Tsypin, Pavel

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Pavel Tsypin Socionics.png

Economist, teaches at the Moscow State University of Railways. Founding member of Society Research Society and School of Structural Socionics.

- Born on 15.07.1976.
- In 1998 graduated in 1998, the Institute of Economics and Finance MIIT.
- In 2005 and 2006 worked as a recruitment consultant. 2007-2009 as HR Director of Fleishman-Hillard the Vanguard.
- From September 2009 became Head of the State Medical and Management Organisation (Socio-Economic Institute).
- Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor.
- Introduced to socionics in 1999. Since 2001 has taken up consulting under the management and together with Tatyana Menshov.
- Since 2002, worked together with Alexei Trehov.
- Author of several articles and books on socionics.
- One of founding members of Socionics Research Society (established in February 2005).
- Was awarded Master degree in socionics by International Research Council on 15.09.2007.
- Assistant chief editor working with authors of "Socionics" publishing group.

Pavel wrote about himself on forums in January 2006:

"Tsypin Pavel Evgenevich. Of socionics I first learned in 1998 from a book of P. Maksimov "Practical Astrology of Relationships" which contained a brief introduction to socionics. I became interested, tried typing myself (there were two options). Became acquainted with literature and people who were also interested in socionics; determined my own type. In 2002-2003 attended seminars given by Tatiana Menshov. In 2002 published first articles in the journal "Socionics, Mentolog, and Psychology of Personality". Main areas of interest in socionics: improvement and development of the theory in close contact with its practical application; methodologies of typing, intertype relations, quadral patterns. At current time, I am working in a staffing agency and have opportunities to check socionics theory and existing methologies in practice. Up to date, published 4 books (with publishing group "Black Squirrel") and 15 articles (in journals SPiMO, SMiPL, "Management and quadra"). My role in socionics as I see it is in doing research, practical verification, and spreading obtained information to all people who are interested in it by means of books and articles. In terms of research, it is remarkable to work together with Aleksei Trehov. We have the same socionics with him - this is a rare case. The main prospect for socionics research in the future I see in the field of HR consulting."

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