Benchmark type list (2007)

From Wikisocion

This was the first benchmark list created in the English speaking socionics community. Type lists were collected across the English-speaking socionics community over the month of May, 2007, and the results were posted here on June 12. The project was initiated by Rick DeLong, and the actual work of compiling the benchmark list was performed by Sam, a participant of forum.

Benchmark type list

The names of the famous people on this list link to discussions of their types. All forum members are from You can also see this list at

Name Description Number of socionists Convergence Other versions
Albert Einstein physicist 4 100%
Stephen Hawking physicist 3 100%
Gilligan forum member 4 100%
Steve forum member 3 100%
Johnny Depp actor 3 100%
Bionicgoat forum member 5 100%
Bill Clinton former president 4 75% EIE
Bill Cosby comedian 3 100%
Immanuel Kant philosopher 3 100%
UDP forum member 3 100%
science as magic (Pedro the Lion) forum member 3 100%
tcaudilllg forum member 4 100%
Mike Tyson boxer 4 100%
FDG forum member 4 75% SEE
Herzy forum member 3 100%
Marilyn Monroe actress 3 100%
ScarlettLux forum member 3 100%
David Bowie singer 3 100%
Salvador Dalí surrealist painter 3 100%
Kristiina forum member 3 100%
Joseph Stalin dictator 4 100%
Rocky forum member 4 75% SLI
Britney Spears singer 3 100%
Elizabeth Taylor actress 3 100%
Sylvester Stallone actor 3 100%
Niels Bohr physicist 3 100%
Stanley Kubrick filmmaker 3 100%
Jonathan forum member 4 100%
Expat forum member 4 100%
Rick forum member 3 100%
Slacker Mom forum member 3 100%
Harrison Ford actor 4 100%
Arnold Schwarzenegger actor/politician 4 100%
Abraham Lincoln former president 3 100%
Richard Gere actor 3 100%

Participants and convergences

Here is the list of participants and convergences (forum aliases are in parentheses). For instance, "25/27" means that 27 of the people on the participant's list made it into the benchmark list, and of these, 25 typings corresponded to those in the benchmark list.

  • Peter B. ("Expat"): 26/28
  • Rick DeLong ("Rick"): 26/26
  • "econdude": 2/2
  • Sergei Ganin: 1/1
  • Nicole G. ("Slacker Mom"): 9/9
  • Jonathan ("Jonathan"): 0/0
  • Roan L. ("niffweed17"): 29/30
  • Jon S.: 0/0
  • Sam T. ("thehotelambush"): 19/19
  • "Subterranean": 1/1


According to the benchmark list instructions, "anyone who is reasonably experienced in socionics may participate (you decide whether that applies to you)."

Participants were allowed to include famous people and forum members in their lists, but not fictional characters. Participants were instructed to "only include people whose type you are more or less sure of and could provide some reasonable argumentation (these must be conscientious typings)."

Originally the plan was to include in the resulting list only people typed by four or more participants and with a level of agreement of 75% or higher (the same rules as the Russian benchmark list created by Oleg Khrulev). However, due to the small number (12) of people on the resulting list, it was decided to include people typed by three or more participants, with the same 75% level of agreement. This allowed for 35 people in the final benchmark list.


There were a total of 10 participants this year. This project will probably be repeated periodically - perhaps every year - so this number will likely grow.

The length of individual type lists ranged from 8 to 266. A total of 1083 typings were gathered (108 per list on average), which included 858 different individuals. Here is the list.

The final list had 35 people, including 20 famous people and 15 forum members.


Trait Across the whole list Just famous people Just forum members
I 16 (45%) 9 (45%) 7 (46%)
E 19 (54%) 11 (55%) 8 (53%)
N 21 (60%) 10 (50%) 11 (73%)
S 14 (40%) 10 (50%) 4 (26%)
T 19 (54%) 9 (45%) 10 (66%)
F 16 (45%) 11 (55%) 5 (33%)
J 15 (42%) 9 (45%) 6 (40%)
P 20 (57%) 11 (55%) 9 (60%)


Quadra Across the whole list Just famous people Just forum members
Alpha 12 (34%) 6 (30%) 6 (40%)
Beta 10 (28%) 5 (25%) 5 (33%)
Gamma 7 (20%) 5 (25%) 2 (13%)
Delta 6 (17%) 4 (20%) 2 (13%)


Club Across the whole list Just famous people Just forum members
NT 12 (34%) 5 (25%) 7 (46%)
NF 9 (25%) 5 (25%) 4 (26%)
ST 7 (20%) 4 (20%) 3 (20%)
SF 7 (20%) 6 (30%) 1 (6%)


See Benchmark lists for a discussion of general criticism around benchmark type lists.