User:Bionicgoat/a new project?

From Wikisocion

Hi there!

I've been thinking for awhile that we've been missing something in the "English speaking socionics world" that's potentially hobbling/limiting the scope of our community. It wasn't until yesterday that I really started to get a good idea of what this is. Here's the situation... I was hangin out with a friend of mine who I had made a "type them!" thead about at the 16t forum with a few pictures along with some descriptions and junk of her and her immediate "family" (husband, sister, myself, etc). For those who participated in the thread it was not noticably prominent as far "type me!" threads go... just a few pages. However I got some good insights and left satisfied with a new and clearer understanding of all involved and some decently solid impressions of their types.

So I there I was with my friend just screwing around on the internet and stuff and she asked me "so what did you find out about me from your types of people thing?". I figured the best place to start would be to show her the thread and to first see if/how much she agreed with my impressions of everybody that I posted. I found myself having to try to explain to her the shapes/symbols I had used when describing her. That's when I realised how hard it must be for alot of people to get into socionics, especially those who aren't intellectually inclined. The information that's out there on socionics is not just scattered and random (hence the need for this wiki) it assumes at least a basic understanding of so many other areas (psychology, philosophy, etc...).

At the moment I think the best place to start the socionics learning process is the 16t forum. But even that seems to require a basic understanding of socionics. A newcomer to the forum is faced with a seemingly random bombardment of focuses, approaches, and above all personalities that they'll have to deal with and sift through to start the learning process.

What I have in mind is an easy to read and digest "primer" to the world of English speaking socionics. Something that will give a person as simplistic an understanding of socionics as possible as well as an introduction to what we're all about as a community and what to expect if/when they decide to move on to a better understanding. Reading it should be as brief and "fun" as possible without being a load of flim-flam and empty promises.

I'm a firm believer that even the most remedial or "pop" understanding of socionics can benifit a person's life and I think that it's time that we made it available. I also understand the concerns that this sort of thing could create for those who wish for socionics to be as scientific and precise as possible. In a sense I'm wanting to open the floodgates on the whole thing and let in everybody I can. That's why I think it's important that any simplistic "primer" that's created has the input and approval of those who have a deeper understanding of it all. I also think it would be a good idea to look a little bit at how this phase of socionics growth played out in Russia to see if there are any lessons we can learn and incorporate.

*Ehhh, enough writting for now. My brain hurts...*'