This is my userlist. I'm trying to be as careful as I can here, so most people I list I have a rather reasonable opinion of. I'll let you know when I am unsure of something. This list will probably grow enormously slowly.
People in the online Socionics community
My typing is ESI. I used to think SEI, for not completely-known reasons, however recently she posted a description of her new boyfriend which I think makes this typing rather obvious. Unfortunately, she erased that description, so I am going mostly from memory and some tidbits that still remain online.
She described her boyfriend as rather open-minded and incredibly optimistic, while for herself, she was rather pessimistic, specifically about people, until she met this guy. Right off the bat would I consider an extravert for the guy and an introvert for her. What solidifies ESI in my mind are a number of anecdotes about him and how these affected her: specifically, that he is very optimistic to the point of being "dumb" about trusting people, which helped her learn to trust people more than she had in the past. Also was another anecdote about him trusting in a certain person who turned out to be a child molester, someone who she had major doubts about from the start and tried to warn him about. I would also go so far to say that he and her are an LIE-ESI dual couple.
Also, I remember in the past that her art had a liberal usage of in it, although I cannot remember much of the specifics.
(may come back and shape this up a bit more...)
My typing is IEE. XoX is an ancient member who probably has been long gone for some time now. Recently I was
looking around in my forum inbox and found a long self-description by him that he wanted me to type him from (this was
six years ago, by the way.) I never responded to him, apparently, but I'll go ahead and do that now. His self-description (which he wishes to remain private) paints a clear picture of a freedom-loving, rule-despising type with many interests yet does not know clearly his true desires. Also, he chooses his own interests and pathways in life by mostly -related subjective factors (e.g. like/dislike) instead of
-related objective factors (e.g. important/unimportant), like I do.