinin dichotomies for instance)LOL it makes me feel a bit vindicated that most of what I consider crap(ish) and not nearly what it's made out to be lines up with the views expresses here. I must be doing something right :) Bionicgoat 19:45, 17 July 2007 (BST)

also this "Jungian foundation: "more reliable than unreliable"" (as a typing method) I find really interresting. It get's a pretty bad rap on our forum as being unreliable... I wonder if that's some sort of MBTI prejeduce or something. People seem to want to create distance between socionics and MBTI... I think this is one of the ways it manifests. Bionicgoat 20:00, 17 July 2007 (BST)

Yeah. Yermak refers to the typing-by-dichotomy method as "chewing the cud of typewatching" (i.e. MBTT) :-) I have to admit to a bias against this method as well (heck, I even write articles about it). Maybe it's one of those things that's easy and works most of the time, but is perceived as being "primitive" by the more advanced "users." --Admin 20:12, 17 July 2007 (BST)
It's funny, I think Reinin dichotomies are the opposite, that is, probably more difficult to apply than elements, which could explain part of their bad reputation. Thehotelambush 00:28, 20 July 2007 (BST)

I was a bit taken aback by this: "It is unethical to publish studies of the types of people alive today". Expat 15:06, 18 July 2007 (BST)

Yeah, most of these statements are rather ridiculous, and I'm not surprised people disagreed with most of them. Thehotelambush 00:28, 20 July 2007 (BST)