Romance styles

From Wikisocion

Viktor Gulenko has proposed four groups of romance styles, also referred to as "erotic behavior" groups or "erotic attitudes." Other socionists, such as Valentina Meged and Aleksandr Bukalov, have also written on how type influences behavior in intimate relationships, but discussed typical behavior within quadras. Gulenko's approach was to find common ground between types of different quadras. Obviously, all interpretations in this area assume, or conclude, that the greatest degree of compatibility in that area is between dual pairs.

Gulenko's romance styles are defined by the irrational element in the individual's Ego functions:

  1. Aggressor: Se Symbol f.gif in EGO block: SLE (ESTp), LSI (ISTj), SEE (ESFp), ESI (ISFj)
  2. Victim: Ni Symbol t.gif in EGO block: EIE (ENFj), IEI (INFp), LIE (ENTj), ILI (INTp)
  3. Caring: Si Symbol s.gif in EGO block: ESE (ESFj), SEI (ISFp), LSE (ESTj), SLI (ISTp)
  4. Childlike: Ne Symbol i.gif in EGO block: ILE (ENTp), LII (INTj), EII (INFj), IEE (ENFp)

"Romance styles" refer specifically to romantic/sexual interaction -- displaying physical attraction, interest, and desire, flirting, and sexual behavior present in romantic relationships. These styles apply much less to relationships between friends or business partners.

Small groups
Quadras Alpha Beta Gamma Delta
Clubs Researchers Socials Pragmatists Humanitarians
Temperaments EP EJ IP IJ
Communication styles Businesslike Passionate Cold-blooded Sincere
Romance styles Aggressor Victim Caring Childlike