Dual-type theory

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This page is about a theory constructed by a single western socionist. There might only be a handful of socionists who believe in it.

Dual-type theory is the proposition that individuals are in possession of two personality types which work together to create the experience of reality. The second type is described as an "energy" type which recognizes and processes the energies exerted by the eight information aspects. The postulation that all aspects of reality are categorized by the information elements used by socionics implies that the energy forms can themselves only be described in terms of these elements if they are to be apprehended at all. These energic forms of the eight elements are referred to as "aspects of information exerted" which are employed by the information metabolism type defined in classical socionics.

The assumption of an energic type's existence is made on the same basis as for the metabolism type: it is evolutionarily advantageous to have specialized understanding of one's use of energy. Therefore there exist two types: one of information metabolism and one of exertion, whose contents must be processed separately from each other due to the mass-energy separation laws accepted by classical physics. The necessity for mass-energy separation exists due to the existence of the separate types, which in turn is owed to the separation. The circularity of the preceding statement demonstrates the potential the understanding of dual-type theory holds for human knowledge, especially questions of philosophy.

Dual-type theory conflicts with classical socionics' assertion that one selects from the available information to a given information element that which is most suitable to the situation observed, and then exerts energy of the same element to confront the situation. Dual-type theory argues that the energy exerted need not be of the same element as the apprehending element; that the use of energy is specialized in the individual independently of their information metabolism; and that the specializations follow the same differentiation rules as do the metabolism elements owing to the fact that energy is merely a motive form of the eight information aspects they apprehend. Dual-type theory observes information metabolism as a determining factor over actions taken, labeling the metabolism type the "master" type and the exertion type the "slave" type. Dual-type theory assumes the energic elements complement the metabolizing elements by limiting their range of considerations, thereby assisting them in their roles as functions of personality as defined in Model A.

The Exerted Information Elements

Introverted Intuition (Cumulative Progression)

The processing of the cumulative progression of an information metabolism element's activity, abstractly described by the algorithmic series "A + B = A + B = A ...", whereas A and B are cases of information observed by the metabolism type.

Extraverted Intuition (Spontaneous Instantiation)

The spontaneous emergence of a new case of information into being, made possible by the release of the potential energy held by one or more objects. The case is of the metabolizing element.

Extraverted Logic (Bond Logic)

The act of a link or bind between two objects. (external dynamics of objects) The origin of the bind is owed to a case of the metabolizing element.

Introverted Logic (Heiarchial Logic)

An impetus for the organization of information is created. Similarly, the conditions for the disorganization of the same information are perceived. The information organized is of the metabolizing element.

Extraverted Sensing (Motor Volition)

A force of some magnitude is imparted upon an object. The force exerted is characterized by the metabolizing element.

Introverted Sensing (Interrelative Exchange)

An interrelationship is engaged between two fields. The character of the interrelationship is defined by the metabolizing element.

Extraverted Ethics (Existential Response)

An experience of internal change is undergone by an object. The kind of change experienced reflects the influence of the metabolizing element.

Introverted Ethics (Motive Arousal)

An emotive tendency is stirred within a field or fields. The source of the tendency is characterized by the metabolizing element.