User talk:Bionicgoat/a new project?

From Wikisocion

(from my talk page)

I think it's a brilliant idea -- I could write it, but it might come out as still too wordy. Expat 09:23, 21 July 2007 (BST)

well I think it would definately need to be collaborative. I was hoping/counting on input from you, Rick, and others who have a firmer/deeper understanding than I to let me know when I'm totally off or dead wrong with what I'm writting. Bionicgoat 13:25, 22 July 2007 (BST)
Where do you want to start this project? Do you want to begin it in your own section (like this page) or have it be an article or project page? --Admin 13:53, 22 July 2007 (BST)
let's leave it here for now Bionicgoat 18:24, 22 July 2007 (BST)

What to include in a "primer"

These are just suggestions. After all, this is a primer.

  1. how different kinds of people might have different kinds of relationships
  2. 4 dichotomies
  3. main traits of each type (briefly)
  4. the leading function
  5. the creative function
  6. brief, but concise relationship descriptions

I guess that's about it? --Admin 16:02, 22 July 2007 (BST)

note to self: with Mediawiki you lose what you were posting if the session times out (no matter how many hours you put into typing it... :( ) Bionicgoat 18:18, 22 July 2007 (BST)
Just press the "back" button, and it's there. Or copy the text before you send it off, just in case. Sorry to hear it. --Admin 20:54, 22 July 2007 (BST)

This will probably end up being a lot longer than you might think. I tried writing a 2 or 3-page essay about socionics, and I had a whole page done before even explaining the information elements. :o I'll use that for ideas, and it would also help for each of us to just start explaining socionics to someone we know, and work from that. Quadras are definitely an important part, even more so than individual relationships. I remember spending more time at Rick's quadra page than any other on, when I was just beginning. I like the idea of just starting out with the first two functions, as opposed to jumping right into Model A. Duality & conflict would be a good way to introduce the super-id/ego. The id would be a bonus section at the end. :) Thehotelambush 00:18, 23 July 2007 (BST)

Also, if possible, it should be funny. Socionics is not known for its sense of humor - we could improve that image. The section on dichotomies (Reinin or otherwise) can be called There are two kinds of people. Thehotelambush 00:29, 23 July 2007 (BST)

Sorry, where are we supposed to start writing it? Here? Expat 09:22, 23 July 2007 (BST)
I think it's best to let Bionicgoat start on this first and see where he's taking it before contributing. I can definitely see the potential for this. In London I typed and talked about socionics with an ESE. She caught on to the whole "personality + relationships" idea immediately and has an innate gift at seeing those things, but her thinking is too flighty to focus on models and difficult concepts (at least at the outset). For people like her, you would need to focus first on kinds of interaction, giving succinct explanations, then on types and their characteristic behaviors and personality, and then gradually move into relevant theory. --Admin 11:59, 23 July 2007 (BST)
Oh I can do that, believe it or not. That's how I initially tell people about socionics. Expat 12:39, 23 July 2007 (BST)

maybe something like this...?

I've been playing around with some different formats and ways to go at this... What Rick described was pretty close to what I had in mind. It needs to be informal and fun, not at all like reading an encyclopedia or charts and stuff like that. I want it to be like taking a walk through the neighborhood with some friends or something. Anyways, this was one of my ideas...

An Afternoon with Dick Richie

115px-Oliver Schnyder.jpg

Hi there! Welcome to socionics. My names Dick Richie and I'll be your guide today as we take a quick little tour of socionics land. If you've got any questions along the way feel free to jump right in and ask, allright?


Thanks Dick! I can't wait to dive in and see what all the fuss is about. I guess my first question is what's up with this socionics stuff? What's it all about? What do you do with it?

by the way... my name's Marsha.

115px-Oliver Schnyder.jpg

Great to meat ya Marsha! and great question by the way... cuts right to the chase. Socionics is a another way for us to think and talk about people and their relationships with eachother. Have you ever described somebody you work with to a friend by saying something like, "You'd totally get along with him, he's just like your brother. All layed back and mellow, he's even got the same sense of humor."? In alot of ways that's what we do with socionics. We figure out what kind of person somebody and how other people who are like them all seem to share the same interrests and have similar types of friends. Socionics tries to predict and explain how and why that guy from work is so much like you're brother and what it is that makes you feel the same way when you're around them.


Ok but what about my brother and my dad? Those two can't go for more than a couple of hours without butting heads like a couple of mountain goats.

115px-Oliver Schnyder.jpg

Haha! Yeah! See that's because your Dad is a prick! Nahhh, just messing with a little. See your Dad's a....

back to comments

I just threw this together to see what it looks like. The pictures I snagged of the wikicommons but I think it would be more fun to see if anyone of the 16t forums want to donate their mug for the effort. I've got one or two other ideas for how to do it that I might post later, Then again maybe not... if other people like this look and feel too. So far I think this has good potential. There's a good sense of casual spontinaity and stuff. Maybe I can throw in a little spice even and have them get flirty (chance to illustrate some romantic attitudes?)

let me know what you guys think. BTW I'm looking more for opinions on the look and concept than I am on the content. I didn't put much thought into the dialogue so it's probably weak. Will be improved uponBionicgoat 18:40, 23 July 2007 (BST)

haha the more I think about it the more I like this idea. We could do a casting call on the forum for the people in it and have them do a few pictures each with some different expressions. Also once the general "script" is done we get them to put it in their own words so that each character has a more natural feel to it (I'm horrible at writting dialogue for girls :) ) Hehe I can just picture FDG popping in somewhere to throw some of his patented "charm" at Dick after he makes a little mistake... Which Dick can then point out as being Ti or Se or whatever. LOL Bionicgoat 19:02, 23 July 2007 (BST)

I like the concept, although it may get too long to make the point -- also, one example of socionics that's perhaps easier for people to relate is the very common event that a guy has a group of very close friends, they love him, but can't stand his gf, as in "what does he see in her?" Everyone probably has examples of this, and it's perhaps easier for people to relate to. Or the family with the supposed "problem kid" who outside the family, and among friends, is no "problem kid" at all. I realize that these examples may sound too negative Expat 23:28, 23 July 2007 (BST)
Yes it's going to take tweaking to find the right balance. With good preplanning and crafty writting though I think that alot more knowledge and concepts can be packed into it than it would seem. I'll have to do a portion and see if this whole thing would pan out anyways, it might be one of those ideas that seems alot cooler to me than it actually would be in the end. Bionicgoat 02:26, 24 July 2007 (BST)
Looks good so far! I think it'll be cool. --Admin 03:45, 24 July 2007 (BST)
Ha, very nice. I think using fictional characters would be best, though of course we can base them off of real people (especially after the conferences). Thehotelambush 23:55, 24 July 2007 (BST)
Oh yeah, totally fictional characters. I was just thinking how much cooler it would be if I had like three or four expressions to use for each character. It would be way funny to see them react to things. I haven't had much luck finding public domain pictures like that. So I was hoping I could maybe talk a few non-shy people into "donating" some. 15:09, 26 July 2007 (BST)