
From Wikisocion

Hello, I am Cone and have been doing Socionics off and on (and with more or less understanding) for over seven years now. If you want to understand who I am and how I think, well, you stumbled onto the right place!

About me

Right now I am a 25 year old school bus driver that generally enjoys his life, even if I feel a little disoriented and worried about my future. I am an experienced computer programmer on his way to becoming a competent software developer, and I hope to achieve something in that field in the future. I have a lot of commitment to that. Still, greater and more global problems rear their ugly heads day after day, and I find myself stuck in a crossroads feeling impelled to do something about them yet wanting to live the "normal" life that the young are "supposed" to live. I want to do everything but know that this would result in nothing getting done at all. Either way, I just don't want those close to me to get hurt, or continue hurting.

Socionics life

I sort of ran away I don't know how many months ago, kinda because I was having identity issues and was feeling like I was twisting my persona on here too wildly. I was also confused for the longest time about my own type and felt that I knew too much about Socionics to fully accept others' typings of me without wanting desperately to argue with them over something I didn't fully understand myself. So I really didn't feel very much desire to do much here, but now I feel calmer, so I'll definitely stick around.

Right now I am rather interested in The Semantics of the Information Elements as a solid basis for resting Socionics on, even though much work is yet to be done. I am just disappointed that the closest thing to hard experimental research is so ignored in the community. I am even more enticed by it now since my recent "vocabulary test" experiment, which made my own type quite clear to me.

Another Socionics-related interest of mine--and certainly the more important one--is self-development. So far recently I've been reading Rick's writings on the topic and have been impelled to embark on the journey. I feel like I owe it not only to myself but to my family as well, who certainly have not had happy lives nor happy marriages/relationships.

Some stuff I've managed to get written down, somehow

Attention and skill

Type lists

User list

Famous people list

Family and friends list

Music type list

