
From Wikisocion

My name is Luke Parrish, and I've been using Socionics for about 5 years. I am an INTP according to the Myers-Briggs scheme of classification an LII according to that of Socionics. I dare you to prove me that these aren't the same thing according to official Myers-Briggs sources.

I have some unusual hypotheses regarding Socionics, as well as pretty much everything else I try to understand, whenever I find what seems to be a discrepency. I have a tendency to rely heavily on original research to support my conclusions rather than take the word of others for it. This can backfire at times! But it is also a strength, when I put sufficient effort it can really pay off.

My main hypothesis for consideration at this time would be the Static-Percieving hypothesis. It states that Judging and Percieving as used to classify Myers-Briggs types, is identical (in intended meaning) to the Socionics definition of Dynamic and Static, respectively.