Gulenko, Viktor

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Victor Vladimirovich Gulenko (February 12th, 1958) is the founder of the School of Humanitarian Socionics and a Ukrainian socionist from Kiev. He is the author of many important articles on socionics and the second most-cited socionist in papers on socionics in Russian (after Augusta). He is well-liked as a lucid speaker and regularly holds socionics courses in Kiev and gives lectures in other cities.

V. Gulenko's views have diverged from mainstream socionics in recent years, and he is now viewed as somewhat of a controversial figure. In talks at annual socionic conferences in Kiev he regularly emphasizes his school's differences with "classical socionics". V. Gulenko has introduced a number of new dichotomies to differentiate between people of the same type. Gulenko's self-typing is LII (extended typing: LII-Ne sp/so e5). By personal accounts his wife's type is EIE, and he has a son and daughter of types LSI and EIE, respectively.

Typing convergence with other socionists in 1990 [1] and 2004 [2] (in Russian)

Proposed function designations

Gulenko introduced Latin-based symbols to represent the eight classical IM elements, or socionic functions. While they have not become popular on socionics forums, they are often used in publications by socionists both within and outside of the School of Humanitarian Socionics. In particular, they allow for easy discussion of functions and Model A without having to use special graphics. This notation is discussed in greater detail in the article on Type names.

Socionics classifications and theories developed by V. Gulenko

Articles and publications

Interviews and Presentations

Additional links