User talk:Luke

From Wikisocion

"My name is Luke Parrish, and I've been using Socionics for about 5 years. I am an INTP according to the Myers-Briggs scheme of classification an LII according to that of Socionics. I dare you to prove me that these aren't the same thing according to official Myers-Briggs sources. "

We do not presume to know much about MBTI sources here, our concern is socionics and MBTI is pretty irrelevant to our purposes - as for the INTP and LII thing, ok, perhaps you might write your case on the Myers-Briggs page here. Expat 16:01, 22 July 2007 (BST)
You might want to take a look at our page on the J/P switch. Expat 16:24, 22 July 2007 (BST)